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Everything posted by skedy

  1. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?I will return Sideria when I have the Ocarina, not before.? Siene sneered as he turned from Jaht, disappearing into the enormous confines of the passage from whence he came he called: ?You have until sunrise; she will not live much past this.? With that he was gone. The sweltering air doing little to prevent a shudder running along the warrior?s spine. Turning on his heal he hastened towards the exit, Talon his sole concern. [center]* * *[/center] ?No!? The ambassador?s voice echoed along the passage. He had moved little more than a dozen feet along the passage before realizing what he was doing; allowing the voice to guide his actions, blind his logic. Talisman turned after him only to stop short as he came pelting back out, across the ledge and down the rocky slope. ?Come on, we have to go!? he called to her, swallowed by the heavy sheets of rain. Hesitating the sorceress sprinted after him, unsure why she felt the need to follow the lunatic. Her lantern catching him, revealing his plight down the mountain, blinded as he was by the heavy night he somehow managed to keep his feet; catching himself with a quick step before he fell time and time again he continued down the mountain, eager for the plains safety. ?Wait!? She called, her words falling on deaf ears as she hurried down the mountain, struggling to equal his frantic place. He appeared wretched when Talisman first saw him, his robes torn, his body caked with layer upon layer of mud, of grit; there was little left that revealed Talon to be the man he was at the ceremony. Pausing waist deep in the wavering grass of the plains, a little over two hundred feet from he mountain?s base, he turned to her. The wind had gathered its pace and was beginning to lash the vast fields around the pair, the storm?s ferocity building with every passing hour. High Haven hadn?t seen weather this bad for in more than a decade; nestled under the protection of Siene?s range it seldom experienced the savage ocean winds of the west. ?Do you have a dragon?? He called, bewilderment on his face. ?Something we can fly back to the city with?? He paused, suddenly uneasy. Collecting Talisman?s eye Talon probed for a response. ?It is all I ask, that you take me to High Haven. I?ll pay you of course.? The remnants of his once regal behavior spilling across his gesture as he spoke, barely able to hold her gaze he made to turn; darkness enveloping the pair, stirring the irrational fears of man in them. Talisman?s lantern had fallen under the pressures of the weather, its flame beyond hope of revival. Her eyes widened as she struggled to regain sight, hopelessly aware of Talon?s presence; his earlier incoherence leapt into her mind, drawing the fear from her gut, into her breath. She began to turn, reaching for something, anything to guide her, a sea of shin high grass bobbing to her fingers, taunting her delicate touch as she continued to fumble. Talon leaped forward, the voice over whelming his mind.[i] He?s coming. He can see. He wants to kill you both, save her![/i] Crashing into Talisman he hit the ground, suddenly prone to the terrors of the night he fumbled for her. Finding a forearm he grasped it, the icy clench drawing a start from Talisman as he pulled her along. His knees sinking in the mud, hand squelching through the slimy darkness he dragged her behind him, uncertain where he was going; driven by fear, by the voice, he stumbled to his feet, struggling against the mud?s wanting hold. Talisman close behind bewildered as they stumbled onward. Hours seemed to pass like this, neither able to distinguish where they were going nor from where they had come, time lost to darkness. Talon continued to drag his companion along, leaving no room for pause, for input. He was unsure how far he had stumbled, whether he traced a circle or closed on the mountain. Jaht?s unmade footfalls squelching through the mud behind them, eager to catch his victims, Talon knew nothing more. Lost in the timeless veils of night the ambassador continued, driven by his madness. The confusion ended as suddenly as it began. Talon?s world was sent into a dizzying spin, his body bruised and bashed as he fell, rolling again and again through the darkness, Talisman lost somewhere behind. Stopping to an uneasy haze he rested his head on the moist ground, vaguely aware of the lack of mud he waited for his eyes to focus. The darkness above him was broken, a dozen or more pricks of light trailing slowly through the chilling air. At first he thought he had hit his head, dazed himself in his maddened flight, but as he lay studying the lights realization clawed its way into his numbing mind. They were fireflies, Hawthorn forest?s fireflies. Several moments passed before his ears were filled with the soothing sounds of the rustling trees, his skin aware of the lessened lashings. Clambering to his feet Talon stumbled through darkness, tripping into the rough bark or a large tree he called: ?We?re free, he can?t get us here. Doesn?t know where we are.? He paused, wanting the reply that would not come. ?Are you there?? Again nothing. Waiting as long as fear allowed, his hopes yearning his unwitting companion, Talon hesitated before stumbling into the forest. Mud had given way to thick roots and the air was filled with the eerie whistling as the wind tore through the trees, branches falling now and then to a muffled crash. He had the trees to guide him now, keep his descent vertical as he delved deeper along his un-trod path. The voice was gone but the fear remained, something was spurning it along; it could have been the voice, the storm, even instinct, none the less it was there, driving him deeper into Hawthorn? [center]* * *[/center] Jaht stood on the mountainside at a loss. There was no sign of Talon, of Talisman; they were gone when he returned, lost to the night?s heavy veils. A purple tinge had crept across the horizon, edging relentlessly towards High Haven?s fall, to Sideria?s death?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Jaht disappeared into the gloomy passage, concealed within the mountain?s sweltering blanket. Talon turned to the darkness around him. The mountain?s walls had glowed with a fiery radiance; the passages themselves seemed to give off an eerie glow, surrounded by the heavy veils of the stormy night that Talon had waded into. His company forgotten he continued down the mountain, his destination uncertain, lost in the whims his mind had become. ?Hey wait!? Talisman called, her voice vague, almost distant as the ambassador left her on the mountain?s foot, torn between Talon and Jaht she hesitated. [i]Where are you going?[/i] The voice echoed once again. ?I don?t know.? Talon replied; Talisman turned, confused with his response. [i]Why are you letting him walk away, he tried to kill you![/i] ?What makes you say that?? ?Excuse me?? Talisman prodded, looking for a response. Her checked features beginning to slip with her frustration, her fists clenching as she watched. [i]He pulled you down the mountain, left you to die in the heat.[/i] ?Yes?but?? Talon trailed off; his eyes focused in middle distance, not seeing the world around him but removing him from it, leaving him to wander back up the mountain in a vast, swirling haze; he brushed past Talisman and entered the cave once more? [center]* * *[/center] An admirable attempt, cunning in the least, Jaht had walked back into his cave and dared defy his demands; a feeble attempt to avoid the dragon?s demand. Siene scooped Sideria into his claw and made his way down the passage, his body swift with its newfound vigor. Jaht had stumbled into one of many large caverns dotted throughout the smoky mountain?s immense confines; a simple one, only two entrances. One leading to Siene?s pools the other to the outside. It was along one of these passages that Siene slid, ready to show the fool his beloved dragon; ready to prove she meant nothing to him. ?You?re as pathetic as they are.? The shadow peeled from Siene?s massive form, revealing the dragon?s face, his eyes fiery as he spoke. ?I will destroy the ocarina, along with man?s the other legendary items. They have plagued us too long.? The dragon paused, collecting the man?s eye with the wells of fire that were his own. ?Nothing is more offensive to me, to the remaining few remembering our time; a time before men, before the disrespect. Prosperity.? His gaze flared, the air seemed to thicken as he continued, each word more unsettling than the last. ?The blasphemy your kind has brought to this world gnaws constantly at our soul, taints the tranquility I once held.? Jaht made to speak, his mouth echoing silent thoughts, finding his mouth parched he stopped, listening to the ancient being before him. ?There is nothing I will not do, no creature I will not destroy. We have left you in our time far too long, we should have removed our scourge, my bane, eons ago.? He paused, his lipless face contorting into an eerie smile. ?It is your bane now Jaht, you alone bare High Haven?s safety, as we have bourn your decrepit for the last century.? Siene raised his claw, brandishing the intruder?s goal. Sideria slumped against the broad base of his claw, her head rolling freely. A disturbing bobbing seldom achieved. ?I assure you.? The dragon continued. ?She is alive and well. A little worn from her ordeals as it would seem?Her time is limited however, dependent on you, as High Haven and your fellow peoples.? With a sneer Sideria disappeared, a fiery ring taking her place as the dragon wove his magic, removing her from reach?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=teal] The power was immense, almost unbearable as it ripped through the dragon?s ancient body, completing its task even before the mighty Anzunden?s blood had cooled. Siene sat in his pool, observing with the eyes of a race older than even his vast mind could perceive. A sense of foreboding, a curious feeling of detachment strong enough to penetrate the farthest depths of his mind, had washed over Siene. The world around him suddenly seemed distant, vague in all its petty concerns. His new perspective allowed him to view time itself although he were removed from its intangible depths, thoughts that would have ordinarily spanned minutes were drawn in a matter of seconds. Sideria still stumbled, obviously effected my the intensities thrown from the magma, her expression blank, dazed. Torn from his musings Siene was suddenly made aware of Jaht?s presence, unable to recall how he knew the pathetic mortals name, a concept suddenly voided in the deluge of knowledge he was experiencing. Careful to wait out the man?s demands Siene contemplated his next move, following through a year?s worth of conclusions in the passing of minutes, still a little overwhelmed he finally boomed his reply: ?Fool. Unwittingly you play into my claws, beseeching a so great a power on a creature you hardly knew.? A small part of his mind reserved in the deciphering of a thousand languages that flooded to his mind, Siene found himself spending a portion of his will in order to keep his words legible to the mortal. ?Now you enter my domain, cursing in your blasphemous tongue. Attempting to bestow your petty wants on me, one greater than the whole of your race, capable of ending all you hold so dear, your precious town.? Siene pulled himself from the pool, collecting Sideria?s tiny form in his claws as he did so. ?Now your tongue will be held and you will listen to my demands.? He paused allowing his words to register before he continued, his voice booming through the shaking mountain. ?Sideria as you call her is alive and well. Though I cannot guarantee the stability of her psyche I can deliver her body as it was when you last saw her.? He stopped as he crossed to the entrance that should he continue would lead him to the intruders, he stopped hear, pausing to see if Jaht was foolish enough to doubt his earlier threats, he did no such thing. A watchful eye on the passage he continued: ?Her fate will be short should you not meet my demand. You will bring to me the Dragon Ocarina as you call it. Then I will return Sideria and reside here, a sentinel for High Haven, guardian of your fair city and all the lands around it. Fail in this task and she along with your city will be forfeit, they will fall to a fresh scourge, a plague to you and all you hold dear.? He fell silent, awaiting the intruders? response?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Sensing a fresh intruder?s presence long before it hid the stars or stole the moon, Siene flapped his wings; leaving Talon forgotten in the mountain?s once molten dust. The pair climbed high above the world of men, one great beast after the other. Anzunden possessed a fraction of Siene?s speed, a result of his incredible size, and was quickly left behind; lost in the blinding rain were it not for his size, its heavy droplets disappearing under the sweltering flesh of the ancients. ?What are you talking about?? Talon stumbled backwards, falling once more to the earth?s thickening soil; the heavy rains disguising his foe?s face. ?I?m not with any raiders.? He?s trying to trick you. He has to be one of them, why else would he attack you? An ambassador of the city most esteemed representative of the council. The voice shattered his mind once more, its musical tones flowing through Talon?s mind. Kill him, before he kills you. Talon pulled himself quickly from the mud, edging away from Jaht as he did. Here he hesitated, the voice taking sway once more. Look at him. He wants to kill you. He will, you know he will. ?No!? Talon screamed, shaking his head furiously, his mud slicked brow folding in confusion. ?No, you?re wrong!? Jaht paused, his conviction wavering, his words unheard. He wants Chi, her ocarina. The voice continued to echo, to boom through every thought, every memory. The ambassador fell to his knees, shaking as he pulled himself into an unsteady kneel. Come on, before he does. He won?t expect that. His eyes hidden from the arcing flashes of the sky above, Talon broke into a sneer. ?I won?t let you get it.? Pushing his hands into the thick mud as he spoke, the ambassador issued his warning. As unnaturally still as the statues of High Haven?s sweeping courts he relished the moment, driven by the spell of his mind. ?I?ll be damned before I let you get it.? Jaht?s eyes widening with the chill of his voice, suddenly aware his foes motives; it was too late. Talon had sprung forward, wrapping himself around the warrior?s legs; all sense of self-preservation gone, lost as only the blind can. Their footing lost he pair tumbled down the steep slope, their limbs intertwined through their tumbling descent. Sliding to a halt caked in sludge and burdened with bruises, the pair separated; each jumped to his feet, scrambling desperately for a weapon, an advantage. Talon unarmed and Jaht?s blades lost in the tumble they dived forward once more, the warrior?s skill a clear advantage against the flailing ambassador? [center]~[/center] Circling one another in the world above, the clouds themselves shying from the intense heat of the dragons, the ancients prepared their assault. Their last encounter had been peaceful, a simple dispute to order their territory. Anzunden held High Haven?s east, Siene its west; at the time both were unsure who owned High Haven, they had argued, debated and competed for close to a century; finally concluding with men?s ownership of the tiny city the dragons returned to their abodes, content with the decision. Now this, half a century later Anzunden was attacking his ally for no clear reason, and Siene would be damned before he let the ancient take him and nothing more. ?What do you want?? He called in their ancient tongue, his voice echoing over the thunder as he hastened towards Anzunden. ?Why do you wish me harm?? ?I must repay my debt, I owe my life to the man below, and now he wishes this assault.? The reply boomed, as the creatures closed; each prepared for the initial strike. The monsters clashed, the sky itself splitting with the rage of their fiery clash. Neither struck true and the ancients separated once more, each circling in a wide arc for another attempt. ?You?re as bad as them. Holding your bond with a human over that of your kin.? Siene?s scorn ripping through his opponent?s mind as a raptor?s talons did its prey. Coming to bare on one another once more the pair hastened together, Siene peeling to the earth with little more than a footfall between them. High Haven screamed towards the dragon and his plight, a tiny prick in its shattered glory as it rose from the night below. Anzunden close behind Siene lured his ancient kindred into the leveled town square, each cutting a fresh wound into the rubble to rest his weary feet. Turning upon the other Siene?s voice echoed once more: ?You care for them so much? You believe them equal to us? You are gravely mistaken my friend.? His ancient dialect unknown to those unfortunate to hear it, the coming doom of his fiery breathe another matter. Dislodging his jaw as only a serpent can, Siene filled the plaza with his molten breath. The few remaining nearby fled with a blistered pain as their skin erupted in sizzling lesions, the stonework of the town itself melting under the heat. ?Stop it! This prove nothing, I cannot be swayed by their deaths. They mean nothing to me!? Anzunden?s response echoed through the sudden stillness, its silence eerie under the surrounding storm. ?Then why adhere to a commitment made with a creature doomed to die?? Siene glared into Anzunden?s fitful eye as he spoke, sure his conviction would sway his long time friend to reason. ?An ancient serving a man? I?d have much rather seen the end of our world than this day!? Turning in disgust Siene flew from the city, followed closely by Anzunden; the pair leaving a wake of rumor, of fear in the fledgling race of man. Returning with little more then a dozen wing beats the ancients landed on the mountain, the human and his quarrels forgotten as they made for Sideria, Siene still unsure of Anzunden?s conviction. The rain returned to the world outside, veiling the earth from all but those with the keenest sight, as the dragon?s traversed the passage Siene had seal Sideria within. ?Here take her, she is of little more than a distraction to me.? Siene motioned to the sealed chamber, careful to present and innocent façade for his guest. Intent of furthering Jaht?s goals, Anzunden plunged a claw into the wall; carefully releasing Sideria from her prison he went unaware in his peril, realizing Siene?s malevolence far too late. Uttering an almost forgotten spell Siene dazed his fellow ancient for the barest of seconds, just long enough for him to find an adequate hold on his neck. The massive dragon?s jaws served their purpose well, dispatching his foe?s neck in a heartbeat. Sideria pocked her weary head through the carefully carved hole, spying Anzunden?s dieing form she gave a start only to receive Siene?s placid reassurance: ?He was trying to kill you, I had to kill him.? Sideria accepted Siene?s had, content in her naivety. Even as he carried his prize back along the passage Siene felt the overbearing rush of power flowing into his body, his mind. He had just dispatched the elemental dragon of fire, a position that must be filled; it was the way of the world. Amazed at how such an unwitting dragon attained this distinguished position Siene returned to his pool, careful to keep Sideria from its savage depths. Chi was still in here somewhere, searching for her beloved companion, seemingly unaware of Jaht?s predicament. Siene smile, he would be waiting for her, happy to receive her, and her ocarina?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Staring after the companions Talon tried to gather his thoughts, had he really looked like he was lying? Had he withheld something from them? Shaking his head he looked around the suddenly empty fields. The western edge blanketed in a thick smoke, disappearing under the oozing lava, High Haven in ruin to the east, the barest hint of the green forests crowning the northern horizon, there was no one for leagues. Turning slowly Talon fell to his knees, his mind suddenly numb, ebbing under the confusion that swirled through it. Now why did you go and do that? The voice echoed through all he knew, through his ears, behind his eyes, along his spine, even through his memories, his past. Had it always been there, had he just noticed it now? With a hint of grey the sky darkened from the south, a heavy storm was rolling in. Coming to cleanse High Haven, free it from the failed festival?s devastation. Talon turned his eyes from the sky, his mind filled with a sudden guilt. Unable to comprehend why he felt he had betrayed this intruder, this thing that echoed through his mind, he slumped to the ground, the grass? soft tickle occupying his last thoughts as he lost consciousness. [center]* * *[/center] Waking in a shivering heap Talon rose to find the storm had set in, he could see no more than a dozen feet in any direction, apparently night had followed. After dragging his numb bulk from the mud the ambassador trudged slowly towards the smoky mountain, it ominous faces silhouetted over the raging sky. He pulled his robes tighter in a vain attempt at warmth, squinting into the blinding fury the sky had become he looked desperately for some sign of help, anything to free him from nature?s numbing agony. Unsure how many hours he had lain on the plains, their suddenly slick surface hinting at the possibility of days, Talon called for Siene, the ancient name going unheard amongst the fitful winds. Unable to recollect much of the day?s events, his mind was filled with unordered and seemingly exaggerated scenes of High Haven?s collapse, Talon reasoned the intruder must have been a dream. Even dragons were lacking in sorcery powerful enough to overwhelm a sentient creature?s mind, or were they. Was there some dark secret that had been hidden from men, were they able to do such a thing? With a violent shudder he tried to shake the paranoia that clawing at the back of his mind. You don?t want to talk to him. You heard Jaht; he only wants to hurt you. Talon stopped dead, realizing his nightmare held no less realty to it than the mud that clung greedily to his soles. Turning in a frantic circle he searched for the abominable source, knowing deep down it wasn?t to be found. ?What do you want?? He shouted into the night, the lashing rains his only reply. ?Just leave me alone!? Lightning arched across the heavy gloom, highlighting his goal once again. Talon hastened towards the mountain, forcing his horror to the numb regions of his mind. Reaching the mountain?s sweeping foot he almost collapsed in exasperation. The earlier eruption had left the base completely changed, its once familiar features now burnt and barren. Even the moss-covered boulders, twice the size of the tallest man, had been buried in the fiery maelstrom. Despair taking hold, Talon collapsed to his knees, his robes heavy with mud, his face caked in filth, he had no desire to scale the mountain. Perhaps it would be best if he lay here and die, maybe then Sideria would be able to rest easy, knowing she wasn?t the only innocent felled by powerful beasts today. His guilt suddenly rushed forth with impossible clarity, as if a great dam had broken and filled his mind with a deluge of understanding; despair. It was his fault Sideria had died, if he had gone to the mountain when Jaht had asked she would be alive right now, safe with Chi, huddled by the cozy hearth of their home. A knew wave of sorrow rolled through his mind with this, there was no home. High Haven was all but leveled by the raiders, by the eruption; another thing he could have prevented had he arrived that little bit sooner. Come now, its not all your fault. He was the one who did it after all. Talon pulled his face from the ground turning it skyward, a new thought filling his mind: ?No. It is his fault. I didn?t do it he did. Yes he did it.? The ambassador muttered to himself, the voice suddenly forgotten. ?Siene!? He called into the night, a fiery determination ripping through his muscles, forcing him forward once more. ?Siene come down here!? There was no reply, there seldom was. ?Coward!? Talon continued up the uneven slop, his rational shattered by the blinding devices of the intruder. A thundering roar split the earth and a booming voice filled his ear with a tongue scarcely known. ?What do you want, stumbling blindly though my domain?? Siene leered down the cliff face at Talon, the man?s flesh quickly losing its blue tinge with his approach, squinting into the heat he began his rant. ?Why did you kill her?? He yelled as if into the sky, his neck craning to find the colossal dragon?s face. ?Why did you kill them all?? He continued in his anger, pushed by the malevolent voice as he motioned towards the unseen city. ?What gives you the right to look down upon us?? raising a bony finger, barely able to hold it there in his fits of emotion, Talon continued to accused Siene, his rational lost?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Talon turned from Jaht to the fiery mountain, the spectacle it had become holding his gaze for the barest of moments. The ambassador knew there was no way he could get into the mountain, it was simply too hot. Turning back to Jaht he said: ?I can handle it. But you?ll have to draw Siene out here, I can?t possibly survive that sort of heat.? At this Jaht lowered his eyes, deep in thought. How did you lure a dragon, that hadn?t left its range for close to a century, out into the open? Talon had turned back towards High Haven, his face wrought with concern for the burning city. Spot fires were running unchecked throughout and much of its once grand heritage lay in ruin atop the flagstones of its numerous courts. The distant echo of heavy stones falling into the city didn?t easy his discontent; Talon was beginning to doubt the city?s survival. Crushed, as it was it would take years to restore it to what it was, and even then the deluge of death would hold it from its former glory. After a time Talon was suddenly made aware of Jaht and Chi?s words, he was unsure how long they had continued speaking, how long he had been standing within his mind, absorbed by the devastation around him. ?Are you alright?? Chi was asking, her voice distant, as if it were echoing through several rooms to reach him. Talon turned to her, his eyes glassy, detatched. [i]Yes, you?re fine.[/i] The ambassador?s eyes widened, his legs twirling him in search of the intruder, trying to find the source of the immense weight on his mind.[i] Answer her fool.[/i] ?Yes, yes I?m fine.? Talon restored his face, carefully holding his confusion within. Maybe it was Siene, could he do that? ?W-where were we?? Chi and Jaht exchanged worried glances at this. ?You sure you?re ok?? Jaht repeated Chi?s question. A sudden rush of concern filling his mind as he foresaw Sideria?s only hope waning in front of them. ?Yes, I told you before. I?m fine.? Talon straightened his robes as he spoke, subconsciously avoiding eye contact with the pair. [i]That?s it; make sure they don?t suspect a thing.[/i] The presence encroached further upon his mind, resounding through his head as it spoke. Talon?s stern features broke into a smile with the words: ?Why wouldn?t I be??[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] More! Even more pathetic wretches had dared tread upon his domain, dared to fight, to spill their corrupt blood upon his earth. Siene was furious as he made his way alone another massive passage, barely large enough to contain his colossal form. Sideria sat confused and dazed in his palm, still unable to fathom what had happened to her. Reaching the end of his passage the ancient dragon placed his guest gently into the confines of a small cave, no less than three hundred feet from the passage floor. Once the tiny dragon had moved back into the out-cove Siene sealed the chamber with several massive boulders, far too large for any ordinary creature, or dragon for that matter, to move. Satisfied that his guest would be safe from the coming inferno Siene returned to the magma pool in the center of the Smoky Mountain, bent on the deaths of all those foolish enough to desecrate his land. The mountaintop exploded, seeming to rend the still air with booming tones. Chi and Jaht turned to see the twirling maelstrom climb into the sky, massive boulders tossed amongst an endless torrent of ash and lava, crowning the searing avalanche of fiery wind tearing down the mountainside. A second suddenly precious, the pair scarcely had time to spy one another before leaping down the next sweeping segment of steep cliffs, their plight desperate and futile. Massive lumps of molten rock, bigger than the dragons they had seen, were already crashing into the earth behind them, the inevitable wave of fury tearing down the mountain closed on them with great speed. When all seemed lost, the pair unable to descend further and the cloud almost upon them Dryoga flew from the ash filled sky, collecting his companions before making for the relative safety of the vast plains below. Siene?s massive lipless mouth once again curled into a sinister smile, the warmth of the magma rushing past him filling every crevice of his body, filled him with an almost intoxicating feeling of warmth. They were fleeing, leaving his land alone. But they would return and he had to be ready for that. [center]--------------------[/center] Talon clung to the dragon?s broad back with white knuckles, he had never ridden on a dragon before, there had never been a need. Siene had always said it was disrespectful to treat his noble race as beasts of burden, they were far superior to men. A booming roar, loud enough to move the air around him, pulled Talon from his musings, drawing his eyes towards where the Smoky Mountain lay. The whole range had been covered in a vast cloud of dust, a cloud tearing towards the devastated city of High Haven, carrying massive boulders and burning ash with it. Deep Sea swerved towards the plains, dropping quickly under the cloud and towards the companions they sort. Landing shakily in the thick torrents of grass Talon dismounted and the pair moved to join Chi, Jaht and Dryoga. The ambassador?s face turned towards High Haven, grimacing as the ash reached the already smoking city, massive boulders shattering its elegant walls, the clock tower falling in a similar fashion, a fiery shower of stone to the few left below. Turning to the companions Talon raised an eyebrow, curious as to what they thought he could do to prevent Siene?s rage? [center]--------------------[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] Remember the ash is everywhere peoples, not dangerous just everywhere...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Hey-oh! I figured I'd ask this here, rather than stating a new thread, and seeing as all you guys have played these style of RPs before I figure there is more chance of a reply here. What do you think makes a good quest? In a fantasy setting in particular. Being a DM I often go over board and flesh out my NPCs as if they were individual characters. This usually means I don't need to guide the PCs into a quest but just moderate them in the world I created. Do you think this is a good idea? Why?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well first off it was a Hydra and I believe that party treked halfway across a continent [sp?] in search of a magical sword only to realise they didn't have so much as a description of what the weapon looked like, now whose leadership was that under? They were the good times, me the DM, the party, no need for the excessive misinterpretation of the fickle narratives OB has instilled upon me. I enjoyed playing, well DMing D&D, though I have no particular "favourite" moment (I can't even remember half the quests I put you guys through.). Likewise with a "least favourite" moment. Oh, if you are going to attempt one of these "Pen and Paper" games (they're really dice games in my opinion.) make sure you read the rulebook, three thousand year old read dragons don't make a good foe for a bunch of theives and thick headed fighter weilding a rusty old bastard sword...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The deep blues of the dragon contrasted with the dirty grey the city had become, freeing himself from the festival tower with air of Deep Sea, Talon had received his first look at the devastated ruin High Haven had fallen into. Horizons had become rubble and the once majestic fountains spewed haphazard streams of water across cracked flagstones. Repulsed by the swath of devastation that filled his sight Talon turned to his patient savior, his inability to ride fresh upon his mind. ?I-I can?t ride.? The ambassador wavered as he spoke, his legs burning with the sudden rush of blood. {Do not worry it isn?t hard, I can hold you if need be.} The dragon?s tranquil voice echoed across Talon?s mind. {We must hurry; I fear the dragon Jaht speaks of has harmed Sideria, maybe even him and Chi by now.} Renewed by the display of urgency, a rare occurrence in Deep Sea?s race, Talon clambered onto the creature?s broad back. Finding an adequate hold the ambassador could do little to stop the butterflies wrenching his gut. The dragon sprung gracefully into the air, spreading its wings and allowing the winds to carry them high over the endless plains, the nervous man clutching desperately to its hide, it was unaware of the hateful eye spying the exit it hastened to make. Concealed within the ruins of the once grand town square, Kurian looked on with little more than hate, the raider and his beast fleeing the havoc they had created? Bemused by the feeble attempts of the intruder to dislodge his mountain Siene smiled and allowed his carefully secured prize to drop, bemused by the feelings of shock, of horror that erupted from the miniscule pest. With the sound of booming rocks, falling mud and tumbling trees Jaht dived away from the suddenly perilous perch he had taken, sliding down the sloping face of the earthen cliff below. Tumbling in his ungainly gait to a halt he turned from the mountain?s waist and perceived the mass he had rightly fled. Tumbling amongst a loosed cache of rocks were the remains of what seemed to have been a pair of rather large dragons, their bodies had been all but dismembered and were missing several chunks as they came to rest a mere dozen feet from Jaht. Siene sneered and turned once more to Sideria?s innocent figure, its tiny bulk still dazed from the fall it had taken, the ancient dragon had forgotten just how fragile he himself had once been?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The blur that had become the world surrounding the ambassador assailed his senses from ever direction. The roaring flames and heavy scents 0f fire filled the air around him; the rising heat tore at his skin. Talon tried vainly to pull himself to his feet, surprised to find the remains of a festival tower resting across his midriff, pinned firmly to the ground he squirmed a little before relaxing to the hard flagstones, satisfied his body was free of major injuries. His mind was whirring and the memories of the events leading to his predicament did their best to avoid a rational order. As far as Talon could tell the fighting had not stopped, the dull clashing of metal could be heard amongst the rubble that had become the town square, and smoke was flooding through the half razed buildings. The once majestic scene had fallen to a dirtied heap; even the sky had flooded with a grey sea of despair. Another pair of intruders drew a frown from Siene?s ancient mind. Seven had suddenly encroached upon his domain, his territory, and his land that had remained free of humanities ill evolved form for the best part of the century. What had brought them all here, was it his guest. The unknowing and innocent youth that had fallen from the sky, chased by a pair of beings that should have known better. Siene quitted his musings and turned his attention to the four tiny figures that littered the terrains surrounding the smoky mountain, none of them skilled enough in the fledgling arts of man to contend with the ancient being. The dragon?s hopes weren?t dashed, maybe they were smarter than he assumed, maybe they would reason against death and leave his home peacefully, and maybe he wouldn?t have to kill them?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Great's an understatement me thinks, awesome is more like it. Anyways thanks for the banner and avi, I can't see anything wrong with them so I've started using them. Thanks, SKEDY[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] A sudden twinge shot through the back of Siene?s mind as he gazed absently at Sideria, the still dazed dragon was stumbling his palm. The intruders were had imbued something, he couldn?t tell what without a scrying spell, and he couldn?t allow the infidels such an advantage. Rising once more to his feet the ancient and massive dragon split his lipless jaw and set the cavern echoing with his long forgotten tongue, several stalactites crumbling to the floor. Siene sneered as his unpronounceable incantation weaved its way around Chi and Dryoga, dispelling the comparably untrained magic of the young dragon tamer. Dryoga swooped into a narrow cave near the top of the smoky mountain, the heat levels increased dramatically as the pair continued deeper into the undiscovered range of Siene. ?Shouldn?t your spell be doing stopping this?? The mount turned to its master, wavering in the gushing currents of boiling air, even its rare abilities gave way to the increase of heat. The young girl?s eyes lowered for the briefest of moments as she searched for an answer. She found none, as far as she could tell her spell had simply stopped working. ?Turn around Dryoga, the spell isn?t working.? His command issued the beast of burden turned from Siene?s range and moved back to the cool airs of the surrounding range. The intruders were reevaluating their plan, somehow convinced that Sideria lay in the confines of the smoky mountain. Siene turned once more to his miniscule guest, content to be rid of the intruders for the time being, a strange feeling creeping through into the pit of his stomach. Unlike the other tamers that had dared to encroach upon his realm, this one didn?t arouse the blinding urge for death in the ancient dragon; it left him content on its escape?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Teal] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry for the size, I?m a little pressed for time? Siene?s senses perked as yet another set of intruders encroached upon his range, even with several peaks distance between them the massive dragon could smell Sideri?s scent on them. Had they come to rescue her? Did they think she was in trouble? Turning from the plateau the crimson beast headed into the confines of his abode, carefully hiding as so few had learned to do. The new intruders had already penetrated into his network of caverns, each magnificent in its size, their walls smoother than the purest of gems after bearing his intense breath. Looking down upon his guest Siene came to realize that the tiny creature was unaware of her friend?s presence, Sideria?s senses hadn?t reached the heightened level the ancient dragon had grown accustomed to, nor would she for many more centuries if he recalled correctly. Bearing the dazed serpent deeper into the gargantuan network Siene finally settled into a cavern whose intricacies he was familiar with and waited for the intruders to arrive. He would give them one chance, a trial or character, of wills, before determining their fate. Peering once more upon the tiny dragon in his palm the ancient beast?s heart sank to its usual melancholy as his rationalizations led him to the linking of his unknowing friends fate with that of the freshest string of intruders?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Anime themed requests seem to get the best results so I figured I'd ask you guys to make me a matching banner and avatar using FLCL, such a cool series, characters or just one or the other. I'd like Canti (The first robot to come out.) to be the main idea or theme behind which ever, and would like either the phrase: "Furi Kuri" or "Fooly Cooly" to be included in the banner. Third time lucky eh?, SKEDY[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Despite numerous leagues separating his range from High Haven?s mighty walls the echo Siene?s fear instilling roar could was heard by all those still enough to listen. Three of them had flown brashly into his territory, two chasing a third, smaller wretch. Three feeble beasts had dared dally in the air above his ridge; three feeble beasts had fallen, two to his jaw, larger than the spans of their ?matured? bodies, and the smallest to another. It was this tiny creature Siene now clasped gently in his claw, it was young, still nigh of a century, and knew not of his presence. How cold he possibly murder such an innocent thing in cold blood. Settling once again onto the broad ridge the colossal dragon turned his eye towards the chaos shroud city, waiting patiently for the delicate life, held in its entirety with naught more than his mighty claw, to stir? [center]____________________________________________[/center] Talon rolled through the dust, frantically avoiding the chaotic blows of raiders and townsfolk alike. As the Song of Summons had fallen to the gentle silence that he had grown accustom to hearing the city had broken into chaos. The Town Square had erupted into utter turmoil. Swarming dragons had fallen from the sky, purple clad figures leapt from sewer grates, townsfolk had scattered and the opening ceremony was left in ruins. Talon darted through the conclusion to a seemingly quiet edge of the square, eager to quit the hectic scene. The ambassador had read of them, mediated and even begun the process of restoring an entire village after them, but never had he been caught in the middle of a raid, such a daring one too. He knew of little game enough to attempt an attack against a city as large as High Haven. What could have spurned such an atrocious massacre? Talon dived from a with the toppling of yet another of the decorative towers that had been erected for the festival, thankful once for his life as he flittered through the dust? [center]____________________________________________[/center] The dark crimson scales of Siene?s ancient face contorted ever so slightly into what could only pass as a grin. People and dragons alike filled the air above High Haven?s vast expanse, their tiny forms barely distinguishable from the range, were it not for his century honed senses Siene would have had no indication to the battle raging over the city?s fate. It wasn?t even a formidable foe, surely the mages would rally against them, the raiders couldn?t possibly win this fight, they had once again taken a foe too great for their feeble abilities, as all men did. Siene hardly registered the movements of the tiny Sideria as he continued with his musings, almost startled with her forgotten presence. The impossibly small creature seemed to cower with the opening of its eyes, scarcely able to comprehend the looming bulk that now held it in its claws. The ancient behemoth?s lipless jaws parted only to confuse poor Sideria further with utterances its in gibberish. It cowered further into his claw, bewildered with a sight that surely could not be. Siene himself took several moments to realize that this dragon was far too young to remember the ancient tongues, let alone the regional dialects of the southern sea from whence he had come. He had even managed to teach the fickle man, Talon, to understand his divine language, though its pronunciation was beyond the simple intricacies of his body, but there were few old enough to remember a time when such teachings were common his guest surely recognized little if none of it. Focusing his mind the colossal dragon drew forth the subtle magic he had almost forgotten and focused them upon the tiny dragon: ?Greetings young one, I am Siene purge of the north. Who may I ask encroaches upon my domain?? Filled with a sudden rush of dismissed rumors and bedtime stories Sideria realized just whom she had chanced upon, though the name was new his size and location matched the tales. ?Sideria.? The dragon?s writhing mind answered back, tiny in Siene?s vast conscience. Filled with a sudden benevolence Siene lowered Sideria to the ridge and began his acquaintance with an unexpected, possibly unknowing, friend?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] The sun was peaking and the air was crisp as the Talon galloped back into the town. His eyes were heavy and his face caked in heavy layers of sweat and grime. He had spent much of last night in the uncomfortable confines of Siene?s cave, after delivering his news the dragon had permitted Talon some time to rest in his abode before his return to High Haven. Thus Talon found himself hastening across the grassy fields in the hours preceding dawn, eager to return and refresh before the festivities began. Upon his arrival he found that most of the city had risen despite several hours remaining until the Song of Summons was to be performed. [center]***[/center] Talon turned from the cozy confines of his home and made for the town square, refreshed and lively once again. The sun had cleared the horizon and was well into its steep ascent when the ambassador joined the milling crowds. Chi, a young dragon tamer whose name seemed to be frequenting the town council meetings over recent weeks, climbed onto the stage, pausing, taking in the sight before raising the elegant instrument to her lips, its enchanting song filling the air with a fabled radiance. Sure enough the heavy iron hands of the town clock, looking down in all their glory climbed to ten and twelve. Its chimes silenced to prevent the disturbance the ritual? [center]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] Siene eased himself onto one of the numerous ridges spread throughout his range, curious, as he always was to view the demeaning festivities the sprawling city held so highly. Sure enough the offensive notes filled the air, attempting feebly to draw him from his abode, followed shortly by no less than fifty dragons and a dazzling display. Deciding it wasn?t worth his time the dragon began back towards his cave, stopping with the sudden appearance of a small army of specks, several soaring high; maybe this was worth his time. The sea of ants crashed against High Haven?s masterful walls, sweeping through the half closed gates. The town seemed to be ill prepared for the raid, little stood in the purple clad figure?s way as they raged forth. Siene smiled and settled onto the ridge, amused once more with the dealings of man?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=Teal] The warming depths of his range instilled a pleasant feeling in Siene?s crimson form. The sun had fallen below the horizon some time ago and the colossal dragon had retired to the molten confines of his volcano further back in the sweeping range he called home. Easing his bulk into the shifting glow the dragon turned his mind to the coming festival and the events rumored to take place, they pleased him greatly but left smallest twinge of doubt in the far reaches of his vast conscience. Perhaps it was better to remain here in the comfort of his cave rather than getting involved with the petty squabbles that would surely arise. The dragon closed his eyes and lowered his head into the warming magma, his ears suddenly filled with the amplified raging of the earth below. Siene often bathed in the molten rocks pools dotted throughout his territory, this one being his favorite, and reveled in the clarity they provided his scales, there wasn?t much that could with stand the heat and the caked filth that invariably found its way upon all dragons was melted back to the earth it once was? [center]~[/center] ?Fourteen!? Talon exclaimed in disbelief. He had arrived at the council chambers a little after noon to find the town slowly slipping away from the order that it was often noted for at this time of year. Over the last week there had been a total of thirty-six dragon attacks, fourteen of which occurred today. Furthermore eleven of these attacks were not carried out by the wild dragons and was expected but were rather the result of annoyed or rebellious ?tamed? dragons in the city?s confines. ?Yes fourteen, and I fear they will only double in number before the end the festivities.? An aging council member of continued to inform Talon of their concerns. There were several other ambassador and respected political members of the town present, all of whom seemed equally concerned with this dire news. ?Are people aware of this, has anyone noticed?? Talon continued his bewilderment, suddenly concerned with thoughts of angry mobs, the radicals that refused to accept he dragons. ?There had been no mention of it yet, the city is large enough for people not to notice but it won?t be long before they do.? The old man continued, the rest of the council away dealing with other pressing matters no doubt. ?Then what is it you want us to do?? Another ambassador stepped forward? Thus Talon found himself once again tracking across the vast plains to the looming ranges that his companion rested within, his horse slower than a dragon mount but ultimately more expendable should the ancient beast feel hungry upon his arrival. Talon chuckled as he remembered the first time he had stumbled across Siene, the poor horse he had carried could rival a single tooth, and the dragon couldn?t even chew it if it tried. Pulling his cloak tighter around himself he spurred his steed and hastened towards his ally.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Ice Cream You Scream We all Scream for, Ice Cream Or something like that. Something triggered it, I've no clue what, and now I can't get his saying out of my head, so what should I do with it? Ask for a new sig that's what. I don't care if its animated or not, whether its big or small, happy or sad. I'm just asking for a signature that contains this phrase, or something close to it, and would prefer it to contain greys on a black background, but that doesn't really matter, and be fairly simple. Thanking you for your time, SKEDY[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] The sun was bright and the air crisp as Talon Claremont made his way into the city. The gates, filled with expectant soldiers, stood proud open to the steady stream of visitors coming for the Solstice. The inns were filling, as they did every year, and the sprawling city?s occupants covered their homes, shops and everything nearby in the vibrant banners of the season. The atmosphere was relaxed with a tense anticipation of excitement. Avoiding the stumbling crowds the ambassador slid swiftly away from the main street and made his way along one of its sisters, pausing now and again to take in the colorful bliss and sweet scents of preparation. Making his way ever closer to the town hall, perched in brilliant all its glory on the peak sloping hill the city had slowly grown from, rounding yet another corner, into what should have been a bustling market center Talon was confronted with a scene of utter chaos. Facing off in the middle of a sea of stalls was the looming, green mass of a dragon and no less than a dozen men, all dressed in their glimmering shirts and steel helms, their halberds set cautiously against their foe. Loosing a roar that shattered the little courage its foes has managed to summon the dragon spread its wings and took to the skies, heading for the tranquil plains surrounding the city. Talon paused for a moment, debating whether t offer his assistance to the men, before deciding they would be better off without his help. He smiled and continued through the square, carefully avoiding the distraught merchants running to the trampled remnants of their stalls. With the increase of dragon attacks over the past few weeks Talon was beginning to believe Siene was right, dragons just couldn?t be happy in captivity, every dragon would doubt its situation at one point or another and their will was is far too great for a single person to contain should they want to escape. If only people would accept them as equals, forge a city where both lived alongside one another. Maybe then the raids would stop. Talon continued towards the town center, suddenly hastening his pace with the realization of his lateness? Siene looked peacefully out over the vast expanse of plains between him and the city. Nestled amongst the greatest peaks of the towering range that bordered the plains on which the city sat, he rarely had to worry about intruders. The occasional dragon tamer had ventured into the range but few had managed to traverse it, and fewer still could wield magic great enough to suppress his ancient will. Turning his gaze from the vast expanses of his realm Siene moved back into the massive cavern, crafted by his fiery breath. The colossal creature?s movements had the grace of water, darkening hide a heat greater than the hottest fires, but as the elders of his race Siene had little desire to rush into combat, to reclaim that which rightfully belonged to the superior race. He had servants, tools to do that for him and the coming solstice would see the beginning of the plans he had brooded upon for so long a time?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=lucida sans unicode][COLOR=teal][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Siene Diadraigh [B]Age:[/B] 2,758 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Dragon (Wild) [B]Appearance:[/B] Siene?s body is covered in a series of slender spines and bony ridges, a trend carried by his slightly oversized jaw. Weighing at a colossal fourteen tonne this dragon?s toned body obviously outweighs most of his species? when his whims deem it necessary to reveal himself, a seldom occasion indeed. With heavy, overlapping scales ranging from a deep crimson to the purest of blacks Siene makes full us of his natural coloring and surrounds himself with thick mists, blocking the prying eye of few who happen upon him. [B]Class:[/B] Mage if anything? [B]Personality:[/B] Siene is a manipulative and arrogant dragon, believing that his kind is superior to all others he goes about collecting allies to further his own ends. Currently he will do almost anything to form an alliance with another wild dragon in the hopes of bringing about the destruction of the summer solstice as the first step in his schemes? [B]Biography:[/B] Siene was left alone to fend for himself, as is customary to the ?uncivilized? dragons of the south. After a hard childhood hopping from one island to the next Siene eventually moved to the main land, after discovering the way dragons were treated by the people living there, intent on disrupting the ?harmony? that the bewitched dragons claimed to have with the scum ruling there. After several centuries of searching, followed by many more of planning and finally fighting Seine eventually established his own territory before proceeding to begin his many social acquaintances with the ?tools? inhabiting the area. Again settling in with the development of another long scheme Siene disappeared for close to a millennium, appearing only in search of food and in the occasional tale of the foolhardy adventurers that frequent the terrain surrounding his subtle abode. Recent years have seen the reemergence of Siene; his schemes ready for execution no doubt, and an increase of his territory. With the coming of the summer solstice the fruit seems ripe and the aging dragon has turned his attentions back to tidings of man, and dragon alike, with a maliciousness found only with in the venerable housings of the reptilian races? [CENTER]~[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Talon Claremont [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Weapon:[/B] Hand and a half sword (Bastard Sword) [B]Appearance:[/B] Standing at five foot eight inches Talon is a proud young man with short, sandy-brown hair and contrasting, crystal blue eyes. He can usually be found in the purple silks of the robes common to his house else he is presented with full ambassadorial dress as he represents one of the many villages surrounding the capitals boarders, in the trade disputes his household has long been responsible to resolve. [B]Class:[/B] Diplomat/Ambassador (I know, I know, just looked to weird empty.) [B]Personality:[/B] Confident and proud are two words that come to mind when most think of Talon Claremont. Able to hold his own this young man fights stubbornly for what he believes in yet often concedes a gracious defeat should his argument become flawed. (NOTE: I have not included Talon?s full personality here, as I would like to keep an air or mystery, so to speak, about him. But please PM me if you wish to post anything substantial pertaining to his actions.) [B]Biography:[/B] Talon lived a sheltered childhood, raised in a well off home he adopted the practices of his deceased father?s lineage and set about representing the small villages surrounding the bustling capitol he was accustomed to. Over the years Talon has had his fair share of encounters with wild dragons attempting to thwart the villages he so passionately fought for. The witnessing of such a violent situation led the young man to believe that he required a more adequate form of protection if he were to traverse the lands as his life style demanded, thus he eventually spent time learning the ways of the sword, along with a considerable sum to the blade masters residing in the town, to become proficient with the hand and a half or bastard sword. Over his travels Talon had dealt with many creatures and forged links with most of the ?faces? of the capitol and its surrounding provinces?[/size][/color][/font]
  22. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] Newness calls for newness and I've been playing Worms World Party lately so I figured I'd ask you guys to make me a Worms Banner/Avi, depending on how creative you feel. The only thing I don't want in it is the sergeant worm, often used as an advertising gimick for the worms games, cause I don't really like him all that much. Anyways, anything would be much appreciated and have fun, SKEDY[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR=teal][size=1] OOC: Sorry I?m so late, computer crashed, and sorry it?s so short. Stress faults, overbalanced engines and malfunctioning maintenance bots had provided Adam Faulkner with a hectic morning and a late meeting. Six hours ago he had met the crew, the people, he was accompanying into space. Thirty minutes late, un-kept and tired as all hell the engineer didn?t have time to get to know the other members of the crew, he had hurry back to the space research and design facility, on the outskirts of New Madison, he had been stationed at. Here he sat with a twelve other men reevaluating the chamber destined to hold the creature responsible for the murder of two security members and a pair of seven man corporate, military trained teams. The hundred millimeter thick metal doors sealing the cell suddenly seemed pitiful compared to the security footage the men had just finished pouring over. Faulkner sighed and checked his watch, forty-six hours to fix the magnitude of problems he was responsible for, problems that seemed to be doubling by the second? [/size][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=teal][size=1] Granecourt lay still, careful not to reveal his ruse to the incompetent drow. As many before them they had; the elves assumed that the vampire?s blackened heart lay on his left when in fact to rested easily among the ribs on his right, undisturbed by the crude stake. Vincent was beginning to tire of his mischievous as the group came to the stop and a third voice filled the air; it was soft, cold, feminine. With the creak of the heavy iron gate Granecourt summoned his will and prepared himself. The pathetic creations Uthegiliel called golems crumbled to the earth they had once been as Granecourt summoned his ancient will, leaving the drow to land heavily on the path. The vampire had removed the misplaced stake from his chest and found himself fully healed by the time he touched the ground. Taking the barest of moments to glance at his surroundings, the vampire sprung into the air with a swiftness unseeable even to the keen eyes of the drow. The gate flew back catching Ciel off guard before throwing her to the ground several feet away where she was left to watch the dismemberment of her friend. Uthegiliel pulled himself from the ground, eyes darting across the rocky terrain with frantic panic. Even before the inevitable sense of dread climbed from the pit of his stomach and settled in his throat the drow heard his should pop sickly, his necked following it to the right with a sudden jar. Ciel pulled herself from the dirt, her graceful posture returning as quickly as it had been torn away, and watched what appeared to be a blur move into Uthegiliel. She watched his arm violently rotate in its socket, finishing it revolution before being thrown clear with a torrent of blood. The proud drow dropped to his knees, overwhelmed with pain and feint with blood loss. Marukien scrambled to his feet, confused and bewildered he took in the surroundings. ?In the years of my absence the drow have all but failed to grow if you are to be reckoned as average. Your art, the way you kill, even your wine his failed to ripen.? Granecourt?s voice drifted over the elf?s shoulder, suddenly cold with a chill seldom experienced. Marukien spun quickly, panic filling his gut, only to be met with cruel emptiness where surely the vampire had stood. ?Though there is one thing that comes to mind.? The voice was behind him once again, chilling the drow?s spine even as it twisted vainly, attempting to locate Granecourt. ?Stupidity. Not more than four hundred years and your have managed to forget the precious wisdom your ancestors once revered.? Granecourt moved as the elf tried once again to lay eyes upon his pale flesh. Ciel was slowly closing the gap between them; he could smell the stench of the dead upon her flesh and knew better than to free her from his gaze. ?The irony of your fate is almost disturbing. My wish was not to kill you, rather I wished to see how far your race has come.? With a dreadful sneer the vampire stepped towards the still bewildered Mazukien, again Ciel stood by and did nothing to save the elf, somehow she felt compelled to leave the vampire alone, let him continue as he wished. Granecourt grabbed the man roughly by the shoulders, lifting him easily into the air. Mazukien?s eyes widened as the world spun around him. The vampire?s angular face filled his vision where seconds before there had been little more than the drab greys of the cavern. As the fluids caught up to his body the drow?s pain registered, suddenly aware that his legs had remained at their previous face, his lower spine shattered with the obscenely fast spin. Granecourt dropped the shocked man and bowed his head gracefully before turning to Ciel. ?Good day or night madam, whichever it maybe.? Granecourt?s voice still held its chill as he crossed from his greeting and retrieved a finely crafted violin from the piles of earth where Uthegiliel still lay. Seeing Ciel?s hesitation, the vampire?s gaze was weakening as he abandoned his efforts, Vincent turned once again to the necromancer. ?Don?t worry. I?ve fed well and think little of those who kill for sport. Your death would serve me no purpose?? [b] OOC:[/b] I just want to be happy and nice. But no, elves don?t like to be happy.[/size][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=teal][size=1] Granecourt rose gently to his feet and continued browsing the room in his hosts? absence, learning all that he could of the changes their race had undergone during his long wanderings. Crossing to the elegant mantle crowning the flickering fire Vincent peered curiously at the numerous ornaments and oddities kept there, it was as he stood there that the door opened and the elves reappeared. One arm on the mantle the vampire looked to his hosts using the mirror occupying the wall above, it took the ancient being a moment to realize that he was looking through himself at the elves, surely revealing his true nature to those keen enough to see it. The change in the drows? demeanors was obvious to the vampire, though small it was there. They had surely discussed what he was but neither reacted different to him, both returned to their seats and reclaimed the glasses of the fledgling wine, continuing to sip the water liquid slowly. Granecourt returned to his chair, suddenly cautious of the elves, weary of their intent?[/size][/COLOR]
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