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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. It was an excellent game in my opinion, and the first one added something rather unique in traveling from one area to the other, though it wasn't that exciting. I would deffinately have to agree with Charles that having a mech that could go so freakin fast was awesome. You find yourself doing fancy, fly-by moves, when a simple shot would have done the trick. One thing... Jehuty's main weapon sucks. The blade is awesome, but the "shot" was, 1) way too weak, 2) way too slow, and 3) only fired three shots at a time. However, they made up for this with the dazzeling "boost" and "over-drive" weapons. The second installment built on those, making them bigger, and even cooler. Even though the voice acting was horrible in the first one, the second one did an excellent job, especialy with the occasional cut-scene. One side note: I completed neither of them, but had a great time playing what I got to.
  2. OOC: Hiroshi is so funny ^^ IC: "Well, let's not let it get to our heads then? C'mon, it doesn't matter, we're all here!" Hiroshi said in his usual comical tone. Toshi glared at him, "Yes, I guess you're right." They all stood around and chatted for a while, Garren throwing constant affectionet looks at Arunue. Two months seemed hardly enough time to be with her... he feared the second loss would be even harder than the first. "So... who's up for some fun?" Symoni said, standing up. That sounded good to everyone, especialy Arunue, who had been in a dark pit for quite a long time. As they all thought hard, a building appeared around them, with low lights, and a bar in one corner. "Hmm... homy aye?" Hiroshi said, walking over to a pool table. "Who's up for a game?"
  3. OOC: ohhh... cool... right, about time I posted... IC: Garren froze in shock... his dead love appearing in front of him... her formerly dead brother gently waking her from death as if it were a long nap. That was... unbelievable. Arunue's eyes slowly opened, and she looked side to side, confused but confident looking. She stood up shakily, and of all things... laughed. "What's everybody so shocked at? My brother is alive, why can't I be, hmm?" There was dead silence, except for a nervous chuckle from Keiko. "Arunue..." Garren said breathlessly, unaware that he had appraoched her and grasped her arms. "I..." He didn't finish the sentence, as he kissed Arunue full on the lips. OOC: beat that for romance :heart:
  4. "Fine... a time ago, I'm not sure how long, I was ripped rom my machine, though I don't know how." Ei'Riet looked down at Gi'Uen. "I was confused, but there seemed to be only one direction to go, so I followed it. I saw things that the Seeker never intended us to see. I will tell you this later perhaps... but now I have retreated into this network of realities... I seek anyone willing to help me." "And just what is it you intend to do?" "I'm not sure... but I must stop the Seeker... or hinder him somehow... I don't know." OOC: alright Knight, it's your call... follow or betray?
  5. OOC: that's the spirit! IC: He was definately intimidating, but he wasn't sure how he should answer... if he was the maker of this reality, then it would be wise to tell the truth, but if he wasn't... "A am Gi'Uen, a traveller." "And how have you come here?" The man was growing more suspicious. "Are you the creator?" "What?" "Are you... the creator?" Gi'Uen prayed it would not end here... "Hmm... indeed I am, now who are you and how have you come here?" He seemed, at least, to understand now that Gi'Uen was not part of his reality. "I told you, I am Gi'Uen, and I have come here from another world, broken free of my machine prison. I am here only to ask if you will join me, if not, then I will leave without bother."
  6. OOC: OK, I'll try to pick up the pace so more people can become part of the central plot line... IC: It was several miles, and half a day later that Gi'Uen reached the border of Eris's world. It came unexpectedly, as most did. He could imagine Eris's look of releif and surprise as his aura was promtly gone. Now where was he? Mountains on all sides, and a bloody battle, desperately futile, ending not more than half a mile in front of him. He stepped forward carefully, trying not to trip on the rough terrain. Suddenly, a giant of a man was running at unimaginable speeds toward him. His first instinct was to think of him as this reality's master, but what if this was what some people looked like here? The huge man stopped abruptly five feet away from him. "What trickery is this?"
  7. "The border... first of all, you'd never be able to reach it while still held by the machine." "Held by the machine... and so you're not in one? How is that possible?" "Listen. I won't tell you what I have discovered, because you will only think me as a blasphamer, but to find the border, you must first be looking for it. It can be anywhere, but nowhere. Of course, while still connected to that vast machine, it won't allow you out of this universe. But if you break free, and you travel far enough, you can skip to another's universe." "You mean go into another person's machine?" "No, the machines are only what bind us to our parts, the actual universes are all part of an internal network of thoughts." "And so you can go through it..." "Exactly."
  8. OOC: no problem IC: Gi'Uen stood up and walked calmly to the corner of the small building where no one was waving around sharp objects. He called out, "Fool! Freeze them!" Eris stopped, evreything around immediatly frozen in time. "Do you have some kind of problem with me?" She was obviously annoyed at the intruder. "One thing we all learn, use your power as much as you like. You don't have to be sparing with it... amature." That made her angry, some person she doesn't even know, calling her amature? "That's it, who the hell are you? Now!" "I'm from my own reality... it is no longer mine." Gi'Uen's demeaner became more depressing as he spoke. "I escaped from my reality... then 'He' found me. I found the seeker's secrets... I will never return there." Eris looked genuinly confused, or shocked, Gi'Uen couldn't tell. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll be heading towards the border." "Border? What are you talking about?" "You wouldn't know... being trapped here." Eris nearly laughed, "Trapped? Is that what you think of this?"
  9. Gi'Uen stopped suddenly. He would never get used to the crossing. One moment, grassland had streched as far as he could see, and now he was surrounded by mechanicle wonders, all contained within huge domes. He thought of turning around and going back to the previous reality, but he would have to walk several miles at least to reach the border. So he looked around and chose a random street. He knew he stuck out like a sore thumb, but that couldn't be helped. He brushed his hair out of his eyes, annoyed. While attached to his enormous machine, all body functions had ceased. He had grown accostomed to it's perpetuality. Now his body was free to grow, locked in the prison of inevitability. He walked in to what he hoped was a bar of some kind. Inside he did find a bar, but also a thirty foot long and wide "cage" with tw ooccupants, looking like they were ready to slit each other's throats. One looked mechanicle, like androids he had dreamed about. The other was a women, rather pretty actualy. He shook his head. She was just a product of this reality, of whoever made it. Speaking of wich, they would probably be looking for him. He had no way of discerning that person from the others araound him, but he or she would surely feel the ripples of growth and disturbence eminating from him. He got up to leave as the fight ended, and was stopped by the women, girl now that he saw her up close, that had apparently won. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?" she said. "You shouldn't know..." was all that Gi'Uen gave her for a responce before briskly exiting. He found his way impeded by a wall that had appeared out of no where. At this point he wished he had retained his nearly God like powers. OOC: alright, have at it!
  10. Sorry I've been distracted lately, I will start up this adventure now! Hope to see you all there. THanks to everyone for their comments!
  11. Cool... I've never had so many people compliment my RP like this! Very good so far, so we've got... Dagger IX1: Eris-domed city world The_Ghost: Jacie-philosipher's world shahi: Snowy-Egypt world Gelgoog Pilot: Nemesis-war world Er, the names aren't official or anything, it's just for a reminder. And since I enjoy small crowds, I think I'll start this up soon. Soon, not immediatly. If any one else joins, please be a man to make it even. See you in the after-life!
  12. Wooh! No one told ME Annie was leaving! Why the heck is she gonna be going? Ahem, anyway... as you know Annie, I look up to you. You were quite literaly, the first person I came into contact with here at OB. You helped sort my stupidity out, as I'm sure you did others. Your RPGs were phenominal, and I'll miss that... how perfectly you could bend the thread to make it exciting, or have a happy ending, or whatever. Thanks for being with us, and please come back! PS: It was fun being your *cough*-sister-*cough* PPS: I'm a guy, just so everyone else knows... the sister thing is a long story.
  13. [font=century][color=dark-blue]"Welcome, friends, if you can be called such, to the fantastic world that is, me." --Unknown With these words began the exodus of all things rational. --Unknown Who can say that they enjoy living in the modern world? You can? I see... well that changes everything. Let all those who worship this world, this reality, be banished from my aura, and be burned at the hands of their creator. --Unknown [/color][color=dark red] It is now. Nothing is different from as you know it. The world is fine. But we're not talking about the world now, are we? It is known by the few, that in somewhere that is not here, in a time unparalell with this one, resides one. Or many. He, or she, or neither, seeks out those with the [I]talent[/I]. The [I]talent[/I] is not something you can see, or hear. You do not even know you have it. The [I]talent[/I] is within your mind. Your imagination to be specific. What is the [I]talent[/I]? It is the ability to think beyond what you see. It is the ability to create with your mind that wich others cannot make with their hands. The seeker finds the few, the many in the billions of the masses, and brings them o where "he" resides. Through dream and consious thought, "he" brings you to the world of wonders. You are hooked up to a great machanism, that can show you the path. You become the creator, it's "God". The machine puts you in control of it, and it controls you, and in return for this great fantasy, the seeker builds on your thought. What does it mean?--Unknown One of the [I]few[/I] has broken free of his imagination prison, and found the evidence of a conspiracy. The [I]conspiracy[/I]. The seeker is not as "he" imagines. As one of the other [I]few[/I], you reside in mental stasis inside your "machine" and... be God. You have complete control over your own personal world, your own reality. And as you feel the ripple in your reality, the only one that matters, you become aware of something you do not control. The one who has betrayed the seeker is banished from his machine, and fled into his mind, into your reality. He wanders your's and other's realities, in search of... nothing? What can he search for? Is he searching for the seeker? Is he getting closer? Now, will you follow?[/color][/font] _________________________________ [color=teal]SIGN-UPS You are to be one of the "few" who is controling his/her own reality, wether it be a modern metropolis, or a world of dragons and goblins, or nothing of the sort, you are disturbed by the banished one, and you must choose to follow him, or betray him to the seeker. You have long forgotten your own name... but you may call yourself what you wish. Name: ??? Age:anything... within reason please. Gender: male/female/bi/neither/whatever/imoutofideas Appearance: what do you look like when you choose to be visible? Personae: what are you like? any habits? Bio: you can't remember this, but what was your life like before you were one of the few? World Description: what is your reality like? Breif description of it. That about covers it... now here's mine...[/color] Name: Gi'Uen (g-ee-you-n) Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: 5'9'' with dirty orange hair, deep green eyes, and a stare that could kill. He wears an Earth brown long sleeve shirt, thick pants of the same color, and a dark green sash across his chest and back. Personae: Kind of fun-loving, but mostly solitary and lonely. Often goes into deep thought, but still has a tendancy to act without thought. Bio: He used to be one of those kids that almost nobody knew, but would love once they did. Sarcastic, yet contemplative, he had his own small circle of friends. Then, when he was fifteen, the seeker found him and the [I]talent[/I] within him. After being the controler of his reality for two years, he suddenly broke apart from the machine and discovered the seeker's world. Now he wanders the worlds of others in the hopes of finding help, or maybe just an escape. World Description: His worlds does not exist any more, but when it did, it had vast plains, and deep caverns, where the strangest of creatures lived. It was an eco-system bizarre. [color=red]Now, I would like to say that I want an equal number of boys and girls... characters that is. It doesn't have to be exact, but pretty close. And one more thing... this isn't one of those RPs where people go around hackin up bad guys, or casting spells on giant evil monsters. Unless it is part of your world, but once you leave your world, all of that is changed. Have fun.[/color]
  14. YAY! YOURE NOT OLD! lol... why hide the fact that you're 26? How is that embarrasing? C'mon... ow, I just realized that this is spam.... o_O
  15. Oh.... OK... that's cool. Whatever. I'll just uh... I'll just scurry off now...
  16. Fine, fine, FINE! I'll join... er, does any one remember what Garren looked like? wait.. lemme go copy and paste real quick.. I'll edit this soon. Arunue, you're not like some old phart are you? Or, lemme put it this way.. are you under fifty? lol (heh, edited it out... just like I said. :P) EDIT: ... Darnit, the original recruitment thread is gone... OK, I'll do my best to remember. Name: Garren Age: .... ... ... 20... 24? ya... ok, 24 Gender: male Appearance: 6'3'', dark hair, green eyes. Wears an old, beat up black jacket that comes down to his knees, blue jeans (duh...) and a beany(ie?) cap that hides his eyes. (It's not the original, but clothing changes right?) Personae: was once happy and fun to be around, but after Arunue's death (soon to be alive again) he became more solitary and depressing. BIO: Several years ago, before Arunue first became the Cascade, he attempted to cross into another realm, and was trapped in between, making his body go numb. After their adventure in the realms, Arunue died, and though he was deeply sad, all of the feeling returned to Garren's body. He now travels not far behind Toshi and the others. He always stays a few miles behind their position because he still isn't over Arunue's death and is nagged by the fact that they never burried her (happy?). Weapons: carries Arunue's old sword. Abilities: He has developed the ability to conform to shadow, a handy skill in the realm of imaginations, wich is in almost perpetual night. Weakness: anything that reminds him remotely of Arunue can bring him down... mentaly. There... I feel better now... not really.
  17. :wow: man... this is what happens when you don't check your threads forever... Ya know, the first like, four posts were enough... I come to this forum for the first time since the last time I posted here, and behold the number of posts on my forgotten thread. Ya, you guys can stop now.
  18. For those of you who don't know, "Killroy" was like the mascot for American troops... soldiers would draw the killroy cartoon and right "Killroy was here". GI Jo, eat your heart out. Sorry if the image is a little fuzzy... it always does that under JPG, and Paint doesn't have a sharpen image option.
  19. OK... I know I told Arunue I would probably join, but it seems tha this is getting a little streched... no offense, but ya know... ok, you probably don't know, but my point is, the story is getting a little too warped for my taste. Lol, you guys turned it into a freakin Zelda thriller, with power crystals and spells and crap... I remember when I thought it was gonna be a nice, peacful, psycological RP... oh, and Arunue, just telling you again, feel free to publish this.. that would be awesome. PS: I know you said not to ask... but how old ARE you? lol
  20. "Now... prepare to dive... Jyvel, are all Oxy tanks good for underwater?" Lance yelled over powerful engines. "One hundred percent!" "Dive!" Lance lurched the craft forward and it sunk into the water. The sound of the engines was muffled to a dee proar, and all around them was dark blue. "Water lag has reduced speed to 87%." Jyvel said after poping his ears. "Emergency! Enemy units detected ahead!" Erika called out. Everyone's hearts skipped a beat. "A lot of them... harmless mining drones. They'll give us away." "Shall I?" Victoria said from a targeting seat. "No," said Lance, " There's too many to ensure a clean get-away... I'm taking us back up." The craft again lruched to the surface and zipped above the oblivious miners. "Emergency! Large enemy unit detected 48 degrees to our left!" Erika seemed even more shocked than the last time. Everyone looked at small screen near their seats, now displaying a large cargo ship, apparently there to pick up the miner's recent supplies. "Damnit!"
  21. Heh, it's a sexist world.. we all have to live with it. Being a guy, I don't have to deal with this, but there seem to be more and more shooters with female characters. One of my favorites (Perfect Dark) is like James Bond with a female main character. And as Terra half said, if all else fails, kick major a--, I mean butt. Or, if even that fails, gather a bunch of your friends and run around a walmart with signs.
  22. Wait a minute... doesn't it say in the "rules" thread that any advertising is prohibited? Exept in sigs of course... but I could swear I read something along those lines.
  23. Ya know, I think the TechTV message boards use that PHPBB stuff... and if they do, it really is very very low tech. (hows that for an oxymoron?) Anyway, even if you did convince James or Charles to change the site (not likely) then there would be a [b][I]lot[/I][/B] of pis-- I mean, ticked off members. People like this site because it looks professional. Just give yourself some time, PM a few people, and you'll be an expert before ya know it! And when you do reach that level, you'll be surprised at yourself, looking back on when you were still confused about it. (and I should know)
  24. Partiri Name: Jyvel Hirokan (Jyv for short) Age: [EDIT] 19 months (ya ya... I'll follow you guys) Gender: male Description: Tall (about 6'3'') blue eyes and green hair that gives away his species. Muscular build, but flexible/dextrous hands. Noticabely long arms, and a face built to be hidden in shadows. Wears deep blue armor, with a dull, laser reflective surface, and a cloak of similar color for warmth. (I would have included a pic, but I couldn't find much) Weapons: [img]http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/low_poly/img001.jpg[/img] High-powered condensed laser cannon (he he he) [img]http://www.savvysurvivor.com/lasers.jpg[/img] Rapid fire, lower power rifle. Strengths: Very fast and dexrtous. Generaly sees things before others do. Weaknesses: Dependence on a normaly poiseness gas, wich he needs to breath in about every twelve hours. (he keeps a canister of it with him) BIO: Was brought to Earth on the third Partiri ship that came to the planet, known as the [I]Vadk'azin[I]. He assimilated himself into human culture and easily made friends among their military. Life on Earth has taken it's toll, though. An unfortunate accident (no details provided by the Partiri Earth forces) he is now subject to twice a day inhalents of chlorine gas. He finds Earth women very attractive. OOC: sorry it took so long vicky.. go away for one second and my mom logs me off...
  25. Delnoreth caught the vile and observed it's contents for a few moments. He was going to ask what it was, but seeing Artemus and Nymphanie in such bliss together swayed him away from disturbing them. He gulped down the fluid and felt on the verge of passing out a moment. Then he realized that what he was feeling was not pain, but pure excstasy(sp?). He could nearly feel the angelic medicine traveling threw his body and into the wound the arrow had made. Then, Artemus stiffened, and turned his head in the direction of the gates. Nymphanie seemes to shudder like a person remembering an old pain. "Evil enters the gates." and with out further word, Artemus flew off. Nymphanie and Delnoreth followed, right up to the netrance to God's throne room. They could almost see through the velvety doors. Artemus spoke, "A demon?" But Delnoreth recognized the foreign form immediately as one like himself. A female no less. But as they watched, the doors opaqued, and it was obvious that God did not want them peeking in on their conversation.
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