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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Wow... that's the best {BLEEP} story I've heard in a looong time. Well, it's not a story yet, but it's an excellent idea! At first it just seems liek your everyday fantasy manga.... then, you bring in this whole hate thing, and Anamok fading into our reality... it's awesome! I'd love to see it turn into a manga... promise you'll post it on OB when and if you finish it ~_^. As for character design, like pipopu said, screw around with different features until they look like what you want. Just make sure you have plenty of scrap paper. Hey, you could turn this into a very deep, sentimental story.... like going really deep into Anamok's thoughts and internal struggle. Just keep those creative juices flowin'.
  2. Alright, I know there's gotta be plenty of you guys out there who have a disorder like ADD/ADHD or Asburger's Syndrom (sp?), or other things of that kind. Well, I'm officialy calling ya'll out ~_^. Alright then, to the point. Having ADD (and extrmely mild Asburger's(sp?))myself, I know that sometimes these "minor disorders" can be 1)incredibly annoying at times, and 2) a hinderence to your social life on occasions. First off, how many of you have one of these? This means anything from ADD to, heck any disorder you can think of that isn't major. I mean, not that these disorders shouldn't be taken seriously, but, ya know... there usualy not too bad. Maybe give us a little personal history that might have been caused and/or affected by your particular disorder. Personaly, ADD has seriously handicapped my social life for well over... umm... since kindergaten I guess. BUT IT'S GETTING BETTER! Well, technicaly, the disorder never "get's better", but I'm adapting to it ^^. OK, I admit... half the reason I made this was to see how many people would go into the ADD/ADHD group, but this may lead to interesting discussion. Knock yourselves out... no, I didn't mean tha-... ohh, ouch.
  3. Rodney walked sullenly down the steadily darkening streets. He knew Hunter's house was just around the corner, but something held him back. It was like one of those feeling that tells you something that you're gonna regret is going to happen. He noticed a slight chill... damn, how can the spirits reach him all the way out here? It's the only explanation... they must be screwing with his head. Trying to shake the feeling, Rodney turned the corner and stepped up to Hunter's door. He knocked a few times and waited.
  4. "Is it just me, or are these illusions getting weirder?" Shotoken said, as a two-headed fury creature waddled by. "Man... youy said it." Kitcho said, watching a small horde of little people with bug wings flutter by. "Poe... go look ahead." The raven gave a little squawk and flew off, carefully avoiding the swarms of fire-flies on each side of the trail. About a half-hour later, Poe returned, slightly shaken. He perched again on Kitcho's shoulder and straitened himself. Poe turned and spoke into Kitcho's ear, "Much strangness. Danger."
  5. I could swear I've seen [I]this[/I] set up somewhere before.... lol... never get's old. Hey, you said there were three boys in the gang, right? Ya... Name: Rodney Sonisan (friends call him Rod) Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: He's 5'9'' with a slender, but strong build. He looks, to be blunt, kind of like a girl. At first glance, he could be mistaken for a very, very, very tom-boyish girl... with a small chest. He wears a black cap because of this, witch covers much of his face. He also wears a beaten-up grey shirt, under a dark blue jacket, black jeans, and shoes that are obviously hand-me-downs. Personality: A little seclusive, mostly due to his tendancy to be mistaken for a girl by really stupid guys. He only smiles when there's something funny, he only sleeps when he's tired, and he doesn't dance unless there's some music. ((heh, sorry for usin Remember the Titans quote)) Willing to be killed: ... ... uh... No. Bio: Rodney grew up in the not-so-good part of town. He never knew his mother (he assumes she either ran off or died) and his father, well, aint the best father. For most of his life, his brother took care of him, despite his numerous 'activities'. Disgusted by his brother, even, he left home about half a year ago. There wasn't much to do, and his life was in danger several times (once because some drunk guy tried to rape him...). Having no alternative, he looked for some kind of gang, though he prefered solitude. Luckily, he met what had to be the best d*** gang in the city. Ironicaly, it's because one of the boys in the gang mistakenly tried to hit on him. Family: Mom: ??? Dad: Frank Sonisan Siblings: David Sonisan Who: Street gang guy Weapons: A rather larg kitchen knife, and a lighter if he's desperate enough to use it. [COLOR=DimGray]EDIT: Here's a quick little example of wha he [B]might[/B] look like...[/COLOR] [img]http://susanooh.anime.net/Art/Class/02/face1_05.gif[/img]
  6. Japanese school, eh? Hmm... Name: Jacob Age: 13 Gender: male Looks: 5'9'' (nearly 5'10'' ^_^) brown hair (very messy most of the time) blue eyes. Ummm... I wear just about anything that appears in my closet... so whatever. Personality: T_T man, it's hard to judge yourself... uhh... pretty happy most of the time. Almost random bouts of depression... stupid zoloft doesn't work. Umm... a little shy around people I don't know... especialy girls... but you probably knew that. Grade: 3rd, right? Bio: Born in Houston, Texas (booya!) near most of my relatives. Had to move up to Missouri about six years ago. Never very popular in Missouri schools... maybe cause I'm from Texas or something... nah. Dad died a few months more than a year ago. There... short and sweet, right?
  7. Very good, especialy with the back-ground. Though you could have moved the image a little to the left, so you see a bit more of it, instead of that shield-thingy, or whatever that is. 8/10!
  8. Woops... my bad... Don't mind me, I'm just stupid ^.^
  9. Very interesting concept! Good idea, making a ninja dossier into a banner... lol. Though it might have been interesting if you had translated as much of the text as you could in the actual banner. That way you wouldn't have to tell us what it all means ^^. 8.5/10!
  10. ::looks around:: Let's just hope the rules aren't against it. Very nice Love ~_^-V
  11. Rodneyy sat up-side down for a while, thinking. Hunter was right he guessed... he should do [I]something[/I]. Man, it wasn't like him to just sit and be lazy. He decided, for lack of anything better to do, to see what Maria and Joey were up to on the computer. He was half-way across the room, when a shudder went down his spine... and aparently the other's too. They all froze and looked at each other. Some one was seriously screwed. "The Library." They said in unison.
  12. Kitcho lay still a moment, catching his breath. Mitzo had jsut killed nearly a whole pack of the damn things, and it had taken him and Shotoken that long to kill three. It was depressing in a way. Noticing the group walking away, he quickly hid his knife back in his clothes and ran to catch up. Walking at the back of the group, he wondered what those wolf things had been. It's not every day you see creatures with three heads. Suddenly, Poe squawked on his shoulder, aparently too frightened or surprised to use human speech. Looking back, ready for the worst, Kitcho saw... nothing. Poe continued his squawking, attracting the attention of the others. "Shut it Poe!" Kitcho shushed the bird. But Poe didn't let up. Kitcho looked back again to make sure. Still nothing. They had to grab Poe's beak to make him shut up. ~~~ A single wolf, two of it's head at it's side, limp, stood up shakily. The air grew dense around it, sending a feeling of dread and hopelessness to anyone around it, of witch there was none. In the darkness, it grew horrible... but they wouldn't see it change. Perhaps not until it was too late.
  13. Two words for ya... DUCK-HUNT! I'm surprised nobody else mentioned it... it's gotta be one of the original 'light-gun' games. Except you used the Nintento Zapper (R). Nothing satisfies a NES addict like sniping little pixelated ducks... and the clay discs. OK, so technicaly, Duck-Hunt came as a double-pack for Mario Bros., but that's OK!
  14. Actualy, I'm not including levels or anything like that, mainly because they're a hindrence to the story, but you can be any species, as long as it's actualy in D&D, and not something you made up. Thanks for signing up. Oh, and you reminded me about deities... for anyone who want's to worship a deity (or heck, just make your own) here's a few of them... Boccob: The God of magic. Corellon Larethian: God of the Elves. Ehlonna: Goddess of the woodlands. Erythnul: The God of slaughter. Fharlanghn: The God of roads. Garl Glittergold: God of the Gnomes. Gruumsh: God of the Orcs. Heironeous: God of valor. Hextor: God of Tyranny. Kord: God of strength. Moradin: The God of Dwarves. Nerull: God of Death. Obad-Hai: God of nature. Olidammara: God of rogues. Pelor: God of sun. St. Cuthbert: God of retribution. Vecna: God of secrets. Wee Jas: Goddess of Death and magic. Yondalla: Goddess of Halflings. These Gods/Goddesses were taken from D&D Core Rulebook 1.
  15. [COLOR=Blue]The Armies amass in the East. All manor of vial, humanoid beasts father in great numbers, trampling forests and villages as they go. The shadow of their wrath darkens the future. What will happen when the hordes are gathered in one spot? In the last Great War, the beasts nearly won, driving dwarves, elves, and humans alike from their homes, into woodlands and coastlines. But how? How have they regrouped in such numbers, in such short a time? It seems the Fourth Great War may be upon Fearun. Gnomes engineers are being recruited to make war machines, Halfling rogues and spies are scouring the land for hints of the horde?s status. They have already caused chaos, storming any community they cross on their path to the gathering place. Hob-Goblins, Orcs, Bug-Bears, and even knolls are said to be among the mass. The people of the West are desperately gathering recruits, anybody with an able body, to defend the land against the oncoming rage. But will it be enough? Chances are slim? ~~~ If you haven?t guessed already, this is going to be a Dungeons & Dragons style RP. However, this only goes as far as the setting and the different species/classes. We wont be using dice or spaces or anything of the sort. The basic plot is, there have been three Great Wars thus far. These wars were fought between the common civilized species (Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs) and the unruly barbaric species (Hob-Goblins, Orcs, Knolls, Bug-Bears, etc.). In the last war, the ?good? side was nearly defeated, driven into the far reaches of their homelands. Somehow, the hordes of humanoid vermin are gathering again, in even greater numbers, in the East. No one knows where they have found such reinforcements, but you will find out. You just have to? play.[/COLOR] ~~~ [COLOR=Red]For those of you un-familiar with some of the species, I?ll provide their names and brief descriptions. (It is recommended you read these descriptions anyway) Humans: Pretty basic. Humans are perhaps the most diverse of all the species, having very short life spans of up to 100 years, and constantly changing cultures. By other species, they are viewed with a mixture of apprehension and opportunity. Dwarves: Dwarves are shorter than humans, usually somewhere between 4? and 5?. Dwarves have a long-standing feud with Elves, but are known to get along with them if they must. Dwarves get along particularly well with Gnomes, who share their passion for engineering and underground. Dwarves reach maturity at age 50, and can live up to 400 years. Elves: Elves are the elegant, artistic bunch in the different species, and are also known for their skills with swords and bows. Elves almost always live in immense forests among their own kind. However, many elves live among humans and other species. Elves have a long standing feud with dwarves, but can get along if they must. Elves reach maturity at age 110 and can live to be over 700 years old. Gnomes: Gnomes are famous for their skills as technicians and alchemists. However, what they find most entertaining, is pranks. Gnomes are often found around Dwarves or Halflings. Gnomes live primarily in underground burrows near forests. Though they are hidden, Gnomes gladly accept most company. They reach maturity at age 40, and may live to be 500 years old, though most only make it to 350. Half-Elves: Also called ?Half-Human? by Elves, Half-Elves are welcome in both human and elven society, though they may feel out of place in each. If brought up by humans, an half-elf seems to mature slowly, and will out-live most of the people he/she grew up with. If raised among elves, he/she will seem to mature quickly, and will most likely be out-lived by everyone else. Half-Elves reach maturity at age 20, and may live to be 180 years old. Half-Orcs: Half-Orcs are what happens when the more wild humans live near a clan of more or less friendly orcs. Their heritage is obvious, due to the fact they look more like orcs than humans. Regarded as barbarians by most, and generally violent anyway, half-orcs tend to be the out-casts. They almost never live longer than 75 years. Halflings: Halflings are the smallest of the civilized species, and are usually regarded with some suspicion, though they can be very helpful. Most Halflings are opportunists and wanderers. A whole clan of Halflings may get up and move the community to a place where more opportunity arises. Halflings reach maturity in their early twenties, and may live for nearly 150 years or more. You may use any of the species above for your character.[/COLOR] ~~~ [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Next up is Classes. This is basically your character?s job or skill. They include? Barbarian: A wild man/woman. Often savage or crazy. Bard: They weave magic through music and poetry. Cleric: A mage that worships a certain deity (God). Has the ability to ?turn? undeed. Druid: ?One with nature?. Druids always live in forests, and know the laws of nature. Fighter: A master of war and melee combat. Monk: They constantly seek physical perfection. Masters of unarmed combat. Paladin: Much like a fighter, but only works for god or just causes. Usually has magic. Ranger: A master of hunting and stalking, the ranger knows his/her home forest like his/her own hand. Rogue: Mostly thieves and assassins, or simply very stealthy adventurers. Sorcerer: A magic user with inborn magical talent. Their powers are revealed to them at puberty. Wizard: Magic users without inborn talent, but use study and scrolls to hone their skills. You may have more than one Class, but it is not recommended.[/COLOR] ~~~ [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Now the moment of truth? SIGN-UPS! Name: Pretty simple? make it slightly medieval or gothic. Race: one of those mentioned above. Gender: male/female/none/both/whatever Age: take into account your species. Appearance: be descriptive. (pics accepted) Persona/mannerisms: how your character acts and/or outlook on life. Class: one of those mentioned above. Bio: a short or long history of your character. (should be at least five lines long)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Here?s mine then? Name: Aramil Teidinas Race: Half-Elf Gender: male Age: 20 (about 14 from a human perspective) Appearance: Aramil stands at about 5?10?? and seems rather lanky. He has brown, messy hair, and green, elven eyes. He has a shy, demeaning posture, and a slim build. He has the slightly pointed ears of a half-elf. Aramil wears a dark, ruddy, tight-fitting shirt under a very dark blue, tunic-like shirt, and similarly dark pants. He also wears padded boots. Persona/mannerisms: Aramil is very shy and unsocial due to his upbringing, and would rather sit and watch the horizon than talk with his friends (he has very few anyway). He is rather awkward around people, especially girls. He does have a certain finesse for planning and trickery however. Class: novice rogue and sorcerer. Bio: Aramil was born of an elven mother and human father. He hardly ever knew his mother, as she returned to her forest home, and his father died of a plague when he was only nine (seemingly younger for a half-elf). He was taken in by another family, but nevertheless, grew up shy. He began training as a rogue at the local ?academy?. However, even this didn?t turn over well, as his classmates matured at a much faster rate than he, being a half-elf. He didn?t understand much of his classmate?s behavior because of his slower rate of maturity. However, when puberty did hit, when he was 19, he discovered his talent as a sorcerer. He dropped rogue training, and began practicing magic. Aramil is still very lonely, in the social and love sense.[/COLOR] OK folks, your turn!
  16. :D YAAY! Thanks much MarkM, I was hoping someone could find a pic like that... A thousand thanks to yas ~_^-V
  17. Kitcho instantly sat upright. "Hey, Yeah!" food was always welcome. Shotoken tossed him a small loaf of bread, and Kitcho ripped a piece off for Poe. "So... what's this trail for anyway?" They all stared at him. "You don't know what's at the end of the thieve's trail?" Otto said surprised. "So? I've been in the back-allies of a worthless little town all my life, what do you expect?"
  18. My current avitar is pretty lame, so can anyone make me an avi with Bi-Ryu from the manga 'Now'? I'm not sure if you'll be able ot find a pic of him, so if not, any cool anime dude will do ~_^. Thanks in advance.
  19. Oblivious to most of what was going on behind him, Kitcho walked cautously forward, and Poe, now slightly sure that Malcome wouldn't attack him, fluttered around nervously. Mitzo, still putting on a good immitation of affection, clung to Kitcho slightly, and hopped up onto his back at one point. This left Kitcho a bit dazed, but they kept walking, marveling at the mass of fire-flys around them. "Hey, how old are you anyway?" Mitzo looked at Kitcho's face upside-down, still on his back. "Er..." He was taken off-guard, "I'm 19..." he said a little shakily. Mitzo thought this over a moment, before declaring she was only 16. [I]That's odd...[/I] Kitcho thought, [I]I thought demons were supposed to live for centuries...[/I]
  20. Kitcho slumped half-asleep out of the room, Poe fluttering around his head, trying to wake him up entirely. Kitcho hadn't gotten decent sleep for a while now, and the brief nap had been very much welcome. Looking around, he noticed the two newcomers. Poe looked nervous, even for a raven, and croaked in Kitcho's ear, "Falcon. Big, hungry." Looking around, Kitcho saw what Poe was talking about. A falcon rested on one of the newcomer's shoulder, witch ment Poe was gonna have to watch his back. "Uhhh... hi." Kitcho said a little sleepily.
  21. "Er..." Kitcho blushed visibly, and faltered a little. Even if she was a demon, a girl is a girl. Shotoken sighed and looked very slightly annoyed. "Well, I uhh..." Kitcho scratched his head with his free hand. Mitzo restrained her laughter, not wanting to blow the illusion. Poe shifted on Kitcho's shoulder and stared Mitzo straight in the face. "Fox... cunning. Crafty fox." Poe croaked in his incomplete raven dialect. "Poe, shhh!" Kitcho shushed the raven hurriedly, blushing even more. "Um... sure..." he said, turning back to Mitzo, having no idea what he was getting into.
  22. I am extremely sorry if this goes against the rules, but I don't remember reading anything going against it, so here goes. I recently got the manga called 'Now' and loved it, but that's not the point. I've searched relentlessly to no avail, and was wondering if [I]anyone[/I] knew where I could find a pic of Bi-Ryu. So far I've only found pics of the cover, and none of specific characters. I do believe it's a rather new manga, so there may not be many pics out there, but help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Kitcho just stood there. God, nobody ever noticed him anymore. Sometimes he felt liek strangling those stuck-up, high-and-mighty, well-to-do people. He had nearly run into all three of them, and they acted like he had never been there. Oooh, that ticked him off. By nature he was relatively passive, but thye made him so angry sometimes... "Fine ya jerks, go boil your heads or something!" Kitcho realized this was a pretty lame insult, but he was pissed. All three just stared after him, wondering who this boy with the raven was.
  24. OOC: one must also learn the rules of chaos... IC: Havin no alternative, Kitcho kicked the angry store owner in a rather sensative spot, and ran when he was released. He could hear the man yelling curses at him, but he did not follow, afraid to leave his shop un-attended. He looked back to see what the man was doing, and didn't see the rapidly approaching fight-scene. When he turned his head back to face front, he narrowly avoided colliding with a man holding a metal staff, and spun backwards, losing his balance. In the discord, he nearly fell on top of a girl, the lieks of witch he had never seen. Getting up, embarressed, Kitcho looked at the girl he had fallen over. He was surprised a moment, before he realized she was a demon. "Heh heh..." he said nervously, "Sorry 'bout that..." but the demon girl was watching the two men intently, both of them talking a fighting stance.
  25. Perhaps if Kitcho had payed more attention, he would have noticed the fox demon, and the attempted theft, but he was intent on his 'mission'. He crouched behind an ally wall, waiting. A few moments later, a raven, normal as any other bird, flew up and perched on his shoulder. "Little Security... easy." The raven said in a strange dialect, a little hard to understand, but it made sense. "Good job Poe... maybe we can get something decent tonight." Kitcho left the alleyway and walked non-chalantly into a small store. There were little valuables everywhere, and almost nobody watching them. Too easy. Without a second thought, Kitcho grabbed a few items that looked liek they'd be worth soemthing, and hid them in his clothes. After pretending to look around ofr a while, he strolled out, thouroghly pleased with himself. Poe, the raven, squawked once in alarm, but it wasn't enough warning. Kitcho was grabbed from behind, the shop owner glaring at him. Very nervous, Kitcho waved and said, "Uhh... hi." Poe started pecking furiously at Kitcho's captor, to no avail. "A little help here! Anyone!"
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