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Everything posted by zap29

  1. Yeah i suppose because its all I talk about. I have friends though how are at least interested in what I'm talking about even if they don't like it. ^^ It has given me a hobby, and its helping me get interested in other cultures.
  2. hmm...this is tough. Ok. I would be about as tall as Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) and be a fox like Kurama or a dog demon like Inuyasha, yes the long silver hair and ears. no tail. My eyes would be either the gold color Kura and Inu have or in my human form purple. Also in my human form I would haveblue hair like Botans but not the same hair style. My outfit would be either a school uniform like Kagome's only in purple and in my demon form my outfit would look like Kikyo's. Thats how i would look^__^.
  3. I think Kingdom hearts would make a good Anime...they already have a manga...
  4. anyone know where i can find a midi/music file for the song???
  5. That rocked!!!it was sooo funny especially Mokubas interview!!!
  6. Allrighty then..... Fave Manga: Sana from Kodocha adn Akito Smart and funny....she would get along with me quite well... Smart and silent...Akito is cute too...mysterious... Next: Ichigo and the Mew Mews... Super Powers...gotta luv em...i wanna be infused with fox DNA!!! Fave Anime: Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho Smart Arrogant yet very very cute....gotta luv him and he's totally an awesome fighter. Least Fave Characters in the entire universe(no reasons you know them) TEA Tart/Pie(Tokyo MewMew) TEA Chibi Usa TEA and i'll say it again TEA!!!!
  7. .Hack wins mai vote...i like that song..well i like most anime theme songs..I even made an anime theme song cd! ^__^
  8. 1.ok defenetly not hiei(even though i luv him)...i could totally not live with a dude who always called you a "baka ningen" all the time... 2.i haven't the faintest idea who chibiusa is but from what ive read she sound horrible... 3. the person who i hate most. TE'A..I WOULDN'T LET THAT GIRL WITHIN 6 MILLION FEET OF ME....her little friendship speeches would annoy me to death and she stole Yami...*starts crying*
  9. zap29


    HI!!!!! Here are mai stats. Name: Jenn Nickname: Babbit, Winnie, Kinipela, Botan (mai friend sheldon calls me this...i call him yusuke ^__^) Age: 13 goin on 14 Hair: Light Brown Eye: Blue^__^ Hair style: Layered shoulder length Height: 5'7 Wardrobe: Jeans, t shirts, jackets Personality: Oblivious to the world around me, sweet, dopey, annoying, always there for mai friends and family. Im an enrmous Yu Yu Hakusho fan and sometimes say weird things i read on fanfic.net such as "Baka Ningen" (stupid human). Music: Pop Princess...yup thats me...plz don't ask. I luv alternative too. ^__^(Simple Plan is da bomb!) Hobbies: Music, Drawing, T.V., Fanfics, Manga, yup thats about it. other user names: Neopets-zap_29, AIM- zneogirl, Fanfiction.net-zaps. Well thats all unless i update this buh bye...
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