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About Kassandra

  • Birthday 09/23/1989

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  1. Well, I live in Canada too, so I obviously know Terry Fox. One of the schools in my district is named after him. My school took part in it. I donated ten bucks. (Well, actually, my mom did.) We did the it yesterday at 9AM in the rain. Most people walked, but some chose to run. I was one of the walkers, hehe. (Not that I'm lazy or anything though cause I ran every day of August this summer, but I hate running in the rain.) My mom and brother are watching a Terry Fox movie on tv right now.
  2. Hehe, as you can see by my avatar, I love this band. I have both of their CDs, and my favourite songs are: Demolition Lovers, Give 'em Hell Kid, I Never Told You What I Do For A Living, Our Lady Of Sorrows, and The Ghost Of You. I never really liked their song "I'm Not Okay". It's always seemed a bit boring to me. Helena's okay though. I'm glad they made a video for Ghost of You cause it's a nice song. I've also had the chance to see them live at Taste Of Chaos, and Warped Tour! They are really great live. I didn't like the way they sounded at the VMAs though, must be because it was on tv, or something.
  3. I'm 5'7", which is about average here now. (But considered sort of tall, I guess.) Up until I got into high school, I was always one of the the tallest girls in the class. I'm in grade ten now, and I stopped growing a few years ago. Most people have caught up to my height, or nearly caught up.
  4. I live near Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. It's along the west-coast area. It gets fairly cold here in winter. It's currently 6°C, which is 42°F. We haven't gotten snow yet, but we usually do in January when it gets into some colder temperatures. Some years we get snow, some we don't, or only get a bit. I don't like snow, so I'm glad it doesn't snow too much here.
  5. I started drawing manga, like most people because I liked reading it. Drawing manga is very enjoyable to me, and I just love making up characters with their own personalities and their looks. I don't show mine to anybody, and I usually just keep my drawings and such to myself, for some reason I don't like showing it to others that much. Maybe I'm just scared that people won't like it, but I also don't like it when people compliment me a lot. I never know what to say, heh. So yeah, I don't do it for praise or anything it's just something fun to do. One day I'll probably show it to people more, when I get more confident.
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