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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]O_O woah... very nice! I've read your other stories, and this seems to be the best! Though it hasn't progressed far yet, so I can't say so for sure. The best part is, you can almost invision the little dark room, and you describe the creature incredibly accurately! One thing I can say for criticism, is that you repeated some words too often, such as 'tube'. You would call it 'tube' whenever it was mentioned, witch isn't a bd thing, but is a little repetitive. Try using 'it' or find another word for tube that you can mix in there. Otherwise, perfect ~_^[/COLOR]
Obviously, the picture quality isn't too great. But that's my fault for only having Paint and nothing else. Anyway, the original pic I used wasn't the best quality anyway, then I had to add text and scrunch it quite a bit... so it's not lookin too hot, but it's one of the better banners I've done. Oh, by the way, no one uses this! It's my special banner... Heck, I'll add the original pic, so you can compare it if you must.
RPG Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]
Muad'Dib replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
The rest of the "group" sat on the ground, wondering why they were sitting there. "Why the hell are we just sitting here? We should be out looking for Mitzo!" Kitcho stood up. "Hmph... she's probably fine on her own. But we should go anyway." Otto commented. "Then let's get the heck outta here!" Kitcho said, running ahead of the group. Everyone got up and left. It waqsn't long before they were slowed down, just as Mitzo had thought they would be, by the numerous fiendish creatures guarding the path. Just after defeating one such creature, the group pressed on, Kitcho again running ahead... and ran into Shotoken. "What the..." Shotoken turned around to see Kitcho rubbing his head. Kitcho looked up.. "Oh, hey... where'd Mitzo go? I thought you might have caught up with her by now.." "I did. She didn't seem to want the company." Kitcho's former slight smile sagged into a frown. -
Jerid now stood before Clesia, a grumpy looking Torinte on her shoulder. He was hardly even breathing heavily, but the strain was obvious to Clesia, having been around him for most of his life. "Hmm... so you failed to defeat them again?" Jerid got a grudging look on his face, "Yes." Clesia seemed to think for a while, as she paced back and forth. "That is a problem now, isn't it?" She glanced at the exit, almost longingly. She had not fought in quite a while.. perhaps it was time to seei f she still had it in her. Of course she did! What kind of queen would she be if she did not? If they had beaten Jerid's fire technique, combined with the kage (shadow) techniques of ninjutsu/jitsu, then they must be rather formidable. "Jerid... I think it may be time for a little trip." Jerid smirked and bowed his head before exiting, "Excellent."
OOC: you should really read the rest of the posts before posting yourself.. even if it takes forever. IC: Mick and Darren both looked at the newcomer. Was he freakin blind? Several more of the wolf creatures approached and Mick let out another burst of heavy fire. One was riddled with holes and fell to the ground, screeching. Two others kept coming, though one had several large holes in it's side. "Look, I don't care whoe you are," Mick yelled over the sound of more fire, "but you need to get the hell out of here!" Darren, though still a little pissed at the military's slow reaction, looked over at Shotoken. "You... come with me." Shotoken, eager to find a way out of this God-forsaken city, followed. They didn't go far, and Darren looked back at the S.W.A.T. guy, Mick. [I]To hell with that guy![/I] he thought.
Itsure backed away for a moment, seeing what this 'knight' would do. When Blaze said this last word, Itsure came up behind him, speaking so only he could hear. "That's not such a great idea... but at least now we have something in common." Blaze turned his head towards Itsure. "If you have any respect, let me handle them myself!" Itsure thought about this for no more than two seconds, "Have at them then!" Blaze turned back towards the priests, who were steadily advancing. Now even Kenmei was outside, watching the chain of events that would lead to the death (or extreme mangeling) of either Blaze or the priests. Blaze now wielded the Sword of Flame, taking a step towards the priests... enough to swing out and force one fo the smaller ones to his feet. An all-out brawl ensued. The large priest came from Blaze's right, while a short man with stubby brown hair wielding a short sword came from his left. Blaze turned to his side, swiping out with his sword one direction, and unleashing a burst of flame in the other. The short one was intsantly engulfed in flame, and the large one was thrown sideways with a resounding [I]clang[/I]. This left two more, not including the older leader, who was obviously too frail to fight. One took an extravegant fightig stance right in front of Blaze. This was a bad idea, but as Blaze struck out at him, the other, using a broad-sword, got behind Blaze. The priest lifted the sword high above his head, ready to plunge it into Blaze's armored back. [I]Whh-CLANG[/I] A rush of air,followed closely by the clang of metal informed Blaze of the scene behind him. Itsure stood with his naginata drawn, the sneaky priest on the ground, a large dent in is frail helmet. "You should keep an eye out you know." Isture said, wagging a fingure at him tauntingly. "I thought I told you not to interfere!" "I forgot to tell you... I have no respect. For anyone."
Itsure was suddenly distracted by something... a build-up of what people in his homeland call [I]chakra[/I]. Almost forgetting the strange man in armor for a moment, he turned to see Kenmei sitting there. He had never seen her before. The man took this opportunity to snatch Itsure's naginata away from him (quite a feet, as it is nearly five feet long). Itsure's attention snapped back and he grabbed the naginata back, almost comicaly. The man wagged a finger at Itsure, "It's not nice to point blades in people's faces you know." this was obviously intended to get Itsure angry, but he rarely did. Kenmei was now watching them, semi-interested. A little ticked, but still calm, Itsure tucked the naginata back into it's strap on his back. "Hmph... you don't look like you're around here." the man thought this over while Itsure got the barmaid's attention and got a drink. "Well? It's not nice to keep people waiting."
Sorry, haven't seen anything past five either... jsut got four and five today (already read them both). And you're right, the plot line just keeps getting thicker! As for favorite characters, Asuka is the best! NINJAS FOREVER! *ahem* anyway, isn't it sad how [spoiler]Tatsuya get's transferred? I mean, what the heck was he thinking?[/spoiler] Anyway, I'm loving how it's coming along, especialy the variety of new characters being introduced so rapidly.
OOC: finaly! IC: Itsure watches this strange man wander into the bar, looking as if everything was unfamiliar to him. Actualy, the armor clad man hardly showed any hint of discomfort, but Itsure could tell. However, the thing that really attracted Itsure, was the possibility that this guy probably had a good sum of money on him. How else would he have gotten this armor? Smiths were few and far between, and for something of that quality... Itsure walked casualy into the bar, one hand tensing around his naginata on his back. He sat down two seats away from the armor clad man and slipped the naginata out of it's back-strap. Itsure pointed it directly at the warrior's face, saying, "I can tell you must be pretty wealthy... how about sharing?"
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]8:03 PM, Tuesday, 2812 Earth Time. Deep Space vessel 'Netalanis'. Log - Hedrin, Drew {Navigator}: Strange things happening today. At 4:23 AM, we picked up unusual signals just a few kilometers away from the Netalanis. We sent out a few salvage drones, and they came back with some kind of vessel in tow. When we got a close look, it was obvious it wasn't Earth-made. Our engineers weren't about to miss the chance to take apart an alien craft, so they started dis-assembling it. I don't know any details, but it seems when they hit a certain piece of the craft, a hatch opened up, and the got a look at some kind of cocpit. The strangest part is, there was a [I]human[/I] in there! Or what appeared to be human. After that, they apparently carried him off to the med-bay. Don't know much more. My shift's coming up, better go. {END LOG ENTRY} 8:37 PM, Tuesday, 2812 Earth Time. Deep Space vessel 'Netalanis'. Log - Truman, Phillip Dr. {Medical Officer}: We have inspected this seemingly Human body, at close analyses of the anatomy has revealed it to be extra-terrestrial. Excuse me, it is not a body. The alien is still alive, but in critical condition. On close examination, it appears our alien is de-hydrated and very hungry. It, excuse me, [I]he[/I] has not yet gained conciousness, and we hope he will not for quite some time, as we still must make several more tests... especialy to find out how this extra-terrestrial has aquirred such human looks (even down to bodily extremities). {END LOG ENTRY}[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Olive]75+81, Third Day, Minagey, 45+39 - Terris time. Satalite Outpost 'Quelinegis'. Data Input: Contact lost with cruising scanner 56-Ilku. Sending beacon signals. ... ... Response : Negative. Tcheilu'cos notified. ... ... Orders Recieved. Retrieve cruising scanner 56-Ilku. Dispatching Mid-class ship Dronicque. {END DATA INPUT} 75+96, Third Day, Minagey, 45+39 - Terris time. Mid-class Cruiser 'Dronicque. Captain Input: Search for 56-Ilku has been unsuccesful so far, but we have picked up strange anomolies on 56-Ilku's designated path. Proceeding to investigate. ---- 76+12: We have encountered unknown ship class. Appears to be alien. It is traveling not far from 56-Ilku's path. Possibility that this vessel has picked up 56-Ilku. Trying to make radio contact.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=Teal]~~~~ The story thus-far: An Earth ship has found an alien vessel, taken it aboard and discovered a person inside. Although he appears human, his anatomy suggests otherwise. Not too many light-years away, the Terristans have discovered one of their cruising space scanning vessel to have lost contact. They have dispatched a ship to find it. Now the Terran and Terris ships meet in deep space. First contact for both of them. What chaos will ensue? The Terristans appear much like humans, witch is the mane mytery in this RP... how do Terrans (humans) and Terristans appear so much alike? This you might find out if you join![/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] So... SIGN-UPS! Species: Human/Terran or Terristan Name: IF human, use a human name, if Terristan, then make one up! Gender: male or female. Age: the life span of a Terristan is about the same as a humans. Appearance: very basic. (remember, Terristans will not be wearing human clothes!) Place in society/Occupation: If a human, you have a job on the ship, if Terristan, your job could be anything from military to desk work! Personality: also basic. Be descriptive here! Bio: Not too short, but nothing that will take a decade to read! So.. here's mine! Species: Terristan Name: Idre'ten (idd-ray-ten) Seki Gender: male Age: 19 Appearance: 6'0'' with bright green eyes and dark brown hair thta goes down past his ears. His eyes are slightly bigger than a humans, but not by much. Idre'ten has a sturdy, tall build. He normally wears a traditional Terristan [I]Be'kai[/I] (like a tunic), colored dark red, and an olive green [I]frei[/I] (shirt)under that, and the same olive color [I]frees[/I](pants). But being on board of a human ship, they have put him in a white lab-coat. Occupation: Former military [I]Gedari[/I] (luitenant), now works as a deep space scanner. Personality: Good company, but rather morbid at times. He knows how to have fun, and does quite often, but he is also slightly philosophical. Having been in the military, he has learned to suppress "desires", but now tends to let go of that suppression since he is no longer a solder. Bio: At age 15, Idre'ten joined the Terristan military, and was a Gedari by the time he was 17. At first sick of the blood, then sick of the lack of it, Idre'ten quit and took on the simpler job of deep space scanning. Truth be told, it was rather boring, but at least he didn't have to be formal all the time. Everythign went relatively normal, until his small vessel's life-support went berserk, and he nearly died, passing out before being picked up by an alien (human) ship. He has not yet gained conciousness. Have at it guys/girls![/COLOR]
Darren was still scared, but determined now. [I]This will be the end of me... but I don't care anymore.[/I] he thought as he duck-taped his knife to a broom handle, effectively making it into a flimsy spear. Darren gathered his nerve and stepped outside... nothing there. He could here shouts of panic down the street, and the fading sound of a helicopter. Clutching the home-made spear close, he ran to where the shouts were. A scene of chaos met him. One dead creature, and a small group of live ones slowly approaching mustang with someone laying in front of it, and two S.W.A.T. looking people. The creatures were shoved out of his brain as he saw the military... he walked forward, almost crazed. "Oh, NOW you decide to show up?!" One of them turned, glaring at Darren. "DO YOU HAVE ANY ********** IDEA WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING?!" Darren couldn't believe they had stalled so long... did they think it was a joke? "Look, whoever you are, shut up and run! We've got a situation!" The military man shouted back. "OF COARSE WE HAVE A SITUATION, YOU DIP-*******!" One of the creatures now lunged at the two military personel, teeth bared. A frightened looking girl stepped out of the mustang and crouched near the bruised, bloody man she had apparently run over.
[COLOR=Indigo](You may have seen the thread in the movie forum by the same title... this is the other half) Dune, quite simply, is a legend among science fiction novels. It is not just a book, but an obsession! If you've read it, then you know. Or if you've seen the movie (witch I saw far before I knew it was a book) then you may know how awesome Dune is. Personaly, I've read the prequel (House Atreides) and loved it, though I've never actualy read the original books. The most interesting thing about how the series was written, is that Frank Herbert died before completing the series, so his son and a friend had to find all his notes on how it was going to end and finish it themselves! They've also made a number of prequels, including "Butlerian Jihad", "House Atriedes" and several others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]All shall fall before the Fremen. The Sleeper has awakened.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I'll be making another thread by the same title in the Literature forum, as this was originaly a book... well, a series of books. Anyway, who else has seen this movie? Or perhaps Sci-Fi channel's new version of the movie? The first time I saw the original Dune movie, I fell in love with it. It was just... such a great, nearly legendary movie! I mean, if more people had gotten interested in it, it would have been as big a legend as, say, Star Wars! Then, sci-fi channel decided that the movie needed soem serious improving (being older than even Star Wars) so they made their own version (witch is probably a lot truer to the books). Sci-fi's version was actualy very, very long, and was shown in hour long segments over the course of a week I believe. One thing you must understand about Dune... it is not just a good movie, it is a [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]way of life![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Behold my crys-knife! The mighty Weirding-Module! BEHOLD THE LEGENDARY SAND WORM!!!!![/COLOR]
A strange sound cut through the air, into a small, beat up apartment, with holes in the walls, and bloodstains from the horrors that had passed through. Darren huddled in a corner, just waiting until night-fall, when he would have to run again. But this noise persisted. Darren cautiously looked out of a window, fearing the worst -what if the monsters were already out? He could see nothing but the empty street. Whatever was making this noise was out of his view. It was like a low thumping, whirring sound... if Darren hadn't been scared out of his wits already, perhaps he would have recognized it as a helicopter. He sat back down on the dirty floor, clutching a knife. Whatever was out there wouldn't find him... he'd make sure of that.
OK... I'm here bogger3k... for the rest of you, he asked me to join... doesn't seem like you need any more people though... oh well. Name: Darren Teloha Age: 18 Gender: male Appearence: 6'0'' with blue eyes and short brown hair. He has a sturdy build and a knowing expression. He wears a dark blue shirt, a grey jacket, and black jeans. (sorry for the short description) History: Darren spent most of his time on a computer, as he specialized in making 'MIDI' files. It wasn't a real occupation for most people, so he worked part time at the local Wal-Mart(lol). His life was relatively un-interesting until the day hell broke loose. Now he's only managed to survive by running and hiding. His constant fight to live has led him far away from his own home, witch means he has no idea what part of the city he's in. Bad news for Darren. Weapon(s): A knife he was able to pick up off the streets.
:sip: ah, me very happy now... I am... THE DRAGON MASTER! :naughty: *ahem* anyway, again, very nice inverted colors. Normaly I wouldn't say this, but knowing that you used the pants for an avitar, that pic is funny! Heh heh...
:twitch: I've got a friend... named Matt... with ADHD... weird. Right, so that was probably the most perfect (does 'most perfect' make sense?) story of ADD ever posted... *sniff* be proud... be proud. lol Must have been tough trying to control someone four years older than you... like... chaos. It sounds like he had a pretty bad case of ADD. With most of us, it isn't that bad... well, most of the people I know... umm... no idea what the actual statistics are. Anyway... who knows of any other disorders, besides ADD/ADHD, asburger's, or any of the others mentioned above?
OOC: w00t! Two posts! lol... IC: Aaron was still engrossed in his book, but something nagged at the back of his brain. [I]helloooo[/I]. "Hey Aaron, you in there?" He looked up startled. Casey stood in front of his desk, looking slightly annoyed. "Sorry..." he said putting the book down. "Don't be... what-cha reading now?" Casey asked, sitting down in an empty seat in front of Aaron's desk. Aaron looked down at the book on his desk and said, "The Fall." It was the sequel to a book he had been shoving his nose into last week. Casey seemed saisfied with this and looked down at the cover. Seemed interesting enough. "Cassidy, please sit in your own seat!" The teacher's voice came from the door. Everyone was instantly quiet and Casey hurried to her own seat. Aaron looked over from his own seat towards Casey. He got that weird feeling in the pit of his chest again... he wished at the same time that it would go away and stay there forever. Such strange things happening to him lately.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Lol! You made it from pants? Heh heh heh... well, it's certainly... original. I can see what you mean about inverted colors... they are pretty awesome. PS: I do like dragons... just hope the mods don't kill us for saying this on this forum ^^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][I]A Monday morning at Horizon Elementary...[/I] Aaron stepped off the bus, bleary-eyed but with his nose in a book anyway, as usual. Mondays are the worst of the week... no one knows why, but they are. Everything seems to be going pretty good today though... Spoke too soon. The local bully is at it again... of course, every school needs a bully. Aaron didn't notice as he walked straight into Tom... the bully. He looked up and figured he was a trouble now. Tom just looked down and seemed about to start a fight... and Tom was in fifth grade, witch was bad new for Aaron. No other option... Aaron got an Atomic Fire-ball out of it's rapper in his pocket and threw the hot candy at Tom's feet. The AFB exploded on impact (about major fire-cracker size) and Aaron made a run for the school doors. The office was right next to the entrance, so Tom wouldn't dare start a fight there. Safe... Aaron tried to brush the encounter aside and walked on to his class.[/COLOR] OOC: go for it guys... and anyone who wants to be in another person's class can go ahead. The story should progress faster that way.
Yeah... umm... just fuzzy logic there. Doesn't matter though. Keeping the sign-ups open, but starting it anyway. Why? Because I'm itching to start it, and it doesn't really matter how many people we have. So for all those who haven't signed up, you still can, and for those who have, the time is coming...
Well, though those first two avitars were a litte... abstract, they were pretty. Not sure about the yellow and red in the first avi... but that's just me. The second avi is good, but... what is it? lol The banner is much better with a border, adn I just love that second banner... could I use it? Pleeaase? No idea why I like it so much... probably the inverted colors. the text is a bit small though.
OOooohh... fun topic. Alien series: Anyone who's seen it has to admit, this movie scared the crap out of them. The first one wasn't exactly top-quality, but like many other films of it's time, it was revolutionary. Being stranded on a virtualy motionless mineral-ore freighter (in space that is) with a nine foot alien with acid for blood stalking you is enough to make anyone run for a flamethrower. The Ring: A lot of people said this movie wasn't that great, but it scared the sh** outta me. The concept was so orignal too... I mean, c'mon, where else have you seen a [spoiler]depressed ghost-girl walk out of a television screen?[/spoiler] Ummm... I can't think of anymore. Oh well... it was fun while it lasted! lol
[quote name='Dragon Warrior']Wait! Is being very sexy a disorder? XD[/quote] No, D-Warrior, I don't think it is... we should research that. I would like to present the award for longest post on this topic to coconuts1977. Be proud brothah. Right, anyway... [quote name='coconuts1977']I think a lot of people are just brainwashed into thinking they have a problem. We're overmedicated and that's the bottom line. Media and other sources have just made hundreds and hundreds of 'disorders' for people who the pharm. companies can sell drugs to 'fix these problems.'[/quote] Very very good point. We may never know the truth, but it does seem everytime we get someone who's just way out of the ordinary, the psyciatrists and doctors have to make some wacky disorder for it. Hell, half the time it's probably to help some psycotic fruit-cake in a trial by pleading insanity... (lol, didn't mean psycotic.. then they WOULD have a disorder of some kind...) Or just to make money off of desperate parents wanting a 'cure' for thier 'abnormal' child. Or, maybe they're right, and all this crap does exist. Maybe the human mind is just that complex. But come to think of it, since humans are so complex, it's possible these aren't disorders, but just a different way of acting. Just likethe difference between a passive and an agressive person. The world may never know. -- Tootsie-pop copyright. PS: pardon my french.
RPG Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]
Muad'Dib replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
OOC: yes, we all know Runy is just a bit over-reactive... well... a lot. (believe me... I know.) IC: Kitcho whistled a little "Hey Mitzo! Where the heck did she go..." "Hey! Who's the smart-a..." "Sorry Shotoken..." Kitcho stopped his attempt at trying to yell at Mitzo and walked out of the cave. There were tracks in the sand... light ones, just about Mitzo's weight. "Hey guys... anyone seen Mitzo?" There came a small round of 'nope's and 'uh-uh's. That can't be good...