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Everything posted by Viper0529

  1. now we need a villain or two, and FirePheonix will be joining soon. Thanks for changing your character, Naota.
  2. I am not to sure if this is going to work, but I am gonna try Ever want to have the skills or the reputation of a Final Fantasy character? Now you can. Pick a hero or a villain in the following list and let the adventure begin. If you do not know any of the following characters, you can look it up on the internet. There is no main story line and the story will be made up as the character posts. To join, just put the name of your character, if he/she is good or evil, and what weapons and/or espers he/she has. A * will be put next to the name that has been taken Characters from FFV: Bartz Reina Galuf Faris X-death (little is known about X-Death, so you will have to amke up some stuff about him) Characters from FFVI: Terra Brandford Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Shadow Celes Chere Setzer Gabbiani Mog* Strago Magus Relm Arrowny Umaro Gogo Kafka Characters from FFVII: Cloud Strife* Barret Wallace Tifa Lockheart Aeris Gainsborough Red XIII Cid Highwind (and the Highwind) Yuffie Kisaragi Cait Sith Vincent Valentine* Sepheroth (I would have Jenova, but it would be too hard of a character to play) Characters from FFVIII: Squall Leonheart* Laguna Loire Seifer Almasy Rinoa Heartilly Quistis Trepe* Selphie Tilmitt Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Seifer Almasy Characters from FFIX: Zidane Triball Vivi Ornitier Princess Garnet Adelbert Steiner Freya Crescent Quina Quen Salamander Coral Eiko Carol Characters from X Tidus* Yuna* Kimari Ronso Seymour Guado Lulu Rikku Auron Wakka (Wow, what a long list) please pick just one name and post it. Thank you! Name: Mog Weapon: Spear Alliance: good Appearance:[IMG]http://www.ffhut.co.uk/FinalFantasyVI/body-moogle.jpg[/IMG]
  3. Jack walked down the deserted streets, idle and slightly bored. He craved freedom, he craved serenity, he craved peace... Jack looked down at the ground to see an idle throwing knife. He picked it up and looked at it closley, just for something to do. He turned around quickly and threw the knife. It hit his target, a door, with stunning accuracy. He turned around and found his ride, an old Raider mortorcycle, put it into gear and drove to his new destination, any where to make a name for himself. OOC: this isn't really going anywhere, try to tie your characters in a little better.
  4. k guys, thanks a lot. I will try to do some of the stuff you say. It is getting kinda annoying. Thanks again. I'll keep ya posted on what happens. Thanks again!
  5. Jack raised his shotgun and fired on shot, and a hole appeared in the other gangmember's chest. A gang war has been going on for years, and now they planned on finishing it right in the city streets. Gunshots were fired all around Jack, with the screams and the violence. His gang, the Raiders, were actually beginning to win the fight. The other gang, the Pythons, were just getting started. Jack dove to the saftey of behind a car to hear the bullets crash into the windows and the side of the car. He saw his friends, and generally his family fall on that one day. Jack woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. These dreams have been going on for some time. They wouldn't stop. OOC: (try to introduce your character first)
  6. ok guys! I'll get this up as soon as possible. Lets get ready to post
  7. I've been havingsome wierd dreams lately and they have been going on for months. So if anyone has one of those books that say what your dreams mean or if anyone has an idea, it could help. Ok, the dream is similar to a movie, like I don't really have control of what Im doing. Well, I see people die. People I know. My friends, family, and just people ive met. Ive taken sleeping pills thinking that it might help, but it makes it worse. If anyone has an idea, it could help. An example was it was like fire was raining from the sky, and thousands of people were dying. I have been losing sleep and it has been affecting my school work, any ideas?
  8. I just want to say that if you think that buying breast enhancement will make you more attractive, you can try. But I personaly think that the true friends and good friends ,that is, don't care how you look. Im not saying that guys who go out with girls due to their breasts are shallow (we'll, just a little bit) but if they are just after your looks and maybe sex, get different friends. Just a tip
  9. k, great. I just need one or two more people to join then we can get started.
  10. Name: Kyne Jall Age: 29 Race: Felnohka Appearance: Kyne is similar to the lepord type of feline and wears blackened steel battle armor. He is tall, about 7'2 and has green eyes. He also has large white fangs. Weapons: he caries a staff, scimitar and falchion, all blackened steel. Magic: Kyne specalizes with necromancy Bio: Kyne was born in a small city of Flint. He was raised originally as a warrior, but then began to go into the arts of necromancy. Where he currently resides is unknown, but what is known is that blood will be spilled. Personality: Kyne, like all necromancers, is slightly gothic and never says a word, but is capable of telepathy. He always like the feeling of death and constantly wants more (kinda creepy). He has a lighter side, but that side is rare. Other: Kyne wants to cleanse the world of non-necromancers and will try to kill anyone who wishes
  11. If you are having trouble with people not posting, especially on the banner/ avitar page, just make a new one and get someone else. On the adventure arena, I would personaly PM someone who is not responding to get them to notice.
  12. Some of you guys need help, seriously. Don't worry, I did it to. I put them in the microwave and I played with fireworks with them. Once, I put like tons of firecrackers in an industrial bucket and put a barbie in. I got a police warning and Im not allowed to set off fireworks now :(. Yeah, I was kinda mean to my barbie, but who isn't? just to say, I also set a 'troll' on fire with a can of spraypaint and a match :devil:
  13. A dirty newspaper on the ground was dripped in blood. The head line said in big bold letters: JUDGMENT DAY IS HERE. In a post-appocolyptic age, civilization as we know is it at risk. Things have been happening, wierd thing, things noone could explain. The world is in a nation-wide panic as meteors fall from the sky and hell reigns on earth. Anarchy was born. The rule of this new way of life is simple, 'the one with the bigger gun wins'. Many people have gone to hiding, waiting either for death or for the world to end. Gangs have developed in New York, where most of the riots are. These gangs are doing sickening things to those who don't do what they want, such as linching, burning, or other sickening devices. Most of the guns have been taken, leaving only blunt weapons and sword arms to defend the unfortunate. What caused this outburst of violence is unexplanitory, it is almost like they are being controled. Most of the world has fallen into a battleground, with bodies in the streets and the distand sounds of explosions, then screems. Blood is more common than water in this new world, it is every where. The appocolypse has been going on for about 30 years now, and the population is dropping even today, anarchy is here. Sign Up: you need the following infomation Name: The name of your character Gender: male of female Age: how old your character is Appearance: how does your character appear Personality: How does your character act Weapons: There are guns, but they are very hard to come by, try to have at least one melee weapon Bio: What happened to your character Profession: from gang member to traveler, what does your character do (Be creative, but not stupid) Heres mine: name: Jack Mc'clain gender: male age: 23 Appearance: is tall, about 6'2. wears a black leather jacket and has jeans with a white shirt. Has short spiky brown hair and has green eyes. Weapons: Has a simple pump-action shotgun and a rapier Bio: Jack was born in New York during the appocolypse and doesn't know a world unlike it. His father tought him to kill at a very young age, about 7. At the age of 15 he joined a gang, called the 'Raiders'. When he was 16, his parents were killed in a car bomb. The Raidersa took him in and were his family ever since. Appearance: a gang member of the Raiders (Remember, be creative, but nothing to extreme)
  14. Its good, it is certainly different from your average stuff... so keep it up
  15. Name: Ice Age: 25' An operator Appearance: has short blonde hair, about average height. wears jeans and a green tattery shirt. BIO: was actually part of the matrix at one time! (i don't know if that is possible, so...) His best friend was killed in the matrix and he didn't want to be part of it anymore. He can go in it, but perfers not to. He is a great hacker, but can' bend the matrix. He was found by Wolf and joined his crew Matrix Appearance: Similar to a blonde Mouse (as in the Matrix) Weapons: a submachine gun x2, and a ton of gas grenades (hope its ok)
  16. Klai'n walked on the docks of the floating city. He heard hospital sirens coming to the dock close to him. He picked up the pace a little to see a huge ship [U]in the dock[/U] . "Woah" he said to himself. Klai'n saw a body being pulled from the reckage. "Ewww" he heard one crowed member say. Klai'n turned his back and started to walk away. "I think hes gonna make it!" cried one paramedic and the crowed bursts into whispers. Klai'n froze in his tracks and thought [I]Wow, tough kid[/I] .
  17. Name: Whisp Age: 29 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Appearance: tall, like all of the vampires. He has shoulderlength black hair and blackish eyes. He has bloodred lips and suprisingly, wheres a silver cross as a necklace. Personality: Loud and obnoxious, he doesn't care what people think of him, just because he doesn't care. He does say the right thing though, and can weasle himself out of any argument. He cannot be trusted, especially with money. He also has a suprisingly large penguin collection. Weapons: A rapier with a golden dragon where the blade begins. Skills: Is a master thief and is a good lockpick as well Bio: born to an aristocratic family, he was bored with his life. He spent most of his days daydreaming of adventures he could have. he enjoys going to a public place to steal jewelry from someones purse and giving it to someone else, just for practice.
  18. Name: Klai'n Vince Gender: Male Age: 35 Race: Ground Mercenary Appearance: Klai'n likes to wear dark colors, preferably dark red. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. His skin tone is a ruddy brown color and he is about 6'5. Not to tall, not to short. He always carries sunglasses for some reason, even when it is dark out. Personality: Klai'n is a strong silent type. He never really says anything unless needed, or when he is curious about something. He has killed before, but noone knows who. It may be a pirate, or another citizen, or a cloud member. Home City: A'zergon, a small city on the coast of the northern ocean Weapons: He carries a sword similar to the one cloud uses in FF7, he also carries a long wooden staff etched in runes. The runes have no magical property Skills: nothing above average, though he can smack someone on the head really hard with his stick Magic: doesn't believe in magic, thibks it is a joke Bio: he is a rare case when a earth human was taken to the clouds. He doesn't remember how, but he was 9 at the time and he thinks it was by pirates. Someone took him in, and he was raised as a cloud child. When he was twenty five he asked for a ship to bring him back to the earth world, for he yearns to see it one more time. It was too dangerous for any pilot to accept and he is tryng to get there ever since. (PM me if I did something wrong :) )
  19. I"ve had wierd dreams for about two weeks now. It always has to do with some apocolyptic event and death. Kinda creepy. Im not really there, kinda like a movie. odd, huh. anyway, Ive been having these dreams for about two weeks. Any suggestions why?
  20. Viper0529

    Dawn Spirit

    Micheal, on a subway, was still trying to persuad Darren to finish the job. [I]Do it! Do it![/I] Darren was wondering in his head why he was getting these violent voices in his mind. [I]Whats going on?[/I] he thought. Finally, for some reason, Darren snapped out of it. The subway Micheal was on came to a halt, snapping him out of Darrens mind. He started to walk out of the subway car and he said aloud "I love my job"
  21. Viper0529

    Dawn Spirit

    Name: Micheal Age: 17 Gender: Male Features: Short brown hair, tall, pale skin, about 5'8, with green-blue eyes. Wears leather and a silver cross on his neck. Combat boots with black jeans or leather. Weapons: Scythe and fists Persona: Keeps to himself, never hides his power. Thinks death is the beginning. Isn't afraid to die. He doesn't remember his family. He always travels so he doesn't have a home. Bio: ??? Powers: Mind Warp (GuardianStorm said I could have a power too)
  22. In the ruins of New York. Viper was in a rundown home drinking tea. His cloak was off and he seemed relitavly at peace. He slowly drank his tea and said oultloud "He will come for me when it is time." He continued to drink his tea with a troubled look on his face. There was then a loud knock on the door. Viper grabbed his Katana and looked through a hole in the door, then he thrusts his Katana in the door. Viper pulled the Katana back out and saw thick warm blood on it. "We have company" he said to himself. Voices and gasps aroused outside. "We know your in here, Android!" "Look what he did to Karl" and "Lets string the $#%@ up!" Then came a loud knocking on the door. sounding like a bat hitting a wall. The door fell off its hinges and a gang of anarchists entered. They were a different group of anarchists, more like a gang than anything, with black leather with flames on them and piercing weapons instead of blunt clubs. The group of anarchists entered and Viper was nowhere to be found. Their puzzled gazes meet each others. "Where is he?' on particularly fat gang member asked. The rest of them shrugged. Viper was hanging on the cieling, and soon dropped down behind them. "What the fu-!" one gang member managed to scream before a gruesome death. The rest of the anarchists turned around to see that Viper was getting out the throwing knives and not only throwing but stabbing the anarchists in a brutal way. Soon, all of the anarchists in the room were dead. Viper sat down and sipped his tea. Then he heard a voice, "Goodbye Viper." Viper got up and looked at the doorway and heard a gunshot. He put his finger to the wound and saw dark red blood on his fingers. He reached for his Katana and was shot five more times in the chest. "Even andriods can die too" said the mysterious voice. In the streets of new york, one last gunshot can be heard.
  23. Kyle and Tanya continued to run, fleeing from the group of anarchists. The chase went long, but after a while, Kyle and Tanya couldn't hear the footsteps of the anarchists. Tanya looked back, and her eyes widened. All of the anarchists lay in a pool of blood, some decapitated, some limbless. One just looked like a hunk of meat. Tanya slowed to a stop, holding Kyle back. "What happened to them?" Kyle said, under his breath. A throwing knive with a note attatched was on the ground. Running across rooftops, Viper was wondering inside his mind. "Who is this Kyle I am sent to kill?" "Why am I so hesitent to kill him?" "And where did Ames go"? Puzzled, Viper was headed back to the ruins of New York to do some thinking and have some coffee.
  24. Viper froze and wondered how Selenay heard him. Selenay only saw the dark outline of Viper in the darkness. Selenay aked again, "Where is Ares, Viper?" Viper just simply chuckled and Selenay knew he was smiling. "Goodbye, Selenay" Viper says under his breath. He immediately back flips back and lets loose a volley of throwing knives, which pins Selenay to the wall behind her. The silent assasin, thinking Selenay is dead, turns around and heads out the door. As he is leaving, he drops a blood red rose on the front door step. (OOC: i hope I didn't screw up guys!)
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