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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]I've been watching Zero Punctuation ever since X-Play started showing previews of each new review on the show. I have to say, it is the best thing to happen to video game reviewing since... well, since something else awesome happened. Well, it's great in certain ways. Certainly Yahtzee is hilarious, but I sometimes question his judgment. When he reviews sh***y games that are over-rated or just plain horrible, he has a knack for pointing out everything that's wrong with it. The problem is, he does the same thing with really [i]good[/i] games. While I don't really think Yahtzee's reviews are meant to be taken very seriously, I can't help but feel he's doing some kind of injustice by calling (for example) Oblivion the least immersive RPG ever. That said, if you don't take them seriously, it doesn't matter what he says about your favorite games. It's just funny.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]W00t. I feel like a regular game reviewer already. Just a heads up 8bit, the code on the world page is faulty. Things like [*indent] are showing in the text. [U][B]Fable:[/B][/U] [B]Overview[/B]: Fable was a highly anticipated game long before it came out, as the developers claimed it would be a revolution in non-linear gameplay, and the player would have an unprecedented amount of control over the events in the game based on their own actions. While this turned out to be a gross exageration, Fable itself was not a bad game at all. Despite the fact that the gameplay was only slightly less linear than your average Final Fantasy game, and the only real bearing your in-game personality seemed to have was which people liked you and which people would run away screaming, it is one of the most popular games for the original Xbox console. It had a comfortable amount of character customization and a story that, despite its cheesyness, tended to draw the player in. And of course, you could give people the finger. That alone should make it a legend. [B]Gameplay[/B]: Fable starts you off as a small child, running around doing errands for town people (or punching them in the knees if you prefered) and earning points with your good old dad. From there it moves on to your life in the hub of the world's action, the Guild of Heroes. You'll start off with menial tasks, such as clearing the forest of beetles and practicing with your sword, which all builds up to your first real mission as the Guild shoves you out into the wide world of Albion. This first mission is one of only a few points in the entire game when you have a choice of what to do. You can take the good side of the mission and earn points with the locals, or be evil and assist the bandits for extra cash. Either way, it doesn't particularly matter in the long run. Any good/evil points you earn here can eaily be reversed once you have free reign over your actions. This is somewhat disappointing, as it would be nice to see some obvious manifestation of your choice to take the moral high ground. But alas, no one seems to really care. The actual combat is very simple, but still entertaining. You have three types of attack (melee, ranged, and magic) and a block button. Each method of attack is done with only a single button, (though magical powers can be mapped to three seperate buttons) and there's really only one set of melee combos. However, the experience still manages to be fun. You have a good deal of movement and can quickly switch between different forms of attack, allowing you to catch the enemy off guard. You gain strength through an experience system that builds up points during combat, and then lets you trade in those points for increased ability. Theres plenty of upgrades to choose from, ranging from an assortment of spells to increased strength or attack speed. It gives you a real sense of progression, especially since you get to choose what areas to improve in. Another interesting addition to the gameplay is the moral system which, as previously mentioned, assigns you good or evil points based on actions you take in the game. While this doesn't have any real impact on the path you'll be taking or your combat style, the reactions of your fellow townspeople can be pretty entertaining, and when you go far enough in either direction of the spectrum, your character's appearence will start to reflect their personality. For instance, if you become evil, you'll start to grow horns. Or if you choose to be a good guy, you'll glow with angelic light. [B]Story[/B]: As I've already said, Fable's story is a bit cheesy. It's a pretty standard tragic fantasy tale of a boy losing his family and seeking vengeance years later. Nevertheless, it's told through a series of tapestry-style cutscenes that emerse you in the game's mythos. You can't help but start to feel sympathetic for the main character and end up truly wanting to get your sweet revenge. The world itself is what you'd expect of a cartoonish fantasy game, very stylized and not a ton of depth. But it does provide a decent backdrop for the events of the game. In short, it gets the job done. [B]Graphics[/B]: When Fable first came out, it was pretty good looking. It's graphics weren't anything to get excited about, but they were fun to look at. It has plenty of colorful little effects and the engine offers just enough character detail to give a clear distinction between NPCs and make your own character look d*** good. [RIGHT][B][U]Judgement[/U]: Overall - 7.5/10[/B] [I]Gameplay[/I] - 7/10 [I]Story[/I] - 8/10 [I]Graphics[/I] - 6.5/10 [I]Replay Value[/I] - Moderately High[/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'd very much like to see your vision become a reality, 8bit. Here's one for you. If this keeps going I'll have more later. [U][B]Army of Two:[/B][/U] [B]Overview[/B]: Army of Two is a classic example of a game that did [i]not[/i] deliver on the promises its developers made. The concept seemed simple enough: make a game that focuses entirely on cooperative play and offers a visceral experience for two players working together. Unfortunately, the execution of said concepts was not a good one. The gameplay is average at best, and uninspired and clunky at worst. The story is unengaging and often very cliche. While it does tend to inspire teamwork between players, it doesn't offer anything that a game like Halo (or any other shooter with co-op) does much more effectively. [B]Gameplay[/B]: Army of Two's core gameplay is dull and repetitive, offering just enough entertainment to be a passable shooter, but not near enough to be the blockbuster game it had aspired to be. The aiming is stiff, and it's almost impossible to hit someone at close range. The makeshift cover system feels awkward, especially when trying to peek around a corner. The game doesn't give you any indication that you're using cover accept that your camera shifts slightly, while your character remains in the exact same position. Most of the weapons feel the same as you fire them, and for that matter sound the same. The only difference between them seems to be how much damage they do. Enemies are not intelligent at all, doing little more than standing there and firing continuously at you and occasionally taking cover. The game apparently tries to make up for all this by forcing you to perform a slue of meaningless, mini-game style actions such as the 'back-to-back' shooting moments which essentially makes both characters immobile and practically immortal while enemies come running at you in slow motion. Or 'co-op sniping' which makes both players attempt to use their sniper rifles at the same time on the same or adjacent targets, tasks that would be just as easily done by a single sniper, leaving the other player free to use their primary weapon. The few situations that would actually require two people to complete are pretty lame, and seem like they were added into the level just to give the players an excuse to do something together. [B]Story[/B]: The plot of Army of Two is essentially pointless, and while their are some pretty bad-*** cut-scenes, the story itself has no bearing on the gameplay (besides determining what color uniforms your enemies will be wearing) and is often annoyingly cliched. The characters are all worn-out archetypes (i.e., the hard-nose commander, the sneaky, unlikable traitor, etc.) and the playable characters are determined to make stupid, predictable comments throughout the game. The humor thrown in for our (supposed) amusement is childish and flat. You're best off ignoring the story altogether, and trying your hardest to drown out the voices of the main characters. [B]Graphics[/B]: Here, at least, is one thing Army of Two got right. It is pretty game. However, it's not pretty enough to excuse it's inherent gameplay flaws. Levels, even though they are boring to walk through, usually look good. [RIGHT][B][U]Judgement[/U][/B]: [B]Overall - 5/10[/B] [I]Gameplay[/I] - 4/10 [I]Story[/I] - 5/10 [I]Graphics[/I] - 8/10 [I]Replay Value[/I] - Moderate[/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Jacob stared as Skye ran off, touching his cheek where her lips had touched. [i]She said she was sorry.[/i] He knew there was only one thing she could be talking about. Had she forgiven him for that night? Did that mean they were back together? He stood there wondering so long he almost let the elevator door close in front of him. He hurried out and took a deep breath. She hadn't given him a chance to respond... As he approached the door to his room, he saw Kiruna was already there waiting for him. Kiruna smiled again as Jacob unlocked the doro and they both went in. "Here, I'll take that," Jacob indicated his suitcase, which he relieved from Kiruna and set down on the floor next to the room's bed. He would unpack later. Kiruna sat down on the low dresser across from the bed, looking distracted. Jacob sat down on the edge of the bed. "So what have you been up to?" he asked. Kiruna came back to Earth, "Oh, you know... this and that." He seemed about to ask something, but Jacob was too oblivious to notice. "Well, I guess we should go check up on everybody, eh?" Kiruna said as he stood up. Jacob smiled and agreed. As the entered the hallway and Jacob closed the door, Kiruna turned to him and said in a casual tone, "So what's up with you and Skye?" Jacob, startled, only emitted a "Huh?" "Well, I thought you two would arrive together, you know... I know you're not exactly constant, but you're still pretty close." Jacob rubbed the back fo his neck and let out a sigh, "Well... we're not on the best of terms right now I guess. It was my fault really..." "What happened?" Kiruna looked concerned. "It... I missed a date." Kiruna didn't comment. Jacob continued, "But... she... apologized, in the elevator. But, it's... I feel like if I try and ask her if she wants to be together again, she'll just... I don't know." Kiruna gave him a sympathetic look, "Sexual tension sucks, huh?" Jacob took another deep breath, "I heard that."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]OOC: I've got no idea who or what caramell dansen is.
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The gang from Scooby Doo versus L from Death Note. Who can solve the mystery first? It's not exactly a battle or anything, but I guess it's not so different from what you're suggesting with Lupin III. Anyway, I don't think Shaggy and the gang stand much of a chance. Kenshin Himura(Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X) versus Beatrix Kiddo(Kill Bill). Both use over-the-top sword skills against hordes of opponents. Their personalities don't really match up, but who cares? It would be an epic clash. I feel so nerdy right now.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='The Mask'] Most recently, I had been deeply affected by the death of [SPOILER]Light Yagami[/SPOILER] in the Death Note anime series. Now, I don't mean to anger the fans of his rival, who also died in the show. It's just that [SPOILER]Light[/SPOILER] was the character that I related the most too, and not the other.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I agree. While [spoiler]L's death[/spoiler] was surprising and tragic in its own right, I was much more affected when [spoiler]Light bit the dust[/spoiler]. Somehow it struck me with a immense sense of injustice. [spoiler]Maniacal though he was, I don't think Light deserved to die for his ideal of a peaceful world. The manner of his death only made it worse[/spoiler]. Still, it was a great ending to a great series. One of my personal favorites is [spoiler]Lord Dio[/spoiler] from [B]Last Exile[/B]. He wasn't that unlikable, and the fact that [spoiler]he died with barely any sanity left and crying out for his lost friend[/spoiler] made me very sympathetic towards him. I could also name several from [B]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B], but the most notable I'd say is [spoiler]Asuka as she's being torn up by the bird Evas in The End of Evangelion movie, even though she's mysteriously alive again at the very end[/spoiler]. I've always liked NGE for it's raw emotion. [B]EDIT[/B]: Ah, I completely forgot [spoiler]Dr. Akagi![/spoiler] She's deffinitely the most memorable from the NGE series. It's been too long since I've seen it.[/COLOR]
[font="franklingothicmedium"][COLOR="Navy"]You're totally going emo. [B]Name[/B]: Jacob Hillman [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Description[/B]: Jacob stands just about 5'11'', has short, dark brown hair that tends toward curls when it starts to get long and dark blue eyes. His build is very average, as he's not athletic at all. He has a round face with a very sraight nose and slightly sloping eyes framed by rectangular rounded glasses. Stubble pokes out around his chin, making him appear older than he is. He almost always wears blue jeans or cargo pants (even in the summer) with various t-shirts. [B]Biography[/B]: Over the years, Jacob has tried to branch out as a person, becoming more open and outgoing. Nevertheless, he is still socially awkward and prefers the comforts of home to most outside activities. Stress with school has been compounded by a fluctuating relationship with Skye and his struggles to get a foot in the door of the Computer Graphic industry. When he thinks about where his future is going, he tends to get depressed, though he tries his best to put on a cheery front for everyone.[/COLOR][/font]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I was playing [B]GTAIV[/B](for 360), but after completing the missions it started to get a little dull. I've always enjoyed roaming around GTA environments, but I'll be doing far less of that because there are so many other good games to play. More recently I'm playing [B]Call of Duty 4[/B] and [B]Rainbow Six Vegas 2[/B] (also both for 360). I've had both of these games for months, but I'm still obsessed with the multiplayer, particularly ranking up and gaining equipment. [B]Team Fortress 2[/B] (PC) still takes up some game time on the weekends, but I really have to be in a mood to play it. My computer chair isn't very comfortable.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I don't think there's any debate that Adobe Photoshop (most current version is CS3, I believe) is the premier photo editor. It's easy to use, has a huge variety of functions and, I thought, comes standard on most Macs. If you're using a Mac you probably already have it. I don't personally own a Mac, but we use them in my Digital Graphics class, and the huge spectrum of things you can do even with a blank image is astounding. Simple changes such as size, rotation, and opacity can be done with minimal understanding of the program, and most other functions aren't too much harder to grasp. It also comes with a selection of 'filters' which morph the image in various ways and can add some impressive effects to your banner. Best of all is the 'layer' system which allows changes to seperate parts of the image without affecting any others. Hope this helped.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B]Early Years:[/B] When I was young, I didn't listen to a whole lot. I remember distinctly that the first actual band I ever showed an interest in was the Beatles. Real old-school. This was mostly because my dad was a Beatles nut, and he sort of passed it on to me. For quite a few years, the Beatles were pretty much all I listened to. I was (and still am) very picky about what I would listen to, and never really bought any CDs. [b]Awakening:[/b] Finally, around middle school, I let my music tastes start to branch out. I discovered that I really liked what I would later learn was Alternative Rock. The first band of the genre that I got really "into" was System of a Down. Their style was so radically different from anything I had heard before, I searched diligently for their albums. After SoaD, oddly enough, I discovered the Gorillaz. I enjoyed their random style, even the hip-hop elements, surprising since I detested rap. Again, my choice of bands remained small for quite a while. [b]Discovery:[/b] By the middle of High school, I was starting to actively seek out new music. I remained picky about albums I would actually buy, but I was at least listening to new things. A friend of mine introduced me to A Perfect Circle, and though I only have one of their albums, I will claim that they are one of my favorite bands. I started listening to the radio to search for songs that I liked, and then look for more of the same artist. In this way I found Tool. Much like Panache (see his post) I immediately fell in love with them. Their music almost seemed like it was made especially for me. It was only later that I discovered that the lead singer from Tool and A Perfect Circle were the same person. Today I continue to search for bands I'm not familiar with and with sounds I haven't heard. I've become much more of a music person than I thought I'd ever be. Some other bands I like, but don't necessarily own much (or any) of their work are Disturbed, Muse, and Foo Fighters. Thanks for reading, if you did.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I can say with relative certainty that I played [b]Kingdom Hearts[/b] and [b]Kingdom Hearts 2[/b] each for at least 100 hours. I explored every world obsessively and would go through the same areas again and again trying to level up. There was just so much to see. If you combine all of my save files, I'm sure I've played [b]The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[/b] well over 100 hours. I'm sure I don't have to say just how extensive Oblivion's world was. Quest after quest and sooo many things to steal- er, I mean, find... *cough* While I can't be absolutely positive (there's no timer on these games) I'm pretty sure that if you count time spent playing online multiplayer, I've got well over 100 hours with games like [B]Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare[/B] and [B]Gears of War[/B]. They are endlessly entertaining.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I think the first CLAMP manga I ever read was Chobits. I had heard about it from a few of my anime-crazed friends and decided to check it out. I was addicted from the first volume, and ended up getting the whole eight-volume series (eventually). A while after that Tsubasa and xxxHolic first started appearing and I was immediately drawn in. The whole concept of the (two) series was intriguing to me. Multiple universes with different versions of the character from older series sounded pretty cool. I haven't seen a lot of their older series (ex., Card Captor Sakura, MKR, etc.) but I did see some of the Angelic Layer anime a while back and liked it immediately. Like Desbreko said, I like the idea of the little robot combatants. Anyway, even though my CLAMP experience is limited, in my book anything by CLAMP is awesome by default.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Wow, those are really good! I love the somewhat sketchy quality of the lines and the thematic colors. Are any of those created and/or colored with a program like Photoshop? It doesn't look like it to me, just wondering. They're very pretty. I especially like the third one down with all the lines of brownish-gray. I just love the colors. The butterfly doesn't seem to follow the angle of the back, however. It kind of breaks the flow. The first one's pretty neat too; very vibrant. I like it's background. It's watercolor, right?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]As I'm sure everyone knows (especially if you're reading this), Army of Two just came out on the 360 and PS3. I've been watching this game for a long time because I'm very interested in cooperative gameplay. To be honest, I can't tell from the gameplay videos if it's really all that entertaining, and the reviews I've seen all say it's average, or that it has it's flaws, and all of them seem to say that despite how fun it is, it comes across pretty shallow. I haven't played it myself if you haven't figured that out, I'm just reciting what I've heard. What I'm asking is this: [B]Have you? What do you think? If you haven't, what have you heard and would [i]you[/i] buy it?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
Cookies Versus Crackers: The Legendary Debate
Muad'Dib replied to Japan's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]Sweet is [i]waaay[/i] better than salty as far as I'm concerned. My sugar intake is proof of that. I'm not saying anything against salty stuff mind you, I still like salty crackers. But come on... cookies all the way. Favoite cookies have gotta be melty chocolate chip. Preferably fresh. Real fresh. Home-made are the best of course. For crackers... I love me some Ritz. Ritz are like crack. But saltier.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I did my best to give a slight smile when Jacques, another source of minor irritation, entered the room. Jack, I had found, lacked subtlety, and today he smelled of alcohol. But despite my best efforts, Esme had indeed lifted my spirits a bit. "Jack, good to see you," I said in a flat tone. "This is Esme, and I think there is little chance she will be running away." I gave a knowing nod to her, hoping she hadn't lost her edge in the time she'd been away. Just as the two seemed about to greet each other, the most ridiculous thing yet happened. A small girl with bright orange hair and an innocent look about her came waltzing through our front door and asked Trent, who had just returned with a 9mm for Esme, if she could have a gun. Jack's gun, no less. Or something like it, I suppose. In any case, it was obvious to me just from looking that she was in entirely the wrong place. I rubbed my forehead in agitation. I didn't even want to deal with this one. To make matters worse, the young Emma returned shortly after. Will this day not end quickly?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]I took a closer look at the girl before me. It had been a long time, but this was deffinately Esme, who had shown so much promise several years ago. I laughed, though it came out clipped and perhaps a bit agitated. The discovery of an old comrade did little to brighten my day. "So that's what happened to you. And I see you still have your wit about you." I ignored, for the moment, the petulant young one. They always thought they could challenge everything! I would put her in her place later. I realized Esme was talking and concentrated, "Maybe we can catch up later, eh?" I nodded, thinking what a relief it be to take her on assignment as opposed to a bunch of novices. "This is my sister," she continued, "Emma. She's registering with me." "I see." I glared down at her as she stared up at me, still apparently expecting an answer. I turned away and nodded to the man behind the counter, "Trent, get Esme a weapon and tell Harris to have her re-inducted immediately. As for you," I looked to Emma, "You must be assessed. And learn your place as a novice."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]OOC: At long last it begins! I might be a little on and off with the first person, but I'll try. ^_^ IC: I like this room. The acrid stench of the Guild hall is drowned by the smell of incense, and a large square window lets the afternoon sun pour in behind a dark wooden desk. Harris stands framed in the light, sighing and rubbing his nose under his glasses. "Soren, my friend, I know your grievances, but I will tell you again, there is nothing I can do." His voice holds a distinct accent, an eastern man, and I wonder again how a foreigner came to be a logistics manager in a Ramsey guild. But he is a skilled fighter, I have seen this myself. I think he simply enjoys the peace of the desk work after eight years of killing. Normally I wouldn't press him like this, but today is full of irritations. "Three recruits in the past week Harris, and not one of them qualified. They're a bunch of adventure seeking teenagers!" Again he sighed, sat down in his big wooden chair. "It is not my job to question the recruiters' decision, only record it. Now leave me be. If you are so upset, test them yourself. Joseph has a few jobs waiting." I scowled and turned, hearing Harris call after me as a walked out the door, "And no suicide jobs! I want these recruits intact!" I closed the door behind me and took a moment to think. I didn't feel like taking a bunch of children on a training run right now. It could wait. I descended the stairs into the main hall and glanced at the front desk, saw two young women. By their resemblance I'd say they were sisters. Did she really just say [i]re[/i]-register? I walked close to them on my way out, "If you were denied once, give it up."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="bookantiqua"]W00t! First post! [B]Name:[/B] Soren Kemille [B]Age[/B]: 30 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] Soren stands at middle-height, around 5’10, with an average build but a stature that betrays an inner assurance. His brown eyes are direct and piercing, his face narrow with a straight nose and curving mouth. Tawny brown hair goes to mid-ear length with short bangs. His slender hands are covered in numerous scars, which show white on tanned skin. He dresses almost exclusively in earth-tones, preferring loose-fitting clothing for concealment of weapons. His glare gives the impression that he thinks you a fool, his smile that he knows things that you do not. Everything about him bespeaks secrecy. [B]Sample:[/B] For four long years I have waited in patience for this unbearable [i]slump[/i] in my beloved guild’s prosperity to pass. The higher-ups tell me nothing, and I can feel their unrest whenever I broach the subject. But I do not begrudge them this. These are delicate times, and not all is as it seems within Ramsey. What has happened to our reputation? I pass young men talking of joining my guild as if it were an after-school club! The nerve! Just four years ago, we were not spoken of except in whispers, a cautious glance over the shoulder. But I will not be softened by their insolence. No! I shall remain the predator among them, claws concealed behind the semblance of a sheep! My fellows criticize me for my methods. Blades are outdated, they say, impractical in the age of firearms. I say a knife is the only practical weapon a man can carry! That is not to say I do not admit the usefulness of a gun (even I carry one on my person), but a blade never jams, does not run out of ammunition. And this I can tell you for certain: the only way to be sure of death is to hold your enemy’s body in your hands and cut all life from him![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]They're pretty nice Steph! The positioning of the avatar is great, with half a face and the rose. I think the banners could all use a heavier border... or a different color besides the white on the inside of the border. Or something. To help the text contrast with the background, you could create a selection area and pump up/down the contrast or modify the coloring within it to place the text in. Maybe... or it might kill the whole picture. Yeah... The kitten is hilariously cute. And Korey is right. CS2 rocks. But I can't install my copy because I can't find it either T-T[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Garamond"]OOC: Sorry I haven't been on... preoccupied. ~ Shift sat at the console in the bowels of the Renegade. Green code streamed down on the forward screens, while graphs and various maps blinked on the others. His fingers tapped rapidly on the keyboards, eyes flickering in between the screens. "Are you doing my job for me again?" The voice startled Shift out of his programming. He turned to see Vault standing next to one of the matrix-jacks. "No, no, just uh... writing. Listen, could you get the Meiji Era program up for me?" He started typing again, closing programs. Vault approached the console at stared at the screens as he spoke. "Again?" "Yeah... look, I got a ninjitsu program from the Highland," he held up what looked like a dark floppy disk. "You finally found one?" Vault grinned and signaled Shift to stand up, "Alright, get up, I'll load it up." He sat down in Shift's place and plugged the disk in. "By the way, you know where Ahri is?" Shift looked over at him, "No. Last I saw her, she was Gabriel."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Woah, props to SaiyanPrincess for the uber banner. No Ezekiel? She better get into this one.
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I just saw a preview in the theater today for a film based on one of my favorite works of fiction - The Golden Compass. Needless to say, I was thrilled that they were making it into a movie, but also rather skeptical of how good said movie would be. As far as I could tell from the preview, they've stayed pretty true to the story (unconfirmed), and I saw several memorable charcters, including my favorite, the armored bears. In any case, it looks like it could be a great film regardless of how much it adheres to the book. It looked very exciting and had some nice visuals. Since it was only a preview however, that's all I can say. So, is anyone else excited? Have any information on the film? Think it's gonna suck? Take it away![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]OOC: So I'm assuming all the characters saw that since they've all got powers? If not, this post is gonna be awkward... [CENTER]~~[/CENTER] For a moment, Andrew was completely stunned. The transition back into Time was like being dropped into a rushing river, making his ears ring from within. Even when the physical shock wore off, he remained in disbelief over what he had just witnessed. "Who..." he looked over to find that Leah was on the pavement, unconcious. Quickly, he stooped down to help her. "Hey," he said, lifting her head up off the ground, "Leah, wake up. Hey, come on, snap out of it." Rain dripped down onto her face, and Andrew crouched there, unable to think straight. A girl jogged over, a look of concern on her face, "Hey, is she alright?" Andrew looked up, still dazed. "Uh... uh, no, no, I don't... she just, passed out..." OOC: The girl can be whoever. Whoever posts first I guess (that has a female character).[/FONT][/COLOR]