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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
well all I can say about that is that it reminds me of punk rock or somethin... BTW, I don't quite grasp the line "broken heart's rusty buffer" I mean, what's that supposed to mean? buffer? rusty buffer? lol, I'm just weird like that.
Hehe.. just came up with the perfect twist for the Matrix plot... what if the original Matrix has been around so long, that humans got to the point that they created AI inside of the matrix, causing there to be a matrix within a matrix? and all this time Neo has been fighting the false matrix.. so whadda ya think? suggestions? comments?
...... feeling a litlle agressive today are we? anyway, I like the stanza about the musicain on the corner and the mask and so on. This one seemed to flow a little better than some.
OK... well thanks for your support maikiratori, but I see the faults in the idea now... like you guys said, there would have to be a mod. on at all times. I don't think any of us have that much time (unless you're old and retired). Also, even with a mod. on, there would probably be too much "spammable" chat going on to deal with it anyway... so I guess it was a bad idea :stupid:
oh God... finaly some one responds!!! and Hydrans age pretty much like humans.. though they usualy live a little longer because the swimming keeps them in good health. Dae'Thon probably live the longest! maybe... up to 130 years I suppose would be appropriate.
OH.... well ya see I didn't know that... so I guess if anyone else has an opinion? or a mod can shut it down... whatever.
Otaku boards is an incredible site, but you have to admit... sometimes it moves a little to slowly. And this is not just for slow moving threads, but for making the site more.. interesting? Not to say that OB isn't interesting already... anyway, to the point. I think it would be a pretty cool idea to have a chat room on OB. Or maybe more than one so not everyone is cramped on one message screen. Sure, we have PMs but even they can move pretty slow. It would be great for people tossing ideas around, and may even prevent some spamming. If you're worried about cursing and so on, then there are chat programs that edit swear words. (not sure what they are though). I suppose you could argue that we already have AIM and MSN but some people don't have those, and don't want them. So putting a chat room on OB would give them a chance to talk about things with fellow OBers without the slow restrictions of PMing. What do you think?
While I was reading it I was thinking about saying " I hope it's not from personal experience" but then you said it was about your friend... he/she must have a pretty depressing life. Anyway, good though I kinda like the first two more... I guess they are a little smoother.:whoops:
I'm really sorry Vicky, but I deleted my char. basicly because I'm trying not to be in too many Adventures, and I'm desperate to get a new idea out.. also cause I'm depserate for some ACTION! if someone wants to take over my char. it was a robot made from nano-bots and his name was Auron (FFX name not intended). Anyway, I hope you don't hold it againts me :(
simply amazing in my opinion. not only the fact that they are very nice poems, but you can back up each line with a meaning... amazing. not many people can do that you know.
Eventualy, they found what appeared to be one of the local's favorites, and got some food, since the owner had no need for money. They were just leaving when the door was thrown back and a man walked in with a body thrown over his back. As they walked by, the body was revealed to be an android... "Viper...?" Kyle stopped imediatly. "What? You wanna pay for him?" The man turned around to look at Kyle. "What do you mean?" "I've been looking all over for some one who will friggen pay me for gettin rid of this hunk a metal." The man dropped Viper to the floor and took a seat at a table. "How did you...?" Tanya was staring, amazed at the android corpse on the floor. "Shot him, what else?"
Personaly, I think Sci-Fi kicks a** but fantasy still has it's up sides! One advantage is that everything DOESN'T have to be scientificly plausable, though I still think sci-fi is much more interesting. BTW, have you read Dune:House Atreides ? Or have you just seen the movies? I've seen the old movie and sci-fi channel made it's own version ^^!
fifteen.. wow. I'm not sure how many I'm in right now... just joined about 3... not too many though.
er..one thing Raiha... if she's a free agent, does that mean she's coming after Aura? just wanted to make sure!
Hehe... hi demon! Saw this the moment you posted it! Name: Drew Narin Age: 18 (is that a good age or should he be older?) Gender: male Job: protecter Appearance: 6'2'' dirty blonde hair, light skin, brown eyes. wears a blue long-sleeve shirt that reads "Ignorance Kills" and blues jeans. muddy, scraped up tennis shoes. BIO: A former hacker himself, Drew has asked Aura several times how she did it, but has never gotten an answer. When he heard the news about a geniuos hacker who was running from Hikuuro Tech. he coudn't resist joining the effort to protect her. He never expected that she didn't mean to hack the corp, and is still not sure if she is telling the truth. He was responsible for several major hacking incidents, and is already working on a counter program to withstand Hikuuro's future virus. Weapons: though his main skill is with computers, he uses a pistol picked up from his fellow protecters. He once took martail arts lessons, but his skills are questionable. How does that sound? Always wanted to be a hacker...*sniff*
look.. sorry I had to delete my char. but I'm in too many already, and I'm itching for some action...
Thats amazing! I've never read anything that... er... poetic! It is kinda depressing though... but where do you come up with this??
There's still room right? Name: Getarin Gender: male Age: 400 Species: Superior Appearance: 5'9'' Dark skinned, and lean, with black hair and strange, dark purple eyes. He wears only a large, fading tunic, that covers his entire body, except for his head. He generaly walks slowly, and purposfuly. Power: Wind (I'm gonna have fun with this :devil: ) Burst~a burst of wind that blows enemies away. Throw-back~creates a small wirl-wind and throws projectiles back at an enemy Twister~generates a small tornadoe Wind-blade~gathers wind and solidifys it, to create a small, but effective blade Hurricane~an improvement to twister, generates a small hurricane Agility~the wind carries him quickly across the ground Fly~can use the wind to fly for small amounts of time Weapons: The only visible weapon he carries, is a rediculosly large sword, almost as tall as he is, and about half his width though only the hilt is visible from his tunic. BIO: Although only a juvinile by Superior standards, Getarin is already more profficant than most others from his time. When he first existed (are they born or just made?) he felt pity for the humans and never understood why they were not like himself. Out of curiosity and general duty, he decided to be a guardian of Superior secrets, searching out those who are immune to the frequencies and battling with them, only deeming them worthy to live when they could strike him with their insignificant weapons. Personality: Aloof, and unforgiving, though he sometimes has a soft spot for the more "intrueging" humans. He is very deffensive of his right to the wind powers, and often derives humor from irony. Though he has no special ties to any other Superior, he always greets them with respect and generocity, seeing as he has no natural opposite. Other: though it is a powerful weapon, he never draws his sword unless he means to kill. Hows that? If I need to add something, just tell my Eclectic!:D
[color=indigo]In the future, humans have split into four distinct species, Thaed (equivilant of modern day humans), Dae' Thon, Hydran, and Vampires (no.. not blood sucking maniacs). Here are some descriptions :)[/color] ( just so you know, the future is considerably less andvanced than now) [color=crimson] Thaed: The average human, all the others descended from Thaed. Dae' Thon: The Dae' Thon look the most like their Thaed ancesters, but have many subtle differences. The Dae' Thon are also known as Physics Benders, because of their eratic fighting style that honestly looks like they are defying gravity. Every Dae' Thon child has a prophecy, given to him/her at birth by a Dae' Thon "preist" (though they don't really have a religous purpose, "preist" is an appropriate word). When a child reaches certain points in his/her life, he/she is marked with a permanant "ink" that shows their abilities. Hydran: Hydrans have evolved as underwater people (no webbed feet lol) while they do not have gils and the like, they have expanded lungs and more efficiant bodies, to allow them to remain underwater for nearly three hours. They also have an extra, transparent eyelid that slides in horizontily to protect their eyes from salt water. They are stream-lined and can travel at nearly 20 mph underwater. They usualy have some shade of blue eyes. They have developed a language of clicks and hums for underwater communication. Vampires: Though they do have an attraction to blood, the thought of slitting someone's throat for it is just as revolting to them as it is to any one else. They have naturaly pale skin, and secrete a slightly sticky substance (much like sweat) than insulates their bodies in the cold environments they live in. They generaly keep to the shadows, because of sensitive skin cells. [/color] Now, just so you know how un-industialized the future is.... in 2034 it was decided that Earth was already much too polluted, and a secrative organazation launched missles from America to Russai and Germany, knowing that both would strike back, throwing the world into turmoil. In the after-math there was hardly anybody, and humans continued to live in a not primitive, but still far less advanced world. If you're lucky you might have some technology, but it's not too common. [color=firebrick] Crossbreeds are common place, in some areas, so I'll provide you with what the different species generaly cross with. Dae' Thon usualy cross with Thaed, but in some palces, close to the water, they have inter-bred with Hydrans. Vampires almost never cross, but when they do, it's usualy with Thaed, because of intense rivalry with the Dae' Thon and Hydrans. [/color][color=blue] Name: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance: Personality: (optional) Weapons and skills: Bio: OH! I almost forgot! It's been so long (it takes a long time for new species to emerge...much less three) that the continents have again drifted into one massive land... Pangea all over again. [/color] Here's mine... Name: Tal'nin Age: 18 Gender: male Species: Dae' Thon and Hydran mix Appearance: The stream-lined body of a Hydran, turquoise eyes, and brown hair, turned light by constant swimming. Wheres a traditional Dae'Thon "tunic" and tough, light-brown pants. about 5'8''. He has only two of the Dae' Thon markings, one on the back of his neck, the agility symbol, and one on his lower arm, the fighters symbol. Personality: Optimistic, and sometimes air-headed, though he can get serious if he needs to. His Dae' Thon prophecy was [I]Answers cannot exist without questions[/I]. Weapons/skills: obviously an exelant swimmer, and fighter. He carries two blades, one Hydran and one Dae' Thon. (I would go into detail about the blades, but this is getting lengthy) BIO: His mother was Hydran, and his father Dae' Thon, but when he was born, his mother had to return to her town, on a distant island, and left him with his father's Dae' Thon people. The others knew he was different, because of his Hydran adaptations, and his attraction to constant swimming (Hydrans don't NEED to swim to survive but they would go nuts if they didn't). He now serves the Dae' Thon "security" force and searches out Vampire dwellings to gather information on the ever, growing conspiricy againts Hydrans and Dae' Thon. [color=magenta] I couls use at least one of each species!![/color]
"Like I said, my name is Jigoni. If you'll give me a moment to explain..." as Jigoni was talking, a boy walked into the corridor and he fell silent. He watched the boy warily until he passed into the next room. "uh, like I was saying, I've come a long way and I think you may know why... Diana?" Diana looked at him, surprised that Jigoni knew her name. "How...?" "No time for how, if you don't know already then I have to explain. About fourteen years ago, an earthquake destroyed a city not too far from here. The name of the city isn't important, what is important is what came of it. After the quake was over there were only five survivors... all of them babies. They were all takin in by various outsiders, and brought up under pretty normal conditions... exept that they had... abilities." "I don't get it," Darren spoke up, "what does this have to do with Diana?" "Let me finish. That quake wasn't a natural disaster, it was a weapon. I'm not gonna say what caused it, but it's definatly not gone. You, Diana, are one of the surviving children." "But that's impossible, she's my sister!" Darren couldn't beleive what he was hearing, how could any of it be true? "You know in your subconcious that it's true Diana." Jigoni was standing up from his leaning position on the wall. "But you're a bit different from the others... there were two others before you, with your same abilities... both of the others are dead." "But wha..." Diana seemed thoroughly confused. "Wait..." Jigoni held his hand up. "Hear it?" "Hear what?" "Quick! That room over there!" Jigoni pointed to the place where the boy had passed a moment ago. OCC:good or no?
"Well there's no point in hangin' around here any more." Kyle said agressivly, throwing the note to the ground. "Where do you plan on going?" Tanya questioned, seeing that Kyle was determined to get out of the small village. "Anywhere is better than here." "Hmmm..." Tanya was beggining to think Kyle was paranoid. "Well we can't stay here can we?" "Kyle, calm down. You're acting like you're gonna drop dead any second." "I..." she was right. He needed to calm down. "It's just..." "Come on, let's find something to eat." Tanya interupted, trying to get his mind away from what was troubling him. "Alright..." he couldn't beleive how stupid he was acting.
OCC: in case you didnt know KKC Dante isnt part of it anymore... the guy forgot to recruit so he's not really part of the story :wigout:
Darren waited silently outside the hospital room. Diana had been unconcious for several hours now. He tapped his foot subconcously (spelling?) on the floor to a beat he had heard on the way. Without his noticing, a figure was walking menacingly towards him. "Hey kid." "Wha...?" Darren noticed too late... he was down in a moment. As the attacker came at him again, Darren desperatly rolled to the side and stood up. He took a fighting stance (he hadn't watched Diana train for 14 years and learned nothing) and looked over his antagonist. He was tall... at least 17. "Who the heck are you?" "That doesn't matter now." Before Darren could respond, the stranger had attacked again, but this time Darren expected it. He threw out his arm to block the first atack and punched at where he thought the person was. But he had already come around to Darren's other side and attacked again. Darren took the hit in his side and fell to the ground, stunned. "Hmmm... question-able." Darren stood again and turned to his attacker. "Why...?" But again, he couldn't finish, because the stranger was attacking again. Darren punched out one last time, and to his surprise, made contact. The older boy was obviously uningured, but instead of coming at Darren again, he stopped and looked him in the eyes. "Yes... you will do." "What the hell are you talking about?" "I'm Jigoni... and I'm here to protect the elementalist." OCC:do I have it right Ninja?
He was just about to go out the room for help when the strangest thing worked it's way into his thoughts... [I]kill her Darren...[/I] [COLOR=blue]What the...?[/COLOR] [I]Use your knife... kill her...[/I] [COLOR=blue]What... what's happening?[/COLOR] Darren's brain suddenly became a war over thoughts, as the strange voice continued to persuad him [I]DO IT DARREN![/I] [COLOR=blue]get out of my head! I WON'T![/COLOR] "Darren?" his mother had entered, and at the same time the vioce stopped. He was dazed a moment, but quickly recovered "What mom?" "Is Diana ok?" "Uhh... I think... I..." Darren couldn't think of anything to say. "Maybe we should get her to a doctor." his mother said cautesly. "Ya... ya you're right..."
"Diana?" Darren called again. Still no answer. He ran back to the place where she had run into him, and finding nothing went on to the next room. She was there... but so was somebody else. The moment Darren entered the room, the other disappeared. "What the...?" Diana turned around and gave a gasp. After a second, Darren realized he still had out his knife, and put it back in his pocket. [I]Why does she do that?[/I] he wondered. "Who the hell was that?" "I...I don't know." Now Darren believed that something was really going on. "Look, maybe we should get you to a doctor or something..." "No... no I'm fine." "Are you sure?" from the door, Darren could see that she was paler than usual.