[size=1]Hello, I'm new here in this site and I hope I am welcome to be here. ^_^
So here i go with the topic...
I started school on August 26, and ya, since school starts I was very busy. I got new teachers, friends, heavy books to carry, and stuffs. But even though i met new people, I never want to talk to them. I just want to be alone for a while until I got my first report card. The only thing that worries me is what I'm going to get in my report card when they start sending it to us.
To me, U.S. History is difficult, especially the teacher is trying to be difficult with lessons and projects. But the good thing about class is that you get to do the same thing every single day. It's not a really good thing, but a boring one too. The teacher makes you take notes everyday in this section and that chapter, blah blah blah...whatever! I got sick of it! and tired of it! But at least I participate, and never once say a word to anyone excpet when the teacher talks to me. So I guess I was the most quiet one in class.
After a month, the school starts sending our report cards, and I was excited and worried about it. I can't sleep at night, can't think, can't eat, and all that. I don't know why, but i think because I was worried that I might get a lower grade. But so what? i really don't care whether it's low or whatever it is, average, or high. I just want to know what my grades are.
Yesterday afternoon, I finally received my report card. And guess what? I got a A for English Literature, another A for Math, an A for Science, and a B for Physical Education, and none for Service (They don't give you a grade in Service and that's kool!). P.E. was okay that I got a B on it, it's just that I can't run too much laps that they tell us. But whatever, it's just P.E. and all you gotta do was exercise and all that stuffs.
My U.S. History grade was HORROR! Yea..it was. -.-
That teacher gave me a C and a low participation. o.O
How did I get a low participation if I never talk to my classmates?
All my grades in my quizzes are high enough to achieve an A for my report card. God! what's wrong with this teacher..-.-,
Ever had this problem in life? If so, share it by posting in this thread.
( I'm sorry for making this long. ^_^;..It's just that I'm used to this. Thnx. ) [/size]