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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    "Yeah, I'm not goin out with some sissy american!"((lol, just dissed ourselves...)) Jacob mistakenly said in japanese. The american girls looked at him a little oddly. "Uh... I mean" he continued in english. "Nevermind." Skye cut in before Jacob made a fool of himself. "You touch either of them, and you've got us to deal with." She finished, motioning towards Natsu. Natsu glared at the american girls, looking very threatening. The americans, discouraged but not giving up without a fight, walked away and sat down in plain view of both boys, getting into their swim-suits that they were wearing underneath their regular clothes. Everyone could tell this was gonna get tense, and Jacob rapped his arms around Skye's waist, almost defensively.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Actualy Steph, Chinese and Koreans look exactly the same... same for Japanese... it would be kind of difficult to tell the difference. Anyway, back on subject... People who would say "stupid chinese" who aren't stand up comedians (stand up comedians are exceptions when it comes to racism) should be taught a lesson... a very hard lesson. Most people aren't for revange, but stuff like that tends to piss other people off, and that's when you feel like punching their lights out... *ahem* anyway... Heaven's Cloud, it would be appreciated that 1)If you're joking about something like that, tell us that you're joking and 2) Don't post just to joke around. Geez, why would anyone diss anyone from China/Japan/Korea? They're a lot cooler than we are. No, seriously, I mean it. lol ((Japan's the #1 country in technology!))[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: lol, I think that was supposed to be Daniel ^^ IC: Daniel looked at the ground, thuroughly distracted, before nearly running into Kaitlen and Valerie. "Oh... excuse me..." They both turned to him, a little surprised. "Who are you?" Valerie asked of Daniel. Daniel smiled and put his hand forward, as if he wanted to shake hands. "Daniel, and you?" Kaitlen and Valerie got an odd look on their faces. "Hmm?" "Oh... nothing..." Kaitlen said quickly. "Ah, you thought I was a girl." she nodded, a little embarressed. "That's OK, happens all the time!" Daniel noticed Koro the kitten. "Hey! A kitten!" Daniel's 'femenine side' took over... the one developed from years with his sisters.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: sorry I was gone. I'm back though, so RODNEY RETURNS!! IC: Rodney stood near a hospital window, looking out at the suburban lights. He heard foot-steps and turns to see Hunter coming down the hall. "Hey Hunter..." Rodney turns fully around and cringes from an injury on his back. This was from when Zazanoo had thrown him into a tree, though Rodney didn't remember a thing like the others. "Hey Rod, you OK?" Hunter said, stopping next to him. "Yeah, yeah, just a little *urgh* sore..." Rodney sat down on the window frame and thought a moment. "Still can't remember a thing can you?" "Zilch." OOC: sorry it's short for now... gotta catch up on everything else.[/COLOR]
  5. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: I'm back from my week long disappearence, so it's time to get this thing in shape again! lol, "Kiruna's Redemption"... funny. IC: [i]After Natsu hits Kiruna[/i]: "Did she just... did he just... what just happened?" Jacob asked of Skye, a look of surprise and shock on his face. "I think you should let them sort it out..." [i]Now...[/i] Jacob and Skye sat near the pool, Jacob leaning on Skye affectionately. They saw Kiruna "stealth bomb" Natsu and then walk back to the hotlel. "Aww... isn't that sweet?" Jacob said sarcasticaly. Skye bopped him on the back of the head. "You're ruining the mood!" "Sorry..."[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel walked out of his last class, letting his breath out as if he had held it the whole day. Finding his locker and grabbing his stuff, he headed out to the foot-ball field to watch the palyers beat each other up, as he usualy did. Tamashi was there, as if on que and waiting for Daniel. Tamashi quickly ran down when he saw Daniel. "Hey Daniel, what's up?" Tamashi said, extending a hand. Daniel 'high fived' in turn and replied, "Just came to watch, you know." Tamashi smiled and nodded. "Me too." they sat down half way up the bleachers, far enough away from other's not to hear the descriminating remarks and rumors. "So you wanna go to a movie or somethin..." Tamashi started. "Tsk tsk Tamashi" Daniel cut him off, though still using a friendly tone, "Must I tell you every day that I'm not interested? Don't worry man, if I was like that, you'd be my type." Daniel gave him a reassuring smile. "Well, I gotta go anyway. Mom will be waiting." Daniel got up and left, suddenly aware of some guy with aparently poor eye-sight checking him out. Daniel walked up to him and leaned forward, "Excuse me, do I look like a girl to you?" the boy was obviously surprised, and walked off, embarressed that he thought Daniel was a girl. This happened almost once a day. Half way home,he noticed the forest to his right. Oddly enough, he had never noticed in before. He must have been distracted. Not wanting to miss the chancae for a good forest drawing, Daniel stepped in... Daniel lifted his head from the soft ground. Looking around, he saw he was on a trail in the middle of what could be described as a very warped forest. [i]Of coarse[/i] he thought, [i]I must have dosed off on my way...[/i] He continued walking along his way, oblivious to anything unnatural going on.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OK guy, you're obviously a noob, so nobody's gonna yell at you, but this is outragous. First of all, this is realistic RP, so that means 1)no mythical video game characters 2)you can't be born on another planet, and 3) there deffinately aint no portals! Any mod will tell you this.... STICK TO THE CONFINES AND RULES OF THE RP! Oh, and this is only for members of callmegoddess's family, if you had bothered to read the first post. [/COLOR]
  8. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: lol, sounds like a corny japanese movie dubbed into english.... like godzilla... IC: Natsu and Skye walked into their room, and Kiruna and Jacob soon did the same... except in their room... obviously. Looking around, Kiruna said, "Woah... nice." "Oh yeah... we've got alllll the room we need." Jacob said, dropping his stuff and sitting on a bed. Kiruna couldn't resist, "For what? Hmm?" They both laughed and Kiruna dropped his stuff next to Jacob's. "So what do you think this is gonna be like?" Jacob asked. "Only one word for it man... awesome."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney sat cross-legged in his mind, looking very pissed. Meanwhile, Vladimir was beggining to perk up. Wit ha more or less evil grin, he said, "What exactly were you planning Zazanoo?" Zazanoo looked over at Vladimir and smirked, "I think you already know Vladimir." Vladimir smirked back and spoke to Rodney, "You see? Now you wont have to bother with that pesky ritual! I told you this was for your own good." "Whatever you say vile scum of the underworld..." Rodney was distracted by a small box of matches suddenly appearing near his feet. If there was one thing Rodney loved doing, it was screwing up other people's plans, and hje always thought the best way probably involved matches. "Huh... well I guess it's still more or less my mind..." he picked up the box and tried lighting one. It immediatly flared and died down to a steady glow. "Oh... this will be fun... I just know it." Without a second thought, he tossed the small match at the door into his concious at watched it catch onto the imaginary wood. Rodney's mouth twisted into a smile, and he sat back down to watch the chaos. Outside, Vladimir nearly went nuts, banging his head with his hands and screaming something about burning. "Vladimir! Pull yourself together!" Zazanoo snapped. Vladimir simply collapsed as the door was burned into oblivion and Rodney took control. "Hey... that was easier than I thought!" He looked up to see the other three possessed bodies staring at him. "Uhh... I gotta... go..." "GET HIM!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Oh, and you can't forget the whole "20xd6" thing. All started with an email... who saw the thing with the "this space is reserved" page and the fight between the stick figure and strong bad's japanese version? "I 20xd6'd you!"[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ha ha! I see your point! Or is it points? Bleh, anyway, My familiy is almost completely German on my dad's side, so if we were discriminated for our origens, it would be hell. Of coarse mom has some scott/Irish I think... hard to keep track in this century. Thank you SoapyShoes for your input. No, seriously, that's a good point. Without humor, we'd be a bunch of stuck-up... *****.[/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Name: Daniel Arinoke Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: ((I'll try the feminen guy again...)) Daniel stands at 5'11'' with messy black hair that covers much of his ears, and bright blue eyes. His build is undoubtedly feminen in appearance, but is very tough for someone of his appearance. His skin is a light tan, and occasionaly dry. His face, though obviously a boy's on close inspection, has the more delicate, rounded features of a girl. When brought into the dream world, he was wearing a black t-shirt with orange letters reading "Normal people scare me", baggy blue jeans, a denim jacket, a blue cap on backwards, and Nikes. Personality: Daniel is generaly nice around most people, including strangers, but lets it show when he's annoyed and/or ticked off. He feels equally comfortable around boys and girls, and can start a conversation with just about anyone. Despite this, he can be very disrespectful to adults, especialy teachers, who he believs to be rather stuck up. By himself, he is a thinker, and let's on a part of himself that he doesn't show to others. He enjoys drawing and occasionaly writing. Short Bio: Daniel grew up in a middle class home, with a family of six including his three sisters. The fact that he has three sisters may attest to why he may sometimes (though not often) act more or less like a girl, but still leaves why he looks like a tomboy a mystery. In elementary school, he used to be made fun of by other boys because of his looks, but he didn't mind. He did, however, hold a grudge. In middle school, with an increasing rate of acceptence by other students, he became more of a 'guy that every knows, but nobody thinks about' kind of person. In Highschool, he blended in perfectly with pretty much everyone around him. He made friends relatively easily, and became close with a number of people. Due to personal experience, Daniel is very acceptent of others that would normally be judged and/or descriminated. Other: Though he is not homo or bi sexual (as was the rumor for quite a while) he has made very good friends with several homosexual students. Although his mother and father are both Lutheran, he doesn't really believe in any religion, finding it more important to live life than to wonder why we are alive. Phew... how do you like it?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ah yes, Homestar! A friend of mine told me about that site, and I'm glad he did! Very funny stuff. Since this would be a spam post if I didn't do this, may I post the characters? Thank you... Homestar-Runner: The 'main character', Homestar is a bit of a dope, and talks with a lisp >.< Strong-Bad: Brother of Strong-Mad and Strong-Sad, he's the 'cool guy' and always pretends to be more awesome than he is. Strong-Mad: A hulk of sorts, his talking is nearly incomprehensible, and he's very... irritable. Strong-Sad: The depressed one, and probably the one everyone can relate with. He's very boring, but funny in the right circumstances. Coach Z: A wanna-be rapper, and the town coach for whatever sport they play. Bubs: The weird guy who owns a concession stand. The Cheat: A weird little yellow guy who talks in funny little squeaks and stuff... OK, that's enough... bye B-H.[/COLOR][/font]
  14. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]There have been many threads on this in the past, I'm sure, but why don't we start another discussion, hmmm? I'd actualy like to ask anyone if they themselves have been descriminated for their race, gender, sexual preference, or beliefs. But also to bring this up... In America, we have the right to believe whatever we like, and there's no law that says "you can't be [insert race and/or homosexual]". This also means that we are not allowed to descriminate for such reasons, correct? But then there's the right of free speech, witch says we can say whatever the hell we want. Now does this mean that if you were blamed for descrimination, could you argue that you can say whatever you like, or that that's what you believe, so they can't blame you for saying it? Probably not, but what do you think?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney, inside his own head somewhere, watched the whole thing play out, and put his whole "weight" on a solid white door, apparently leading to his conciousness. [i]Damn it, you, let me out![/i] The door vurst open for a moment, and Rodney gained control of his body. Trying his best to hit himself, he said "Never hit my friends! Freakin' ethereal thing..." Vladimir gained control again, and Rodney was thrown back into the door. "This is for your own good kid!" Wind, meanwhile, was now rather pissed and took off with Hunter, as Joey fought for control inside of her. Aelen got a moment of control and said, "Vladimir! Don't let her get away!" Vladimir looekd down at Aelen, who had now changed back to Kris, and said, "Aye aye sir." Ironically, Vladimir sounded a lot like the real Rodney.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Vladimir turned towards "Kris" and smirked. "Oh, but I do Aelen!" the tone was now sarcastic, and Wind seemed to become more and more annoyed. "Both of you stay out of this! This is [i]my[/i] business, and mine only!" Vladimir and Aelen didn't budge. Vladimir wagged a fingure at Wind, "Oh, but Windy, you know it's my job to throw a wrench into everything you do!" Aelen got a similarly sarcastic expression and walked a few paces ahead of Vladimir. "And you know that I just hate it when you use other people's souls." Wind scouled at them both and hurried to pick up Hunter. But Hunter, who the other two had thought was unconcious, spoke. "Joey... I know you're in there... whoever you are... let me see her." Vladimir turned to Aelen. "Oooo, this one looks interesting. Do you think this body is capable of handling Wind?" he said, looking over Rodney's body.[/COLOR] Aelen thought a moment, "Hmm... maybe."
  17. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney sat straight up in bed. Something didn't feel right, however corny that sounds. Upon trying to stand, he discovered he was very dizzy. Does this have something to do with the others? Rodney could only imagine what was happening if it did. He got dressed quickly and snuck downstairs, careful not to wake his mom. The night was cold, so Rodney grabbed a jacket before walking out the door. Something pulled him in the right direction... like a calling more than anything. Somewhere past Hunter's house, he could see Joey standing over a seemingly unconcious Hunter. Rodney froze and watched. Nothing happened for quite a while. Before Rodney could do anything, something in his subconcious took over, and he walked out from his place behind the corner of a house. Joey immediately whirled around glared at him. "You..." "Hello Wind. What? Why so unkind to your opposite?" It was no longer Rodney... but something in their tones suggested this new person was Wind's nemesis.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: =D Orlando! Yaaaay! IC: They finally arrived at the hotel, after looking out at the Florida scenery. The weather was perfect out there... the sun shining and a light sea breeze blowing over the landscape. Jacob whistled "It isn't Japan, but it'll do." he said semi-sarcasticaly. Their guide lead them in the door and helped sign them in, since english gramar was none of their strong points ((lol)). A minute later, they were given keys and directions to where they were staying.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Kyle paid as much attention as he could to the other's names, but the various 'unique' qualities were quite distracting. When it came to his turn, he hurried his mind for a nick-name... "Er... I'm Gecko..." he said the first thing that came to mind. He instinctively bowed and sat down. Though the introduction continued for a moment, Kyle was distracted by another student (she had said her name was Ohkami) who was quickly brushing away several tears. As introductions were finished, Kyle snapped back to Tiger who was about to give instructions on some kind of assignment. "I'd like to see what level all of you are at so I can make the best of your time here. So, I want you all to write about one page telling about where you came from. You may begin whenever you are ready." Tiger sat down and watched as students got out paper and either thought or started to write. Kyle grabbed a sheet of paper and tried to palce it on his desk... though it seemed determined to stick to his hand. Kyle finally used the back of his other hand to get it off.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well this sounds like fun! :devil: kill! kill! kill! Name: Daniel Ilentae Arena Name: Legacy Age: 1096 Sex: male Appearance: 5'11'' with a tough, slightly short build, dark green eyes, and blonde-brown hair. His skin is very light, but seems natural. He wears a white shirt that goes up to his fore-arm, a rough brown vest that fits tight over hid body, white baggy pants, boots that come up to the top of his shin, and similar gloves that come nearly to his elbow, with the first and middle fingers exposed. For armor, he wears a light, versatile breast plate of 'scale mail' (identical metal shards laid over one another), front leg guards, and handless guantlets that cover the top of his fore-arm. Race: half-breed (human ald angel) Style: Oriental/midevil style : quick and versatile, yet brutal. Weapons: Naginata (oriental halberd) and two katanas Abilities: Quick and tactical, and can perform near-gravity defying manuevers. Special Attack: Ancestral Call - Daniel calls on the energies of his angelic lineage to assist him. Magic powers: Applies magic to his weapons to make them deadlier. Bio: Daniels mother was a human, living in ancient Japan, and his father was an angel who had a habit of falling in love with mortals. When he was born, he was obviously 'special' but tried not to let it show. He almost instantly mastered anything he attempted, and became a legand among his local area. Saddly, he never knew his angelic father, who probably ran off to find another pretty human woman. After dying, he found Heaven a bit boring, and decided he'd rather end his life with a bang, leading to entering the tournament. Personality: Usualy kind and generous due to his upbringing, and knows the values of helping others... this doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have a good time. He loves jokes and complex humor, and likes to fight for the sake of his family's legacy... hence his arena name. Other: Can be a smart-*** if provoked... lol.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. OOC: heh heh, I get it... IC: "I... ummm..." Kyle looked a little nervous, but it was too late to finish as a teacher came from room to room telling everyone to get to their first class. Uriko looked back at him "You what?" Kyle lost his nerve and changed his mind, "Er... nevermind." They both walked out and found their class... English. Most of the students were already there, and the teacher stood at the front of the classroom. As the two of them came in, the teacher motioned for them to take a seat.
  22. [quote]this is based on the video game series, so that's a bad thing.[/quote] What do you mean a bad thing?! The Silent Hill video games are a freakin legacy! Only to be carried on by the scariest, most warped minds of our century! Have you ever played them? I hope so... Anyway, didn't know they were making a Silent Hill movie... must-see-for-evil-zombie-hordes.... heh heh.
  23. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    OOC: O_o shouldn't we? IC: Jacob started eating a little, his mind preoccupied. His eyes seemed to stare into space, and Natsu seemed more or less annoyed that there wasn't any conversation. After a minute or two, Jacob wondered what Steph was doing, and realizing she had gone to the bathroom, decided that was better left unknown. After another minute or two passed, he began to wonder... "What's she doing I wonder?" Natsu rolled her eyes and replied, "I'm guessing you want me to check?" "Wha? Oh, no, you don't have t-..." but Natsu had already gotten up.
  24. [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]This was too great an opportunity for Rodney... "Well that explains a lot!" Hunter seemed somewhat less than amused. The smirk faded from Rodney's face and he cleared his throat. "OK... so what are we supposed to do? Perform an excorcism?" Hunter thought for a moment, "That's all I would be able to think of." Both of them knew that even if they gained magic powers, they wouldn't be experienced enough to do an excorcism. "Maybe... it'll go away after the cermemony thing?" "That's what I'm most worried about. "Hunter said, beginning to pace a little. "What if it affects the ritual in some way? We might only have one chance..." "Oh... I see..." Rodney then thought of something, and changed the subject temmporarily. "Hey Hunter..." "Yeah?" Rodney hesitated for a moment before continueing, "Well... how do you... how do you know?" "Huh? Know what?" There was an even longer hesitation this time, "How do you know, when... when you love someone?" Rodney was now staring at the floor. Hunter seemed a little surprised, and the mention of the subject got him down. " You... just kinda... know... ya know?" Rodney's eyes didn't move an inch, as if he was determined to burn a hole in the floor with his eyes. "Uhh... why do you ask?" ".... no reason... "[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Kyle was a little surprised, and looked over at Uriko, only to find she was already on his other side. "Will you..." "Yes?" Uriko said before he could finish. Kyle was caught off guard again and fumbled for words. Before anything came to mind, Uriko asked again, "So can I? Hmm?" Kyle rubbed the back of his head, a little dazed from the cat girl's rapid talking. "Um... sure..." "OK!" Uriko nearly skipped into Kyle's room and looked around. As Kyle stepped in, they both whistled at the same time. " Roomy..." Uriko sat down in a little chair near the door and Kyle put his small bag on the floor. There was one of those akward silences where both people wonder what the other is about to say, though neither is going to say anything. Finally Uriko said, "So where ya from?" Kyle sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Right inside town, just a few miles from here." Uriko already had anotehr question ready, "So what exactly are you?" Kyle was confused only for a moment, "Some kind of lizard... like a gecko or something. So... where are [i]you[/i] from?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
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