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[COLOR=teal][size=1] Okies, I haven?t finished reading the old thread yet so just let me know if there is anything off about my signup, I?m more than happy to change it? [b] Name:[/b] Adam Faulkner [b] Age:[/b] 31 [b] Bio:[/b] Faulkner had a fairly uneventful early childhood. As an only child he was pampered by parents during what little time they had free from work. Completing his higher education in high distinction Adam progressed into college where he studied physics for two years before progressing into structural engineering for one year and finally specializing in vacuum engineering. Aged twenty-nine Adam Faulkner was offered a job by one of America?s leading engineering firms where he helped the development of numerous space shuttle and colony projects. Faulkner jumped at the opportunity of joining the [I]new mission[/I] and is to serve the ship as best he can through out his voyage. He has heard rumours of the event horizon and the events surrounding its recent history but has dismissed them as that and thinks the whole thing to be little more than a series of bad accidents? [b] Personality:[/b] Adam appears to most as a typical fun loving guy, he enjoys to sit back with the boys and have a laugh, relaxed in the company of friends and family but on the job he is stern and quick to his work, focusing entirely on the task at hand.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Granecourt stepped casually over the lifeless body as he entered the room; it was elegant yet with little exaggeration, it made the vampire feel comfortable. Lowering his left hand from its embrace of his right nestled in the small of his back Vincent began pacing the room, calmly, as one with all the time in the world. To Granecourt the interests of the drow, as with their arts, had changed little during the long years he had spent wandering aimlessly through the endlessly depths of the Underdark. Realising that he had been left with Mazukien?s other stone faced guest Vincent finished his pacing and settled himself into the once comfortable confines of a chair, he had little memory of comfort or pain, of hope or happiness. Sitting quietly the vampire said nothing, preferring to wait for Uthegiliel to break his stern demeanour. ?The best I?ve to offer.? Mazukien returned, wine aloft and brandishing three intricate wine glasses. Setting them on a fine oak table, a luxury in the Underdark, he uncorked the bottle and poured the red liquor for his guests. Both graciously accepted the viscous liquid, Vincent wondering how long it had been since he ingested something that he did not require. The seemingly watery fluid held little taste compared with the rich bloods Granecourt was used to drinking but he sipped it quietly anyway, careful to hide his true nature from his host as the elves began talking? [b]OOC:[/b] Again sorry for the size, its all this damn interaction, lol.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry it?s so small? The drow?s invitation had caught Vincent by surprise; he was not expecting the man, proud in appearance, to invite a stranger whom he knew nothing of into his home. At first the vampire hesitated but quickly grew accustomed to the idea, it had been many a year since he had spoken to the drow and spending some time with this pair could prove most advantageous indeed. ?I accept your invitation.? He paused in the realization that his company was mounted, not wanting to give away his true nature the vampire continued: ?Though I fear that I will slow your journey thither as I?ve no steed to call my own.? With that Vincent Granecourt raised an eyebrow and waited for the elves to lead on?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] [b] OOC:[/b] Unless somebody is using some sort of magic or something like that, in which case I would expect you to mention it, nobody can tell my character is a vampire, it is not obvious in his appearance and he has mentioned nothing of it to anyone? ------------------------------------------------------- Vincent thrust his lower lip forward and cocked an eyebrow as the drow approached. ?Impressive. I?ve not seen an elf with your skill in sometime now.? The man stood silently in response to the vampire?s soft voice, hand resting lightly on hilt, eyes brimming with caution as they traced the fine clothes of Vincent?s garments. With what might have passed as a soft smile Granecourt returned his violin to its resting place and began a slow rhythm, exotic if not offensive to the drow?s ears. Several moments after the soft notes filled the Mazukien?s steed returned, its gait even as ever. Mazukien collected his reigns; turning towards the vampire the drow moved to speak but stopped as a small golem lumbered into view. Granecourt was already aware of its presence, given away by the fierce magical auras surrounding the animated rocks of its body, as the abomination came closer, Mazukien?s well being the only thing running through what might be called its mind. Vincent didn?t concern himself with the simple construct; his presence would be more than enough to dispel the simple magic keeping it aloft. And sure enough the small golem journeyed another foot and came neigh on twenty-three feet of the vampire before crumbling to the simple materials it once was. Granecourt smiled and the music returned, the now mounted drow all but forgotten to the ancient being?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Vincent crossed the cavern, leaving the lifeless man by the pool, and collected the one possession he bothered to keep, an elegantly crafted violin, almost as old as he was. Running his hand lightly along its bow Grancourt continued from the cavern and back towards the city, filling the stale air with a slow echoing melody as he went. After what may have been several hours of walking, of playing the vampire finally emerged at his location, a vast cavern housing one of many sprawling drow cities common to the region. The dirt crunched lightly beneath the hard sole?s of Vincent?s boots, the path was strewn with small rocks to which the vampire did little to heed, his bow moving swiftly across the aged instrument as he went. The violin was foreign to the drow, considered a fickle instrument of man; Vincent smirked at the memory of this and began to play louder. Several dozen feet down the path the vampire paused to the sound of what seemed to be large beast. Lowering his instrument he peered curiously at the surrounding terrain, the cavern hadn?t changed much since his last visit, nigh on three hundred years ago, the drow were still too busy taking to one another?s throat to expand their cities. After several moments of searching Granecourt?s gaze fell upon the source of the noises that had so rudely interrupted his music. Lunging savagely at what seemed to be a small drow figure was a rather overgrown ankheg, a large tunnelling creature that resembled an ant with a broader head and considerably larger mandibles. Vincent sneered ever so slightly and closed the gap between him and the spectacle ahead, curious to the fate of the seemingly overmatched drow. ?Well, well. I haven?t seen one of these in a while.? The vampire?s soft voice sounded over Mazukien?s shoulder. ?Are they common in these parts?? Vincent received little more than a hurried glance in response, the drow forced to dive out the way as the ankheg drove its mandibles deep into the loose earth. Vincent watched on in amusement as the elf continued his combat with the fierce creature, half hoping he the drow would win else he?d have to kill the beast himself?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Ok I decided to look for some decent pictures of metroids from the Metroid games to assist people in making a banner/avi. I started my search with the google image option, big mistake... Three hours, four cups of coffee and a stiff neck later I had finally sifted through all 11,900 images google came up with. Of all these fifteen were actually of metroids (I had refined my search to look for the word metroid in the original results) and a measly ten were distinguishable. Thus I turn to you, the talented minds of OB. Has anyone out there stumbled upon a site containing decent metroid pictures? Normally I wouldn't ask, normally I would have found something myself but anyways...help![/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1][[b] OOC:[/b] Soz for the poor layout, I got used to writting for english and forgot standarized paragraphing doesn't turn out too good on OB. I think the writting quality makes up for that though, lol, enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------- Water trickled softly through a crack midway up the southern wall of the cavern, filling the stale air with a freshness seldom felt in the Underdark. Vincent Granecourt walked slowly towards the pool building at under the waterfall, enjoying the soft atmosphere with the ease of time, he could not recall the last time he felt the need for haste. Kneeling at the water?s edge Vincent slide his hand into the glassy surface, its face reflecting the soft glow of the phosphorous fungi dotted along the walls. Although it seemed warm to his touch the ice-cold water did little to warm his pale flesh. ?Wha? are you doin? here? Ge? los? I ?ad it fisr?.? Vincent withdrew his had as the slurred words drifted over his shoulder. Remembering what had brought him to the cavern the vampire rose sharply and turned his prey, crossing the vast expanse of the cavern with a speed that no eye could match. ?There is no claim to this place nor can there be.? The ragged looking man jumped as Vincent?s smooth voice reached his ear, the gloomy mass of the vampire suddenly silhouetted on the ledge behind him. ?The strong rule the Underdark, and that you appear not to be.? Catching a gleam akin to creatures of the night in the intruder?s eye the tattered man began to back away, moving slowly to the edge of the high ridge running along the cavern?s eastern wall. ?Come now, I doubt you can survive that fall, and we wouldn?t want that would we?? The pathetic man jumped and scampered away, shocked at the discovery of Vincent?s face looming by his ear. The vampire walked patiently after the man, a bemused smile mixing with the disgust obvious on his pale face. Fear drove the grubby man from the vampire; landing heavily in the untrodden dirt he continued his desperate flight from death. Bored of the antics of the youth Vincent closed the gap that separated them, watching what little hope there was fade from the man?s face. Shaking uncontrollably the man clambered to his feet, his pleading expression betrayed the courage he had managed to summon. ?I ain?t going wi? out a fight.? The man lowered to his boot and withdrew a short rusted blade, holding it ready to lash out at Vincent. With what may have passed as a chuckle the vampire replied: ?I didn?t expect you to.? Glancing at the aged dagger he continued: ?Though you must realise that such a weapon will do little against any foe, and I am not just any foe.? Amused with the man?s stupidity Vincent collected the feeble weapon, breaking the arm that held it with a motion faster than man could perceive. In what seemed to be a blink of the eye the vampire appeared behind the man?s left shoulder, grasping the fragile body Vincent slammed it into his knee reassured that his meal would offer no more resistance as the sharp crack of bone echoed loosely off the walls. Gathering the limp mass in his arms the vampire carried it to the pool and dropped it in, watching the soft silts explode around the limp body. Once again he knelt beside the chilling waters, this time to clean the filth-encrusted body. Despite all his scrubbing there was little Vincent could do to clean the man?s flesh, he was hungry and the Underdark had robbed him of the luxury of picking his food. Remembering his long forgotten disgust Vincent sunk his teeth deep into the man?s shoulder, careful to remove the tattered rags that covered it. Slowly his heart began to slow, growing weaker with every beat, his breath followed. Long ago the Vincent had learned the risks of feeding, of taking his victim?s into death, he knew that should a vampire bring about such a thing he would fall into the fate of his victim and share in their death?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Okies, I have decided after much thought that the best way to occupy my free time with something fun and enjoyable is to learn an instrument. But what to learn? I like the sound of the violin and think that it would keep me occupied longer than everything else I have thought about, but having a rather small musical taste and next to no talent, yet!, I have beeen advised against this. So what was I to do listen to my peers or do something rash, continuing my bad habit and landing myself in deep water so to speak. What do you, OB think? What instrument do you like the sound of the most? Do you play and instrument? What? Please let me know what you think.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Hmmm?somebody needs to watch more movies me thinks, lol. [b] Name:[/b] Vincent Granecourt [b] Age:[/b] 4,982 [b] Species:[/b] Human [b] Rank:[/b] Nobleman [b] Affiliation:[/b] Clanless (I like fights, make it good?) [b] Appearances:[/b] (Just to be unoriginal) Vincent stands at 5? 8?, tall for the time if you think about it, and wears soft purple velvets over dark, usually black, undergarments. His skin has paled since due the darkness he is forced to live in, the nobleman?s eyes are a stern brown and accentuate his angular face. Vincent is sure to appear clean-shaven and wears his dark brown hair to his shoulders, often tying it in a rough ponytail behind his head. Being raised as a noble Granecourt wears a signature ring on his left hand. [b] Bio:[/b] Vincent Granecourt experienced a fairly normal noble childhood and grew up heavily influenced by the cultures of his family, people and court. Thus he was instructed in the ways of numerous instruments from an early age, reserving his interest for the violin. At the age of sixteen Vincent watched the powers shift in his family and the long suppressed half rose to power, claiming much of the land that the Granecourt?s had ruled for many long years. While the change in the way the lands were governed was major, many people appalled by the attitudes of their new rulers, Vincent?s way of life experienced little hardship and allowed the young noble to continue his teachings in fencing and several other artistic forms. At the age of nineteen Vincent?s life finally began to feel the pains most were accustomed to feeling when his mother was killed by a rouge noble in the ruling portion of the family, Vincent vowed to restore the rule to its old ways and set out through the land, rallying peasants from far and wide to his cause. Returning to the Courts of Harcrest the young nobleman led his followers in a revolt against their masters and overthrew the militaristic rulers with what seemed to be a miracle. Vincent was left to rebuild the crumbling realm but had one more opposition to his newfound thrown, his brother. Desperate to seal attain the reward he had worked towards for so long the nobleman, aged twenty four, made a pact with what seemed to be death itself, sealing his brother into a bloody fate. Through his bargaining Vincent learned the first of the many painful lessons he would endure throughout his long life, everything has a price? (Hehe. Interested? I doubt it, not like it is an original story or nothing. Anyways I apologize for the poor writing quality, I know it could be a lot better, and usually is, but I?m just er?I don?t know. I?ll reveal the rest of Vincent Granecourt?s story throughout my posts at any rate, this is going to be fun, assuming I get in of course! Oh and he is a vampire, I didn?t feel it appropriate to put that as a race seeing as technically it isn?t one?)[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Alrighty I?ll try and play a ?goodie? its been a while though and old habits die hard? [b] Name: [/b] Talon Vandalic [b] Age:[/b] 24 [b] Appearance:[/b] Standing at 6? 2? Talon has a lean build and an angular face. His brown hair is cut to shoulder length and has several naturally blond streaks weaving through it. Talon?s eyes are a dark blue and his pale angular face is kept clean-shaven and contrasts against the dark colouring of his clothes. The young man wears soft dress shirts, usually with a dark hue to them and can usually be found in dark, ironed dress pants. [b] Personality:[/b] Talon seems cold to most people, harsh and cruel to talk to he is very unforgiving and unlike others his personality seems to warm little over time. Growing up in a poor neighbourhood he has learned to hide his emotions behind firm facades and reveals little of what he is feeling to the world around him. [b] Past:[/b] Talon grew up in poverty, his father had little time for his family and was forced to work seven days a week just to keep up with the bills his mother suffered from a drug addiction and left home when he was young, thus Talon was left alone for much of his childhood and learned to fend for himself. Looked down upon by his peers Talon was told that he would amount to little throughout his school life and fell into a heavy state of depression before getting a lucky break at the age of eighteen and amassing a small fortune through his musical talents as he continued his work as a white collar worker in one of the Big Apples many office blocks. With little to no contact with his parents Talon is free to spend what little free time he has as he wishes. [b] Love Life:[/b] With his cold personality Talon has had little luck or interest with women. His love life has been incredibly shallow and consists of little more than a string of short flings and one night stands. [b] Occupation:[/b] Official Talon is the floor manager of the Information and Technology Design, Research and Development Department for Talmac Industries, working hard to attain this job Talon spends a lot of his time fixing problems in the companies computer systems and revising the department?s production schedules. In his free time, and where he makes most of his money, Talon is the lead singer/guitarist of a fairly popular band that performs in nightclubs and several exclusive bars and clubs. (If any of this seems too much let me know and I?ll edit the problems out.) Talon?s musical talents have been increased by his still dormant powers, he does not know this and seems to little more than a gifted person. [b] Information:[/b] Talon feels lonely and unaccepted most of the time but has grown to accept this fact and is waiting to happen across a group that he truly fits in with, currently the only people he feels comfortable with are his band and he sees little of anyone else save for his colleges. (Soz, I wasn?t sure what you wanted me to put here.)[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] A soft click issued from her laptop as she closed it. It had been close to two hours since she had met Ryu in the bar, since then she had returned their room in the Grandview and posted as the man had asked her to on Hunter-Net. ?So where are we meeting them again?? Tea questioned Annie from the small kitchenette crammed into a corner of the room. ?The Night?s Last Stop, yeah I think that is what he said, well at least I hope so.? Annie replaced the sleek bulk of her laptop in its carry bag as she spoke. ?And it?s a Hunters only thing?? Tanya looked up from her book; it was the first time she had spoken since Annie informed her friends of what was happening. ?Yeah, I guess the others better not come,? Annie placed the bag beside her bed and looked back at the others, her usual concerned face present once again. ?It might be dangerous, I wouldn?t want anyone to get hurt.? ?Three it is then.? Tanya smiled and pulled herself off of the bed, crossing to the kitchenette and examining the array of food that Tea has littered the bench with she asked: ?What?s for dinner?? Tanya, Marianne and Annie were the only actual hunters still in group of girls, all of whom had been imbued almost six years ago, spending the first four years of their exclusive membership coming to grips with their powers the girls had only actually begun hunting creatures of the night in the last two years, as had most Hunters they had chanced upon. ?What are we going? a do while you guys are off getting yourselves killed?? Tea looked up from the chopping board, giving Tanya a stern. ?I?m sure you?ll find something, we shouldn?t be too long anyway.? Tanya watched as Tea finally realised that she had failed at whatever it was that she was trying to cook, she picked up soft wooden board and crossed the room to the small wastebasket. ?Well we are in Chicago, I?m sure there?s plenty to do.? Mel spoke up from the folds of a brochure. ?You know they have a pool on the roof.? ?What about room service?? Tea dumped the scraps in the basket and returned the board to the Kitchenette. ?Yeah that too.? Melanie?s words were distorted as she laughed, bemused at how fast Tea had managed to reach the phone by the door. ?Does it ever get dark here?? Annie was by the window now, looking out over the vast expanse of lights that was Chicago. ?You can?t even see the stars.? Tanya watched Annie staring into the broken darkness that had fallen on the city, at eighteen Tanya was the eldest of the little group and had seen a lot more than most of them. Yet she couldn?t figure how it is that Annie had never seen a big city until today. Sighing she crossed the room and joined her friend by the window. ?Yeah, I mean those vampires must have a hell of a time deciding when they?re supposed to get up.? Annie giggled at Tanya?s remark, surprised that she had found it funny she looked across at the clock beside one of the beds, it was nine thirty. ?I?m starved when can we get some food?? Annie turned back to find Tea hanging up the phone. ?Its on its way.? With a smile she jumped onto one of the three beds spaced along the wall, this room was belonged to Annie, Mars and Tanya, the others were booked into another, joined to this one by an elegant white door?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Annie ran a hand through her hair, looking out of the window of the baggage collection area of Chicago?s main airport she sighed and looked back to her friends, Tea and Melanie were busy arguing the best way to get their excessive amount of luggage off of the belts as they slithered past. They were used to the sounds and smells of big cities like this one, Annie had spent all her life in low density suburban homes and was having some trouble adjusting to her new environment, despite being there less than an hour. ?Annie come on, we can?t carry all these bags you know.? Tea?s voice interrupted her musings, she was standing a little way from the conveyor belt now, hands on her hips as she glared playfully at Annie. ?Where?s everyone else?? Hurrying over to collect her baggage Annie noticed for the first time that the other four members of their little group had disappeared. ?Mel went to get the others, they?re off getting something to eat.? Tea heaved a bag onto her shoulder and gathered another up into her hand. ?I think they?re getting you a hotdog, that?s ok isn?t it?? Tea start moving towards one of the archways spaced around the room as she spoke. ?Yeah, that?s ok.? Annie quickly heaved grabbed what little luggage she had and hurried after her friend, offering to take some of the extra bags Tea had pick up as she drew level. ?Tanya?s sorted the hotel and everything out right, I mean I don?t want to be stuck in some lobby for another hour.? ?I think so, yeah she called and booked all that before we left.? Tea said as she lowered the bags from her shoulders onto the horizontal escalator running along one of the corridors, she followed the bag onto the unusual machine. ?Shouldn?t we wait for the others?? Annie looked back over her shoulder at the crowd of people still in the baggage room. ?What if they can?t find us?? Concern flittered across Annie?s face. ?Nah, Mel said she?d meet us outside, near the taxi rank.? Tea smiled over her back at Annie as the pair neared the end of the escalator. ?Oh, ok. That?s good then.? The concern lifted from Annie?s face, allowing it to soften back to its normal texture. ?You worry too much, you know that?? Tea teased Annie as the she heaved the heavy bags back onto her shoulders. ?You?ll wrinkle that pretty face of your?s if your not careful.? Smiling she continued along the wide corridor and down another set of escalators, these ones leading down the to the cavernous lobby, the far wall lined with dozens of glass doors, people bustling in and out, oblivious to the world around them for the most part. Tea was a year older than Annie and was typical of the role she filled in their little group, she was stubborn and fiery, on the rare occasions that she happened upon a topic she held an interest with, and cared little for her appearance. ??Bout time you guys got here, what took you so long?? Mars was in the pair?s faces as soon as they the stepped through the doors, into the harsh sun. The rest of the girls were standing over by a tax, waiting by the boot to cram their luggage in. Annie hurried over and returned the luggage she had collected to its rightful owners, what little she had brought seemed pitiful compared to what the others were carrying. ?Don?t we need two taxi?s?? Annie placed a rested a finger on her lip as she thought about the logistics of the car, counting the seats in her head. ?There?s only four seats and there?s six of us?? Annie turned to her friends, her usual look of concern flooding her face. ?We?ll fit, its not like we take up much space or anything.? Angie leaned forward slightly as she spoke before leaning back a quickly finishing her sentence, cutting off Annie?s protest. ?Besides the driver doesn?t mind, I already asked.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bright yellow taxi weaved its way through the busy streets of Chicago, heading gradually towards the Grandview Motel, a large skyscraper visible from most of the city. It was almost four when as the driver pulled to the curb, hoping that the girls could actually pay the decent sized fare they had wracked up. ?Its awful big, are you sure we can afford to stay here?? Annie worried absently over her shoulder as she stared out at the massive building, looming above them in all its splendour. ?Yes, Annie I called and double checked prices and everything before we left.? Tanya looked back into the taxi as she clambered out, amazed at how much Annie could stress and worry, yet keep her skin so perfectly smooth. Sighing she hurried into the motel, leaving their baggage to the establishment?s staff the others followed? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Is that ok?[/b] [/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1][b] OOC:[/b] Your dialect is fine doukeshi03, it adds to Jerith?s character and is easy to understand anyways. -------------------------------------- His sword, suddenly unopposed flew towards the ground; his opponent would have the upper hand that would not do. The masked man leant low and brought his right leg over his shoulder, his foot drawing a stream of blood from Ronan?s nose, dazed the proud man stumbled backwards a several steps before regaining himself. The masked figure was already twirling around for his first offensive, for much of the fight he had done little more than parry and dodge his opponent?s blows, now he was ready to spill his blood. The porcelain mask held firmly against her head as she slammed into the wall, held unnaturally tight by magic both men would have struggled to comprehend with their current knowledge. The masked woman was quick to roll over herself and fly back into the slightly off guard bulk of Jerith, as her companion she had spent little of her energy attacking her opponent, now she was going to make the young thief bleed. Twirling as a frantic pace the pair increased their attacks simultaneously, bull rushing the unknowing members of the White Lasin back towards the centre of the alley. Before either had a chance to respond they were standing back to back, bewildered by the ferocity of their opponent?s attacks, several times the black pair could have sliced limbs clear from the outmatched men, yet at every opportunity they withdrew their weapons and continued to force the pair together. ?This is hardly worth my time.? The chilling voice impossibly calm as it was echoed from the man?s porcelain mask. ?I was hoping to have some fun with these two.? ?Yes, with their reputation I would have expected a decent fight, maybe even to lose.? The woman replied, turning her masked face toward Ronan and Jerith as they stood back to back, breathing heavily as blood trickled from the minor cuts they had received. ?Looks like we?ve little to fear from this lot anyway.? With their final chilling words the dark figures leaped unnaturally high above the alley and landed back on the wall they had started from. There both raised their blades in a salute before their shapely bodies began to fade rapidly into the black vapours rising from the alley?s floor. With their bodies gone the pair of soft porcelain masks fell quickly to the ground shattering into a similar vapour, the chill in the air was lifted and light returned to the small alley as the two men stood still, collecting their thoughts on what had just happened? -------------------------------------- Draak trudged slowly across the vast plains of the south, a little way out of the first city as the sun began to settle into its decent below the horizon. The lizard decided to set up a small camp for tonight and continue onto the town tomorrow, he doubted he would make it out again after preaching such news as he had, with his experience of the people north of here they would not take well to the news of the their bane awakening. Sighing Draak continued towards the small cluster of nearby trees, there would be ample firewood and he could take some much needed rest their. His journey so far had been a more comfortable one than the last, the southlands were far warmer than those of the north and the great lizard?s speed had increased dramatically as a result of the heat? -------------------------------------- Slowly the cloud extended from the mountains, blanketing the small pinpricks of light as night fell on the land, the Dark Lasin was regaining much of its former strength. Weaving its incomprehensible mind through the land, faceless entity had already informed many of its followers that it had returned, it had also tested the strength of several of its enemies, finding it would have no trouble crushing what little strength remained in the world of men?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Mr Thompson watched Lance leave the room, wondering how it was that he let shut an incompetent fool handle such sensitive material. Still shaking his head in thought Mr Thompson turned to the sleek screen humming quietly on his desk, quickly he typed his name and password into the login box. While Lance was charged with handling the companies project Mr Thompson had several of his own that required the use of the mainframes sitting in the building?s basement, there were only two terminals that had access to these powerful machines, one was located on the third floor, with research and development, Thompson was logging in with the other. The information in the mainframes was vast and took sometime to navigate through, even if one knew the layout well. Thompson pulled up a screen full of streaming numbers and bizarre seeming nonsense, the program he had been working on, a sophisticated worm virus. He was nearing completion on his little project and began typing furiously, adding to the screens of code. Coming to a block, a problem that would require a fair deal of thinking to solve, Mr Thompson decided to take a break and leaned back into the soft cushioning of his chair. A thought crossing his mind, Thompson returned to the keyboard and log off the mainframe, swiftly returning to the network that most of the company was used to using, its appearance incredibly different to the mainframe. Being a Unix based system the mainframe had been designed with a rather limited GUI, making it difficult for all those who had little experience to even access the powerful machines, let alone use them to some effect. Sighing Thompson leaned on his arm and waited for the comparatively sluggish network to load. Logging in he brought up a quickly found his way, through numerous networks and finally to the Internet, to the FBI?s secure database. Here he spent the best part of the next hour trying various codes and hacks until he managed to find his way into the US citizen?s records that the agency kept on every American with so much as a traffic offence, a set of very secure records that few had full access to. Logged in through a director?s account Mr Thompson quickly began a search on several of his high level employees, Lance being one of them, he knew too little about the people he trusted with so very much and it was time to change all that ?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Athen walked slowly down the street, people screaming and fleeing him with the slightest glimpse. The ancient vampire was counting off the purebloods he had killed since his awakening, wishing he could instead use the filthy blood of the half-breeds for the ritual, he had killed nine, leaving a mere three more victims. The lord sighed and wondered how it was that the families had sundered, how purebloods had become so rare. The castle was up ahead, looming over the dreary little town he was traversing, the next one to fall was to be Dracula, and from Athen had heard this would be one of his hardest kills yet. Unable to avoid the confrontation he continued swiftly down the street and up the winding road to the castle, the first signs of the sun could be seen on the horizon, little more than a soft purple highlight finishing the night sky above, he had best hurry if he failed to kill Dracula tonight he would surely muster his might and make Athen?s task much harder tomorrow?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] The standardized black, multi-lined phones common among government facilities provided an easy hack for the RALPH program, even the National Security Agencies most secure lines had fallen victim to eavesdropping during the beta tests Mr Thompson had had performed. The middle-aged tossed the consequences of public access to RALPH as he waited for the phone to connect; he had already spoken to the Director?s ditsy secretary and was now waiting for the stubborn man to connect to the line. ?Hello?? The Director sounded uneasy as with his greeting. ?Is something wrong?? Mr Thompson paused for several moments before answering the man. ?You have heard what has happened I assume?? Mr Thompson knew the Director was an influential man and had many eyes and ears in the world around him. ?Yes, yes. I?ve been informed of the situation, Agent Nieta had been assigned with the retrieval of the disc.? ?That is not good enough.? Thompson paused, these discs were far too important to be left in the public for long. ?I want you to put your best men on this. You know what it could mean if the key falls into the wrong hands.? ?Yes Mr Thompson, this is the department?s top priority.? He paused, choosing his next words carefully. ?But I don?t want to draw more attention to the situation than I need to, not everyone can be trusted here.? ?Very well, just retrieve that disc, and make sure any copies are destroyed. I don?t care who you have to kill to do it.? The line fell silent as Mr Thompson disconnected. The Director replaced his handset in its socket and paused in thought? [b] OOC:[/b] Did all that make sense? PMe if I need to edit it or anything.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Jerith rolled swiftly under Ronan?s arms, careful to avoid his blade, before springing back to his feet and readying himself for the next onslaught. Ronan raised his weapon and prepared to charge into the terrorist, this man could not be allowed to get away with what he had done, but stopped to a peculiar sound. ?He he.? A soft voice sent chills through the spines of both men. ?What do we have here?? ?Indeed, who do we have here?? A second figure stepped off the wall and landed softly on the ground, the first following closely behind him. Both were dressed in tight back bodysuits and wore seemingly delicate porcelain masks over their faces. Both Jerith and Ronan stood shocked in the alley, studying the intruders as they approach through the sudden hazy gloom. The first was a female, average in every aspect, long black hair trailing through the air behind her. The man was similar, an average height and build with short black hair rippling slightly as he moved, strangely Ronan and Jerith felt no wind and a queer anxiety began to rise in their stomachs. ?I would have thought the White Lasin would have been filled with people of a little more dignity than this.? He turned the beaming slits of his mask from his companion to the now sweating and slightly ruffled men, its wide grin seeming to taunt them with his gaze. ?I would have thought people would actually be in it too.? He turned back towards his companion. ?We can still have some fun none the less.? The female leaped into the air, the foreboding black mass of a sleek blade suddenly in her hand, she landed with a clash on Jerith?s blade, sending the pair into the whirling maelstrom that was combat. ?Indeed.? The male leaped onto the left wall of the alley and sprinted along it before gently pushing away and landing behind Ronan, the veteran warrior parrying the slash that followed? ------------------------------------------ Draak walked along a once shallow riverbed, its waters long age gone. This land was strange to him, as most were, and he knew his task would be a hard one to perform, people didn?t listen to him at the best of times, maybe news of his master?s return would change all that. The Lizard continued towards the ridged shapes of what appeared to be a town on the horizon, his only comfort the large black cloud rolling away from the mountains, it seemed to follow Draak as he continued south?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] [b]OOC:[/b] Just cause I?m pedantic, Raiha can you please put names with the speech in your posts, you know like in a narrative. You see I?m not exactly the quickest of people and I get confused easily? -------------------------------- The dark cloud above the range seemed to darken as the Dark Lasin continued its schemes, the worry of its minion?s failure pushed to the back of its vast mind as it focused on the destruction of the still broken White Lasin. -------------------------------- Jerith ran down the street after Tanya, he had no idea why he felt the need to follow the curious woman but he did anyway. She had seen a group of men, dressed in a fashion similar to hers running down the street, obviously chasing someone or another who had crossed their cause. Now the Captain sprinted down the wide street with Jerith in her wake, she needed to resolve whatever issue it was that had come up. Skidding around the corner into the alley Tanya yelled for her men to halt and walked swiftly into the centre of the circle they had made around Ronan, Jerith skulking curiously around the edges. ?What is the meaning of this?? She turned to the leader of the men, the man almost quivering in her presence. ?Why have you cornered this man, a member of the Imperial Army?? Ronan was surprised by her knowledge of his status but thought little of it. ?I. S-she stole it.? The captain stammered in reply, looking around frantically for the girl they had been chasing. Ronan joined his eyes in a quick sweep of the alley and could see no sign of the girl, nothing more than a thin black mist clinging was to be seen. ?Who stole what?? Tanya glared at the captain, her face heavy with scorn, before turning to Ronan. ?I am deeply sorry sir, my insubordinate was not using his best judgment and I pray that you and your peoples hold nothing against Kemlinar for his actions.? With that Tanya turned on her heel and left the alley, the men that had been chasing the now vanished girl following quickly in her wake. Ronan looked around slightly confused by the events leading up to his current situation, taking a moment to notice Jerith still lurking uneasily in the alley. ?He he.? The thief acknowledged Ronan?s attention as he ran a hand through his hair? -------------------------------- Draak blinked slowly and lowered Senrai to the ground; slightly uneasy for the emotions he was feeling. Sighing one last time he patted the little creature on the shoulder and turned towards the thin trail leading south. ?Master will call us together soon, if we survive our tasks.? With that the Lizard turned and stalked away, heading to the vast plains of the south, slowly he would make his way to the city of Kemlinar, master had said that the people there would be most inviting to his cause?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] [b]OOC:[/b] Okays, I hope thatts all ok... [b]Name:[/b] Annabelle (Annie) Graey [b] Hunter-Net Name:[/b] Ditsy_Chic605 [b] Age:[/b] 16 [b] Hair:[/b] Brown with light blonde streaks worn to the shoulder [b] Eyes:[/b] Dark Blue [b] Height:[/b] 5? 8? [b] Weight:[/b] 60kg (140lbs Me thinks) [b] Creed:[/b] Innocent (We need somebody who doesn?t just go ug-Thwack!-ug-ug, lol) [b] Weapons:[/b] Annie owns a seemingly ancient long sword that she inherited from her farther but she rarely carries it with her, being innocent all the way she owns nothing more. [b] Edges:[/b] Restore ? Takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and begins the process which takes a while to complete depending on the wounds she has suffered. Rejuvenate ? Passes her hand over the wound and a soft light seems to shine through the skin as it heals. (I know its not original but hey, it?s the only way.) Hide ? Closing her eyes and focusing on herself, Annie seems to fade into a grey shade of herself before disappearing completely. Ward ? Thrusts her hands forward and leans into them, giving a slight yell as a furious wind whips through the area. A soft shimmering, transparent barrier appears. Glare ? Annie has used Glare on her friends by accident on numerous occasions, those sweet eyes can be awful scary. [b] Appearance:[/b] Standing a little under six-foot Annie is an average height for her age. She usually wears a casual blue top under a heavier white coat, covering her legs to the knee with a thick billowy dress of soft white, protecting the rest of the way with a pair of sturdy light brown boots. [b] Biography:[/b] Annie had a fairly normal early childhood until her parents were killed by a vampire during her stay at a close friends house, (PMe if you want to play that friend, we can stick together and make it easier to post or something like that.) Annabelle was forced to move in with her uncle, a middle aged business man with no idea on how to raise a child. While Annie loved her uncle dearly she was glad to be sent away to a boarding school at the age of ten where she has spent the last six years of her life and developed considerable skill using computer systems and knows a little bit about hardware. [b]Imbuing:[/b] Annie was imbued with her powers at on her twelfth birthday. She had gone out for dinner with a close group of friends when one of them was attacked by what she remembers as a crazed man outside the restaurant. Annie and her friends had screamed desperately and seeing no help nearby, rushed foolishly into the man, (really a ghoul) pushing him into a steady stream of nearby traffic. The monster was killed and Annie?s friend was saved, all five of the girls present received their powers that night and have spent much time developing them since, soon after discovering and joining the Hunters-Net community.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Mr Thompson swivelled the chair slightly, just enough to give a silhouetted glimpse of his jaw line to the programmer, he didn?t care much for faces and saw no need to see his worker?s now as the man sat coolly in the chair, hiding the nervousness that he couldn?t help but feel every time he met with his boss. ?Have you secured the plans Mr Anderson?? Thompson paused, yet never fully stopped making noise to show his subordinate that he was not finished. ?They are very important, we would be ruined if the wrong people were to see them.? He stopped speak just long enough for Lance to reply. ?Yes sir, they have been secured as you asked.? Lance fell silent in his chair and waited for his boss to reply. ?It is critical that the government, or anyone else for that matter, does not get a copy of the ralph?s keys. I have invested a lot of time and money on that program Mr Anderson and I assure you that if it is discovered I will not be the one to take the blame for it.? Mr Thompson?s voice was stern and serious, implying that Lance and the other programmers were responsible for anything that was to come from the discovery of RALPH. ?I assume you have them and all their copies kept safe, the government would be the least of our concerns if the general public was given access to Ralph.? Thompson paused, realizing that he was rambling on pointlessly. ?That will be all Mr Anderson, I expect a written report containing the project?s progress and any errors you have encountered on my desk tomorrow.? Lance stood swiftly and left the room, heading back to the elevators to go pick up Aura, the encounter he had just had playing lightly on his mind?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1][OOC: Sorry about the slight jump] Draak stood at the bottom of the final peak the pair had climbed in their journey to the cave of their master. Both had paused in hesitation and Draak was now looking down the path leading south, it came out of the other side of the range and would put him in unfamiliar territory, in unfamiliar terrain, where he was supposed to bring a word of his master to his minions. Senrai had also paused at the branching of the paths and now watched Draak as he stood still staring at something ahead? ---------------------------------------------- ?The men, they say I stole it, I-I don?t even know what it is sir, honest.? The young girl looked up at Ronan before continuing her story, sobbing through a stream of tears. ?My brother he saw them, I told him not to. He sneaked up to the window and spied on them, he does silly things like that.? The girl continued to sob. ?I waited for him to come back, in the alley behind the blacksmith. They were chasing him when he returned, he told me to run as he came.? She broke into hysterics before calming herself enough to continue. ?The men caught him, I ran away but they followed me, they say I stole it and they will hurt my brother if I don?t give it back. I don?t know what they want sir, honest.? As the young girl finished her tall she sunk to her knees, grabbing hold of Ronan?s knees as voices rose from further down the street. The men from the girl?s tall came running up, many of them wore soft purple robes and all showed traits common to the people of the south. The stopped in front of Ronan, their leader stepping forward, eying the young girl as he did? ---------------------------------------------- ?You?ll hurt yourself doing that.? A soft but firm voice startled Jerith, turning he saw it belonged to a tall elegant woman. She stood a little way below his shoulder and wore tight black clothes under a free flowing purple cloak, the vibrant red mark of the southern city of Kemlinar was across her breast, the twin blades of sword and scythe pointed to the soft skin of her neck as they crossed one another. ?I am Tanya, captain of the Kemlinar guard.? Tanya introduced herself to the slightly bewildered Jerith?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1][b] OOC: Just PMe if you need some of that changed or if any of it seems confusing. ---------------------------------------- As the pair moved back down the passage and exited the cave the entity turned its attention from the mountaintop to the realms of man, the troubled city of Talisov falling to its scrutiny. Locked away for decades the Dark Lasin?s influence on the world around it had not failed, the great cities Talisov and Trolginar had been coaxed to the brink of war, now the stage was set and the vast entity focused its power and prepared to begin the destruction of the realm. ---------------------------------------- Draak looked at Senrai, somehow how he had grown attached to the peculiar little creature, his mind filling with doubt as the pair walked back along the narrow ridge leading into the cave. This was all that they were to travel together as at the end of the small path Draak was to turn south and Senrai back the north, way they had come as their master had ordered. Draak sighed and looked back to the curved horizon far off below the magnificent range he found himself on? ---------------------------------------- ?Well, Master Jerith.? The eldest member of the council leaned forward as he spoke, carefully watching the expression on the younger man?s face as he did so. ?What message does Talisov bring to Troglinar?? Sitting quietly for several moments Jerith moved to open his mouth but stopped to the sound of the large doors behind him hitting the wall. Turning to look the thief saw a confident young man stride through the doors, ignoring the guards as he went. ?What is the meaning of this?? The council member who had addressed Jerith jumped to his feet in outrage only to sink slowly back to his chair as he spotted the golden buckle and the Imperial Army insignia upon the young man?s attire. ?I am Terith, messenger of the Imperial army, I bare urgent message from Talisov.? The young man crossed the room quickly, placing a sealed envelope on the heavy oak table he stepped back and waited for the council to read the message. Carefully the elder picked up the small letter and studied the seal before saying: ?Indeed this is the seal of the royal house of Talisov? The aging man broke the thick wrapping and fell silent as he read the letter, his face contorted as he stood, turning slowly to his colleges. ?This is a declaration of war.? The young messenger smirked and leaning every so slightly forward he said ?Is there a message I can return to our fair city for Troglinar?? Politely he dropped back on his heels and waited the council?s response. ?Nay, there is no such message but tell your lord that we will not fall without a fight, our armies are vast and we have been through many a war.? With that the council stood and quickly left the room, each of its members? face stern in thought. The young messenger turned from the room and hastened out the doors, all had forgotten Jerith in the commotion. Allowing their newfound enemy to leave the guards turned from the doors and returned to their barracks. The messenger strode from the building and turned into a nearby alley, his flesh and mocked clothes fading into the black vapours that had created them as the figure reached the darkness? ---------------------------------------- ?Please help sir.? A soft female voice rose out of the empty street behind Ronan, he had taken scarcely more than a dozen steps across the threshold of the building he was being held captive in when he heard it, turning he looked to see who it was. ?They?re coming, I don?t have what they want but they still keep chasing me. Oh sir won?t you help me?? Ronan turned to see a young brown haired girl standing a little way behind him, she was breathing heavily and mud covered the lower half of her dress, she had obviously been running. ?Please sir?? She repeated, desperation spilling across her young face?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Turning his attention from Senrai the power inside the room focused on the throbbing black sphere, easing it with all the might that was his from the platform into the socket on centred in the seal, while his minions had freed his powers from their bindings they had done little to aid his physical movement. Draak stood with his arms on Senrai, aghast as the sphere flew from the pedestal and imbedded into the seal, the room falling still as the dull throbbing light faded back into the natural darkness of the cavern. Realizing that he was still holding Senrai Draak quickly withdrew his hands and sighed a hiss into the air, it was over he need not travel another mile unless his master found some greater errand for him. The eerie silence that had so quickly snuck up on the pair was broken by the harsh grinding of stone on stone as the heavy black stone of the seal parted as doors to a mighty castle, a thick black vapour pouring out with the tiniest crack. Was this his master, the one who had called him from so far away? Slowly small tendrils of the black mist filled every corner of the room, the walls themselves springing into a dull reddish glow with upon its touch. Draak felt a great chill on his skin as the vapour flooded the air around them; its sent thick and reassuring gave Draak an uneasy feel in the pit of his stomachs. Standing atop the small platform the two watched, neither had the courage left to move, a portion of the darkened air broke away and floated low to the ground, there it began reshaping itself until the vague outline of two humans could be seen, each holding the others hand as they turned towards Draak and Senrai. ?You have done well my followers, you have succeeded where many have failed before you.? The voice echoed around the room, as if the air itself had taken thought and began to speak, yet the eerie voice could be deciphered as neither male or female as it repeated its echo through the creatures heads, overlapping its own sentence as it spoke. ?But your service has not ended now, you shall still strive to attain the rewards that you were promised for nothing is given freely.? Senrai tried to speak he mind but found she lacked the confidence to return the entity?s words, the reassurance flooded through her body and she decided it was best to do more for her reward, her mind was not hers though she was none the wiser. ?You, we shall work together. Here we are safe but they will not let it remain so, we must move to make all safe for us to dwell as we see fit.? The voice echoed through the rock, followed closely by itself in the both the lizardman?s and sidhe?s heads. ?One must now go to the tower south of here, through the realms of man and the command of Talisov and into the stronghold of the orcs of Kunrai, they have pledged their allegiance to us and will march north in great number, razing the hopes of those who seek to harm us.? The voice paused and the pair grew weak at the knees, feeling the power around them growing in strength, finally able to regain the strength to match its incredible will. ?The other must journey north and spread word of our return, many shall come forth and we shall reclaim the strength of Haran-sia, much work must be done to restore its walls to their former glory, to our glory, be sure to bring many skilled in such labour.? With that the voice fell silent and said nothing more, the soft hazy forms of the couple began dancing slowly around the room as the black mist continued to expand its influence and crept high into the air above the cave, blanketing the peaks of the range from the sun, colouring their blue yellow faces grey with a haze of false night?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Draak continued up the thin silky threads, uneasy with the fact that his companion could hold an eight hundred pound lizard from her head and not loose her scalp. The giant reptile heaved himself over the ledge and clambered to his feet, pausing as he waited for Senrai to regain her composure. ?Hurry Master?s cave is just ahead, he will be very pleased to see us.? Draak offered a claw to the small sidhe beside him; she accepted and was pulled onto his shoulders once again. Draak continued eagerly now, trotting along as a dog longing to see its master, Senrai could do more than hang on ere they came to the foot of the final peak of the mountain. She was thankful that they did not have to climb this one for its walls were steep and in many places as smooth as finely polished steel, resting in the foot of the closest cliff was a small opening, Draak removed Senrai from his shoulders and squeezed inside, she followed close behind. Draak sped down the narrow corridor, extending several dozen feet into the mountain before ending in a large cavern with vaulted ceilings and a grand stair ending in its center, protruding from the northern wall. Centered atop the stair was a heavy stone door, its black face seeming to spew forth the darkness that surrounded the pair. Draak was unsure of his companion?s ability to see in the dark but he certainly had no problems with it as he moved slowly up the stairs, stopping when he reached the small platform bridging the gap between them and the intricately carved door. In the middle of this platform stood a low pedestal, the remains of a heavy black sphere resting atop, made from the same stone as the one Draak had toiled to bring this far. The sphere was laced with small cracks from being pieced together by the many servants of the dark power that now rested behind the door, the seal, all but one piece had been placed back into the awing object, the piece Draak was fishing out of the small sack he carried with him. Slowly the giant lizard lowered his claw to the sphere and dropped the missing shard into the gap that remained, the room filling with a brilliant light as it made contact, before fading back to a flickering red glow now coming from the sphere. Draak stepped back, suddenly unsure to what he was supposed to do next. He turned to Senrai, not seeing the equally sized whole in the seal glowing softly as it waited for the artifact?[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal][size=1] Draak hissed another sigh and moved up the next face, quicker than the last, he wasn?t worried about Senrai falling. Quickly the pair scaled the fifty foot cliff and heaved themselves up over the crumbling ledge, Draak moved out onto the narrow trail that had long ago been worn into the soft rock, when the mountains had been part of a trade route between the sprawling cities Desneath and Falhorn. Pausing in mid stride Draak turned to see Senrai pulling herself up over the ledge, he had forgotten that she was slower than him. The lizard walked back to the cliff and collected Senrai, placing the small thing on his shoulders, slightly uneasy after her feral display. Eager to make up time Draak quickened his pace, walking as fast as he could, but leaving just enough energy to get himself over the next cliff, there if he made good time now he could pause for a rest before continuing to his master. As fast as a sprinting man the pair crossed the gap between the towering sandstone cliffs and came to the second. This one was situated atop a thin ridge, barely wide enough for Draak to sidle along. This time Senrai went first, uneasy as she caught a glimpse of the several hundred foot drop below the ridge, turning she found a foot hold and pushed herself up onto the face, Draak close behind?[/size][/COLOR]