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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
:therock: well who's gonna take it? I like my guy the way he is.
oh how convenient... first some one who doesn't bother to recruit, and now Gentle can't even post..... WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO????
OCC: silly newby! every one knows to recruit themselves before typing! (wait... I did that once too!:sweat: ) IC:"Alright, D. I'll go check the fuse..." Darren was still uncertain of wether or not Diana was trying to trick him, but it wouldn't hurt to check. "By the way, where are you goin' so fast?" "I need to check if mom's OK," Diana replied quickly. "Whatever." As he reached the fuse box, Darren took out his knife and began to pry open the rusty cover. Ever since he found the knife on the sidewalk when he was ten, Diana had had some kind of aversion to it. Never the less, Darren had kept it. Now he popped open the fuse box and tried his best to see if it was broken with his hands. Every wire was in place. "Alright D. the trick's over, turn the damn lights on!" When there was no reply Darren got suspicous.
OCC:since you guys are so slow, Guardian has come up with the idea that Darren is Diana's older brother! Still no element of course, but we need to get this moving! IC: Darren walked aimlessly down the sidewalk, wondering if he had gotten a reply from an internet pal. Normaly, Darren didn't like friends, but he had met this person in one of his less-depressing moods, so the attitude stuck with him. He heard the sound of Diana's hover bike coming down the road, and looked up soon enough to see her pulling into their garage. He ran the rest of the way, not entirly sure why he was running. As he entered the house, everything suddenly went pitch black. "Diana, stop messing around." he said in a bored voice, "I'm getting sick of your jokes." "Wasn't me!" called back Diana. "Honestly," Darren said to himself. He coudn't remeber the time when his mother and father had found Diana in the ashes of an earthquake, but he had always assumed she was his natural born sister.
this will be fun! Name: Darren Age:15 Gender:male Features: (sorry... no pics) about 5'7" and skinny. jet black hair, deep green eyes, and sharp features, medium tan skin. Wheres a black long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and a grey, windbreaker jacket. Weapons:a knife ( plain, but he's good with it) and a lightning-fast punch (his punch is pretty much the only fast move he has). Persona:doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, he doesn't have any friends because he doesn't want any(at least thats what he thinks) he's not a bully. he just gets "passionate" about what he says. generally silent and inobtrusive. but don't tick him off. when he does speak, it's generaly critisizing. Bio:He was raised by people who tried to have time with him, but never really amounted to anything. He spends most of his time "getting fresh air" or on internet chat. no control ;) PS: if the bio needs to be longer, just tell me Steph.!
Kyle's heart gave a skip, and he sat bolt upright, his hand atomaticly going for his gun. For a moment he was lost in the strange, but familiar place from his dream, then he remebered who he was and everything that had happened the previous day. Trying to figure out what had awoken him, he realized that Tanya was also sitting up. "What happened?" he said, still bleary. "Nothing... it was nothing." Tanya seemed sure of herself but Kyle had a feeling she wasn't letting on something. "Well it's almost morning anyway," Kyle got up slowly and grabbed his jacket. He couldn't see Tanya clearly in the dark, and when she got up to put her clothes on he blushed maddly. They searched the house a minute to find something to eat. Finding nothing, they walked out to see if any of the locals were awake. It was dead silent all across the rural village. As they wandered, they came across the place where they had fought the anarchists, and New Age. Kyle noticed something on the ground... the note Viper had left. [I]Might as well...[/I] he thought. [COLOR=firebrick]I know where you are, Sentik. I will kill you when It's time.[/COLOR]
This is probably gonna sound stupid to you guys, but I always think of things when I'm just drifting in the car with no one talking to me(and no I'm not old enough to drive:p) I suppose you could call that strange but I guess it's just the drifting, without having to care about anything but my thoughts... anyway, I can relate to the late at night thing too.
uhhh... thanks... I think... LoL just kidding Stef. I don't take anything you say seriously... just kidding. Thanks though!
This is something I cooked up for my signiture...but it was a little long for a signiture so I'm gonna post it here! Silently, in hectic solitude people living out their lives chipping at computer screens and oblivious to the works of the ones they are under; But then again... no one cares of the troubles I've seen. Now comes the liberater serenly from the door, no one notices his silent smirk until he's at the desk and by now it's too late; But no one cares of the troubles I've seen. Now revealed from his coat a weapon of destructive might atomatic shotguns... how simple yet so deadly it's effect and so walks on a ways; But you don't care of the troubles I've seen. A shot in the air everyone is screaming he walks slowly down the cubes the workers humbled by his presence and now he's at the elevater; Do you care now? About the troubles I've seen? A simple man is killed oh the perils of using the elevater and many a stanza could be written from the next fifteen floors but that is not the point; Now you seem concerned about the troubles I've seen. At the top floor security awaits but the invader is ready and only three shots it takes he approches their leader and says only eight words "I don't like the way you do things."; And so ends the life of another depressing tale so now all is right again and oppression is asleep waiting for the next. And that brings me to the moral of this poem Oh the rage and terror that simple oppression can commit. How do you like? I came up with most of it off the top of my head... comments are definatly welcome!
As far as I'm concerned their is only one word to describe your art... simply amazing! astounding! it's just...great!(woops...more than one word) Like they keep saying, those eyes are... ! ... I'm sorry? was I saying something? I remeber when I used to think I could draw.... those were sad days. Anyway, I think you could get some money off these drawings;) seriously! they are that good! nothing I've seen so far from my friends even comes close. (no, none of my friends are members of Otakuboards.com)
This was the wosrt day of Kyle's life... chased by anarchists, a note from his assassin(he hadn't bothered to read it), New Age showing up, and Tanya literaly sobbing. Kyle tried not to think that it was his fault, but the nagging feeling always returned. Finaly remebering he had been shot, Kyle slowly stood up and embraced Tanya. Then, without words, they occupied one of the many abandoned houses and tended their wounds. "Tanya..." Kyle began to say as she helped tie a bandage around his arm, but then he thought better of it and let her do it. They spent the night in the tiny house, but somehow managed to find a room with two beds. As they drifted into sleep, Kyle dreamed of a strange reality... vehicles whisteling by on cement raods, people busily living their lives out in undesimated cities...huge cities, untouched by anarchy. To his deathbed, Kyle never really understood that dream.
Despite the oddness of this, they continued to walk, feeling that they shouldn't stay too long. Then they turned a corner. There were only 5, maybe 6 of them, but instead of the ragged anarchist clothing they wore the official emblem of New Age. Kyle tried to steady himself, but Tanya could see his fists were clenched. "I would suppose this is a bad time." said one of them, obviously their leader, "But I was never much for manners." For a moment, the only sound was blades and guns being unsheathed. Now for the first time since Tanya had known him, Kyle took out his blade, too long to be a knife, too short to be a sword. "It killed the first of you, and it will kill the last." muttered Kyle under his breath. Now they began to walk forward, smirking at the two travelers. That day they saw a side of Kyle that few ever have or will... his pissed side. Two of them began to run and Kyle and Tanya met them in a clash of blades. Tanya ducked a blow and thrust up into the attacker's heart; Kyle went strait for the kill and rammed his blade into his enemy's throat before he had a chance to strike. As the rest of them charged, Tanya and Kyle split: Kyle going right, Tanya going left. Two of the remaining attackers had pistols, and were wairing for a clear shot while Tanya already slashed at the first one she met. Kyle dashed to his left, trying to avoid a shot from one of the gun toters... too slow, he took the shot in his upper arm. But he didn't slow down. Tanya had now slashed the other New Age with a pistol in the stomach and made short work of his attemps to block her attacks. Kyle stabbed the other and now only their leader was left. "Oh dear..." Kyle had him pinned to the ground almost instantly and put his blade to his throat. "Now you die bi***."
[I]People screaming... gunshots and crashes everywhere... a dark figure walking slowly towards two adults, screaming for their lives......[/I] "I can't remember much from my childhood..."Kyle replied, after thiinking a moment,"but I do remember, when I was 15, maybe 16, my parents were murdered by anarchists... no, not anarchists, New Age." Until then Tanya had been listening intently, but at the mention of New Age she turned to face him, startled. In a world of chaos, the New Age were the elites, the destroyers. "I killed one from behind, with my knife, and stole his gun." his gaze wandered to the weapon settled in its holster."And shot three more." "New Age..." said Tanya, her voice trailing off. "But thats history." Kyle said with new strength in his voice,"And people shouldn't keep to the past..."
OCC: IM BACK! "To tell you the truth Tanya, I have no idea..." Kyle replied after a long moment of silence,"but it's not as if an anarchist's never sent an assassin after a revolutionist." "You think an anarchist sent him?" "Well who else would have?" "I see your point..." Now Kyle stood up, determined not to let this "Viper" person ruin his life, "C'mon Tanya, let's get outta here." After waiting just a second, Tanya stood too, and they walked off together to get as far across the town as they could before daybreak, when it would be too hot to travel. OCC:a little short, but it's all I could think for now :$
Kyle soon regained his cool and started wondering wich direction the stranger had gone...[I]Gees... this is getting to be quite a day.[/I] he thought. "Did you see who it was?" asked Tanya, as she recovered from the hit in the back. "No... he just ran off." "Well I think we should go after him." "Ya...ya you're right. Let's go." after he had said this Kyle realized he didn't know wich direction to go. "Let's try over here," Tanya said. "Ok." They ran off down one of the allies and soon found that the city was bigger than they expected. "Over there! Did ya see it?" Kyle said exitedly after a while. "No, what was it?" "I think it was that guy." As they ran in the direction that Kyle had seen the figure, it became apparent that they wouldn't find him at this pace. "I've had it," said Tanya wearily after a few minutes of running, "Let's find a place to sleep." "Well... alright." answered Kyle, not wanting to give up after all that.
"I'm Kyle" he replied, [I]Ah! I've got it now![/I] Kyle just figured out what had made him wary of Tanya when he first met her [I]It's that skin... I haven't seen skin that light in my life.[/I] "Nice to meet ya Kyle." Tanya said and began to walk faster, nearly leaving Kyle behind her. "Wait up! You said you weren't a revolutionist?" Kyle called after her and ran a few paces to catch up. "Ya... just a wanderer." "That doesn't really answer my question." "Oh?" "Ya... why would a wanderer risk her life to help out a revolutionist? You know all the anarchists will be looking for you now." "Well maybe I'm just that kind of person." "I'll never get some people." Kyle said to himself. "What's that?" Tanya called to him. "Oh, nothin." After a while they came across one of the few towns that still had [I]some[/I] order. "We better take the backallies," Kyle had started to say, but Tanya was already half-way to a dark corner between two buildings. "Will you stop that?" Kyle said as he cought up with her. "Sshhh...I see the two that ran away." "What? Where?" "Out there... with the big guy." Tanya pointed to a larg opening in the rubble of the long-lost city. "Oh, I see them." "That's probly their 'master'" "ya... hey, what are they doin?" The two smaller anarchists backed off, while the bigger one began to look about crazily. "He knows we are here."
[I]Da**it Kyle, why are you so afraid?[/I] he thought, [I]After all... it's perfectly normal to meet another revolutionist... Jesus, then why can't I take my eyes off her?[/I] Meanwhile, the android stood up shakily and tried to brush himself off. "So where'd you learn to shoot?" Kyle finally said. "Oh, I picked it up from a friend." replied the stranger casually, "After all, you've gotta defend yourself out here." "Whadda ya mean 'out here', the whole world is 'out here'" "Hey thanks for getting those people off of me guys" the android had finally managed to speak, "They would have killed me." "Ya well, if we didn't some other revolutionist would have...well if they had gotten here in time..." "I'm not a revolutionist." the girl said, "I just happen to wanna help" "Oh I see..." said Kyle, though he really didn't understand why anyone but a revolutionist would risk his/her neck killing an anarchist. Now the android was running, "Hey where ya goin?" Kyle yelled after him, but before the android answered, the girl was saying "Oh crap, here come the rest..."
Kyle walked cooly down the street. His head was still hurting from a recent injury, but he paid no attention to it. Just ahead was a large group of people crowded around something on ground. As Kyle stepped into the circle of people he realized that the "thing" on the ground was actually a person. The crowd was jeering and punching at the figure and soon a split in his side revealed to Kyle what he had expected... an android. "C'mon people, back off!" Kyle shouted at no one in particular,"I said BACK OFF!" The crowd ignored him and continued to harrass the unfortunate android. Now he took out his gun... one of the last remaining from the old days of peace... and fired a shot into the air. Immediatly there was complete silence. "When I say back off, I mean BACK-OFF!" "What's up over here?" said a voice from some way away down the street, "Who stopped the crowd?" "I did" said Kyle, immediatly recognizing an anarchist. "Well you better have a good reason, or..." "Or what? You'll fight me? Bring it on!"
Now, more than ever, the human race needs a hero... Hercules, Acilles... all myths of ancient times. It's 2104... and the world needs help. Chaos and anarchy have ruled for years... only a few in history dare to fight back and restore order... all have died. And now there is new hope for the future... groups like Hope and Chaos Down are helping to make Earth a peaceful place again... but things don't always come out like they should. There are loners and roughnecks, do-gooders and revolutionists. The time is now to get rid of anarchy forever. Recently, the anarchists, despite their nature, have begun to organize and establish leaders(generally the toughest) because as many philosiphers have said 'Man can not exist without order'. Alright guys(and girls) I'm looking for roughnecks and tough guys(and girls) not sissy do-gooders. age name gender race(human, android) appearance weapons/skills bio this is mine(remember you can be an anarchist or a revolutionist) Name:Kyle Sentik Age:22 Gender:male Race:human Appearance:tall and scragly though well built. dark green eyes. brown hair. he wears a faded shirt under a black jacket and old jeans that are a size too big. (and shoes of course) his skin is tan from being in the sun so much. Weapons/skills:a long dagger(made of steel) one of the few remaining guns(a pistol) BIO:I've been standing aside for the anarchists way too long, I've always had this skill... this ability to fight and win against the skum that call themselves the New Age. Now I'm gonna put it to use...and just maybe I'll get something out of it. :naughty: Who's gonna join Kyle on his mission to clense the Earth?(I could use at least one android)