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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
EXCELLENT!! Now if only Viper would get here... alright, so no more joiners unless you want to start your own group and face the consiquences if no-one joins it..lol, with the exception of Viper of course. I'll start it immediately when he joins...
dourocks, ou're right, I did make a thread on the Beatles already. It's on the second page. Just thought I'd tell ya since you seem so interested willow. It's got three pages full of Beatles fans.
Very very good, both of you. Great Bio from Swordmaster13. Arika, very interesting ability, but I'd appreciate it if you could eexplain what exactly the "yin/yang" ability is supposed to do. Alright, so I need one more person plus Viper when he finaly gets on... then we can start! Yaaaaay! (for a while, I though this would NEVER get started)
OOC: OK... I'll break my own record and do three posts on the same RP in one night... lol. IC: "Uhh... Ryin, what exactly happened?" CR, being the other telepath, was trying to find a cuase, if not a solution, for Lorn's condition. "We... well, to make it short, he did a link with me, and I'm not gonna say what for, thank you very much." Kalipso seemed to have a sudden revelation. "Lorn linked with me earlier, he's never done it twice in such a short time!" "There's your problem... he's in a telepathic shock... or something like that." CR turned to face Lorn's twiching body. Maybe he could help... Reaching into Lorn's mind-easy in his semi-concious stat-CR searched through his mind, layer by layer. He was shocked at the depth of wich he found any real activity, much too deep. After hesitating, he dipped a mental limb into the small stew of thoughts. Instantly, he was dragged in and found himself standing next to Lorn. OOC: your turn... again.
OOC: my bad...:blush: I'm used to spelling it with an "i" on the rare occasions I have to spell it. IC: Delnoreth watched in amazement as the great Gekanisel, last of the true Dragons, was destroyed in a great flash of light. Her last dying cry reached their ears a few moments later, and most of them had to cover their ears, not only because it hurt their ears, but becuase they hated to see their last link to their ancestors be destroyed forever. In the aftermath of the blast, a flourescent glow remained in a sphere, hanging in the air. In the distance, Delnoreth could see [U]Artemus[/U] lying crippled on the ground. Cries of victory, and a few of mourning resounded through out the massive army, and Delnoreth flew as speddily as he could to see if Artemus was OK. As he approached, Artemus got up onto his elbows, with some difficulty, and looked at Delnoreth. "Victory is ours, Angel of Chaos!"
At the sight of Kalipso, CR was filled with guilt and a bit of longing, but Lorn was in trouble and now was not the time to worry about a relationship. "He's got somethin' in his head." "What?" Kalipso didn't know how exactly to interpret that. "We were... outside..." Ryin was finally in a mood to talk, "and he just... fell down and he looked like he was in pain..." "OooKaay..." Kalipso hated it when she seemed to be the only sane one in the group. Especialy with all of the mixed feelings currently going through her head. First the talk with CR, and now Lorn was having some kind of spaz... perfect. OOC: humdeedum... OK, so I couldn't resist calling it a spaz...
OOC: I hope we can get this going again... IC: "Di, just try and calm down..." Darren came out of his normaly depressed mood to comfort his sister. "Darr... I don't feel too good..." She slumped in his arms. "Damnit... you, what's wrong with her?" Darren looked at Jigoni. "How should I know?" The older boy seemed unappreciated. "I knew she was out too early..." Darren said to himself. He was going to call for a nurse when a crash ans a series of scratching noises filled the next room. Jigoni took one last look at Diana and hurried in. OOC: Ninja_Freak, you better be here somewhere...
Delnoreth stopped in mid-air for no more than a second, comprehending what Nymphanie had just said. This explains why the seemingly eager Gamaliel had acted the way she had. But no time for that now. "Make it wider! She has been injured!" A resounding cheer went through the horde of Half-Dragons and they instanly began to fly and dip past the wound in Gekanisel's side, trying to get their blades into the cut. "Artimus, how would we survive without you!"
Getting his balance back in order and fighting back the grogginess of coming out of a trans-state, CR bounded down stairs after Michelle and nearly ran into her dragging Lorn into the house. Trying to find out what had happened, he read Ryin's mind, and instantly fell over for the fifth time that day. Recovering from the dizziness, he helped get Lorn onto the grungy couch, still crusted with some of his blood. Michelle looked Lorn over, despite her increasing nausia, for signs of injury or illness. Finding nothing, she turned to the others. "I can't find anything wrong with him, what happened Ryin?" Ryin looked hesitant, and, despite being their leader, looked at the floor. "It's mental." CR said to Michelle after quickly examining Lorn's mind. "What?" "He's not sick, he's mentally ill or something like that..." OOC:Hi! Hope nothing exciting happened while I was gone... what's this about a third round of otaku idol...?
OOC: My sincere apologies for not posting, I was out of town, but I'm back now!! IC: Garren knelt at Arunue's feet and put his head to the ground. He was stronger than this... he had to be... he cried anyway. The only person he had ever truly loved since his mother, now lay dead in front of him. He wished he could feel anger, anger towards Shakia, so he could kill him despite his grief. But sorrow dominated his brain, and he could not even comprehend feeling anything else. As several minutes passed, the others slowly filed out, leaving Garren alone with Arunue's corpse. The strangest thing suddenly entered his mind... he remembered the first night he had come into the Realm of Reality, and the theory that there were other worlds besides the two. His theory had just been proven by Shakia's lust for power. The implications rushed through his head, possibilities of hundreds of millions of seperate realities coexisting in some kind of web of matter and time. The ideas slowed to a halt and he suddenly lost his sorrow and was filled with rage again. As a last good-bye to Arunue, he picked up her sword from it's place on her hip. He would not, and could not, rest until it had tasted Shakia's blood. If it wern't for him, all of this would have never happened. Filled with renewed strength, he ran out of the small dojo and into the snow. He froze. He froze because he was [I]cold[/I]. He felt the snow! It was impossible! Ever since his first attempt to cross, he had not been able to feel a thing exept in a few places... but no time to wonder, Shakia must be hunted. OOC: dang, long one!
Lol, you gotta understand that people are really sarcastic around here... Anyway, I may be a boy, but I'm really into the Circle of Magic series (and it's sequel series "The Circle Opens"). It gives such a different light on what magic could be like if it existed. Not to mention the complexity of writing from four different perspectives in four different books! Of course, my favorite character is Briar (not just because he's a boy). He's got the whole street kid thing goin on. He's rebellious and independent, and I like that in a book character. It's amazing how Tamora can get four different characters, doing essentialy the same thing, and make them so re-readable. And, of course, it's just really good.
"Proof that angels can do what mortals cannot!" Delnoreth flipped in the air with excitement. "I'm rather proud of that one." Artimus relaxed a moment. "Now, we must... oh, hello..." Delnoreth noticed Nymphanie for the first time. "And who is this?" Nymphanie came out from behind Artimus and shyly (sp?) held out her hand. "This is Nymphanie, she has been accepted into God's eternal family." "Ahh, quite an honor I suppose?" Delnoreth hesitated, unfamiliar with the custom of hand shaking. "Yes... I was surprised I got to the gates." Nymphanie put her hand back to her side. A stream of raoring flames reminded them that Gekanisel was still at large. "Artimus! Gather your angels! Tell them to get in formation and attack from Gekanisel's left flank!" "I assume you will do the same from the right?" with no time to reply, Delnoreth set about calling to the half-dragon troops, getting them into a large inward curving crescent formation, while Artimus got the angels into a magnificent flying "v". "Attaaack!"
Yaaaaay!!! I was hoping you would try this again! Let's see if I can remember my guy... Name: James Shentin Age: 20 (heh, my bad) Gender: male Occupation: protecter Appearance: 5'9'' green eyes, dirty blonde hair. wears a long-sleeve blue shirt that reads "Ignorance Kills" in deep red, and blue jeens. (jeens or jeans?) Personality: boyish and hyperactive, though can act very adult when he's concentrating. Easily smitten by a pretty girl. (lol, couldn't resist the last part.) Weapons: a small, easily handled pistol picked up by the other protecters, and a knife for close-confrontations. BIO: A natural hacker, he was responsible for several major hacking-crisis and was only caught once, when he was thirteen. When he heard a genious hacker had gotten into Hikuuro Tech. he couldn't resist joining the effort to protect her. He carries a small, but incredibly powerful, laptop every where he goes for hacking emergencies. He constantly askes Aura how she got into Hikuuro's server, but she doesn't seem to know herself... James doesn't believe her. He generaly stays away from danger situations, and sticks to doing hacking for the group. He once tok martail-arts lessons, but nothing major. Eh... close enough.
Not but thirty miles East, the army of half-dragons could see a great form, wreathed in flame, shimmering on the horizon. A collective shiver went down the spine of every last one of them. ~~~~~ The bodies of half-dragons and demons litter the flaming ground. It was three hours later, and the fight wasn't near to being over. The soul of Gekanisel flew in the midst of hordes of demons advancing on the out-classed half-dragons. A great gash ran through the ground where demons had been pouring in from Hell. Delnoreth felt a trembling on his wing as a demon blade clashed with rough dragon-hide. Spinning around, he made a lucky guess and and slashed out where the demon's head was, instantly decapitating it. A great pillar of flame could be seen while Gekanisel spit fire at half-dragons. All seemed lost. Lo and behold, angels began to rain down from Heaven, and joined the half-dragons in the struggle. As a fresh wave of demons began to pour out of the gate, a legion of angels swooped down and flew the gate's length. As the flew past, it sealed itself and trembled where demons were stuck in the ground. Delnoreth found himself face-to-face with Artimus. "Hello friend dragon." "God be praised friend rogue." "Get used to calling me Angel of Chaos."
Delnoreth flew for some time, observing the mak-shift army. Many able-bodied, young half-dragons also soared through the sky, enjoying the wind, or trying to impress the female soilders. He was abruptly interupted by a loud horn, coming from the east. At once, every soilder was alert and ready. As the un-named leader of the horde, he flew to the "front" of the encampment to see what was happening. A ragged bunch of half-dragons were wearily trudging into the midst of the group, looking as if they had escaped death. Delnoreth landed beside them and told a half-dragon next to him to get them some water. "What has happened?" "Dragon... east... killed... all of us." one of them said between gasps. "Gekanisel?" "Yes... we... were coming to join... the effort... she came at us from... above." "We must leave immediately. Everyone prepare for battle!" instantly, everyone within earshot cried out to others that could not hear Delnoreth. "Sir, we havn't enough warriors!" Gamaliel appeared next to Delnoreth. "Wha...? Ah, you. We have no choice. Gekanisel has obviously sensed our intensions. We must slay her now, or die."
A small peice of humor I made off the top of my head... it was inspired by LotR: RotK when [spoiler]Frodo says "I don't think there will be a return trip"[/spoiler]. Anyway, it's rather short, and kind of funny. Hope you enjoy it... [B]"Aaahhhahahaha!! Think you can mess with me do ya? Aaaahahaha!!" the happy man in armor spits at the body of a dead warlord. "Not feelin' so mighty now huh? I should throw you into the da**ed pit!! HAHAHAA!! I beat Sauron, I beat Sauron! HAHAHAA!!" Another man runs in and stares at the first. "What are you doing? We must go back to Gondor!" "HAHAAHAA!! We can't get back to Gondor! We're too far away! HAAHAHAHAHAHA!!" "Why the h*ll are you celebrating then? Saurons armies shall kill us!" "So why be sad? Let's die happy!" he kicks Sauron "Haha! stupid dark lord, all ya need to do is chop his head off!" "I'll never get out of here..." T_T [/B]
Already, hundreds of half-dragons had answered the call to arms, and had gathered in the west. Delnoreth hovered before them, looking over the vast, but insufficient, army. Gekanisel must be hundreds of yards long and taller than the biggest steaple on the mortal plane that half-dragons have become accustomed to. Delnoreth watched them fly about and sharpen blades, confidence gaining inside him. He became aware of another half-dragon flying in from behind. Turning, he watched her pull into position beside him. "You are here to fight?" "Yes. I will join the cause. Gekanisel won't stand a chance." "If only it were so..." Delnoreth turned back to face the masses, and waited for the new recruit to take her place among them. He noticed that she took a place near the front of the group, with a clear veiw of himself... strange. Indeed, they did not stand a chance against the soul of the last Dragon, but more were coming.. and as long as they kept coming, they might win.
[color=firebrick]In the year 2123, a race of strange super-humans, able to take on any form, split away from their reality and colided with ours. They deemed us hostile and quickly tried to assymilate themselves into our culture by morphing into a form familiar to this dimension. Unfortunately for them, the first forms they encountered were in a video store, and all the hundreds of inter-dimensional beings morphed themselves into movie characters, real and cartoon alike. However, this did not stop them from terrorizing and destroying the "hostile" humans. Fortunately for us, a small percentage of the population being born at the time were affected by radiation from the beings cross-over into our world, and adapted super-human abilities. Now, in 2144, those people have been asigned to different parts of the world, all with their own unique abilities, in an attempt to bring down the inter-dimensional threat. Each set of Hunters consists of five of these super-humans. Now, do your job and destroy all the enemies that threaten our reality![/color] ___________________________ [color=blue]Alright, I need at least five people to make up one group of hunters. If you still want to join after all five spaces are occupied, start another group, but if that extra group is not filled by the time this RPG starts, then it will not be included unless you want to control all four other characters. Also, I will be saving a spot for Viper0529, because this was both of our idea, and I know he will want to join. Your character should have one very special ability that defines why he/she is a hunter. This should be something more original than just super strength or speed, but still useful. If my character seems a little generic, then tough, this was the original character I made for this RPG and I'm sticking with it.[/color] SIGN-UP Name: a normal human name, nothing like "Gazimon the slayer" or crap like that. Age: between twenty-one on twenty-three due to the date of the inter-dimensional beings cross into our dimension. Gender: need I explain it? Hunter Name: each character should have a name that matches his/her power. Ability: your special ability. Personality: what your character is like... duh. Appearance: I hope I don't need to explain this. BIO: should be short and sweet, but detailed... whatever. Secret Crush: oh wait, didn't mean that! Favored Weapon: what kind of gun does your person like? OTHER: anything else I should know? Alright, here's mine then... [color=red]Name: Jack Senei Age: 21 Gender: male Hunter Name: Pyro (no relations to x-men) Ability: complete resistance to fire, and a naturaly pyro-maniac. Personality: quirky and fun to be around, but sometimes brain-dead. He doesn't get angry very easily, but holds a grudge. Appearance: 5''9' dark brown hair and very tan skin. Green eyes, small nose, and over-done facial expressions. Wears the basic hunter uniform under a long, thick cloak that he can carry over 50 grenades in. BIO: Born in Houston, Texas he quickly found he was flame-resistant. He would often sit on a flame or swallow a match to scare his parents. It was obvious he was hunter material. After going through training, he was stationed in Arkansas, in the "Giant-Slayer" group. (the name is for show). He quickly learned to make all of his clothes fire-resistant after an unfortunate accident. He has a lab in his room where he makes all his own grenades and is always looking for a way to make them more explosive. Secret Crush: whoops, didn't mean to put this here ((scraches it out)) Favored Weapon: grenade/flame-thrower... either one is good for him.[/color] Alright, remember that I am holding a spot for Viper, so only three more people in my guys group not including him. Get postin'!!
"Delnoreth, put your damn wings away and calm down!" A friend of Delnoreth said with annoyance. "Now tell me what you found." Delnoreth quickly folded his wings and paced anxously across the barren ground. "I know, Quentai... I know why God refuses to aid us." "Well say it!" Quentai folded his arms. "Gekanisel." Quentai recoiled in surprise. "Her soul lives in us, but it is not pure any longer." "What do you mean?" "I mean that the last of the true Dragons has turned to Satan!" "Impossible! Gekanisel was nearly a diety among the mortals!" "But mortal still... and her soul has been corrupted... as long as her soul lives on, God can give us no aid." "Pha!" Quentai flung his arms, "Are you suggesting we try to kill a Dragon? A true Dragon? A soul no less! It would take an army!" "Then it is an army we shall use!" Delnoreth spread his wings. "We must gather all the half-dragons under the service of God or nuetral... Gekanisel must perish."
Delnoreth watched the rogue angel fly away. If only matters of allegiance could be simpler. Then his train of thought was interupted by Tilion swooping in from above with a group of angels. "Dragon, what has happened?" Tilion gave a powerful thrust of his wings to stop his decent. "Nothing... I must go." Delnoreth did not wish to give them a head start in capturing Artemus. He again twisted around and headed toward the place where he normaly crossed into Heaven. As he stepped up to the mighty gate, he stated his faith and prepared to enter... but the gates did not open. The groaned and rumbled as if holding in a desire to open. He said it again and this time the gates reluctantly swung open. A few moments later he stood before God. "You know what happened, you know all. Why would you not help the half-dragons in their time of greatest need?" God seemed reluctant to answer... but he turned to Delnoreth and gave him a look of all-knowing power. In the next instant, Delnoreth knew precisely why God would not help... and it angered him. He flew from Heaven with a vengeance, determined to find the source of the power radiating from the half-dragon's spirits... Gekanisel.
I would have to say the best sci-fi series I have had the pleasure of reading was the [U]His Dark Materials[/U] series. It is simply legendary. A plot worthy of an award and a rich, complex world (er, worlds... plural) of every twist of humanity you could imagine. My favorite author of all time though, would have to be Robert Heinlein... did I spell that right? And you can't forget Kavin J. Anderson, who helped Frank Herbert's son make the prequels to Dune and is in the prossess of finishing a series called [U]Saga of the Seven Suns[/U]. Sci-fi is my life, and I hope to be an author some day.
God must hear of this... now. Delnoreth knew that God had watched the whole thing, but he was furious. The fact that he would watch his subjects die and do nothing. He would go to Heaven and tell God what he thought in person. Or so he thought. He was passing over a demon-plagued village of mortals. A fgiure flying his way caught his eye. He at first mistook it for a demon, but it was more elegant than that. Twisting in the air he saw it was an angel.. but different. He looked hostile. Delnoreth was in no mood to take chances, he drew his sword and dived, heading straight for the demi-angel in a traditional half-dragon friend-or-foe test. The other imediately flew backwards, away from Delnoreth's line of flight. The right move. Delnoreth slowed to a hover and sheathed his sword. "State your name stranger."
OOC: wow, everyone forgot about this one... IC: After several hands of blackjack, wich CR had tried desperately not to cheat on by mind-reading, he went up to the small room he had claimed as his own. It was the perfect night for mind-cruising. Laying down on the worn and frayed bed, CR closed his eyes and fell successully into a half-sleep. He again reached out with his mind and made a mental picture of what he saw. He could not see physical objects, but his friends minds stood out like beacons. He saw a blue sphere that must be Lorn, and a green one next to it that was Elektra. When he had joined the gang he had used a different color to identify each of his friends. Lower on his mental map, he saw Kalipso, bright crimson. Not far away he found Shay, a light orange. Where hat must be ouside, he could see Mitchell, silver, and Ryin, deep red. He decided they were better left alone. He let his mind flow over the small house, and then outside, past the abandoned houses next door, past the street corner. All he could find were a few homeless people and a crack-head. OOC: hope this makes up for the lack-of-posting.
[I]What are you thinking Arunue?[/I] Garren stared at her, her eyes moving in a dream. "Garren!" he looked up, startled. "I said she's gonna be OK." "Oh... ya, I know..." Keiko walked out of the room to pick a fight at the bar, and Symoni lay down on the other bed to relax. After Toshi walked away to examine his repaired blade again, Garren stroked Arunue's hair and was surprised to find that he felt warm... but not from body heat, it came from inside. He hesitated... then he put his hand on Arunue's forhead and closed his eyes... [color=blue]"Arunue?" Garren called through a peircing darkness. Hearing no answer, he walked forward, stepping carefully. There she is... looking over the body of her dead brother. "Arunue?" she looked up, more surprised than he had ever seen a person. "Garren, what are you...?"[/color] The surprise made Arunue awaken.
Delnoreth kneeled on the ground, worn and covered in thick demon blood. Every one of his comrads was now dead at the hands of these beings... the [I]beasts[/I]. How could God have watched this massacre and do nothing? Surely he would have intervened if he could? God always could.. but he hadn't... So Delnoreth prayed to Gekanisel, last of the True Dragons. She had died three millenia ago, but Half-Dragons still prayed for her soul.