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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. OH OH! Does this mean we can start soon?? Pleeeeaaaase? lol, I'm a little excited :sweat: So erinzyger get your but here and post!!!
  2. OK, I'm editing this because... 1) Rad edited his post 2)terra got ticked at me (again) for being rude... -_-; Anyway, remember the rules guys... oh, and one side note, Felnohka don't have snouts or anything... they just have tails, more hair than usual, and catlike ears... that's your basic Felnohka, to avoid any confusion.
  3. [color=blue]This story takes place in another plane of imagination... like most alternate realities, this one is captivating, and full of fantasy... but not all fantasy is friendly.[/color] [color=crimson] _________________________ A lone figure stands in awe of a majestic, terrifying light. A colouge of blues, purples, and whites. A giant orb, with tendrils of light, like a mystic anchor, shot into the snow-covered ground. To the left, two more figures can been seen fighting, rage and obvious hatred flaring in their every move. To the right, a mere blur of a form is struggling to reach the awestruck innocent, who is slowly moving towards the radiant sphere. As the man or woman, wich ever it is, approaches the light, it seems to shimmer and contort, reeling at the sight of the person. And in a booming, deep voice, so deep that it is nearly inaudable, it says...[/color] [color=indigo] I am the Radiance.[/color] __________________________ This is a world of fantastic creatures, a word of mystery and adventure... now let me tell you what to do... First of all, this is a world most like something you'd see with elves and dragons and sorcery etc., but this world will have all sorts of strange races. Those of wich do not include: elves (sorry), goblins, dwarves, or any other generic creature you could think of... but there are plenty to make up for it. As for the question of "is there magic?"... ohhhhhh yes. This is a HIGHLY magical world... there are many different kinds of magic also... EX: shape-shifting, elemental, necromancy, etc. Now here are a few of the creatures that exist in this reality... Humans: I don't have to explain what they look like, but let me say that they are a VAST minority. [U]minority[/U] Felnohka: The animal race! Felnohka are somewhat like humanoid felines, but they definatly look more human than anything. They have lots of hair (on their heads I mean) and always have a tail. They don't have claws, but their natural skill and agility makes up for it. They also, of course, have long, feline-like ears. Nerwahn: The alter-reality equivilant of elves. The have an average height of about 6 feet, and have abnormally long fingers and limbs. In some places they may have small patches of scales or spiky protrusions. They generaly keep to themsleves. I haven't included any more, because the point of this story is to have you be creative and make your [I]own[/I] race. However, you cannot make some ultra-powerful, ultimate race, and stereo-typed races will not be appreciated. [color=purple]Speaking of stereo-types, when you sign-up, you should keep in mind various personality stereo-types. EX: excesivly angry, annoyingly happy (taken by my char.... so back off), chronicly depressed, etc. Now, the big point of this story, is to... 1) have the story build up to the time when the scene desribed above takes place. 2) every char. for one reason or another must somehow need another char. in some way. Wether they need to kill them (rather not have that one), they need them to perform some kind of task, or they are desperatly in love, it doesn't matter. NOTE: I will alter my person's BIO when we have more people, so I can include this rule. [/color]Now that you know that, I would like to say that I only want people who will be dedicated to this story... that maens you can't post once and then forget about it. If this story drops to the second page for more than two days, I'll have all your heads. [color=firebrick]Name: Garren Age: 19 Gender: male Race: Felnohka (NOTE: you can have a mix-race char.) Appearance: Tall and skinny, deep green eyes (characteristic to a Felnohka) and light brown hair down a little past his shoulders. He has a leather vest, over a long dark-brown shirt, baggy, earth-tone pants. (and a tail by default) Weapons: a double bladed sword, a.k.a. a pole with a blade on each end. Magic: shape-shifting (NOTE: shape-shifting takes a big effort even for the most skilled shape-shifter) BIO: Born in the forests of the North, and raised by an independent colony of hunter Felnohka. He always had a natural wonder of the outside world, and has only recently left the colony and explored regions a little farther south. Although he carries minimal provisions, he seems to make it quite well. He has noticed, that since he has started shape-shifting, his tail will disappear and reappear every so often.(short, but it will be longer when I get some one else to join) Personality: Happy-go-lucky, and always smiling (that's a metaphor) it almost literaly takes a life threatening situation to get him down. He can almost never be serious, and is the kind of guy that will burst out laughing for a reason that no one else understands. OTHER: (nothing here for me, but you may need something here.)[/color]
  4. OCC: c'mon, will somebody besides me and Kenshin post?? IC: Nal turned to Kyo, confused yet again. Not only had she tried to steal all his money, but now she had fought with a group of men, won, and proceded to sit next to him. "Why...?" Nal stopped mid-sentence because Kyo gave him a look that said 'are you sure you wanna ask?'. Gathering his wits again, Nal proceded, "What the hell are you doing?" Kyo seemed to think for a moment before giving him a sarcastic answer, "Sitting on a crate." "Oh, c'mon, first you try to steal my money, then I see you beating up a bunch of losers, and now you're sitting next to me." "Hmm..." Kyo remembered that Nal had been talking to the air, and thought, maybe, that he needed help. "So... you wanna tell me who you were talkin' to?" "Wha...? Oh..." Nal remembered that he had been talking with the chip in his head, "Holly", when Kyo had unsuccessfuly pick-pocketed him. But if he told her about the incindent, she would surely think he was insane.
  5. Thanks for your help guys... and on a few side notes... I have actualy memorized its attack pattern. The reason I didn't think to go to another world and level up a little, is because I tried reaching the gummy ship via save-point and the option wasn't there... so I assumed you couldn't leave until you beat him. I'll try your advice and see what happens ^^ PS: why was this moved to the Square Enix forum? What's Square Enix anyway?
  6. "I am, The great, mighty poo! I'm gowing to throw my, [spoiler]****[/spoiler] at you! An awful lot of tish, comes from my chocolate star fish!" There's more, but I can't remeber it all... my close friend has that game and we're virtualy obsessed with it! Anyone who's played it knows how offensive it can be... wich is what makes it so FRIGGIN FUNNY!!!!! And, surprisingly, it has an excellent M-player!!
  7. My God, I love this! It's like a fun version of Tron!!! And you gotta admit guys... Solo has a funny way with words ^^ (that's a [I]good[/I] thing). Definately looking forward to chapter 3!!
  8. Alright, I just got Kingdom hearts not long ago, and I'm trying to beat Cerebus (the giant three-headed demon dog) in the Olympus arena... I've died trying about 6 or 7 times... please, if any one has some good tactics, I'm waiting for an answer...
  9. Nal stopped a moment, confused. A girl had just stolen his money and then given it back... but he had seen more perplexing things than that. He stepped in to the spacious, cargo filled compartment. After giving a guard a handful of money, he walked to a corner and sat on a crate. He looked around and noticed an assortment of odd-balls in the small crowd. A particular group caught his eye... a group of seven girls with weapons strapped to various places. On any corperate ship, the weapons would have been confiscated immediatly, but this was a freelancer ship... probably a smuggler. If he had seen this group several years ago, he might have been wary of them. But after the incident he didn't feel threatened by much of anything anymore.
  10. (I just know a mod's gonna get ticked at me) the point is not to be useful, but when he came back, random body-parts retained their feeling... why, who knows? Just needed to make it interesting really :sweat: And BTW, if you want I can hurt you :devil: ok mods... delete away... lol
  11. OCC: alright people... let's make it interesting!! IC: "You should take the corperate ship. It seems much sturdier." "Shut up Holly. This one will be faster." The small hologram in front of Naminal's vision almost seemed confused. "I don't remember you ever being in a hurry before." It's calm female voice had a hint of questioning in it. "So what? I shouldn't have to answer to [I]you[/I] every time things change." He spoke under his breath so that people aroung him wouldn't notice him talking to thin air. "Besides, Ohnira Prime seems like a good planet. The sooner we get there the better." In truth, Naminal didn't care how nice Ohnira Prime was, but he somehow felt like he should get there as soon as possible. "Why don't you just shut down for a while?" "That would be a direct violation of my programing." The micro-computer seemed offended by the thought of it. "And they say computers have more free-will these days..." He stepped onto the loading ramp of a nearby free-lancer ship. It would cost him less to ride in the lower decks instead of the passenger floor. "Naminal, shouldn't..." "I told you a million times... call me Nal. For such a "modern" computer, you don't seem to remember much." "My apologies. But should we not..." "Enough complaining, turn off the link." "Very well." A moment later the hologram had disappeared, but Nal knew that the chip was still paying close attention... like it always did.
  12. well, actualy it's the other way around... he [I]does[/I] have feeling on his nose etc., but not on most of his body... let's not go into detail :whoops:
  13. Oh darn... I can't help my-self so I'm joining [I]another[/I] adventure.. guess I'm bored of waiting ^^; Ok... Age:19 Name: Garren Domehn Special Characteristics: Shadowy character... speaks his mind when he does speak. Appearance: 6'3'' black hair down to his shoulders. green eyes. over-sized dark-blue jacket, over a black shirt. blue jeans (lol). BIO: A resident of the Realm of Imagination, he met Arunue when he was 12 and never completely got over her looks (;)). When he was 15 he attempted to cross over to the Realm of Reality, but somehow got caught in the middle... a horrible experience. After he finaly managed to shift himself back to Imagination, most of his body went numb... he can now only feel in a few places (Ex: finger tips, shoulder, nose, etc.). Now he generaly keeps it low... he doesn't want the law finding out that he had attemped to cross over. After hearing of Arunue's brother's death, and her crime spree, he began to look for her and only found out she had been sent to the Realm of Reality after several years of searching. He knows he must help her, but is definatly trying to avoid crossing again at all costs. How's that?
  14. impressive... exept I can't quite grasp what this one is talking about... I'm assuming another personal experience? If so, then don't feel like you have to tell us what it's about.... especialy(sp?) if it's embarassing. But it does seem very uhh... inspirational.. even if we don't know what it's about ^^!!
  15. omg... if you don't mind I'd like to something about the D&D movie.... IT SUCKED >.
  16. uhh.. Kyo, I don't see that as a major issue right now, and it's pretty much the opposite of what we're talking about here... (FYI I check the "who's on-line" whenever I get on)
  17. uhhh... whenever I start it ^^... OK... how bout... well, first, I'd like you guys to just look over your posts and see if there's a way to make them just a [I]little[/I] stranger... then we can begin ^^!.. well Kenshin, I guess yours is pretty weird... but storm, leading a group of rebels isn't exactly out of the ordinary... just add a little... and Rememberance, being chased by aliens... try to be a little more original.. you guys can keep what you have, but please, I meant this to be something really spectacular in it's strangness. [color=red]EDIT:[/color] I'm gonna start it anyway... can't force you guys to change your stuff ^^;
  18. Nice... but man, when all the adventures I'm in come out, I'm gonna be so confused... oh well, since you're my friend :D Name: Andrew Cadin Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: 6'2'' blue eyes, dark hair. black jeans, a dark green shirt, under a brown trench-coat. (short but sweet^^) Personality: quiet, but very decisive. You normaly can't tell when he's happy... but you can always tell when he's angry. Weapons: a long sword, with grooves going along it long-ways. A pistol that he only uses in emergencies. BIO: Never knew his parents... as far back as he can remember, he's been with a small group of resistance that tries to fight back againts the gangs. When he was 12 he knew it was obvious that they would soon fall apart... so he went on his own and taught himself to be a killer. After after 11 years of practice, no one can match his speed... that he's met so far. He can strike before a person even knows he's unsheathed his sword. He's a freelancer now, but he thinks that sooner or later he'll be forced to join a gang. Profession: like I said... freelancer. how does that sound viper? I'm kinda... hyper right now, so it could be a little... distorted.
  19. Very good... exept when I say strange pasts I meant things like.... like that are almost completly impossible exept, for some reason, in your person's case. Besides that... yup, pretty good. hmmm... where have I seen Storm's pic. before? lol And Remeberance... just.... gaaahhh... so what if they're losers? we're still friends! :grumble:
  20. SOMEBODY HIT ME BEFORE I GO AND CREATE ANOTHER THREAD! X_X You see my friends, we would all lke to think that our world is devided into nice orderly opposites. I pitty you fools. The Universe is ment for so much more than our petty obsessions. Across the world, the galxy, the universe, and all that goes beyond, there are devients from what we would so much long to call the norm. Our assuming nature itself is one of these. But this is about far more than that. It seems that the Universe, that big looming sentience, likes to play with fate... or perhaps it is fate? For the sake of the reader, I'll cut to the chase. Across the human empire, now spread through a great many planets, the oddest of people are being selected by the burning universal sentience... not a thing in itself, but an idea to put it into simple terms. By this strange twist of fate, they will be gathered.. and only God, the illusion of our wimsy, knows what for. __________________________ Alright, basicaly what I need are people with very strange pasts... I'm not talking things like "he once saw a ghost" I mean like... well let me use mine as an example... signups~ Name: (be creative!) Age: (please be resonable ^^) Gender: (male or female... or uhhh...) Appearance: (nothing super spectacular here.. pics or just a description, your choice) Personality: (do I have to explain THIS?) Weapons: (you don't even have to include this... or if you want your person to pick up things as they go along.. whatever) BIO: (the best part, remember.. really crazy crap for this!) OTHER: (anything that you think doesn't fit into another catigory, state here) here's mine... Name: Naminal Graeh ( Nal, as his few friends call him) Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: see attachment.. if it works ^^; Personality: used to be talkative and even slighty flirtatous... before the incident. now he's generaly quiet and silently inquisitive, though pieces of his old self sometimes show themselves. Weapons: I'll go with mostly what he finds in the story... but he also carries a low calibrated laze-sword. BIO: Several years ago.. he cant remeber how many... his deep space vessel (he was the navigator) was infected with some alien disease... most of the crew died before rescue vehicles arrived. He was already beginning to die when a strange man picked him up out of a near-empty ship and into a private escape vessel. Later he discovered that he HAD died... and they had brought him back. A strange side-effect of the alien virus, was the ability to bring the dead back with a certain type of radiation. However, only he had been ressurected.. to this day he does not know why. Before sending him out into the world (er.. worlds) again, the government agancy that had performed the miracle inserted a chip into his brain wich projected a holographic image that only he could see (cause it's in his mind, get it?) and would keep tabs on him for the secretive orginazation. The only problem is that the hologram (wich he's named Holly) can be very annoying sometimes. He now wanders the many worlds of Earth's "system" in search of jobs and the occasional intriegue(sp?). A few side notes... First, I would strongly incourage the use of flashbacks in this story. Second, remember that it's a story of adventure, romance, intriegue, and above all... strangeness.
  21. *sigh* I'm in several already... BUT I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!!! Name: Conrad Tadin (friends call him CR) Age: 15 Gender: male Weapons: A long knife and a small, quiet handgun Persona: only talkative around his gang, and always thinks about what he's doing before he makes any bad decisions. Control: mind reading Rank: spy (hehe) Description: 5'6'' black hair, and dark eyes... the ideal spy. he seems to tense up when he's agrivated. BIO: His parents left him to an orphanige when he was born and he ran away when he was 6 because he saw gangs fighting and negotiating in the streets, and decided that was the life for him. Although he has a passion for mundane things you don't generaly find in a gang (writing, etc.) he was easily accepted into a gang. When the leader died, despite his regrets, he accepted their new leader with humility... he only answers to Ryin. Though the others often ask him about what he's found, he keeps to the philosiphy that no one knows until Ryin does. How's that storm? :)
  22. very good, I have to say that that was probably the best peice of literature I've seen on OB i nthe small time I've been here! c'mon people, let's get some more posts!
  23. Well, I think no one has anything else to do right now, so I'm making a thread for fan fiction that was somehow inspired by something... EX: a song, a book, some one's post etc. I'd like to keep movie inspired fiction out of here, because there's too much of it already. And be sure to say what inspired it!! here's mine... [B]Penny Lane[/B] [I](inspired by the Beatles song "Penny Lane")[/I] Today was a day like any other. People walking about, doing there own business. Another exerpt from the day-to-day life of some one living in the ordinary place called Penny Lane. Here, a person could simply sit back and watch everyone pass by. If you look closely you begin to notice things. Every-day people suddenly seem so fascinating. People have a way of being oblivious to everything but what they happen to want to notice. It may not make sense, but it is one of the ultimate truths Alright, it's not much of a fan-fic, but I like to come up with things on the top of my head... so get posting, I wanna hear something interesting!!!
  24. Tal'nin had had enough of this guy. Without saying anything else he began to walk inland to where his home village was. He didn't think he would ever see Isamu or Kira again... he could never have been so wrong. But the only thing on his mind now was to get his information to his superior as quickly as possible. Many Dae'Thon and Hydran lives could hang in the balance.
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