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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Sorry for being scarce - I wasn't sure what to do... ~~~ Though he wasn't one to cry at something like this, looking around at all the happy faces with tears in their eyes, Jacob was struggling to keep his own tears in check. He didn't know the majority of these people very well, but the few that he did more than made up for it. Mostly, though, he felt his heart pound hard in his chest when he looked at Steph. For years he had dreamed of seeing her in person. Waiting in the terminal for everyone's flights to arrive, he had nearly had a nervous breakdown thinking of what he would say when he finally saw her. Feeling awkward, he accepted a hug from Natsu, remembering how she had once had a crush on him. He smiled warmly, watching the sobbing girls comfort each other with help from the others. "Um, who else is missing?" he felt lost in all the excitement. Jamie began tearing again, and he began to regret asking. Jacob caught Steph's eyes for a moment and had to keep himself from sweeping her up in his arms and kissing her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Naberus [B]Age:[/B] 1,473 [B]Gender:[/B] neuter (tends to stay in male form) [B]Race:[/B] Demon - Utukku [B]Appearance:[/B] 'He' is approx. 5'11, but appears taller than he is. His skin is pale but has a dark tinge, as if covered in faded ink. He has thin, suspicious eyes of undeterminable color. His hair is purely black, hanging loose around his face and often concealing his eyes. He has a long, flexible form with well trained muscles concealed under sinuous, slightly morphic skin. As a female, her hair goes down to her waist, which is slightly rounder along with her chest. Her arms and legs become more slender and her face more gentle and elegent. In general, he/she can manipulate his stance and positioning to be seductive, threatening, or even inviting. Her fingers are long and supple, daring others to follow their movement. When angered or feeling malevolent, his teeth and fingernails may become sharp. Clothes often include flowing shirts and dark garments made to look deceptive. He usually goes barefoot, but wears shoes to blend in with humans on occasions. [B]Reason:[/B] Years of being a demon, giving in to natural urges to torment, seduce and slay mortals. [B]Short Biography:[/B] Being an Utukku, Naberus is capable of being good or evil. Obviously, due to his dark nature, he tends towards evil. Ever since his creation, she has taken slight pleasure in seeing shocked, betrayed expressions on the faces of others. He is normally very silent. She once took an interest in the rumor of the succubus Lyllith taking a human lover, but was discouraged by Death. Occassionaly, Naberus takes an interest in other demons, either as a love/lust interest, or out of fascination. She is not easily angered, but vastly more dangerous when he is. It may not show through often (say, every few decades) but Naberus does have a softer, almost nice side. That's his Utukku showing. Decided to be a demon this time Love ~_^[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jacob had spent the few weeks of waiting for the reunion daydreaming about seeing some friends from Otaku Boards. Every day seemed like a week in itself, and restless energy built up steadily inside him until he felt like running all the way to Houston. Now, at last, it was almost time to leave. His blue suitcase lay on the floor in his room, the top flipped open to reveal clothes and a plastic bag containing a toothbrush, toothpaste and other small necessities. Jacob folded and stuffed in one last shirt and zipped it up. He stood and went over the things he had packed in his head. Satisfied, he grabbed the case and pulled it to the door. "Hey Mom, I'm gonna go!" He called back down the short hall. His mother emerged from the other room looking rushed. "Did you remember to pack a toothbrush and ext-" "Mom, I can pack myself. I'm getting a head start so I'm not late. Bye," without further words, he opened the door and put his pack in the back seat an orange Saturn SUV. The car had been his mother's until he got his license and she got a new one. [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] Traffic was light, and the sky was clear, making a great day for a drive. Jacob relaxed in his seat, at last on the highway heading for Houston. The lane was pretty clear and he let his mind drift a little. His thoughts invariably turned to Steph, and his heart began to pound in his chest. He thought about what he would do when he saw her, what he would say. A horn honked and Jacob jumped. He realized he had been steadily slowing down as his imagination took hold. He quickly took up speed again and decided not to think about his first love until he was out of the car.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Skye][size=1][color=DeepSkyBlue]Gah! @.@ Slow down! Yes, take whatever methods suit you, walk if you want! >.< Plane was just the first thing to come to mind, even though I'm afraid of heights, too, and I'm terrified of going on a plane. But I'll make myself. Can't be all that bad. Might accidentally leave my stomach behind, though. I wish someone lived near me... I'm going to be flying alone... On the hotel subject, it's all up to you. I'll probably end up bunking with J-chan and Spence. lol Or by myself lonesome and sad. >.> Not that J-chan and Spence would let me do that... But yes, I don't care, it's your own choice. DK: but if the posts didn't have an order, we would be getting our times screwed up. And then we'd be getting off the plane before we got on. How would you explain that? And soup is good. Lots and lots of soup. I'll probably be providing some myself. ^_~ EDIT: All right, I meant to type DeepSkyBlue for the color, but I typed DeepSkyeBlue. Xd (Oh, and here. *tosses everyone a cookie*) All right, Sean is doing his sign up tonight, vicky is going to have hers before the 17th, and I have no idea what Spencer is doing. He hasn't PMed me in days, which is bizarre. So hopefully we can start soon.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Bah, planes are nothin' to be scared of. Riddin' plenty of 'em... only the first time was scary... when I was nine
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Wah! I'm here! Sorry I've been absent! ^__^;; [B]Name[/B]: Jacob Hofmann [B]Age[/B]: 18 (19 on the 27th T-T) [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic/4728Ev1Ek/204258.jpg]Wind Blowing Through My Hair...[/url] (Heh heh - my hair gets curly when it's mid-length) [B]Character Snippit[/B]: Jacob sat back in his chair, relaxing his stressed back and legs. Second day of summer vacation and he still felt like he was going to school every day. Now he supposed he would have to find his own apartment, or maybe he could stay with his cousin Rustle... he hadn't even decided if he was going to college yet. It wasn't entirely necessary if he was successful at becoming an author, but there was always money to consider. Presently, his mom called his name, saying he had mail. He assumed it was from a relative and walked into the other room to grab the letter. His sister ran past him on his way back, phone in one hand. After reclining in his cushy chair again, he tore open the top of the envelope, not bothering to look who it was from. So, he was surprised to see it was titled to 'Kyuai'. He read the letter, shook his head in astonishment and read it again. Houston! It was just a few hours away! His head began spinning with possibilities. Then he paused and felt his heart skip several beats. [i]Steph...[/i] He could see Stephany, the girl he had fallen in love with over the boards. Thoughts ran through his excited mind faster than he could register them. Eighteen, nearly nineteen, and still blushing like a school girl.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]"I don't think so." Achim stood on the driver's side, glaring at Callisto, his eyes devoid of any emotion. His rifle was slung over his shoulder, and he had no doubt been watching them with the scope. Before continuing, he talked into an open cellphone. "She's here." A moment later, Trina was at his side. "Miss Orestes, you'll pardon the intrusion, but there's been an incedent. Your presence is requested." He was reffering, of course, to the banker who had just been shot through the head and burned with his office. Trina looked genuinely worried about Sadie, not being there to protect her, but Achim looked like he was simply doing his duty. Sadie was furious now, and Callisto was still wondering where the hell Achim had come from. "Damn it Achim, not..." She stopped herself and took a breath, "Look, now's not the time, OK? Just... tell my father to deal with it." Callisto hit the gas and the pair was gone again. The two guardians were left standing on the sidewalk. Trina sighed, "That boy will be the death of her, I swear." "Mm-hm," Achim hummed his agreement, shifted his rifle on his shoulder, and turned to leave.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Achim walked briskly through the hospital lobby, eyes straight ahead. His pace was fast, but his walk was casual. The boy had just returned from an assignment Sadie's father had given him. He knew Sadie despised her father, but he [i]did[/i] have an obligation to follow his employer's orders. He found his way here by calling Trina, who he usually had contact with. Achim could care less about Sadie's love life, but wherever she was, he needed to be. It was part of the job. He reached the appropriate floor to find Trina standing outside the door. "What's happened?" he asked, stopping next to the bodyguard. He had the slightest, unplacable accent that hardly showed in his low, precise dialogue. "Suki's been injured. Self-inflicted," Trina only glanced at the boy. "Be careful, Callisto's in there." Achim gave a 'hmph' of recognition before stepping into the stark emergency room. Sadie and Suki hardly noticed, but Callisto took a quick glance at him. Achim's eyes scanned the scene with disinterest, trying to comprehend what exactly was going on. "Miss Orestes." He said inobtrusively. Sadie almost jumped and looked at him. "Not now Achim." Achim nodded, "Yes, of course," he said with little emotion. When he exited and leaned on the wall outside the door, Trina grinned at him. "Told you you shouldn't go in." OOC: Sorry I'm a little late![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Um, I'm thinking we either need to: A) PM the members that need to change sides or B) Cut a few of them, because none of the other's are responding. (Obviously)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The originals huh? Alright, that saves me the toruble of making a new one ^___^ I'm just gonna edit a few things though. Name: Isaac Paul Ghentro Age: 15 gender: male Appearance: 5'10'', though he appears 5'8'' because of his posture (explained later). Black-gray hair that comes down over his ears in a straggely mess, deep, deep blue eyes. His features are soft, but wary, like a wolf's. He stands and walks with his legs slightly bent at the knees, as if he's more comfortable nearer the ground, though when he's running, his whole body seems to sink a little, as if aerodynamic(sp?). He wears a simple blue-gray shirt, and a thin gray jacket. He has blue jeans, but no shoes... instead, he wraps his feet in old cloth. Personality: Isaac is solitary and mostly a mystery, though works extremely well in his group of friends, mush like a wolfs in it's pack ((hint *nudge*)) He's quiet most of the time, but very talkative if you bring up the right subjects. He is quietly romantic, but you wouldn't guess by looking at him. Power/Control: Lightning (electric current). His animal form is, you guessed it, a wolf, with black and gray hair, and the same deep blue eyes. Group: Outskirts (Nothin' against you Innocent, just the place I originally wanted) Bio: Isaac, though most of his old friends called him Paul, was born in one of the more distant towns, where things weren't so constantly chaotic.. but the fear was always there. When Isaac was seven, a bombing raid came through, destroying the little that they had built up, and killed every near him... The only reason he lived was a large peice of rubble witch came down almost on top of him, keeping the intense flames at bay. Having no one to take care of him, he wandered around the wilderness, as ravaged and desolate as it was, and searched for... anyone. It was nearly a year, during wich he developed almost wolf-like skills in tracking and survival. Out in the wasteland, he aslo slowly discovered his talents with electricity. He dicovered he could literaly smell the scent of people... and so he followed it. Upon reaching the small community, he could hear their thoughts... a surprising and slightly disturbing abilty. Although it came in handy, he heard everything. Their fears, their dreams, and even their (sometimes sick) fanatsies. He eventualy met two others like him... they were wary of each other, but became friends. Although he would probably give his life to defend them, Isaac finds that he doesn't share most of their ideas of fun and humor... perhaps it was his life in the wasteland. He longs now for something, or someone, who can restore order to his chaotic mind... Doesn't seem to fit in like it used to... oh well. I look forward to it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Cainan hadn't felt this happy in a long time. He was amazed at how good he felt just sitting there talking with Kin-ha. Sometimes he couldn't help but look at her, sometimes noticing her slight blush. [i]This is so strange,[/i] he thought. He had never felt so happy just being around someone. Without warning, Cainan stood stock still, chills running up his nerves. Luckily, Kin-ha was looking out hte window and didn't notice. He felt like he coudln't breath, as if something had squeezed around his entire body and tightened it's grip. His eyes darted about the large room frantically, instinctively. The whole sensation felt familiar, and it was not a good kind of familiar. He spotted the others sitting at another table, and for a moment, his eyes met with an equally frantic Maya. She stared at him. The stare you give when you see something unexpected and strange. It was then that Cainan felt the 'aura' he was giving off. It felt not so much like an extension of himself, but of something reaching out from inside. It felt dark, cold, and above all, malevolent. Maya finally looked away, as Jordan and Nyx were starting to notice. It was obvious something was running amok, be it spirit or something more believable. Kin-ha looked back at Cainan from the window, and then gasped in surprise. Cainan looked at her, "W-... what?" She blinked a few times, "No-nothing."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]If it would contribute to getting this started up, I would gladly switch sides, but my character's personality and bio are tied in with the Clan members T-T Why doesn't somebody count how many member there actually are so we can figure out how many need to switch? Hold on a sec and I'll do it myself... EDIT- There's 11 total, and only 2 on the Gang side. Including Sadie.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy][B]Name[/B]: Achim Gian (It's German and Italian) [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Weapon[/B](s): M1D Sniper Rifle (modified with more powerful scope) [B]Side[/B]: Clan [B]Personality[/B]: Aloof and silent, Achim seems to look at others with mild disinterest. He has a tendency to do as he pleases, unless the order comes from Sadie, her father, or Trina. The three of them seem to be the only people Achim really listens to. His particular brand of independence is difficult to understand; he considers possible outcomes, decides which he desires, and does what is necessary. All in a calm, silent haze that seems to be his way of looking indifferent. [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/kamikaze/kamikaze1.jpg]Achim Gian[/url] - Would have normal clothes on of course. (and no sword) [B]Notes[/B]: Achim's childhood is a mystery to most, and is unimportant to himself. What is known, is that from an early age, he showed a natural ability for being accurate. He gained his rifle from an old gunshop that sold old military rifles. When offered a job by Sadie's father, he 'gladly' accepted (The term 'glad' is a bit off for Achim). Since then, he has done nothing but follow his orders, and that of his daughter and her protecter. He has no qualms about killing, but would sooner shoot himself than kill an ally. His rifle is his only weapon. He is more than profficient with it even in close quarters. [quote name='Sonata']Also, I need a guy or a girl around my character's age (fifteen) to be in the same clan as she is.[/quote] Got it. ^_^ [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Nice to see ya back ~_^ Name: Kevin Leisun Gender: male Age: 23 Appearance: Kevin stands at 5'11'' and weighs approx. 157lbs. He has dark blue eyes and jet black hair that barely touches his ears. His skin tone is slightly pale, but his build is healthy if nothing else. He bears bruises on his feet from falling over (he's a little clumsy) but at least has moderate physical strength. Kevin is currently wearing: Dark red T-shirt under a gray jacket and black blue jeans. Skills: Good with a baseball bat (practices with pitching machine) and quick reflexes. Personality: Not a very social person, and has trouble carrying a day-to-day conversation. However, he does come off as rather friendly. Kevin has his own opinions and tends to keep them to himself. His weakness would be anything 'out of the ordinary', for example, evil zombies running rampant through the town. But his strong point is the ability to accept his cercumstances once he knows them. History: Kevin Leisun was born under normal conditions, without mishap. His early years are relatively uneventfull and unimportant. He moved to Raccoon City two years ago to "have some time to himself", feeling that to live life to it's fullest, he shouldn't be crowded by persistant relatives and 'friends' half of his waking hours. It will prove to be the worst dicision of his life. He now lives in a small apartment near the center of the city, and was planning on moving into a bigger one as soon as he could afford it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]It was a little cloudy today, after the previous day's rainfall. Despite this, the sun shone proudly through the skies, warming the soaked earth. Garren waited patiently on the sidewalk for Arunue. For fear of Hiroshi, he dared not sit on the porch as was his usual routine. At last, Arunue emerged from the house and stood beside him. They exchanged smiles but maintaned an awkward silence. Once on school grounds, the pair looked at each other, standing comfortably close. But Garren looked down shyly and muttered his goodbye. The two had one class together, at midday. Though they sat at opposite ends of the room, they kept sneaking glances at each other. And every time, one would blush and look away as the other turned to look. At long last, the final bell rang and the two met again at their usual place. The sidewalk was still full of students eager to get home, so they walked along in silence. Finally, well out of earshot of anybody else, Arunue stopped and turned to Garren. "Um, about yesterday..." Garren swallowed, "I'm sorry, it was my fault... I... I should have been more-" Arunue silenced him, "No, Garren, that's not it..." "I hope Hiro wasn't too hard on you 'Runue, i-" Arunue grabbed the boy to shut him up. "Garren, that's not it. Hiro... he..." the girl's eyes began to glisten with held back tears. "We're leaving. Hiro's taking us to his dojo, he's sold the house and everything!" She gripped Garren's shirt and buried her face in it while shock faded into sadness, sadness into regret.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Cainan did his best to comfort Kin-ha, but in truth he was more afraid than she was. From the moment Maya's spirit friend appeared, he had barely been able to suppress the urge to huddle in a corner. His limited memory of the incident from fifth grade was still permanently ingrained in his mind, As far as he was concerned, anything that involved spirits was dangerous, and to be avoided. But what could he do? The game seemed to be nearing it's end, and Cainan couldn't suppress his curiosity. As Jordan and Maya sat down, giving their feet a rest from cheering, the boy tapped her on the houlder nervously. Maya looked over, "Hm?" Cainan swallowed before continuing, "Ah... uh, how long... did you, uh..." Maya raised an eyebrow questioningly. Hyurr appeared at her side again, "You mean how long have they been with me?" Cainan inched backwards from the little spirit, "Y-yes." Maya grinned, "There's no need to be scared. Hyurr wouldn't hurt a soul!" It was then she noticed the odd eminence coming from him. "Hey, what's th-," Maya's sentence was cut off as Kin-ha returned, looking a little better. "What's going on?" she asked curiously, taking her seat next to Cainan.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: I'm here! So sorry! Been packing and all that jazz. Big move coming up, so I'll be gone for several days sometime next week. Going back to Texas! W00t! ~~~ Cainan sat up blearily, having just woken up. As suspected, his mother had not gotten home until very late, leaving Cainan with wery little time to sleep. He stood up and got dressed into loose jean shorts and a yellow t-shirt. As he dressed, he thought about the previous day as he normally did. The first thing he remembered, of course, was Kin-ha. He smiled dreamily before remembering the strange mess with the library. The boy suddenly felt rather chilly and decided to get going. He called to his mom on the way out, informing her that he was taking a walk. The weather was perfect, and Cainan strolled happilly along the suburban sidewalk. Before he knew it, he started feeling compelled to take certain paths. As if the road willed him to follow. He felt shaky, but kept going without a second thought. He only realized where he was going when a horrid sinking feeling overtook him. Cainan looked up to see nothing but a baseball field, fans and playes half absent, a few strolling in casually. Still overwhelmed by a feeling of dread, he looked more closely. He suddenly noticed Kin-ha in the stands and... two people he had seen in the library. He shook off his momentary terror and proceeded to the trio. "Um... hi. Kin-ha." The boy smiled weakly, his face asking if he could sit down. The other girl there seemed a little startled and looked as if she hid something quickly, though Cainan could see nothing. "Oh! Cainan... have a seat." Kin-ha quirked up awkwardly. She scooched over to allow him room in between herself and Maya. Jordan looked over, his friendly face hiding his disappointment at being disturbed with two girls yet again, "Hey, I'm Jordan. Cainan was it?" Cainan nodded shyly as Maya spoke up, "Hi! My name's Maya. You a friend of Kin-ha?" "Um... yeah." Cainan was at a loss for words, his usual self. Slowly, that feeling of terror creeped up in him again. Somehow he knew the source now: Maya. The feeling was so strong, he was positive it eminated from her. As for Maya, she seemed to be considering if she should show the spirits following her now that someone new had arrived.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Cainan stood staring after the girl a moment. Somehow he still hadn't gotten her name. He shrugged it off and the nrealized he still had her book in his hands. He looked down at it and had no luck trying to translate the title. Then something caught his eye on the cover. It was... a phone number? Cainan stared at it a moment, pondering the possibilities of a girl's phone number writtin on the front of a book she had given him. Without warning, he flushed and proceeded out of the library. Had she [i]really[/i] intentionally left him her number? Cainan wondered this as he walked down the halls aimlessly. Suddenly, he was very excited and felt his heart beating in his chest. Did this mean that... she liked him? With enough motivation to let him forget about ghosts and spirits, Cainan flew happily out the front door of the school. Then it hit him - he was locked out of the house. He slapped his forhead, not able to believe he had forgotten. He slumped into a wall and groaned. The school wouldn't let him make a social call like that, and there was no way he couldget into his house with his mom gone and no key. [i]Damn...[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It took a little while for it to sink in just how awkward Cainan's encounter with Kin-ha was. After thinking about it, he sighed and put a hand to his forehead. He really hated those odd moments - the ones where you have no idea what just happened, but are embarassed anyway. Shaking his head, he switched directions to go to the art room. A few Drawing Club students might still be there. He had no interest in drawing, but liked to watch them. When it came time for him to turn down a hallway, Cainan's feet kept on going. He was confused for a moment but forgot about it instantly. Soon, he was at the Library. He paused at the doorway, yet again confused about what he was doing here. Without having to will himself to do so, Cainan entered and walked among the shelves. He looked at rows of books, not really interested in any of it. As his mind wandered, he picked up tid-bits of conversation. [I]"So have you asked anybody...?" "No, I'm still waiting to hear back fr..." "Hey, long time no see!" "Hey, Matt, what-"[/I] [I]"-ing about ghost history." [/I] Cainan froze instinctively. [I]"...I'm intersted in the same subject as well."[/I] His put down a book he had started to pull out of the shelf, suddenly feeling like he wanted to get away. [i] Fast[/i]. [I]"Ghosts? I guess."[/I] Cainan's hand started shaking and he gripped it in his other. Why was he sweating? [I]"Spirits and little eyes wandering around the place, correct?"[/I] Cainan risked a glance at who was doing the talking and saw a whole group of students chatting around a table. He felt his feet willing him forward without his will again. He walked right by the group and glanced quickly at the book in one of the boys hands. [i]Ghost History[/i]... He quickly started walking in the opposite direction, hoping none of them noticed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Cainan walked with his face down, thinking hard about what he should do. His mother was gone until later that night, and he had forgotten his spare key. He didn't have a problem with staying out for a while, but he didn't know what he would do for those long hours. He was heading for the other side of the school when something tall and headed in the opposite direction made him look up just in time to run into it face first. Both students, caught off-guard remained still and stared for a moment. They had been walking the same speed, so somehow, neither of them had been shoved backwards. Instead, they were pressed nose-to-nose in each other's faces. "Um... sorry." Cainan backed up a step or two slowly, seeing the girl he had run into was faintly familiar. Without anotehr word, he continued on his way, trying to remember her name. [i]Ki... Ki-something...[/i] he told himself. OOC: *sigh* Well, what better way to start the whole RP off than with everyone bumping into each other? -__-;;[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren blushed, assuming that it was about him. Though it wasn't, he started to worry that Hiroshi would condemn Arunue for their little 'sleep-over'. After all, it wasn't he- ok, so it [i]was[/i] her idea. But he still felt as if he should take the blame. Everyone was oddly silent through the rest of the meal. When he finished, Garren stood up and bowed to Hiroshi. "Thank you," he looked at Arunue, "I'll... see you." Arunue started to stand to sotp him, but Hiroshi gave her a look. She sat back down and watched him exit, "Bye..." Hiroshi sighed to himself, '[i]that takes care of that...[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'll finish tomorrow Runy, gotta go right now. [B]Name[/B]: Jonan 'Jon' 1043(ID#) [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Occupation[/B]: slave [B]Description[/B]: [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/fruitsbasket/Fruit04.jpg]The abused Jon.[/url] (Yes, that's a guy) [B]Bio[/B]: Though his parents were both manual labor slaves, Jonan was bought by a wealthy individual to do more mundane things. He works around the house (quite a formidable job considering it's size), cleans, cooks (to an extent) and retrieves things for his master. Speakking of which, Jonan's master is a fairl wealthy business woman of less than respectable status. Her slaves (including Jonan) simply call her Ma'am, but also know her as 'Ellan'. For one reason or another, she's kept Jonan as her personal assistant (perhaps for his feminine appearence) and delights in teasing him in quite a personal fashion. Of course, she has no use of him as an actual 'love' slave, but likes to torment him from time to time. Jonan has long lost any real reaction to this. [B]Personality[/B]: Since he was small, Jonan, or Jon, was inclined to be quiet and aloof. He has little reaction to just about anything, and seems to be sulking in the way he carries himself. You could scream in his face and he would just stare and ask if he should get some medication.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren opened his eyes slowly, waking up for the second time that day. The first thing he saw was Arunue, snuggled close to him with her arms around his neck. He smiled and hugged her sleeping form. How he wanted to kiss those tired lips. "Well well, morning Lover Boy." Garren jumped and flipped around to see Hiroshi leaning in the door frame. He smiled slyly and ran ah and through his hair. "Ah... uh, I um..." Garren, caught completely off-guard, thought quick for an answer. Hiroshi's smile just grew wider. Arunue stirred, her eyes opening and blinking a few times. "Huh... Garren, what is...?" She saw Hiroshi in the door way and froze, turning as red as Garren was. "HIRO, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" She threw a pillow at him, which was dodged with ease. Hiroshi laughed and turned to go, "Lunch is ready you two," he said as he walked away. "Wha...? Lunch?" Garren said what was on both of their minds. At the same time, they realized that it had been morning when they fell asleep.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Well, it looks a lot more solid now. The wind effect could use some work :/ The dark hair and blush do make it look better though. I think if you just add more of a spiraling, upward effect it'll do it some good.
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Haha, well, for a work in progress, that's very nice. The body position is a little awkward, but pulled off well nonetheless. In one word, she's pretty sex-ay. The feet are good, but the fingers still need soem work. Like you said, it's still in progress. ^-^ The head just needs some gentler edges.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren's heart nearly stopped. Those three whispered words made his entire body thrill. He felt as if he was melting. It was suddenly made so clear to him how much she mattered to him. He clutched her close for a moment, trying to hold back another wave of tears. Slowly, he eased back, holding Arunue at arms length. "Arunue... I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was doing..." his voice was soft and apologetic. Still, Arunue stared downward. "But... the truth is... I love you. And... I always have." He took her in his arms again, and with a dawning realization of what he had just said, her grip on him tightened until they were both locked in a passionate embrace. Arunue backed away from him a moment, looking at his face at last. Their faces grew closer, heat eminating from flushed cheeks. It was like their first kiss. Both fell quickly into each other's embrace as their lips touched.[/COLOR][/FONT]