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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ahh, the prequels. (I know, I commenting my own thread really early... I just love the subject) If you enjoyed the prequels, then you're going to die with joy when you get around to reading the originals. As I'm sure you'e aware, the six prequels were written by Brian Herbet (and Kevin J. Anderson, who's pretty good on his own), Frank's son. They're great, but in all honesty, can't even compare to Frank's work. Oddly enough, I read them first as well. The Butlerian Jihad books are particularly touching. Very emotional. My favorite part of them was getting to see Holtzman, who invented the Holtzman sheild. Or, kind of invented it... And the cymeks... heh.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yeah, it's mostly down to the individual RP. Eh, for example... not to be insulting to anyone, but an RP lacking skill will generally draw people who... well, lack skill. While an incredibly good one, no matter the subject, will draw all sorts of players. And since ratings aren't always accurate, and don't really say much about the RP itself, they don't hold much sway over a potential player's decision to play or not. I know, I'm being repetitive... I haven't RPed in a while, but when I was doing a lot of it, I tended toward fantasy and sci-fi. I liked comedy too, but not so much. RPs with unique sign-ups are fun as well. As for ratings, I'd probably look for something with all three cautionary letters, not necessarily because I like those things, but because it covers everything, so you don't have to worry about censoring your posts, should you suddenly want to use one.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]So, how many OBers have read Dune and/or it's five sequels, and not just seen the old movie? If you can't tell by my name, I'm a huge fan of Frank Herbert's masterpeice. I'm currently reading through the series a second time. Who else shares my passion? I love Dune not just because of the great writing style and amazing story, but because of the unique ideas F. Herbert suggests in every novel. The Bene Gesserit, Tleilaxu, Fremen and Spacing Guild all play such intricate roles that seem to change from book to book as years and centuries pass. He creates an entire mythology for this future universe millions of years beyond our own. Even the appendixes in the back of the first book add depth to the Dune universe. Anyone else?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]While I may not be a fan of whoever it is in the pictures, they do look pretty damn good. Er, the tags I mean, not the people. Anyway, I love the whole mix of graphics effects that go into them. Like you and Retribution said, the last one is a little lacking. It would look better without that weird little square of white on the right of the image, and like Ret. said, the words don't blend well. Maybe with a little editing. Whatever. They're good overall.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=comicsansms][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'll give this a shot... :P Alright Boo... the Avatar deffinately gets a 9/10. It's very colorful, and I like the neat little thing you did with the text and border meeting on one side and not the other. Plus, I like the frog... The sig.... um... *cough*. Well, I'm sure it looked a little more unique with your old banner, so I can't say much. Just... what the hell is it doing? It's... staring at me... AGH! Erm... 6/10. Free Pie? Where?![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]With the evening fast approaching, Riso Dorner was getting ready for his favorite gaming hours. He had returned from his part-time job not long ago, and his parents remained at their own jobs. His computer might not be a new model, but with a few of his own modifications it easily ran the games he frequently installed and downloaded. Now he sat on the carpet where it lay, raised on a three inch high 'desk', the monitor sitting on top of it. The disk drive withdrew with a tiny '[i]click[/i]' and the [I]Dance[/I] main screen came up on the monitor. Riso sorted through the menu until the game told him "[i]Choose Spawn Point [U]Kerb[/U].[/i]" Today he picked Kyoto, a new region for him as he had only had the game for twelve days. "[i]Please Put On Your Virtual Reality Headset.[/i]"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Back in business... alright, I'll try and get this moving a little faster. ~~~ Chepin yawned, mouth opening wide to reveal sharp teeth. "This place is no fun." Volkmar remained silent, though the fox had the impression that he agreed. By now, the three groups were nearly out of sight range, even on the flat landscape. At times Volkmar had to make Chepin keep going, tired legs holding him back. The sun was dull and gray, but they could still feel the heat bearing down on them. Without warning, Chepin stumbled and fell face-first into what appeared to be a large ditch. Standing up shakily, the fox looked up at his companion, "Did I just fall in a hole?" "Yes..." the gap in the ground was so unexpected Volkmar could think of nothing else to say. Upon closer inspection, they could see a smaller hole leading off into the ground, covered by a thin piece of graying cloth. After a long pause, Chepin spoke up, "Where do you think it goes?" But before the jackal could make any guesses as to where the mysterious hole went, a head poked up from inside, looking behind it and talking to someone within, "... no, only me and Ja-" The head stopped speaking as it's eyes rested upon the two spirits. What followed was a long silence in which Volkmar and Chepin saw that the head was attatched to a body with a long, furless black tail swishing through the air behind it. A lesser spirit. The surprised spirit suddenly realised who (or rather, what) the two strangers were and turned to dart back into the hole. But before he could do so, Volkmar had rushed forward to grab it's tail and pull it back above ground. Before the lesser spirit could call out, the jackal had his hand over it's mouth. He motioned with his head to Chepin and they hurried out of the ditch and onto level ground, their catch squirming in Volkmar's grip.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Chepin and Volkmar are wandering off as a pair, and Ahru is going off in another direction, waiting for someone to follow her. Mine, Genevieve and Felan are standing together, deciding who's going with Ahru and who's going off as the third pair. Clear now?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Sorry about another brief absence. Things are hectic lately. ~~~ Chepin complied a little relunctantly, having a lot of excited energy to burn. He gazed along the horizon, wishing he had gone with someone more... fun. But at least, he told himself, Volkmar could protect them if they ran into trouble. Of course, being what he was, Chepin couldn't hold still for long. With trained silence, he neared the jackal's backside and tugged on his tail playfully. Volkmar stopped so suddenly Chepin bumped into his shoulder. He whirled on the fox, his expression barely controlled. "I will [i]not[/i] tolerate your games, rat-dog," his hand twitched as if he was struggling to keep it from grabbing Chepin around the neck. Chepin's face became innocent and sad, looking at Volkmar with wide eyes. The jackal looked even more annoyed and turned to start walking again, wondering just how old Chepin was. As soon as Volkmar had looked away, Chepin's face returned to it's cheerful norm. He had a lot of work to do on this stubborn spirit. OOC: Don't worry Runy, I'll make it more interesting in the next post.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Thank you, Who Am I, for posting. Sorry everyone, I was away for a day and a half, and didn't have time to tell you all. Anyway, I hope everyone's still paying attention. ~~~ [CENTER][SIZE=3][U]Chapter One[/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][I]-The goal of this chapter is to 1)Find out where exactly they are (this may or may not happen) 2)Find food and water, and last but not least, 3)Find some sign of the Lesser Spirits while remaining undetected.-[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] ___ Chepin rummaged in his pockets for a moment before pulling out a small fruit and throwing it to Genevieve, who caught it after it bumped her on the head. She seemed to brighten, and munched gratefully, but everyone knew this would not hold off her appetite for long. Mine looked around, observing their bleak surroundings, "What do we do now?" Everyone seemed at a loss for an answer, a few shifting uncomfortably. Felan, however, began walking (nearly skipping, really) out into the endless plain, "We start walking!" After a moment's hesitation, Chepin followed him with a big grin, dragging along Genevieve. Ahru and Volkmar followed, both looking thuroughly digusted, and Mine, looking worried, brought up the rear.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: No, I just got a rather rude PM saying she deffinately did NOT want to join. So we can finally get on with this... ~~~ The Crow finished rummaging in his little cabinet and turned towards the room, a lumpy sack in his arms. "You'll be needing these," he croaked, walking to each of the spirits and thrusting a knife into their hands. Each one was a different length and had intricate symbols carved along the blade. Genevieve and Mine both looked a little taken aback as the old bird shoved a knife into their arms and Chepin simply looked curious. "What for?" The Crow glared at him, yellow eyes showing how much he really hated the childish spirit. "They're spirit blades. They can harm other spirits... permanently." A normal blade, of course, could wound a spirit, but not kill it. "Now, all of you stand in the circle." They did so, though it was cramped. Most of them looked posetively estatic, but Volkmar and Ahru both seemed a little skeptical. "Hold still." There was a feeling of being lifted off the ground and suddenly sinking through the floor. Everything was blurred and spinning into an endless oblivion. And as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The group found themselves standing on a low stone pedastal, surrounded by nothing but dirt and the occasional spindly shrub. As far as the could see, there was nothing. Just endless fields of dust. Chepin hopped down from the little platform and looked around. "Wow... how boring." OOC: I'm gonna put up the first chapter thing in my next post... right now, I have to hurry up and go.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Riso Dorner [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Short Description/Short Bio:[/B] Riso currently resides in Vienna, Austria, where he was raised. His only major hobby for several years has been online VR RPGs. He managed to pick up his own copy of Dance, and was immediately hooked. As in other games, he has made a habit of challenging and often befriending moderators. The main reason for this, as it so happens, is because he was once involved in hacking, and does not wish to be on the bad side of a moderator [i]ever[/i] again. However, he still sports his old hacker logo on his online appearence (a red, four-point star with a blue crescent). He is rather confident of his gaming skills, and would love to be a moderator for the sole purpose of getting cool weapons. ___ [B]Character Name:[/B] Kerb [B]Character Age:[/B] 18 [B]Character Apearance:[/B][url=http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic.php?u=4728Ev1Ek&i=601017]Kerb[/url] (only, a little less sinister. The hacker logo is on his back) [B]Character Weponry: [/B] [U]Tsurugi no Owari [Sword of End][/U] - No Dachi (long sword) - Level 3 [U]Chiisa i Shi [Small Death][/U] - Kama (sickle) - Level 1[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Maste, whatever excuse you have for posting spam in the middle of an RP, I don't care. Do it again and I will be very annoyed. Anyway, ok Who Am I, Beta can join in, but please tell her yourself... and tell her to hury. If this is delayed much longer it'll just die away. Tell her 1)Whatever she was ticked about, forget it, and 2)She'll need a good reason why her character is joining the others. Ugh, I need a drink... ~~~ Chepin was so distracted by the prospect of finally seeing what was behind the curtain, that he completely forgot about the 'game' he had suggested to Genevieve until she tugged his shirt sleeve. He turned and grinned broader than ever at the curious look on both Genevieve and Mine's faces. He put a silencing finger to his mouth, "I'll tell you later!" Once again, all attention was turned to the Crow and the rope he was now tuugging on to pull away the curtain. Chepin leaned forward, tail swishing with an almost audable '[i]fwip-fwip[/i]'. Of course, so was Genevieve's, Mine's and Felan's. Ahru was maintaining an air of indifference, and Volkmar seemed positively determined to break the mood. At last, the ominous curtain had been drawn back to reveal a circular metal railing around the perimeter of a small dip in the floor, runic symbols etched into it's surface. There was a moment of hushed reverance. "That's it?!" Chepin blurted. The Crow gave him the dirtiest look yet, "It's an interdemensional portal." He turned and stalked off to an unnoticed cabinet, "Woulsn't expect [i]you[/i] to understand..." he muttered under his breath, though everyone could hear it anyway. OOC: Since we're now waiting for Beta, don't feel like you have to come up with something immediately. Once Beta posts, we'll get this thing going for real. Ciao for now.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The Crow spirit croaked angrily, "Better be here soon... damned canine..." At this, Chepin whipped around and fixed him with a falsely threatening look, but the Crow simply croaked again and started pacing the door. Chepin turned back to Genevieve, his face bright. He swiftly bent low and whispered in her ear, after which she gave him an apprehensive look and walked over to Ahru. "Um, excuse me?" Ahru whirled on the small Dog spirit. Genevieve glanced at Chepin nervously, who was smiling and trying to hold in his laughing. She looked back at the Leopard. "Do you want to, um, play a game with us?" Ahru stared at her in disbelief, then glared once again at Chepin, who was now grinning broadly. "No," was all she said and Genevieve, looking forlorn, walked back to Chepin. "Ah, better luck next time Gen." "That's it," the Crow finally blurted, "if that wolf doesn't show in the next two minutes, you're going without him!" OOC: I'm gonna pm Muse so we can get this moving. If Muse doesn't show then... oh well. If Beta gets over whatever mood she's in, she can take Muse's place.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Thanks for posting guys! Er... girls. Once we get into the Netherworld, I'll probably start up Chapters. Hope the others get here soon... ~~~ Chepin was smiling, hardly able to contain childish excitement at being able to leave the High Realm. He weaved his way in between the others, hands folded behind his head, and drifted towards the mysterious curtain in the middle of the room. Whenever he got close, however, the Crow gave him a warning glare and made a sound like a low squawk. He knew the Fox spirit too well to let him near anything that was supposed to be secret. Giving up on his attempts to sneak a peek behind the curtain, Chepin hummed a made up tune as he again weaved his way around Ahru and Mine. He caught both of there eyes a few times, but Mine seemed too anxious for conversation, and Ahru merely gave him a dirty look. Bored to no end, he resorted to sneaking up to a very distracted looking Volkmar and grabbing his tail. He laughed at the Jackals reaction, but Volkmar seemed somewhat... less than amused.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Torches lit a long, wooden walled, velvet carpeted corridor. Every several meters there was a tall door leading into another room, but the Fox spirit didn't pause at any of them, proceeding to the very end of the hall where there was a great pair of double doors made of very dark wood. Here, he paused and sniffed the air absent mindedly, adjusting a small sack over his shoulder. Tail swishing, he pushed open one of the large doors and ambled inside, greeted by a pair yellow, slightly sunken eyes. "Chepin," croaked the Crow spirit, "we weren't expecting you for a while..." The Crow blinked his eyes with a small twitch of his head, observing him. Chepin smiled wryly and stretched his long arms, "Oh, but I want to see the Netherworld [i]so[/i] much!" he replied with a strong hint of sarcasm. The Crow merely made a throaty noise and hobbled over to a large circular curtain, checking whatever was behind it. He turned around again, gazing down his beakish nose at Chepin, "You do, do you? Feh." OOC: Ok, so first posts should the spirits making there way to this room, where they will be transported to the Netherworld. Along the way, you can have them interact with other spirits, show there personality a little, or just go straight there. Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy the RP![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Very sorry Beta, but I think I'm going to stick with the current five sign-ups. I would have accepted you if you had just replied a little earlier. But, as it is, I don't want to kick off anybody else, and the limit is six players, including myself. Sorry! Anyway, even though Who Am I hasn't changed the animal yet, and Runy's drawing isn't up yet, I'm gonna go ahead and get this started up. Hope to see you guys there![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well well, very good! This may be the fastest any of my RPs has filled up... Anyway, everyone is accepted, and unless someone thinks they can out do the current sign-ups, then they are closed, as we have all six of our players. One thing though... Who Am I and Latharix_Sama, your sign-ups are good, except for the generic animals. Dog and Cat are more categories than animals. There are many breeds of dog (including wild ones such as the wolf, fox and coyote) and the same goes for cat (lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, etc.). I would like it if both of you could 'expand' on your animal a little. If you stick with generic dog and cat, at least specify what kind. Other than that, everything's perfect! I look forward to seeing that sketch Runy ~_^ PS: This should be up within the next day or so, so keep your eyes out.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=White][size=3][b]A Higher Order[/b][/size] A pair of wary, intelligent brown eyes glared across an assortment of strange faces, all congregated around a long, unpolished wooden table. The Wolf spirit took a quick breath and twitched his gray ears before addressing those before him. "I believe that Elponet," he nodded to the Horse spirit, "is right in suspecting the lesser spirits of foul play. Whatever is running amuck in the Netherworld can't have been brought about without their help." He glanced at the Bear spirit, who was looking frustrated. ?I therefore suggest we send an entourage to the Netherworld to investigate.? At this, the Bear spirit stood and barked at him, ?The lesser spirits know they stand no chance of overthrowing the High Realm, and there is no reason to suspect them of treachery! What you are suggesting is outrageous!? Now the Fox spirit was standing, glaring at the Bear, ?The Wolf is right, Girmun. What else could be causing the chaos in the Netherworld?? Despite a century long rivalry between fox and wolf, he had to agree. ?The lesser spirits have never acted against us before!? the Bear bellowed. ?Perhaps now they have a means,? the Leopard spirit said in her purring voice, remaining seated. For a brief moment, she caught the Fox?s eye, and then turned her attention back to Girmun, the Bear spirit. But Girmun merely grumbled and sat back down. Now the Falcon spirit focused his yellow eyes on the Wolf, ?And what of the Snake and Cheetah? Do you think the lesser spirits are responsible for their conditions as well?? The Wolf spirit lowered his gaze, ?I can?t say, but it?s entirely possible. That?s why we need someone down there.? The Falcon, looking satisfied despite the incomplete answer, sat back down and took up a quiet conversation with the lovely Eagle spirit beside him. The brown Rabbit spirit stood up uncertainly, twitching her long ears nervously, ?But, who would go to the Netherworld? No one has gone in years?? The Wolf paused, looking around the extensive table. ?Whoever wishes to go. We shouldn?t bring too many? it would be bad to attract the attention of the lesser spirits.? A murmur went around the table. Higher spirits were going to the Netherworld for the first time in six decades. Who was going to volunteer? Hello and thank you for reading (and hopefully joining) A Higher Order. As stated in the title, this RP will contain some violence, and possibly sexual content. Language is unlikely, but nevertheless, possible. If for one reason or another, you didn?t get the swing of things from the story above, then please read the following. What follows is a description of the Plot and details of the RP World: Spirits are divided into two realms ? the High Realm, and the Netherworld. The inhabitants of the High realm are all Higher Spirits; that is to say, animal spirits. The Netherworld is home to the Lesser Spirits, spirits who have no predetermined form; their appearance ranges from dark and demon like, to small and harmless looking. Some Higher Spirits inhabit the Netherworld as well ? those who were banished from the High Realm for one reason or another. Meeting two Higher Spirits with the same appearance is very unlikely, but possible. There is sometimes more than one spirit of the same animal. Now, for some time, there have been disturbances in the Netherworld, which in turn causes problems in the High Realm. In addition, several Higher Spirits (the Snake and Cheetah) have been affected by something from the Netherworld. Finally unable to ignore these occurrences, the Higher Spirits are sending six of their own number to investigate. What awaits them in the Netherworld can only be guessed at. ~~~~ Sign-Ups Spirit: Which animal are you? (No Lesser Spirits will be played) Name: One-word name. (No last name) Gender: Male/Female Appearance: Unless you have a picture of someone with the features of your animal, descriptions will be typed. Remember, spirits are human-like with animal features. (Ex.: tails, eyes, fur, etc.) Persona: Personality, mannerisms, and preferences. (Doesn?t have to be too long) Abilities: Inborn skills and traits unique to your animal. (Optional) Notice there is no Age or Bio part of the sign-up, as they are not necessary. Here?s my own sign-up, so you may get an idea of what I?m looking for. [b]Spirit[/b]: Fox [b]Name[/b]: Chépin [b]Gender[/b]: male [b]Appearance[/b]: 5?7?? and rather thin, with long hands and feet. His skin is a dark shade of tan, almost reddish on a close look. His hair is nearly tomato-red with small flecks of gray, and sticks out everywhere. His fur-covered fox ears stick out from his hair several inches above where a human ear would be. His blue eyes are narrow and occasionally suspicious, though very bright. A slim, long nose and wide mouth complete the fox look, along with pointed canine teeth. A bushy, pointed tail sticks out of his waist, with red-orange fur and a gray tip. He wears a long, forest green shirt with buttons down the front and very short sleeves, and soft, loose blue pants that go down to his ankles. On occasion, he wears a long blue robe with a gap for his tail to keep warm. [b]Persona[/b]: Chépin is very matter-of-fact with most people, and actually very curious when confronted with something new. It?s sometimes hard to tell whether he is serious or joking, but he always seems to be sneaking around, sometimes just for the pleasure of catching someone off their guard. He has a habit of messing with his own tail, and likes people who can be openly childish, but not all the time. He is often more active at night. [b]Abilities[/b]: Acute senses of smell and hearing, as well as exceptional low-light vision. On a last note, as is the common custom these days, this will most likely be on the chapter system. It is, after all, very efficient.[/FONT][/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ah, sorry for not responding sooner. Got a little held up... anyway. Thank you, both of you ^_^ I think these will be better than what I found. And an extra little thanks to O. Jones for pointing out the proper name of our fuzzy little friends. Funny... in Dune, they call them mice. Ah well, thanks again![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well, I've searched a bit myself, and can't find what I'm looking for, so I'm asking all you wonderful OBers. I need a good picture (one that could be made into a banner) of a Kangaroo Mouse. Yes, a kangaroo mouse. If you're a fan of Dune, then you know that "Muad'dib" is the Fremen term for kangaroo mouse, and also the name Paul took upon becoming a Fremen. Anyway, that's my request. Just need a pic, not a banner. PS: I've already searched on Google, so don't bother looking there.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Weee! ^-^ [B]Name: [/B] Adam Sykes [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] male [B]Apearance:[/B] [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/guys64.jpg]Adam Relaxed[/url] [B]Short Backround Check:[/B] From birth, Adam was expected to be someone special. With his father's inate abilities and his mother's impressive intillect, he was supposed to be brilliant combination of both. By his fourth birthday, it was apparent that those expectations were all for naught. He showed no signs of a telekinetic or telepathic seeds, and was making no special progress in his education. Though his parents kept their hopes up, average results persisted through his preteen years and off into his teens. At fifteen, his mother died of heart disease, diagnosed too late to be treated. By then, his father had grown accepting of his son's ordinary nature. At school, Adam made below average scores, but only because standards had been pushed so high. His social life was slim to none, ignored by others who considered him inferior. But he stuck close to his father, and when war was on the horizon, he felt he was obligated to join him. Despite some recent events and some stirred up feelings... [B]Abilities:[/B] None worthy of noting. [B]Companion:[/B] A small cat that he found (or rather, that found him) that seems to follow him whenever he goes anywhere. It never goes inside his house, but is always waiting for him when he goes. He's named him Whisky for his color.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dis.... Roman God of the underworld, yes? Huh... interesting choice. Right, anyway, the story; I think it's started off rather well, and not just because of all the nice bloody bits. Though, when you think about it, there isn't a lot of detailed description of the main character, it still seems like she's described pretty nicely. I guess it's the integration of action and description... Ex.: "...black suit-jacket and skirt sticking to her [U]milky white skin[/U]." It looks like it's gonna turn out real good Jamie-san. Can't wait to see where it goes. Enough of my useless babbling... Next Chapter! NOW![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Jacob sighed yet again, wondering what was going on in the next room. He wanted to join the others, especially to see Steph again, but really did need a shower. Badly. He could hear muffled voices through the door and wall, and started to feel jealous of the other two boys. Shrugging aside his anxiety (rather uneffectively), he rummagedd in his case to find some clothes. He pulled out a soft, smooth, button-up shirt, deep black-gray in color, depicting a pair of tigers on the front, and a third on the back. He had gotten it in China Twon, NY a long time ago, and surprisingly, it still fit rather well. Though it sounds silly, this shirt was still a bit on the formal side. After it, he pulled out some dark jeans and took them both (along with undergarments) into the bathroom. The eleven-and-a-half minute shower felt exceedingly good after his three hour car drive. Relunctantly, Jacob turned off the water and dried himself off before pulling on his clothes. He took a quick glance at the mirror and frowned. Hurriedly, he exited the bathroom, grabbed a razor from his pack and shaved lightly. Satisfied, he pushed up his glasses and took a deep breath. He walked out into the hall and calmed himself before knocking on the door of Steph and Alice's room. Steph answered, probably guessing who it was. As she opened the door, Jacob blushed and held his breath a moment. She looked absolutely beautiful. "Hey guys," he spoke to everyone in the room, "hope everyone's ready. It's almost time to go." He forced himself to look away from the girl he loved out of embaressment.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Jacob sighed as he dropped his case next to one of the beds and leaned against the wall. He had almost hoped to share a room with Steph, but had been far to embaressed to ask. Besides, it might give a rather dirty impression to the others... In any case, he was glad to finally have a chance to relax. He looked over at the guy he now shared a room with. He had heard Steph call him Spence. As he was thinking about starting a conversation, Spence spoke, "Hey, what was your name again?" Jacob looked up, caught just a little off-guard, as always. "Oh, Jacob. You're... Spence, right?" Spence nodded and set down his things at the foot of the other bed. "So, what was your name on OB?" "Muad'Dib," he replied, expecting the question this time, "and Kyuai before that. My first was FirePheonix727..." "Right, mine's Sieg." What followed was a long silence and the faint sound of running footsteps outside. Though he didn't like to judge people, especially friends of Steph, Jacob had a feeling that their personalities may conflict a little. "So, what kind a' music you like?" Spence asked, breaking the ominous quiet. Jacob attempted a sarcastic smile as he replied, "The Beatles. That's about it."[/COLOR][/FONT]