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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Suddenly, everything seemed alright to Aaron, and he agreed to go. He supposed things might turn out alright for him after all. "Alright, come on!" Nikki motioned for Aaron to follow her. They arrived at her house a little while later, and they both dropped their back-packs near the door. "C'mon, over here!" OOC: man, these posts are getting short... let's try and get them a little longer.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Kyle had officialy had enough for one day. He looked around the room they were in, yellow eyes darting back and forth. The other new students were all doing something similar, and Kyle's gazed landed on Uriko. This eventualy led Kyle to thinking what kind of girls would be around here... a possibly scary thought. A winged teacher, Falco, walked in and stood in front of the students. "Alright new students, I guess I should show you all to your dorms..." Kyle rubbed a patch of rough lizard skin near his elbow and followed.[/COLOR]
  3. Aaron looked down a little, thuroughly embarressed. Maybe... just maybe things wouldn't turn out so bad. "I... " he started, not sure how to say this, "I... kinda like you... Nikki..." he looked back up at her face, hoping he wasn't sounding as stupid to her as he was to himself. He rubbed the back of his neck and waited... hoping for the best.
  4. [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Aaron walked slowly back to class, at the back of the line. Nothing ever went right... when he was little, they thought it was a phase, when he was a little older, they thought he was just a 'challenged' kid. Now they blamed it on ADD. Aaron wasn't one to question a doctor's opinion, so he silently cursed ADD. Aaron heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Nikki catchign up with the line, trying to hide something behind her back. Aaron was naturally curious, but decided it would be better to forget it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Aaron put his face in his palms and sunk a little. "See?" he said, too quiet for Nikki to hear. "What did you say?" She said, very slightly annoyed. "Nothing..." Aaron said, picking his face back up and moving out of the way of the next climbers. At this point, he assumed his life would be going down hill for a long time. Even if he did tell 'someone' he liked her, all she would do is... Aaron didn't want to think about that.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Aaron wasn't entirely sure why he had asked Nikki to walk with him... then again, he had been very confused lately. She was... he couldn't think of a word... cute. "Hey Aaron! Come down already!" The gym teacher called up to him. Aaron suddenly realized he was at the top, and began slidng down slowly. He saw Nikki there, and felt a little, well, guilty. He would have to get his head straight, or someone was going to notice he was off track more than usual. He walked over to Nikki and they both walked off the mat below the ropes so the next two people could start to climb. They sat down and both blushed a little.
  7. Kyle had decided to walk, besides, that's what legs are for. He could see the school in the distance, and assumed it was the right place by all the odd people standing around. Someone noticed him as he came closer, Mordoom walked up to him. "I assume you're another student?" Kyle's yellow eyes came up to the teacher's face. "Yes. Konichiwa." Kyle smiled at Mordoom. "Cut with the japanese kid. Welcome to your new school. I'm Mordoom." Kyle bowed and walked to the other students, looking them over. He wondered if he looked as strange to them, though he had to admit, the cat like one was kind of cute.
  8. Muad'Dib

    Cloud Nine

    Isaac's head throbbed as he gained conciousness ans sat up. For several seconds, all he could see through the enchanted cloth was a swirl of brown. When his vision cleared, he saw he was in a small room, sitting on a bunk. Isaac tried to stand, and regretted it when his head surged with pain. He lay back down and tried to relax. He could feel gentle swaying, as if the whole room was moving... but he assumed this was some kind of side-effect. Five minutes later, his head had stopped throbbing enough for him to stand, and he walked a little shakily to the door. As it opened, Isaac was met with a swirl of color, the dominant being blue, as he was used to. When everythign came into focus, he regretted even opening the door. Isaac dropped to the deck and stared around at the crew, working dilegently. At the back of the ship, Arabella stood at the wheel. Again standing up, Isaac tried to make his way to her, only to be bumped into by one of the crew. After he got up again, he was run itno again, and this time told to move out of the way.
  9. Muad'Dib

    Cloud Nine

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Isaac looked after the foreign woman for a moment, before Corin said "Ah, Isaac! What can I do for ya?" Isaac turned back to the older man, startled a little. "Oh... nothing Corin... I was just stopping by to say hi." He gave a smile and began to walk out, 'Bella' on his mind. Who was she... really? "OK then Isaac. See you later!" Isaac closed the door behind him, turning around to see if 'Bella' was still around. There was no sign of her in the immediate area. Surely she would head back to the dock platform? Isaac ran for the platform, curious about where she came from. Half way there, he could see several of the ship workers with carpets slung over their shoulders. He was about to go the rest of the way... "Storm! Storm cloud on the East side!" Everyone suddenly stoped what they were doing and looked out to the sky. Sure enough, a massive dark cloud was forming not half a mile away. But how? A storm cloud never formed so quickly. Even as Isaac watched, it loomed forward, heading striaght for the docks. "Every one go! Back to the core!" Workers and citizens called out, desperately evacuating everyone they could. Crew members ran for the ship, untying ropes and lifting hatches. They were attempting to sail away before the storm hit. Isaac spotted Arabella boarding the ship and resisted running after her. As he headed back for the core of the city, the cloud picked up speed, as if it was determined to catch him. Within a matter of second, the storm was upon the edge of the dock, and the ship let off from the dock and dropped. It wasn't sinking, just decreasing it's altitude as far as it could withing breakign the cloud layer. Isaac couldn't out run it... he was suddenly in the midst of the storm, ripping up the platform and throwing wooden shrapnel everywhere. Isaac felt that horrible thrill again... free-fall. And the only thing he heard before hitting the deck of the ship was, [i]destiny[/i].[/COLOR]
  10. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    Clesia and Jerid ran on for about three minutes until they reached the last place Jerid had fought their target. They paused a moment and Clesia observed the still-smoking trees around them. "You've been improving your technique..." "Thank you." Jerid looked aorund also, trying to find witch direction the enemy had gone. Clesia found it first and they shot off again, dodging trees and clumps of bush. Not long after, a town came into view... one they hadn't seen before. The three's energy was still there, so if they were not here, they had left only minutes ago.
  11. [color=DarkOliveGreen]Sounds like fun! Name: Kyle Aremin Code-Name: Gecko ((lol)) Age: 15 Class: Predator Personality: Kyle is generaly a happy kid, but likes to be 'mysterious' around other students, usualy just to make them wonder. He's cooperative with most of the teachers, but will stick firmly with his personal beliefs if someone goes against them. For some reason he enjoys speaking in the Japanese style of 'subject/object/verb' instead of 'subject/verb/object' that's used in english. Animal: some kind of lizard (usualy thought to be a gecko) Appearance: Kyle is 5'10'' with dark brown hair, and yellow eyes that almost glow like that of a lizards. He doesn't have a tail, but small patches of lizard skin blend with his human skin in various places on his body. The tips of his hands have nearly micro-scopic hairs (like a gecko's ) that stick to what they touch. This doesn't provide enough to climb walles, but does give quite a bit of extra grip. He wears a black t-shirt, jeans, and a grey jacket. Bio: Kyle was known to have the disease almost right when he was born, though neither his mother nor father had it. He was expected to die, just like many others, but the doctors allowed him to live a normal life as long as he could. When he turned ten, and was already living longer than expected, he began to show symptoms of the transformation. His parents had never allowed him to go to school, as nobody knew if the disease was contagious, but now they had heard of the school for outcasts. His parents were hesitant about sending him, but decided it was for the best. As the school would not accept anyone younger than twelve, they had to wait two years. He has now been at the school for three years. He took an interest in the fighting classes, though all students were required to take them, but thought that they taught the wrong kind of fighting. Kyle believes that they should be teaching some form of martial arts, and the philosophies that go with them. Upon failing to convince Falco to teach a martial art, he found a book on Akido and taught himself the basics. Techniques: Basic Akido, very very flexable and extra grip from hands.[/color]
  12. Sciros has got a point there. Despite the fact that vampires are pretty awesome, there's just too damn many... everything about them. The movies are only good if done well (witch is tough to do with most directors) the video games are generaly crappy, though a few have been good, and I haven't seen any of the vapire animes, so I can't say. But as for the concept of vampires, it's not only kind of cool, but very fascinating. Of coarse, there's also that weird disease that makes people want to drink blood... or however it goes. But that's just... freaky. The best vampire characters, in my opinion, are the silent hero vampires... yeah....
  13. Muad'Dib


    As lots of you have already said, the suspense was genrealy the best part of the movie. It was kind of interesting how they could scare you so much by showing the alien in plain view in the birthday scene... you know, it just strolls across the screen, but you're already so ready for it to jump at your face, that it scares you anyway. Again like you guys have said, the ending was a little disappointing... I was expecting it to end when they all came out of the basement and the aliens had all left and blah blah blah, we're all saved, blah blah. Seeing one of the aliens in plain view just ruined the rest of the movie, when they could have left their appearance a mystery except for the little pieces you get earlier. However, it was a very interesting idea to have all those "useless" conditions coem together in the end... though it seemed kind of good when I first saw it, it doesn't seem as... good now. So that's all... good movie over all, semi-crappy ending.
  14. OOC: well, I guess this is officially revived ^^ IC: Aaron, as usual, was almost oblivious to it all, drawing random lines that eventualy formed something along the lines of... God only knows what. ((lol, sounds like me)) Unfortunately, this was on the edge of his DOL paper. Again, his mind snapped suddenly, and he began working silently on the DOL. It seemed that Deserae, sitting in front of him, was just finishing. Meanwhile, the teacher just noticed that Casey had gotten up and quickly made sure she was sitting again, doing the same for Jimmy and Natsu. Aaron eventualy finished and looked up from his DOL/doodle paper. OOC: alright, not very exciting at the moment, but we might be able to get it going again...
  15. This conversation was getting a little too deep for Rodney. He tried to seem like he was ignoring it, but his expression showed it... not that anyone was looking in his direction anyway. Kris and Joey were both speechless for several moments, their eyes either fixed on Hunter or drifting to the floor. This was going to be a hard one to get out of. Hunter's pain became increasingly obvious, and Rodney thought he should do something, anything to stop this akward moment. He shifted his feet a little and almost talked... but didn't. It was one of those times where you know you should do something, but your body doesn't want you to. Paul was shocked also, and he struggled to keep from letting his mouth hang open. Clesia was in a similar condition. Finally snapping, Rodney blurted out, "Oh, you'll get over it later, let's get this over with damn it!"
  16. Muad'Dib

    Cloud Nine

    OOC: that's OK... nobody's perfect trowa_fan. One comment... exceptional job from all of you. I didn't think this would turn out so well! ~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Isaac tried to run after the man, but found it impossible to keep up with him. Soon, he found himself standing pointlessly in the middle of the docking platform. The platform was now filled with foreigners, all working around the ship to get it ready for another flight. [i]At least it's a nice day... no storm clouds.[/i] Isaac shuddered at the thought of storms. Only one storm had hit Introth'Din in his lifetime, and it had been horrific. Thew entire west half of the city had been engulfed in the electricly charged cloud... they had to rebuild many platforms, but without the original magic that held it aloft, the city had sunk a total of four feet from the extra weight. Just when everything was looking good, and Isaac was resting on a wooden post, the cloth that allowed him to see caught on a loose splinter and the fabric ripped slightly before he shook it loose. Immediately, part of the magic in the cloth was released, and his vision became blurred. "Damn!" Isaac cursed his luck and went to find the weaver's little store. As he entered, he found that the owner, Corin, was not there, but a woman sat on one of his piles. "Excuse me... where is Mr. Corin?" Isaac asked as politely as he could manage. The stranger looked up at him, a little surprised, and said, "He wet into the back to mend something of mine." "Oh..." Isaac sat down and hoped it wouldn't be long. "Excuse me... you have a strange accent... are you from the ship in the dock?" Isaac asked, eager to make the time pass.[/COLOR]
  17. For some reason, Rodney was late... very late. "I'm gonna go see what's up with him..." Paul said, walking hesitantly out of the room. Paul drove past Rodney's house, didn't find him and kept going. Paul looked through the window of a random arcade, and there he was... but Rodney was different. Paul walked in and got right in Rodney's face, who had a nearly blank expression and was messign pointlessly with a pinball machine. "Rod, what the hell are you doing?!" His eyes kept staring straight ahead, but he answered, "I'm sick of it Paul... this whole damn thing..." "What?!" Paul slamned down on the machine. "What do you mean sick of it?!" "It's too much man... I can't take the pressure any more. This started out boring enough, right? It's gotten out of hand... first the attacks, then people getting captured, passing out, and flames, FLAMES PAUL, shooting from my hand... I can't stand it!" Rodney nearly slammed the pinball machine, and the ball went flying to the top. "Get a hold of yourself Rod!" Paul forced him away from the machine and gripped him by the shoulders. "WE've come this far, don't blow it!" Rodney's eyes drifted a little... maybe the pressure [i]was[/i] driving him mad. "Ohhh... Damnit , Paul!" Rodney jerked out of Paul's arms and stood there, looking pissed. "I'll go... just... lemme think...." Rodney sat down and Paul, looking a little worried, walekd outside and waited.
  18. Kenji got up slowly, every nerve in his back aking. Nothing was going the way it should today. He picked up his rifle from where it lay on the dusty ground and checked to see if anyone was looking. There was no one but himself. Kenji carefully placed the rifle back in it's strap, arranging it so that nothing was showing. Now he had to find the hotel his 'partner' had been talking about. It took only a few minutes, as it stood out in the streets of New Delhi. Kenji approached it from the south side, sticking close to a nearby building. It was very possible some one was trying to trick him. He found a comfy spot in a gap between the hotel and it's neighbor building and watched for any sign of who he was supposed to meet. A few minutes later, a woman not too much older than himself came up to the hotel and leaned on the side. Was that her? No, she got up and entered. Kenji would have to wait a little longer.
  19. Muad'Dib

    Cloud Nine

    Let's hope the others get online soon ~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Isaac was nearly stunned... though they spent their whole lives in the skye, falling was a rare, scary experience for anyone. That tiny moment of free-fall before Jack had caught him, left Isaac momentarily frozen. As Isaac gained control of his body again, Jack shushed him and the shouts of angry sailors could be heard on the other side of the small stand, barely able to hide the two. The shouts eventualy passed, and Isaac blurted out, "What the hell was that about?!" Jack looked down at Isaac, and Isaac up at Jack. "Forget it kid. I'm outta here." Isaac sat there for a moment as Jack got up and walked casualy away across the docking platform, being sure to hide his face from the wary crew. Unfortunately for him, Isaac wasn't one to give up with such a small explanation.[/COLOR]
  20. Muad'Dib

    Cloud Nine

    [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]So the search for Clud Nine begins! A quick review of who's joined... Dragon_Warrior/ Damario Daskar/ 22 wrestlemaniac40/ Grim/ 26 Miki/ Kaiye Trevalis/ 16 Cyriel/ Arabella/ 21 Trowa_fan/ Jack/ 19 And I'm Isaac Telanthos, age 15. So here we go... ~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Ship! Prepare the dock!" a man in a low watch-tower called out, waving at the workers below. It wasn't often Introth'Din got visitors, and they must work fast to get the dock ready for a ship. Isaac heard the shout and hurried down to the dock platform, watching the workers pull up boards and set ropes into place. Several miles off, a massive air ship could be seen, gliding through the air like a great whale, thought no one knew what a whale was. A few minutes later, the ship was pulling into the hovering dock, workers throwing down ropes so the crew could tie the ship in. Isaac watched it all from afar, adjusting the cloth over his eyes as it shifted, making a blind-spot. Maybe this ship would bring visitors from one of the distant cities... maybe even some girls, thought Isaac. He ran down a narrow plank connecting his platform to the next, heading towards the ship. He passed the aquaducts, harvesting water from the ever-present clouds. He stopped three platforms away, watching as the crew lowered a plank and a few stepped onto the 'solid ground' of Introth'Din.[/COLOR] OOC: the ship that just docked can be anyone's. As long as you are supposed to be on a ship.
  21. Absolutely no offense to anyone, but this rates among the top ten of biggest loads of **** I have ever heard. When they made Alien, they were trying to scare people, not create a bunch of sexual.... stuff. I mean, whoever wrote this obviously has a talent for interpretation, but geez... he/she's making the movie sound like some pervert's dream. The part where it's talking about the layout of the alien craft... the inner design was meant to make it look bio-mechanicle, not... organic. I heard a commentary on the making of Alien, and the artist that designed the xenomorph ( H.R. Giger) always designs his creatures to look bio-mechanicle, therefore, the ship was some-what designed from Giger's work. The comments on the alien bursting from the egg and the 'membrane' etc, etc, were just... well, the best phrasing I can think of is 'out of line'. The alien life-cycle is just like that of an insect... it comes out of larva state and finds a living human host whom it later bursts forth from. It was based on bugs, not sexuality. Why do you think they call the xenomorphs 'Bugs' in various video games and articles? 'Bug' was the original name they were going to give the film! Again, no offense, but the guy who wrote this is just a little too imaginative.
  22. Kenji ran for it, not wanting to be killed so early in his mission, not to mention his life. It would seem, however, that his competition didn't want to shoot, most likely for the same reason Kenji had not taken him out from a distance. His cell phone rang... odd. If there was ever a time that Kenji didn't want a phone call, it was now. He pulled it out and answered it, "What is it? Who is this?" A woman's voice answered, "Kenji?" He thought about wether or not he should give her his name... "Yes." "You were hired by Mr. del Re, correct?" "Give me a reason I should tell you." Kenji said angrily, stopping and sinking next to a building. "I would be your 'partner'." [i]Oh for God's sake..[/i] Kenji thought. "Del Re said nothing about a partner. I don't trust you." The sooner this call was over, the better. "That would be a problem." there was a short pause, "If you decide to get over yourself, meet me near the hotel in the east corner. I'll be waiting." [I]Great... I should never have accepted this job.[/I] He would have protested, but the woman had already hung up. He supposed he should go see what this was alla bout... but descretely.
  23. Alright, this is one of the fastest going sign-ups I've ever made... excellent. :naughty: OK, Cyriel and Trowa_fan are both in. (thanks for editing your sign-up trowa) So now we also have... Cyriel : Arabella Trowa_fan : Jack Four (not including me) seems to be enough. Sign-ups will remain open, but I'm gonna start this soon.
  24. Kenji suddenly noticed someone. He looked american... he was sitting right next to the wall Kenji was attempting to figure out. [I]What a fool...[/I] Kenji thought, bringing his rifle to his eye. There was only one explanation for this man, and Kenji didn't like the sound of copetition. The he froze... if he fires now, the guards, and possibly Damien himself, would hear. He couldn't afford that. [I]Damn it![/I] he thought. Now he had to deal with this guy [i]and[/i] the wall. Well, it was worth a try. Kenji backed away and moved through the streets until he was nearly behind the man. Now he just had to get in range. He grabbed a throwing knife from within his clothes and walked as silently as he could. [i]snap[/i] Too late. Kenji's foot hit a twig, and though this was very bad, he couldn't help but laugh mentaly at the irony. The man turned around quickly and pulled out a gun. [i]This is not my day...[/i]
  25. Muad'Dib

    school daze

    OOC: so tired... must sleep... lol IC: Jacob leaned his head on Skye's and vise-versa. Natsu shifted uncomfortably, "So uh... you guys wanna..." they all seemed oddly quiet. Feeling mischievious, Jacob nudged Kiruna with his foot, silently urging him to do something with Natsu. Kiruna resisted looking back at Jacob and focused on Natsu... or tried to.
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