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[COLOR=CC66CC] Talen almost fell over with joy, Ryo the fool had severed the hand of his copy and left the second dagger undefended. Rushing forward to retrieve the dagger Talen slipped on the smooth surface of the street and fell. Standing up the copy looked back towards Talen, focusing on his hand. Standing motionless in it watched as shards of glass began to form another hand, growing out of the stump quickly before taking the correct shape. Next he looked down at the dagger, the smirk on the original Talen?s face quickly disappeared. Angel had moved away, continuing to combat her other half, Ryo however was still standing with in arms reach of the dagger. Seeing what was about to happen he dived for it, he never touched the ground. Half way through his dive Angel?s copy appeared seemingly from nowhere and swatted Ryo through the wall of a nearby building. She looked towards the Talens before quickly spinning around to fend off a blast from Angel. Both Talen?s dived for the dagger, both were equally far, both hit the ground at the same time. There they lay, each with one hand on the legendary weapon. Talen glared back at himself as he raised the first dagger, his reflection quickly turned to surprise as he severed his copy?s hand. Standing up triumphant Talen twirled both his daggers, finally ready to defeat himself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen dropped slowly into Mirror City, careful to avoid the pair of massive black dragons tearing apart the sky as they fought. Exiting the owl?s body not far from the ground the youth was surprised to see doubles of everyone. There were two Ryos fighting off to one side, two Shanga?s, one being supported by Shankul, and two Talen?s, one appeared to have a distinct advantage over the other as he twirled two elegant blades. Athen was overjoyed to see Angel fly through a glass wall not far from his head; another Angel followed her. The second appeared to have the legendary weapon. Deciding it was not a good idea to get caught in amongst the duelling pairs Athen jogged over to the owl?s body and slid back inside, it was still fresh enough for him to use, and fled the bizarre scene. [/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] Despite having both of the daggers Talen was having trouble with his copy. They both knew what the other was going to do next, and exactly how to counter it. Talen rolled out of the way, slashing at his reflection?s feet. The copy blocked perfectly before slashing back. Talen flipped up off the ground, bringing a dagger around level with his opposite?s head. Metal rang as he was blocked again. The copy flung himself up over Talen?s head, blocking the real one?s attack as he did. Landing the Talen copy brought its second dagger around for another attack and stopped dead. Athen was standing just past the fake Talen; his scythe had just slid out the other side of the copy?s body. The upper half of the Talen copy slid to the ground, the whole thing then crumbled into a pile of glass. ?Thought you could use some help.? Athen smiled at Talen. ?Thanks, but I thought you weren?t coming back until you got your weapon.? Talen responded noticing the bland looking scythe that he was used to seeing Athen carry. Talen bent down and collected the Copy crystal from the ground, allowing it to pull itself into his sphere. ?Shiro is in trouble, he needs our help.? Athen said sincerely. ?We have to move quickly, before Angel defeats herself and we have to deal with the winner.? Athen began to move towards the edge of the city. ?What about the others?? Talen looked over at Shankul and Shanga. ?There?s no time.? Athen grabbed Talen?s arm and started to sprint towards Shiro and the others. Talen followed without another objection.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] The real Athen was flying quickly away from the city. Angel had been bad enough the first time he met with her, worse still there were two of them now. Deciding that he would be safest with Shiro Athen landed in a nearby outcropping and discarded the owl?s body. He then looked for Shiro?s location with his Omnilink before going after yet another innocent bird?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Yes, Athen already has the crystal and your weapon. If Okhami decides to let you change the glaive to a bow then that is what Athen has wrapped in the vines. ---------------------------------- [/COLOR][COLOR=CC66CC] The Talen copy stood in the doorway, blocking Angel from the tower, an insane smirk had creped onto his face. The original Talen stood behind the pair and prepared himself for an opportunity to cripple Angel. ?Think we?re all powerful do we now?? The Talen copy replied, still smirking. Angel just smiled in return, sure that the young man in front of her posed no threat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen had finally found another small owl after several minutes of searching the plains. As he replaced it?s mind the youth was trying to decide whether to go after Shiro or meet back up with the other corrupts. Still unsure he took flight. Spotting the half of his group that did not contain Shankul (OOC: Sorry forgot the other character?s names, its been so damn long since they posted.) Athen moved back towards the mountain?[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] ?Well nothing?s unique here, even you.? Talen?s copy smirked at Angel. The smile quickly faded from the young woman?s face as Angel watched herself step out of the doorway, touching the Talen copy?s arm in reassurance as she did. The original Angel quickly recomposed herself and sent a massive blast of energy at the copy. Both Talen?s dived out of the way as the bottom half of the glass tower exploded, showering glass shards everywhere, Angel?s copy responded with nothing more than a smile. Angel paused in disbelief before quickly diving out of the way of an identical blast, this one disappearing down a nearby street. As Talen whirled against Talen and Shanga pounced towards Shanga Shankul stood watching the surreal scene before him. Shanga?s copy was equal to her in everyway; it was Talen?s copy that was different, more powerful than the real thing. Figuring it was that the weapons he had seen the Talen copy carrying were the reason for the difference Shankul dived forward to help Shanga, the sooner there was less of these copies the better. The real Angel flew through a glass wall on the opposite side of the street to the tower; the copy had revealed its version of the original?s weapons, the legendary version. Talen looked over as the copy advance towards the half collapsed building. When the real Angel hit the glass several cuts appeared along the copy?s face. Talen noticed these scratches on the real Angel as she remerged from the hole, realizing that the two were connected Talen stopped. A massive black dragon swooped down towards Angel, ready to fend off the copy, only to be met by a second dragon. The animal guardian had met with its copy; the ancient beasts began their own somersaulting combat in the sky above the city. ?Giving up already?? The Talen copy said slightly amused as the original stopped dead. With a look of curiosity on his face the real Talen held out his hand and slid a dagger across it, a thick trail of blood followed. The copy Talen cried out surprised and dropped one of the daggers from his hand as his body copied the cut. The real Talen rolled quickly forward and snatched the weapon up off the ground. Now both youths possessed one of the legendary daggers, they were equal?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Athen had reported his success to Talen and the others and was now making his way across the cavern to a small tunnel located along one of the walls, keeping an eye on the vines that were still lingering around the hole. The young man stopped, he could feel something else in the chamber with him, something powerful. ?Hello, is anybody there?? Athen called, turning in a circle as he spoke. He shrugged and continued towards the exit. He tripped as he turned and fell in a heap on the uneven floor. Athen looked down at his feet to see what had caused him to fall. Laying half buried in the heavy stone rubble was an elaborately carved glaive; it looked similar to the other legendary weapons Athen had already seen. After pulling himself up off of the ground and brushing away the dust that now encased his clothes Athen reached down to retrieve the weapon. Athen was thrown across the cavern along with the mound of rubble. He hit the wall hard and fell to the ground, dazed and barely conscious?[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen looked briefly over his shoulder as Shankul clambered up off the ground, deciding he wasn?t really interested he continued moving along the path to Mirror City. The others quickened their pace and caught up to him. The magnificent city came into view as the small group came over the hillcrest, its bulk stretched for several miles away from the group, a shimmering sea of glass. Talen was quick to urge the others down the slope into the city?[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen pulled himself out from under the pile of rocks that had been thrown into the wall with him. The glaive was now resting in a clear patch of the cavern, shimmering softly as the sunlight hit it through the gapping hole in the roof. Realizing that he could not touch the legendary weapon Athen set about collecting severed vine ends to wrap it in. Once he had enough he wrapped the glaive in several layers of vines, careful not to touch the weapon itself, and placed it in a sling around his shoulders. Athen then continued down the small tunnel leading out of the cavern.[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] The city was deserted. Talen and the other corrupts had spent close to an hour in Mirror City now, they were yet to see another living thing. All of the buildings in the city had been made entirely out of glass, most of it polished to reflect its surroundings. ?This way.? Talen continued towards the heart of the city, making sure the others were close behind. ?It?s not much further guys.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen had followed the underground passage out of the forest and now stood on a vast plain just beyond the tree line. He had seen a group of uncorrupts entering as he was leaving but had figured it would be safer to hide from them as he could see that they had at least two of their weapons. [I] I wonder why they haven?t hidden them from view yet, maybe they were just trying to show off.[/I] Athen summoned his scythe as he strolled along the desolate plains, it appeared in his out stretched hand. There were no birds in sight, and that is what he desperately needed to get back to the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen stood alongside Shankul and Shanga at the base of a massive tower in the middle of the city. Talen was sure that his crystal and weapon were both inside. He started towards the door but stopped suddenly as it was thrown open. ?Looking for these?? Talen stepped out of the door, followed by a second Shankul and Shanga; there was a copy of everyone in the group. The Talen copy was carrying a pair of finely crafted punching daggers, they looked very much alike the other's special weapons. ?What?? Talen looked to the others confused. The Talen copy sent a blast of energy towards the corrupts, Talen dived out of the way and drew his weapons. The others also readied their weapons, still unsure as to what was happening?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] [b]OOC: Vile can you please post soon, I need Shiro's reply before I can continue.[/b] Athen waved the scythe through the air, he could feel the its power flow through him. The vines began to intensify; every time one collapsed another two sprang forth to replace it. Athen continued to struggle against them, even with the power of the scythe the vines just kept coming too fast. As he was forced onto one knee Athen began to feel desperate, there was just no way he could repel all the vines. Sweat slid down his forehead as the young man searched for more power. The stone structure below him began to crack; the whole platform dropped several feet. Feeling the hollow space beneath his feet Athen braced himself for a fall. The vines continued pressing in on Athen, placing more and more pressure on the platform below. Cracking stone and tearing ground filled Athen?s ears. The platform, along with a large portion of the clearing collapsed into an underground cavern, taking Athen with it?[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen watched Lou walk across the bridge, swinging his weapon as he did. [I]If these weapons are all as powerful as Austin?s we might actually stand a chance.[/I] ?We should start for the next crystal, the more we have the better our chances of beating Mika and the others.? Talen urged Lou, hoping desperately that the group would decide to get his crystal next. Feeling that Shankul and Shanga wanted their crystals also Talen continued his argument. ?Besides, mirror city is just over the other side of the mountain.? ?Ok we?ll go for yours next.? Lou granted Talen his wish. ?But contact Shiro and Athen first, we need to know how they went.? Talen replied by pulling out his Omnilink and calling both Athen and Shiro. The small device began beeping waiting for a reply?[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] B-beep, b-beep, b-beep. Athen was woken by the insistent noise summons of his Omnilink. He was lying on top of a pile of rubble in a cavern, frowning he tried to remember what he had been doing. After several seconds his memory came back to him. He looked around for the vines; they had stopped just below the rim of the massive hole in the ceiling. B-beep, b-beep, b-beep. Athen pulled himself up off of the mound of rubble and dusted off his clothes, he then reached into his pocket and retrieved the Omnilink. Talen?s face filled the small screen. ?What do you want?? Athen replied?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] The clearing felt cold, empty. Athen stood in the heart of the Forest of Silence, he had had to discard the crow?s body before he entered the forest and the hike through the thick woods had been a hard one. Sitting on a stone pillar in the middle of a dark stone platform was the Nature Crystal; it almost seemed lonely to Athen as he stood on the edge of the silent clearing. The young man began to move slowly towards the stair of the platform, he realised that his footfalls made no sound, and not a creature stirred. He sighed as his foot landed on the first step; noise returned seeming to echo off of the sky itself. Athen brushed his white hair aside and continued. [I]This is stupid, why am I worried?[/I] He continued up the steps and crossed to the centre of the platform, ignoring the uneasy feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. At last he was within arms reach of the crystal, the corrupted sphere glowed darkly from its position around his neck. Athen swiped the crystal off of the pedestal, he felt its energies flow through him, pulling towards his sphere. Giving into the magic?s of the two stones he let them slip together, the Nature Crystal disappeared as it connected with Athen?s sphere. The youth dropped quickly to the ground, rolling off of the platform and to his feet as he did so. A mass of vines had coming rushing into the clearing, bombarding Athen from all directions. They continued to follow, lashing out again and again, relentless in their efforts. Athen rolled again; jumped up onto the platform and flipped towards the pedestal, there he stood and drew his scythe. He slashed at a bunch of vines, the ends fell to the ground, the rest writhed back into the trees. Athen slashed again, this time the vines wrapped around the shaft of his weapon and pulled it from his hands into the air. There they held it, almost taunting the young man with it. Athen cursed and looked around desperately for something he could use, there was nothing. SMACK! Athen was thrown from the top of the pedestal, he landed heavily on the grass beside the platform, blood was oozing form his forehead. Looking through a tangle of hair he saw he wasn?t the only thing hit, he rolled out of the way of another cluster of vines. The pedestal had taken most of the vine?s blow, its column was cracked and large chunks have fallen off. The thing that caught Athen?s eye however was an intricately crafted handle poking up past the now eschewed top of the pedestal. He rolled out of the path of another cluster, making his way to the platform as he did. The vines rushed back again, this time Athen held out his hand, the corrupted sphere around his neck glowed as he did. The vines drew level with the youth?s hand and stopped, withering to dust seconds later. Athen sneered and walked slowly to retrieve the weapon in the pedestal, vines began to wither all around him; the ferocity of their attacks began to grow. More and more sinewy vines rushed from the forest to bombard the tainted invader. By the time Athen had reached the platform the clearing was nothing more than a mass of withering vines, new ones replaced the old the second they fell. Straining against the pressure now Athen reached out and pulled the weapon from the crippled pedestal, awed by the power he felt flowing through it?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Wasn't that a little fast guys? Oh and what happened to the combat between Shiro and Mika? ------------------------- Athen sprinted through the trees; their branches had left serval cuts up his arms and one on his cheek already. He had been coming down the tunnel behind the others when he saw Austin retrieve the weapon, without a word to the others (he arrived after they did so none of them know he was ever there.) Athen had turned and fled into the woods. He needed to find yet another bird so he could go and bring back Shiro, there was just no way the corrupts could defeat the others when they had weapons like Austin?s, unless Shiro helped. There it was, a crow roosting on a low branch.[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] ?I?ll come.? Talen decided to join Lou, maybe that way he could get his own crystal before the uncorrupts. ?Remember that you can use the Omnilinks to keep in touch with us.? The youth called over his shoulder as the splinter group began to move away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen was flying towards the sea when movement caught his eye. Down below, not far into the Windy Plains was a small group of uncorrupts. They had just landed from their flight and stood there talking for several minutes before flying off again, lower this time. They were no longer going towards the Windy Plains they now flew in a new direction, back towards along the mountain?s foot. Athen circled around, debating whether or not to follow them or find the others. He had decided to make his way back to the other corrupts when he spotted a lonely forest standing not far from the mountains, he suddenly realized that he could go for his own crystal, maybe even a weapon completely unopposed. The crow peeled away from the lightening sky and slid down towards a rocky outcrop, Athen withdrew his map and looked for the Lonely Forest, remembering Shiro?s words as he did?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Sorry, I was calling the crystals stones, my bad. ----------------------------- 'Well at least someone knows what we're supposed to be doing.' Athen looked around the group. 'Are we going to break up or not?' 'It would be faster that way and we'd probably get them first.' Talen looked doubtfully up from the ground. 'But if we came across the others they would defeat us easily.' ?Either way I think we should avoid Shiro, he seems too powerful and has no loyalties to us.? Athen spoke his mind, hoping that the others would agree. He flung his grey-white hair back as he spoke; spotting a small owl perched on a tree. ?You guys head to the dirt tunnel, I?ll go see what the other group is doing.?[/COLOR][COLOR=CC66CC] With that Athen walked quickly over to a nearby tree and grabbed a small owl off of one of its branches. Holding it in his arm the young man slid his free hand into the owl?s body and disappeared; Talen watched the owl fly off over the mountain. With a sigh he looked back at the others, it was hard to tell whether they were actually going to follow Athen?s advice or go their own separate ways. ?Well, what now?? Talen drew the book he had found and flipped to a small map of the mountain. ?I?m going to the dirt tunnel, are you guys coming??[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Sorry if this is wrong, I'm just a little confused. ----------------------- ?We can?t wait much longer, the others won?t be far from the first stone and we don?t even have an idea where to begin.? Athen urged the others. The small group of teens stood loosely around the clearing, the shadow a Zealit?s massive corpse played across the nearby trees. Shiro?s battered body had been placed on the ground next to the fire; the legendary blades lay next to him. ?That stone is important but we can?t just leave him and his too heavy to carry.? Lou supported Athen?s claim. ?His waking up.? Talen interjected, feeling the disturbing presence of the youth?s troubled mind. The others looked over as Shiro began to stir. ?Get your things together, we have to get moving.? Athen began to hurry the others up. ?Where? We have no idea how we?re supposed to find the stones.? Talen questioned Athen, looking to the others for support as he did so. [/COLOR][COLOR=CC66CC] The others looked doubtful, he could see, could hear that they wanted to get moving but had no idea where to start looking for the stones. ?Besides, Shiro doesn?t look strong enough to walk yet.? ?Look at him, he can walk.? Athen studied Shiro as he pulled himself up off of the ground. ?Does anyone have any ideas where we should start looking for the stones?? He turned to the group now?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Athen readied his scythe as the tiny figure lunged at the massive bulk of the dragon. At first he was content to watch the fool run to his death, then he realized his comrade was more than the dragon?s equal. Shiro?s powers had increased dramatically since the battle with the others, no it wasn?t his powers it was something else. ?The sword.? Talen finished Athen?s thoughts out loud. Athen turned to the young man, curiosity fell across his expression.[/COLOR][COLOR=CC66CC] Talen held Athen?s gaze. ?We have to help him.? Talen started towards the fight but stopped at Athen?s raised hand. ?No, there is nothing we can do.? Athen glared into Talen?s face as he spoke. Talen looked away, the others had realized their helplessness too, and they all just stood there watching the epic battle taking place before them. Talen turned back to the fight just in time to see the colossal bulk of the dragon plough heavily into the earth, it was not dead but it did not move anymore. He turned his focus to the creature; its thought had been silenced. Shiro walked to the creature?s neck, breathing heavily as he did. He twirled the sword through his fingers, building momentum. The blade shimmered as the young man brought it above his head. ?No wait!? Talen yelled as the weapon began to fall, Shiro turned to look?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: I never said that Talen was like Angel Arika; I gave his reasoning for why he healed. Besides I don?t see why it is a problem that one of my characters? powers increase slightly while yours does. Oh and Sublime be our leader, we do need someone to take the initiative, unless maybe Vile could do it. Then we could have opposite leaders but he doesn't seem to post often enough.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------- [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen looked around at the others, he was getting more and more confused at the situation by the second. ?There might be another guardian creature, one for us.? Someone said. ?No I think it is more important that we work out what we are going to do next.? Talen spoke again, trying to ease his confusion. He couldn?t hear anyone?s thoughts at the moment; his powers seemed to fade the more he worried.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] Athen stood off to the side, half listening to the others' debate. He was looking through the contents of his Omnilink, searching for a map, a clue of some sort; he found none. ?We just need to make a decision,? Talen was speaking now. ?The others aren?t going to travel through the night, we can get a good head start on them if we do.? ?Yes, but we don?t even know where we are supposed to be going.? Athen reasoned, slipping the Omnilink back into his pocket. ?Well Lou you claimed to be our leader, what do you propose we do now??[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Athen sighed as he watched Lou prepare a fire, he felt so...so...helpless ever since his encounter with Angel. The small group of corrupts had found shelter in a large crevice after the wind started to pick up, no doubt there would be a storm before the night was through. Talen walked up and leant on the wall next to Athen. 'You all right?' He asked Athen, concerned for his newfound friend. 'Yes, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?' Athen snapped at Talen, not realising the other youth could hear his thoughts. 'What ever you say.' Talen paused, 'We should go, the others are planning what to do next.'[/COLOR] ------------------------ [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen and Athen walked over to the small group, they were standing around the fire. None of them would admit that they were cold, most claimed the opposite, but when Lou had started a fire they had all gathered around anyway. ?Where?s Shiro?? Talen asked, noticing that he was missing. ?I?m here.? The youth answered as he walked back over to the group. There was something wrong about him, his mind it was somehow different. Shiro smirked at Talen who quickly looked away. ?Where are we going to start looking, we need to find those stones before the others do.? Athen started the debate, receiving several confused looks as he did?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Sorry again for the length, but someone needs to start it. I don?t mind Sublime, I just thought JJRidler was s?posed to be out leader. ------------------------------------ ?Well as long as I can rid myself of them.? Athen sneered over his shoulder as he joined his comrade?s. The trust the small group of teens had in each other had grown immensely during the battle, being forced to rely on one another had developed the relationships the young men and women now shared. ?What are we supposed to do now?? Athen turned to the others, the second group disappearing into the distance as the corrupts moved up the mountain. ?We should find somewhere where we can stop and talk.? Talen started, eying the darkening sky. ?Yes, that would be a good idea.? Shankul agreed as he joined the group.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Athen gulped, this was bad, very bad. He frowned trying to think of an answer. There was none. The young man's face quickly turned from a frown to a sneer as he saw Ryo fall to the ground, clutching his leg in agony. Athen quickly began frown again as Angel glared at him?[/COLOR] ------------------------------------- [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen stood up, feeling his wound slowly heal as he did so. He had plunged one of his daggers deep into Ryo?s chest as he turned to look at Mika. The young man had crumpled quickly and was gasping for air, a look of pure agony staining his face. ?Yes, never turn your back on an opponent.? Talen leered at Ryo, twisting the dagger in his chest as he did, the look of agony on the boy?s face intensified. Talen raised the second dagger and slid it into Ryo?s thigh, slicing across as he did. [I] There, he won?t be following me now.[/I] Talen placed a foot on the young man?s chest and slid his body off of his daggers. Ryo was beginning to go limp from blood loss as he fell loosely to the ground. Talen turned back towards Angel, taking a couple of steps away from Ryo, careful not to make his mistake. It was then that he paused, realizing that his wound had healed on its own accord. That had never happened before, all he could do was fool people, not heal himself. ?ANSWER!? Angel boomed at Athen. The way he healed himself must have had something to do with Angel. After all they were opposites, maybe the sudden increase in her powers had somehow affected his. Talen shrugged and continued to watch the bizarre scene before him; he could no longer read Angel?s thoughts. Her mind seemed to dark, evil almost?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Not that it looks like anyone else is going to post but I'm officially stating that I will no longer be posting in this thread.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: I'm still playing the mirage sphere. I think Pinball_Wizard should stop playing the Gaia sphere, until he gets an ok from Okhami. --------------------------- Athen rolled quickly up out of the snow and searched for a new target, Mika had moved away and was fighting with another youth. As he scanned the battlefield Athen's attention was drawn to Talen. The young man was currently fending off attacks from the strange panther creature he had seen earlier. Athen grinned widely as Talen plunged a dagger into the powerful beasts back, it roared in pain and began to slink away. Athen raised his scythe and charged towards Angel?[/COLOR] -------------------------- [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen looked around desperately for help, searching for Angel as she darted in and out of his sight. He continued to block her from his mind, trying to break through her barrier and change her perception of her surroundings. Talen?s concentration was stolen once again as a woman?s voice called out in surprise, he turned to see Angel lying in the snow, her blood dying the snow red as it oozed from a cut on her forehead. Athen was standing a couple of feet away, crouching as he recovered his balance from the kick he had just dealt. ?Look o[/COLOR][COLOR=teal]ut!? Talen called to Athen, seeing the panther like creature pounce into the air behind him. Athen turned just in time to see the massive beast fly into the air, he rolled quickly out of the way, a paw narrowly missing his head. He stood and turned to face the creature that was already running up, preparing for a second pounce. This time he readied his scythe. Moving it swiftly along the creature?s back leg as he rolled under the pounce. Red sprayed along the snow, Hitokage hit the ground heavily. Athen grabbed his shoulder; the panther had left a large gash along it. He smirked as he stood, seeing the beast crippled in the snow. Athen raised his scythe to finish the helpless be[/COLOR][COLOR=CC66CC]ast. The sound of metal clashing with metal filled the youths' ears as Talen raised a dagger in front of Athen?s face, shoving him to the ground as he did. Angel had hurled a shuriken at Athen?s head; lucky for him Talen was there to block it. ?Now you owe me one.? He commented as he moved towards Angel again, the eagle forgotten. Athen lay in the snow, bewildered by what had just happened?[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal] OOC: Sorry for mauling your cat, you can always heal him?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] I don't mind if Vile uses the mirage sphere, it won't take much to change Talen to suit another sphere, it has to be alright with everyone however.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=CC66CC] Talen sprung into the air, landing lightly in the snow behind Angel, amused as she tried to read his thoughts. The youth swung his daggers through the air at the young woman, Angel ducked and fumbled for her weapon. [I] Not very good at this are we?[/I] Talen sneered at the teen in his mind. Angel rolled in the snow, a slightly confused look flickering across her face before being buried deep under her expression again. The smirk on Talen?s face quickly faded as he was thrown high into the air, the ground licked in flames where he stood. ?You owe me one.? Kai chuckled before diving frantically out of the way of the end of Ari?s staff. Talen pulled himself up off of the ground, swinging his blades wildly in search of Angel? [/COLOR] --------------------------- [COLOR=teal] The two groups rushed towards each other, so much alike and yet so different. Athen stood away from the chaos, searching for the strange beasts he had seen on approach. His attention was ripped back to the scene before him as a series of charged, dark energy spheres ploughed into the ground at his feet. Athen charged into the fray, dodging loose weapons and blasts of energy as he went. He was looking for a suitable target as he went, unlike most of the others he knew that he stood no chance if he went up against these people one on one. The white haired youth slide his legs out and landed in a plume of white powder on the ground, he had almost run into one of Talen?s blades as it swung through the air. Athen was about to take to the back of his ?comrade?s? legs with his scythe when he saw a better opportunity. Just beyond his Athen?s feet another teen stood slightly off balance, her trident raised against Lou?s fiery blade, torrents of steam flooded the air around the pair. Athen snickered lashing out with his foot as he did. Mika?s feet were torn out from under her; the trident and the sword intertwined with it were thrown clear of the fray? [/COLOR] --------------------------- [COLOR=teal] Sorry if your character wouldn?t say that K.K.C. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Athen looked at the group of rag tag teens, all of them seemed annoyed and angry, he didn't expect anything more from them. 'The others aren't that far away, maybe two or three miles. We can catch them if we hurry.' Some of the others looked slightly confused as Athen rejoined the group. 'Are we ready to attack them yet? I mean they might be just as powerful as us....' Talen voiced his doubt about attacking the other group. 'Of course we are!' one of the others snapped. 'Are we going to go after them or not?' Athen continued, his impatience at the others obvious. ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry about the length but we have to get this moving.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Can I double post the two different characters if the need should arise or should I just add them both into the one post like now? ------------------- Athen chuckled lightly at Shankul, humoured by his idiocy. Athen knew the powers of these people, knew they were like him and he figured that they didn't liked being told what to do. Athen looked around, half listening to the chatter behind him, and spotted a crow roosting in the gnarled branches of a nearby tree. Silently he crossed the clearing and walking slowly up to the bird. When he was within arms reach he slowly leaned forward and caressed its black feathers, feeling himself slide into the tiny body, crushing the poor creatures will as he went. One of the others looked over at the bird, wondering whether or not the boy he had just seen over there was ever actually there. The crow flapped into the air, looking for the things it hated? -------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC] Talen had sheathed his daggers and was fuming as he walked away from Lou, he hated it when people called him names, couldn?t stand it. He began to count the people in the clearing, wondering just how many spheres there really were. It was then that he realised the boy that had been carrying a scythe was gone, slightly confused Talen looked over at a small crow as it sprung into the air and took flight from a nearby tree. Something about that bird seemed weird, he could somehow tell that it wasn?t really a bird; it seemed too?too evil to be a normal creature. (This is from his powers, no one else can tell.) Talen sat on the ground and started sifting through his thoughts, listening more closely to what the others were saying this time?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=CC66CC] [b]Name:[/b] Talen Renalls [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Powers:[/b] Talen appears to create minor changes in his surroundings. In actual fact he is creating the impression of these changes in the minds of the people he wants to see them. At the moment he can only afftect one or two people and cause minor illusions such as changing the color and feel of objects. (Is this what you intended for this sphere? If not just PMe.) [b]Weapon:[/b] A pair of extended punching daggers, they are the same as the normal ones but have a longer and wider blade. [b]Appearance:[/b] Talen is rather tall and lanky, he has a slightly asian appearance and wears his black hair fairly short. Talen can usually be found wearing long baggy cloths, colored in varying shades of grey with the occasional garment of white or black. When he first appears on Mt. Oscar Talen is wearing a black t-shirt under a grey, unbuttoned, long sleeve shirt along with dark grey pants. [b]Bio:[/b] Talen's grew up with his father; his mother left when he was very young; in a high density city. Having trouble with school the youth devoted much of his time to performing tricks at local bars and clubs. He recieved the [i]mirage[/i] sphere from a curious looking man who thought very highly of one of Talen's performances. With his father constantly at work Talen felt neglected from an early age, and began associating with the 'wrong' sort of people, this only helped to further his invlovement with the clubs and pubs he frequents... (is that good enough, do you want more?)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] OOC: Should we wait for a bit to give the ?good? guys a chance to post? ---------------------------------- Athen heaved himself up off the cold stone and looked around at the others, he knew them, somehow he knew them. ?Hmmm?? Athen acknowledged the book at his feet before crouching down to retrieve it. He didn?t bother opening it; instead he slid it into a pocket in his pants. It was starting to come to him now, these people they were important, yet he could not figure out how. Athen looked at the area around him, spotting his scythe laying in a nearby clump of snow, he walked through the rest of the teens; who were also starting to take in their surroundings; and collected the heirloom. The instant Athen?s hand touched the smooth wood of the weapon fierceness tore through his body. Something was nearby, something he hated more than anything else, but what?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] I can play another corrupted sphere if you like. I don't mind what one it is, just let me know which you need played. Oh and here is a sample of one of my other posts... [QUOTE] [B] 'You took your time.' Ghost taunted Trenton as he jogged up the ramp of the freighter and slid into a chair. The ship was fully loaded and prepping its engines. 'Worried you weren't goin' ta show.' Jet smirked back from the pilot's seat, punching buttons as he did so. 'Sorry, I had trouble getting through flight control.' Trenton lied and began lashing webbing around his body. 'Again? They really need to revise that, I mean it can't be working if a commanding officer isn?t allowed to board his own ship.' Tallin spoke up, his naivety of the way the navy worked obvious to the others. 'Here we go.' Jet warned the others as the doors hissed and resealed the cabin. The freighter slowly lifted off the ground and spun towards the docking doors before unleashing a sudden burst of speed that wrenched its occupant's stomachs. The freighter is a fairly large, angular vessel that has been modified to carry two 'Fox' class light fighters. In addition to its cargo areas the ship consists of two bedrooms crammed with bunks, food prep and eating area and the cockpit; which contains enough seats for nine people. The freighter itself has no weaponry. 'You got that?' Jet leaned over Tallin's shoulder as he entered a string of coordinates into the computer, unlike newer vessels the freighter does not have an AI based control system. 'Yeah, I think so.' Tallin answered a little unsurely. 'It looks right.' Jet leaned back over from the co-pilot seat and pressed a couple more buttons. 'We should be there in about an hour guys.' Jet exclaimed as he stood up. 'Whose up for some grub?' 'Sounds good.' Ghost undid he webbing and lead the way into the kitchen, Trenton followed with the others, his mind back on the [i]Solaris[/i] and the reason he was really late, a meeting he had just had with Flighter Officer Welsh. With the information he had just recieved Trenton couldn't help but dread the events that were about to take place... [/B][/QUOTE] [/COLOR]
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
skedy replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=teal] 'You took your time.' Ghost taunted Trenton as he jogged up the ramp of the freighter and slid into a chair. The ship was fully loaded and prepping its engines. 'Worried you weren't goin' ta show.' Jet smirked back from the pilot's seat, punching buttons as he did so. 'Sorry, I had trouble getting through flight control.' Trenton lied and began lashing webbing around his body. 'Again? They really need to revise that, I mean it can't be working if a commanding officer isn?t allowed to board his own ship.' Tallin spoke up, his naivety of the way the navy worked obvious to the others. 'Here we go.' Jet warned the others as the doors hissed and resealed the cabin. The freighter slowly lifted off the ground and spun towards the docking doors before unleashing a sudden burst of speed that wrenched its occupant's stomachs. The freighter is a fairly large, angular vessel that has been modified to carry two 'Fox' class light fighters. In addition to its cargo areas the ship consists of two bedrooms crammed with bunks, food prep and eating area and the cockpit; which contains enough seats for nine people. The freighter itself has no weaponry. 'You got that?' Jet leaned over Tallin's shoulder as he entered a string of coordinates into the computer, unlike newer vessels the freighter does not have an AI based control system. 'Yeah, I think so.' Tallin answered a little unsurely. 'It looks right.' Jet leaned back over from the co-pilot seat and pressed a couple more buttons. 'We should be there in about an hour guys.' Jet exclaimed as he stood up. 'Whose up for some grub?' 'Sounds good.' Ghost undid he webbing and lead the way into the kitchen, Trenton followed with the others, his mind back on the [i]Solaris[/i] and the reason he was really late, a meeting he had just had with Flighter Officer Welsh. With the information he had just recieved Trenton couldn't help but dread the events that were about to take place...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=teal] [b]Name:[/b] Athen [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sphere:[/b] C. Nature [b]Powers:[/b] [Sorry if it seems like a rip off, but being opposite and all...] Athen can possess the body of almost any animal he touches, though he can't do large ones yet, when he does this he takes control of the creatures body and destroys its mind. Athen can also cause any nearby flora to shrivel[sp?] and die. [b]Weapon:[/b] Athen uses a minature sythe, almost like a sickle, that has a blade crafted from an obsidian like rock. He has not trained in using it but converts his knowledge of sword fighting to it. [b]Description:[/b] Standing at 6' 3" Athen has grey/white hair that he wears a little shorter than shoulder length. He wears bone/tan colored pants and a black collared shirt. Athen wears his sphere around his neck on a thin leather band, it has been worked into a black, metal spiral by his uncle [let me know if there is a problem with that.] [b]Bio:[/b] Athen spent most of his childhood growing up in small rural towns. He first moved to the city at the age of ten. His parents died three days before his tenth birthday, leaving Than; Athen's next closest relative; responsible for him. In the hopes of cheering Athen up Than gave him his orb and an old finely crafted sythe like weapon, claiming both were old family heirlooms past down for generations (Athen doesn't actually know whether that is true or not.). Less then a month after his parents death Athen was enrolled in a club that taught the use of archaic weapons to its patrons, this was done under the strictist of circumstances of course. At the age of fourteen Athen began to discover his powers and has been experimenting with them ever since, by sixteen he had developed them to the point they are now and began searching for ways to improve them. Two months after he turned seventeen Athen was at home, his uncle was down at his jewllery store, when his orb began to glow he quickly grabbed it thinking that it might have something to do with his powers and everything went black... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] There, can someone else post now. This is a good idea, it'd be a shame to see it go to waste. -------------------------------- 'Hey what's goin' on over there.' Several guards called as they came running up to the group. Gooblians and pixies alike frozen for a split second then fled in every direction, none of them wanting to get caught. This time of the year brought harsher penalties from the town's law enforcement, with the festival approaching and all.[/COLOR]