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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. Look, I've only attempted to draw something like a manga once, and it obviously looks like crap compared to the stuff I've seen other people my age do... but for the heck of it, I drew it anyway. (heh, it's only 1 1/2 pages long...) Anyway, beingthe EXTREME noob that I am on drawing manga, I thought I'd seek out some advice on where to start for something simple... ya know, something that I might be able to draw in 2D (lol). Anyone? Please? Duba-Please?
  2. Alright, here it is.. though I did have to make some major changes, thanks to DW... grrr... ah well... dangit Steph, couldn't you have saved me that one spot? You said yourself it was one of my best... Name: Isaac Paul Ghentro Age: 15 gender: male Appearance: 5'10'', though he appears 5'8'' because of his posture (explained later). Black-gray hair that comes down over his ears in a straggely mess, deep, deep blue eyes. His features are soft, but wary, like a wolf's. He stands and walks with his legs slightly bent at the knees, as if he's more comfortable nearer the ground, though when he's running, his whole body seems to sink a little, as if aerodynamic(sp?). He wears a simple blue-gray shirt, and a thin gray jacket. He has blue jeans, but no shoes... instead, he wraps his feet in old cloth. Personality: Isaac is solitary and mostly a mystery, though works extremely well in his group of friends, mush like a wolfs in it's pack ((hint *nudge*)) He's quiet most of the time, but very talkative if you bring up the right subjects. He is quietly romantic, but you wouldn't guess by looking at him. Power/Control: Telepathy, Telekenisis, and emotion warping (^^). His animal form is, you guessed it, a wolf, with black and gray hair, and the same deep blue eyes. Group: YMCA (gah... I hate sports centers...) Bio: Isaac, though most of his old friends called him Paul, was born in one of the more distant towns, where things weren't so constantly chaotic.. but the fear was always there. When Isaac was seven, a bombing raid came through, destroying the little that they had built up, and killed every near him... The only reason he lived was a large peice of rubble witch came down almost on top of him, keeping the intense flames at bay. Having no one to take care of him, he wandered around the wilderness, as ravaged and desolate as it was, and searched for... anyone. It was nearly a year, during wich he developed almost wolf-like skills in tracking and survival. He dicovered he could literaly smell the scent of people... and so he followed it. Upon reaching the small community, he could hear their thoughts... a surprising and slightly disturbing abilty. Although it came in handy, he heard everything. Their fear, their dreams, and worst of all.. their fantasies, wich I would rather not go into detail about. He eventualy met two others like him... they were wary of each other, but became friends. Although he would probably give his life to defend them, Isaac finds that he doesn't share most of their ideas of fun and humor... perhaps it was his life in the wasteland. He longs now for something, or someone, who can restore order to his chaotic mind... The finished product... I actualy didn't have to change mush except for the Bio... meh.
  3. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    OOC: the funness has begun... :devil: IC: Jerid was loyal to his queen, but he sometimes had to wonder... ah, well it's her choice, not his. Besides, she was good at that... sensing her enemies. A time later, after returning to their veritable fortress, Jerid set out to take care of a resistance group that the raiders had been complaining about. He returned later, a small group of solders following his happy-go-lucky stride with two resistence leaders at their head. "Who's that ideot?" muttered a guard to another standing next to him as Jerid and the others passed, Jerid skipping happily, and making silly little victory remarks to their two prisoners. "I think he's the Queen's top leader..." said the other guard, also staring in disbeliefe. "Some people..." _________ Jerid stepped into the "throne room", wich was more like a meeting hall for military advisors, wich there actualy weren't many of, so no one really knew why they met there anyway. "We got two of the resistence leaders, my Queen." Jerid bowed slightly and motioned towards the restless rebels. "Hm... very good, but we have no use for them... you may kill them." Clesia said dismissively. Jerid's childish smile faded a bit. "Why go through all the trouble if we're just gonna kill 'em?" "I said we don't need them... have the guards dispose of them." "Yes, my Queen." Jerid bowed again and motioned for the solders to take the two prisoners outside and get rid of them. Such was the life of an overly happy master of distruction.
  4. Hey Steph, can I use my original Sign-up from UV? Wait... crap, my place has already been taken! ARGH! Darn you... uhh, how can I change my original to fit in to the story Steph? Pleeeaase? :sweat:
  5. Naero was now tired from a day of wandering the village, watching preperations and mooching food off of street-side vendors. It was fu nto watch... the busy shop owners hanging streamers, and the clumsy children falling as they tried to reach higher places to put their decorations. Not that he could say he wasn't a child himself... That brought his mind to Clesia. He wondered why he hadn't seen her around town as some days. Naero tried to remember where she lived... an hour later, he was at the not-quite-inviting looking door. After knocking, a woman he recognized as who had raised her opened the door slowly and looked down at him. "Excuse me" he said politely, "is Clesia here?" "No... she's gone on an errand for me. What do you want her for?" The woman looked apprehensive of Naero. "Er... nothing... uh, where has she gone?" She looked down at him, almost supsiciously. "I would suspect, in the forest." "Thank you!" Naero bowed slightly and ran off for the forest. Several minutes of searching, and he found her in a very small clearing- one of the few in the dense forest- and ran up to the younger girl. "Clesia!" She turned around abruptly, not expecting him. "Naero... hi." Naero caught up to her and put his hands on her shoulders, wich were considerably lower to the ground. "Why didn't you come to town today? It was so... hmm?" Clesia nodded her head very slightly to her left. Looking curiously, Naero saw someone hiding there... a follower?
  6. Hey Swordy, I'd say this would be enough to start with... three good, three bad. We can leave the sign-ups open if ya like, but I'm getting eager to start it. ^^ Just say the word... lol
  7. OOC: yes, I've been waiting... for just the right time WHEN THERE ISSOMETHING MY CHARACTER CAN ACTUALY DO!!! IC: Garren appeared in the Realm of Reality... but in the wrong place. Frustrated, he transported back to Imagination, and the nback again. Just in time to see the battle reach a climax. Kuroky was with him, ever happy and childish. "Well c'mon then, do something." Garren reached out his hand... and everything stopped. They seemed to be, well, frozen. But they could still hear him. "What have you let yourselves fall to? This skurmishing will bring us nothing... do any of you truly wish what we have come all this way for? Two years, two years I tell you! We have been together, fighting our way through Hell! And I find you here... fighting like little children playing war. " Garren began to walk through them, looking at each in turn. "How much have you forgotten... Toshi? Rayne? Hiroshi? How much of our purpose have you forgotten? Well, I command you to STOP!" At his last word, they became unfrozen, but the whole group was thrown against the ground. "Kuroky..." Hiroshi said, "What have you been teaching him?!" "Silence!" Another blast, and Hiroshi fell quiet. "Kuroky said playfully, "Well, the ressurection was getting boring, and it's not like he'll be able to use it for a while anyway... so, I figured, why not have some fun?" "You will all stop this... or swear by Arunue's death bed, that I will show none of you mercy. And you, Hiroshi, you will go back to wherever you came from... and stay there." At a consecutive movement btween Garren and Kuroky, they and Toshi and Rayne all disappeared, to the Realm of Imagination, and Hiroshi was left there... OOC: IM GETTING THIS STORY BACK ON F***ING TRACK!! Besides, I needed some kind of action...
  8. OOC: YAY! I'm gonna love this one... IC: Naero woke up slowly. It was too good of a day to rush. He got dressed and went down to the main room of the Inn he was staying in. They had agreed to let him stay for free after telling them several of his stories... he loved to entertain. Several of the men he had seen last night were up, groggily drinking from their mugs. A few of them saw him and urged hi mto tell the second part of his last story... it was about a traveling boy, alone and forgotten, who searched for his purpose. He had left off at an exciting part, tired and ready to sleep. Now he continued, using every emotion he possessed to make it more entertaining. At one point, as a mighty army came down upon the boy's friends, he took out an old, rusty dagger and pretended to stab himself as a girl in the story did. After finishing, and promisign to come back for more, he headed ouside, and breathed in the day's scents. The market place was only a few buildings down, and smells of food and spices drifted to him. It was gonna be a great day. OOC: ya, hope this is good... whatever...
  9. OOC: little perv... Oh, umm... did I say that out loud? Oops... lol, I'm just messin with ya Skit IC: Garren still sat at the bar, a bottle of God-knows-what in his hands. His eyes were dull, from a combination of drinking and depression. Once had been dragic... twice had been too much. The only reason he didn't cry was because his body would refuse to let him. The urge was strong though... Hiroshi and Kuroky burst in, Hiroshi with an urgent, if not perpetualy comical, look. Garren hardly seemed to acknowledge their existence. "Garren, hey, listen... for Allah's sake, how drunk are you?" Garren turned his dull eyes on him, with the ultimate look of "I don't give a sh**" and "Piss off". "Garren, listen, we can find Rail, you'd like that wouldn't ya?" Hiroshi used a nearly childish voice wit hhim, as if he could coax him out of depression. "Hiro... did she cry much?" "huh?" "Arunue... I used to wonder... when we were kids... playing in the road... heh... she was so beautiful... I used to dream about her ya know... we would go on adventures together, in my dreams... it would always end the smae way... only I can't remember what it was..." "Garren, snap out of it, this is important!" He hardly even noticed Hiroshi's opposition "Then, one day... we were outside, just... sitting... I can't remember why... she looked so beautiful, in the dusk... and she... she..." Garren's voice started cracking, "She leaned over, and kissed me... we were thirteen... I remember it so well... it just seemed natural..." severtal tears were now streaming down his face, but his voice continued, as if determined to go on with his life story. "Garren, pull yourself together!!" Hiroshi had a sudden urge to slap him inot sense. OOC: ok, you can take it from here Runy ^^ :love: I never thought this would turn out so romantic... I LOVE IT!!
  10. OOC: time to take matters into my own hands then... IC: "Aye, Kuny!!" Milo crouched at the top of the pit. It had only been a few minutes, and Mitzo had already passed out and gained consiousness again. He didn't dare follow her into the hole. "Ya OK?! HEY!!" Able to think of nothing else, he pouredthe tiniest bit of water onto her face from above. She seemed to wake up for a moment. "Wha..? Hello?" "Kuny! It's me! Are-you-OK?" She obviously wasn't, but he was just trying to get her to speak now. "Ugh... my stomach... rrr..." She clenched up in pain. This had obviously been a trap... Milo was just glad [I]he[/I] hadn't fallen in it. "Don't worry Kuny, I'll get you outta there..." "Who's Kuny?" She said, still half asleep. Milo didn't bother answering, but tried to find something in his supplies... well, it was worth a shot. "Mitzo, grab on to this!" He lowered his gun into the pit, hoping she could reach it. After a long time, and many painful clenches from Mitzo, Milo was able to drag her out... unfortunately, the horse wasn't gonna get out that easily. "Ugh... Thanks... kid..." "Will you stop calling me that?"
  11. Oh boy, more midevil stuff! :D Name: Naero ((Nay-r-oh)) Age: 14 Gender: male Race: human Class: Nocive mage/ story teller/ fighter Weapons: A short, but sturdy sword, and several antique weapons and items that he uses in story-telling. Partner: Clesia ((loves to you Sm13)) Personality: Independent and fun-loving, he's the kind of guy that gets that twinkle in his eye, and you know something's gonna happen. Takes Story-telling very seriously, and is wonderful at imitating many emotions. Appearance: ((I may find a pic later)) Just a tad short for his age, with rust colored hair and deep green eyes. He has soft features, but is exceedingly good at controlling them to take on different emotions. He wears a green tunic, with a strap around the middle, and a brown vest over it that goes down nearly to his knees, and warm, black pants that cover most of his feet, wich are often bare. History: Naeroh was born further north, in a colder climate, but as he took on the role of proffensional story-teller, he moved further and further south. He lived off of the small profits he would make telling magnificant stories of dragons and warriors, mages and assassines, and most of all... romance, wich he was great at telling. As he came across the town he currently resides in, he met Clesia, and though there was an age difference, the attraction was obvious. He's not entirely sure how much Clesia lieks him, but he flirts shamelessly... He looks forward to the up-coming festival, not only as the greatest opportunity he's had for story-telling, but also a chance to dance with Clesia. ____________ There ya have it... hope this starts soon.
  12. OOC: well, you've effectivly forgotten about me Swordmaster... lol, no worries... IC: Tarikeh couldn't stand this any longer... he was confused and afriad for his sanity, wich had been slipping as of late. He put on the biggest jacket he could find, trying to hide his wings, with parcial success. He hoped no one questioned him about the lumps on his back. An hour later he was at Scarlet's door, knocking nervously. "Hello? Oh, hello Tarikeh..." Tarikeh poked his head inside, and said "Hey Scarlet... am I going insane, or..." he saw the other three winged ones in the room. "Yes... I must be..." This was quite a scene... four people with wings, and a glowing Goddess, all standing around in some one's house. Time to get off the drugs...
  13. Let's all applaud swordmaster13!! er, anyway, on with it! Name: Jerid ((yes, I am aware I spelled that wrong)) Age: 19 Gender: male Appearance: [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/22688845.jpeg[/img] I know you like this pic Sm13! ^^ Bio: He comes from a land where people are raised as warriors and ninjas, through the most harsh conditions, and are filled with ut-most loyalty to their leader from birth. Jerid was born like any other resident, but was set apart by the Queen herself as someone special, though wether it was for fighting ability or just because she liked him, he doesn't know. They became like partners in crime, and soon traveled to Junhimer together. Element: Dark Fire Skills: He's good at hiding, and passing by un-noticed. He can evade an attack at up to nearly 60mph. Natural Ninjitsu there... ^^ Weapons: a short-sword, hidden in his clothing, and of course several shurikans. Personality: ((you forgot this SM)) Jerid is childish and playful. He often makes smart-alek(sp?) remarks in the middle of the most important events. He loves to play jokes and illusions on others, and often incorperates that into his fighting style.
  14. OOC: how did you get Milo's personae so perfectly? ^^ eh... I guess you just know me... -__- IC: Milo didn't get what was wrong with people these days... he thought about this as he munched on the apple. Why can't they have some fun every now and then? And what's with Mitzo always calling him a kid? He was older than her for God's sake!! ((yes, I checked Recruitment.. Milo's older ^^)) Ah well... Milo got Kenya set up and urged her forward, while the day was still cool. After nearly an hour of slow trotting, a gunshot rang out through the desert, and a bullet whizzed about three feet above Milo's head. Startled, he nearly fell off Kenya, and looked behind him. Some other competitor was trying to get rid of competition... ((not Makiyu)) Milo started Kenya up, sending her galloping forward and sideways slightly to throw off his opponent's aim. After another shot went by, he unslung his old rifle from a saddle-bag and stopped Kenya, turning her around. This guy couldn't shoot nearly as accurately as Milo if he only had a pistol... Milo looked down the barrel, taking his time, but rushing inside. He fired one shot... and the man gripped his arm, though Milo couldn't see the blood from that distance. He pulled back the mechanism and let the shell pop out.
  15. OOC: lol, I know that. And have you already forgotten that your characters first name was Mitzo? lol IC: Oh well, not a time to be worrying about Mitzo... Milo re-positioned his "Eat Dust" cap so it faced backwards and mounted Kenya. He nudged her with his feet and she began at a fast trot. By now the others were spread across the landscape, visible as black dots on the swaying horizon line. Milo could still see Mitzo off in the distance... he wondered why she was so annoyed with him all the time. She was rather pretty when she wasn't pissed. Too bad... the desert calls.
  16. OOC: I'll start just a little before the race begins... IC: Milo ran through the town, trying to get to the stable in time to get Kenya and to the edge where it would start. He just knew he would be late... as he ran, people would call out sarcasticaly, "Hey Drendy, keep it up!" He finally found Kenya and loaded her up with his supplies. "C'mon girl, let's go win!" as if motivated, Kenya took off for the starting line... to find the others about 100 yards ahead of them. "Oh sh!t!!" Milo urged Kenya on, going at a blazing top speed to catch up. Appraoching the others, he began to slow down, pacing his hoarse like he had learned. Kenya was an excitable hoarse, but trust-worthy. He came slightly ahead of the others by mid-day. Looking ahhead, he saw Mitzo's hoarse, with rider, by.. a pit? He knew Mitso from town and called out, "Hey Mitzy! What's up?" As he appraoched Mitzo glared at him. "When will you learn to call me what everyone else does?" "When I get out of this God-forsaken desert." "In other words, never. Hey! Whgat are you doing with Kenya? Didn't you swap out?" Milo looked down at his hoarse. "Eh? Why would I use any hoarse besides Kenya?" "Drendy, you really are a fool..." OOC: I stick with MY hoarse! >=P Now now, no disqualifying me! If you replace Kenya, I'll just find a way to get her back!
  17. Oh! Oh! Start it!!! I'm so excited.. lol, I'm just eager for this one... an opportunity for the "middle of the desert-tough kid" personae... I just love testing out new Personae... oops.. this is spam... O.O ::is deleted in puff of smoke::
  18. Good idea Runy... time to eat my dust XD Name: Milo Drendy (most people call him Drendy, just because it's a fun word..) Age: 18 Gender: male Bio: Got to the desert from a bi-plane crash a long time ago.. the driver died, but he found his way to the town. Anyway, he's very adventurous and likes the idea of the challenge. So off he goes... Appearance: Deep blue eyes, and rust colored hair, he wears an old dusty jacket that covers most of his upper-body for sun protection. Under that he wears a short sleeved, white shirt, dirty blue jeans, and a cap with all the letters faded out, except that he drew on "Eat Dust" in sloppy letters. Hand-held supplies: A small switch-blade and a lighter, just in case he needs it. Large Supplies: Rations, water, a small mat for sleeping, and a rifle that was salvaged from the plane all those years ago. Horse: He named her Kenya and she's jet black. Oh ya.. :smoke:
  19. Tarikeh had nowthrown up several times, and was confident he could walk. All the while, the strange hooded man/woman just stood there, like a statue. He couldn't stand it. "Well?! What do you want with me?!" Tarikeh could feel the effects of the drug wearing off, and was deeply relieved, except for the fact that this person wasn't disappearing. "You know now that you are a descendent of the Winged Ones." Tarikeh didn't let hi mfinish "Oh God, not this again." "You have been called," he/she sounded a bit angry if it were possible, "to fight for your survival againts the rebelling Low ones." "Excuse me?" "They have rebelled before, and were crushed, but they are returning, in greater numbers." "And I'm supposed to do what about it?!" Tarikeh began to walk out of the bathroom. The person "Caraoto" he/she had called himself, grabbed his shoulder and handed him his shirt. "Oh.. right, wouldn't wanna go out without that..." He struggled to put it on with the wings, and finding it impossible, ripped holes in the back for them to stick out of. "Uhh... am I supposed to keep these secret?" "Do as you please, as long as you can stand the attention." This wasn't entirely re-assuring, but most of the people out there were probably drunk or high anyway... He walked out, cautiously at first. Upon reaching the exit, he looked back to see Caraoto still right behind him. Nervously, he stepped out onto he streets, and began walking in the direction of... hell, he couldn't remember what direction he had come. When all hope seemes lost, a car pulled up near him and Scarlet stepped out. "I thought I'd find you here... come on, we've gotta talk.." Without further delay, she pulled him into the car and started to drive. Tarikeh suddenly noticed that she had wings also... some day this was turning out to be. Remembering Caraoto, he looked back at the sidewalk, but he/she was gone.
  20. "Well, at least she's sleeping it off..." Garren only dared walk into the room several minutes later, on the off-chance that Arunue would fall asleep.. and it had workded... or had it? She got up from her fein sleep and tackled Garren, "Wooh, hoo, we're gonna have the best time... hey, where's that Rail girl? Oh-Oh! Let's go find her!" "Arunue, calm down, ugh, get off me please... Arunue! Where are you going?!" Garren chased her to the door and managed to hold her down. An hour later she was for the most part, sane again. OOC: alright Runy, your turn!
  21. This left Garren with a rather confused, blank expression. Sometimes you just had to wonder with Arunue... what was she doing looking for weapons in the middle of no-where, at waht had to be mid-night? As he thought of it, a clock appeared on the bar next to him, reading "1:03". Wonderful... he was gonna drop dead in the morning... He went back up to Arunue's room, taking her advice of not returning to Hiroshi. He sat on the bed, trying to convince himself that sleep would help. Eventualy, he drifted off... and was awakened at 4:55 by Arunue jumping up onto the bed, tossing several weapons (aquired from who knows where) in the corner. "Wake up lover boy!" [I]I must be in hell...[/I]
  22. "You won't have to worry about that..." Garren said sarcasticaly, lounging on the floor. "So... she really get mad at you for a month?" "You better believe it... now shut your mouth.. I'm tired." It was a relatively quiet night... most of them were able to sleep soundly. But Garren was too.. well, excited. He got up and went down to the bar, wich opened imediately when he appraoched it. He sat down and thought... not about anything in particular, just to keep his mind occupied. After realizing he wasn't gonna order anything, the imaginary bartender disappeared. He waished things would have turned out better for all of them...
  23. Tarikeh leaned back in his seat at a small, dark bar. He hated his life sometimes. A year ago, he had promised himself he wouldn't get into drugs.. now look at him, pitifully high on some night-club concoction. However, he was still sane enough to realize how stupid he must look. He imagined what some people he knew would think of him now... dirty, hair all in a mess, sweating from the god-d*mned drugs... his mind drifted to Scarlet. Ah, now there was a girl... [I]ugh[/I] he thought, [I]I've gotta get this **** outta me...[/I] Half way to the bathroom, a large robed... man? no.. woman... or..? "Hello Tarikeh." This thouroghly convinced him that he was sky-high. "Damn these f***in' drugs... damn 'em damn'em..." he said this al the way to the bathroom, wich he proceded to enter. "It's time to realize your future." Tarikeh turned around, not surprised to see his "apparition" there. "What the hell do you want from me? Stupid, bloody, drugs..." Tarikeh turned back around, but there was an intching sensation on his back... feeling his shirt stretch, he took it off to reveal reddish-grey wings. "Damn... how many doses did I take?" He prayed now that some one would just take him home...
  24. Hey K.K.C., I like your signiture move ~_^ [COLOR=Blue]Name: Tarikeh (Tay-r-ik-aye) Wing Type: Phoenix Gender: male Weapon: Pole with a curved blade on the end... no other way to describe it. Sig. Move: Phoenix Blade--A white/translucent beam of pointed "light" emits from his blade, encircling anyone in it's line of fire, scratching, cutting, bruising, and over-all hurting them for as long as it's there. Appearance: 5'10'' with a slender, but strong build, and dark grey eyes that blend with the whites of his eyes, giving him the impression of blindness, though he isn't. Un-kept, brown hair that comes down over his ears. He wears a dark-green long sleeved shirt, thick to keep him warm, with a soft, durable, grey jacket. Not to mention very dark blue jeans, nearly black. Oh, nearly forgot, his wings are a dull reddish color, and give a false impression of feathures, though it is actualy tough, like hide. Bio: He had always been the silent, contemplative type, wich lead him to a solitary life in a big city, the name of wich he does not know, and hasen't bothered to find out. Though his personality contridicts this, he has a nack for getting in trouble, made easy to get out of with his natural Winged One abilities. To his relief and enjoyment, Caraoto approved of his staying in this jungle of buildings, with the promise of opportunities for mischief. He often goes to night-clubs, not to drink or dance, but to observe the humans... he finds them fascinating, and the females rather attractive. Despite his convictions of it, he has developed a taste for a certain human drug. Personality: Silent and contemplative, but loves to cause chaos. Will not do something just because you tell him, there always has to be a reason, even if that reason is just to cause discord. Though he is attracted to wemon, he forces himself to avoid interacting with them, on the chance that they would disrupt his life, though he has no fear of someone discovering his wings. God: Caraoto[/COLOR] Hopethat was alright... I can change to how you see fit if it isn't! ^^
  25. Who here thinks that this is one of the best fighting games out there? Well, there are probably better ones, but T.T.T. comes very close. Original character designs, smooth graphics, and some kick-a** combos all make it worth-while. One of the most fun things about it, is un-locking game modes and hidden characters, wich is easier than you may think. Generaly you have to do very well in one of the existing game modes, and fight the next hidden character at some point during the tournament, and you'll have all the characters before ya know it! Alright, enough of my rambling... time for down-sides... hmmm... ah, of course, cheap moves. Though a skilled fighter can beat anyone, there are a number of characters that you will learn to despise and fear... the cheapest of them all is Eddy. He's pretty much the only character that can beat the opponents a** by pressing random buttons, wich is deadly in the hands of an advanced computer. The second most cheapest would have to be Ganryu. That's right, the sumo wrestler. Coming in third are all the different Gun-Jack models, wich you unlock during game-play. Despite that one big flaw, I had (make that have) a great time playing Tekken Tag.
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