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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]The answer is obvious! The Beatles! The best band in history! Or at least, my favorite. They've just got such a great sound, especially as their music changed through the years. They practically defined the rock genre along with Elvis and a few other 60s bands. I love the broad range of their songs - from the early harmonica solos of songs like 'Love Me Do' to the crazy (possibly drug-inspired) tunes of 'I Am the Walrus'. Every song has something that makes you wanna hear it again: the bass-heavy drum line of Strawberry Fields, or the orchestra from Sgt. Pepper. My dad was a Beatles nut and so am I, and I always shall be. My favorite song I suppose would be I Am the Walrus, because it's manages to be so trippy and so enjoyable. On a final note, the Beatles might not be 'hardcore', but every rock band to date owes them a little respect. And that's my favorite.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]OOC: Damnit, I will [B]not[/B] let this die! >.< Start sending out PMs Stephy! Leah stared out the window of Andrew's little gray Nissan, an annoyed expression on her face, "This really isn't necessary." Andrew glanced at her, "I beg to differ. You're too stressed. Besides, you said yourself this investigation is going nowhere." "I did n-" Leah started angrily, but stopped when Andrew put up a hand. "Look, I'm sorry, but what are we gonna do, huh? At least we can relax and clear our heads, alright?" He gave her his best apologetic look. She sighed,"Alright... Gods know [I]you[/I] don't need any more relaxation..." Andrew just grunted.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I would hesitate to trust anything off of YouTube, but if this is true, God be praised! Hideo Kojima could be an incredible director if he so chose. Could you perhaps provide a link to the preview in question Snake'sLover? The MGS games are already very cinematic, so it wouldn't be that big of a stretch to adapt one into a movie. I've never played the original Metal Gear, but I can only assume that the plots were similarly story-heavy. Kojima has a gift for cinematics, and I can only hope that if there ever is a Metal Gear movie, that he's directing it. Still, it sounds like just a rumor. If there was an MG film, it would be BIG news.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Would I come up with this idea if there wasn?t even a slight possibility?" It took a supreme effort of will for Andrew not to use a smug reply. Instead, he stood with his back to Leah, his mouth twitching into a smile. He remembered, somewhate painfully, the last time he'd gotten her angry at him. "Well?" She raised an eyebrow at him. Andrew quickly suppressed his smirk and turned to face her. "I suppose..." he began to walk over to his own desk. Now she put her hands on her hips, "That's it?" He sat down and looked over at her. "Leah, as long as we've known each other, I've figured you for a reasonable person. I've trusted your judgement because, honestly, I don't always trust my own," he gave her a grin, "but now you're just being ridiculous!" Her expression soured a moment before she sighed, "Listen Andrew, I know it's ridiculous," she glared at his gesture of triumph, "to [i]you[/i]. It's ridiculous to you, Andrew, not to me. That's just what I believe," she finished with a sense of finality. Andrew thought about it a minute, absently picking up his little blue stress ball and tossing between his hands. Just when Leah was about to turn back to her own desk, he stood up. "You know what you need? Some fresh air." He put his hands up in a placating gesture as she opened her mouth to reply, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm not saying you're going crazy. You just need to get out of this damn office! When was the last time you relaxed, eh?" She didn't reply. "That settles it. I'm taking you to the park!" He didn't tell her it was as much to ease his own mind as hers. He felt like he was starting to lose it as well.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]This coffee sucks... [/i] Andrew leaned back in his chair and regarded the paper cafe cup that sat on his littel round table. The coffee within had grown cold half an hour ago without him realizing it, as he hadn't drank any for about that amount of time. Now he found himself wishing he had gotten a fresh cup, though he knew he wouldn't drink it. Andrew was in a small cafe fifteen minutes away from his work. He had left for lunch and decided that going back would be pointless. Instead, he reviewed the evidence where he was, staring at the manilla folder and occassionally flipping a page. That was... he glanced at the little clock in the corner... three hours ago. About one hour ago he had given up and began staring dejectedly out the window. Nothing about these cases made any sense. The 'evidence' was all conjecture and statements from those involved... nothing solid. It didn't seem humanly possible. He twirled a straw in his hands. [i]And Leah,[/i] he thought, [i] What was all that myth crap? She should know better[/i]. But, he supposed, if nothing turned up, he would start suspecting spirits as well. [i]What the hell...[/i] With a sigh, he got up and walked out. They were no doubt missing him back at work. At least there would be someone to talk to.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Very nice. However, though I hate to say it, Deathsye, you need to be a lot more detailed. Particularly in the Appearence section (the top one, at least). Look to Fyxe's for a good example. And Farto, I [i]did[/i] say that pictures needed a description as well, but since yours is from the game and shows the entire body, I suppose it qualifies anyway. My compliments to Fyxe for a sign-up devoid of imperfections (and cheesey is just fine as long as it works). ^_^ The RP isn't starting for a while yet, as I'm waiting for a friend of mine who wants to join, and we need a few more people anyway. Keep it up.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Palatino Linotype]W-what?! A Beatles RP? Time travel? It sounds too good to be true... Name: James Kite Age: 26 Appearance: James stands at roughly 5'9'' with short black hair that never lays down and stark, blue-green eyes. Almost nothing about him says 'tough' or 'formiddable'. He's got thin limbs and a set of wiry glasses that just barely surround his eyes. He sits with a slight slouch and tilts his head sideways when looking to the side. He always seems to stare and his smile looks almost maniacle in it's wide, open-mouthed way. He likes to wear shades of blue, with loose, long-sleeved shirts and jeans or similar attire. Biography: James Kite came from a shady background, raised as one of the 'Holiday Children'. However, as the Holiday kids go, he was at the bottom of the class. Smart by normal standards, but a bit of a flunky as one of [i]them[/i]. Nevertheless, he fought tooth and nail for a position in the TCD, seeing it as his greatest obtainable goal. In leeway of a social circle, he turned to human history and fiction to wile away the hours in their seperate dimension, which led to his position as a team Historian. He was never really good at the other stuff anyway. Personality: James is very friendly and open... almost [i]too[/i] friendly. He has a tendency to say things that have nothing to do with the topic of conversation and also tends to say them rather bluntly. He has attempted to completely detach himself from the constraints of being a social animal, living with the necessary isolation of being a member of the TCD. Some say it's gone to his head, that he's gone insane and can no longer function in a normal society. But mostly, he's harmless. Team Position: Historian[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Before I start typing this RP, I would like to say that it is meant for people familiar with the Elder Scrolls world, particularly that of the fourth game, Oblivion. If you are not familiar with it, please take the time to read [i]all[/i] of the information below. Thank you. [CENTER] ~~ [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It is the third era of Tamriel, year 433, and though Uriel Septim has brought an unsteady peace to the provinces of Tamriel, unrest builds in his Empire. For all the generations of Septim rule, a barrier has existed between Tamriel and the infernal world of the Daedra - Oblivion. Blessed by Akatosh, the Septim line has kept alight the mighty Dragon Fire that keeps the daedra at bay. But dark times are about to fall on Tamriel. Mysterious forces are moving in the Empire, and the people of Cyrodiil are ill prepared for what is about to take place. The fanatic worshipers of the Daedric Lord Mehrunes Dagon have assassinated the Emperor and all of his heirs, and with no one to rekindle the Dragon Fires, our world is open to a massive Daedric incursion. Dark times are upon us.[/COLOR] ~ [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The ones who assassinated the Emperor are of course, the Mythic Dawn. Mehrunes Dagon, not content with destroying the plains of Oblivion that continually renew themselves, wants Tamriel for himself. A land that stays destroyed! A land denied to him by Akatosh and the accursed Septim line! This probably sounds very familiar... but in this story, there is no great hero waiting in the dungeons below the Imperial City, no one to carry the dying Emperor's final words. It is up to the citizens of Cyrodiil, in all their shapes and colors, to take up the fight, defend their ancestor's home with their lives! [IMPORTANT NOTE: At the beginning of the RP, all characters will be heading to, or already be at, Kvatch right as it is being overrun with Daedra.][/COLOR] ~ [COLOR=DimGray]Information on The Elder Scrolls: [U]The Divines and Mundus[/U]- The Nine Divines are the gods of Tamriel and originally created the mortal realm (Mundus) which contains the 'earth' (Nirn) on which Tamriel is a continent. The Divines are Akatosh, Julianos, Talos, Arkay, Dibella, Stendarr, Zenithar, Mara and Kynareth. [U]Provinces of Tamriel[/U]- Tamriel is divided into several provinces, each with its unique culture. They are the Imperial Province, Morrowind, Blackmarsh, Elsweyr, Valenwood, Highrock, Skyrim and Hammerfell. This tale takes place in the central Imperial Province, hub of the Empire. Morrowind is home to the Dunmer, Blackmarsh to the Argonians, Elsweyr to the Khajiit, Valenwood to the Bosmer, Highrock to the Bretons, Skyrim to the Nords and Hammerfell to the Redguard. The Altmer hail from the Summerset Isles, southwest of the mainland and the Orcs from Orsinium, a massive city within Hamerfell. [U]The Imperial Province[/U]- The Imperial province is right in the middle of Tamriel, and is the home of the Septim Empire which has spread to encompass all of Tamriel. It contains nine cities: the Imperial City right in the center, Bruma to the north, Cheydinal to the east, Chorrol to the northwest, Bravil to the south with Leyawiin beyond it, Skingrad to the west with Kvatch and Anvil beyond it. Anvil is the only coastal city, though the Imperial City is surrounded by Lake Rumare which feeds into the Niben river and Bravil and Leyawiin both lie on the Niben. The Imperial Provence is sometimes reffered to as Cyrodiil. [U]The Races[/U]- The races of Tamriel can be divided into three broad categories: Man(human), Mer(Elf) and Beastfolk. Man- [B]Imperial[/B]: The local inhabitants of Cyrodiil, they are the most common race throughout Tamriel. [B]Nord[/B]: The original human race, they hail from Skyrim up north. The Nords are considered to be a rather barbaric bunch, and have a reputation for being roudy. They are by no means stupid, just... energetic. [B]Redguard[/B]: The Redguard hail from Hammerfell to the northwest. They are dark skinned and considered to be excellent warriors. Not much is known about Yokuda, the land they came from before Tamriel. [B]Breton[/B]: The Bretons are actually the product of generations of interbreeding of humans and elves and hail from Highrock far to the northwest. They are very profficient with magic but have almost no features that identify them as elves, and are so considered more a race of humans. Mer(elves)- [B]Altmer[/B]: The Altmer (High Elves) hail from Summerset Isle to the southwest. They are tall and possess the elven pointed ears. They are known for their mastery of all forms of magic and are also considered to be rather stuck-up. [B]Bosmer[/B]: The Bosmer (Wood Elves) hail from Valenwodd to the southwest. They are short in stature and have the pointed elven ears. They are reknowned archers and have the ability to command some animals. [B]Dunmer[/B]: The Dunmer (Dark Elves) hail from Morrowind to the east. They have dark skin in shades of blue and red eyes. They have an above average grasp of magic, and are somewhat stereotyped as unstrustworthy and vulgar. This is, of course, a misperception. Most Dunmer are perfectly nice people. [I][B]Dwemer[/B][/I]: The Dwemer have long been extinct, destroyed in a war with the Chimer (modern day Dunmer). They are often mistakenly called Dwarves, though they were in fact a race of elves. They made very durable weapons and armor, some of which can still be found in the world today. Beastfolk- [B]Argonians[/B]: The Argonians hail from Blackmarsh to the southeast and not much is known about them. They are a race of lizard like people capabel of breathing under water and have a natural resistance to disease because of their swamp homeland. [B]Khajiit[/B]: The Khajiit hail from Elsweyr to the south. They are cat people resembling lions (though they do not have manes). Their faces very closely resemble a large cat's face (snout and everything). They are a lightfooted people, capable of moving in stealth. [B]Orcs[/B]: The Orcs hail from Orsinium within the borders of Hammerfell. Though they are not actually beastfolk, they can no longer be considered Elves. The entire race was transformed when their patron god was consumed by a daedric lord and became a daedric lord himself. They posses green skin and are known for massive strength. [U]Vampirism[/U]- Vampires exist throughout Tamriel, and I would like to shed some light on the process of becoming a vampire and how they behave in The Elder Scrolls. To become a vampire, you first must contract the disease Polymorphic Hemophilia (at least, I believe that's how it's spelled). You can only contract the disease from another vampire. Once you have it, you're not quite a vampire yet. It can be neutralized by a Cure Disease potion/spell or by praying to a god for healing. However, if the disease is allowed to persist, it turns the victim into a full fledged vampire. New vampires are often haunted by nightmares and get little sleep. Vampires can walk in the sun ONLY if they have fed recently (i.e., drunk someone's blood) and do not thirst for blood. Garlic has no effect on them. They can be killed by any regular means, not just by a steak through the heart. When a vampire has not fed, they grow paler and look as if they've been starved, but they also get stronger and gain unique abilities (which I will not list here). As soon as they have fed, their thirst for blood will be quenched for 1 to 3 days. Feeding does not necessarily kill the victim, or give them the vampiric disease. [U]Daedra and Oblivion[/U]- The realm of Oblivion exists in parallel to Mundus, and if Mundus is 'order' then Oblivion is 'chaos'. It is the home of the Daedra, who, though not evil by nature, are commonly considered demonic creatures. Daedra come in many forms and are ruled by sixteen known Daedric Lords or Princes. Though not all the Daedric Princes are male, they actually have no gender, and even those who take a feminen form are still called 'Lords'. Every Daedric Lord has a seperate realm within Oblivion which is completely unique. The names and dominions of the Daedric Lords are thus (taken from The Book of Daedra): [B]Azura[/B]: Lord of Dusk and Dawn. [B]Boethia[/B]: Lord of Deceit and Conspiracy (murder, treason, etc.) [B]Clavicus Vile[/B]: His dominion is the granting of power through invocation and pact. [B]Hermaeus Mora[/B]: Lord of Knowledge and Memory. [B]Hircine[/B]: Lord of the Hunt. [B]Malacath[/B]: Lord of the spurned and ostracized. The patron Lord of the Orcs. [B]Mehrunes Dagon[/B]: Lord of destruction and change. (Mehrunes Dagon is responsible for much trouble in Tamriel, including the assassination of the Emperor). [B]Mephala[/B]: Mephala's dominion is obscure to mortals, but is known for interfering in the affairs of mortals. [B]Meridia[/B]: Meridia's domain is also obscure, but is associated with the energy of living things. [B]Molag Bal[/B]: Lord of the domination of mortals and causing strife and war among mortals. [B]Namira[/B]: Lord of the ancient darkness, known as the 'spirit daedra', associated with all things repulsive. [B]Nocturnal[/B]: Lord of night and darkness, called the Night Mistress. [B]Peryite[/B]: Lord of the lowest orders of Oblivion, called the Taskmaster. [B]Sanguine[/B]: Lord of hedonistic pleasures and debauchery. [B]Sheogorath[/B]: Lord of madness. [B]Vaernima[/B]: Lord of dreams and nightmares, from whom evil omens flow. Though a magical barrier keeps the daedra from entering Tamriel in massive numbers, mages skilled in Conjuration can summon them for brief periods to perform tasks or fight enemies. Only the most skilled mages are capable of summoning a Daedric Lord. A summoned Lord will not willingly obey their summoner, and the more violent ones may even kill the fool. However, some mages through history have summoned Lords to discuss the intricacies of Oblivion. If not summoned, Daedric Lords can still communicate with people in Tamriel by way of a Daedric Shrine dedicated to a specific Lord. However, they are picky about who they speak to, and usually only do so to lay a task on one of their worshippers. [U]Daedra Worship[/U]: Though most citizens of the Empire worship the Divines, some have turned to the Daedric Lords for worship. Such practices are generally frowned upon, as Daedra are seen by many as evil and violent. And some are. But most people who worship Daedra don't do it because they're evil. Some are merely bored with the Divines. But they still only worship in secret, in hidden Shrines throughout Tamriel, for fear of being persecuted for their beliefs. [U]Guilds[/U]- [B]Fighers Guild[/B]: The Fighters Guild has been around a long time. It's an organization dedicated to keeping order in Tamriel - for a price. It draws mostly warriors. [B]Mages Guild[/B]: The oldest of the guilds, the Mages Guild was long ago created by Galerion to uphold the lawfull use of magic in Tamriel. New laws prohibit the use of Necromancy in the guild. The biggest hub for the Mage Guild is the Mages Academy in the Imperial City. Only members of the highest order are allowed inside, where they can persue any number of mystic subjects. [B]Theives Guild[/B]: The theives guild has long been a secret organization headed by the mysterious Gray Fox. Though many believe the Gray Fox and the entire Theives Guild to be a myth, they are responsible for a great deal of the theft in the Empire. However, the strictest rule of the Guild is that no member may EVER commit murder while working for the Guild. The Guild operates mostly with independent thievery, but every now and then, they recieve a special job, which is relayed to an able guild member through a Doyen (job-assigner and high ranking member). Independently stolen objects can be sold to various Guild Fences who will buy all of a guildsman's stolen goods. [B]Dark Brotherhood[/B]: They are the most secretive of all the Guilds - the assassin's guild. They recruit new members by visiting murderers in their sleep and offering them a position in the brotherhood. A person may summon the Dark Brotherhood by performing a shady ritual which is responded to by a guild official who accepts or denies the job and takes the necessary amount of gold. They are headed by five individuals: four speakers and a listener. The listener listens to Sithis or the Night Mother (two shadowy god-like figures that the guild worships) and gives their messages to the speakers, who relay them to the rest of the brotherhood. [U]Armor and Weapons[/U]- Armor and weapons can be divided into several categories based on what they're made with. Weapons: (least to most effective) Iron Steel Silver* Dwarven Elven Glass (meteoric glass, which has a clear green color) Ebony Daedric* *Has the ability to kill ghosts and other spirit-like creatures. Light Armor: (least to most effective) Fur Leather Chainmail Mythril Elven Glass Heavy Armor: (least to most effective) Iron Steel Dwarven Orcish Ebony Daedric Weapons and Armor can also be enchanted with magic to give them unique properties. [U]Schools of Magic[/U]- Magic is divided into seven categories (called schools or colleges) which different mages specialize in. Most use several, if not all types, and are skilled in a few. [B]Alteration[/B]: The most versatile of the schools, alteration deals with the changing of the environment or onesself. (Ex.: Unlock, water breathing, shield) [B]Illusion[/B]: Illusion deals with manipulating appearences or the minds of other people. (Ex.: Light, Invisibility, Charm) [B]Conjuration[/B]: Conjuration enables the user to summon daedric weapons and armor or actual daedra for brief periods. It also contains the Turn Undead spell that makes undead creatures flee in sudden fear. (Ex.: Summon Scamp, Summon Dagger) [B]Destruction[/B]: Destruction involves elemental magic that harms others. It can also drain a person's health or magic and impart it to the caster. The three elements are Fire Ice and Thunder. (Ex.: Fireball, Drain Health, Cold Touch) [B]Mysticism[/B]: Mysticism is the most obscure school of magic and deals with things that affect the spirit or soul. (Ex.: Detect Life, Dispel (getting rid of spells), Soul Trap*) [B]Restoration[/B]: Restoration deals in healing and improving one's attributes. (Ex.: Heal Wound, Fortify Strength, Resist Poison) [B]Alchemy[/B]: Alchemy has no spells - it is the art of creating potions and poisons. *The Soul Trap spell will be omitted from the RP because it is unecessary and complicated. [U]Skills[/U]- In the game, each character has a set of seven major skills. However, for the sake of simplicity, each character in this RP will get only five (5) major skills to choose. These will define your character's expertise and style of combat. A list of available skills follows. Skills: Athletics (physical endurance) Armorer (repairing weapons and armor) Acrobatics (jumping and falling) Blade (skill with a sword or dagger) Blunt (skill with hammer and axe weapons) Hand to Hand (fist fighting) Marksman (skill with a bow) Block (skill with a shield or parrying attacks) Sneak (moving stealthily) Light Armor (skill in light armor) Heavy Armor (skill in ehavy armor) Security (skill in picking locks) Speechcraft (skill in talking to and persuading others) Alteration (magic) Illusion (magic) Conjuration (magic) Destruction (magic) Restoration (magic) Mysticism (magic) Alchemy (magic / potion and poison making)[/COLOR] ~~~ And finally, the sign-up form. [B]Name[/B]: (Race specific. If you don't know what kind of name a race should have, just be creative.) [B]Age[/B]: (Reasonable. Human- 18-50 Elf- 18-100 Other- 18-50) [B]Gender[/B]: (m/f) [B]Race[/B]: (Choose from list above) [B]Major Skills[/B]: (Choose 5 from the list above) [B]Profession[/B]: (What you do.) [B]Appearence[/B]: (Be as detailed as you like. Pictures are accepted WITH a description as well.) [B]Personality[/B]: (Mood, habits, opinions, etc.) [B]Worship Practices[/B]: (Do they worship the Divines? Or a Daedra Lord? Which one? Or do they worship no one?) [B]Guilds[/B]: (Guild memberships [and ranks if you know them]) [B]Past[/B]: (A brief biography. At least a paragraph.) [B]Equipment[/B]: (A list of their weapons and armor and when they tend to use it.) And my own: [B]Name[/B]: Darien Janorin [B]Age[/B]: 28 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Race[/B]: Breton [B]Major Skills[/B]: Sneak, Security, Alteration, Illusion, Blade [B]Profession[/B]: Thief [B]Appearence[/B]: Darien stands 5'8'' with unruly light-brown hair and sky-blue eyes. He's tough and wiry from the strains of his profession, and his face reflects a sort of juvenile mischief and shadowed intentions. His fingers are long and nimble, and his movements convey an effortless litheness through years of practice. Usually, he wears a brown wool long-sleeve shirt that buttons down the front, tan linen pants and soft-soled leather boots. When on the job however, he suits up in thin leather armor, completely quiet. [B]Personality[/B]: Darien generally enjoys the company of other people, though he sometimes feels awkward when he has to carry a conversation. He mostly views other people as objectives - get someone to like him, get information, and then steal what he needs. That's not to say he likes to betray his friends, but the only people he really connects with are his guild-mates. Overall, he's nice enough if not a little shady. He has a problem with becoming fixated on a single thing (usually something he wants to steal) and not giving up until he has it or has accomplished it, even going to absurd measures to achieve it. Single-minded would be a good word. [B]Worship Practices[/B]: Worships the Daedric Lord Nocturnal [B]Guilds[/B]: Thieves Guild [Cat Burglar] [B]Past[/B]: Darien was born in the city of Kvatch after his parents came down from Highrock. As he was growing up, he seemed to have a natural talent for magic and the local mages Guild hall had their eye on him for several years. However, he also had an unfortunate touch of kleptomania, and though he tried to restrain himself, couldn't resist stealing. Though they never told him this, Darien most likely inherited this from his father, who was a prominent thief in Highrock. He was arrested several times when he was fifteen, which crushed his chances of being a member of the Mages Guild. However, in an attempt to straighten himself out, he moved to Chorrol when he was seventeen and started over. With no knowledge of his criminal record, the Chorrol Guild readily accepted him and he became a mage, specializing in Illusion with some talent for Alteration. He eventually gained access to the Mages Academy in the Imperial City and rose to the rank of Evoker. However, in the abundance of rare and powerful artifacts, his old ways began to assert themselves and Darien soon found himself banned from the Guild for stealing. After he got out of prison, he hung around the Imperial City, wandering dejectly around the poor Waterfront. It was then that he discovered the Thieves Guild. Darien had found his home! He took to the guild imediately, gaining the respect of the local members and learning to avoid the guards. With his experience in Illusion magic, he soon rose to a mid-rank thief, a Cat-Burglar. He picked up on Daedra Worship when one of his fellow thieves told him about Nocturnal. Since then he has been a devoted servant of the Night Mistress. Now he is about to visit his home in Kvatch, but doesn't know what awaits him there. [B]Equipment[/B]: An Elven Dagger for emergencies, and full set of Leather Armor with the exception of a helmet which he wears when thieving. P.S.: Special thanks to Deathsye for his cooperation.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Palatino Linotype][U]Name[/U]: Andrew Huckaby [U]Age[/U]: 25 [U]Gender[/U]: male [U]Appearance[/U]: Andrew is tall (6'0'') and somewhat lanky. His face is inviting, but usually occupied by a 'so-what' sort of expression. Hair is jet black and cut short and eyes are a dark shade of blue. He usually wears casual attire to work (i.e., jeans, t-shirts, etc.). In fact, his clothing style on and off work changes very little. [U]General Mood[/U]: Andrew is a laid back guy, completely willing to let things pass him by if they're not of immediate importance. He is only marginally organized, but always pulls through in the end, whether it be part of his job or a personal matter. Despite a somewhat cynical air, he takes care of his friends. [U]Quirks[/U]: He has been known to use obscure figures of speech, and changes them on a regular basis (every couple of days). He always has to have something to do with his hands, or he fidgets continually. [U]Powers[/U]: He has a very small, latent ability for telepathy, but not nearly enough to rate him a potential for the Sandman (he's too old anyway). [U]Background[/U]: Andrew was born on August 18th to Hillary Huckaby and was raised in an urban environment. His father left his mother before he knew she was pregnant, and left town for a job. Andrew's never hated him for it, as he was perfectly happy with his mother and led a more or less happy life for a long time. When he got older, he always looked out for his mother, who was growing weak and sickly ahead of her time. A year ago, she died quietly in a hospital bed. Andrew crashed for a long time, and was only able to get out of his depression with the help of his friend and co-worker Leah Mandez, who he has been working with for roughly two years. Though he has provoked her temper plenty of times, his placating attitude has always managed to get back on her good side. [U]Occupation[/U]: Social Worker[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Gary sat at home, head in hands, staring at the TV screen as the eleven o' clock news played. He didn't hear much of it. On the table a few feet away lay a letter. He didn't look at it, because each time he did, he felt a desolate finality. It was the last letter his brother had sent him from his army post one state away. He had gotten the call just two hours ago from his mother - Jared was dead. Killed in Action. The letter itself mentioned an odd assignment, not far from Gary's home, something to do with a contagion. Nobody was giving any details. Feeling profoundly alone, Gary got up and grabbed his jacket. He needed to walk. The streets were dark and quiet. Nothing ever happened in this neighborhood. But Gary got a strange feeling, a chill, like something terrible was happening. Something terrible [I]had[/I] happened, he reminded himself. He didn't even notice the dilapidated man next to the street lamp until he was right next to him. Gary looked up, expecting to see one of his neighbors. In the next moment, the stranger had him by the shoulders, mouth open wide, and something like a gurgling howl coming out of his throat. Panicking, Gary managed to get his arm under the man's chin, stopping the progress of his jaws towards Gary's throat. Finally, he got a good look at his assaillant. The shock was almost too much. Dark, oxidized blood caked the man's face, dripping down from a long gash in his head. The skin on his arms was ghost-white, blue veins standing out in the harsh lamp light. In a desperate act of self defense, Gary grabbed the knife he kept in his jacket pocket and slashed the man's arm. It seemed to startle him and his gip loosened, but as soon as Gary backed off a step, he was back on the attack. Gary struggled for what seemed like hours, always evading those knashing teeth by a hair. In a final horrifying moment, Gary thrust his knife at the stranger's face. The blade caught him in the eye, piercing nerve tissue and cutting a gash into his brain. The man backed off, staggered a moment, and fell backwards. Gary gasped for breathe, stared at the body. There was a grotesque bite wound on his side, the skin around it rotted and purple. In sudden nausea, Gary turned aside and leaned his arm on the lamp post. When he stopped throwing up, he looked around frantically for a phone.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heh heh, a good ol' zombie RP should be fun :) Name: Gary Conners Age: 26 Appearance: 5'9'', of medium build with light brown eyes and short, messy brown hair. His skin is only mildly tan, and his face is juvenile and friendly, with a few fading freckles around his nose. He wears a dark blue shirt and blue jeans, with a gray cotton jacket when it's cold. Status in Society: civilian Occupation: He works at the local game store while he's trying to find an opening in the game developement industry. Skills: He's got a sharp mind, but he's not in top physical shape. Though he's never fired a gun, he figures he would be pretty good at it. Weapons before arming yourself: A pocket knife he takes everywhere and a few small explosive recipes he found on the internet (doesn't currently have the explosive material). Weapons after arming yourself: A .45 calibur pistol with a box of ammunition and a long, hollow metal pole. Personality: He's a generally quiet person, though he will gladly talk with anyone who brings up a subject he likes. Mostly he sticks with a few good buddies, who view him as a 'data guru' type of person. He's a quick thinker and loves a good joke. Bio: Gary grew up in a middle class home with a relatively stable family, and was the youngest of two boys. At 18, his brother went into the army, while Gary (16) was thinking of going to college and getting a degree in technology. Three years later, he did just that, and after graduating lived in a small semi-urban apartment. He got an ok job as a techy for an internet company, but quit in search of a job in the game industry. Unfortunately, there haven't been many openings, so for now, he's stuck working at a game store. His love life has been off-and-on for a while, and while he's working a small time job, it seems like it's going to stay that way for a while longer.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Those are even better than the first two sets! I especially like the first one... I guess it's just the colors, but it seems to just... I don't know... blend. The spiderweb's really neat though, where'd you get the image? Still a little grainy, which I assume is from saving it as a .jpg in Paint, but that can't be helped. Very nice. :)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Very nice. Pretty, in a subtle sort of way. 'Natural' I guess. The extreme close up is pretty cool, and the picture quality is obviously pretty good. The flower ones do seem a little fuzzy though, or grainy rather. All in all, I think the Fern is better. The yellow's a little harsh, and the fern just looks cooler. By the way, there should be other programs besides Photoshop you can find, unless you're using a really old version, like '98. But anything after '98 should be able to handle something better than Paint.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heeheehee, ah, the good ol' days. Yeah, I used to draw a stick figure comic called "Heko the Tiny Knight". I started drawing it in 7th grade, and continued right up to 9th. A friend of mine drew really detailed comics, but our buddies seemed to think that Heko was funnier. Not to say his weren't, I loved 'em. Every time I'd finish one, it seemed like I couldn't do much more with it, but then I'd have another one, and it was just as good. Yeah, I never got the hang of really detailed manga-style art, though I still attempt it sometimes. Anyway, keep drawing stick figures, 'cause I'm sure you're good at it, and as along as it's funny, who cares how it looks?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]If you're looking for a unique PS2 title, I would highly recommend [B]Okami[/B]. If you're at all interested in that kind of cell-shaded, semi-rpg type game, it's gotta be one of the best. It's fun, long, and fairly strange. For Xbox, [B]Far Cry: Instincts[/B] is still a great title. The single player is alright, but the most entertaining part is the online (if you have Live) and the fact that you can create your own map and have others download it. The map creation is pretty easy, so all you need is a few good ideas. For GameCube, if you haven't already gotten [B]Super Smash Bros. Melee[/B], [I]get it now[/I]! I don't even have a GC, and it's still one of my favorite games of all time. Hope I helped.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Den gave Ojo's retreating back a confused look. Was the crew insane as well? This was starting to look increasingly like a bad idea. But he had to admit, it was better than sitting in some tiny cargo hold waiting for someone to blow a hole in the hull and charge in with automatics. And at least he would get a steady paycheck. Den took a deep breath and followed Ojo and Kain into the briefing room. He took a seat three chairs to the right from Ojo, with Kain behind and to the left of him. At least it was fairly quiet in here. He caught a glimpse of Ojo grinning and closed his eyes. This was gonna be a long trip.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Identification please." Den dug in his pocket for the card that had been issued him when he had been accepted for a place on the Adauntus. He produced it, handed it to the security officer and sighed inwardly when he scowled at him. They never liked mercs, even former mercs. It would have been on his profile, and this pale-skinned grunt had undoubtedly been ordered to memorize the file of everyone scheduled to come through this door. Couldn't be more than... hundred, two hundred people? But that was just this section. "Proceed... sir," the officer finally mumbled. Den snatched his card back and walked lazily into the ships upper deck. Man, the ship was big. The average merchant vessel was a third the Adauntus' size. And what was this? An open-air deck? It would be sealed during flight of course, but who had designed such a gross luxurie on a military ship? This would take some getting used to. Den had already checked his belongings, including his personal firearms, with the cargo crew. Now he just had to wait. Ridiculous, he decided as he scratched his leg where cybernetics met skin, this ship was ridiculous.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hi bogger, remember me? (What's with all the colts?! It's the future!) [B]Name[/B]: Den Tanner [B]Age[/B]: 24 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Weapon of Choice[/B]: G45D Special Ops Assault Rifle and a 9mm compact pistol. [B]Specialty[/B]: Close Quarter, intense combat. [B]Bio[/B]: Den was trained as a first-wave shock trooper, conditioned to fight in the harshest scenarios and die if necessary. He was ready to kill for his country/world until roughly a week before he was to be sent into duty, when an accident claimed his left leg from the knee down and two fingers from his left hand. Though sympathetic, the corps coudln't support an injured trooper, and gave him permanent leave. He took up mercenarie work, deffending small transport vessels from pirate attacks, until he worked up enough money to replace his lifeless titanium leg with a pnuematic, nerve-sensor replacement limb. With more stability and agility once again at his disposal, he's ready to re-enter true military service. [B]Appearence[/B]: Den is a rather closed individual. His build is whipcord-taught from training, his facial features a mask of glowering indifference. Dark, spindly hair frames dull blue eyes. He wears a thick maroon shirt under a soldier-style green/black jacket, long, dark-gray pants and his old trooper boots to hide his semi-robotic leg. His look dares you to ask about the missing fingers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Marsh][FONT=Arial]Does anyone else hate Willie Mays and his annoying Oxy Clean Shout? [/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b]YES![/b] Wow, lotsa comments in a short time. Since there seems to be a lot of talk about Skittles commercials, anyone remember the one with the two 'goat' people eating skittles off of a tree stump? To this day, I have no idea why they used goats. I also have a strong disliking for all these game-development college commercials. I keep thinking "If your college is so good, why do your commercials suck?" Maybe if they could afford good actors...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Recently (well, for a long time...) advertising, particularly TV commercials, have gotten pretty wacky. Sometimes they leave you wondering "what the hell were they selling?!" or just freak you out. They're not [i]bad[/i] necessarily, but they are pretty rediculous. So, if you feel so inclined, please tell about a particular advertisement that you think is just a little strange. It can be a favorite, or one you can't stand. Doesn't matter. To keep up the conversation, be sure to describe it and why you picked it. My pick is the most recent "Fruit of the Loom" commercial. It has the four 'fruits' in a music video about blue underwear. I think it's the most rediculous ad I've ever seen. An apple singing about undergarments? What's going on there? Creative, yes, but a little over the top. (Who thought of it anyway? Or wrote the song?!)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Tical']I just don't see any reason to drag out my answer with unnecessary babbling I could have gone so far as to say like.[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]True, but it would have made your post a lot less like spam. Hell, you and Zero could be right. Maybe a thousand years from now, people will look back on christianity like they do to the Olympian gods. Those silly ancient people, believing in Jesus! Oh ha ha ha.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well Cygnus, for being so defensive of your own opinion, you certainly seem to insult other's quite a bit. Also I think you're just angry, and should calm down before posting again. Just a thought. Anyway, I believe parts of the bible (not necessarily all of it) are open to interpretation. It was created as a guideline for christianity, not as a manual for the universe. I'm not really religious at all myself. My personal view is, "there may be a god, and there may not be, either way, I don't really care." However, I still accept the fact that a lot of what the bible says is good and right. That said, who are we to say how it should be taken? My granddad happens to be a retired pastor, and even he admits that the bible wasn't meant to be taken completely literally. He thinks that the story of creation was the bible's (or rather, it's creators) way of explaining the unexplainable. We're talking about a text written thousands of years ago. Every theory that has previously been stated on this thread is completely valid. Unproven, yes, but still valid. Not to antagonize you further Cygnus, but if you knew much of history, you would know that what Boo said is at least partially correct. Up until the past century or two, church leaders were extremly strict. One could be executed for speaking anti-religious things. Ancient church leaders allowed no other interpretation but their own, and so no other interpretations were made. And one last thing... why shouldn't god have a different view of time? If he's the supreme being, he's been around for millenia. That would deffinately alter [i]my[/i] view of time.[/COLOR][/FONT] EDIT: By the way Tical, Boo might have said it a little rudely, but your first post was crap. Maybe if you had said everything from your second post then...? Forgive me.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Wooh, this is fun. XD [I]"A gray intrusion into my ethereal world. Small, at first, swirling out there in my once placid seas. But before it could be stopped, the little splotch of strangeness became a chaotic whirlwind of dark matter. Now it ravishes my shores... woe is me."[/I] Mine - [url]http://artpad.art.com/?j1jqx21n257c[/url][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Gah! I remember the old one too... it's how I found out about ArtPad. Never bothered to post. [I]"Until that day, dull though my life was, I was happy. I would graze, nap, be milked, graze some more... a simple existence. But alas, it was not meant to last. It turns out Tornado Alley isn't such a good spot for a farm. I'll see you in cow heaven."[/I] One I made a long time ago - [url]http://artpad.art.com/?itfbrf3mjgk[/url][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It's all about the ninja skills for me. Pirates? Don't make me laugh! I would be a ninja because I enjoy being stealthy and the whole black ninja outfit looks so damn good. Puffy shirts make me uncomfortable, and I would sooner strangle a parrot than let it sit on my shoulder repeating the last two words of every sentence. Besides, ninjas can go [i]anywhere[/i]! Can a pirate go anywhere? No! They have to stay near the boat! Ok, so pirates talk really cool... a minor advantage. Ninjitsu is better than any funny dialect! Besides... I'm weak. I would be slaughtered as a pirate. So, while I like Pirates of the Carribean, I like Naruto more. :)[/COLOR][/FONT]