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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Whatever's wrong, it seems too widespread to be a problem with the actual users. I've got DSL and this database thing is driving me nuts. I thought I wouldn't be able to log on at all 'cause of this thing.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy][B]Name[/B]: Cainan Errino [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearence[/B]: [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/YnM/YnM11.jpg]Cainan Being Lazy[/url] [B]First Encounter[/B]: Though most of his early years were normal, at age ten in fifth grade, both his life and future persona took a very sharp turn. Wether left behind by some ritual, or a freak phenominon, Cainan stumbled across a dark archaic symbol. It was during recess on a Thursday in September. The young, free willed Cainan wandered off of school property and into the woods not but twenty yards behind the school building. It was there, carved into a tree in blood red. The boy was drawn to it, beckoned. As soon as he was within an arms length, it happened. A flood of ancient memories, spirits and nightmares hit him like an icey hammer. For eight long minutes, he was trapped in this vortex of fear, pain, and cold. They found him an hour later, huddled next to an oak tree, eyes wide and hands clutching his ears. He remembers little. But he does remember the pure, unchallenged terror. Something of that phantom phenominon still sleeps inside him, waiting to awake. [B]Personality[/B]: By nature, Cainan is impressionable and shy. He loves to laugh and have fun, but it's difficult for him to do so without being close to whoever he's interacting with. One could call him dependent or clingy, but he knows when to back off or do something on his own. Another side of him is strong willed and determined, but it's a side that's rarely seen. One more odd feature - whenever anything pertaining to ghosts or spirits is mentioned, he will become very defensive and distant, sometimes even hostile. Memories can be powerful things.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*deep breath* Just a few? Yeesh. 1. Another that wont show up T-T 2. Ha ha, cute. I like the hair - it reminds me of a dragon... and his face just looks so relaxed. As if it's expressionaless but showing emotion at the same time. 3. Not as cute as the Runy-chan pictures, but very sex-ay. The hair looks odd at a glance, but it's really done quite well. 4. Did you go over that in pen? It looks nice. I thought she was a boy for a sec, but she [i]is[/i] very cute. The hair ribbon adds to that. And you pulled off the net shirt very nicely. Though the blush could be a litttle smaller. 5. The dynamics of the face could use improving, but the rest of the body is remarkably detailed. Good job. He must be a very happy *****. 6. I can't say that they're cute, but it still looks good. Overall, it's not near as good as some others, but it is nice. 7. Woah... nice dragon. The best part of this one would have to be the shading. Very nice 'Runue. 8. XD Ahhhh! That is so adorable! Even if you didn't draw it, that's awesome. Give your friend my compliments. 9 & 10. Well, you showed me these already. Jaque is undoubtedly a good picture, but not my favorite. Meh, that's just my opinion. Now the one of Runy... I 'll admit it's not as cute as the last, but my my, it's still cute. The hands and neck could have been pulled off better, but still, I think it's nice. I love how she looks so awkward.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Nope ^_^ ~~~ Garren didn't know how much time passed as he sat in the rain. Eventually, the tears stopped because he couldn't cry anymore. He just stared blankly at the ground. When the cold finally cut through to him, he stood slowly and walked home miserably. Without even bothering to dry himself off, he lay on the couch and fell asleep immediately. Sunday morning, six AM. Garren awoke slowly, his eyes opening blearily. The first thing he felt was a dull yet burning pain behind his eyes from crying so much. He sat up as slowly as he could, but still made his head hurt. Memories of the previous day came back gradually. Garren curled himself up, hugging his knees. He was still soggy, his hair dripping down into his eyes. Why? Why had he run away so quickly? Why couldn't he just have said it to her face? Why couldn't he... He felt tears sting the back of his eyes again, and bit his lip. He didn't know if he loved Arunue. He might never know. But what he did know was... he needed her. "[i]Arunue...[/i]" Garren stood up quickly, regretting it when hs head throbbed. Without bothering to dry off, he went to the door, grabbed a clean jacket, and ran for Arunue's house. He stumbled onto the porch, out of breath. He knocked twice and tried to stand straight. As expected, Hiroshi answered the door and gave him prehaps the strangest look yet. "Where's... Arunue?" Garren said in between breathes. Hiroshi raised an eyebrow and looked at him a long moment. It was obvious he had been crying, wet, and miserable for several hours. "She's upstairs," he said at last. "Thank you!" Withou another word, Garren bolted up the stairs. He paused at the top, heart beating hard. Was this really such a good idea? What would he do when he saw her? What would [i]she[/i] do? [i]No,[/i] he thought, [i]that doesn't matter[/i]. Arunue looked up as Garren opened the door. She had been just waking up, dazed as he had been. When she saw him, she looked away. Her face was one of regret, misery and loneliness. But above all, it was empty. Garren rushed to her side, tears breaking through his eyelids. "Arunue... I'm so sorry." He hugged her tight, hiding his tear-racked face in her shoulder.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well, you already know how I feel about most of these, but here goes anyway... 1. The Nakana Twins... a bit low tech, and the body positions are a little, shall we say, loopy. Nevertheless, it's cute. 2. Runy-chan and Garren are absolutely adorable together, especially Runy. Proprtions, postions and such are near-perfect on this one, and I love the eyes... 3. Heh heh... someone was being naughty... enough said. 4. The face and hair and such are all good, but I can't help the feeling that the eye shape is a little odd... anyway, beside the shape, the eyes are still nice. Mmmn, he's so saad ;-; 5. This one won't show up for me.. sorry. 6. Interesting. I like the hands+arms in the top corner. They just flow well. And hey, it's got mah name! ^_^ The bulding thing is a good concept, but a tad sloppy. 7. Aww, they are so cute! Makes me feel all fuzzy... *cough* anyway. I have nothing bad to say about it. EXCEPT for one tiny thing. It's seems the guy's back is in an odd position. Hardly noticable, but his shoulder just seems to be at a strange angle. Besides that, it's my favorite by far. Oh, and the flower is a nice touch![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Arunue...?" Garren wanted to look her the face, but had to avert his eyes. "Hm?" Arunue looked at him, then, realizing he was being serious, put on an appropriate expression. "A-about earlier... um..." He looked at the door to make sure Hiroshi wasn't going to walk in on them again. Unfortunately, after this brief break in his train of thought, he stumbled for words and looked at his feet. Arunue saw him struggling but still waited for him to speak. Garren swallowed and opened his mouth to talk, "I... I..." [i]What do I say? Ooh, what do I do? What... what do I... feel?[/i] "Arunue... I d-... I lo-..." he looked down, hiding his face from Arunue. "I... I just don't know! I'm sorry!" He stood and ran, trying to keep from crying. Hiroshi hardly noticed as he passed and bolted out the door. It had started to rain. Garren kept running - to where, he didn't know. He didn't care. He couldn't bear to look Arunue in the face now. He fell, landing on hard concrete. So he sat slumped on the sidewalk, tears mingling with the rain. He clutched his chest - it hurt, burned. His heart burned.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren just stood for a moment, utterly speechless. Arunue turned at the door, "Well, ya comin' or not?" Garren shook off his astonishment and followed her inside. The girl nearly skipped into the kitchen after Hiroshi, Garren not far behind. [i]'She's certainly happy...'[/i] he thought to himself. "Hey 'Runue, where's that tuna I asked you to get?" Hiroshi called with his head inside a cabinet. Arunue glared at him, "You didn't ask me to get tuna..." Hiroshi's head came out of the cabinet, "Didn't I? Huh... well, ramen it is I guess." Arunue put a hand on her forhead. Ten minutes later all three sat at the table, a bowl of ramen before them. Garren stared into space, thinking. Did he love her? It would explain that weird feeling he got whenever she was near. But he had always thought he would [i]know[/i] when he was in love. How could he be in love with ehr and not know it? It didn't make... "-en? Helloooo Garren?" "Eh?!" Garren snapped to attention as Arunue gave him a dirty look and Hiroshi just sighed and kept eating. "Welcome back." Garren blushed and began eating.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren sighed and relaxed as Arunue (who had given up all attempts at getting rid of Cent's lipstick) leaned on him again. She glanced back at the house as if making sure of something. Without warning, while Hiroshi was busy saying goodbye to Cent and the others, she grabbed Garren and kissed him. This would have been enough to make the boy blush, but she pushed it another level by slowly (yet rather agressively) slipping her toungue inside his mouth. To say Garren was surprised would be the mother of all understatements. However, the passion of the unexpected moment kept him from falling backwards and completely ruining it. When Arunue snesed Hiroshi would be returning, she parted their lips and leaned on hi magain as if nothing had happened. She did, however, lick her lips with a rather smug look on her face. Hiroshi glanced out the window, just to make sure, while Garren was left wondering how a fourteen year old girl had learned to kiss like that. "Hey Garren..." Arunue said softly, staring into space. "Huh?! What?" Garren was still more than a little shaky. "Do you..." there was a long pause while Arunue considered the question. "Do you love me?" The boys heart suddenly skipped three beats only to continue at light-speed. He was so taken aback by the question he started shivering, though it was hardly cold. "Wha... w-what?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Hey, just making sure you two aren't-..." Hiroshi paused, "[i]Ahem[/i]." Garren drew back from Arunue so fast he nearly fell over. Arunue seemed startled for a moment then smiled happily, "Hi Hiro." "There will be no making out in my study, thank you," Hiroshi leaned against the door frame and glared at both of them. Garren was so flushed by now, he could hardly bring himself to look Hiroshi in the eye. Arunue stuck her toungue out at him, "Fine, we'll go outside." Before her brother could protest, she had grabbed Garren's arm and pulled him out of the study. As they passed, Hiroshi eyed him with suspiscion and Garren bowed quickly. A moment later, he was out back with Arunue. She plopped down on the ground and leaned back, "Ugh, he never let's me have any fun." Garren smiled and sat next to her, "That's because he cares about you." Hiroshi and Cent watched from the window as Arunue punched Garren's arm playfully. "They're so cute together," Cent remarked, "Don't you think Hiro-chi?" Hioshi sighed and turned towards the other room where Shakia and the woman were waiting, "Yeah... right."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren sat silently on his bed, looking into space. Even now, his face was flushed and he could still feel Arunue's arms around him. It was so obvious he loved her, but he couldn't see it. If anything, that intense, passionate heat he felt whenever they touched confused him. He knew he never wanted her to go, but just couldn't tell himself why. At long last, Garren stood and took a breath. He took a step towards the door and hesitated. No, he couldn't go now, not so quickly. He drew back, but hesitated again. He wanted to see her - had to see her. He went for the door and began to open it. He paused half way through. Wouldn't it seem strange to go now? What would she think? [i]No, that doesn't matter...[/i] he told himself. When Garren finally reached Arunue's home, he was unpleasently shocked when he saw Cent and two other people he didn't know. He paused, embaressed and finally looked at Hiroshi. "Um... where's... where's Arunue?" Hiroshi gave him a curious look and nodded his head to the other room, "Over there." Garren bowed quickly and turned. "I hope you were gentle with her Garren-san," Cent remarked in a playful manner. Garren turned back, blushing madly, "W-what... uh..." Cent laughed and waved a hand at him, "I'm just messin' with ya." With his face still red, Garren turned quickly and went to find Arunue.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Arunue smiled warmly, holding back a giggle at his embaressment. "Good morning," she said softly, leaning closer to him to kiss him gently. Garren of course, blushed even more intensely. Arunue just smiled and put her head on his shoulder again. "I guess we should get up..." she said slowly to see how he would react. Garren fumbled for words, "N-no, I mean... we don't... have to..." his voice got smaller as he spoke. Arunue grinned mischieviously and kissed his cheek. From the way she held onto him, she said '[i]I know[/i].' Garren relaxed again and swallowed. His lips quivered with the anticipation of what he was about to do. Slowly - cautiously - he lowered his head to Arunue's. Almost instinctly, she raised hers to his. Their lips touched and Garren felt that warmth wash over him again. He was so undeniably in love with her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Well, block it back! >:/ ~~~ Garren's eyes widened a little, his lips quivering. If his faced wasn't flushed before, it sure as hell was now. Arunue just snuggled her head in his neck and held him close. Garren swallowed. He hadn't been expecting that. He suddenly felt very warm all over his body, as if he had a fever. He wanted to go outside and bang his head against a wall. But he didn't dare move. He held Arunue in his arms as if they had been lovers for years, her warmth overriding any heat that made him uncomfortable. For a moment, Arunue opened her eyes and made a frown. She sat up slightly and pulled Garren's legs onto the couch so that he was laying back against the arm rest. Satisfied, she layed back on top of him, arms around his neck. She finally drifted off to sleep, whispering into Garren's chest as she did so. Garren strained his ears to hear, but her voice was too soft to hear. At last, he relaxed a little. Before he let himself fall asleep, he kissed Arunue on the cheek as softly as humanly possible. She smiled warmly in her sleep and snuggled closer.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Devan, with Jaque close behind him, walked noiselessly down a dark school passage. "You sure it's this way?" Jaque questioned in a whisper. "Of course," Devan replied without thought. Jaque knew better than to question his sense of direction. In an uncanny repeat of previous events, Devan stopped abruptly, sending Jaque into a flurry. "Will you stop doing tha-" Devan again put two fingers on Jaque's lips to silence him. For a moment, Jaque thought it was nice to have Devan touching his lips... "She's gone." Jaque glared at Devan with an eyebrow raised, "What?" Devan bent down and picked up Ami's abandoned flashlight. "This is unfortunate..."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Ooooh, they're being [i]naughty[/i]. ^____^ ~~~ Garren faught to control his huge blush, looking away from Arunue as best he could. The fact that she now grabbed his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder didn't help these efforts. She acted like she was oblivious to his self-embaressment, but knowing her she was probably enjoying watching him struggle. They kept walking in silence, Garren blushing but enjoying being so close to Arunue. He started thinking how odd it was that they had known each other for so long, and neither of them had ever gotten involved with another person, so to speak. After a while Arunue yawned and seemed to lean on him more heavily. "I'm sleepy... can we go back now?" Garren was thrown back into reality and looked at her drowsy form, "Uh... s-sure." The pair proceeded on to Garren's house, being careful to go the right direction in the darkness. The house was completely dark, but the door was open when Garren turned the knob. He stepped in with Arunue close behind, rubbing her eyes to keep them open. "Um... you can sleep in my mom's bed if you like, o-or there's the couch..." [i]Heh, even though I usually use the couch anyway,[/i] he thought. His own bed was uncomfortable and the matress was nearly broken, so he tended to sleep on the couch. "Mmm..." was the sleepy reply he got. Arunue headed towards the couch, pulling Garren along by his arm. Upon arrival, she pulled him down and curled up. Before Garren even realized what was going on, she was covered in the blanket he kept on the floor and leaning on him sleepily. He opened his mouth to talk, but couldn't say anything. He was fortunate it was dark and she couldn't see him blush.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy][B]Name[/B]: Navid 'Nav' Edrica [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://www.teamartail.com/anime/images/evangelion/images/kaworu004.jpg]Navid in a nice mood.[/url] (He has blue eyes and usually wears a long-sleeved shirt.) [B]Element(s)[/B]: Static, Dark (in a way, controlling Light to make Dark) [B]Personality[/B]: Navid isn't describable as particularly fun or exciting, and sometimes borders on dull. However, his true personality is a bit more lively. Around others he simply prefers not to be the center of attention. When alone with one otherperson though, his more interesting side shows through. In truth, Navid is a very deep thinker and creates his own philosophy and morals day by day. It's difficult to describe him in one word or sentence. He comes off as anti-social or distant on occasions, but it's never his intent. Concerning the opposite sex, he is somewhat undecided. Being awkward with ones own sexuality doesn't exactly lead to confidence with others. The source of the 'awkwardness' would be the fact that he can't quite decide [i]what[/i] his sexuality is. He's had moments of being attracted to either gender, and it seems to confuse him. He takes pleasure in finding life's ironies. [B]Short Biography[/B]: Like many of the age's youth, Nivad lives with no one but himself. His younger years are unimportant to him. If he has any living relatives, he doesn't keep in contact. He does, however, have a few good friends. At times it seems they are the only way he [i]ever[/i] meets anyone else. As for his interests, they mostly consist of trying to live his life the way he thinks it should be lived. His 'house' was once a shop on the edge of the suburbs. He's fixed it up enough to wear it's a nice place to live in, but nothing beyond that. The two lower rooms and three upper rooms are mostly undecorated and dull, but he calls it home. Assorted belongings (clothes, books, pens, etc.) are scattered about the floor, yet he knows where everything is. In short, it's an organized mess. Sometimes he wishes he had a pet. Like a cat. As for a job, Navid seems to drift from one to another. Yet somehow he makes enough to live off of. Currently, he works at a bookstore, organizing shelves and helping customers. Navid was never really surprised by his 'powers', assuming they were there because they were there. He never had an interesting in mastering them either, but through experimentation he nearly has. He hardly ever uses them, but they come in handy. Ok, so maybe the bio wasn't 'short'.... bah.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: The gun and lighter were his. The knife and cigs. were Sphen's :P ~~~ Cat snapped back to reality quicker than either of them expected. He was never one to stay unconscious very long. When he saw them standing over him, he immediatly reached for his gun, only to find it missing. So he stared at them with his dull eyes, waiting for someone to do something. David put a hand on his hip, "Well well, aren't we full of surprises today," he commented dryly. Cat, of course, didn't respond but continued staring. He noticed with slight irritation that his shirt was missing, leaving him with only his jacket to protect against the cold. "What's your reason." Cat still didn't move. Joshua shot him a look like he was crazy, "What'd you say?" "What's your reason. I have mine. Must you do this just to live?" His eyes bore deep into the other boy's, "If you don't, you have no business taking my means. My means of life." Still, he didn't stand or make any move to threaten the two. But he would have his things back, because he had a need for them. He could do anything to survive, even if it meant taking on both of them.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren stayed silent while he thought, leaning on Arunue's shoulder. When he really thought about it, he just wanted to be alone with her right now. Face flushing out of nowhere, he smiled weakly, "Let's go get some breakfast." "Ok," she replied, feeling a little hungry anyway. The pair ended up at a local place, sitting across from each other. Niether was really eating much, but Garren just couldn't pull his eyes off of her. When she glanced at him, he looked away, embaressed and caught completely off-guard. He hoped that she didn't think he was looking at her hair again. Something about those lively green eyes attracted his cloudy blue. "What's up with you?" Arunue said softly, leaning her head on her hands. Garren could hardly look her in the eyes, smiling shyly, "Public."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Um, where are we going again?" Garren had taken up a pace beside Arunue, though she still held onto his hand. "To get some stuff Hiro, I told you." Arunue seemed to be getting faster, as if trying to avoid something. "Right..." Garren had no choice but to keep pace with his hand locked in hers. With Arunue's pace, they reached the nearest grocery store within a few minutes. Arunue stopped as she nearly got stuck in the door, realizing she was still pulling Garren along. Blushing, she released him and proceeded inside. "You alright 'Runue? You seem... flustered." Arunue kept walking, trying to avoid his eyes, "What? Of course I am. Why would I be-" she was cut off when she ran into an aisle. "You sure?" Garren asked as he directed her around it by the shoulders, "I'm kind a' worried..."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]"... I'm just saying we shouldn't even be in here, much less looking for a- hey, are you listening to me?" Jaque stopped to glare at Devan, who had paused at a hallway intersection. "Linder, wha-" Devan put two fingertips on Jaque's mouth to silence him. Realizing that the boy was looking at something, he directed his attention down the hall they were about to pass by. "Excuse me miss, could you direct us to the Dean's office?" Devan put a hand out for Ami, he looked up suddenly, tears in her eyes. It took her a moment to realize what he had asked and take the offered hand. "It's... that way," she replied, pointing down the hall. "Thank you." As they walked away, Ami suddenly realized what had just happened and called after the two boys, "Wait!" Both turned around, Jaque with an annoyed look as usual. "Please, you've got to help me... my friend, she was taken and... it's still out there..." Devan and Jaque exchanged glances. Devan took a step towards Ami, "Calm down, and tell me what's happened."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Awww... kawaiiiii.... ~~~ What proceeded was a very long, very awkward silence. Garren did his best to act normally, but kept sneaking glances at Arunue and her 'updated' hair style. Arunue looked straight ahead, doing her best not to notice. Despite all his efforts to resist, Garren grinned. Arunue glared at him as he tried desperately to keep from laughing. At last he couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into giggle fits. Arunue turned bright red and punched him in the arm. Garren hardly had the breath to say "Ow" in between laughing. "Hiro is going to pay for this..." Arunue crossed her arms and waited for Garren to calm down. When at last he regained his composure, Garren looked at her moer seriously. "Hey 'Runue?" he said a little hesitantly. "What?" she replied, still irritated. He blushed and smiled softly, "What were you going to say yesterday? After you asked about the future?" Her formerly annoyed face flushed, "Oh... well... I..." Hiroshi poked his head out of the door, about to say something, "... I, uh, needed to go to the bathroom." She said quickly when she saw Hiroshi. He got a questioning look and raised an eyebrow at her. "..... What?" Arunue demanded.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Cat snapped awake and instantly fell off the porch into wet dirt. Noise from inside had startled him, triggering his semi-useful reflexes. Looking up in a daze, a girl walked out and proceeded down the street. [i]Slut...[/i] he thought, getting up groggily. Pale olive eyes scanned the darkened sidewalks before he dared go out in the open. His head throbbed as he walked, sore from half-laying on hard cement. With a hand on his forehead, he began his endless walk yet again. No destination, no purpose. David narrowed is eyes at the dissheveled boy walking in their direction. "There's our man." Joshua looked at him questioningly, "You sure?" "Positive." "Hey," David grabbed Cat's shoulder as he passed by, "where ya goin' buddy?" Cat halted faster than David or Joshua would have expected and looked them both in the face. After a tense moment of silence, he looked back ahead of him and continued walking. David and Joshua followed, catching up quickly. "I asked you a question," David turned Cat around to face him. Cat was silent still, glaring into David's eyes, uneasily aware of Joshua behind him. "I don't know you," he finally spoke, his voice dry and low, "go away." When Cat turned away again, David and Joshua exchanged glances and nodded. As soon as their firm grip was upon him, Cat's survival instinct turned on. Within seconds, he had his new knife at Joshua's throat, and his hand quivered on the handle of his gun inside his jacket. His eyes were devoid of any reason - only instinct. His instinct rarely failed him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Garren began to walk out when Hiroshi continued, "And one mroe thing," Garren turned back to face him, "Stop skipping so much. She needs her education." Garren didn't know quite how to take the statement, but Hiroshi was already back to his computer, typing away. He wanted to say it was her idea anyway, but didn't think that would go well. As Garren walked back out towards the door, he paused and looked down the hall where Arunue was sleeping. He sighed silently and opened the door, wincing at the sudden cold. His own home was just three blocks away. The lights were off when he entered his house, so he assumed his mother was already asleep, as she often was. It was pitch black, so he fumbled for the switch near the door. When at last he found it, the light flickered for a moments before fizzling to it's end. Great, now they would have to spend more on light bulbs. [i]Fine,[/i] he reasoned, [i]then dark it is.[/i] He fumbled his was onto a couch and got comfortable. [i]Besides, I like the dark. Light's over-rated anyway.[/i] He yawned, laying back. As he dozed off, he could almost feel Arunue's form, still snuggled in his lap.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslateblue]Garren stared at her quizically for a moment, the put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "If you say so." Though he was being sarcastic, there was a comfort in his voice that made it warm, and maybe even a little affectionate. Arunue couldn't help smiling. Before he knew it, she had him in a tight hug. Smiling again, he stroked her hair, "Sometimes I don't know what you would do without me Runy." She glared at the boy, but didn't release him to punch his arm again. "Watch it or I'll throw you down the hill," she threatened sarcastically. What followed was a long, long silence as they watched the sky fade into dark and the stars appear over the clouds. When the cold began to make his fingers feel numb, Garren looked down at Arunue. She was fast asleep, curled up with her head in his lap. He smiled.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]"So now what?" Jaque asked a little irritably. Devan thought this over for a few moments before replying, "We go inside." He began walking towards the door to the school. "You're kidding right?" Jaque hadn't moved. He sighed, frustrated, "He's not kidding." It was easy enough to get inside. The doors, of course, were open and there were no teachers patrolling them. Jaque walked in a few seconds behind Devan, more than a little irritated. "Mind telling me why we're in a girls school?" he demanded. Devan looekd around, answering without looking back at him, "This is where the kidnappings occur. So this is where we are." Jaque put a hand to his forehead, easing a slight headache. "So [i]why[/i] do we want to be where the kidnappings are?" Devan paused a moment, looking down a hallway, as if deciding which way to go. "So we can stop them." Jaque rolled his eyes, "Just what I need."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DimGray]Bleak, barren wasteland. Under the watchfull eye of the sun for four months, but colder than the depths. For centuries, millenia, the only unindiginous life that thrived in this desert of ice were the Iltarkan people. 'One with the ice' the northerners call them. [I]However majestic they are said to be, that does not excuse the fact they are primitive. I will not tolerate such tribal behavior in my domain. Are you listening Tracker?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Johnson snapped to attention, "Yessir." Her soft green eyes focused back on her elder, relunctant to leave the snowy scene in front of her. Cold blue eyes narrowed as Telman turned back to the window. "You will bring them to me. Use whatever means you like." He glared at the young tracker, "I would prefer them alive." The older man pulled a string as he turned away and the shudders snapped shut. "However, a few... casualties is understood." He glanced at Johnson again to make sure she was listening. "My colleagues tell me you have some experience in the tundra." Johnson nodded when Telman looked at her again. "Good." It was snowing again. Semei clutched his ragged clothing around his body, glowing eyes scanning the horizon for shelter. Abandoned by his clan, there was no one to give him warmth. Semei trudged the long path beside the cliffside the Iltarkans called Shepmai. The winds, at least, were scarce. The lone Iltarkan's bright eyes caught a cave carved into the ice. With promise of a shelter from the blistering cold, he bolted for it. At the opening, Semei stopped and peered within. Something lay on the ice at the far end. Dropping down on all fours, the curious arctic native crawled slowly and carefully towards the thing. Orange eyes alight, he nudged it with a finger. The mass of cloth and animal skins did nothing but sit there. Quickly, Semei glanced around the cavern - there wasn't a soul. Eager for more warmth, he grabbed the wad of clothing, planning to curl up in it. A rush of air, and a knife point was at the Iltarkan's throat. He froze, his right hand on the bone dagger at his waist. "Alright Ice Man," Johnson grinned as she threw Semei's knife away, "time for a little trip." A second later, everything was dark to Semei. "I thought you did the proceedure in complete solitude." Telman glared at his younger counterpart. "The Iltarkans cannot see through glass, Mister Ferran. I assure you, it is in complete isolation." He nodded to a guard, who in turn nodded to an operator. " 'It', Mr. Telman? I was under the impression Iltarkans were human." Telman did not comment. Within a metal chamber, a spiked tower in each corner, a young Iltarkan male crouched low to the ground. He was confused, wary. His glowing eyes passed over the unhidden window into the outer chambers without noticing it. Slowly, he advanced toward the center of the room. Outside, the operator lay his hands on the reciever, which began to glow with his living spirit. Within, the four towers began to glow as well, and the young Iltarkan halted his cautious advance. The glow increased in intensity, and he clutched his chest. It got brighter still, and he cried out. Within thirty seconds, he was on the floor, hands covering his eyes in a futile attempt to stop the burning. Crimson steam arose from cracks between his fingers and palms, quickly disappating into the air. When it was all over, and the room returned to normal, the Iltarkan boy lay in the center of the room, eyes clenched shut, curled in a ball. Guards opened the hatchway and proceeded within, ready to drag the boy away. When they approached, he screamed and flailed. The guards fought to control him, but instinct drove away any reason within him. Ferran caught a glimpse of the native's eyes: once alive with light, they were now cold and black. "What does this accomplish Telman?" "His eyesight will return in due time, more.... naturally. We simply get rid of their primitive features." Telman still stared unmovingly at the desperate scene before them. "You plan to wring all the life out of them..." Ferran said, barely audible. "Johnson should be arriving with another in a day or two." ~~~[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Basically, we've got the Iltarkans, who have lived and thrived in the arctic regions for many generation, even adapting different features than most humans. Now, Telman and his political power intend to get rid of all the Iltarkan features so they can 'civilize' the area. Bad news for Mr. Ice man. In a way, Telman is weeding out the bad stock from his perfect generation. There will be a few parts that will have to be played, and a more detailed history of the Iltarkans and Telman should be up in the Underground by Tuesday. If you have any questions before then, you know where to find me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Iltarkan Basics: A race of people built for the ice, they are often seen as being primitive and tribal. The Iltarkan people are truly remarkable, and mroe civilized than most believe. Their society functions on a clan heirarchy, with a strong sense of brotherhood between most clansmen. The most striking feature of an Iltarkan is his/her eyes. They see light differently than other humans, and their eyes glow with life. The colors can range from orange and purple irises to blue and green whites (white section of the eye). Their language is very detailed and descriptive, but is not recognized as such due to lack of study on behalf of other humans. Character Listings: [U]Gregory Telman [/U] - Powerfull political leader and subtle oppressor. Age 49. [U]James Ferran[/U] - Head of a rival party, and oversees much of Telman's work (when in truth, he is of a lower 'rank' than Telman.). Age 32. [U]Catalina Johnson[/U] - An experienced tracker and assassin, currently enlisted by Telman to capture Iltarkans. (Her loyalty to Telman is questionable.) Age 23. [U]Semei Ui'getho[/U] - An Iltarkan of the Ui'getho clan. Abandoned for unknowns reasons and captured by Johnson. Age 19. Sign-ups will go as followed: Name: Age: Gender: Description: Pictures accepted is reasonable. (If clothing is odd, provide description of clothing.) Job/Purpose: What their role is. Side Notes: Abilities, persona, fears, etc. Prefered but optional. To reserve a place, PM me. My own sign-up will be up later. (I will be playing Semei) [B]Also note[/B] that there will be [U]no[/U] [I]guns or firearms [/I]in this RP. All complex machines are powered by a human life source.[/COLOR][/FONT]