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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    Jerid looked up suddenly. Something was happening... with a rather formidable amount of energy. But part of it was familiar... yes, it was Torinte, Clesia's little dragon. But how could it produce that much energy? He had never known the little creature had such potential. Jerid stepped out into the open air, searching for the source. Slightly west of the fortress, several miles out, he could see flames and knew the build-up was there. Who was Torinte after...? No... it couldn't be... those two? Getting past his surprise, Jerid got ticked... they were [I]his[/I]. He had fought with them, he would finish them. Jerid walked into Clesia's 'room'. It was where she normaly was when not dealing with other matters. "Why did you send Torinte after the rebels? They were [I]mine[/I]!" "Be quiet Jerid, you can't reserve targets in this business." Jerid nearly turned red... "I'll make a deal with you... if Torinte fails, they're yours." Jerid smiled menacingly. Perfect. Now he just had to pray that Torinte couldn't handle the twins.
  2. OK, here's my attempt... [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Name: Isaac Age: 1,932 years Gender: male Species: angel Appearance: In a human form, he looks small and insignificant, standing at about 5'7'', and jet black hair. His eyes are a light shade of grey, giving the impression of being blind. He wears a dark blue long sleeve shirt and black jeans. In angel form, Isaac looks a bit smaller than most angels, and definately not as impressive. He stands at 5'9'', with a slightly lighter shade of black hair, and his dull eyes give a hint of blue. He wears a long blue tunic, and a much smaller green one over it. His wings appear darker tahn the average angel's, and have an almost pitiful span of 8 feet. He is bare-foot most of the time, keeping with the traditional angelic 'uniform'. Weapons/abilities: Isaac carries a long bow, engraved with pictures of different angels. He has no arrows visible with him, but can generate them when he uses the bow. Perhaps his only skill, he fires a single, blazing white arrow, witch covers the target in searing light, either burning them, or simply disinigrating. Bio: Isaac used to be called Trevalis, the angel of Honor. It was a widely unknown title, but a proud one. About two-hundred years ago, he approached Fate with a deal, and ended up losing his title, and his dignity. In shame, his wings shrank, and he changed his name to Isaac, meaning 'laughter'. He has despised Fate ever since, and it took him nearly fifty years to learn to fly again with his damaged wings. His grudge against Fate has never diminished, and he would be glad to take her down, or even better, shame her for eternity. Some angels have taken to calling him 'Never' for various reasons.[/COLOR]
  3. Wooh, this thread could go on forever. Anyway, overly-attractive girls can be, well, not so attractive in a certain perspective. I guess I'm with most guys when I say this, but I like the girls who are pretty, ya know, cute, but not like, **** she's hot. OK, that sounded a little immature, but that's how I see it. For instance, there's goota be dozens of girls at my school who could be considered, to put it simply, dead sexy. But thsoe aren't the kind you like to sit and look at because you like them, those are the kind you look at because their physically attractive, and that may be some guy's preference, but not mine. Just a quick example... my friend, who's name shall remain hidden, had no idea what this ertain girl was like. She was fairly attractive, and jsut your average girl, ya know? One day he got to talkin to her, and discovered that she liked anime. Suddenly, he was obsessed with her, and we've been teasing him about it ever since. Anyway, I guess that's all ^^.
  4. OOC: lol, people just keep on running into each other ^^ IC: Rodney knew he was late, but he suspected they would still be there. He ran down the side-walk, ignoring little complaints from by-standers. He had actualy found an interesting little bit of information on some weird-o site, and it could lead to something. He skipped into where the three remaining members of the group were, and started to say, "Hey gu-..." he got a look at Kris and fell over. "You... got a hair-cut?" He rubbed his head. She suddenly seemed very annoyed, and blurted out. "AHH! That stupid spirit... thing!" Now very cautious, Rodney looked at Paul, "I guess the ghost's getting a little itchy, aye?"
  5. Muad'Dib

    Birthday Girl

    OOC: I'm pretty sure I'm Leo... not sure what chinese one I am. Heh, over here it's Skate Port Plaza. IC: Seeing Ste-- I mean Skye, call him over, Jacob got his skates off as fast as possible and ran over to her. "Hey Skye." he said, smiling and blushing a little at the same time. "C'mon, you look bored. Lighten up!" She grabbed his hand. She was right, he supposed... he needed to loosen up a bit. He wondered silently what the song was called... he had no idea what any of them were called. Never listened to much music...
  6. Rodney at the moment... was asleep. Hey, he couldn't help it if his Language Arts teacher just droned on and on and on... [I]WHAP![/I] A ruler slammed on his desk. Rodney shot up, confused a moment. "Fifty-one?" A few students who were still in the class snickered. "Rodney, I would suggest getting to your next class before the bell rings. "Eh?" He looked around, noticing he was the last one left. "Oh... crap..." he jumped up, grabbing his binder, and ran towards the door. "By the way, call me Rod, Teach!" The teacher only rolled her eyes. In the hall, he noticed his binger had marks all over it... some prankster. No... they were... runes? Weird... He realixed he was wandering aimlessly through the half-empty halls, and tried to remember what his next class was... crap crap crap... he had no idea.
  7. Muad'Dib

    Down To Earth

    Isaac was about to go back inside, ignoring his senses (wich wasn't a smart move in the first place) when he heard an echo of a voice... but it wasn't normal. It was... a psychic voice. It was faint, and he couldn't catch the real words. He turned to John and Kayin, a questioning look in his eye. "Ya... I heard it." "Me too..." They all stood a moment longer. Then they all amde the decision at the same time... "Let's go!" Isaac bent low to the ground, his face a meer foot above the slowly cooling surface, and he ran. The other's kept up, but barely. That's the advantage of a life in the waste-land. Half way to their un-knowing destination, two girls passed by, going the opposite direction. A ping of something hit all three boys. They stopped and truned, to see that the two girls had done the same.
  8. Muad'Dib

    Down To Earth

    OOC: oh goody! IC: Isaac sat on a dusty bench, watching Kayin and John messing around in the YMCA. He didn't know what was so appeasing about this... controlled excersize. For most of his life, at least most of what he remembered, he had been in the bleak wilderness. Perhaps this is what warped his sense of 'fun' and so on. He didn't understand people. But the thought slowly came to his mind... [I]nothing's happening[/I]. This was indeed strange, as there were bombings and raid almost 24/7 around here... but there was just... silence. Isaac stood up, his blue eyes hinting at something odd. He walked out of the 'door' (it was now a big gap in the wall) and scanned the immediate surrondings with his eyes. Nothing seemed unusual... and the ground. It was... cooling off. It no longer felt scortching on his half-bare feet. A wind was coming in from the East, where most people came in from other places. He sniffed the air. All seemed normal... except, there was something strange about this one's smell. No.. three idividual smells, all with an odd quality to them. He knew that quality... it was the same he, John, and Kayin had. Then they were unique, like they were. "Isaac, what's up?" John asked, coming out of the YMCA. "Something isn't right." Isaac replied in a low, slightly scratchy voice.
  9. Ack... "too" many "quotes". OK, into tree-hugger mode... well, if you look at Earth from a certain point of view, it really is kind of a living thing, though in reality it isn't. You could say everything on it is just part of one big organizm, and every species is another organ. But that's not the point... the point is, most of the things we've "saved" are things we endangered in the first place. Speaking of witch, it's nearly ironic how we actualy use other animals as a tool for extincion. At least, we used to, and maybe we still do. I'm trying to say, a lot of the endangered or extinct species we've caused, were from taking animals from one environment, and putting them in another. For instance, frogs. There are several incidents in witch people brought frogs (wether on purpose or on accident) into an eco-system that couldn't deal with them, therefore resulting in sometimes extreme damage to the environment.
  10. Actualy, I think it's a manwha, but that's not important. I just got this one yesterday, and then finished it. Well, the art is very good, though the action scenes can be a bit confusing. The plot isn't exactly complex, but not so that you'd say it's generic. The way different characters react to each other is done almost perfectly, and the characters themselves are pretty well developed. The only thing I don't like about it, is that it's not done in the japanese "right-to-left" style. I'm very used to reading it that way.
  11. Critics say: "The Legend of Selda... uhhh... it's funny." "Perfectly insane. What would the world be like without Selda?" "Wow... crazy." "Excuse me, I just wet myself..." And that aint the half of it... right. Anyway, the second one was almost better than the first! Especialy the spandex... go spandex!!
  12. Rodney arrived at school with nothing but a few print-outs of possible excerpts from one of the books. He had no idea if it was authentic, or where it really was for that matter, but it was a start. Not seeing Hunter anywhere, he decided to catch him after school. As he was about to enter his first class, he noticed someone's binder floating a few inches off the floor... well, there ya have it... the school's screwed up. Ignoring it for now, he walked into his first class... Language Arts. Oh well... better than History.
  13. Muad'Dib

    Birthday Girl

    The others were all skating around in circles, wich of course was how it was supposed to be done, but I said it anyway, just to make this rediculous sentence longer. Anyway, as they circled by another time, Jacob got a small glimpse of Steph and Jason dancing. He wasn't angry or anything... maybe a little jealous, but that's what guys are like eh? Unfortunately, this distracted him just a bit to long, and he ran into the person in front of him. "My bad..." he said, regaining his balance.
  14. ::turns evil:: [COLOR=Red]NUMBER TWO[/COLOR]... [COLOR=DarkRed]NOW![/COLOR] lol... just make it quick! OK... uhh... ya... I'll be... over there...
  15. :laugh: That's hilarious! When did you come up with this stuff?! It's almost completely random, but insanely funny... you've gotta be gifted man. I like the way even the narrator plays a part... "Thanks a lot narrator!" " ...our young gay friend. Pink: I?m not gay!" Though you have to wonder what kind of copyright this might be pushing...
  16. Lol, I appreciate it Runy... Heck, go ahead and post 'em here when you get your scanner up... I'd love to see some of your artwork... anything that can help my 2-D semi-stick figures... lol, OK it's not THAT bad...
  17. Not to get off subject, but Mars actualy has quite a bit of frozen water, if I remember correctly... and when the sun does do all that, I'm guessing it wouldn't be so frozen anymore. Alright, one more comment... yes, we have the [I]ability[/I] to "feed" the planet, but look at us... how many people are gonna do so? Oh, there are organizations, and groups dedicated to reviving Earth... good for them, but it's likely that more than half of the general populous either doesn't know, or doesn't care. So how do we get them to care? We can't.... no matter how many people start doing it, it's not gonna be enough if people don't start listening, wich is almost guarenteed that they wont. Whoever said humans were a joke, was deffinately right... we're freaks.
  18. OK... I've got an interesting idea... I'll be editing my Bio... don't worry, he's still human though. Well, for the most part... right. Sorry for the brief spam...
  19. I don't mean to spam, but what's with all the animal demons? Were we supposed to be a certain animal or what...?
  20. Name: Kitcho Hakurai Age: 19 Gender: male Description: (I'll look for a pic) 6'0'' with green eyes and messy brown hair. He has a slim build, perfect for an escape artist. He looks younger than he really is, and uses it to his advantage. Kitcho wears a thick brown tunic and pale gray pants that are a bit too big for him. Bio: Kitcho grew up an outcast, mostly because his father had left his mother, who was almost always ill, and he had no choice but to steal life essentials. Through years of pilfering and stealing, he became a natural escape artist and very good at going un-noticed. When he was fifteen, he found a raven half-dead on the ground. He took care of the raven, and discovered it could speak. Since then, the raven has hardly left his side, and he calls him Poe. (lol). Little he knows, he is descended from a Bird demon, wich may very well be the reason this strange raven stays by him, or even found him for that matter... Weapons: A curved dagger, and whatever happens to be lying around. Companion: Poe, the raven.
  21. Make that three ^^ Except I don't go to your school...
  22. I think that jsut about anything played by the Beatles is beautiful, but htat's just me. Anyway, though they don't have words, a lot of the stuff we play in band is rather pretty music. Like 'Antares' and 'Tempest Rising' and one of my favorites, 'Cloud Nine'. Of course, you can't beat some of the japanese music in beauty... especialy some of the things they put in anime.
  23. [COLOR=Blue]WOO-HOO!! Let's have a big round of applause for Annie!! So, how was basic training? Tough right? Hm? hm? hm? Oh, hey, what's wrong with Texas? Great state... nevermind, I'm asking too many questions... WELCOME BACK! Hope you have time to go to the adventure forum every so often ^^[/COLOR]
  24. Alright Sensei, ya got me. I guess I was... excited, hmm? But I still say we're in way over our heads, just becuase we didn't know what we were doing to our planet until it was too damn late. Sure, we're taking measure to preserve Earth, but how much can they do? And how long is it going to take to change our ways to a more, 'eco-friendly' society? By that time, we will have caused even more damage, and though it can be reduced, the causes will always be there, and the Earth is gonna choke on it's own creation. Alright... as for "the human trait of killing each other", it may be brutal, but look at all the other animals. They hunt each other, sometime even killing their own species, but we have no natural predators except ourselves. If we really wanted to get back into Earth's rythem, we should just screw all this technology and go back to the pre-tool age. We hunt them, they hunt us, everything is more or less balanced. But we all know that's never gonna happen... at least in our life-times. So, Harry.... you think we can continue to provide enough food for the whole world? The Earth isn't a continuous rescource, and when we use it up, we're very much screwed unless we find another planet by that time. You say when China and India solve their population problems... hm. Well, I can only think of two solutions to that... one would be to move a whole lot of them into other countries, wich is pretty much already happening, and the second, is to blow em all up, wich is, of course, inconcievable by human 'standards'.
  25. Rodney flipped and hopped his way home, as usual, his partialy-sane attitude nearly fading with what just happened. Not so much the concept, but that Hunter guy... who's he think he is aye? Oh well... time to look for anceient books of magic. When he got home, he went straight to the computer, as his mom wasn't home yet, and typed in "Magic spirit books" in Google. The results were... crap. A bunch of loons trying to promote weird satanist clans... and one that said 'loser'. OK then, how about, "Ancient mythical books". This came up with a bunch of history nerds using long, incomprehencable words, and one that said 'man, you're stupid'. So much for the search engine...
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