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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Are you uploading them with something 'Raine-tech'? It could be that they're deleting your images because they don't fit the site's criteria for acceptable images. It's happened. Ya know, like if it's too big or something.
  2. OOC: aye, feel free to quote whatever... I generaly don't care. IC: "Hey 'Runue, let's go see Kano." Garren said, looking up at Arunue hopefully. Arunue thought for a second, then nodded. They held hands and dissappeared, materializing several feet away from where Kano was sleeping. Hiroshi looked up, surprised. "You two back? So soon?" he added the last part sarcasticaly, and they knew what he meant. "Shut-up Hiro..." Arunue said, walking over to Kano's side. Garren followed closely behind, and they watched him sleep for a moment. "Symoni must be good..." just as Garren said this, Symoni walked in behind them. "Oh... I guess everyone's here then?" She meant 'except for Toshi and Rein'. "Just seein' Kano." Arunue said, just before Hiro was going to say something along the same line. "He's got your eyes, 'Runue..." Garren said, still lookign at Kano. Arunue turned around, and looked down at theri son. "Ya... I guess he does."
  3. O_O You drew that? It's... awesome. Like Boo said, there's virtualy no flaw with it. 10 outta 10, definately! :blah:
  4. Well, it's definately brighter than the last one. I do like the back-ground effect. The flashing words are a nice touch, but you don't really have the right words, if you know what I mean. Good job with their names though. One thing... Zero's image seems like it's cut off, wich just kind of take away from the effect. Other than that, it's pretty good. I'd give it a 6 or maybe a 7... eh, I'll just say 6.5.
  5. OOC: yes... I'm, how you say, "gifted". lol IC: Garren and Arunue now lay on the sand, half alseep, despite it being nearly mid-day. They had their arms around one another, clinging as if they would fall through the ground if they let go. Garren's head leaned onto Arunue's shoulder, and Arunue tilted her head onto his. They both closed their eyes, lost in passion. A small wave of reality hit Garren, and he realized that anyone could teleport near them at anytime... that may take some explaining. Blushing slightly, Garren sat up slowly, and Arunue lay for a moment longer, then also sat up. "Garren...? Whatcha doin?" She said as if she had just woken up. "Just... gettin dressed..." He said quietly, grabbing an article of clothing. After waking herself up from the half-sleep, Arunue, too, began to dress herself. Perhaps the world would be a much better place if everyne was in that state, forever. No one would ever think of doing anything except.... lay there. The human race would die off, and the world(s) could exist in peace again.
  6. That's your [I]first[/I] try? Dang, it's good man! The background is pretty interesting... OK, so I'd give it a... 8.5? I don't know... I guess there's better out there, but still a very good job in my opinion.
  7. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    "Uhh... OK..." but Clesia had already gone. Jerid turned his head to the little dragon. "So little fella... what do you eat?" Torinte gave a little snort. "Okaay..." It was just his luck to be defeated by a couple of people ina forest, and return to be stuck baby-sitting a dragon. Oh well, such is life right? Jerid walked off and sat on a high wall, overlooking a vast plain, with dots in the distance that must be towns. With Torinte on his shoulder, he got up and slid down the nearly vertical wall. Torinte gave a small growl of annoyance and let go of his shoulder, flying down after him. At the bottom, the little dragon perched itself again on Jerid's shoulder and poked him in the head with it's snout. "Hey!" Jerid took a weak swipe at the dragon, but it flew off again. "Stupid animal..." Jerid was now at a lower level of the wall, with a rim sticking out for guards and archers to walk on. Pretty good view still. Torinte landed a few yards away, obviously annoyed with him.
  8. Just to help me get into some kind of poetic mood or something, I'm gonna make some poetry off the top of my head, and see what it comes out like... alright, since the best poetry is usually depressing, I'll start with that... oh, and feel free to comment, if you aren't too confused. [COLOR=Indigo]Softly in the dark I came, Remembering years of past forgotten shame, Something dark, darker than night, Comes into my blackened hieght, Of substance I can remember none, Maybe I was having fun, But something in the way it appeared, Caught my breath, and I feared, That years of shameless past, May come to mind at last, And all my struggling, forcing, weaving, Would come to none but grieving, And night would fall darker still, So at this thought there came a chill, And torture in my mind there was, Hardly there, but there still because, My fickle mind could not contain, The shameless past of forgotten pain, Louder, greater, crushing it grew, Till my heart would grow anew, Into something horribly sweet, That thing my eyes dread to meet, And I prayed for stalling, If God still hears my calling, And this dark creature mauling, Tearing out my heart and soul, Could it feel my pain and suffering, It must be numb, it's chillness buffering, That wich I could feel so vividly, And now that wich I watched to ridgedly, So that I prayed again for the Raven, That unholy creature in the dreams of Poe, will it, shall it, make it cry, Nevermore, that I may die, And this horrid suffering cease, So that I may contemplate my shame in peace.[/COLOR] ~END~ Woah... that was longer than intended... how do you like it?
  9. OOC: *cracks knuckles* time to get the creative juices flowin' aye? IC: Garren leaned into Arunue's kiss, putting his own arms around her. It had been a long time... he missed Arunue's touch. Slowly, the intensity of the kiss grew, and the passion grew between them. Garren stroked Arunue's hair, and the layed back on the sand, still holding each other. It reminded them of that night more than two years ago... the night that Kano must have been concieved. So they made love there, on the morning's beach. The troubles of the realms floated away for a while, and they only thought of each other... it seemed as if nothing would ever trouble them again. If only that morning of passion could last forever, and the worries of the worlds could be forgotten.
  10. [QUOTE]I kept on exceeding the 1500 word limit.[/QUOTE] GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! No, seriously... that's awesome. Right, anyway, I haven't read all of it at the moment, but you can bet I'll be comin' back for more... though depressing, it was very, very good. Well, in my opinion anyway. I liked the description of Danny... of how all the other people thought of him and so on. That's a gift... writing so descriptively. Use it. Seemes you already have... whatever. Keep using it.
  11. Garren and Kano lay on the ground, both alseep. Kano was curled up next to Garren, warming up to his new-found father. But of course, Kuroky couldn't let this continue... "Time to get up!!" Kuro nearly yelled, jumping on Garren's stomach. Wheezing, Garren sat up in the grass-strewn sand. "Kuro, when I get my hands on you..." but Kuro was already running away, skipping in the sand. Kano yawned next to him, and looked up. "Daddy..." Kano muttered, hardly awake. "Shhh... come 'ere little guy..." Garren lifted the sleepy Kano onto his lap and let him fall asleep there. He looked down into his son's closed eyes... he reminded Garren of Arunue. Something about this innocent little kid... Garrren's mind eventualy drifted to where everyone else was at the moment. While he was sitting here in the sand, something important could be happening. But he couldn't leave... not with Kano. He couldn't risk the kid. Then he remembered something... That day, several years ago... he had tried to cross, when he was still inexperienced and weak in the ways of crossing. He had only made it half-way... and he had paid for it. He floated there, in excruciating pain, for what seemed like hours, or years. Unable to hold him there, it had spit him back out into his home world of Imagination, but had left him without feeling. Only recently had he regained this, just after Arunue had died... the first time. He couldn't put Kano through that... his sensable mind said that it would never happen... he was good now. But the prevailing half insisted that it was possible... even if there was only a million in one chance, he would never take the risk. Looking down at the sleeping boy, he felt a single tear run down his face... his son would never have to face that.... never.
  12. ::deep breath:: [COLOR=Magenta][B]HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!![/B][/COLOR] Oh, hey, does my bio include being your lover, or just a friend? :D I'll just say close friend until ya say otherwise ^^. Right, here's... *gulp* me... [COLOR=Navy]Name: Jacob Age: 13 ((heh heh, for part of the year, we'll be the same age!!)) Gender: Male Appearance: (wish I had a pic...) about 5'9'' 1/2, blue eyes, and brown hair about,maybe, half an inch past the top of my ears. I'm kind of skinny, but not, like, disgustingly so... alright, I almost always wear jeans, and, well, whatever's in my closet... OK, a lot of long-sleeve, dark colored shirts, and a few hoodies... heh. I got a blue cap that says "Alaska" if the teacher's will let me wear it ^^. Personality: Right... uhhh... er, odd? Yes, that works well... OK, I just don't care much about a lot of things, if that means anything to you. But I do tend to be very, uhhh, excitable... depends on what kind of sense of humor you have. Bio: Right, I met Steph about a year ago maybe, but only realized how much a liked her a few months ago. I'm always thinking about her when nothing else requires immediate attention (and that's true!), and love to have fun with her... she's is very funny sometimes.[/COLOR] Hey Steph, how many of your family members are here anyway? lol, j/k
  13. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    OOC: nooo problem... IC: Perhaps Jerid would have sensed the presence of another, if his two opponents weren't charging their bodies to near thunder-storm level. He had to admit, it was quite a display. Though he knew it wasn't a smart move for any fight, he let them do this, eager to see the result. As the electricity levels pinnaceled, bolts of thunder went careening into the sky, fast enough to appear they were going down. The charge gathered in the sky, collecting cloud mass. Before long, a storm-cloud had formed and drenched the area. Jerid could feel parts of his fire being extinguished. He hated that feeling... it was like having your soul doused in grease... Rage flaring once again, Jerid ignited yet another ball of oxygeen, about eight yards in diameter. It surrounded him, and he could feel the heavy rain battering it's surface. He sent the orb flying around him, expanding in all directions. The brother and sister turned and fled the flame's reach. But now the storm was taking it's toll, and Jerid felt himself losing grip on the soggy oxygen. Worse yet, the clouds charge seemed to be helping along the two electric elementals... this was not his day. He took one last look at them, gathering in as much detail as possible, and left at top speed, hardly a blur in the forest. An imense heat-haze was all that he left of his presence. But he would be back for those two... they had pushed the line one inch too far.
  14. Dang... wish I could draw like that... Well, I remember you used the first one in an RP... and the rest are pretty impressive. The Gundam is obviously a little.... not-so-good. Better than many could do, but not as good as the others. The second to last one, Tanaka, was good, bu didn't seem as... hmm... I don't know. Good job dude.
  15. Crap, this one sounds fun... I need to check recruitment more often -__- Name: Rodney Aaron (Nick-name: Crazy...) Age: 14 Gender: male Spells: Senzo, Grid, Fearos Effects: Senzo: Emits a stream of mental beams, that twist around who-ever it's directed at. Grid: Basicaly, a spell shield, deflects other spells. Fearos: A flame spell, it emits anywhere from candle-inensity, to an veritable inferno. Description: (try and find a pic later) Sky blue eyes, and dark brown hair, at nearly nose length. About 5'10'' and not incredibly formidable looking. Though he despises it, he wears the school uniform. Bio: Enjoys being the school nut-case, and never let's down an audience. Though he's found that being insane is best kept [I]away[/I] from teachers. When not making somebody choke with laughter, or flirting, he's probably, well, in trouble. But depsite that, he enjoys catching up on sci-fi, with the limited supply he finds within the school. He tries to make everyone happy, but has made several not-so-friendly aquaintences in his attempts. Somewhere in there, he's actualy very philosophical, but he prefers not to let it show.
  16. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    OOC: Thanks DR17... I've pledged my life to Beatles music ^^ well... kind of... nevermind... IC: Jerid sat down in the grass, relaxing. Well now, this couldn't be aloud. They had made him angry now... though you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. It wasn't that hard to find them... there wasn't too many places they could go. [I]Foouund yoouu...[/I] Jerid tapped into his fire element... the forest was gonna be so fun to burn. In a veritable fit of rage, flames unleashed themselves upon the trees, and a stream of compressed fire shot forward at the two. Both of them instantly leaped aside, missing the searing funnel by mere inches. "Ah-ah-ah... you made me angry... you don't run away from me." Jerid said playfully, yet with an undertone of pure malevolence. "You don't give up do you?!" Kayin yelled over the sound of falling, burning trees. "Nope." As the pair came at him, swords drawn, a fresh wave of oxygen ignited, and they were forced back by the pressure of the flames. The surrounding forest was now ablaze, and several trees had already been burnt to near ashes. OOC: me pyro... me veeery happy with flamies... :twitch:
  17. OOC: I don't mean to be, well, annoying, but Skiito... being the creator, Arunue DOES sort of get a copyright on it. Even if it's not official, it's common curtesy anyway to ask the creator of a storyline before cropping off from it... just thought I'd say that... for the helluvit... IC: Garren watched Arunue dissappear and turned to Kano. "So kid... what do ya like to do?" Kano seemed to have to think hard about this, like most children do, and finally said, "I like to play!" Typical toddler answer... Oh well. He'd find something to make the kid happy... "Daddy... where do babies come from?" Garren very nearly choked. When he spoke, he voice was a little more high-pitched than usual, "Kano... who told you to ask that?" Kano only shrugged and put on a little happy face. Of course, for Kuroky, this was his que to poke him in the back of the head.
  18. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    "Hey, this is looking more interesting than I thought it would... who trained ya anyway?" Jerid said, as if it was a casual visit. "That is none of your business!" The man called out angrily. Jerid wondered why everyone was so high-sturng around here... The girl suddenly released another volley of shurikens, and the man drew his sword and darted around to Jerid's left. The shurikens were easily delt with... deflecting three, dogding two, and catching the last one to chuck at Kayin as he moved in. Kayin ducked his head sideways just in time to avoid being skewerd by the shuriken, and met Jerid's balde with his own. Leaving no chance for counter attack, Jerid shoved the blade up, and jabbed low with his own. Kayin jumped back, but Kristen now moved in. This is gunna be fun.
  19. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    OOC: I have nothing better to do, so time to crash the party! IC: Jerid walked through the forest, wondering what to do today... and happened to stumble across Kayin and Kristen. "Hmm..." Jerid said aloud, "Hello... I suppose you're resistence?" They looked confused... "Who are you?" The man said. "Well now, that depends on who YOU are!" Jerid replied, happy as ever. The man seemed to consider this, and finaly said, "I am Kayin... this is my sister... now who are you?" Were they resistence then? Eh, close enough for Jerid. "Well, I would happen to be Jerid, of the Queen's army... sorry, but I gotta kill you now." Both their jaws dropped... who was this guy to walk up so casualy and say he has to kill them? Of course, not many people in this land even knew the name of the Queen now invading, much less himself. Too bad... they didn't look so tough.
  20. lol, Ya made this one on S.T. too... yes, now I know your OB identity... heh, you don't seem so random anymore... Name: Kaisek Lairein Age: 34 (appears about 18) Gender: male Race: Demon :devil: Bio: Kaisek was born from a demon mother, and a vampiric father, wich ment he was not only different, but not quite right in the head. Although for the most part sane, he didn't think like everyone else... different situations would enduce different thoughts. He aged slowly, being mostly demon, and seemed acceptable to neither vampire or demon society, though this may only be because of his oddety. He has retained that demonic oddness of his mother, and, though he does not have to drink blood, his father's lust for mystery and blood. He keeps away from most people, and the "good" side was not even aware he existed for a very long time. In a last attempt to remane in his own dimension, Kaisek had hidden in a human building, living off of whatever wandered by, until he could stand it no longer, and was thrown into the gate. Personality: He is solitary when no opportunity presents itself, and tends to ignore people who think he's strange. He does not get angry easily, but takes offense to teasing. Of course, he's also a bit of an odd-ball. Appearance: (I'll try and find a pic later) 5'11'', with one dark violet eye (his mother's) and one deep green (his father's). Black hair, that comes down to chin-heighth in a scraggely mess. He wears a woven brwon cloak, dirty and torn from wear, a red tunic, and blue jeans. Weapons: a jagged knife that can shift into becoming a spear (ever seen Prophecy 3?) Other items: a lighter, and a book called "Bible", though he has no idea that it is actualy a religous book. Special Traits: Demonic qualities allow him to balance himself on almost any small ledge, and his spine seems to have odd cricks in it at random spots. Powers: very slight fire control (nothing spectacular) and a blind-sighte ability. Social Class: Odd-ball
  21. OOC: ::creepy music plays:: on a sma ll beach... *bum-bum* ... four innocent people... *bum-bum* ... and then.... KUROKY! *dun-nun-nun-nun* Oh, right, post... IC: Both Garren and Arunue turned and glared at Kuro. He was un-phased... Kuro continued to amble through the midst of them, making faces and odd remarks. "Is he always like that?" Garren stroked Arunue's hair. "Ya... he's [I]always[/I] like that." Garren watched Kano run around the grassy beach, childish light shining in his eyes. How could he have never known... such a funny little kid too... [I]his[/I] kid... [I]their[/I] kid. "KUROKY! STOP THAT!" Riv[al-Niche] yelled anoyed. Kuro had bitten off more than he could chew this time... or not. Riv chased Kuro around comicaly, following his moves almost exactly. Arunue burst out laughing at the two of them, Garren just shook his head.
  22. OOC: heh... you should've told me to stay alive... I didn't many other options... besides, dying is fun! IC: Garren was thuroughly confused... again. His death didn't last as long as he thought it would... but the important thing was... "Arunue..." Symoni finally released Arunue as she turned to Garren, Kano still in her arms. Garren embrased her, even though she had obviously been annoyed with his suicide attempt. For the first time, Garren notived Kano... "Who's...?" Arunue looked down at the five year old, anxious to leave his mother's arms. "Garren... when I left for those two years... I... oh, for Allah's sake, he's our child!" Arunue blurted out finally. Garren only stood stunned... they had... a kid... and he had never known... "Arunue... how... why did...?" "He died..." This shocked him even further. But it seemed logical now... Arunue had left, had their child, and after he died, never told Garren... he wished she had. Looking down at the boy he said "Hey... what's your name little guy?" his voice shaked a little. "I'm Kano!" he said, happy as ever, "are you Daddy?" Garren kneeled down so he was level with Kano. "Ya... I'm Daddy..." OOC: I did get that right? Right... bleh, your turn! ^^
  23. Battlefield 1942... the only name you need to know bro. (hey, that rhymed...) Yes, that's my favorite, yes you play it online, I would DEFINATELY recomend it, and it does involve sniping, wich I suppose counts as stealth... If you don't mind, here's some other crap about it... heh, it's the newest (besides all the MOH games, but that's a series) and most realistic (by far) war game to date. At least that I've heard of... anyway, as you could have guessed, it's a WW2 game. At the start of each battle, you choose wether you are Axis or Ally. Ally: USA, Britain, Soviet. Axis: Germany, Japan. Then you choose what type of solder you are... Assault: Assualt rifle, pistol, grenades, knife. Scout: Sniper rifle, pistol, grenades, knife, binoculars. Medic:Sub-Machine gun, pistol, knife, grenades, med-kit. Mechanic: Rifle, pistol, knife, grenades, land mines, remote explosives, wrench(for repairing vehicles) I think I got em all... well, I've said enough... bye bye.
  24. OOC: O.O.... I have a son... wow... so I guess Garren and Arunue were a little closer than we first thought ^^ lol.... ya, I'll post now... IC: The snow fell in thick flakes around Garren, slowly forming clumps on the barren earth. He sat on a rock, standing out like a beacon in a world of grey dust. How this realm had changed... he found himself wondering what this was all for. His home world is hopelessly lost, his friends are slowly being corrupted by their seemingly rightous missions, and his love is dead. What had he been talking about back there? About their cause? What cause was that? Kuroky was no longer here... he stood no chance of learning the ressurection chant. Thinking hard, he could find no reasons left... He had no purpose to live anymore. He thought of something an old friend would have said... "You always have a purpose... even if it is just to keep the memory of your life alive." or something like that... what a croc of ****. He sat there for a long time, the snow building to nearly an inch. He debated amongst himself wether or not he should kill himself. It was seeming more and more inviting... but the other side of his head continued to struggle for it's self-rightous purpose of survival. Garren never could stand self-rightous people... He still had Arunue's blade. It had served them both well. Thinking of no other, less brutal way to do it... he impaled himself in the heart. There was a moment of blood splattering pain, and his eyes opened wide, pupils dialating. And his concousness faded... faded into oblivion. Now... where would his soul go? He had never murdered anybody, or commited an act against some one else's soul... so the dark pit shouldn't be his destination. So where was he going? Some other world... maybe there would be someone waiting for him there...
  25. OOC: stories, stories, stories... geez. IC: Garren stood alone in the Realm of Imagination. Toshi had been transported somewhre else, and Rayne had been sent back to the death realm since he had only been revived for one purpose... and that purpose had been prevented. At a thought, Garren made it rain. He liked the rain... he never had realized why... or maybe he had just forgottten. Yes, he remembered now. He had first met Arunue in the rain. ~Flash-back time baby...~ [I]Garren, thirteen, ran through the soaking street, an abandoned news-paper over his head. He was trying desperately to get to school on time... the chaotic mad-house of crazy students that the Realm of Imagination claimed was school. It wasn't far now... And there she stood... outside of the door, waiting for someone... Garren paused a moment, looking at this girl. Her hair was thrown back and dripping from the rain, and she had that escense of beauty you can only find after a storm... when she noticed Garren, he caught his senses and walked inside. She had been waiting for Hiroshi, on her first day at a new school.[/I] ~~~~ Garren changed his little weather pattern again... there was a single flach of lightning, and the dark storm clouds disappeared, to be replaced with bright sunlight... soon blotted out by grey snow clouds. Such control... some people could see all sorts of philosophy in that little peice of control. Garren... Garren saw depression.
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