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Everything posted by CharmedImmortal

  1. I love Beatles. I've been listening to their songs since I was about 3-4 years old. ad also likes their band andh as been crazy about them ever since. He collects Beatles' cd musics. My dad and I also went to Paul McCartney's concert in California last year. It was so cool. And we get to meet President Clinton in their. (i haven't scanned the picture that i took of him yet cuz I'm too lazy to). Although, I didn't get to meet Paul Mccartney in personal in his concert. I think Beatles is the best! ^_^
  2. Lol that's funny, Inuluvr1. Here's my jokes...Knock Knock Jokes. Enjoy! Knock, Knock Who?s there? I know it was you. Crap. Knock, knock Who?s there? A talking pig. Pigs can?t talk. Neither can penguins, but I can?t shut him up! Wait till you get a load of the dancing candelabra? Knock, knock Who?s there? You want to buy a kitten? You want to buy a kitten who? Make pretty pet. I?m allergic to cats. Taste good, too? Knock, knock Who?s there? You sure you don?t want buy a little kitten? Yes, I?m sure. Could make one cute fuzzy glove? Knock, knock Who?s there? Ted Bundy Ted Bundy who? Let me in, meat! No! I mean? Hello I am Santa Claus. Yay! Santa! Knock, knock Who?s there? A Predator drone-launched Hellfire missile. Saddam, I think it?s for you! Knock, knock Who?s there? Gandalf the Gray Wizard, friend to hobbits and elves! Dork-*** loser. Don?t hit me! Don?t hit me! Knock, knock Who?s there? My mouth is full of spiders. My mouth is full of spiders who? I didn?t kill the baby. It was made out of popcorn. Popcorn baby! I need a bucket - my knuckles are melting? Man, you have got to lay off the cough syrup. Knock, knock Who?s there? Hitler Hitler who? Hitler: German, dictator, mass murderer. Little mustache? One testicle? ?HEIL ME!? Ring a bell? I thought you were someone else. How is that possible? There is only ONE HITLER! Nope. Went to school with a Nelson Hitler. You?re just trying to annoy me now. Do you really have just one testicle? You?d think I miss it, but I don?t Knock, knock Who?s there? Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. What, and that makes you special? Knock, knock Who?s there? Some. Some who? Some asshole telling you knock, knock jokes. And That's that! ^_^
  3. I have a tattoo one my shoulder. it's a dragon. i like dragon tattoos. i just like 'em. i think tattoos are great.
  4. The image is kinda dark to see, but i like the drawing. It's nice. Make the image more clearer to see next time, so I can say the prettyness of the drawing. ^_^ 7.8/10
  5. belly button piercing? I think it's okay. But i'd rather have my ears pierced than my belly button. I just don't like having a belly button ring, and i don't know why. But if you want ur belly button pierced, go ahead, it's your choice.
  6. My best SSBM fighter would be Kirby. Why you asked? It's because that Kirby is my best one and im used to playing Kirby in ssbm. I don't know why Kirby is my best fighter. I just like the techniques that Kirby has, that i just all memorized it. I never once got beaten on this game if i played Kirby.
  7. If i would have musics on my mix cd, it would be anime theme songs, the ones that i love most, and some music that i like, too, like: Linkin Park- I love some of their songs. Michelle Branch- her songs make me forget my pronlems. Evanescence- I like some of their songs. Their just cool Beyonce Knowles: Her songs makes me want to dance. And there's more that i forgot ^_^
  8. If i would date an anime character, they would be: 1. Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha): even though he is evil, i still feel something good inside him. I just love how he looks, those evil eyes, the moon in his forehead. He's just sexy. LOL ^_^ 2. Balmung (.hack): from what i read in .hack manga book (well i have only the vol. 1 of .hack//twilight ^_^;;) he looks strong, and cute ^_^. I just love how his hair looks like and his eyes too. I don't know about his personality, but i like him. 3. Li Showron (CCS)- I just LOVE whenever he blushes! ^_^ He looks so adowable whenever he does. Even though he doesn't show his feelings, he'll still protect you and stuff. I know he acts so mean sometimes but at least you hang out with a cute guy. ^_^ 4. Himura Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)- i need a guy who would protect me from evil, of course, and i think Kenshin is the giht one for that place. He's cool, brave...i don't know what else to describe him. All i can say about him is that he is awesome! 5. Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)- Kurama is so HOT! I like his good-lookings. ^_^ Especially his Hair. O.O He's also Aweseome and cute. And that's about it! o.o
  9. Well, when i was a little girl, i like barbies and i mostly play with it. The best time that me and my barbie had was when we when my dad bought me this barbie doll house. I have a 3 barbie, kelly, and ken. I was playing barbies with my cousin. We would make the dolls get married, have children, do life stuffs and well, make the dolls make out and do things, that i don't want to talk about. Me and my cousin sometimes make the dolls go in a fantasy journey, make them have magical powers and all that fantasy stuffs. It was kool. although the plays that we do with the dolls are evil. ^_^;;
  10. Yugioh became popular. And i think Pokemon became less popular? o.O That's what i've heard. I think Yugioh is okay. I like watching the episodes in TV, but i don't play the card games. ^_^;; They said it was fun playing the card game and would want to joiin the YUGIOH tournament, but I'm too busy to do that. Ya know, school work and stuffs. I also like the characters, but theres one problem about the show. I don't want yugioh fans to complain about what im going to ask, but i just want to ask this question, even though i know the answer of this... Why do they just talk and battle with their cards instead of fighting it like a man? o.O; I mean, in real life, card fighting wouldn't work. Ehh...but since its just a cartoon anime, i guess that's okay. I guess it doesn't matter. But i still like yugioh. ^_^
  11. I also like Sailor Moon, well i used to, but not anymore. It is also the first anime i've seen on TV. My fav character was Sailor Saturn. Even though she turned into an evil person, i like her still because of her nice personality. She's always quiet, friendly, nice, and sharing. I just love hher character. And the evil Saturn (I forgot her nam) She's also okay. She's pretty, but evil. ^_^
  12. I've never experience having abroken bone before. I feel soory for mme and I hope you get well soon. Every people experience injury in life. I guess I will, too, get a broken bone soon. *sigh*...But thats how life goes! GET WELL SOON!!! ^_^
  13. [size=1]I don't really much listen to love songs, but this are my old favs. My Heart Will Go On by Celine Deon - the song is really touching, it really makes me cry, especially when i watched the Titanic movie. Gone by 3 Doors Down- I'm not sure whether its a love song or not, but umm....I guess this is okay. I also like this song, but not asa much as i like the song by Celine Deon. and... Vision of Love and Love Takes Time by Mariah Carey - I just love Mriah Carey's song. I always kept singing some of her songs when I'm bored, especially the love songs. ^_^ And that's that....yep, yep![/size]
  14. Well, Teen Titans is showing in Kids' WB. I think it's a good show. They say it's an anime-like series cartoon, true? I also like the opening song of the show, it's cool. Its almost sounds like japanese. My fav. characters are Raven and Beast Boy. Beast boy is funny and Raven act so...cool. o.O
  15. The first colored drawing that i posted in otaku boards. I think this is the best one that i posted in this board...? I'm not sure. For .hack lovers, this picture ish for youz. ^_^ I just love. hack, and this character that i draw...his name is Shugo, right? Well, that's it. I'll post more later. Any comments, advice, please post. And if it needs to be rated, please do so. Thanks. ~Charmed Immortal
  16. [size=1][color=dark-blue] Heylo! I haven't been online starting when i last posted in here. Too much busy, eheh. Anywayz, I got something new to post one in this thread. It's for my school club and we really need it, since I volunteered to do the picture and all that stuff. The bird is a sign for peace. I just made the picture look simpler because of my computer is going crazy and the scratch disk is full..ugh. x.x;; But I hope this would be good. Any comments? Post it, I need tips on how I could make this pic look better, if anyone would want to post that. Rate it if you like, i don't mind. And thanks! So here's the pic...Enjoy![/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=red] Oh, cool! Chobits! ^_^ I so love chobits and seeing an artwork post in otaku boards is so cool. I love the Fanart. Would you post some more? I'll rate it, 9/10. Cool! [/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=red]Well...ehh...^_^;; I just wanted the hands in the pockets...I just saw something in my manga book and the guy has his hand in the pockets and the other hand is in the girl's shoulders. So i tried to copy it, but it doesn't look like the one on the book, but the pic turned out well. The facial expressions, i'm just used to those, drawing expression in their faces and all that. The second one, it's a wristband in the girl's hand. I saw this japanese girl with a wrist band and it looks like "a baggie of some sort", yeah. So I got the idea from her. That girl is really kool. And the hair style is from me. o.o;; I used to tie my hair like that. But that girl is not me. ^_^;;[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=red]Awww, it's so purrr-tyful! I don't know much about making banners, but i'm really sure you really do! The snow in the background looks more like...stars o.O But they're almost look like snow. That's good. There's nothing wrong with the avatar. The banner...it's okay but...what's something on the background in the right? o.O Is it an eye or something? It looks like it is something...I dunno what it is. So here's your rating... 9.8/10 Awesome job! Especially your avatar ^_^[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=red]I'll go with .hack, Cowboy Bebop, and Dual!'s opening theme. I love their opening and it makes me sing or hum along the song (even though i don't know how to sing it because it's in japanese x.x). I just don't like depressing songs for the opening theme. It just makes me feel boring. But sometimes I like it cuz it fits with the anime. So...i guess...it depends.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1] I wish I could make a banner like that. Not like mines(The banner below). I like the person with the costume. Very...halloween-ish. ^_^;; I wonder where they get those pictures. It's really kool! i'll rate it... 9.5/10![/size]
  22. [size=1]Well, I'm going to be a gothic maid. I'm gonna wear a maid dress, and the skirt is gonna be short like a mini skirt is. Stockings is white with black stripes and black shoes with heels. And i'm gonne be holding a broom. My hair...well, i'm gonna dye some strands of my hair white and grey and the rest are black. Woo! I'm dressing like this at my Halloween School Dance. It's gonna be fun! ^_^[/size]
  23. yay! me finally scanned another picture. +.+ At last... Well, I was busy writing my fanfic and doing homework and stuff. And still, i haven't been trying to draw on a blank paper. I still draw in line paper. It's all my fault. I too lazy to get a blank paper in my dad's office room. x.x;; Oh, yeah! I need Opinions please! And rate, if you like. Thankies! Also, I hope ya'll would like this one...Enjoyz!
  24. [size=1] Ohh kool...That's a nice webdesign....but...can you make the message a little bit more clearer? o.O I like the rest. It's kool. Especially having Inuyasha! I love Inuyasha! ^_^[/size]
  25. [size=1]Aha! The new banner sucked, i know. T.T But I'm trying my best. Anyways, i just got a new drawing. Still i haven't done my drawings in a blank paper after i posted the Bulma pic, but oh well, I'll try...and um...work it out. So...this picture is romantic. Just guess what it is, before you click on the attachment or just click it if you dont want to guess what it is. This is the first time I draw this kinda picture so, if it's not good, please don't get mad. ^_^; So here's the pic....[/size]
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