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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
OOC: OK sunofexiles... I hear ya... IC: Jacob turned back to Kiruna, "Ya know... " He seemed to pause and think about what he was saying. "What?" Kiruna asked. "Well... Natsu seems to like ya know." Kiruna's grip on the bench nearly slipped. "Umm... yeah." "Soo...?" Jacob gave him an expectant look. "What?!" The question was unavoidable. "Alright, alright... yeah, I kinda like her..." Jacob glared at him. "OK, geez! I like her! Happy?" "Yeah." Jacob leaned back, satisfied. OOC: ARGH! posting going too fast... getting... confused...
OOC: ok, now I'll post... lol IC: Jacob and Kiruna froze, shocked. This was turning out to be quite a day. Kiruna spoke, "Uhh... did they just...?" "Yeah..." Jacob suddenly snapped into regular thought again. He jogged out onto the field, feeling a little stupid, and knelt down next to Skye. "Umm... are you OK?" Skye looked up at him, more than a little ticked off. "Yesh... I think." Jacob gulped. [I]Ohhh man...[/I]
OOC: nevermind... your post is better.
Wow... that... that deserves some kind of freakin award! Where did it come from? Certainly not a human mind? No.. I take that back... humans are pretty wacky. Wait.. I feel something... is it my inner Oos-... nope, sorry, just heart-burn...
Jacob sank into a bench and put a hand on his face. This is what he had been afraid of. Now Natsu was pissed... Options ran through his mind, though none ofthem really registered in his concious. And to think the day had started so nicely. He removed his hand and watched Natsu pummel the soccer balls. This was not exactly an encouraging sighte. Kiruna walked up and leaned on the bench next to Jacob. "I'll never understand them..." "You took the words from my mouth man..."
Ahhh, excelllent! Dragon Warrior, wonderful as usual. wrestlemaniac, good except I don't think there would be a mafia... oh well, it's a good idea anyway. (BTW, love your magic section... "we don't need no stinkin magic!"). Miki, very very good! Excellent description and personality! You're all accepted, even though Miki isn't quite finished. So we have... Dragon Warrior : Damario Daskar wrestlemaniac40 : Grim Miki : Kaiye Trevalis
A warm, exciting feeling shot through Jacob's chest as Skye touched him. He was always this was around girls ((lol)). Skye leaned on Jacob, and Kiruna leaned on Skye, all three of them looking a little comical standing there. Not very long after, Natsu came out looking just a little annoyed. "What's everybody doing? You guys get bored with the movie or something?" They turned to face her, and Jacob almost felt Skye tense up. [I]Thank God she's not in the army...[/I] You could almost seethe tension between the two girls, but Natsu walked past Skye and stood nest to Kiruna flirtingly, shooting a defient look at Skye.
Heh heh... thanks... I think. I never saw the extended cut, so I wouldn't know... oh well. Just thought I'd go into some detail or something. As for the terrain, in the first one, all of LV-0121 was covered in red dust, like Mars. I know, I have a copy of it. At least, I'm pretty dang sure... lol Thanks for the feedback (not to mention being interested at all) so here's a little bit more... [COLOR=Navy]One year later... The terraforming station is now complete, and the colonists go to work maintaining the machinery as it works automaticaly to make the air breathable. Recently, the colonists have taken an interest in the surrounding terrain, sending scout vessels to search the land-scape. One scout in particular stumbles upon something rather strange. "[I]Home-base, we've got something big out here... real big.[/I]" A voice, clouded by static, travels to the station, sounding urgent. The armored-jeep like vehicle stopped several miles away from a huge ship of some kind... obviously alien. Soon, another voice came back, "[I]We need details... what are you talking about?[/I]" "[I]It's looks like some kind of... space craft... it's enourmous. It's more curved than ours... almost... alien.[/I]" the first voice responded. A few moments passed, then, "[I]You have permission to investigate. Be careful.[/I]" The vehicle moved forward again, shaking over the rough land. About fifteen minutes later, the giant craft was not more than onehundred feet away. The vehicle stopped and a single man clad in a pressure suit stepped out. He glanced around, gawking at the alien craft. Another followed him and they made their way towards the nearest part of the vessel. They entered through a hole in the side of the craft, and jumped down onto what seemed more bio-mechanicle than metalic. The two humans made their way through a surprisingly simple lay-out - one larg hallway traveling the length of the ship. After a few minutes of walking, the passage splits off, dipping straight down through what looked like a gaping hole. "Should we check it out?" The first man said through the suit's radio. "What else are we gonna do?" The second replied. They eased down cautuosly, nearly slipping with the combination of clunky gloves and slippery metal. It was a sighte to behold. Row upon row of biological sacks covered in blue mist... what were they?[/COLOR] OK... most of that off the top of my head... oh well.
Many of you are probably familiar with the Alien series. If you've seen the sequel, Aliens, then you know that a colony of civilians was set up on LV-0121 to terraform the atmosphere. You also know that they came in contact with the mysterious ship contaning the aliens. However, they never told the whole story of how the colony was completely over-run. Here's what may have happened... [COLOR=Navy]LV-0121 - Ship status Destination reached... Reversing stasis... _______ A groggy crew awakens through-out the ship, each coughing up the snaut-like fluid that had filled their lungs in stasis. Every man woman and child of the sixty families got into their clothes and prepared for a landing on LV-0121. The pilot sat down in the navigation seat as did the co-pilot and several other crew-members. Every computer screen was now alive and flashing, numbers and statis reports streaming across the black backgrounds. The details of the landing are unimportant, and too complex to describe accurately. Now the first few colonials, all dressed in pressure suits, approached the rocky, red terrain. Over the next few months, they would build the terra-forming station. And meet their death at the hands of the xenomorphs.[/COLOR] That's it for now. Hope someone's interested so I can continue it.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Alright! I've been approved to bea summoner... thanks Squall! Man... now I feel conformist ^^ Name: Kuya Nirman Age: 18 Gender: male Description: Kuya stands at 5'11'', has dark red hair, and deep green eyes. His build is light but not flimsy. He wears a dark green long sleeved shirt, with a dark red tunic-like garment over it, similar dark green pants, padded boots, and glasses that cover most of his eyes. Personality: Only talkative around people he knows, and sometimes a little morbid. Otherwise, he's generaly percieved as eager, curious, and outgoing. Be warned... if he needs to, he can screw with your head. Weapons: A two-foot wagizashi. Magic Type: Summoner Creature type: dark animal Description: it stands at 3'0'' when it walks on all fours. it has black skin with several redish highlights along body curves. It looks most like some form of dragon, though with a longer snout, much shorter tail, and no wings. Bio: Kuya's parents were traders who traveled along the numerous rivers in a long boat, going from town to town, trading goods. Due to the constant travel, Kuya was exposed to many of Moliness' cultures. When he was twelve, his parents found a nice place to live in Agulan, and settled jsut outside of the city limits. Kuya would often go into the city alone, watching people go about their business. On one of these little trips, a warrior who had apparently run out of students spotted Kuya on the street and nearly begged him to let him teach. Kuya agreed and the man taught him a few sword tricks. Everything was going pretty smoothly until a random bunch of thieves raided his home and took his parents hostage. He had been in the town as this occured, and when he approached his home, he was immeditaly confronted by the thieves. When they nearly killed him, his magic took hold of him, witch he did not know he had, and unleashed his summoning creature. The creature was still weak, but scared the thieves away. A few days later, he took off on his parent's long boat and again began traveling. He thought this would prevent something like that ever hapening again. For several years he was successful. When he was 15, he came across Gnarwood and decided to stay, as he was running low on supplies. He grew attached to Gnarwood. When Koma moved in, he saw an excellent opportunity... he had always figured that the current goverment must be weak if they allowed bands of thieves to wander at will. He joined Kuma at age 17, and has served them ever since.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]This is not the reality you know. It is the reality of the sky. Your dreams, your fears, and your destiny are in the hands of the clouds now. Welcome to Cloud Nine. The details as to how we came to the sky are not known, all we know is that we live out our lives just way the people of old did, only we are people of the clouds, and they are the earth-bound. The earth-bound are no more than myths now, as is the ground itself. We live above all that is tied with the earth, sailing among the clouds. Who are we? We are people. No different from you or your friends. Countless centuries ago, we were brought to the sky, and so we lived out our lives among the clouds, without worry or doubt, until the ground itself was thought to be nothing but legend. Great cities, floating in the wind, with the traders, and the merchants, and those along for the ride, sail from place to place on their ships. Legends also say that the ships used to sail on water, like what we harvest from the clouds. No one can say if the folk-lore is true. All we know is that we are of the sky now, and we shall never return from whence we came. Now the eccentrics and the wanderers seek one thing... Cloud Nine. It is said to be the final destination, the 'last exile', the last step into paradise... and the truth to all the mysteries. ~~~[/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna]Some of you may recognize the title. I tried a similar RP of the same title a long time ago, and it unfortunately didn't make it far. Let's hope this one turns out better. The basic plot: You, shall you choose to join, are a person of the clouds, living out your life in one of the great floating cities, or the air-ships that traverse the open skyes. All you've ever known are the skyes, and you probably doubt that real land ever existed. No one knows how the massive cities were built, or who built them, but everyone's here, and most everyone's happy. But you, one way or another, gte caught up in the search for the mystical 'Cloud Nine'. There is some magic in this RP, but only some. You will be aloud to use magic, but if it exceeds the usual amount, you'll be prohibited from using it. Magic usualy doesn't get much more extreme than a few elemental spells, and even those don't have major effects. Oh, and remember that this is NOT modern. That means no guns or machines.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Sign-ups-- Name: (last name is not required) Age: anything from 12 to 50 Gender: Appearance: pics or description Personality: how you act, react, and feel. Magic: (if any) remember to keep it minor. Bio: your history of course. Be sure to include your hometown. Weapons/epuipment: max of three weapons. Other: (not required)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Mine-- Name: Isaac Telanthos Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Attachment, except without the sword. Personality: Isaac is your basic teenage boy - usualy happy, occasional depression, and/or silence, eager and sometimes adventurous. Magic: defensive magic Bio: Isaac grew up in a town called Introth'Din, a smaller, not well known town. Though even the smallest of the floating cities is expansive. Introth'Din is known for being particulary unstable and lofty. Sometimes, all that connects two platforms is a narrow plank of wood. Despite the fact that they seldom recieve visitors, it has a dock jsut like every other city, jutting into the clouds. Isaac was actualy born blind, but can see with the assistance of a magic-empowered strip of cloth wrapped around his eyes. He has become adept at running along the narrow cross-ways of Introth'Din, and spends a lot of time on the edge of a platform, looking into the distant clouds. Weapons/Equipment: He has no actual weapons, but has built excellent balance living in Introth'Din. As for euipment, he carries an emergy length of rope, like all citizens.[/COLOR]
Well, glad to know somebody else has heard of them ^^. A friend of mine has several burned CDs full of TMBG, including the 'mini tracks'. Who's heard of those? They're what will really get you laughing after hearing the other songs a dozen times. "I found a new friend, Underneath my pillow." And that's it. A whole set of tiny songs like that, usual no longer than a few seconds. Wacky, ain't it? [quote]I did get to scream "I love you John!" and John Linnell said "I love you too." Mind you my husband was there with me, and lucky for me his name is also John. LOL[/quote] That's hilarious! We need more stories like that one... lol. "Triangle man, triangle man, triangle man hates particle man, They have a fight, triangle wins, triangle man, triangle man."
Heh... BlueGender put it rather well. This sounds corny, but all the things you never got to do or experience... if there was/is an afterlife, it would be bugging me through all of it. My biggest regret, though I would have many, is never having a girl-friend in real life. No, I'm serious. I've never gotten the chance to be friends with a girl that would return any kind of affection... except here on the internet. That would be my regret... besides, love, if it does exist, drives us through a lot of our lives, especialy at my age... witch is still pretty young ^^. Cherished moment? No idea. There's no one single moment that stands out in my life, and there may never be. I don't know how other people think, but my life has had it's thrills, but they're always matched by a previous or future experience. So everything would just be kind of a blur if my life were to end now.
OOC: heh... you probably do. IC: Kenji ran through the streets of India, knowing by information provided by his employer that the target would be outside any minute now. He must have looked rather conspicuous, but he needed to hurry. He found his way to the mansion, cut off from the rest of the indian city and swarming with security. He must be rich indeed... Kenji backed into the midst of the crowded street, avoiding people and the occasional cow while circeling around to the other side of the mansion. There didn't seem to be any obvious breaks in the security system, but he had to look anyway. On almost the complete opposite side, there was a seven foot high wall, made in the ornamental indian style. That must be where he was. Kenji gripped his rifle among the folds of his clothing, fumbling slightly with the strap that held it in place. He had dressed indian style to fit in with the crowd. Now he just had to figure out how to get over that wall...
This is simply the craziest band of all time. Well, you can hardly call them a band, as it's only two guys. But anyway, whoelse has heard any of their songs? You may have heard one and not realized it, as they aren't that well known I believe. They verge on parodies, but most of what they do is... shall we say, original. OK, so they're jsut weird, but they arre very good! I think they started in the 80's. One song you might have heard, but may not regcognize, is Istanbul (not Constantinople) witch is simply hilarious. "Now it's Istanbul, no Constantinople, Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople, Even old New York, was once new Amsterdam, Why they changed it I can't say, people just like it better that way, Why Constantinople got the works, That's nobody's business but the Turks." You really have to hear it to laugh at it... you can search for it (and more of their songs) on windows media player, and other things I would imagine.
OK, I'm not a mod, but it seems you are very much confused (obviously). Alright, all art goes into the Art forum, and all aniem threads go into the anime forum! It's really very simple. As for making new catigories, what do you think this place would be like if you could make new cataogries at trandom? one word... HELL. Anyway, catagories are there for a reason, and can only be added when they update the site. You must be a bit of a noob, but no offense.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Muad'Dib replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Well, though it's rather annoying, you can't complain really. I mean, this is getting younger kids into anime, correct? Toonami isn't meant for older kids such as ourselves, so they take the good animes (or some of the good ones) and make them appropriate for children. Though I do agree with you.. it's really freakin annoying. Speaking of witch, why don't they show the cool ones like Blue Submarine Number Six and Outlaw Star anymore? Even if they did edit them into oblivion. -
Rodney nearly choked as this sunk in, "WOAH! Wait a minute, what exactly is this? I mean, what's... I mean, what does she have to do?" It's not that Rodney was sensitive to things liek this, but the thought of some kind of ritual involving a virgin was a little disturbing. "Rod, calm d-" Hunter tried to get Rodney to stop pacing and sit down. Rodney, however, kept on talking, most of it incomprehensible. Though it didn't show, the past events had put him through a lot of stress, and he was still a little freaked out. His usualy careless manner was replaced by frantic pacing and mumbling. "Rod, will you shut up and sit down?!" Hunter nearly yelled. Rodney froze in mid sentence and looked a little confused. He sat down on the window sil "Umm... continue."
Sign Up Damien Must Fall [Dare To Try: Rated R]
Muad'Dib replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
O_O Why didn't someone tell me there was an assassination RP? lol Name: Kenji Tsuron (AKA no-one) AGe: 21 Gender: male Weapon: A long rifle (can't think of any particular names) and a few throwing knives. Who hired me: Mathew del Re Wow... that was short. Bring on the blood shed... lol -
Weeeee! Now we've got the "synthetic city" thing! Yay! So it's one of those stories of how humans have shut themselves away in their technology, while real life becomes mythology... fascinating.
OOC: Oh my god... girls.. fighting over.. me... LOL! OH, and no double posting ~_^ IC: Kiruna looked over at the three of them from his seat, next to Natsu. Jacob only put his head in his hands and prayed this woudln't last too long. Inside, he was actualy thrilled that two girls would actualy fight over [I]him[/I], but the tension was insane. As usual, his train of thought didn't end there, and he ended up wondering what he would do. He would hate to deny either one of them, not jsut because of embarressment, but because he was afraid he might hurt one of their feelings. He had to admit, he had been friends with Skye a lot longer... and recently very, shall we say, close friends. He used to daydream about something like this happening, but now he wished it would end.
Rodney gulped. "True power?" He glanced around the room. "It may have gotten rid of a few spiritts, but I gotta admit, that flame thing freaked me out man." Hunter looked him in the eye. "You want to get rid of these spirits don't you? They've nearly killed now..." "Yeah, yeah... sorry." Rodney crossed his arms. "Rod... how did you get that bruise?" Hunter asked, motioning towards his forehead. Rodney glanced up, as if he could see his forehead anyway, and said, "Oh, that. It's nothin'... just uhh..." "Rod." Hunter said more sternly. "Alright, alright. Some spirit came after me... it turned back after a while, but not before it nicked me the head with a tree limb. I'm tellin' ya, this is getting out of hand." "That's what I just convinced you of." Hunter turned to the rest. "Has anyone else had any hint of some kind of spell?" The group all shook their heads with a few "nope"s. Hunter sighed. "This may take longer than I thought..."
^.^ Fuzzy sensation! Yaay! *ahem* anyway... you know, I should let someone else post... Alright, very good yet again! One thing that threw the story off, is that those two creatures (Lucas and Laurana) have started talking a bit too human-like. When Lucas first started talking to Tanya, it was in a series of semi-imcomplete sentences that kind of alienated him. They're obviously still rather strange, but have lost that "speech impediment". Grade A plot though!
*bum-bum-BUM* The plot thickens! lol Anyway... fascinating set-up you've got going. The only error I can see at the moment is a few mis-spellings, but I think those were just accidents ^^ Can't wait to find out the rest of the plot! No, really, it's very interesting. (I feel lonely being the onyl one posting... lol)
Writing A poem of Life (Final Fantasy X Related)
Muad'Dib replied to Chocobo Gene's topic in Creative Works
Hmmm... pretty interesting. Just a tad generic really. Nothing against the poem, but I can't count the number of times I've heard..." could hear you whisper those words "I love you"" and... "I wait to fell your touch" etc. But anyway, you've got a talent ^_^-V