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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Garren averted his eyes, embaressed that she was right. He should stop acting so shy around her. "Besides," Arunue nearly whispered, her mouth right next to his ear, "what if I do something... naughty." Garren swallowed, his heart thumping hard in his chest, "Arunue..." She grinned playfully, "You're so gullible!" She hugged his shoulders tightly as his bright blush settled back down, "And you're so mean." Arunue stopped giggling at him long enough to nudge him in the shoulder... hard. OOC: pardon shortness... just took meds.... sleeeeeepy....[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]OOC: "Um... hi... you look wet." XD ~~~ Garren glanced sideways at Arunue as they walked down the sidewalk. Had Garren had a car of his own, he would have driven them; alas, he did not. He blushed a little like he always did when she was in her uniform. Arunue pretended not to notice, but smiled a little anyway. The two had reached the street across from the schoolhouse when Arunue stopped and thought a moment. " 'Runue?" Garren looked back at her curiously. She smiled slyly and took Garren's hand, "C'mon, let's go do something." She began pulling him along another direction. "Huh? What are-" "Oh hush. Let's go have some fun!" Garren sighed, but smiled. [i]'I really should be used to this...'[/i] he thought. It was ten minutes later, sitting on a sidewalk bench, that Garren asked, "So why you decide to skip now?" Arunue leaned back, stretching her arms in the air. "Mmm... it's a bad day for school." Garren grinned and sighed, sitting back. He glanced over at Arunue again, who now sat with her arms crosssed behind her head. The boy felt a little blush cross his cheeks, looking at the younger girl. "Come on," Arunue got up abruptly, "let's go find somethin' to do."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Um, you did see the announcement saying name-changes are closed for a while, right? Anyway, these aren't the best obviously, but good wing pics are hard to find on google -__- You want any changes, say the word.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Devan flipped out a notepad as they walked, ignoring the thumping in the back of his head from Jaque. He had compiled a list of every kidnapped girl, every bit of information he could scrape up listed beside each name. He looked over every detail over and over again, thinking back to his psychology class and things he had learned from his dad. "Where did you say we were going?" Devan paused at Jaque's question, taking a moment to let it register. "The girls Boarding School." He answered flattly. Jaque pointed behind them, "It's that way you know." There was another brief pause before Devan turned and kept walking without comment. Jaque shook his head, frustrated with the boy. Devan was growing increasingly impatient with himself, straining his mind to find a sequence. The only thing he could find as of yet was that a good number of them went to the school they were heading for. He hardly noticed Jaque looking over his shoulder, who was even more frustrated that he couldn't make sense of Devan's scribble handwriting. Just five minutes later, they passed the sign next to the sidewalk that told them they were in the right place. Devan stopped abruptly and Jaque's arms flailed trying to avoid running into him. "What's the big idea?!" "We're here." Devan replied matter-of-factly.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]If Cat had been the type to enjoy feeling superior, he would have smirked. Instead, he walked at a brisk pace down the damp sidewalk, glancing behind him every few seconds. He hated close calls almost as much as he hated people who gave his hiding spot away. He slid a finger across the newly aquired knife in his pocket and flipped it around in his hand. Taking out the ciggerets he had stolen as well, he glanced at them and tossed them to the soaked ground. As far as he was concerned, they did nothing but smell. After a while Cat remembered about his attempt to find a sleeping space. A quick look around told him he was in the middle of a street of apartments. He would have looked for a better spot, but his legs were going numb in the cold. Without further thought, he curled up under the small porch of a random apartment. Drifting off, he started noticing little things around him. There was a termite hole in a beam across the porch, the car parked next to the sidewalk looked like it had been driven less than a few minutes ago... Cat's eyes closed and his head rested on the wall behind him. Faintly, he could hear the dull sound of lust in the apartment above him. He should be awake by the time they're done, he thought...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Muad'Dib

    Cat Stevens

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Well? Any of you guys listen to or have heard of Cat Stevens? If not, he's a singer from the 70s (right?). My mom happened to pop Cat Stevens Greatest Hits in the radio one day, and I had already heard 'Peace Train'. Naturally, I loved it. His songs often have a calming, acoustic feel to them. Anyway, if you have heard of him, what do you think of him? If you like/don't like him, why/why not? What are a couple of your favorite Cat S. songs? Personally, I like him because his songs are generally slightly upbeat, but still gentle in a way. And his voice is rather unique. A couple of my favorites are: Peace Train Wild World Moonshadow Very Young One And a few others. You? Note: Cat Steven's (sorry about the spelling mistake) name is now Yusuf Islam (thank you Morpheus for that useful tidbit ~_^)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Ahhh! XD It's a sexy-fied storm trooper! Regardless of her proffession, that's a hot drawing. Anyway... it's got a nice semi-sketchy feel to it, and all the proportions (as far as I can tell) are perfect. The helmet on teh stand is jsut genious... or however you spell that. The armor looks great as well - it seems very close to the real thing. I give it a 9/10. Amen for hot storm troopers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B][U]EDIT[/U]: Oh shit, posted at the same time as Runue. I'll edit this later, no time now.[/B] How much time passed, he couldn't say. But Cat sat in the dark construction sight, staring at the murky dark for well over an hour. At last, he stuffed what was left of his prize (half the water and the lighter) into his jacket and eased up off the floor. His rear hurt from sitting on the concrete, but he was used to it. Outside wasn't much better. Water still dripped from the tops of city buildings, splattering unceremoniously onto the pavement. Cat walked in a daze, forgetting within five minutes to look for a place to sleep. He hardly noticed when rain water splashed his face, or when he ran headlong into someone walking the opposite direction. Both of them stopped in a daze and looked wearily at the other. [i]Jerk...[/i] Cat thought dully in the back of his mind. This thought was swept aside immediately as his eyes caught the glimmer of a badge coming around the corner. Instantly, he slammed himself behind a dark corner. Without thinking he pushed the other boy in as well. Ignoring the stranger's surprise, Cat stood stock still. His heart raced as the cop walked by idly. Had he remained in the sidewalk, the officer probably wouldn't have even noticed him, but it was instinct. When the boy beside him started to say something, he slammed him in the gut with a fist, again without even thinking. His eyes were trained like lasers on the officer.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Weeeee... *thwack* T-T ow.... [B]Name: [/B] Jason Sindrik [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] male [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/media/65/eva_angel_eva024.jpg]Jason[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Jason used to be genuinely cheerful, but as it is in this world, things turned for the worst. Now he may seem happy, but when he's alone he never smiles. He clings to the past far too much, and never forgets people he's close to. Otherwise, he's as hospitable as humanly possible. This doesn't mean that he's social however. Jason will never speak unless spoken to; just a little hint of his true feelings. On a side note (a rather obvious one), he's very emotional. [B]Bio:[/B] All that needs to be known is that he had a love, they were abused by other boys, and now he is gone. Though this was all when he was fifteen, he is not the type to get over someone so dear so easily. He's got a part time job at a record store, no car, and a tiny apartment across town. So much for a happy ever after. [B]Other physci's:[/B] Jason has the odd ability to make other's feel empathy, sympathy or regret depending on his own mood.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]Warning[/B]: Contains strong sexual themes, violence, and possible language. -For backstory, profiles and sign-up requirements, visit the[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44956] Recruitment Thread[/url].- ~ [/CENTER] Slowly, Cat's breathing returned to normal. His eyes wandered back down to the ground, looking about his hiding place. It was darker than it was outside without the moonlight, but he could see the sky through an empty window next to where he was slumped on the floor. Everything was still cold concrete, with nails and boards strewn across the ground. Cat's stomach growled and he looked down at the few things he had risked his life to steal. There was a small bag of crackers, a bottle of water, and lighter to keep him company. Without hesitation, he opened up the crackers and munched on them as he watched the milky black sky cloud over. Not his best day, but it deffinately wasn't the worst.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Alright, we're ready to roll! Even though all four roles are filled, I'm leaving sign-ups [b]open[/b] for anyone who wants to have a supporting role. If you want one, then you can be a police officer or an investigator that goes after any of the four children (or PM me with your idea). So, we have.... Sonata - Child 1 - Caitlin Desi ArunueShekamari - Chile 3 - Joshua Praige Rhian - Child 4 - Alex Cannon Me - Child 2 - Carter Ferido This will be started up soon. As in, today or tomorrow.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=navy]Oh my god, theses character pics are all so cute! Alright, I'm finished. [B]Name:[/B] Devan Linder [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Weapon:[/B] A tazer and an unloaded handgun(in case a threat is needed) [B]Who You?re Searching For:[/B] He's searching for the kidnapper himself, though he doesn't know where to start. He wants to find him so that someone close to him won't be kidnapped. [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/dnangel/DNAngel19.jpg]-Devan-[/url] Stands at 5'9'' and usually wears a dark blue jacket. [B]Personality:[/B] Devan has a tendancy to be a quiet person, especially when he's thinking. And he does think a lot. He never hesitates to ask a question, no matter how embaressing it may be to him or others. Naturally curious and always poking around for information and secrets. Despite this, he's very mature for his age. Though you wouldn't guess it, he's also very caring, especially towards his few close friends. Having said that, it takes a lot to surprise him (or phase him at all for that matter). [B]Bio:[/B] Devan Linder- son of Kevin Linder, Law Enforcement Officer, and Marie Sesna-Linder (deceased). He lives in a small house with his father and sister, Jessy, who is only fourteen. His mother died shortly after giving birth to Jessy, when Devan was three years old. Since then, his father has gotten increasingly obsessed with his work as a police officer. You see, Marie Linder was shot during a convenience store robbery. Devan has taken as many classes as he can to ready himself for becoming an investigator, or C.S.I.(Crime Scene Investigator), including phsychology. After hearing about all the kidnappings, he's become even more determined. His real reason is to protect his younger sister and anyone else he knows. His father knows about his attempts to take things into his own hands, but can't do much about it. If all else fails, he'll resort to getting kidnapped himself... which of course will require him to dress up like a girl. Perhaps that's why he hasn't tried it already...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Ah, now that you mention it, a shadow [i]would[/i] add some effect to it... maybe a light or slightly tinted color shadow to make it, umm... [insert adjective].[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Haha, looking at the banner and avatar, it just looks like fire in zero-gs or something. Anyway, it's a good concept, but not perfect. The far left pic is good, with the 'rain' effect overlapping it, but the other three seem to stand out too much. Maybe if it was a smaller image overall... Well, nice job with the airbrush and all that. I'd give it aaa.... 7.5/10[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]*wacks head on keyboard* Fudge! I forgot to add the description part of the sign-up! Well, both of you are accepted, but I would appreciate it if you could add one last part to your sign-ups for the character's description. Thanks for reminding me Sonata. [^feels thuroughly stupid now^] [B]Name:[/B] Carter 'Cat' Ferido [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Age: [/B] 16 [B]Role:[/B] Child 2 [B]Story:[/B] Carter was a child born into absolutely nothing. His mother and father, though he doesn't know for sure, dumped him at someone's doorstep and sped off to find a life somewhere else. His 'mother' was then a Ms. Ferido, a retired shop owner. Though she could care less about the child, she cared enough to give him a name and a place to sleep. By age ten, Carter was dissatisfied with this mediocre life style and, like any rebellious child, ran away. But city streets are cold and cruel. He was found half dead by a former convict, Mr. Johner, who for some reason took him in and taught the boy a few life essentials. And a little extra. Three years later, Johner was caught robbing a convenience store and was killed in a fire fight with the police. Again left with no one, Carter, or Cat as Johner had called him, found means to survive on his own. He convinced himself that this new, faster paced life was exciting and fun. But he knew in his gut that he hated trying to survive on his own. Since he began his 'survival' three years ago, he's killed seven people. Through self-defense, he tells himself. [B]Extra:[/B] Carter will eat anything if he has to. [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery/20050117R/ehrgeiz/1han.jpg]Cat-[/url] Without the armor (on the leg), less muscular, and with gray jacket. (If the iamge doesn't work, then go here- [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=ehrgeiz&image=16[/url] - then click 'Image gallery', 'Ehrgeiz', 'Next PAge', and it's the first image.) Ah, now all we need is Steph and we're good to go. That's gotta be a record speed for my RPs.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Aye aye aye, how is such image quality possible? How on earth could someone upload it so pixely? >.< Oh well. Second attempt. Not too much better, but at least it's an option :3 (Yeah, the ones and zeros were typed in manually.)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][B][U]WARNING[/U]:[/B] This RP [U]will[/U] contain very strong sexual themes, a good bit of violence, and probably foul language. This is your first and only warning.[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Dirty and pale, hardly healthy. The extra make-up worn thin by the elements, the revealing clothes. Every aspect says 'prostitute'; but those eyes. Dim and hopeless, yet still looking for something other than this life of violation. She is young still: not more than seventeen. But instead of sitting in a classroom, her destitution leads her to the step of a stranger's apartment. Inside, another well paid business man sat back, satisfied with his violation of the girl's purity. Those eyes, looking at the dirt stained ground, cried for another path. Cried for an end to the vice. This was all she knew. No way would she give up her only source of prosperity. [CENTER]~[/CENTER] Hard footsteps and the splash of rain water. His heart beat fast with desperation and the thrill of the chase. Refuge is found in the usual places: dark alleys and abandoned construction sites. He droops to the muddy ground and lets an assortment of items fall from his arm while his right hand clutched the handle of a pistol. His eyes turned to the sky, dark and empty. There was no other way, he knew. It was a harsh world and he was on his own. He didn't like the killing, but it had to be done sometimes. It had to be done; another killed so that he could survive. It was the only way. [CENTER]~[/CENTER] Blood on the concrete floor, cries for help. Drowned out by laughs and taunts and the smack of fists on bone. Four boys pinned a younger girl in an empty parking garage, tearing clothes and bruising skin. The fifth watched and jeered, going along with the destruction of the girl's innocence. But within his spiteful eyes, he questioned how such violent transgression could be so exciting. Why do they indulge themselves in the devastation of others? But he would go along. What could he do without the others? They were his only refuge. His protection. This was all he could do. [CENTER]~[/CENTER] Pungent smoke drifts through moist air, deadly fumes evaporating into the wind. Pale, thin lips wrapped around roughly wrapped paper. Her ands trembled from withdrawl and the sudden high. Her dealer shook his head and stalked down the soggy sidewalk in search of another buyer. She paid him no heed and inhaled desperately, unable to resist the sickening smell. She couldn't help it. Without this, she would be nothing. Every day was just another long, torturous wait for the next high. But what could she do? She wanted something more than this, but was already too deep in addiction. No help would come. This was her fate.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]~~~ Four young adults, their lives turned for the worst as far back as they can remember. Each looks for a way out, but can find none. It seems things will never change, and they will die in misery and destitution. Alone. Perhaps together, at least a few can find salvation: in each other. ~~~ You get the idea: four hopeless youths, that must use each other to free themselves from the continuous cycle of violation. None of them know each other - not yet. That's where you come in. You must play one of the four youths, struggling to find the light. Sign-ups will go as follows: Name: (Keep it American, but feel free to be creative.) Gender: male/female Age: 15-17 Role: Child 1, 2, 3 or 4. (1 and 4 are girls, 2 and 3 are boys.) Story: Very brief history of how he/she got to where they are. Details not required, but causes must be clear. Extra: Any side notes (optional) My sign-up will be up soon. Most likely after one person replies. (I'll be playing child 2, unless someone else has a good reason to play him instead.) [B]EDIT NOTE: Child 4 has been reserved by Rhian.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Despite how awesome Mouse is, there aren;t any good pics of him! Anywhere! But I did find some mediocre ones. There wasn't much I could do with them either. Here's mah best attempt.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]^_____^ I love you Runy! *tackle hugs* Wow... that's skill. It's so not crap. You're too hard on yourself. Oh, and actually, it's not very sharp at all. That's an added effect called 'filmgrain'. The actual image is only slightly sharpened ^-^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]*cries* That's such a great piece of poetry! I [strike]laughed[/strike], I cried, it's a hit! Seriously though, it's very powerful. I feel my heart breaking just reading it. Simple and short, but executed perfectly. The last four lines especially.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Mmm, yeeez... the second one does flow and sound better, but the first does convey more emotion... um, as stated above. And it's amazing how much vocabulary one can squeeze into three stanzas... I'm done.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]I've already made a banner and avatar for my new Breakdown theme, but I'm not entirely satisfied with the avatar I made. I was hoping someone would be willing to make a better avatar with the same text in it? Hmm? If you can't read it, it says 'Hope is a Waking Dream'. Also, if anyone can attempt it, I would like you to animate my current banner. Specifically, have the small white text (yes, those are actual words) and the lines attatching them to the white boxes flash on and off at the same time. That would be awesome, but it's not terribly important. Any takers? By the way, the banner is supposed to be fuzzy, so please don't sharpen it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [quote name='Inu500']Whoa wait a minute who said the ****** word I'm black here! Was it the nine year old kid or you! I'm tired of people using that word for there on personal use. That's what I hate about Xbox Live, Racist people are on there too. :flaming: Who ever said it Deserves to die.[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Don't worry, it was the nine year old, not me. I wouldn't be caught dead saying it. Well, since the topic seems to be going so well, lets branch it out a bit. Another big annoyance in online games, as you all know, are whiners. Whiner- noun - (why-nher): 1. One who complains excessively. 2. Cocky and noobish. 3. Very annoying. Surprisingly, I haven't seen too many on Halo 2 yet, but they're there. Oh yes, they are there. They just can't grasp the concept that this is a shooting game - you're going to DIE sometimes. Another would be the team-jackasses. The ones who ***** to the rest of the team that they're not good enough or 'I'm the best, you guys suck' and so on. Sometimes you even get the jerks who shoot at their own team because they're unhappy. Examples: "Hey, that's MY banshee you [inert discriminating term]" "You moron, how could you miss?" "Hey, you almost hit me!" I happened upon one jerk who was shooting his own team in the middle of an assault game for no apparent reason. He came storming into the base with an SMG and procceeded to fire round after round at the defenders (me). When we commented on it being a team game, he simply called us losers and so on. Eventually he got ejected for team killing =)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Heeheehee, well said Corey, well said XD Despite how insanely hilarious the Bikini Bandits are/is getting, I happened to noticed I've said a total of around three words through the entire thing...
  25. [color=darkred][font=palatinolinotype]Yoshi... porn?
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