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Everything posted by CharmedImmortal
Wow, I like how Dane runs and how he shows his sword skills. Is there going to be more? because im looking forward to the next ones. ^_^
Why did I choose Kurama to draw? Well, it's because that I think Kurama is the perfect one for a valentine drawing (cuz of his red hair and red clothes and that red rose...All red!...i think). So he's the perfect one. I would draw a valentine Inuyasha too, but...If I have time to do that, I woiuld do it, but then, I'm too busy. ^_^; Yes, the pink circle seems out of place. Gee, I never get it perfect. But it turned out well. I hand written the "Happy Valentines" because I think it's more better because its very...original because the artist wrote it. Doing it in the computer seems kind of not original. The picture looks like its from some official website.(that's what my friends told me). I think it's because that I didn't use normal color pencils to color the picture. I used Prismacolor. Bought it in the Art Store. and then after coloring, I use cotton to blend the colors. Thaks for the comments and rate! ~^_^~
I like the eyes too. It's so...cute! But I like it if his expression is kind of sad...he looks kinda serious or something. Though, I never see Kurama smile before. I don't have cable to watch Yu yu hakusho or any other anime series except for Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh.
Hellowz and Advance Happy Valentine's Day to you all in Otaku Boards! I have to say this early 'cuz of me so busy busy doing chores and stuff, so I don't really have time to use the internet. So here's Chibi Kurama with a Valentine greeting for you! Yup! He's so chibi, so cute that I have to put the picture in a valentine frame that I bought yesterday. Hope you like it. Rate it if you like. Comments are very much welcome. Laterz! ^_^
The colored version? I'll try to make the colored version as soon as I'm done with my chores and school. But I want an answer to lots of people. Here's my question: Should I make the colored version of this? o_O
Actually, yeah I do make him look like a teenager, since i haven't had a single clue what he really looks like. And since I usually draw teenager people, i do make him look like one. ^_^
This drawing was for someone (a boy) from my school, who requested a drawing. And so, of course, I want to share it to all of you, people, out there. I don't know how Goku really looks like, but this what came out from the picture. I don't know if it looks like him or not, because I don't really watch dragonball z. I only see it in the commercials though. I did some shadings also, if you can see it. And then after I shade it i blured it with a cotton and erased the ones that are passed the lines. Comments and Criticisms are very welcome to be posted in this thread. Ratings are also welcome to. Thanks and See yah! ^_^
Their band is okay. I like their song called "Where is The Love?". It's like....well...The song has a meaning. Its what I like about the song.
aha ehh... Thank youz! and thanx for the comments ^_^
Here's a new one. The girl image is kinda messed in the sides, but it looks fine. The girl is from Rune Soldiers, if anyone heard that. And umm...comments and criticisms are welcome, so post! ^_^
The cloud banner is great, but make the font a little bit clearer to see. It's a little bit insy winsy mess, but it's cool. And the second banner is kinda "stretched out and distorted", as Blista says. You can also add borders or frames in the banner so it would be look much more nicer.
I think the two songs are great. But I love "Numb" by linkin park the most. For Clay Aiken...well...I kinda like his songs. I vote for Numb because...I love LInkin Park!
Ohh, Cloud from Final Fantasy. I like that character. ^_^ THe banner is very nice...but can you add something more? Because the blank space is....blank. o_O It would be better if you add, like umm....ya know, sayings, quotes, or poems...something like that. Or any cool background like your cloud banner that you have. Goody Job! -^_^- 7.5/10
Oh thanks, for reminding me about the size of the banner. ^_^ I resize the image. It got a little smaller than before, but this is the size that really wants to be. So there it is.
I've decided to make a new banner, well, just for fun. The image is kinda messed, but I hope this is okay for the banner. Also, i put fireflies in the background just to make it look nice. I think the border is noticable....maybe not. o_O...not sure. I'm really not using this banner, so whoever wants it just PM me. Comments, advice, or whatever you want to say for the banner is very much welcome.
Firsties--Anyone here a fan of Linkin Park
CharmedImmortal replied to BlazinReddrgn's topic in Noosphere
I Love linkin park! I'm also a fan. I have lotsa posters of them taped on my bedroom wall. I love their songs. I also love the japanese guy in the group, Mike. He's cool. My fav songs from them are "Somewhere I belong", "Faint", "Numb", "IN the End", and "Nobody's Listening". -
I love Summer and Winter. Why? It's because thatwhenever it's Summer, I get to go to the beach, feel the ocean breeze, and play volleyball with my friends. And winter because I get to stay at home whenever its very cold day. And I also get to play in the snow. ^_^
~Vash= a hug ^_^ ~Inuyasha= ramen, ramen, ramen for him! ~Shippou= a cute little outfit. ~Mimiru= hair dye color (any color that fits her) ~Miroku= a cage so he would stop flirting xD ~Seshoumaru= a brush to comb his furry tail. ~Chii= a beautiful red dress ~Yami Yugi= a black long coat ~Duke Devlin= dice pillow, dice accesories, dice shirt, dice etc. ~Usagi= trip to hell o.O I guess that's about it...I guess o_O
I would say Ryoko, she has a big attitude and i don't like that. Usagi would be another choice because she complaints too much she acts too...childish o.o Another character would be Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi. Ugh...i hate it whenever she acts so dramatic, and yelling "Tamahome". And the last one would be Tea because she kinda nnoys me for some reasons that i haven't figured out yet. o_O
I don't know what I really wanted for Christmas. I have alot of things in mind that I want to have, but here are the top 5 favorites want to have: .Hack//SIGN Limited Edition dvds- I just wanna have them. I'm a fan of .hack and i really LOVE to have this dvd. New CD Player or an MP3= My old cd player is broked so i need a new one to play my musics, or if i can have mp3 for christmas, then that's great! I don't have to borrow cds from my friends and burn them or buy cds from the store. I just have to download them in the internet! ^_^ Manga Books= I collect manga books that are my favorites. But I would accept any manga books to whoever who wants to buy me some. ^_^ Teddy Bear= I LOVE TEDDY BEARS SO MUCH! I also collect them and put them on one area in my room. So far, I think I have about 25-30 Teddy bears in my room. They're so adowable! ^_^ And the last one.... Money= I, of course, need to earn money so i could earn some for my college fees when i go to college. I don't have to worry anymore if I have all the money thatI can spend for college. And that's my christmas list that i want to have.
Aha! Cute Vash! I like the third one better. The vash picture is so purrty and CUUUTE!!! ^_^ 9/10 Do more please?
My school wears iuniform. It's more like anime schoolgirl uniform that i wear. The skirt is up to your knees or shorter than that. And fir the top, must be a shirt with collar or something that looks more like Sakura's (Card Captor Sakura). But you don't need a hat like Sakura's. And for the boys, shirt must have a colar, and navy blue pants.
Aheh? I guess my joke is not understandable. o.o My friend told me it amd I know that she told me that. Another joke.... Man: Doctor I need help. Doctor: what's the problem? Man: Whenever i opened the refrigerator, the light bulb opens, and whenever i close it, the light bulb turns off. Why does that happen? Doctor: Are you sure this happens to you? Man: (nods) Yes, doctor. Doctor: (goes and talks to the man's wife amd tp;ds jer what her hudband's problem is) Wife: Doctor, You did not understand what my husband just old you? Doctor: No. Wife: Whenever my husband opens the refrigerator he pees inside it and whenever he closed it, he stops peeing, It's not about the light bulb, it's about him! I guess this is kinda funny....or...I don't know. o.O;
Wow, the first banner looks cool. But...can you make something for the background? I don't want to make you feel bad, but to tell the truth having only a red background with the name is...boring. The second one is awesome! Nicely done. I also like the litle link. It looks cute! ^_^ Really, really, REALLY nice! Make more pls!
That poem is not that bad. I think it's great. How the boy felt lonely and sad being alone. It's more like a story about the boy. That poem was kinda sad, but hey! It's great! Make more, okay?