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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
we could.. uhhhh.. give me a sec, I'm bound to think of something.................... AHA! we could make it so that all of us somehow meet somewhere and ...... wait again............ and uhhh.... well we'll think of that when we get there how bout that? :sweat:
hmm.. havn't we all dreamed of going out with an anime character? Well I'd have o say I'd date the fighter from Neo-Sweden from G Gundam.. she's nice, optomistic, and really hot in that fighting suit! lol, no really, she has a great personality, lol! If I could just remeber all of her name... M... M-something I'm sure... grrr... well, if anyone remebers her name please reimnd me ^^; EDIT!!!: I remeber the name now!!! Alenby! if that's how you spell it... ok, it's pronouced Al-ehn-b-ee lol
OCC: you guys are so damn lucky... IC: (lol, IC means "in character" and we're just posting about ourselves!) I'll start with the basic day in my life... Get up in the morning and slowly but surely make sure I've got all my stuff before the bus gets at the corner down the street at 7:00. The bus ride isn't so bad... I sit near the front so as no one bothers me. The down side is that the front is also where most of the 6th graders sit... including my sister. Once at school I put my back-pack in my locker and head down to the band room to put away my trombone, then go to my first and probably best class... Language Arts. Fortunatly my teacher isn't one that gives us loads of essays and homework etc. She's actualy pretty cool. Though the real reason I like Lang. Arts so much is that my newest best friend is also there... his name is Dan and he's no substitute for Matt, but he has a sense of humor and a love of anime, so what's there not to like? Whenever I fisrt walk in he sees me before I put my stuff down and usualy we take some kind of stereotype fighting stance and start to block fake punches at each other. We joke that one day we'll just fly into the air and start doing incredible gravity defying kung-fu moves. I'll skip over math and US history because they both suck... ahhh, lunch. Not only are we all starving, but we get a chance to sit and talk about whatever... we like to joke about Dan's "crush" on a girls named Kelly. He says he likes her because she likes anime, but I think they would be good together. Whatever. Also at the lunch table there's Curtis, John, Ray, Bronson, and another Dan. All through lunch we try to pull pranks on each other, like slipping little piaces of food right under their noses. It hardly ever works, and we usualy return the food anyway. That's enough for now lol.
ok, I've got today off school and nothing better to do... so... Name: Jacob age: 13 (summer B-day...grrr) Gender: male Occupation: student/ 8th grade Appearance: why should I tell you? ok, fine... 5'9'', blue/green eyes (thats what my mom says, but I don't see the green in them...) sloppy brown hair (like it when it's short cause it's easier to deal with) glasses (laugh all ya want:evil3: ) I usualy wear whatever's in my closet at the time. Personality: uhhhh... I guess I'm pretty funny. Obviously a computer nerd... well I wouldn't say [I]nerd[/I], but... ya ok, I'm a nerd... I can be pretty quiet sometimes............................................................................................................... see? BIO: gees.. having to do my own bio... well, I born in Texas, and I'm sure if we had stayed there I would have fit in, but when I was in second grade we moved here... Missouri. St. Louis to be exact. I met this guy named Matt (viper0529!!) in 3rd grade, and we've been best friends ever since! Well, he's recently moved to Pittsburhg (sp?) and now all my friends are pretty much losers, like me. Anyway, one of my friends told me about TheOtaku.com and from there I found OB! even though my mom doesn't know I registered... Well how was that? well I guess it can't be bad if we're just doing it on ourselves... whatever.
Wow, pretty good besides the fact that it's a little... well it looks all out of porportion... and I'm not sure what his name is, except in the video game he was called Kite.
Great as usual, but you seemed a little rushed on the beginning of Weird, because at first it didn't flow together real well... it got pretty good towards the end though. As for Good Enough I think it's very inspirational.
alright, heres how it works... first, you go to that recruitment forum at the top of the adventure arena page... then you either create your own, or join in another adventure by reading the provided plot and then posting your character (be sure to include all the things they want you to) then, once they have enough people, they will start another thread here, and start the adventure... basicaly you guys take turns posting a part of the adventure. If you're still confused, check out other people's threads and get a feel for it! But always be sure to read the stickies at the top of each forum!
Well what else can I say but good work? I don't know you personaly (duh) but you did a good job on this... hey, ya know you could make this into an adventure on the Adventure Arena!!!! I'm sure there'd be plenty of people willing to join! (me included) anyway, I only read half cause it was kinda long, so I'm gonna read the second half now ^^!!
:blulaugh: oh, man, that's amazing! where'd you come up with that? :haha: I mean, angel of death, and all that about sending them to another plain of existence as if it was like an incredibly dull job!!!!:rotflmao: I LOVE IT!
:twitch: pegan mountian dew demons... I knew they would return! DIE DEMONS!!!..... anyway, if you ever commit suicide, we all know why! ok, enough of this depressing critisism, let's hear some more!!! wait... do you hear it? IT'S THE MOUNTIAN DEW DEMONS!! AAAAAAAHHHH!.............................................................
"Heh... forced evolution is a definate sign that you should get a grip on reality." Isamu let out an indignant sound, " I probably have a better grip on reality than most of the people you know." [I]Especialy after all of the pain...[/I] "Look, I don't know what insane ideas you were brought up to believe, but I think it would be good idea if you didn't make a useless attempt to change the path of our genes. It would take almost the whole Hydran population and generations to change the way we are." That seemed to make Isamu pretty angry... Tal'nin had a feeling he would regret saying it.
hmmm.. that explains a lot... and uhh, I don't think I need to open up to the "wilyness" of sexual inuendo thank you very much... but hey, I could use you on an adventure thread! no, just kidding. Anyway... no wait, thats all I had to say!
first of all, I would APPRECIATE IT if Mitch and Asuka would stop ARGUING ON MY THREAD! Second, poisentongue........................................................................................................................ damnit, what can I say about that logic? But Jesus, man where did you get the spare time to find out all of THAT? It's a funny thing.. I always thought that song was a little strange, but putting it into terms like that............... that's just......................... well, I can't describe it man. Even if it is a little.... informing, that just kinda takes the magic out of that song..... AND DONT GET ON ME ABOUT READING SPOILERS!!
Writing Ninja fan fiction... my first. [teen]
Muad'Dib replied to Muad'Dib's topic in Creative Works
Thank you viper, I finaly have room to post part two... [B][U]Part Two[/U][/B] [I]A little background info:[/I] Until now, Jiko has been known as Jykon Osenin, and a few years ago, he attempted to infiltrate a large corperate building headed by a man name Taerin Chilkoni. Unfortunatly for Jykon, Taerin was a very powerful fighter, adnd corned him. After only a few minutes Taerin had succesfuly beaten Jykon to a pulp. Leaving him for dead, Taerin ordered the body disposed of, and eventualy Jykon awoke and ran from town. Four years later, he is back under the name a Jiko, not to hide from Taerin but as to not shame his name any further. One missing detail, when Taerin had defeated Jiko the first time he had kept his weapons and hidden them in a junkhouse. And that's where the story picks up in part one. [I]continuation:[/I] Jiko raised his blades and prepared himself for an all out attack from Taerin. But Taerin did not attack. "This seems all to familiar... you do remember the last time I saw you?" Taerin's voice was taunting, daring Jiko to lash out. "It was just like this... you were just standing there, with no idea that I would soon attempt to take your life. Now, what happened next?" remembering back to that day, Jiko realized that he had ran. He had ran like he had never ran before. But that's what Taerin would be expecting. Slowly, Jiko backed away, so that he was just below a fragile window. "You expect me to just come at you? Do you really think I'm as naive as you are?" "I survived you once, when I was weak, I will survive again, but this time you will not." "I rather doubt that. Oh, and by the way, there is no way I am falling for that stupid trick." Taerin motioned toward the window that Jiko had been hoping to throw him out of. Kind of short, but again, the next part will come soon! -
OCC: just so yall know, Niko is pronounced Neekoh (N-ee-k-oh) IC: Niko drifted slowly into consousness (sp?) and came to the conclusion that he was probably dead. Then he saw a familiar face, pushing through a crowd of blurs.... Tellin, so she was dead to... no, if he was dead his head wouldn't hurt so much. "..." Niko tried to speak, but found that he was too dizzy to open his mouth. He tried again... " Tel..." "Hey, Niko, you should be more careful where you walk." Tellin tried to sound calm, but even Niko could hear the worry in her voice. "Alright kid, back up." Suddenly another figure was there too, someone unfamiliar to Niko.
well I deffinatly like it... good use of the rhymes... uh, wait... I'm thinking... ok, ya thats all I have to say ^^;
well, I must ay, that was pretty good Viper. I know I said I didn't want a ground man, but I can't help but accept that ^^! alright guys, it's up so start postin!
OCC: OK, lets keep this going strong guys!! IC: Niko was running along the various planks that made up the docking section of To'Norath. He has just heard that another trade ship was coming in... and if he was lucky, so would Tellin. As he passed a final barrier, he looked out on the most massive ship he had ever seen. It sailed across the light clouds like a gigantic whale, drifting through ocean currents. As it approached the long docking platform, ropes were throne over the side, so it could be tied to the city for unloading. For several moments Niko was stunned at the ships size. It was a giant among giants. But then he regained his senses and ruched forward to get in line for unloading, so if Tellin was aboard, he could sneak a moment to talk with her. He doubted that she was aboard though, but sailors were transferred often, and Tellin had already been swiched from ship to ship three times in the years she had been gone. Hpwever, when he approached the large plank leading into the ship, two guards lifted him up by the back of his neck and placed him several feet back. "No one is allowed on board." "What? How are you gonna unload it?" Niko couldn't beleive what he was hearing. If they used their own men to get the supplies into the city, then they would all likely fall to their deaths. "We will be sending out unloaders to assist in unloading." just as Nilo thought, the fools were going to try it. However, several hours later, there had only been one fallen worker, and the rest seemed to keep their balance rather well. Although he was glad not many were killed, Niko couldn't help but be disapointed that he wouldn't see Tellin if she was on that ship. Later, when the ship was taking off again, Niko was walking casualy down another "street" in the Northern half of Tor'Norath. Then he heard it... "SHE'S OFF COURSE!!!" Next thing Niko knew, the mast of the gargantuan ship was ripping through the wood below him, and then he felt something he rarely got to experience... falling. And then he blacked out against the ships deck. OCC: a little long, but I think that got it going pretty well :)
OCC: grrr... I was waiting for stick_fairy to post, be she/he (lol, i don't know) just left after looking at hte forum even... anyway, here goes... IC: "Your father huh?" Tal'nin never really trusted Vampires, but this one seemed honest enough. "Ya... I've been looking a long time..." Kira seemed to lslump in her seat. "Well I hate to run off, but we should be coming up on my home shore soon." Tal'nin got up and began to walk towards the door. Kira thought of calling after him, after all he had been sympathetic for her, but she decided not to. When Tal'nin reached the deck, he came to the edge of the ship and dived overboard, shutting his inner eye-lid as he went. He hit the water with a light splash and looked back to see Kira standing on the railing, looking after him. He was soon too far away too see, swimming away from the boat, giving the impression of a torpedo fired at the shore. As he jumped up to the sandy shore, he noticed a person several yards away from him, coughing water. He walked over and saw that he was a Hydran. "You know, just because we can swim well, doesn't mean we can breath underwater."
well the good thing about Sgt. Pepper is that at the end of it, they play "With a little help from my friends" as if it were part of the "concert"... at least thats how it is on my CD...
Well, I havn't seen the animatrix either, but I can proudly say that I have completed Enter The Matrix [SIZE=1](with cheats)[/SIZE] oh, did I say that? anyway, I realize you already have several good guys, but I've always wanted to do this and... well you understand right? Name: Mike Dorran Code name: Flare Age: 21 (i know u didn't include age, but i felt i should post it anyway) taken from the matrix Appearance: 6'2'' green eyes, and short black hair. brown pants and a long black jacket thats seen better days (lol) BIO: When he was in the Matrix he was a pyro, and when he came out it was obvious, he became an explosive specailist and works on Wolf's ship as an engineer. Just being around him seems to brighten the crews spirits and you don't often see him frowning. Matrix Appearance: his hair is slightly longer, and he has a burn on his arm. jeans, a black shirt and soft black jacket. Weapons: two pistols and various types of grenades. (yay!)
:confused: ...................... there is no way....... that's true? naaahh....... well... if you .. say so........ that just makes me want to.... :bawl:
That was incredible as usual Karma, and to thikn, it started because of a rhyme! anyway, I guess in a way it was kind of inspiring.... I could make a fan-fiction on it... maybe not... PS: it's better to have loved and lost, than to have never have loved at all... or not. Wish I knew...
Very good everyone... Inyuashagurl, thank you for editing your post, and demon, I'm glad you could join in^^ though you did go a little heavy on the magic... anyway, I guess maybe one more person and we could get this started ^^!!!! EDIT: OH HELL IM GONNA START IT ANYWAY!!!!
very nice.. though you can tell that it's done with a computer because it's not as good as the rest ^^