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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. OOC: my God, what have I been missing? Sorry I haven't posted in like, three days here. IC: Garren looked up into Symoni's face. He felt a tingling in his side. Looking down he saw the wide gash. "Heh... she got me." he was so shocked that Arunue would ever hurt him.. but he knew better. "Don't worry, we'll get you fixed up soon Garren" came Symoni's warm voice. "But ya know..." Garren took a breath, "it doesn't feel so bad." The blade had fortunately sunk into one of Garren's dull spots and he didn't feel a thing. He noticed Toshi in front of them, looking beaten. "What's up with him?" "I'll explain later."
  2. OOC: wow, didn't know this would turn out so great! IC: Delnoreth landed among a small group of angels, talking amongst themselves. As he apraoched several of them turned to looka t him, a few with reproach. Typical. It is not often a creature such as he entered Heaven. Compared to the angels he was probably rather grungy looking. Never the less, he walked into their midst to hear what news they spoke of. "I have seen hordes of demons crawling back into Hell from the mortal world... they must be gathering." one said. "Since what time have they not been gathering?" said another with a hint of sarcasm, "They are constantly on the prowl for innocent human souls." "Gabriel, what have to say of this?" the first one turned to a slightly taller angel, who was obviously much older. "It troubles all of us," Gabriel spoke, "but none as much as God. He knows they are preparing for something." "A war." Delnoreth spoke out, to the surprise of the angels. "I saw with my own eyes the demon armies amassing. Lucifer intends to conquer Heaven." "I shall say he will not!" Gabriel said, "Lucifer waged war on Heaven once and failed, he will not succeed a second time." "Will shall see." was all that Delnoreth said. "Is that all you think about? War?" a new angel said to Delnoreth, "You Half-Dragons are so barbaric." "We will see how you are after spending forty-five millenia in a mortal world." "Is that how long you beings have existed? The angels have been around forever." Delnoreth did not answer, but instead took flight again and headed for Earth. Upon arriving he was shocked to discover demons flying about in great hordes, fighting other Half-Dragons in a battle to the finish. Confused as to how this all happened, but ready for a fight, Delnoreth joined the fray. After taking down several demons himself, a great crevass opened in the ground. Flames poured out and any Half-Dragons wich were near instantly withdrew. After only a few moments, demons also poured out of crevass and joined in the fighting. "They have a gate!!" was the resounding cry of many Half-Dragons. "God," Delnoreth said to himself, "if there is a time to help it is surely now." OOC: whew! long one :D
  3. A bleak sky, with nothing to witness except lonely birds and dark clouds. [color=dark-blue] A lone figure, a monster?[/color][color=firebrick] Surely a demon? [/color][color=dark-blue] No. The figure is but a Half-Dragon, on his way to find his destiny.[/color] [color=firebrick]You speak of him as though he were nothing, a mere insect in a cosmic perspective.[/color] [color=dark-blue]Ah yes, but he is more than that? Of coarse, a descendent of dragons must be rather impressive.[/color] Delnoreth flew among the tainted clouds, climbing closer to his destination. Leathery wings spread wide, he closed his eyes and entered the kingdom of Heaven, and stood before the mighty gates. He unsheathed his sword, lying it on the silky ground, and bowed his head. "Dek nakel yunid Chai sornaes." he cried out in his native toungue. "I serve only God almighty." he repeated in the toungue of the angels. After a few moments, the huge gates swung open for him to enter. He re-sheathed his blade and walked through.
  4. Very good... I think I said that in my last post... oh well. Nice job. I'll see if I can get it started tonight... it's kinda late where I am, so, if not, I'll try and get it up tomorrow! Thanks to everyone for joining! "Reality is what I say it is... my reality encompasses yours, therefore mine is broader. I need not prove that my reality is stronger than yours. I am the artist. I am the reality bender, I will use my skills to bend others reality to mine." ~Herrin Law
  5. Very good people... now I think we have enough to start, but I'm gonna wait a while incase some one else wants to join... if you are another joiner reading this, please be a half-dragon... or a demon, whatever.
  6. Er... dark angel... well, I suppose that's OK, since that is essentialy what Lucifer/devil/satan is, then ya. But uhh, we are in need of some Demons or at least on more Half-Dragon. And don't forget wings people... all the races here have wings. Er, I know Annie and Rad included that, I'm just saying it for future joiners.. wich there hopefully will be a few of. As for the age of angels and demons, just make it anywhere from 1,000years to 10,000years. And remember this... [FONT=courier gothic]It is an easy task to sin, and turn to the Devil, but it is more likely for Lucifer himself to repent than for a sinner to change his ways.[/FONT]
  7. Wooh! Nice one Annie, a bit long, but the longer, the more detailed!! ^^ You're in! well, duh... I don't think I've ever denied somebody in a thread... whatever, good job.
  8. ......... Zidargh, if you're depressed now, then listen to this. I'm thirteen, and I seriously doubt if any girl ever has considered kissing me... and get this, I've never had a girl friend... not in elementary school because I was probably the number one most picked on kid in the district. And not now because I'm to d*mn shy and... well, I hope I'm fairly attracive... I'd like to think so. But honestly, I doubt I'd be any good at it anyway... anyone have advice or something, or are you just gonna leave me feeling depressed? Well, having said that, does any girl wanna flirt with me?:wigout:
  9. [COLOR=firebrick]"My kingdom is not from this world" ~John 18:32[/COLOR] [color=blue]In yet another alternate reality, the forces of Heaven and Hell are all too prominent among the mortal Earth. The Angels, messengers and warriors of God, the Demons, warriors of Lucifer. And, the Half-Dragons, ancients of the mortal Earth. For millenia, the forces of God and Lucifer have clashed in mighty, aweful wars, and only in the past five centuries have the nuetral Half-Dragons entered the fray, allying themselves with either side. While the majority fight for Heaven along side the Angels, a rebellious few have joined Hell's army under Lucifer. Now you must choose your path, for the future of the Universe. [/color]____________________ ((hey Annie, this sounds like your kind of RPG!! I'd love it if you joined!)) ~Sing-ups~ Race: Angel, Demon, or Half-Dragon. Name: Creative, and slightly archaic if possible. Gender: Generaly only for Half-Dragons since Angels and Demons usualy don't have genders.. but you could bend the rules in that aspect. Age: A very long number. Appearnce: Angels should be heavenly looking, Demons should be appropriatly gruesome, and Half-Dragons are like humans with dragon wings and the occasional scale or two. (also, name the color of your dragon wings) Side: God or Lucifer Persona/Mannerisms: what your character is like, and some habits he/she/angel/demon might have. Weapons: kind of archaic and no "samurai swords" or throwing knives, and definately no guns. Think like long-swords and maces. BIO: should only be a few sentences long, because the average celestial/demonic/draconic being has a pretty generic background. But if you wanna make it complex... Other: nothing required here, just for if you wanna say something more. _______________ Here's mine... Race: Half-Dragon Name: Delnoreth Gender: male Age: 2,058 Appearance: 6''3', blonde hair that turns black in the darkness. one green, one blue eye. Stocky frame and slender fingers, light-red wings and a few scales covering his left arm. Side: God Persona/Mannerisms: Good natured, thoughtful, and passionate, though he is sometimes lost in deep thought. A habbit of tapping his foot on the ground(when he's not flying)to the beat of his clan's battle march, wich is seldom used in a real fight. Weapons: A long-sword sheathed on his back, and a smaller one at his waist. BIO: Like all Half-Dragons, he was raised as a warrior and trained for airiel combat. He turned to God when the Demons began to get unruly, and were beggining to infest Half-Dragon territory. After his first incounter with a feminen angel, he was smitten with them and always finds himself losing a conversation when around them. He fights mainly in the northern regions above the heavy vail of clouds. Other: can't think of anything for this part... Alright guys/girls, post away!!
  10. Muad'Dib

    Unreal Dreams

    This is sounding interesting.. I can only hope that my post will attract more joiners... Name: Hacobo (pronounced HA-K-OH-B-OH) Age: 26 Gender: male Proffession: Special Ops. soldier, under command of commander Kilao Side: President Jin Weapons: light, fire, and DeMoc-lasergun (de-moleculising-laser-gun) BIO: Raised in a military base and was always paired with Recruit Kilao, and now is under her command. May have feelings for her.(*_~) Appearance: tall and scragly, though military training has honed his strength. Short brown hair, and green eyes. Wears a blue armored military uniform when on duty.
  11. A wave of feelings ran through Garren like a tsunami. Love, hate, confusion, longing, and desparity all at once. After several seconds, hate dominated and he ran out of the church at full speed. Once he was out, he could see Arunue with Rayne over her shoulder walking down the street without a care in the world... Rayne would regret this. "You bastard!!" Garren yelled after him, "I'll kill you!!" He ran towards them and tried to remember how to use energy. At about five feet frome them, a blue beam, concentrated to a few inches, shot into Rayne's back. He fell off of Arunue and gasped for breath. Apparently the beam had penatrated his lungs. "That's what you get you [I]tlar'kabhin[/I]" Garren used a foreign language from the Realm of Imaginations. "I told you... not to follow me!" Arunue whipped around and caught Garren with a peircing gaze. He could feel his throat constricting, but he walked towards her. "You... don't.. want to... do this Arunue..." Garren managed to choke out a few words. OOC: sorry I didn't post sooner... a little busy.
  12. Now Garren desperately wanted to take Arunue back home, to the Realm of Imagination. But the last 30 seconds had only confirmed that he was right... she shouldn't. But the passion on her face... it drove him crazy. "I'll... I'll take you back myself, if I have to." It was out. No turning back now. He would have to take her... a promise is a promise. A dull thud on the back of Garren's head was the only indication he had that Toshi had just kicked him. "Why didn't you help?!" He yelled. "We were being murdered, an you stand there like dip-sh*ts!" Garren couln't answer that. He had felt how personal it was between Arunue and her assailant. "We can't stay long." Garren said, standing up. "We have to get out of this world as soon as possible." Symoni and Ora both nearly fell over with revelation, "And you're going to teach us how to cross?" Symoni urged. "No... it would talk too long. I'll have to do a mass-cross." "A mass-cross hm?" Ora said. "Ya... everyone, pack what you want. We'll leave tonight."
  13. [color=blue]Let me start by refering to Baron Semedi's post. "How can an atom do whatever it pleases? It is.. inanimate." It's a metaphor. An atom is supposed to stand for anything wich is composed of atoms, wich is pretty much (not everything out there I'm sure) everything exept what makes up the atom itself. Dan L, I find your second post completely off topic. Kinetic, you bring up a [I]very[/I] good point. Let's start with... your questions about how exactly did God get there, and is there really a God at all? Well, that's my interpretation of your questions. First, we have absolutely no idea where the Universe came from. For all we know, the Universe doesn't exist, and we're all part of some big experiement to see how we react to being on a strange hunk of rock floating in nothingness. Or, what if there is a God? I would imagine that if there is a God, how he/she/other got there is beyond our current level of comprehension. And I think that your comment on evolution is a bit fuzzy. What? You don't believe that humans evolved? Of course we did. From primates. But that's not what this is about. Or are you talking about the evolution of the Universe? Well, I've got an interesting point that I'll explain later. Deathbug, I think I should say that I rather miss-named this thread. It's more about [I]our[/I] truths, and why we are so misguided. And socail issues and philosophy certainly mix. They are two bases of our current, industialized, high-and-mighty culture. I'm rather bad at interpreting socail marks and events myself, so I won't go into detail. I am certainly aware that saying we are stupid is nothing new. But I'm putting in kind of a new way here. I called us stupid for believing all the moral trash that our society hurls at us. Not that we are indeed, intellectual failures. Of course I'm arrogant and wrong. That's my point. The whole fu**ing world is. Your comments on why cosmic truths don't really matter stand out to me. You're right. They don't. However, we are lead, by ourselves, to believe that they are. It's natural human curiosity, even I can't deny our nature. "I don't care" has been an increasingly common statement in my day-to-day life. And I hope you realize, that if you don't care, you shouldn't post. Though I thank you for bringing up valid point of view. And yes, I am a rather large fool. Dan L, I find your insistence on the word stupid to be a bit repetitive. Then again, we all are at times. A tad confusing though. I think I get the idea. We are very stupid... in all the ways you said. How can you truly believe that there is some almighty God that controls everything? Well, maybe there is. But, maybe there isn't. My mother has raised my a Lutheran. However, I have recently found myself seriously doubting our religous context. Look at history. Our ancient ancestors are rather imaginative, don't you think? My point is, just because some ancient wrote it down, doesn't mean it's all the truth. Not to be sacreligous. Wrist-cutter, thank you. I'm lad some one think I'm right... or at least that I stand a chance... though you didn't provide any debate. Oh well. Now, what can you guys say about that? Give me a challenge.[/color]
  14. I would have to say my favorite is Darkness. Oh yes, darkness wins the bet. I mean, you can't destroy it, you can't control it , well, you could put on a light, but that's just substituting the shadow with something else. And, well, I guess in reality, darkness isn't an element, but in most fantasies and things it's considered one anyway. So there ya go. If you want a real element, then fire all the way. I guess because I'm a pyro.
  15. [color=blue]Poeple of Otaku Boards, and others. I bring you what is perhaps my final revelation of the world. We are stupid. Stupid for thinking that anything we do or say can 'moraly' be controlled or limited. Let's talk about "morality". It's completely false. An invention of our increasingly self-rightious and over-imaginative ancestors. If you can't understand the last few sentences, then do not, I repeat, do NOT post. Humans were created by atoms my friends. Atoms that formed into cells, in turn, creating us. What in the Universe drives us to believe that anything such as "morality" exists in any form of atom, human, animal, or inanimate? This is all very complex, and I simply con not put it into words. I have found myself believing in the fact that no atom has the authority to (no, not [U]right[/U], authority) in any way have some kind of control over another. But in a strange way, this also means that any atom can do whatever it damn well pleases. Pardon my French. But, in any case, I probably won't convince any of you that any of this is indeed true. That we, fallible humans, have created these "laws" out of our imagination, and nothing more. However, please tell me what [I]your[/I] theory is. Then I can tell you why it's wrong. You can also refer to my sig. But that would ruin a perfectly good debate. If you are not understanding me now, then don't try to. You are an ignorant fool. And, I would strongly suggest that no-one post on this thread that is just going to criticise my theory. If you do, I'll report you to a mod. Any questions?[/color] ~Pheonix of the Fire~
  16. OOC: in the recruitment forum, before you edited your post, it said "Other: hey Pheonix of the Fire, what did you...." etc. That's what gave me the idea. And sorry I havn't posted here... not much time currently.
  17. Garren had never seen Arunue act so cold before. The Arunue he had know years ago was kind and independant... not blank and hard. "Arunue, what's wrong? You're acting strangely..." "What's wrong?!?! You just..." Arunue stopped herself. She could feel it hapening. "Garren, I can't believe it... I'm acting like her again." "Like who?" Garren put his hand on her shoulder. "Like the Cascade... I've tried so hard not to, but it always hapens." "Just calm down, you should get some rest." Arunue looked up at him and was about to protest, but decided that she did need some sleep. After Arunue went to her bedroom, Garren sank back into the chair and thought deeply. Why were all these people from his home world here? How could they all be here and not know how? They all seemed dependant on him... they hadn't said it, but he had seen it in their eyes. If nothing else, Garren had learned how to read people's emotions. Should he really tell them how to return? One of them would surely tell Arunue, and she wouldn't be able to resist going back. But he couldn't afford to let her. If she did, the law would hunt her down. So much pandimonium... it seems that worlds were not ment to be crossed.
  18. "Well, I gues I just wanna see what there is to see, ya know?" Garren was already perking up. "I come from a forest in the north. I guesss you could already tell I'm a Felnohka." "Uhh.. where's your tail then?" Katana asked akwardly. Garren looked around to discover that his tail had disappeared again. "Oh, it comes and goes all the time." Katana gave him another odd look. "Er, I'm a shape-shifter." "Ohh... just a side-effect?" "Yup... kind of annoying sometimes." He rubbed his sore feet. [I]I'm gonna have to get some boots...[/I] "Headed toward the next town?" Katana smiled. "Ya, thought I might not make it." OOC: c'mon guys, we need other characters eventualy. lol.
  19. There was a feeble round of "no thanks" and then akward silence. Then, finaly, Symoni spoke up. "So, uhh... why won't you tell us his name?" "Drop it." Arunue said aggressively. She was in no mood to explain herself. "So... hey you, where'd you come from anyway? Besides the Realm of Imagination that is." Toshi turned to Garren. "I have a name. It's Garren. And I come from some town you've probably never heard of." "So why ya here?" "Because... because I care for Arunue, and I thought I should come for her." Garren hesitated. "Well, why the heck didn't you come sooner?" Toshi rolled his eyes. "You really wanna know? Fine... couple years ago I tried to cross over, before Arunue was banished, and I couldn't.... I couldn't get across..." "Whadda ya mean?" "I got... stuck. I was trapped there for Allah knows how long... I managed to get back to Imagination, but... but I lost all my feeling, well, not all of it, but most of it." Garren looked at the floor, he could feel every one's eyes on him. He gripped the edge of the chair... a chair he couldn't feel. "You... lost your feeling?" Arunue was shocked. "Ya... I couldn't bring myself to come back until now." "That seems pretty cowardly to me..." Toshi said. "Cowardly?? How can [I]you[/I] say that? You've never felt what it's like!!!" Garren grabbed Toshi by the throught and shoved him to the wall. OOC: seems like a bad place to leave off... but oh well.
  20. Karma, this is your best stuff yet... and I'm not just saying that. I can't say much about Her Part III, and Elation was kinda... scary? To a certain extent anyway. Shattered pieces seemed rather defiant, like several of your poems (can't remember wich..). Dreamer seemed to flow nicely to me. It was actualy kind of touching... the last one was a bit much... I mean, five poems on one post... and that's a LOT for you. PS: Mimmi, in case you didn't know, you mis-spelled Karma's name.
  21. OOC: just so ya'll know, I used the name "Garren" on another adventure as well... so I might get confused. IC: Garren walked aimlessly through the oppressive winter weather. His feet were numb, he could hardly breath through his nose, and his ears were beggining to ice over. This was one of the rare situations where he didn't feel very happy. The nearest town had to be at least another mile away... Then he saw a fire over a hill... an [I]occupied[/I] fire. This was just what Garren needed to cheer him up. His ears perked up and he ran up the hill... well, sort of. He reached the top tot find another Felnohka. No, it couldn't be a Felnohka... he was, no, [I]she[/I] was different... like a wolf. Completely unlike the feline attributes of a Felnohka. [I]Oh well, [/I]he thought, [I]company's company.[/I]
  22. Very good, all of you. And yes Pinball, that's [I]very[/I] original. Well, I can't think of a good reason not to start this now... if you're reading this as soon as it's posted, give me a few minutes. Thank you for joining, and enjoy the adventure! ~Pheonix of the Fire~ PS: thank you Radaghast for giving me the idea for "Pheonix of the Fire". Even if you didn't mean to.
  23. OOC: you know it Roxanne! IC: "So uhh... hows the Realm of Reality?" Garren did his best to take the conversation in a sane direction. "You look like you're doin' pretty good for yourself." "Well, ya know, it's OK, but it's nothing like Imagination..." Arunue got a shaded look in her eye as she remembered the spontanious, but strictly governed, alter-world. "Garren, I'm so glad you came though. We can be together again, and we can get out of this world, and.." "Wooh, Arunue, calm down. I'm tellin' you right now, there's no way you're gettin' back to Imagination without being caught and killed. I wish we could... but some things just can't be done..." Just then, Keiko came running down the hall and pounded on the door. "Arunue!! Arunue!!"
  24. [I]Damn, this is getting weird.[/I] CR couldn't help but feel lost in the midst of all the chaos. Lorn hadn't even noticed his small form when he walked in. After a moment, and already getting bored, CR found a deck of cards and began to set up solitair, even though he only knew half the rules. A few seconds later, Shay walked in, looking rather flustered. "Cards?" CR asked her, "I think it helps you calm down." OOC: you're improving catdemon, but your posts are still nerve-racking. Try to check your spelling and punctuation.
  25. Cloud heard a gunshot. It wasn't a big deal, but there wasn't anything better to do. He ran to where he had heard the shot and hid behind neighboring building. He looked around slowly and saw a woman walking out, looking furious. [I]Hmph... it was probably her.[/I] Cloud knew how people could get upset. He stepped out into the open with his sword over his shoulder. "So what was that about?" The woman turned around in surprise and looked at Cloud with an odd expression. "It wasn't me, so don't think you can arest me." Quistis was getting angry because every one was being such an antagonist today. OOC: he's uhh... how should I know?
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