HI!!!!! Here are mai stats.
Name: Jenn
Nickname: Babbit, Winnie, Kinipela, Botan (mai friend sheldon calls me this...i call him yusuke ^__^)
Age: 13 goin on 14
Hair: Light Brown
Eye: Blue^__^
Hair style: Layered shoulder length
Height: 5'7
Wardrobe: Jeans, t shirts, jackets
Personality: Oblivious to the world around me, sweet, dopey, annoying, always there for mai friends and family. Im an enrmous Yu Yu Hakusho fan and sometimes say weird things i read on fanfic.net such as "Baka Ningen" (stupid human).
Music: Pop Princess...yup thats me...plz don't ask. I luv alternative too. ^__^(Simple Plan is da bomb!)
Hobbies: Music, Drawing, T.V., Fanfics, Manga, yup thats about it.
other user names: Neopets-zap_29, AIM- zneogirl, Fanfiction.net-zaps.
Well thats all unless i update this buh bye...