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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yeah... all the goths and such really just love the stuff because it has to do with dark, scary, semi-evil stuff. Anyway, I saw it for the first time in years a few weeks ago. It must be the best stop-motion animation in existence. Maybe not... but it is in my mind. For a Disney musical, the music wasn't bad. Whoever did Jack's voice had some great pitch. And who'd of known the Boogie man gambled?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Alistair put a finger to his lip thoughtfully. "Did I?" He shrugged, still smiling, "Oh. I suppose I did." Jamie just shook his head and sighed, "Should of seen that one coming." He muttered under his breath. "But you know," Jamie looked up as Alistair talked, "it wasn't that bad." Alistair still had that thoughtfull look as if he was imagining something. "Don't you f*cking dare get any ideas." Jamie said bluntly. Alistair looked at him innocently, "Like what?" "You know wha- ah, just forget it." OOC: This could go on a while XD[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Alistair sat for a few moments in silence, almost nodding off on the soft bed (though it really wasn't that soft- he just thought it was). He was almost back to his normal self, just a little perkier than usual. "You seemed upset when I asked you about having a girlfriend." He said completely out of the blue. Jamie glared at him. "Yeah? What of it?" Alistair smiled cheerily, "I'll bet you broke up with someone." Jamie was really struggling not to hurt him now. "Either that or," Alistair paused a moment, looking up as if he was thinking, "or you're gay and afraid to admit it!" He said like it was a revalation. "Kid, you got some kinda nerve..." Jamie growled, frustrated.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE=Annie] [color=darkslateblue]Ever heard of "it's just an expression"? Besides, didn't he let the king live? He could easily have murdered the king, but he chose not to. And in choosing to let the king live, what we know now as China, would not have come to pass. Letting the king live allowed unity to all of the lands that make up "our land". Thus, making him a "hero". But you wouldn't see that, would you? [/color][/QUOTE] First off, well said. Anyway- if you remember the beginning of the movie, it said something alongthe lines of 'In every war there are heros on both sides.' Nameless was a hero in several ways. First, he was a hero to Zhao(sp?) and the three assassins for having this elaborate plot to kill the king. Then he was a hero to Qin for killing the three assasssins (even though it was a lie). Then he was a hero to all of ancient China for sparing the king and so on (refer to Annie's post). He may have even been a hero to the king himself for revealing to him the philosophy of laying down your sword, or whatever the exact quote was. [quote]If they had put half as much effort into the story, the movie as a whole could have been shorter and a whole lot sweeter.[/quote] Forgive me if I'm interpretting this statement incorrectly, but did you even pay attention to the story? The story [i]was[/i] the 'good' part. Oh nevermind. I'm not going to bother -.-*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]This is an RP a made several months ago if I remember correctly. I was looking forward to it starting, and it seemed like it would for a long time. Unfortunately, I was still short one sign up. Anyway, since it did prove semi-successful, I was hoping to get some kind of feed-back on the story line to see what can be improved to make it more 'attractive'. Keep in mind that there were supposed to be a lot of unanswered questions and scenarios that would be made more clear when the RP started. [quote]Within it's protective metallic walls, the Jurn felt violated. The Jurn sat nestled in the heart of it's complex, it's smooth, arching frame giving off a pale blue glow at seemingly random intervals along the structure. The glow had gotten brighter ever since they entered, casting pale shadows on the dark floor before it. Now they peered into the Jurn's own chamber, using their burning, violating instruments to open the door that had been the last barrier between them and the Jurn. The glow intensified almost two-fold immediately. Deep within itself, the Jurn stirred, releasing that which it had nurtured. A single curved tube, still glowing with blue light, jutted forth. As blue turned to yellow, pieces of this new development broke away, revealing what lie curled underneath. Aesirik dropped unceremoniously to the floor. Wires and mechanicle tubing were bound to every part of him, cutting through skin and binding to muscle and bone. A tube covered his mouth, a plate his eyes, and the rest formed organic patterns on his arms, legs- everywhere. His mouth tube broke away with a hiss, and Aesirik gagged and choked. a few seconds passed with no sound, Aesirik's body begging for oxygen, unused to breathing. Finally, he took his first breath and shuddered. Everywhere, wires and tubing began to unattatch themselves, fresh blood spilling onto the floor as they broke away. Aesirik wretched, his whole body twitching and writhing with pain. Finally, his body was bare except for the plate which still covered his eyes. Aesirik gasped for breath, still shaking and cowering in his own blood on the floor. -Feel child- the Jurn spoke to it's creation. -You must do the works of Auhd now child- Aesirik's shuddering calmed and he breathed more steadily, though his lungs still burned with the feel of air. -Stand child- Aesirik cowered still. -Stand child- Slowly, shakily, Aesirik got to his feet, hardly able to support his own weight. -Your time of blindness is ended child- -See- The plate on his eyes loosened and retracted into the Jurn. Aesirik's eyes immediately dailated, then returned to normal size. The light of the Jurn's glow made his mind burn, flooding his senses. -Aesirik- Archeologists and Scientists flooded into the chamber, eager to see what they had discovered. Aesirik stood defiantly, watching. ~~~ The basic plot: Obviously, this takes place in the future. Humans, upon discovering another inhabitable world like Earth, flooded into space to see their find. Soon after colonizing the planet, now deemed 'Terras', ruins and ancient complexes were found beneath the surface. But no signs of life. Even dead life. So now, they've found what they think is something significant. aesirik, though they don't know that is his name. To them, he is a discovery. Something to be tested and experimented on. How can he exist on an alien world? What are these marking on his body? What was the use of the room he was found in? Yet so far, no answers have been revealed to the eager humans. Aesirik is kept in almost constant unconsciousness. Scientists and doctors watch over him day and night. Is he human? Maybe. ~~[/quote] The original sign-ups I had were from Methuselah, Sword Breaker and Spirit Breeze. If I start it up again, I would hope that at least Methy-san joins again ^_~ Please, comment away. PS: Also note that I had four assigned characters that I wanted played, three of which were filled before sign-ups stopped coming in.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude] I understand that the colors are great. I agree. I also agree that the battle with Sky was freiking awesome. But the flashbacks were pretty much the same thing every time! There was so much power put into the red scene, only for it all to be a lie! That was kind of like watching thirty minutes of absolutely nothing! Then, we see the kings version. But since that turns out to be incorrect, I gain nothing from that either. The only thing I truly gained anything from, and that was the last scene, which I didn't like.[/QUOTE] I don't think you're getting what Annie and the others are trying to say. First off, the repetition tells a story. It shows how Nameless' lie is revealed as such, and eventually formed into the truth. They show the 'same thing' over and over to show how the lie evolves into what actually happened. And while you may not like it, it has a deeper meaning. You say it shows the same thing every time- wrong. Each flashback, though showing the same time and place, is dramatically different from the last. Second, from my perspective, it seems that all you were expecting out of this movie was great action. Even you should know that a Chinese legacy is always much more than just good action. And, as has been said, Jet Li wasn't [i]supposed[/i] to [i]show[/i] emotion. Though there may have been parts where he obviously had ssome kind of empathy, his character is one that wouldn't show it. Like Annie said: he's on a mission. Besides, you get enough emotion from Snow and Broken Sword to cover everyone. You need to rethink what this movie is supposed to be. It's a legacy, a story to be told. Not just an action flick with cool swords. PS: The fight scene with Snow in the field of leaves is my favorite. Very nice.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed];; .... OK, I'll follow Neuvo's example. You might not be able to tell, but as far as online goes, I can occasionally be the opposite of a tomboy. As in, a guy that acts just a little like a girl... *cough* not to an extreme, mind you. That's really just in my banner preference. Right, uh, colors. No [i]real[/i] favorite, but anyhting from olive green to dark blue to maroon... nya. Ah, and I've gotten into the habit of using animal like chibi words like 'nyar' and 'kyu'... *shrugs* I like... explosives. Yeah, lots of explosives. Mmmmm...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Nyaa! It's so sexy it's blinding!
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]=P [b]I[/b] would be a [b]he[/b], thank you very much. Nya, the girly siggy gets 'em every time B] [size=1]I really shouldn't be proud of that...[/size] Can I help it if I'm trying to be in a good mood? Besides, the images aren't really [i]blurry[/i], just a little grainy around the edges. So yeah, downsizing them would help a little. And why are we even having this argument? I don't even know you XP And the emotion thing- desolation has its own message. So you don't get the feeling of an emotion from 'em, that can mean something as well. Anyway, I'm not in a good mood and trying to be happy *forces smile* Shee? I'm happay pappay, sho bugger off. [SIZE=1]u.u *tear, tear*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Fine =P be that way. I think you're just expecting too much. Half the great banners created [b]don't have a message[/b] to imply. And if the image quality isn't good enough for you (which really isn't bad at all with these images) you can just down-size the image, which makes it seem less grainy. As for the colors, though they are very close, the color theme in general is very nice in my opinion. It would work great with a profile or page with a similar color scheme. Or hell, pump up the saturation or contrast. Hmph. No respect.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Me and a friend were enjoying a good round of Halo 2 matchmaking the other day, when we decided to do some Team Skirmish. The map loads up, everything starts off well, and we take off in a Warthog (jeep). A few moments later, we're blown up, but that's not what irks me. Our killer was not just a nine year old jerk, but had to repeatedly curse us out. I quote, "Aw yeah, come on niggers, what now niggers? You want some more *****?!" Normally, I don't have a problem with some friendly taunting, but every now and then you run into someone who's a complete (for lack of a better word) jackass. People like this can completely ruin the best games. The worst part is, they're usually not even very good at the game in the first place! Does anyone else have issues with overly-competitive or just plain rude online players? (Just a thought)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Heh, I just rented this movie about half a week ago, and saw it for the first time. I was drawn to it mostly because of it's similarities with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (which James has alluded to). Hero was a lot more emotional than Crouching Tiger, which made it better in my opinion. Though the variety of characters is limited because the same story is retold several times (eventually coming to the truth), the few characters there were I found really interesting, erm... people. The only thing that distracted me a bit was how formal and forced the voices seemed some of the time. It didn't really take anything away from the movie though. What surprised me about it was that the whole thing kind of takes place with Nameless sitting in front of the King of Qin (and the story is told in flash backs). This didn't make it bad by any means, but I had thought it was a little more, mm, spread out. Speaking of which, the scenery was amazing. And that's all I have to say...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Praise Karma for saving my thread from eternal damnation! .-.'-'.-. Well, things have been a little hectic, so I've only gotten one more finished. It's just a bit shorter than the others as well, but, as usual, I'm proud of it anyway. [SIZE=1][B][U]A Hero?s End[/U][/B] Defiant upon the hill he stood, Standing brave and tall as best he could, A gallant warrior to the last, No memory of either fear or past. Below him lay one hundred dead, Filled with iron and burning lead, A testament to forgotten days, For no one truly understood his ways. He turned to us with a fiery gaze, His eyes all but a furious haze, A mask of hatred burning bright, His hurt and longing hidden by spite. Those eyes peered into every soul, All worn and weary, beaten dull, Daring us to hide in fear, Before our adversary grew too near. ?No regrets,? he said, ?of unforgiven sins, This is the final stand, and no one wins. But if you fear your impending death, Turn and run, don?t waste your breath.? But still, we stood, our hearts as one, Under his lead, we dare not run, So with one last approving glance, He turned back to the valley to take his chance. But within his eyes I saw the pain, And as we stood, it began to rain, I wish not to see that memory again, At last he had his hero end.[/SIZE] ~ C&C if you please. :3[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]>.< Did not! *pouts* Even if they aren't perfect, just look at 'em- you can't find anyhting wrong with them! So even if they weren't good, they're not bad either. Fine, 8/10. =P neener PS: I'm gonna quote that line someday...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=navy]Poo... and I liked the number seven :( Ah, just messin' with ya Annie-sempai. So... (don't... know... what to... say...) Ah heck, you know me Annie-sama! Er... at least a little anyway. Well, I do believe this will get to be an odd conversation. Ok, my attempt at self-explanation. Since Methy-chan and Kitty had decided to to get nicknames, it looked like a good idea. I chose the name Kiddo because... well, I couldn't think of anyhting else (so sue me). I considered Sniffles... but that didn't *ahem* work out. Anyway, just call me the novice bandit ^-^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][QUOTE=Lalaith Ril][color=purple] The thing is pretty much political correctness and religion. It just depends where you live, somewhere like San Francisco is going to be a hell of a lot more accepting then a small town in Missiouri or Montana. [/QUOTE] I happen to live in Missouri, which (if I've got my facts right) was the first state to pass anti-gay marriage laws. It makes me ashamed to even live here. Fortunately, I'm moving back to Texas in the summer... right, back on subject. One subject that was brought up in the gay marriage debates was the seperation of church and state, correct? This came up because one of the reasons the subject of gay marriage even came up was that the church was getting pissed-off. So if the church is supposed never interfere with politics, how have they had such an effect on these laws? Now, I don't keep up well with politics, so I'm really not sure how much of an influence the church had, but no matter how much it did, [i]that's[/i] what's wrong, not homosexuality. Of course, half of what I'm saying is probably inaccurate as far as facts go... but whatever. About the whole 'cool' thing- anybody who would reconsider their sexuality to be cool has deeper issues they need to sort out. I'm not saying it's not possible to have feelings for someone of the same gender where previously you were never attracted to them. Just that forcing yourself to do so is rediculous.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Oh, come on Runy, they're good! The tricks with the borders are especially interesting- fun to look at. And even though they're simple, the picture placement is near perfection. And if that's not enough for someone, they could just add text and they'd still be nice. 5/5, that's a deffinate A+[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]First, I think you should watch the movie 'Pitch Black'. It's the original movie starring Riddick, and gives you a lot of background. As for characters, you should deffinately include Jack (The girl originally from Pitch Black that wanted to be just like Riddick. She's also seen in TCoR I believe) and possibly one of the bounty hunters still out for Riddick's blood. Though most of them will probably give up since he's taken down the Necromonger leader... anyway, back on the subject. It's an excellent idea, but you should give some more thought to the plot (ha, it rhymes.) First of all, obeying the elementals is not like Riddick at all. He would probably tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine. You need something that would persuade him to do it. And don't try threatening his life or anybody elses. He'll kill them beofore they can kill him, and he doesn't give a damn about anybody else. So that leaves you a little stuck. But where there's a will there's a way, so keep thinkin'. PS: Love Riddick. ^_~[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Connor had sat at the kitchen table, awkwardly ignoring the continuing competition between Aria and Beth until they left, muttering something about Kim. He sighed finally and stood up. "I do hope this is a one time deal." He said to himself. He stood in the adjacent room a few moments, distracted by his thoughts. He didn't want to seem over possesive or anything... but he couldn't help going to check on Cassie. He eased open the door to see her sitting up in her bed, staring thoughtfully into space. When he walked in, she snapped back to reality and gave a weak smile. Connor didn't know, but she had been awake the whole time. He stepped closer, blushing a little. He could see the faint trace of tears in her eyes. "Hey," he said as comfortingly as he could, "what's wrong?" He sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her. Cassie leaned towards him slightly, giving another half-hearted smile. "It's nothing." Connor considered this a moment, looking at her face. "Come on, if it's enough to cry about, it's not 'nothing'." He hugged her a little tighter. "Really," Cassie persisted, "I'm fine..." Connor looked into her saddened eyes and began to feel very sad himself. He took her cheek gently in his hand and kissed her slowly and passionately. When their lips parted again, Cassie's eyes were closed and her cheeks shone a little pink. "Now come on... tell me what's the matter."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]"Mmm..." hummed a still-slightly-drunk Alistair, "that tasted good..." He was sprawled out on the floor, just as Jamie had pushed him there. He looked up at the disgusted Jamie, eyes a little out of focus. "You look funny," He grinned maniacly, "Did I do something wrong?" "Wrong?! You..." Jamie stopped himself. The kid was drunk after all. Resisting the impulse to throw Alistair out the window, Jamie got up and put away all visible alcohol. "No more drinks for you..." he muttered while doing so. Several minutes passed as Alistair stared at the cieling, the blush on his face slowly diminishing as the alcohol ran its course. Eventually, he stood a little shakily. He grabbed Jamie's arm as he stumbled slightly, before finaly regaining his balance. "Good morning." He said to Jamie cheerily, unlike his usual self.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][size=1]Time to repeat what everybody else has said already...[/size] Despite the fact that some people are disusted by it, it's rediculous to think of homo or bisexuality as 'wrong' or 'unnatural'. The fact that humans [i]do[/i] feel homosexuality means that it [i]is[/i] natural. Just because not everyone feels it, or that two people of the same gender can't reproduce, doesn't mean it's wrong. It's just another thing that differs from person to person. On the parents issue, like the others have said, it's not their choice. Though they may not respect how you feel, that doesn't change the fact that you do indeed feel it. I would suggest, though, that you avoid conflicts with your parents. At least until you're old enough to move out (heh heh). Arguments with parents just leads to more tension. (And hey, if all else fails, make 'em feel guilty. ... Ok, don't do that.) And again, to repeat everyone else who's posted... I think gay marriage should be legal. Why should homosexuals be denied the bond of marriage? Everyone should have the right to something such as marriage. One thing I believe they were considering: if people have a problem with gay marriage, then call it something else. A form of legally bonding two people under a different name. While some people may still have a problem with it, at least the church will get off their backs. Hopefully. One more thing- using the word 'gay' as an insult. Example: "that's so gay." or "you're gay." While it may slip from my own mouth every now and then, it really pisses me off. Who started using it as a negative term? (They deserve an ***-kicking.)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Jamie sat on his bed, sighing yet again. When he had wanted somethingto do, this isn't exactly what he had had in mind. He glanced at the nearly empty glass sitting on the little table next to the bed, then at the drunken, giggling Alistair. Jamie did a double take; Alistair wasn't there. He was about ot stand up and look around when he felt something on his back. "What the he-" Jamie stopped. Alistair was curled up behind him, one arm wrapped around Jamie, dead asleep. "Yup," Jamie said, putting a frustrated hand to his forehead, "drunk."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: XD you're so mean... ~~~ Alistair glanced back at the shocked girls, "I do believe she'll be feeling that later..." he said, silently apologizing to her. Jamie smirked from ear to ear, "Mm-hmm." Alistair finally caught up with him and resumed his unchanging persona. "Agh, still got nothin' to do." Jamie said, crossing his arms behind his head. The two wandered around campus for several minutes before Jamie sighed and glanced back at Alistair. "Hey Ali-... Andy. Let's go up to the dorm, get somethin' to drink." Alistair grinned innocently, "I'm flattered." Jamie shot a dirty look at him, "Not like that." Alistair just grinned. A few minutes later, going down the hallway to Jamie's room, Alistair spoke again, "If I remember, alcohol isn't allowed on campus..." "Ah, who gives." Jamie said nonchalantly, "Everybody's got something in the dorm anyway." ~~~ About an hour later, Alistair leaned on Jamie, giggling uncontrollably. "You don't take booze well, do you..." Jamie said awkwardly. Somehow, he had conviced the younger boy to to have a drink. Or maybe two. "Nope." quirpped Alistair before resuming giggling. His faced was flushed in his semi-sane state, and he suddenly looked directly at Jamie's face. Jamie looked right back, questioning. Alistair giggled once and then planted a kiss on Jamie's lips. He then slumped back onto the wall, still giggling, especially at the shocked look on Jamie's face. OOC: Eh, what can I say?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]I'm no maiden! And niether is Lalaith Ril! We are proud to be male Bikini Bandits![/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Me too! O.o ... so what if guys don't wear bikinis? We can still be bikini [i]bandits[/i] silly =P Oh, and, by the way Derelict D... you [i]will[/i] be bandited =__=*grrr*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I only hope that Fred and George made appearances still. What will the last two years of Hogwarts be without them? ;_;[/color'][/size][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yeah, how could J. K. possibly live with herself if she didn't have the Weasly twins? they're obviously the backbone of the entire story. Ok... slight exageration... Anyway, it seems like we've all waited far too long for the sixth book. As if anticipation has distorted time itself... maybe not. It's odd how each Harry Potter book gets more serious. As if, as the characters get older, the plot becomes more mature. Funny how the first was so light hearted, and now we're seeing the end of the wizarding world as we know it. Go kick some ass Harry.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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