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Everything posted by Viper0529

  1. Either I am really tall, or you (few exceptions) are really short. Maybe I am just built funny... 6'3", weight: 137 lbs 16 years old I look like a deformed grey :animecry:
  2. Hey. Really recently a close friend of mine handed me this CD, and it was a CD of Distorted penguins. Normally, I dont like "Punk Music", but I believe that their music i amazing. I realize that they are a really uncommon band, but I think they are definatlty underrated. Does anyone agree or disagree? and what do you think of the band?
  3. Cigarettes...wait, no! I beat the system and I quit! haha, i was so proud. Besides that, I am addicted to Video Games, my computer, movies, and...of course, Mogs By the way, it took me about a month to quit the "ciggies". If anyone is trying to quit, just PM me and I'll help ya out
  4. Thanks, I think I'll do just that. Think of this contest between you two a draw :D . Thanks a lot you too!
  5. Oh no! I feared something like this would happen! I love both of the banners and avitars, but I cant pick just one! I am not to sure what to do. Retribution, I really really, really like the moogles on yours. Extremely cute. I also like the color scheme. Although, it is kinda odd how Ozy states you will steal my soul... I am still undecided...Give me time. Thanks Both of you! ~Viper0529
  6. Ozy, I really really like what you did! I love what you did with the blue shadings...I can only see one problem. And that problem is that you have on the banner Kapu, at least thats what it looks like. I think I said before that it is Kupo. I am sorry if this seems to be aggressive or insulting, but I think that it looks kind of odd. Do you think you can change it? Other than that, I believe that the Banner and Avitar are perfect. Keep up the good work! :animesmil
  7. Hiya! I am looking for a mog banner (and possibly an avitar, mine is getting a little old). I am, more or less, obsessed with moogles, especially the ones from Final Fantasty VI. I want a good banner that has a mog on it, then have the words Kupo! (the official moogle language), posted in pink or red towards the bottom. I am a little more flexible towards the avitar, but I would like the words Kupo to be somewhere on the avitar as well. I hope this isnt too challenging. Oh! by the way, dont use the Moogles from Crystal Chronicals, those just kinda scared me...Thank you!
  8. I dont know if it was just this one girl, but I found out she [U]really[/U] wasnt interested me when she smacked me upside the head, kicked me in the shin, then ran. Maybe it was a little agressive, but that sure got me off her trail.
  9. I watched the movie Boondock Saints (directed by Troy Duffy) about three monthes ago. I absolutly fell in love with this movie, and I begged my friend to lend it to me. Eventually, he bought it for me, and I have been obsessed with the movie ever since. One night, however, my friend saw the movie and he called it a "cult" movie and it was horrible. It goes without saying that he is not my friend anymore. But anyway, it always bothered me that he called it a cult movie. Has anyone ever seen Boondock Saints? and if so, do you think it is a cult movie?
  10. I agree, awkward... Nothing in the morning (maybe a banana) the cafeteria serves complete junk, so I'll most likely skip lunch take out chinese or whatever I can forage for dinner I was diagnosed with depression not to long ago and I havn't been eating that much...wierd
  11. Name: Daniel Skender (or just Dan) Gender: Male Age: 37 Appearance: Dan is about 6'2" tall and weighs about 162 pounds. Although he is not fat, he is not muscular either. He has shaggy blonde hair that just reaches his eyes, which causes him to brush it behind his ears periodically. Dan always seems to have on a light brown jacket, even when it is hot outside. He also wears faded blue jeans frequently. Dan bears a gold cross around his neck, even though he is not religous. He claims it "gives me good luck". Dan also has round glasses, which obviously dont fit due to the fact that he always has to push them up. Skills: Daniel is a "creative thinker". He could probably find a way out of any situation. The one problem is that he is afraid of guns. He has only fired one off at a self-defense class, but it did more damage than it helped. He does however, like paintball for some reason. Personality: Daniel seems to be the kind of guy who you would push around at the playground in school. He is, as he put it, a geek. He was never good at sports or anything, which probably adds to his anti-social behavior. Dan is a talkative person who gets "shut down" easily. If he is depressed or scared, he will definately show it. Dan is also very clever and witty, which suprises some for he has a simple job: a bartender. He is more or less ashamed of his job, and doesn't like to bring it up. He will, however, try not to intimidate people and treat them more as an equal, no matter who they are. Daniel is deeply afraid of Spiders and other arachnids. There is no reason, it is just a phobia of his. History: Daniel was born and raised in a small city outside of Raccoon City, although he doesn't exactly say where. He had a quiet, boring childhood with nothing very significant. He graduated from high school at the top of his class, but for some reason, stayed away from college. He applied for many jobs, but he always quit, saying it "was not for him". Now, Dan works as a bartender at Ding's Bar in the middle of the Commercial District of Raccoon City.
  12. Name: Leon Myran Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.people.umass.edu/tliberat/bds/connorjail2.gif]Click here[/URL], Weapons: a single SAA revolver, and two SMG machine guns. has six revolvers and pistols (mostly revolvers) under his trench coat. Combat knife, but he rarely uses it Side: Wanted to join Clan, but I guess I have to go Gang (?) Personality: Leon is a lot less social than you may expect. He never says a word unless it is crucial to the conversation. On the outside though, he seems just like a normal guy, but when he is hunting you down, it is a whole new story. Leon isn't a cold blooded killer, but he is pretty close. He is rumored to have come from the west, assumed due to the revolvers he carries. He is rumored to have come from Nevada as well, but it has never been confirmed. Notes: Leon is the type of Mercenary who can walk into any situation and can add to the chaos. Although he is not entirely accurate with his pistols, he has plenty of ammo. He also has a combat knife, but he only uses it when it is truely neccessary.
  13. I dont know if It is just me, but I didn't find RE4 to be scary at all. I loved the game as an shooter, but it seemed to fall short of the thriller genre it has become famous for. I must admit, that the regenerators were kinda creepy, but besides that it didn't seem that scary. The villagers made me feel like I was pumping lead into homeless people, and the El Gargante seemed to be Cave troll extras. Am I alone on this topic, or do other people think that RE4 isn't that scary? [color=#4B0082]Merged this with the original RE4 thread. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  14. This adventure may have violence, language, possible drug use, and gore James' heart raced as he slammed the door behind him. His eyes darted around the room, looking for a barricade he could use, or at least some kind of weapon. He turned around, revealing a small dresser. James scrambled towards the dresser and threw all of his weight into it, pushing it in front of the small door. Just as the furniture slid into place, something slammed into the door on the other side, causing all of the contents (which was mainly plates and silverware) onto the floor. Then the pounding stopped. James sighed in relief and could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, another pound occurred, knocking the entire dresser over. James stared in horror as the door slowly opened, revealing an abomination. This creature, standing around eight to ten feet tall, looked almost human...if it wasn?t for the mutilated face, exposed veins, and giant scythe. James didn't even have time left to scream. It has been three years since the destruction of the Umbrella Corporation. The pharmacist company had disappeared about a year ago. Even though the company had faded, Umbrella was still hard at work selling biochemical weapons on the black market. Little is known who they are selling weapons to, but there has been several incidents where, as the newspapers called it, [U]"the dead have walked" [/U] Whether or not this is from the Umbrella Corporation or not, these black market weapons have to be stopped. Now, once again, the infamous Raccoon City was rebuilt, and...(surprisingly) has a zombie infestation. You would think that the citizens of Raccoon City would learn from their mistakes, but they are still unprepared. This time, umbrella has a few tricks up their sleeve... Sign-ups: Name (try not to be too original. I don't think anyone wants to hang out with someone named Kwaznikan) Gender (if you are confused on this, just log off now) Age (try to keep it reasonable) Appearance (dont be too masculine or heroic, try to keep your character as grounded to reality as you can. Try to make them seem like real people) Skills (not everyone should pick a weapon major, all skills should probably be needed) Personality (once again, try to make it seem like a real person with faults and weaknesses, as well as strengths) History (what is the background of your character? Why is this person in Raccoon City? etc.) I know this is a little long, but keep it up. I will post my character after the first person posts! Have fun! Note: These are the traditional zombies, not the villagers from Resident Evil 4
  15. I love the silent hill games and beat them all. I think that they are better than the Resident Evil games just because it is more than a meer thriller. Another game similar is Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly. It is like Pokemon Snap on steriods and crack. Very creepy, both of them. I have to say that I like the third more than the second. The first one was okay, but it would was nice for some better graphics. I agree with pheonix. PLAY WITH THE LIGHTS OUT!!!!!
  16. The sands of time is very good and I recommend getting it or at least a rental or two. It is interesting how you can slow, stop, or speed up time, like a Viewtiful Joe only better and without the bad storyline. The only problem is I find it hard to kill them. It takes a lot of hits (or maybe its just me :) )
  17. Get Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. It is just a good game. There are so many different gadgets and firearms and the levels are lengthy and the story is surprisingly good. It is about 50 percent longer than the 1st one and it is twice as hard the second time you play through. You may think you have seen it before, but it is something different. Also get the GTA and for a RPG, get 'Disgaea: Hour of Darkness' its just fun.
  18. Yeah, but I mean that CS has more than its computer counterpart. I actually prefer Rainbow Six over CS. Just the realisim and the team play.
  19. I have both Rainbow Six three and Counter Strike. They are both very good games, but both with completly different styles. Counter strike is very pick-up-and-play while Rainbow takes more skill. I also noticed that rainbow is more realistic. Also, the people who play on them are also different. Rainbow has more friendly people on it while Counter strike people are...vulger. I am not insulting some people, but others are really annoying and I just mute them. Both games are good, and CS is probably better on the X-box because of downloads and extra maps. Just trying to help :).
  20. I agree with some people. The ending of the movie was dissapointing, but the thought was good. If you knew you had crosshairs pointed at your skull, I bet you would be a little more than frightened. I would give the movie two and a half stars, no more, no less. True, the concept is kinda creepy, but the acting was unconvincing (at least I thought) and the ending was bizarre. It may be worth a rental or maybe a pay-per-view, but I wouldn't buy it myself. If you want a good movie, try Air Force One with Harrison Ford.
  21. ... Wow, thats an...interesting banner. umm, what are they doing really? are they just stupid?
  22. Ok, Guys, Im here! Name: Peter Gabbiani Age: 25 Gender: Male Hunter Name: Hack a.k.a Umaro Ability: Doesn't quite know, but he seems very very lucky Personality: He is fun to be around and is slightly annoying at times. He talks a lot, and it is hard to shut him up. Even though his annoyance may be hard to withstand, he is a valuable asset in combat (lol, sounds like me :) ) Appeaarance: Average height, about 6'1. He usually wears leather and his weapons are slung over his back on dark leather straps. he has spiky black hair and dark green eyes. He has a huge scar on his back, going from the bottom of his neck to the bottom of his back; he claims it was from Harry Potter. Bio: Peter was born and raised in the city of New York. He spent a lot of time just going to school, doing chores; you know, normal things. His father was a buisness Tycoon, making 'computers'. He later found out it was Viral weapons he was really working on. Peter turned him in and he was later released for reasons unknown to peter, and was forced to leave new york for a foster family at the age of 15. They lived a boring life, so soon he got a motorcycle and just left. He soon was out of money and tried a few jobs, but he always seemed to screw up. He joined the HUNTERS to find a good job, but is thinking about quitting. Secret Crush: Minnie from DISNEY Favored Weapons: Sniper, shotgun, and a minigun
  23. Sure you can use guns, but they are not more powerful than swords, they are about the same. Just to say :) By the way, I just realized I am obsessed with mogs...wierd...
  24. The cold snow blew into the small town of Narshe. Mog ran throughout the town, looking for a place to stay for the long cold night. He saw a tiny wooden door on the side of a building marked INN. Mog ran inside to feel the warmth of the fire. The innkeeper peered at him. "You don't see many mogs here," the innkeeper said to the tiny mog, "What are you doing in Narshe anyway? Most of the mogs are in the mountains, north of here" "My buisness is my own, Kupo!" The mog replied to the awestruck Innkeeper. "Well I'll be, a talking mog." the innkeeper said aloud. Mog put 50 Gold Pieces on the table. "This should get me through the night, Kupo" the mog told the innkeeper. "Right away" the innkeeper handed the tiny mog a roomkey for the bedroom. Mog practically lept onto the soft feather bed and felt himself slowly freeing himself from the burden of reality...
  25. k guys. I only need like one more baddie to fill in the game, then we can start it. I think that two villains is always better than one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K, Im going to start the thread, but remember, the recruitment is still open, late characters are just as good as early characters.
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