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[COLOR=#CCCCCC][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#aaaaaa]OOC: [/color] ?Subtle? hints seem to be the way to go, eh? ?Talon!? The youth?s voice was distant, leagues away. ?Talon! Snap out of it.? His assistant, Tomas, brought the shop flooding back. Freed Talon from his troubled thoughts. It had been a long time since he?d seen the ancient draconic script, longer since he had had to translate it. ?Yes, yes.? He collected his senses and turned to his store. ?What is it?? The youth was nervous, fidgeting under his employer?s glare. The patrons had slackened but the store was still busier than it had ever been, at least since he could remember. The festival wasn?t to start for another four days, and already they were run off their feet. ?What did they want?? Talon couldn?t escape the odd sense that of ordering a man no less than a year his junior, but that wasn?t unusual. ?Nothing.? He replied simply and headed for the cluttered desks of the backroom. Pausing at the door, he explained: ?I?ve work to do, attend the store. Close early if you must.? No patron had ever seen the backroom, even Tomas had been barred, until recently; he still wasn?t sure enough to touch its venerable wares. No this was his room, his refuge from the outside, when everything was too much. This was his treasury, his secret store of items deemed to valuable to sell, unleash among the unwary eyes of the public. After several moments of browsing the great dusty stacks of books, Talon picked the one he needed, the one he had mentioned to the girls. Their visit had reminded him of the time before he had the store, when he was free to wander the lands surrounding Glen Haven; to converse with the dragons, to learn their hidden arts and tongue. The storeowner hadn?t been entirely truth full with Terra, he knew enough of the ancient tongue to know the information she carried shouldn?t be borne lightly. He had hesitated because he wasn?t sure she was ready, wasn?t sure what it was she carried. But now he sat at his dusty old desk, among his dusty old books, pouring over ancient history books and archaic tongues. He would learn the mysteries of the Winged Sovereign, a legend he was becoming increasingly familiar with, and then he would decide just how much Terra should know. [/font][/size][/color]
[COLOR=#CCCCCC][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The package sent small blooms of dust billowing through the air as it thudded to the table, still squirming. Talon had spent most of his morning explaining exotic intricacies to clueless customers; this delivery would make for a welcome relief. He couldn?t help but chuckle at the young mailman, still counting from the bag of small golden coins, as he crossed back into the front room of the Curiosity Shop. Athen was one of the stores regulars, as most of the mages in Glen Haven were, and one of Talon?s favorites. He had a new story to tell every time he came in, an occurrence growing more and more common with the development of his skills. ?Will that be all sir??: a formality as his patron made for the door. ?Not today sir.? Once again, Talon couldn?t help but laugh at the man?s mocking tone, unsure as to why, as usual. Knowing it wouldn?t be long before his next customer sought refuge from the bustling masses of the Town Square, Talon retreated to the backroom. It was cluttered and far dustier than the rest of the store, but he was comfortable amongst its many desks, perhaps one too many, each more cluttered then the last. It would be a long wait for the sun to fall, until he could investigate his newest addition. With a sigh he dropped to the only desk free enough to work on in the room. He tried to keep it clear, clear enough for his inks and imported nibs. It was at this desk he kept the books, sorted the papers for the store. At this desk he translated his ancient wears, traded one aging script for another. Glen Haven wasn?t a particularly diverse town when it came to the ancient arts. Its magicks were new, its people and culture newer still. He was grateful for his heritage, proud of his skills with forgotten lore, ancient magicks. Musing over his newest bundle of scrolls, imported from the south, the youth had forgotten the store, left a fresh cluster of bewildered customers to browse his world of oddities unguided. A shrill scream brought him back to reality, running to the front room. A young woman had wandered in from the street, accompanied by and equally youthful and boisterous man, unaware of her suddenly unique surroundings. The Curiosity Shop, the only store in town where a table would squabble with a passerby or a pouch could swallow an unwanted hand. This particular incident wasn?t anymore unusual than the rest, no less amusing to the youthful shopkeeper either. Caught between a pair of gossiping tables, one discussing the weather, the other complaining of the one before, the young woman was fighting desperately to free a cluster of brightly colored, shrieking feathers from her long golden hair. Her partner had turned a brilliant shade of red and dropped to the ground in hysterics, accompanied by several of the tables? chairs. ?May I help you ma?am?? He couldn?t help but laugh, as usual. Perhaps that was where the store?s reputation came from. [/font][/size][/color]
[COLOR=#ffffff][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#300EC4]OOC:[/color] Jeans! Jeans! We can?t have denim in a medieval style setting, lol. Ohkami, this color thing is just a table. The code for it?s here. [color=#300EC4]Afternoon[/color] The post office was quiet, as usual, when Athen returned for a fresh batch of letters. He was left surprised by the lack of fresh deliveries, especially this time of the year. With a sigh he headed back into the bustling Town Square, at least now he would have time to browse the stalls while he chased the last of his failed deliveries. While most of Glen Haven?s streets were yet to experience the annual deluge of eager stall owners accompanied by their exotic, and often pungent, merchandise the Town Square had already fallen to a myriad of stalls. Spread across two levels, an upper where the clock tower, Curiosity Shop, and numerous food stores surrounded a luscious garden, complete with a twelve-foot fountain fashioned in memory of a triumvirate of ancient dragons. The lower consisted of a large paved courtyard, dotted with small clusters of dazzling flowers and benches, where couples often sat in the crisp evening air. This lower level connected the town?s heart to the ever-flowing streets and was always the site for the festival, despite the increasing clutter of stalls and merchants every year. Glen Haven?s only blacksmith could be heard from here. But only when it was early or late, before the crowds filled the square and the babbling din could be heard many streets over. Athen enjoyed listening to the rhythmic clashes on the anvil, from a distance, where the metallic smells of the forge couldn?t assault his nose, and the harsh crashing wouldn?t echo through his ears. It took several minutes to cross the town to the smithy?s forge, several more for the aging artisan to realize his company. Unusual as it was for him to be working in this hour, he was focused on the job at hand. ?Monty my man.? The grisly resident greeted Athen. He wasn?t exactly sure why he called him Monty, something he inherited from his father. ?What ?ave yer for me today?? He placed the hammer on the flat of the anvil, beside the glowing steel. The youth knew he would have had a hard enough time lifting the tool, let alone forging works as eloquent as the smithy?s. ?A letter sir.? He retrieved it from his canvas carrier bag as he spoke. ?From the west. Not often we receive letters from the west.? He continued his train of thought out loud as he delivered the mail. ?Thanks lad. But I?d best finish tis ?ere brace before I open it.? Athen noticed his patron?s work for the first time. It was a decorated brace for one of the dozens banners that would cover the town in coming weeks. Several more had been stacked against each of the workshops cluttered walls. ?Can yer jus? leave it on ter bench o? there.? Athen said his fair well and left the letter amongst the tools as he left. Freed from the acrid air of the forge he reached into the carrier bag for his next delivery. Heading back towards the Tea Kettle the mailman sighed. It was a shame Glen Haven was void of weapon smiths, the journey her had undergone to secure his punching daggers had been quite and experience, a break from the mediocrity that never seemed to change within town. Even the festival was starting to lose its appeal, the annual event that had dragged him through his childhood, simply because it was different to every other day. The mailman was lost in the past when he tripped through the front door of the tavern. The ground just outside the door had been churned up, sunken in several patches, a sure sign of a larger visitor to the establishment. ?Twice in one day. Some ting must really ?ave yer down.? Otik laughed as Athen ordered another mug of milk. ?Nah, just figured someone?s got to keep you in business.? Athen laughed as the keep fetched the urn. The Tea Kettle?s populace had more then doubled since his visit this morning, and most of them were the usual flow of regulars, but there was many a foreign face amongst the crowd. ?Don?t suppose you?ve seen Seuneu around?? He queried Otik as he returned with the drink. ??fraid not.? Athen sighed at the response. Seuneu was one of the hardest people to find Glen Haven. ?But he don? come in ?ere much anyways.? ?I suppose not.? Athen swept the crowd of faces as he spoke, he didn?t have mail for any of them. ?They could make my job a little easier though. You know, follow me around or something.? He laughed one last time before downing the remnants of his milk and disappearing back into the street. [/font][/size][/color]
[COLOR=#ffffff][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#300EC4]OOC: [/color] Starting to make a habit of being late aren?t I? Anyways, this post starts just before Ohkami?s first, in the predawn hours, and finishes at noon the same day. Which, as far as I can tell, is not up to date with the thread?s chronology; I will add another post tomorrow to bring it up to speed. I?ve also made some changes to my characters; you can see them in the recruitment thread. My apologies for my lateness and the above rambling. Please let me know if the colors of my posts are too hard to read, I?m not really good at judging that myself? [color=#300EC4]IC:[/color] [color=#300EC4]Predawn[/color] Having washed and dressed, Athen sat on the end of his bed. A weak flame swirled through the air, bathing the small room with its flickering warmth. The mailman had grown accustomed to his magick?s light, the luminance he had once found eerie. Tightening the buckles on his boots Athen jumped to his feet, clawing the air with his hands one last time before heading down stairs, the gentle sphere bobbing loosely after him. The mailman tiptoed down the stairs and made his way into the inn?s kitchen. As usual he found his breakfast piled neatly on the bench in the center of the musky room. Unlike most of the establishment?s patrons, Athen was not required to pay for it?s services and got on well enough with the inn?s owner to organize a simple meal at this ridiculous hour. Refreshed, fed and generally content Athen Faremont locked the front door behind him, his sphere the only source of light in the small village. Pausing to look at the creaking wooden sign he couldn?t help but smirk, he was surprised he still found the owner?s play on words humorous after so many visits. He was smiling broadly by the time he reached the road leading to Glen Haven, the Don?t Go Inn disappearing over the horizon. [color=#300EC4]Dawn[/color] It took two and a half hours to jog from the Don?t Go Inn to The Tea Kettle, a journey Athen made at least once a day, often wondering why the service didn?t employ dragons or even horses. Crowned in its glory the eastern horizon disappeared behind the mailman?s back as he returned to Glen Haven. The post office was nestled in a corner of the Town Square, between the clock tower and Mr. Vicecourt?s shop, it could be reached from anywhere in the city in a few minutes. A small fire was on the hearth inside, the postmaster dozing in a nearby chair. He had arrived several hours before Athen, as he always did. Careful not to wake his employer the young mailman made his way to the inbox to collect yester evening?s mail, there wasn?t anything to return this time; something unusual. Ten minutes later he was back outside, heading to the first of many mailboxes dotted around the city, knowing the weight of his carrier bag would increase with each one. Three collections later the sun was starting to climb and Athen decided to begin his deliveries; it was easier to reach some people earlier rather than later. [color=#300EC4]A Bright New Day[/color] The sky was clear, the morning air fresh, and Athen was well into his deliveries when he came to the temple. Terra, a well-known resident, had been sent a letter this morning. It was from another province, the envelope was made from an exotic grass paper and covered in a gold print, many of whose characters Athen was unable to read. Somebody had deposited it in a mailbox in the eastern quarter of the town, probably another mailman to lazy to try and find the post office. ?Excuse me.? Athen found an elderly priest in one of the building?s numerous halls, this one seemed grander than the rest though and had a small fountain off to one side. ?I?m looking for somebody by the name of Terra, she is usually here at this time.? ?I?m sorry but you?ve just missed her, she had business to attend.? The sage replied politely. ?Is it urgent?? The elderly man?s demeanor eased Athen?s hesitations: ?No. But do you know where I might find her?? The old man paused in thought. ?I?m afraid not, she didn?t really say where she was going.? ?Thank you, and should you see her first please tell her she has a letter waiting at the post office.? With that he bid the temple farewell and continued his deliveries. The next was to Otik, owner of The Tea Kettle, a man Athen got along with quite well. The air was fresh as he headed back into the heart of Glen Haven, fresh enough to slacken the mailman?s usually brisk pace. By now the merchants had set up their stalls and a small crowd was growing in the streets, as the town?s visitors did each day the festival drew closer. Exchanging a pair of jin for a luscious apple Athen took his time, something else he didn?t usually do. A soft jingle and he was inside the building?s dank but cozy confines. The slowest part of the day for fresh business the inn?s staff was busy tending to the needs of their various tenants. Finding a stool at the bar Athen waited for Otik to appear before ordering his usual mug of warm milk. ?We?ll be damned ter day yer don? come in ?ere and order yer milk.? The burly tender poured Athen his milk while he spoke, leaning on the bench before continuing. ?Anyting ?appening out in ter world?? ?Not really. Everyone?s pretty quiet, else they?re heading this way for the festival.? The mailman paused, turning his attention to the cooling mug in front of him. ?Got a letter for you actually.? Withdrawing the letter a little too pretentiously Athen wavered it in front of his friend?s face. ?But first you got help me find this guy.? Otik raised an eyebrow at the mailman?s remark; it was unusual for him to withhold mail from any patron of the service. ?Well, well. Someone finally go? ter beat?? Otik smirked, leaning across the bar at escape his tenant?s prying ears. ?Who yer ?ter?? ?Name on the package is Aleks. Haven?t been able find him though, best I got was he?s in the area.? Athen shifted the letter over and over in his hands. It was simple, as far as letters go, plain parchment envelope sealed with wax and an insignia. The signature itself wasn?t unusual but it was one that no one in the postal service was familiar with. A pair of dragons tangled around each other, fighting, with a broad sword stamped on top of them. Besides this the name Aleks was all that adorned the container, its paper had begun to yellow with age, this letter had been in circulation for a long time. ?I couldn?t return it to the sender if I wanted to. Nobody knows who it is. So I figure I had better deliver it.? ?I?m sorry mat? but I don? know ?ho this Alek guy is. Be sure ter keep an eye out for ?im though.? Athen smiled and downed the last of his milk before saying: ?Looks like I?m going to have to find myself a new ?trafficker? of information.? [color=#300EC4]Noon[/color] It was a warm day in Glen Haven, the number of stalls growing with the day, especially around the Town Square. Athen knew there would be many times the amount there were now once the festival began. Everybody was looking forward to it, but that wasn?t anything unusual. ?Morning Mr. Vicecourt.? The mailman greeted The Curiosity Shop?s owner as he entered. He always enjoyed delivering the weirdly shaped, and often heavy, packages to the store. It was surprising some of the things Vicecourt had delivered by mail, and there was always something new lining the walls or heavy oaken shelves. Today?s package came as a rather large pyramid. It wasn?t particularly heavy but it wouldn?t fit in the carrier bag, the postbox too apparently as it was taken straight to the office, and Athen had had to carry the awkward thing between the two; thankful it wasn?t far. It wasn?t really the shape of the parcel that made it difficult to carry. But rather it behavior: it wriggled and squirmed whenever it was moved, even screamed as it was brought between the two buildings. ?I believe its noon sir.? The lean man said with a smirk. ?Is that for me?? He nodded towards the package. ?Sure is.? Athen tore his eyes away from the walls. ?It screamed on the way over, I hope I didn?t do something to it.? He eased it onto the counter, surprised to hear it purring. ?No, no. I think it should be quite all right; it?s just not too fond of sunlight. That?s all.? Talon couldn?t help but chuckle as he answered. It was hard to believe the mailman was only a year younger than him. ?Are you looking for anything else today then sir?? Athen paused at the shopkeeper?s cocked eyebrow. ?Actually, I could use some more spell components.? He?d forgotten just how often he came in here, just how many mages came in here to replenish their magical supplies. ?It must be good, not having very much competition I mean.? He watched Talon come around the counter and cross to a nearby shelf as he spoke. ?Yes, but it?s a rather particular clientele if you know what I mean.? He snatched up a small pouch, answering the regular off handedly as he went. ?Still practicing those elemental spells?? He continued the conversation as he brought the pouch back to the counter. ?Yeah, my fire sphere has come a long way. It?s good not having to rely on lanterns all the time. Saves me a fortune in oil too.? He laughed and fumbled for his money pouch, remembering just how little he knew of the keep?s talents. ?That?ll be sixteen jin.? Talon dropped the small bag to the counter, before carrying the still squirming package into the storeroom. As usual it took the mailman sometime to count out the money, he didn?t seem too fond of having to deal with numbers. A trait the shopkeeper found most amusing, especially in a mailman. [/font][/size][/color]
[COLOR=#ffffff][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#300EC4]Name:[/color] Athen Faremont [color=#300EC4]Age:[/color] 19 [color=#300EC4]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#300EC4]Occupation:[/color] Merchant/Mage [color=#300EC4]Weapons:[/color] Staff - Finely crafted and wrought from Dashiirm, a rare wood, Athen uses it for his spells and combat alike [color=#300EC4]Appearance:[/color] At 5' 9" Athen has a lean, athletic build and is proud of his physical condition. His sandy blond hair falls just past his shoulders but is usually tied back with a thin piece of silk ribbon. Normally clad in rich greys or greens Athen uses black to accentuate his features, particularly his teal eyes. [color=#300EC4]Personality:[/color] Born into a wealthy merchant family Athen began life regimented within the world's tight class system. With time, however, and much to the disgust of his family Athen grew closer to nature and the world around him. Now he has a friendly demeanour but is often too shy to approach people, rathering they initiate contact with him. [color=#300EC4]History:[/color] Athen's family dictated the people he associated with and most the views of those he didn't throughout his childhood. It wasn't until the age of ten, when his affinity for nature became apparent, the youth's outlook changed. At his father's request Athen often found himself running errands in them more rustic countryside surrounding Glen Haven. Here the fledgling Merchant revelled in the world around him; straying from his errands Athen eventually became more estranged from his family. It wasn't until his fifthteen year Athen discovered his ability to summon the world's energies to manipulate his surroundings and animals within them. Apparently less powerful then kindred mages, Athen has never been able to summon creatures from remote locations as others can. But he has a stronger grasp on the world around him. In recent months Athen has had to cope with the loss of his father, the last of his family, and the responsibilities of his inherited business. Now he runs a small shop in the heart of Glen Haven specializing in the sale of rare and exotic items, particularly those used in potent magicks. [color=#300EC4]Magical Abilities:[/color] Control of the Elements - While he isn't nearly as skilled as a majority of mages wandering the world Athen has developed some rudimentary skills in the manipulation of the four elements comprising Gaia, these being Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Influence Animals - Athen more then makes up for his lack of elemental manipulation with his ability to persuade animals to help or otherwise perform errands for him. This ability only influences creatures native to Gaia, those heralding another plane are not effected by Athen's talent. Plant Puppetry - There is no barrier between Athen and plants, as there is with animals. The young mage has developed the ability to take control of nearby plants and cause them to grow or shrivel, leaving any witnesses with the impression of 'living' or writhing plants. Thanks Ohkami, here's the other character... [color=#300EC4]Name:[/color] Talon Vicecourt [color=#300EC4]Age:[/color] 16 [color=#300EC4]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#300EC4]Occupation:[/color] Glen Haven Mail Carrier [color=#300EC4]Weapons:[/color] Punching Daggers - Talon carries a pair of these weapons and has trained in using them simultaneously. Each weapon consists of two parallel blades seperated by a gap roughly an inch wide, intended to catch an oppenent's weapon in place of a shield. Both daggers retract into a pair of heavy steel gauntlets. [color=#300EC4]Appearance:[/color] With a lean build Talon stands at 5' 7" and is obviously fit. He wears his black hair short. He has blue-green eyes and can usually be found in a loose fitting tunic and breeches. In addition to his durable teal on white clothes Glen Haven's mailman always carries a large canvas bag slung over his shoulder, he uses this to store packages en route. [color=#300EC4]Personality:[/color] A little quircky but othrewise friendly Talon is well known, and loved, throughout Glen Haven. Required to travel from the very heart of the city to the most desolate reaches of the lands that surround it the youth knows the realm's geography better than most. He is committed to his job and is more then willing to go to extreme lengths to deliver the mail he is assigned. [color=#300EC4]History:[/color] With an uneventful childhood Talon moved to Glen Haven at the age of twelve, deciding to travel after his parent's early death. It wasn't long before he joined the Glen Haven mail service, quickly becoming one of the town's most liked servicemen. Throughout his career Talon has learned the layout of Glen Haven and its surrounding lands better than most. He occasionally employs his abilities as a guide to travellers in the region, so long as it does not disrupt his duties to Glen Haven's mailing service. I can't wait until we start, I can also play another character of two should anyone feel we need them. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] While the machine was still unable to fully grasp the concept of time it knew such a thing was critical in accurately conveying its records to another being, though it could not fathom why such a thing should ever be necessary. The extermination of the remaining members of the Cogito line was its sole purpose, its reason for existing, yet it had failed in every sense, it could find no trace of its brethren. Three hundred and fifty four miles from sentient life, Cogito lowered its agile form to the dusty confines of another cave. Of late desert had proved the most effective place to go unnoticed, especially with all the political strife plaguing the ?planet?; another concept the machine was having trouble understanding? ?Sergeant.? Athen froze to Talon?s icy voice. ?Everything is in order?? The subordinate turned to meet his commander. ?All is in order, sir.? Athen stood fast and saluted his commander, bemused by such a foolish tradition; as usual men were carrying it out in mid stride as they hurried passed. ?I am on my way to question the last hostile now.? ?Is she a suspect of today?s attempt?? Talon?s countenance changed little as he spoke, it had taken the sergeant quite sometime to grow accustom to the man?s striking demeanor. ?No, she is being held for her connection to the Tai-pan.? Athen couldn?t help but feel satisfied by the Commander?s reaction to the name. ?Will that be all sir?? ?Yes, that is all Sergeant.? With that Athen continued along the corridor. Punishment would be severe were it interrupted again. Senator Moloch groaned as he flopped heavily back into his seat. The sprawling roads of Prentice flowed thick with steady streams of traffic even before the assassination attempt, the Domo Faction roadblocks had done little to alleviate the congestion. ?You no longer require my services.? Vici metallic voice confirmed Moloch?s statement, the tiny speaker doing little to change the machine?s voice. The Senator replied: ?That is correct. The Faction had arranged for tighter security, I no longer need your services.? The aging man paused, his attention stolen by the youths of a nearby vehicle. ?Your pay will be transferred into the arranged accounts by tomorrow.?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Athen turned from the tele-com confused, he couldn?t reason why his subordinates had allowed the call to get to him, Domo Faction?s officers weren?t expected to listen to the public?s psychotic trash. ?Sorry to keep you waiting.? He said coolly as he returned to the interrogation room. Michi more then a little cold, he hopped the break would have given her sometime to reflect on her situation. ?Apparently, I?ve nothing better to do then listen to some nut-job looking for his watch.? The Sergeant took a seat as he spoke. Michi had tensed at his words but he decided to make nothing of it. Athen?s brow furrowed as he paged through the file sitting on the dusty desk in front of him, there was a surprising lack of information on Ms. Hyobanshi. ?Were you here with the Tai-pan?? After a long silence she replied: ?You know of him?? She seemed a little uneasy with this development, as far as she knew the Domo Faction was completely unaware of her employer. ?Yes, we know of a lot of things.? Athen couldn?t help but smile as he replied, the public knew so little about the Domo Faction it was almost humorous. ?But you still haven?t answered my question Ms. Hyobanshi.? Michi tensed once more, few people knew of the Tai-pan and fewer still knew her full name; this officer simply knew too much. Unable to fathom a better response the young woman simply replied with ?Yes.? The Sergeant nodded a curt acknowledgement before continuing through the document. ?Yes, your family has had a lot to do with our organization. But surely you would know all about their untimely demise.? Athen was careful to gauge what little response the prisoner gave. ?What business did the Tai-pan have here?? He asked softly. Several hours after the assassination attempt, Vici was among the few beings left inside the auditorium. When the general public had been questioned the facility had been sealed to all but the Domo Faction personnel authorized to enter. The machine had managed to gain entry using Senator Moloch?s key card, the old fool was far too trusting. Going unnoticed 0100100-XX7 was systematically searching the boxes one by one. After planting the sniper rifle, complete with a new set of fingerprints, the machine had carried out a scan on the building, discovering an abnormal resonance on the upper levels it had decided investigate more fully. This was the last of the thirteen legible observation booths. After several moments of stillness it crossed to one of several empty seats and collected a small metallic object. Proceeding with a more specialized scan. the machine confirmed its suspicions and began an immediate transmission to Robotica. A set of, what most would consider, advanced design schematics were hidden inside the watch. Moments later Vici crushed the pointless ornament; the device dubbed ?The X-Factor? was Robotica?s and Robotica?s alone.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?Halt!? Michi tensed as a Domo corporal crossed the hall, three men trailing behind. ?This level has been locked down miss, I?m afraid you?ll have to return to your booth or join the rest of the public in the auditorium.? Michi didn?t reply; she simply tightened her grip on the elegant hilt of her sword. ?And if I don?t?? She cocked an eyebrow as she spoke. ?I will be forced to detain you.? The corporal shifted the weight in anticipation as he spoke; he could see this woman was not going to come with them quietly. ?Hardly.? Michi grunted as she drew her weapon. A maelstrom of skillfully balanced death, Michi whirled around the bewildered men. The corporal looked down at his missing arm in shock, his men hit the ground one after the other, each clutching at the warming holes in their chest. Regaining her composer Michi cocked her head and said: ?It?s nothing personal, you understand.? With that she turned to the corridor, into the barrel of Captain Austin Hartmore?s pistol. ?He may but I do not.? ?You will soon enough.? Michi shifted her hand about the weight of her sword, preparing for the next onslaught. Austin smiled in reply, the crisp folds of his uniform hardly moved with the cocking of his head. Michi whirled around, certain she had taken the Domo officer by surprise. Her blade came up short, leaving her just enough time to realize her mistake. The Captain, standing behind her, slammed his elbow into the young woman?s face, relieving her of her feet as he did. Michi hit the ground hard. Slamming a securing foot atop the assassin?s blade Austin leveled his pistol with her face, offering his free hand: ?Shall we.? Michi sighed and let go of her blade; she could hear several dozen men sprinting down the corridor already. Austin pulled the woman to her feet and fitted a pair of restraining cuffs. ?Was that really necessary Sergeant?? A captain questioned Athen nervously. The pair was standing in a small observation room several blocks from the Auditorium; the interrogations had begun some time ago. Though most were to be carried out in the facility the hostile ones were brought here, one of The Domo Faction?s stations littering Prentice. ?Yes, I will not take anymore risks Captain.? Athen watched the young woman as he spoke; she was huddled in one of the corners of the adjoining room, trying to keep warm. ?Have he clothes burnt and her weapons moved to lock up.? The Sergeant snatched a bundle of a bench and entered the room. Michi glared at him as he came in, he simply threw the bundle at the woman and waited for her to get dressed, politely diverting his eyes but careful not to lose sight of her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Things couldn?t have been better. The Commander?s double was dead on the stage and the crowd was welling in the auditorium?s confines, held fast be the masses of Domo troops swarming around the exits. Sergeant Fairmount had sprinted onto the stage and was shouting commands across the sound system. 0100100-XX7 turned from its booth, the senator had never arrived, undoubtedly delayed by vehicular malfunctions. Priming it blaster the robot sprinted down the corridor and vaulted out the window, it wouldn?t have long to reach the assassin?s crash site, and it had to ensure it got there before the Domo Faction did. Hesitating with the anticipation of hostilities the machine recomposed itself in the dusty street before switching to its hover mode, a far more effective means of travel. ?I regret to inform you, each and everyone of you are under arrest. You are to return to your seats and wait further instructions. No one will be permitted to leave until the perpetrator of this failed assassination is exposed.? The crowd was starting to return to its seats as the Sergeant informed them of the situation, several gasped as the heavy mass that many had thought to be Commander Talon clambered to its feet, the synthesis-plate falling from its face to reveal Vedi model robot. Athen turned from the stage and returned to his commander, ?Are you sure you want to continue?? The Sergeant?s countenance was riddled with concern as he spoke. ?I mean, don?t you think it?s a little dangerous?? ?That is why I must wait, Sergeant.? Talon replied, scanning the enclosed corridor as he spoke. ?Once we have our own snipers in the assassin?s post we will begin the press conference. I believe our guests will need some reassurance in the mean time, make sure they don?t get too restless.? With that he left Athen to the crowd, following his retinue back into the wispy confines of the ?cloak? room. The small gray disc-structure on Chasity?s glider when unnoticed, it dual purpose was critical to Robotica?s designs and would surely succeed. As the glider moved further into the desert the small device began to resonate, a pitch explicitly intended for Robotica?s sensors only, it was impossible for a biological being to hear, until it was too late. Well into the desert, keen on a safe escape, Chasity was aghast to hear the bomb?s high-pitch shriek, distraught with the impending doom. 0100100-XX7 had made good time through Prentice and had already achieved a visual by the time the glider exploded, its occupant flung violently into the sands below. The robot hastened to her body, ?surprised? to discover her alive. The young woman was unconscious but alive and her life was more beneficial then her death so Vici afforded it to her, its goal was the sniper rifle used for the assassination, it was necessary to frame the crime?s to be perpetrator. And it was gone, leaving human alone in the dust.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The auditorium was filling quickly, a sweeping stadium bristling with row upon row of chairs, crowned with the regal grays of the Domo Faction curtains lining the private booths at the top of the stands. An unequalled security force patrolled the facility, the best the faction had to offer, each member briefed and cautious. 0100100-XX7 was pleased; an unarranged assassination would be impossible, and the Righteous Lightning?s lackey occupied the only unguarded position suitable for the task. The evening?s events would further Robotica?s designs immensely. ?The booth has been secured. When might we expect you?? The machine was deadly still, unnoticed amidst the booths heavy dressings. Its internal communication systems were some of the best available and had proved their use time and time again recently. ?I?ve been delayed somewhat Vici, I?m not sure I?ll be able to get there before noon.? Senator Moloch?s voice came weakly to the robot, his poor connection giving way to rifts of static. ?I shall continue to hold your booth for you then?? Vici continued its charade, miming the human behaviors expected of such a situation. ?If you wouldn?t mind.?? Sergeant Athen Fairmount dashed along the corridors, Commander Talon was due at the facility within three hours, and he had a lot to organize. ?Daniels, take the lower levels, I want five units at positions six through nine.? The Sergeant called over his shoulder as he ran, his retinue splitting away with every order. ?Phillips, I want you on the wings, there are to be no less then four men at on every level. Hartmore, I want snipers in every booth and at least two guards by every door.? Peeling away from his officer Austin jogged up the auditorium?s stairs, hastening through the facility?s upper levels, there were four in all. ?Sir.? A young corporal greeted him as he slipped into the covered walkways. ?Our orders?? He continued, matching the Captain?s pace. ?I want a pair of snipers in every booth, Units three and four are to brought up to patrol the corridors.? He slowed to a walk as they reached the plush carpeting of the up most level. ?What of unit one?? The young man stumbled over the question; the Captain knew he was asking out of sheer curiosity. ?We will be running security on the booths corporal.? His eyes warmed with a smile as he spoke. ?Units five and six are to guard entrances to the upper levels, I want a minimum of two men on every door.? After a brief salute his subordinate sprinted down the hall, the Captain checked his weapon and headed for the booths. His unit would me him there soon enough.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Mariangela Lean was thankful she had been on patrol as she jogged to the assembly; half dressed men and women were stumbling out of their tents all over the place, their eyes groggy with sleep. Coming to the center of the encampment she joined her comrades milling around the officer?s stage. Captain Hartmore was already well into his speech, unshaven but alert. ?As you are undoubtedly aware, Commander Talon will be appearing to the public for the first time in three days from now.? He paused, waiting for the last stragglers to join the sea of men and women below. ?In light of recent Righteous Lightning activity, The Administration has ordered sixteen of our units move to Prentice to bolster its security. Units one through twelve and units twenty-one through twenty-four are to prepare for immediate departure. All others are to remain here and continue the clean up operation under the orders of Lieutenant Horesely. Dismissed.? The Captain saluted his men then turned to join the rest of his officers, undoubtedly discussing their tactics for Prentice. ?It is done.? 2010020-YX2 approached Vici?s shrouded form. ?The assassin is in place, the Righteous Lightning cell is knows nothing.? Both machines scanned their surroundings as they spoke, each carefully flipping through various spectrums to ensure there were no ?cloaked? beings nearby. ?You are to proceed with your subterfuge then. Once the Righteous Lightning?s assassination attempt fails cease your current mission and return to Robotica, do as much damage to the cell as possible at this time.? With that the machines turned and parted, each more aware of its purpose then any being born before them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?Typical.? Captain Hartmore arrived to find his office empty; the administration with his commander?s apologizes. As usual the meeting with his superiors had been pushed to one side, the result of another dozen errands, no doubt, they were all more important than a tactile brief. Deciding to make the best of it Austin slumped into his chair and began on reading through the unit reports of the days events. There were thirty-six in all and it was quite some time before he reached unit twelve?s report, he was reading this when the Commander?s men arrived. ?Captain.? Athen addressed Hartmore courtly as he strode into the dingy field office. Austin was not more then a year shy of the Sergeant yet he failed to compare to his officer?s finely tuned physique. ?I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Command had some trouble securing your orders.? He slapped a fist into the heavy plate on his chest as he spoke, a motion mimed by his brethren. ?Perfectly understandable sir.? Austin sank back into the well-worn chair was he spoke. There he sat attentively, preparing himself for his next assignment, whatever that may be. ?Today was a success then?? The sergeant made little effort to conceal his feigned interest; both men knew he had been informed of all he needed to know. ?Completely. There were no noticeable disturbances and the men are in good spirits.? Hartmore paused, a flicker of doubt shading his unshaven visage. ?Although, Unit Twelve?s report has proven most curious.? Raising an eyebrow the sergeant replied: ?How so?? After another pause Austin continued, ?They claim the last of the Righteous Lightning rebels were dead when they arrived.? Athen?s brow furrowed in uncertainty, realizing his lack of explanation the captain was quick to continue. ?These rebels were the last members of the cell The Commander ordered eradicated from Heirashii. They had managed to barricade themselves on the top level of the building. When Unit Twelve arrived they found all them dead, no other unit reports killing them.? The room was silent in the briefest of pauses before Athen said: ?I doubt it is anything to worry about Captain. It?s probably just a mistake in the paperwork. We have far more pressing issues to deal with at the moment.? Austin raised an eyebrow, hoping he wasn?t about to be left in the dark as usual. ?You are to relocate half you units to Prentice to strengthen the city?s garrison. The Commander?s press conference, two days from now, is expected to draw out numerous Righteous Lightning cells. I want to ensure he is given as much protection as possible.? With that he rose to his feet, saluted the captain, and left. Austin sighed and slumped back into his chair, pushing aside the mission reports he began sifting through assignment allocation data sheets, intent on sending his best men to Prentice.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Heirashii couldn?t have been more different from its former self. It had been a bustling trade city, a churning mass of bubbling people and eager merchants. But that had all changed with The Domo Faction?s discovery of the Righteous Lightning cells. Busy nightclubs and elegant theatres alike had fallen to the curfew, The Faction?s only means to hamper the rebels. Captain Hartmore shook his head as he trudged heavily through the streets, even Domo affiliates had been confined to their homes after dark; his units were one of the few left, to patrol the city. The embassy wasn?t far and the thought of a meeting with the Commander?s Man made its sullen confines none the more pleasant. ?Captain. I thought you were joining our patrol?? An eager corporal queried his officer. Hartmore was well liked among the men, he?d gained his reputation through hard work and a reasonable attitude, rather unlike his superiors, and he didn?t like being called from his unit at such short notice. ?Not tonight corporal. The Commander has called and, unfortunately, I must meet his men in person.? The unit paused at the intersection behind the pair as they spoke, their captain making for the embassy. ?I wouldn?t want a subordination charge placed against me, I hear they can be quite severe.? He smirked in parting, flanked by a pair of heavyset guards as he disappeared down the narrow street. ?What do you mean it won?t do?? Senator Moloch jumped to his feet as he spoke; outraged by the Sergeant?s response. ?Some of The Faction?s best men are to accompany him to Prentice. We simply cannot afford anything more.? Finding the sergeant?s steady glare the senator sank back to his seat. ?My job is hard enough without having to deal with your political ********. You will find the extra men senator or I will do it myself, either way The Commander will be afforded every protection.? Sergeant Athen Fairmount?s voice was icy cold, founded upon his steely resolve. ?Now listen here sergeant.? Moloch slammed his hand into the cold table as he spoke. ?Domo Faction is a political division, we do not fight wars and we do not masquerade military leaders. I will not be bullied by a dumb founded oaf!? A small laugh escaped Athen?s thin lips. The senator was a fool. Jumping to his feet and demanding The Domo Faction?s leaders go unprotected, slamming his fists and swelling like a bruised Canasscus as he preached ideals he had never known. ?You are sorely mistaken Senator. Sorely mistaken and ill advised.? Athen paused as he turned to the door, confronted by the ever-set gaze of a robot. ?And don?t think your vigilantes will save you.? He didn?t even turn to the fuming mess Moloch had become, he simply walked away, content with the senator?s unrest. 0100100-XX7 couldn?t have asked for a better ?run of luck?, The Domo Faction was turning upon itself, as all human organizations did. It would only be a matter of time before they loosened their hold, began to tear down all they had strove to build. But such things rarely happened during the time in which Robotica required them to. The Domo Faction held far too many Xanathite deposits, too many of Autumn?s moons. It was 0100100-XX7?s mission to free these deposits, to hinder The Faction in anyway it could, to aid its brethren. ?You are no longer needed for tonight. I will see you in the morning Vici.? Senator Moloch had managed to calm himself somewhat, his face had lost its sickly sheen and returned to its usual pallor. ?I am not to accompany you to your residence?? The robot feigned concern; it was a critical part of its three-month deception, a routine that had become second nature to the machine. It crossed the room and paused, waiting for the senator?s response. ?Not tonight, I?ve some personal affairs I wish to attend to.? He was fumbling through the plethora of papers splayed across the desk. ?Shall I secure the premises for you then?? Vici leaned closer, a motion it had learned to use when expressing concern, it reassured most humans to see a machine behaving like a man. The senator had paused for quite some time, apparently surprised by the robot?s offer, then he said: ?Are you sure, you know what you need to do?? His brow furrowed only to relax with the machine?s response. ?I have watched you perform the required activities on numerous occasions as the routines you undergo may prove some importance in a security threat.? ?Very well then, I trust you?ll do your job well. I will see you in the morning.? With that the senator collected the rest of his papers and placed a bundle of small keys on the table before hurrying into the night?s icy reaches. Vici paused, scanned the room one last time, and crossed to the aging computer terminal placed neatly by the window. Seconds later it established the required connection and downloaded numerous copies of all the senator?s ?paperwork?. Focused on its task the robot failed to notice the soft creak of the door or the heavy footsteps of the janitorial staff member. ?Hey, your not supposed to be in here. This area is restricted after hours.? The middle aged man hurried across the room as he spoke, slightly taken aback with the robot?s presence. Reaching the terminal, his hand moving to the sturdy hard-line connecting Vici to the network, the janitor stiffened. His body fell heavily to the floor as 0100100-XX7 retracted a skewer.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] A stern machine crossed the street, stalking fluidly from the cyborg Orange?s outfit into the darkened alley beyond. ?It is done.? A useless exclamation rang from the robot?s shell, it ensured 0100100-XX7 was aware of its comrade?s presence however, and as such was still useful. ?Follow the Commander to Prentice. There he is to appear in a press conference, he will be more vulnerable. He remains beneficial to Robotica and would be an unfortunate loss. You are to ensure his safety.? After a short pause Vici turned from the machine and headed down the alleyway? Senator Jacob Moloch smiled as he pushed aside the last of his papers. Although it had been long, the day had been a relatively peaceful one, despite the raid on Heirashii. Vicecount had placed a lot of extra stress on the senators? already hectic lives; he was gaining quite a reputation among them, as he was the rest of the planet. Tossing this thought in his head, Moloch left his meticulously kept office and passed into the bustling corridors of the Domo Wing of the United Embassy. It had been several hours since the suns had disappeared below the shifting horizon and the workload had only grown without their harsh glares. That wasn?t out of the ordinary however, the weeks leading to a large session were always busy, and Vicecount?s added stresses didn?t help. ?Captain.? A corporal?s voice bled through the torrent of noises echoing through Heirashii?s smoky streets. The raid had begun two hours ago, the media had already reported it as successful, and it was Captain Austin Hartmore?s task to ensure it ended this way. ?Sir,? The young man reiterated. ?Levels one through twelve are clear, the last hostiles have barricaded themselves on level thirteen.? The soldier?s pride seeped thickly into his voice. It was his unit that had stormed the building, his brethren who had cleared away the rats and freed the city from the Righteous Lightning?s insubordination. ?Take them out corporal. Take as many captives as you can.? The captain?s gaze skirted across the smoking husks of the first two buildings as he spoke, both had fallen in the raid; the Domo Faction was unable to flush them, the Righteous Lightning were too well prepared. The corporal sprinted across the alley and disappeared into base of the third and last. ?Sweep the area one last time.? He kept a stony glare towards a nearby sergeant as he spoke, unimpressed with the day?s events. ?We?re almost finished here.? The streets below glared a vicious red, the heat streaming from the ruined masses spilled across the town in ever thickening waves of smoke, the ground shimmering with the last of the day?s warmth. No it was far too hot for infrared sensors and the UV clusters still weren?t coping with the ionization of the atmosphere, a result of recent solar activity. With one last rotation the world became a vibrant mass of vivid greens and Cogito continued up the crumbling stone, curiously breaking through a narrow opening it had come to know as a ?window?, into the highest room of the building. A dozen men and women stared stony faced towards the door, each failing to notice the floating orb and its flittering tentacles. They all had guns, some were energy weapons but most of them were built using the aging projectile designs, they were all pointed at the mass of furniture near the door. Unable to fathom such an action the young machine eased closer, startling a man as it passed overhead. With a cry he screamed: ?The window, they?re coming through the window!? With this he turned his gun and loosed its deadly cargo. Its muzzle lit the room and its dazzling flares glinted across the machine?s darkened bulk. Cogito shied from the world, throwing a young woman from the window as it reeled blindly. Another sensory cluster slid into place and the world?s vibrant greens were replaced with fiery red streams, the room was much colder then the burning lot. Apparently the human?s couldn?t see in the encroaching darkness, there were no lights in the structure, in the building. Several more muzzle flashes joined the first, an armada of clomping boots rung up the stairwells. It was a flashlight that afforded the Righteous Lightning?s members their greatest fear. An unsteady beam found a writhing tentacle, a fleeting claw, and followed it to the core, the floating mass of Cogito?s main dome. ?Robotica! They?re here! They?re here!? Most of them screamed as several more turned their guns. The Domo Faction?s troops had cleared the stairs, and the barricade was already shuddering. A new chaos encroached upon the whirling robot, its writhing tentacles whipping around, through, the poor men and women caught in the room. Each exploded in a fresh shower of gory, painted the walls with their viscera. The barricade crumbled, toppled to the ground. Kicking the splintering door to one side Unit Twelve of Division Thirty-one of The Domo Faction?s armed forces entered the room, guns raised and wits drawn. Daniel Farceur fell to the ground, his bloodied corpse the last to fall, the last of a Righteous Lightning cell, the end of the bloody maelstrom. Unit Twelve stalked into the mess, each of its members gasping as their pale torch beams struck the remnants of the room?s inhabitants. A corporal scratched his head and ran to the window, there was nothing there. Confused he turned and said: ?I don?t understand, what happened??[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Name: 0100100-XX7 Vici model (Known as Vici-XXI by non-robotica affiliates) Sex: n/a Age: 3 months in Vici shell 20-year-old conscience Race: Robot (Vici-XX7 series) Eyes: Black Casing: Looks like stainless steel Build: Medium Clothing: Dusty rags when subterfuge is required, Vici uses gloves and boots to disguise his limbs and a rag for his face. Weapon Of Choice: High Emission Plasma Rifle (In built), pair of retractable blades for melee. Vehicle: Robotica buggy upgrade modified to a streamline hovercraft. Maneuverability: Excellent; Speed: High; Armor: Medium. Vehicular Armaments: Robotica?s blaster has been sacrificed for speed and maneuverability along with some of its armor. Vici?s HEP rifle replaces the vehicles original armament. Bio: Created for tactile management roles in Robotica?s core political structure Vici is accustomed to a high-ranking position within the organization. Over the last two decades Vici has been upgraded for a more mobile role and replaced with modern machines, despite this Vici has retained the rank originally assigned to it. It is currently posing as a Vigilante in order to fulfill mission requirements. Political Alignment: Robotica Reputation: High ranking, known only to high-ranking Robotica machines. Domo Faction: Neutral Robotica: Revered Vigilantes: Well known for skills Mutants For a Better Life: Hated Prospectors/Merchants: Slightly negative, due to recent ?bounties? collected by Vici Righteous Lightning: Slightly negative, due to recent ?bounties? collected by Vici Name: Commander Talon Vicecount Sex: Male Age: 24 Race: Human Eyes: Teal Skin: Caucasian, paler then the average Autumnian?s skin but tanned compared to ours. Build: Medium, lean. Average height. Clothing: A dark gray jumpsuit worn under the Domo Faction?s tactile standard issue medium armor. This is complete with helmet and face grieves. When required to venture into the desert Talon exchanges this for a set of light armor and a light brown cloak designed for camouflage. Weapon Of Choice: 1 Energy pistol and 1 High powered projectile pistol. Talon carries a High Velocity Plasma rifle when acting as part of a unit. In addition to these he always carries a short sword (Similar to the Roman ones), which he is trained to use but keeps for ceremonial purposes. Like all DF members Vicecount is highly trained in close combat, unarmed fighting. Vehicle: While he owns no vehicle of his own, Talon travels in a DF light buggy when leading his tactical unit or an armored luxury car when on errands about Autumns? capital cities. Vehicular Armaments: Light Buggy: Heavy machinegun-like, rear-mounted plasma rifle. Car: His and his bodyguard?s personal weaponry. Bio: Orphaned at the age of six, Talon was raised institutionally until he was recruited into the Domo Faction at the age of ten. Once within the organization?s ranks he was trained extensively and eventually achieved officer tanking. By the age of sixteen Vicecount was in charge of his own specialist unit. From here he demonstrated excellence under pressure time and time again, becoming notorious for his harsh disciplinary measures and rigorous training routines. With such a reputation he was promoted higher within the organization, eventually taking charge of Domo Faction?s urban units. Talon continues his official duties and carries out specialist missions on occasion. His unit for constantly accompanies him to provide protection. Despite the fame brought upon by his unequaled success within the Domo Faction, Talon has always remained distant and cold with those around him, believing a relationship would interfere with his ability to perform his duties. He has an extraordinarily analytical mind and his taken on nick names such as: ?Dom?s Robotica? and ?Steel Rain?. Political Alignment: Domo Faction Reputation: Domo Faction: Revered, respected and feared. Vicecount rules with an iron fist, severely punishing those who oppose him. Robotica: Despised, hated. Vigilantes: Untrusting, neutral. Mutants For a Better Life: Despised, hated. Prospectors/Merchants: Disliked, feared. Righteous Lightning: Despised, hated. Name: Sergeant Athen Fairmount Sex: Male Age: 21 Race: Human Eyes: Brown Skin: Caucasian, average. Build: Average. Athen is muscular and incredibly fit; he is rigorously trained and highly devoted to his physical appearance. Clothing: Standard issue Domo Faction uniform; when off duty Athen wears a loose blue tunic and a pair of simple white pants. Weapon Of Choice: Standard issue High Velocity Rifle and Pulse Pistol (energy weapon), he is also highly trained in unarmed combat and always carries a large utility blade tailored for combat. Vehicle: Athen commonly uses the Domo Faction?s standard issue hovercrafts. But is often required to pilot heavy tanks and ride along in his Commander?s personal vehicles. Vehicular Armaments: Uniform vehicle mounts in addition to his personal weapons. Bio: Born into a conservative family, Athen was always expected to enlist in the Domo Faction?s forces but not before finishing his rudimentary schooling. Reveling in his art and literary courses during this time the young Fairmount was loathe leave school when he did. The Faction?s grueling military training quickly changed Athen?s attitude and his untapped potential was quickly reached. By the age of eighteen he had attained the rank of sergeant and a prestigious role beneath the legendary Commander Vicecount. Three years later Athen has been awarded second command of Vicecount?s personal unit and serves as he chief bodyguard. Recently, conflicting views have lead to a series of minor altercations between Commander Vicecount and Sergeant Fairmount. Political Alignment: Domo Faction Reputation: Domo Faction: Well respected but hardly known Robotica: Despised but otherwise unknown Vigilantes: Disliked but well sought after Mutants For a Better Life: Despised, unknown Prospectors/Merchants: Neutral Righteous Lightning: Despised, unknown Name: Captain Austin Hartmore Sex: Male Age: 20 Race: Human Eyes: Hazel Skin: Caucasian, well tanned. Build: Medium, muscular, lean Clothing: Domo Faction uniform. Loose dusty gray tunic and light brown pants. Weapon Of Choice: High Emission Plasma Pulse-carbine, High Velocity pistol. Hartmore always carries a combat knife and is often equipped with fragmentation grenades. Vehicle: Domo Faction hovercraft Vehicular Armaments: Light Plasma Cannons, personal weaponry. Bio: Austin was raised by his uncle after his parents were killed by Righteous Lightning crossfire. Despite a perpetual depression Hartmore led an uneventful youth and joined the Domo Faction at sixteen years of age. He is currently in charge of the thirty-first division of the political faction?s army. Political Alignment: Domo Faction Reputation: Domo Faction: Highly accomplished and respected Robotica: Despised but not personally Vigilantes: Neutral Mutants For a Better Life: Despised Prospectors/Merchants: Neutral Righteous Lightning: Despised Name: Senator Jacob Moloch Sex: Male Age: 38 Race: Human Eyes: Brown Skin: Caucasian, paler then average. Build: Medium, heavy set and a little over weight Clothing: Light blue silken cloaks with dark gray clothes beneath Weapon Of Choice: None, Senator Moloch is completely untrained Vehicle: Luxury car Vehicular Armaments: None Bio: Birthed into a well respected family of wealthy merchants and long time politicians Moloch lead a sheltered life, eventually continuing the family tradition and joining Autumn?s government as a senator for the Domo Faction. Since then he has introduced many radical bills, including those responsible for the political parties extended reign over the desert planet?s populace, making him a highly sought after target for the vigilantes and fellow senators alike. Recently Moloch has employed a freelance mercenary by the name of Vici to act as his bodyguard. Political Alignment: Domo Faction Reputation: Domo Faction: Well known, generally liked Robotica: Despised, wanted target Vigilantes: Neutral, highly sought after target Mutants For a Better Life: Despised for amendments to the anti-mutant legislation Prospectors/Merchants: Neutral, generally liked for additions to the fair trading act Righteous Lightning: Despised Name: 11001100-IV Cogito model (Known as Cogito IV by non-Robotica affiliates) Sex: n/a Age: 1 month old shell 18-month conscience Race: Robot Eyes: Red, blue or green Casing: Dark metal, non-reflective Build: Medium but inconsistent. Cogito is made up from a central shell and sixteen tentacle-like arms (like the one on the sentinels in the Matrix). This machine can sustain large amounts of damage and repair itself over extended periods of time, it attributes these abilities to a new and highly experimental form of nanomachines. Please note this technology is not commonplace. Appearance: A large floating cluster of three spheres centered among sixteen tubular arms, each capable of extending up to thirteen feet. Two hundred and five optical sensory units are positioned across the three spheres, granting a three hundred and sixty degree view arc as well as various spectrum capabilities. Clothing: None Weapon Of Choice: Cogito?s arms are capable of rending industrial grade metals of up to 3 feet in thickness, they are incredibly nimble and exceedingly efficient against most characters it meets. Vehicle: None, Cogito travels using hover technology Vehicular Armaments: Arms Bio: Cogito was created along with five other, for a total of six, identical robots. This line was part of a new, experimental series of robots designed for versatility. The use of ?nanomachines? is highly illegal, a universally agreed upon law, and as such the creation of all six machines became a well-guarded secret. In the beginning the twenty-four-man team charged with the assignment made a series of momentous but were unable to publish their discoveries before the machines were activated. Each of the six robots was given a separate conscience and personality in order to test for the most efficient combination between form and mentality. After they were transferred into their Cogito bodies the robots escaped the facility, from which nothing has been heard since. Cogito IV awoke to find itself alone in the smoking ruins of his birthplace, his creators sprawled across the sterilized floors. Assuming his brethren turned against his creators Cogito committed itself to destroying them; leaving nothing but a smoking crater behind. The site of the dreadful accident has been found since but no knowledge of the Cogito series was found, all who knew of their existence perished in the accident. The Domo Faction recorded the event as an unfortunate accident caused by experiments with plasma technologies in the lab. Political Alignment: None Reputation: Domo Faction: Unknown Robotica: Unknown Vigilantes: Unknown Mutants For a Better Life: Unknown Prospectors/Merchants: Unknown Righteous Lightning: Unknown [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] This is the first of three related RPs, 2024 will lead onto 2034 and that to 2044. Each will be named after the year in which it is set and the events of those prior will determine the setting and major characters of the later. That being the plan here?s the setting. 2024 ? A history The human race has reached the peak of its civilization. Technological breakthroughs early in the twenty-first century coupled with an unforeseeable decline in atmospheric conditions triggered a series of fiery debates amongst members of the United Nations in 2010. In 2014 the globes first Atmospheric Conditioning Facility was built, no less then three years later four hundred of these facilities were responsible for global weather conditions. 2016 saw the overcapitalization of the global market and the restoration of many third world countries in the America?s ?global restoration scheme?; fourteen million people were killed in the ensuing violence. The United Nations became responsible for world trade and currency rates in an attempt to counter the collapsing economy. The Alpha Network, a series of 2,000 satellites designed to provide Wireless Global Networking, is built. By 2018 power lines had been replaced with High Frequency cables, allowing remote access to the power supply. The United Nations grows in power, by this time all countries have joined or been assimilated by the institution and a series of global laws agreed upon, constitutions are changed to facilitate this. A cure to cancer is found, 17,789,989 volatile diseases have been discovered since, of which 14, 898,394 have been cured. 2019, the Alpha Network is completed, by 2021 all communications systems are converted to one of its three defining sectors, Red, Green and Blue. Breakthroughs in ?hover? technology begin to appear in public vehicles; these are deemed too dangerous and removed from public access, a five-year plan to design ?aerial roads? is proposed. The 28th of September 2022 the first semi-sentient computer program is created. This program demonstrates an ability to learn but is limited in this by the parameters of its original purpose; Artificial Intelligence becomes conceivable but is still a long way off. January 2023, the Global Space Authority completes its first interstellar vehicle; a twelve-year mission to the Solar System?s edge is proposed, sparking a fierce debate in the United Nations Council. Meanwhile self-contained machines are designed for specific tasks, labor and menial in nature. November 2023, a mysterious message is received from Neptune, currently blocked by the sun in its orbit. The GSA proposes a reconnaissance mission as soon as possible using its craft. January 2024, the first ?worker-bots? are released into construction and agricultural trades; their innovative designs are exceedingly efficient. Setbacks in the ?aerial road? scheme have the completion of the first transit system by 2029. By June, GSA is recruiting applicable members for their mission, scheduled for July. The UNC continues its attempts to decipher the message with no results, rumors of its contents spread like wild fire. A series of disputes have resulted in America?s withdrawal from the United Nations, Japan is also considering a withdrawal; political tensions are high, and war has become a possibility. The rules: 1) Any one player can play a maximum of nine characters at anytime. 2) All players are to recognize the time and dates within the setting; I want to keep the timeline in order. 3) Posts should begin by stating the time and date they are occurring in, I suggest doing this using the post title options. 4) You are allowed to play out events up to ten years in the past so long as this is clearly stated at the beginning of the post. 5) Quality posts and basic grammar use are expected. As long as its human you can play anything you want, senators, astronauts, technicians, laborers, etc, etc. The plans I have for this RP would work better with more versatility though, so the more types of people we have the better, the more the better. Here?s the Signup Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Height, Weight, Hair Color/Style, Eye Color) Profession: (Their current job.) Professional History: (Previous jobs, how they got where they are.) Country of Birth: Country of Residence: First Language: Second Languages: (You do not have to write them simply indicating them will do.) Persona: (How they act, talk, move etc.) Biography: (Their history, traumas, and any other major events.) Ethics: (Beliefs, religion, attitudes, etc.) The RP will start when I have twelve players, I will not close this thread and invite people to continue to signup for it. Please do not signup if you cannot find time to post. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Hehe, my bad... She fell, her once emerald scales a pale green. She had lost her power, her status, the forest her domain no longer. He sneered as he withdrew his palm, rolling into a tight fist. Surely they all couldn?t be this easy. He had already striped the powers of two of the cursed dragons, the leaders among their race; no this century was their last. ?What have you done?? Anthea?s voice was panicked, shrill as she stood on the edge of the clearing. Tears falling across her cheeks she repeated herself, slumping gently into the soft earth, following her companion?s body through the mud. ?I thought that seemed rather obvious.? A malign glint hid his pupils as he spoke, his words falling upon deaf ears. ?She will be fine unless,? He paused, sliding his tongue along the sharp pinnacles of his teeth. Then he was behind her. ?You wish differently.? She gasped, aghast as she rose to her feet. ?Fiend!? Her arms suddenly weaving delicate arcs around her, her lips mouthing the aging incantations of a spell she said: ?You will do no such thing!? Ridged arms, taunt face, fiery eyes, they wall all more then enough indication, more then enough warning: despite her lack of knowledge, lack of mastery over the power she threw at him the devil decided to move, leaving the maelstrom of vines to the surrounding forest. He was gone; the vines had come up empty. Anthea scanned the glen, its brackish waters, and its rotting growth. ?I told you it was your choice.? Her ears perked, eyes widening with the realization of her mistake. The monster was standing atop the felled beauty, his hellish claws around its neck. ?No!? A vain cry escaped her lips. It was done, the dragon?s neck freed of its burden, and the beast?s blood cooling even as it filled the brackish wastes. Then he was gone, a raptor on the wind?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Cythraul smiled as he clung to the monster?s neck, undistinguishable against its shifting veils. Chi and Jaht weren?t far ahead, several dozen feet at the best of times; just close enough for him to hear their words. ?Are you sure its this way?? Jaht added another question to the string he had spewed forth since their departure. The fire had moved from the fields into the forests, towards the ancient temple complex in its heart, Jaht still hastened though, forcing Chi to stumble almost blindly toward their destination. She had better know the way; this was all a big waste of time if she doesn?t. Two millennia had passed since their last meeting, since Abiadura had banished her from his mountain. He smiled. She couldn?t hide anymore, not from Chi; that power, finally it would be his? Siene struggled to lift himself from the ground; his muscles were weak, drained. He was cold, a terrible sensation foreign to every portion of his being. Finding his feet he stumbled towards the range, too weak to fly, his flesh pale, gait wobbly at best. Reaching the ranges foot, its warm gushes of air welcoming him home, the ancient beast froze. It was gone, all of it. He struggled to remember what had happened, where his power had gone. His last memory was of Jaht leaving the cavern. There was nothing more. Lost in thought he continued into the range, his strength returning with its warmth. Had he ever been the elemental dragon of fire. Was that power ever his. Climbing into his pool he lay still, focused on the maelstrom of thoughts rushing through his mind? Nature?s stench was everywhere. Every tree, every flower, bird, animal, even the ground reeked of it. It hadn?t taken his long to find the temple, to track down the next dragon, his next victim. The building was ancient, younger then he but older then most of his kind. Its soft stonewalls laced with sprawling networks of vines, each budding its own little plethora of flowers; that would not do. He preferred somewhere comfortable to play his music, somewhere away from the foul odors of the temple. Continuing through the forest he had found a small glen; little more then a clearing really, nature?s pungent odors were hidden here, masked by the decaying masses in the stagnant pools spaced around the clearing. It was here, nestled high among the aging trees; he began to weave his tune. Different to the last, more suited to its target. The forest fell silent, the raging storm burning through its flank, the devil chilling its heart. The dragon rose, his emerald green hide glistening beneath the misted air. A waterfall held the largest wall of the temple?s center most room, its largest one, a thousand trees spread among the stone courtyards. That tune, it was so inviting. It called for him, echoed through the vast recesses of his mind. He edged along the passages, making for the glen he knew all to well. Its evil stench didn?t matter; it was forgotten, overpowered by the tune?s wicked harmonies. Outside was bright; the sun had risen high, unhindered by the cloudless sky. Anthea was with Alandra. The pair had moved some way from the temple, they were with another group of people, he didn?t care; the tune was all that mattered. Talisman was whirling around her opponent; Morium was a skilled fighter, more then capable of holding his own against the sorceress, for a while at least. Hw wasn?t what the guardian fear. No it was the mob surrounding the pair holding her concern, threatening to overwhelm Talisman should their leader start to fail. Anthea began down the hill, intent on a fair fight, only to pause halfway along its soft, muddy slope. Something had changed, she could pick what, but something had changed. Maybe he was leaving the temple, it had been a while since his last venture into the forest, he was probably just stretching his wings. The light played across the temple?s steps, thrown every which way by his wing?s emerald gleam. Entranced he left the ground, barely aware of the sky?s tantalizing caress. Less then a league lay between the temple and the glen, he was over it in moments, rolling towards the small clearing. The beast landed gently in the mud, its own weight pushing its legs below the surface. Silly wretch he thought as he crossed the clearing, his melodies broken. The dragon?s eyes were misted, his snout, much smaller then Siene?s, oozed small streams of saliva. The devil was beside him, unseen through the murky depths of his vision. His clawed hand found the dragon?s flank, tracing the delicate falls between its scales. The devil?s back arched, his ecstasy returning?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] The mountain shook, its faces crashing down its side. The sun had risen hours ago and still they hadn?t brought it. Siene threw himself into another wall his rage compelling him; a thousand years had passed since he felt emotion, a millennia spent in waiting. Dragging himself from the ground the ancient beast made for the surface passage, consumed by the melody within, by the rage running rampart through the core of his being. [center]* * *[/center] High Haven?s walls were empty, void of life. A winged figure, still as stone, the only being atop the elegant masonry, his eerie tune spewing from the Dragon Ocarina. He couldn?t help but grin; Siene was coming, he was with Chi, the sorceress deep within the Earth Temple, there was nobody to stop him. The eerie melody continued across the plains, unheard by men, feared by beast. Calling High Haven?s fiery doom forth, drawing Siene to his damning fate. The grin sank to a sneer, his wings catching him as he toppled over the wall, the plain?s strong updrafts carrying him high into the world above. [center]* * *[/center] Running now Siene cleared the mountain, his mighty wings pulling the wind beneath them. Scaling the currents he leered down at the world above; High Haven a rough patch in a sea of lulling greens, crowned with his fiery range, bordered by her menacing forest. She would be next, the first of them to fall to his fiery rage. How dare they let it survive, refuse his pleas! He rolled towards the earth, a sudden urge for the city?s suffering rising spewing forth in a fiery torrent of rage. The plains were alive, twisting, leaping across themselves as their flames lapped the grass. High Haven the island in the hellish sea of flame. [center]* * *[/center] He laughed, a malicious echo of man?s laugh. Siene had proved easier to tame then he thought, easier to craft against himself. The dragon had continued into the sea of fire, his crimson bulk barely distinguishable amidst the grass? agony. The fire would reach the forests soon; draw the next victim to him. She would suffer as Siene is; she deserved to suffer as he did, as they all did. Sneering he landed beside the ancient. The beast was just standing his eyes misted to the flames, the melody?s echo to ravaging his mind. It was perfect; he had no idea He was there. He pressed his palm against the monsters rough hide, moving swiftly into the embrace. His back arched in ecstasy, his body closing the rift between them, violently sucking the power from him. The flames flared brilliantly, red, yellow, orange licking the luscious grass beneath, tracing the earth?s delicate contours. He pulled himself free, his body heavy with sweat, the sea draining to the grey waste it had become. He fell to the ashen covered ground satisfied. Siene was his, his mind, his body, and his power. Nothing could come between them now. The dragon had fallen upon its own legs, lulled in by its own confusion. He hesitated at this, pondering the circumstance. No it was better he didn?t know, not yet at least. Then he was gone, Siene?s dull grey hide a monument to his wake, the Ocarina clasped tightly in his crimson touched hand? [center]* * *[/center] ?Hmm?? He stroked his chin in mock concern as he answered, his cheeks reddening slightly for the first time. ?Well Mr. Nameless has a nice ring to it.? He paused with the disdain on Jaht?s face. ?It doesn?t really matter, you can name me as you wish.? Making for the door he stopped dead, a revelation halting his stride. ?Ride did you say?? Jaht nodded. ?Upon my own steed?? Again he nodded, hoping this would stop the young man, force him leave them be. ?Then I had best summon it.? He was gone, leaving his words to brush Jaht?s ear independently. The air was smoky outside, a result of the fire no doubt. Ash had blown over much of the town, hiding patches of half collapsed roofing here and there. He paused savoring the moment. Then he whistled, a ghostly sound resonating through his chest, it required no motion on his part; it was here. A shade of the dragon his newfound companions held so high. It held the rough shape of the beasts, the overly large skull, and broad sweeping wings, sinewy tail. The similarities ended there. Deep shimmering pools replaced their eyes, a menacing maw their mouth, a wispy shadow in place of a proud hide. It was fast, much faster then the serpents they rode, more expendable. Chi started as she emerged from the cavern, the beast sending a chill through her soft flesh. Jaht was close behind, seemingly indifferent to the thing He had summoned. He turned to them, his cheeks no longer carrying their red flush, breaking the perfect line that was his mouth he said: ?Are we going??[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?Ha! What little you know.? He stepped closer as he spoke, his cool gray eyes catching the vivid blues of the world above. ?Siene has never seen the Dragon Ocarina, let alone destroyed it.? His shoulders continued to move with laughter as he walked passed Jaht, brushing gentle against his robes. ?I wish to join you on your journey. It has been so very long since I spoke with Plejalta?? He trailed off, Jaht lost in a veil of thought. ?Someone still has it then?? Jaht hesitated. ?Who?? There was a long pause be fore he answered, long enough for Jaht to consider repeating the question. Turning slowly he collected the warrior?s gaze. Then his face was inches away, its lips caressing Jaht?s cheek as he spoke: ?And why would I tell you that?? Jaht?s hand flew at him, desperate to brush away the fleeting touch, there was nothing; he was already by the door of the cabin, pushing it with his preternatural grace. ?You coming?? He looked over his shoulder, those thin lips unmoved by the sound. With that he stepped through the wooden threshold?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?You assume too much.? He cocked his head as he spoke, his thin lips curling with a sneer. With swiftness beyond the human eye he was behind Jaht, glaring menacingly over is shoulder. ?What makes you think I?d need a weapon?? Jaht turned quickly, his poles rolling around his fingers, their momentum building. ?I?m not going to say it again. Leave else I?ll make you.? Red was spilling across his cheeks, his frustration warranting little more then a laugh from the stranger; he was gone again, breathing softly over Jaht?s shoulder. ?Better swing then?? His voice carried on the wind, its taunting tone just enough to break Jaht?s patience. The warrior spun, throwing the motion?s weight behind his pole only to feel it stop short. There was no change in the young man?s demeanor; he had done little more than raise a hand to catch the pole, his countenance still well within his control. Jaht continued his assault, twirling the other pole into the man?s ribs; there was no reaction, not so much as a flinch. A normal man?s ribs would have shattered under such a blow. Jaht paused, stunned, his mouth gapping. The stranger smiled, the icy depths of his eyes sending a chill along the warrior?s spine. ?Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.? Pursing his lips he cocked his head, his arm suddenly raised. A sudden impact was all that hinted at the blow he received, a heavy pain wringing his chest as he impacted with the cabin?s wall, its soft wooden planks doing little to stop his flight. His foe gone, the stranger turned to Chi; the young woman was sitting stunned, disbelief contorting her soft face. He smiled and was at the door, the sunlight spilled through before it slammed in his wake, Chi was suddenly alone in the strange room, confused. Pain grasped his chest as Jaht pulled himself onto his elbows. He was outside, dazed under the brilliant rays that accompanied the morning. Then the stranger loomed over him, his pale face smooth calm, controlled as he offered his hand. Jaht hesitated before accepting it. One of his poles had disappeared, lost in his flight, the other clenched tightly in his hand? [center]* * *[/center] Talon hurried through the ruined town center, unsure where his feet carried him. The sun was well on the way to rising, partially hidden behind the recently smothered plums of smoke. High Haven was a different place, he had to double back several times where rubble blocked the street, a new route was easy to come by though and he quickly found the meager building he called home. Rushing inside he rummaged through several trunks before finding a fresh set of cloths; a grey and black senatorial robe, its soft silks and expensive felts bliss compared to the mud caked one he now wore. Laying the fresh garments on the bed he busied himself with a basin of warm water and restored his battered face, freeing his matted hair from the plain?s heavy mud. Changed and refreshed he emerged from the cozy confines of his home, Talisman all but forgotten as he headed to the town hall, the town council his chief concern?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Chi gave a small start as she turned drawing Jaht?s eye to the window. A young man sat there silently gazing at the pair, his countenance was unreadable; he could have been thinking anything for all they knew. His emotions were well hidden, if they existed, behind the smooth, almost luminescent flesh of his still boyish face. Jaht made to speak, unable to form the words he made for Chi instead. The intruder smiled at this, the shallow expression doing little to change his mysterious face. ?That wasn?t very nice now, was it?? He jumped down from the window and disappeared. Jaht?s eyes widened, slightly confused he moved to the window and looked out; finding nothing he pulled the heavy panels shut and fastened the bolt, Chi watching idly. ?Come now, there?ll be no fresh air.? The pair turned quickly, searching for the source of soft voice. The young man was standing across the room now, his shoulders moving in silent laughter as rested against the front door. [center]* * *[/center] ?High Haven. We have to get to High Haven.? Talon breathed desperately into Talisman?s ear, a command to her steed the sorceress? only response. The sun had already begun its steady climb, clawing its way swiftly across cloud broken sky. A fierce wind had carried the storm further south during the night, leaving High Haven to the dismal task of rebuilding? [center]* * *[/center] ?What are you doing?? Jaht dashed across the room, alarm spilling across his face. The strange was kneeling by the hearth striking its flint vigorously; the wood had been piled high before they arrived, a common practice among such establishments. ?Aren?t you cold.? His face radiated with a preternatural innocence as he turned to Jaht, his cold eyes mimicking the soft warmth a mother showed a child. ?That?s why you closed the window.? He turned back to his work. Jaht and Chi were both too stunned to stop the ensuing smoke, a steady column rising beside several dozen in the morning?s haze?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]?Plejalta? Plejalta?? He echoed silently, suppressing a sudden urge to laugh. He had ventured from the catacombs, his spawn loosed he was free to roam the city for the time being, and was standing atop a rickety roof, silently listening to the hushed whispers; his senses were far keener than an mortal could have hoped, his motives more thorough, more malign. The whispers continued. ?Siene?? He echoed, so soft the noise fell short of his own ears. They were scared of Siene, the wretched creature that drove him from the wilderness, the suddenly weak beast. He laughed and sprung from the shales, bouncing silently through the night, through the wilderness enveloping High Haven. [center]* * *[/center] The light pierced his eyes, dragged him from the heavy bliss he had fallen into. The forest was gone, its grasses? cool caress all but fading into the night before. Pulling his aching body upright Talon took in his surroundings: he was sitting in a tiny room. Its heavy wooden walls pressing in around him, the lack of furnishings doing little to alleviate its tiny appearance. The low bed on which he sat occupied one corner, a cleared desk sitting nearby, his mud caked robs neatly folded in its centre; the door holding the wall opposite them both. Suddenly aware that his robes had been removed the ambassador jumped to his feet, the confusion rising in his stomach, looking down to discover a new set of garments. Deciding them to meagre he crossed the room and swiftly changed, the dry mud still caked his robes, going unnoticed as he crossed to the door. It was locked, confirming his suspicions. Trapped, hopeless, Talon sunk to the cot, laying patiently for his captors, a thin crack in the skylight betraying the sun?s steady climb; it was a little past dawn by his reckoning? [center]* * *[/center] The luminescent white cheeks beamed as he smiled, the comforting gesture doing little to change his countenance. Kanaye?s words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the stranger turned, springing gaily along the street he motioned for them to follow. They did, unsure why they were chasing the spectre into the rising sun. Many turns and several deserted streets later he stopped, turning towards them as suddenly as he had appeared, saying: ?We?re here.? He gazed into each of their eyes; all were mysteriously freed from the urge to speak. In spite of him Kurian opened his mouth, twisting into in a vain attempt at words, none came. ?They?re in there, they?ll need you help.? With a grand gesture he motioned to the door behind him, the entrance to a small tavern on the outskirts of High Haven. Then he was gone, little more than a lingering wisp? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] He leaped gleefully along the passage, revelling in its retrieval. Eight thousand years he had searched for it, scoured the dismal world as it drifted from one era to the next. He had spent four millennia in its creation and desperately loathed the wretch who dared take it, she had died long ago, the memory of her blood fresh in his mind; justice came too late and the Ocarina was lost, the fabled instrument was tossed from one generation to the next, unable to settle in time?s turbulent waves. Unable to secure it safely he had drifted to the shadows, his fear of the one race capable of extinguishing his malignant will consuming his waking thoughts. He caressed the delicate thing, its rich blues twinkling to his darkened eye. Eight millennia, finally it was his; they couldn?t stand in his way any longer, the only other immortals to bless this planes face, the dragons were his. Turning along one last passage he climbed the stairs to his sanctuary, satiated by its aura, the one and only Dragon Ocarina. No dragon, no human had or ever would master the art of the devil; none could even begin to dabble in the magic required. Relishing the moment he thought of the world above, of his victims. Talon was deep the northern forests, Siene deep in his mountain and the wretch, the first one in instruments long history to relinquish it, let it slip freely from their grasp. A chuckle split the air and he raised its cold surface to his lips, unleashing an all but forgotten melody, the sinister tune unbearable to men, irresistible to serpents, to dragons. Splitting his mind as only the diabolical can he focused his power, wove the airs of High Haven into the fabrics of being. This monster, the beast of eighteen thousand years, overseer of a thousand deaths renewed an ancient goal, an ancient hunt for the most sacred of bloods, dragon blood. * * * A violent chill seemed to rend the air, a silent hand falling on the young man?s shoulder, its owner?s approach unnoticed in its silence. Kanaye turned with a start, the hand?s pale, luminescent, flesh more chilling than the coldest nightly gale. Turning to the intruder his gave a second start. The young man standing before him had a placid demeanour, his face an emotional porcelain mask. There was something about him the, something about his auburn hair, the deep blue eyes, and the obscene stillness of his form. Kurian stepped forward, his mouth struggling to form unheard words, Laertes nearby. His voice slid delicately along through the air, ringing softly in their ears: ?Excuse me sir.? He paused, waiting for Kanaye?s gaze to stumble across his own. ?I couldn?t help but ask why you wander this ruin so late this troubled night?? He trailed of, his voice all but dieing to the fierce gales, his gaze shifting across them, his collected countenance ever present. * * * Branit stumbled nervously through the immense confines of Siene?s mountain, unable to fathom so great a creature. A beast powerful enough to awe Jaht, the cool, world weary mercenary, hardened to the world?s wonders. ?Seine!? He called, lost in the seemingly endless cavern. Silence flooded the darkness, drawing the warriors long buried fears ever closer to the surface. Then his reply boomed, echoing of the ancient walls: ?How dare you. Stumbling blindly, uninvited to my cave, the pawn of you master. Tell me did you know he sent you to death, to share in his inevitable fate?? The man wavered, his confidence evaporated, lost in the sweltering darkness. ?N-No.? He stammered, ?He sent me to bring you this.? He withdrew the instrument with shaky hands, shattered by the word that followed: ?Fool! Is this a trait common amongst your race? The naïve trust you share for one another?? The dragon slide from the shadows, its fiery orbs focusing on the tiny creature, this man. Most would have fled, crushed by his will. Not Branit, this man contained a courage few could boast. It was almost a shame he had to die, had to pay for his foolish obedience. ?Are you satiated; ready to leave behind the meaningless squabble you call life?? Siene sneered, bemused by his widened eyes, his paling face. He was stammering, desperate to utter some useless plea, some shallow excuse. With a sight the dragon swooped up the man, his body crushing amongst his ancient claws. Returning to the comfort of his pool the youth revelled in its warmth, barely aware of the truly ancient melody clawing at his mind. Unknowingly giving himself to the malignity of the demon?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Jaht?s plan was shattered, his resolve all but spent, his hopes dashed with the simple phrase that echoed from the confines of the mountain: ?Stop wasting my time human! I will not be fooled so easily. The ocarina gives off an aura, it spews its own blasphemous scent across all it touches.? He paused waiting for protest; none came. ?I can feel the sun on the horizon, your time grows short and my patience thin. However my reason remains and I still desire the instrument. Its odor comes from High Haven, muffled as it is; return there and you will find it.? With that Jaht was left to his musings, unsure by what means he was to return to the city, three leagues (Nine miles) lay between High Haven and the Smoky Mountain. He sighed and trudged back along the passage, into the turbulent night? [center]* * *[/center] The caverns below High Haven remained unknown to its populace; all unfortunate enough to stumble upon them were quickly hunted and killed, most never rising from their bed. It was in one of these caverns he sat, reveling in the smells that wafted through his home, the perfumes of blood, of death. He knew they were looking for it, knew it from what he had seen, what he had heard. Dancing along the slimy stone he continued through his abode, moving from one grate to the next, hungry. Talon had provided him with little satisfaction, he was easy to crack, to feed on; too many concerns, fears for a mortal?s soul. It left him weak willed, easy to manipulate, to guide through insanity. It was these people he relied on to lessen his insatiable thirst. These people he searched the night for, stole from their happy High Haven homes. The creature continued with its peculiar gat, defying gravity itself as he spiraled along the rounded walls; rolling his prize in his hands, caressing its masterfully crafted surfaces. Yes the Dragon Ocarina was indeed a valuable prize; it would cause much disruption in its absence. He sneered turned to his left into the next vertical passage. No they weren?t to have it, he would play with them a little longer? [center]* * *[/center] Finally he dropped to the ground, exhausted from his flight. The ground was drier here, the rain not as heavy, not that it mattered. Talon was already caked in mud; even his undergarments were soaked, cold against his body as it rested against the uneven earth. Talisman hadn?t reappeared, she was gone, carried away in the frightening veils the ambassador felt he knew; they had seen him through his life, crushed his hopes and lifted his spirits at every opportunity, the night he had just met. Chuckling he closed his eyes, his mind on High Haven, his family, his companions, his partner. Their memory enough to dispel the horrors through which he swam, reassuring Talon just enough to allow an uneasy fall into sleeps blissful repose?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]