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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
Alright, now you've got me interested in the first one... I could never find it in Blockbuster, and never bothered to look else-where because each of the installments is more or less a seperate story. Just read your thread on the up-coming fourth installment Mitch, very interesting. You're deffinately right about the psycological horror thing that Silent Hill has goin' on. When going through a new door, you find yourself praying that you won't hear static when you reach the other side. One thing that is always a let down with Silent Hill games... you never find out how it all happened! I didn't finish number three, so I'm not sure if that explains further, but on number two, even after seeing the end cut-scene, you wonder "What the hell was that about?"
OOC: I don't wanna spoil your fun, but the hunters are sent on missions concerning the inter-dimensional beings ONLY. And that last post didn't seem like it. I would greatly appreciate you editing it to fit those perameters. Thank you. IC: About thirty minutes later, the team had arrived at the last known location of their target... "Goofy". They all hopped out of the vehicle and got out binoculars, searching desperately for the enemy. "I've got something!" Lita shouted. A distant form could be seen through her binoculars. The team immediately got back in and headed for it. At about fifty feet, they were hailed with small arms fire. The vehicle twisted around so that they could exit on the opposite side. "Somebody fry that thing!" one of them shouted. Jack lobbed a grenade over the side of the jeep and waited... after a rather loud explosion, the fire stopped. They looked around to see it stil standing, half blown apart. Underneath it's "skin" mechanicle parts could be seen, twiching and scorched. "A terminator?" Jack's mouth dropped to the ground. "In the form of Goofy....."
OOC: ya, and we all thought it would be one of those anti-climactic RPs. too bad. IC: Emotional pain... The idea ran through Garren's mind, becoming clear as Hodur's dark cloud fell to the ground. It was finaly time to avenge Arunue. Kalamara, you were a bigger cascade than you knew. Garren dropped his staff and walked blindly toward Hodur, Toshi and Rayne looking confused. The sorrow was returning now, more so than before. With all of his limited energy, Garren threw it all out. The sorrow, the anger, the anxiousness, it all went to Hodur. He could almost see it, as if it was tangible, making it's way to Hodur, fast as an arrow but seemingly slow in the tension of the moment. And then it arrived. Hodur's eyes went out of focus for a moment or two, then he came back, fully aware... to his dispare. It was all gone from Garren now, he felt, or rather didn't feel, it all leave himself and enter Hodur, who was now contorting in mental pain. It ends here. Of all places. [color=blue][I]In later years, Garren would stay with Rein, learning all he could of crossing through dimensions. He left one day to explore the many worlds that were unexplored by human eyes. He dissappeared. It is thought by some that he found another world, and never came back, or that he was corrupted by the world's power and became one with it's energy. It is also said that he was trapped in the middle, for good. But really, he had found peace, eternal and sweet.[/I][/color] OOC: not the end of the story, but I'm done posting ^_^. See ya'll around. PS: I'll still read it of course PPS: Hey Arunue, PM some time! ~_^
Let's get one thing strait... this game is [U][I][B]SCARY[/B][/I][/U]. A while ago, I rented Silent Hill 2, and used that thing blockbuster is doing so I got to keep it for a month. At first, I thought it might be mildly creepy. I was surprised at the first ten minutes of the game, wich contain no monsters, but are incredibly creepy. I was intruiged by the idea of using a broken radio to sense the monsters, and love the way that a wooden rafter can be used to kill the majority of your enemies. You think it's gonna be one of those games with a great, exciting ending. [spoiler]Then you find out that James was to blame for all of it when he killed his wife.[/spoiler] It truly is an unexpected ending. But besides all that, the game is incredibly well done, and undenyably scary. Dark corridors, unnaturaly thick mist, strange ambient noises. Speaking of noises, the sound is also well done, and you can use your ears to sense danger. You will always hear a monster before you see it. Also, the music generaly gets spookier and faster when danger is near. You'd think this gets repetitive, but it adds to the horror. TIP: play the game with the lights [I]out[/I]. I recently rented Silent Hill 3, and had to return it today (without getting past the first area) and was surprised again at how much it had improved. The monsters take on that fidgeting, shaky movement, and are considerably harder to kill. And of course, the plot gets very, very deep. Not to mention it comes with a soundtrack! (love the intro music) What do [I]you[/I] think of it?
One thing about this... can you really say who the bad-guy was? On one hand, the sniper is threatening people with their lives, and holding a man hostage in a phonebooth. On the other hand, he really does have a good cause, and it all turned out for the better. [spoiler](besides the dead guy who stood up for the hookers)[/spoiler] Chew on that for a while.
OOC: at this point, I would like to say that I do not wish for this RP to end with God or Satan dying, the main reason being that I wish to make a sequel... with different characters and everything. You'll see. Eventualy. IC: After Artemus walked away, heading for uncertain liberation, Nymphanie seemed to sink into the soft ground. Depression for Artemus was one thing, but Nymphanie was not as strong as he. Delnoreth did his best to comfort her, but she was obviously uncomfortable around half-dragon, wich she had undoubtedly slayed many of. She had probably heard Delnoreth talking with Artemus, speaking of the half-dragon's unimportance in the world of imortals. It was true, that as far as imortality went, even demons were higher up then they were. But it couldn't be helped. Maybe that's what kept them all going.
Sorry if this is spam, but it's kind of disturbing to know that you've seen a movie called "Barney's Magical Adventure". just had to say it.
Yay for Crimson_Warrior and Terpischore! I was born in Texas! Sugarland... right outside of Houston I think. We moved up here about six or seven years ago... oh how I miss Texan winters. And of course all the mexican food :D. Most of my family is still down there in San Antonio and Houston (a few in Seguine). Thankfully, we visit often.
Message to mods: Sorry if there's already a thread on this movie, I didn't see it. Well, who here has seen the movie Phonebooth? If you have any doubts about how thrilling a movie about a guy standing in a phonebooth for an hour can be, then get rid of them! The movie is very thrilling and generaly keeps you on your toes. Alright... spoiler time... [spoiler]The end has a marvolous twist, in wich the main character discovers that they got the wrong guy... but it's strangely satisfying[/spoiler] [spoiler]Although the "villian" puts the main character through Hell, he actualy seems to have good intensions... the saying "The end justifies the means" definately applies here.[/spoiler] It really keeps you guessing... if you like non-horror suspense, then it's a great movie for you.
Hehheh... what happened to your sense of humor? Just kidding... It's just supposed to annoy you really... unless you'd like to use it? lol.
USA! All The Way! *ahem* anyway... I'm in Missouri, St. Louis to be exact. What's it like in Saudi Arabia? Come to think of it, Japan is probably a lot better than us, because they [I]are[/I] the leading country in technology...
good, no guys are watching. Lol, just kidding, though I feel out of place being the only guy to post here... I am, right? (from your posts it seems like it...) Anyway, that's awesome! Your very own Kurama midget... nice coloring, very solid. One question... why Kurama? Right... gotta go before Viper spots me here... lol.
Matt, this one's for you! LOL, just kidding man, I couldn't resist! For those of you who don't know, Viper0529 is obsessed with mogs (from FFXI) and he already has a banner and avitar with mogs in them... but I couldn't resist making this for him. Ya, I know it's crap, wich is why I made it!
Nymphanie watched Artemus from a distance, leaning lightly on a velvety white pillar, barely noticable from the pure white background. ((I'm not racist! It's Heaven!)) Delnoreth walked up beside her and looked on as Artemus gently sobbed. It was a sad thing... seeing an angel cry. He was perhaps the mightiest of all the immortals besides Lucifer and God himself, yet such a thing as an arrow had stolen his pride and his immortal title as Angel of Chaos at one time. Being a half-dragon, and not familiar with being immortal, Delnoreth approached him slowly, doing his best to look comforting. "Artemus... Friend. There is still hope. You can still live your life." he put a hand on Artemus' shoulder. Artemus whipped the hand away and turned a knowing look on Delnoreth. "How can you say that?" he said aggresively. "You can't know what it's like to be immortal! To be the such a powerful entity! Only to have that power, that immortality, stripped away by a peice of wood!" Delnoreth was flustered for a moment, never having seen Artemus in such a mood. Behind him, Nymphanie was even more shocked. "Pick yourself up [I]man[/I]!" Delnoreth swiched attitudes to match Artemus'. " Maybe now you'll see what it's like to be at the edge of the Ancient circle. To live like an abomination among the immortals! Have you not seen their stares? The angels... they are disgusted by [I]us[/I]. Worse, they [I]pity[/I] us!" Artemus was overcome with a feeling he had not felt in many, many years. He struck at Delnoreth, swiping his face. Delnoreth backed off a few paces, and turned back to Artemus. "You sad, pathetic abomination. Is the former angel of chaos not strong enough to face his reality?" Artemus was angry now... hatred, the forbidden emotion among angels, swelled towards Delnoreth. He made a motion as if to strike out with the chain on his left arm... but it suddenly hung limp, like his wing. "Get used to it... [I]mortal[/I]." Delnoreth hated to do this to anyone... an angel no less, but it was neccessary to make Artemus face reality... to face his future. As a mortal.
Delnoreth awoke on a long mat made of some silky materiel, and with a splitting pain in his shoulder. He arose slowly, slinging his feet over the side of the velvety bed. Ahead of him, Artemus could be seen in a similar condition, his right wing hanging limp at his side. Medicaly trained angel (most all of them) scurried about, occasionally putting a hand to one of their foreheads, or adding a healing substance to a wound. Besides his shoulder, Delnoreth's body felt better than it ever had, due to the healing powers of the angels. Artemus turned to face him. "How are you friend?" "Fine... your wing is damaged?" he said, motioning towards the limp hunk of white feathers. "Yes... whoever shot the arrows at us took aim for it... it is questionable if I shall fly again..." at the statement, Delnoreth felt very sorry for Artemus. Any ancient being without his/her wings was a severely depressed one. OOC: your turn... or whoever else wants to post... ya know, whatever...
Art Concerning Midgets (LOTR Comedy Comic)
Muad'Dib replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Never met you before, but this is a peice of comical GENIOUS!! (did I spell that right?) I was cracking up through the whole thing!! How long did it take you to come up with this? Best Line: "Forks hurt!" -
Though the news shocked him, what had Garren really excited is that he would be going to a world completely different than those he had previously been in. As Rein started to transport them, time seemed to slow, and Garren nearly grew impatient with it. When they were there, the bleak landscape surprised and dissappointed him at the same time. What did he expect a land of darkness to look like? And there was Shakia... no, Hodur... waiting for them. "Hello Rein... so you weren't too scared after all."
OOC: here goes... IC: Jack sat at a small desk in his only-a-little-comfortable room, tinkering with a highly explosive grenade. He took it apart, examined it's contents, and added a few things. His room was covered with posters of nuclear explosions and different models of grenades. Lita walked in through the metal door and stood next to him, watching. It took him a few moments to notice she was there. "Wha...? Oh, Lita, hey." He looked up from the now fully intact grenade. "What is it this time Jack?" she said, reaching for the explosive. "Nitro-glycerine, C-4 mix." Lita quickly put it down. "It's actualy got two different cannisters in there, and when you push the button, a spark lights both!" "Uh-huh.." Lita tried not to seem to confused, because she knew how much Jack liked to explain the explosive qualities of his grenades to her. All of the sudden, a loud speaker came on and a voice said... "All members of the "Giant-Slayer" hunter group, report to docking room immediatly." "That's us." Lita jogged out the door, and Jack quickly put away the grenade and grabbed his cloak, wich contained most of his "master-pieces". The rest met them there and everyone arranged themselves in a line. Their supperior marched out in front of them, a video panel in his hands. "This morning, an enemy in the form of 'Goofy' was spotted near the Texas border. It has already killed five people, and injured sixteen. You know what to do. DISMISSED!"
Alright, I've got some good news and some bad news... the good news is, Tara is in, and I'm gonna start this thread... the bad news is that Viper cannot get on today... however he has informed me that he will join later, so his character will somehow be introduced in the middle... oh well. Now, let's go kick some inter-dimensional a**!!
Garren had actualy been happy for a while. It's as if the sudden anger had held his sadness at bay.. until now. His part spirit suddenly doused, he went to a corner and slumped to the floor. He could still remember Arunue's last expression, of surprise and horror... he longed to go back and see her again, but he daren't. He swore to himself that he would not go back into that small room where she lay dead. A few minutes later, after watching the others calm down and finally sit down, Garren began to rise and head for the door. Rein met him at the entrance.
Inspite of herself, Kalipso let a few tears go. They drifted down her face and dripped silently on Lorn's brow. [I][U]In Lorn's Head[/U][/I] CR had now been inside of the white sphere with Lorn for what seemed like hours, though it was only a few minutes in real time. They were currently playing a game of darts. Suddenly the sphere seemed to rock back and forth, if it was possible. After several strange leerings, the very substance of the sphere began to shiver and contract. It was like being in an earthquake in zero-g's. The edges finally colapsed and CR found himself back in his own mind, dazed but otherwise fine. He gathered his thoughts just in time to see Lorn doing the same, several small tears on his forehead. OOC: couldn't resist...
-_-* OK, I feel pretty stupid now... here's what hopefully is the REAL banner... er, same thing but taking in you guy's advice... ya... Hope I opened the right one... Here goes. EDIT: YES! IT WORKED!!
This is a banner I made on paint(wich is why it's so low-tech) that depicts the main characters of a stick-figure comic series I have recently created called "Heko the Tiny Knight". Anyway, I'm really just putting it here so I can get it's URL code and actualy put it in my sig. But if you wannna comment, go ahead. Thanks to Syk3 for sorting out my stupidity! [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] ???? WT* IT'S STILL COMING UP IN PAINT??? OK, so this is more complicated than I thought.... Alright, so someone please tell me what I did wrong!! [color=teal]Please do not double post. As you now know, there is an Edit button at avoid this problem, and otherwise simply wait for someone else to post. -Syk3[/color]
O_o Did I hear a sequel series to The Circle Opens?? PRAISE THE LORD! Ahem, excuse me. An interesting fact, I actualy read The Circle Opens first, not knowing that it was a sequel series. Then I saw the back of the last book. Lo and Behold, there's a prequel! No... this ones a sequel! Imagine that... Anyway, I had no idea that Tamora had made so many books. I've only ever heard of the Circle of Magic books... until now that is. I guess I'm just ignorant sometimes... It's interesting the way she writes all her books about magic. Then again, it's a pretty good idea.
Right, good post. I was gonna say that you are actualy part of a new group if you join now because Viper is going to be the fifth in the first one, but you seem to be aware of that. If you're confused now, then remember that there are only five hunters per group and I'm reserving a spot for Viper. So if more people don't join your group, you'll be controlling the other four that should be in your group. Since Viper still hasn't gotten on, I think I shall call him and tell him to... See ya. Oh, and if other people don't join and you don't feel like controlling five characters, you can still back out. Not to say you should (just messin with your head man). See you guys in a little while I guess...