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Everything posted by Hakira

  1. Dakota sighed as she wiped the sweat from her face. She was under a broken down JECHTcom, doing different repairs to the computer system. It was dark in there, except for the flashlight she held between her gritted teeth. It shined upon the wires and chips of the system. Her eyes were serious and it was apparent she was in deep concentration. These contraptions of the 'future' weren't really all that more enhanced than the machines she used.. They just finally decided to use their common sense and downsize the systems so they wouldn't take so much room in their models. Thinking of her father, the man that got her into this mess, she gritted her teeth around the end of the flashlight. It slipped out of her mouth as she clanked her teeth together. "Ow!..Shit.." she said, floating in mid-air, the flashlight floating above her and bumping into the exterior of the JECHTcom. Her short blond hair floated around her face as she sighed. It was rather wavy, and that just wasn't the style these days. Women wanted perfectly straight hair so they wouldn't have to worry about curls. And her fancy of dressing really raised a few brows--considering that her appearance was [i]way[/i] out of date. She didn't appreciate the stares and comments the other people her age would say about her in the colony. It wasn't her fault they thought she was 'ugly'--It was her fathers. She glared, staring at nothing as her body flipped over in the zero-gravity atmosphere. Dakota floated down to the ground and grabbed onto a railing next to the wall. The flashlight was still floating around the room, finding its way around the JECHTcom. This wasn't the kind of life Dakota asked for. All she wanted to do was be in Latin Club, graduate from high school, go to college, get married have kids, be a soccer mom.. But no.. Damn terrorist muslims. She couldn't understand why they did what they did. If their [i]God[/i] was so loving and all that other good shit why'd they have to do this to her? Sometimes she wished she would have just died instead of been frozen for all those years. Her feet touched the ground gently, her white lab coat still floating around behind her, along with her hair and locket necklace. it was apparent she was alone in the giant-sized JECHTcom warehouse. She crouched down slowly, and pushed herself off of the ground, floating up to get the flashlight. She grabbed onto part of the JECHTcom and reached for it, red lights beginning to blaze around the room. "This is a code red," a voice over the intercom said, "I repeat, This is a code red." The lights flashed and the alarm blared. Dakota sighed. "...Dammit. I thought it was sheer stupidity when we were having war then," she said to herself, "but this just doesn't make any sense."
  2. Squall..Whatever happened to the War of Vampire II Rp? Everyone suddenly stopped posting after my last post.. ---- Name: Dakota Ann McClarkson Age: Unknown(She thinks she's 16) Description: [img]http://www.jaganzoku.com/Anime/Eva/Images/ritsuko2.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.jaganzoku.com/Anime/Eva/Images/ritsuko2.jpg[/url] Personality: She is a quiet, shy person although she is not afraid to speak up when something affects what she believes in, or if she feels it's important and must be said. She maybe shy but when she's angry she isn't afraid to speak her mind. Dakota is generally afraid of men but not in a very tragic way. This scientist isn't sure what to think of the war, because she had no idea there even [i]was[/i] a war. Bio: She was born in England and raised in America. Though she didn't really hang out with her schoolmates, she did spend alot of her time studying. She wanted to be something great like her father. Her father, too, was a scientist. He had worked for the old NASA and helped invent many new things. Though her life was somewhat normal(considering), she and her mother had taken a plane to go visit Mr. McClarkson in Washington, they had both gotten into a terrible plane crash(via terrorism). Both of their bodies were found, along with many others. Being so desperate for his family's life, the scientist had played them and many other patients in suspended animation. They were all basically frozen. He said they were not to be released until there was a time when their wounds could be healed and they could live on. So many years pass by, into Logan's time. Scientists of his time were looking for new weapons they could use to fight in the war, stumbling upon many of the frozen bodies left untouched for centuries(correct me if I'm wrong). They identified them all as Americans who were all injured. This was how Dakota and her mother was found. Unfortunately, as soon as they opened her mother's case she had died, leaving Dakota to live in this futuristic world alone. A few of the others survived as well, though they were all very ill for the longest time. Dakota herself was ill for a while but they all had their wounds treated immediately. When Dakota realized what year it was she freaked out. The scientists were whispering outside of her room talking about doing experiments on her--because the human body had evolved so much from those centuries ago and they thought they could learn more about their history if they did research. Eavesdropping in on this, Dakota did the first thing to come to mind--run. So here Dakota is, a lonely lost girl from the past running around the streets of a town in which she doesn't even know the name of. After running the streets for a while, she ran across Logan but immediately was captured. When the government got ahold of her they had a discussion about her. They told her what was happening and asked her what her purpose was and if anyone in her family was significant. Immediately she brought up her father, the man who created the 'suspended animation' hatches. They all took interest in this and looked up her identity, realizing that she was the daughter of a great scientist in her time. Dakota herself was surprised that her father made it into history books but was disappointed that no one found the capsules after that time. Reading her up, they realized she had many skills in machinery and repair so they said in exchange of 'doing experiments' that she would work with them in the war to repair and enhance JECHTcoms. They, of course, in return for her duty would train her in many different types of machinery and provide her a foster home to stay in. Which, of course, would be Logan's home. Staying there, of course, she would have to keep her identity secret. The people of ASR were very paranoid about her because they didn't want the enemy to get ahold of her--with [i]her[/i] skills in machinery they could use her against them. Side: ASR Location: ASR --- Squall, was this okay? Is there anything you want me to change..?
  3. Feeling the blanket suddenly drape her, she jerked around, hearing a familiar voice. Oh, what a beautiful voice it was, too. [i]"Hakira, my dear. You'll catch your death out here."[/i] Luna said, grinning. Hot tears began to swell in the rims of her eyes, she couldn't believe it was actually him. All this agony and everything else, just to see him again. She stood there speechless, her hair a mess and an ear slightly torn at the tip. Staring at him she had a blank expression on her face, she was unsure of how to respond to this. It was so hard to say anything to someone you hadn't seen in a long time--It was so difficult to even mutter words to someone you'd been constantly thinking about since.. [i]"Come now, you haven't forgotten me, have you? We musn't dwadle in this place for too long, human eyes are upon us. Come."[/i] Human eyes, eh? Hakira didn't care anymore. It was so horrible out there enough but since he was there everything was suddenly better. With a loud gasp, she cried out and buried her face in his shirt. She shuddered and cried a mixture of black blood and crystal tears. Her broken arm was pressed between both of them, as her free hand took a tight grip on his shirt. With all the tears that had flown out she was starting to make a small spot on his shirt damp. "..D-Don't ever leave me again, anata," her voice shook with her breath, "...It's so cold and lonely in this human world.."
  4. Partiri Sign-up: Name: Erika Lonolai Age: 21 months Description: She has aqua-coloured hair and pale skin. Erika has a normal build of a female though she appears more masculine than other women. Weapons: Her favourite CPG(Chrysm/Laser Powered Gun) and a dagger she keeps in the side of her boot. Strength: Her ability to see things faster than humans. Weakness: Her emotional frailty. [img]http://atlas.walagata.com/w/rydia/erika.jpg[/img]
  5. Her breath shook as she kept walking down the street. It was dark out and she'd no idea where to look first for a portal to the Death Dimension. Maybe Ryu was already out there looking for her..But if he was he'd have found her by now. Hakira leaned against the wall of a closed building for some rest. The blood from her arm was soaking up her dress as she gasped for breath. It was getting hard to breath even. She stared up at the moon, it was a little more than half-full and looked beautiful to her as she started to slide down from the wall. Closing her eyes she listened to each quick, raspy breath she made. She wished she could hear Luna breath..to actually know that it was he whom she had seen earlier that day then maybe.. A few cars passed by on the street without bothering to pull over or honk at her to go home. No one cared that she was hurt.. That was strange. It was alright though, she knew she deserved it. This was how she was paying for not being there when her own friends were in crisis...It was her price.
  6. OOC: ..Okay, I want someone to tell me if this is a good post or not. ..Is my character messed up enough..or is she just trying to show off? ------ [i]"At least I know who to ask when I am ready for him." Athen sneered over his shoulder before plunging into the darkness below. Hakira was left standing alone, the air?s sudden chill drifting away, the small figure shivered and pulled its blanket tighter, pondering who that might possibly have been.[/i] A small hiss escaped her lips as her misty breath filled the air. How [i]dare[/i] he make threats against Ryu-sama. ..Who was he? What the hell involvement did he have with any of this?.. Would he be someone important in regards to Luna? No matter. Hakira turned around and muttered, "..Bastard." as she hopped back in through the window. It was frozen open, though she didn't care. Landing on the bare floor she walked across the room and stopped, thinking. There was an open pizza box on the floor next to her bare feet, flies buzzing around it. It was rotten, probably left by the girls who had once lived there. She turned around, looking towards the window, thinking of that strange man. Around her the walls were a cracked, nasty white. One would tell the place hadn't been taken care of. The floor was a bare, wooden floor with trash sprawled all about. One bare matress lied on the floor, a few springs sticking out. The room didn't really matter much to her..Right now she was thinking of that man. Walking back toward the window she kneeled down on the bed, feeling around for a comfortable spot to lay. She curled up under the short blanket and sighed, her breath very visible even inside. Her hair crumpled up under her head as she stared at the wall, her eyes tracing the cracks all the way up to the ceiling. She felt guilty because her thoughts went astray from Luna. There was probably a guarantee now that he wouldn't come after her, thoughs he still didn't give up hope. Ha..Hope. Something that got her this far and down this deep. Hope was a stupid thing anymore. All it did was get her in trouble. Perhaps she wouldn't end up with Luna in the end..He would probably kill her off as well since she was a halfling. [i]?So this is what the half breeds have fallen to,? Hakira snapped around, the massive black bulk of Athen greeted her, standing centred on the roof. ?I always said they?d amount to nothing.? [/i] Ha..Nothing. Who was he to know? She wasn't even a halfling. She had three parts in her.. She was human, neko, and of course, vampyre. What little did this man know of her existence and how she was created. But then again, it wouldn't have been any of his business. Hakira again sighed, knowing Dr. Tsukinara's dream was in vain. He'd never have grandchildren, not the way Hakira was going. Of course she'd go out and try to find Ryu..But something was holding her back. Her mourning probably. All of the comments that belittled her echoed through her head. It seemed like everyone was against her, no one wanted her.. Like maybe what they said was true. She didn't want to believe them but she had no choice. Ryu wasn't there to protect her, to help her.. In fact he was hardly ever around. It was like he didn't even care.. [i]"..Not only does your hair fail you, but so does your memory," Carmize sighed. "..I had told you thrice in just the past two hours and you expect me to tell you again?" -- "..How [i]could[/i] you?" Carmize hissed as Hakira backed away into a corner fearfully. [/i] [b]Carmize..[/b] [i]From behind Hakira, Rain crawled down the wall. "You know? Your sickening...." Rain had grunted. "your just being a spoiled little brat, normally I wouldnt care about your sulking for Ryu." He pushed off the wall. "But I havent been here for more than an hour, and I have to look at the depressing little fucker you've become."[/i] [b]Miazmodon...[i]Rain[/i]..[/b] She'd betrayed them, now look at what they have become..Or better yet, what she had become. Getting up from the bed she strayed across the room towards the doorway. It had no door because it was knocked over during the drug bust long ago. Her barefeet scurried across the door as she made it out into the hall. All of the voices whipsered and yelled inside of her head as she bumped from wall to wall, running down the hallway. Hakira was starting to hallucinate, seeing each episode replay over and over again, each hurting comment getting louder and louder. They were so true, but where was Luna? Where was Ryu?..Was he hiding? Did he not care...? Did he [i]really[/i] abandon her..? Hakira managed to make it to the bathroom, but didn't quite make it to the toilet as her vomit splattered over the floor. Her nails screetched against the wall as she went to her knees and fell over, knocking her head on the filthy, porcealan(sp?) sink. "Aaah!" She gasped out as she sat up, holding the side of her head. She had managed to hit hard enough that she began to bleed. Struggling to get up from the floor she held her weight up using the sink again and threw herself out into the hallway. Leaning against the wall, her legs being curled up under her, she looked up at the dark wall, and eventually to the ceiling seeing hologram-like heads of all of her friends. This was either some trippy evening she was having, or something was really trying to tell her something.. Though most likely-not. [i][b] "How [i]could[/i] you!!?"[/i][/b] One screamed out--[i]"You're so sickening!!"[/i], Cried another. Pretty soon she had thousands upon thousand of voices screaming at her. Standing up she tried to push the people away, even though she wall all alone in the apartment. Her hand pressed against the wall to keep balanced and blood smeared across as she started walking. She blinked and suddenly she was at Dracula's Castle again, outside. Looking around she saw the area in which she fell out the window, or rather, [i]jumped[/i]. She knew what was about to happen, and jerked around, looking up at the balcony, waiting for Chinkan to fly down. [i]Chinkan bursted through the door and onto the balcony. She hurdleed over and landed on the ground before Hakira. Chinkan's eyes glew. Hakira just stared. "What's wrong with you? You still love Ryu?" Hakira looked away,"Then quit moping, get off your ass, and go find him!'' "I can't do that..." Hakira sighed,[/i] everything happening in the exact same order as it had before. [i]Chinkan grabbed Hakira by the scuff of her shirt and pulled her to her. Hakira's face was indifferent. "If you don't do something, I'm going to kill you. I have no patience for this shit. You love him, go for him. If you will not, then go somewhere else and wallow. I am tired of seeing you like this," Chinkan kept her grip. "I cannot help it," Hakira's voice hightened. "Yes you can. You are the one who put yourself in this position. You are the only one to blame for your pathetic misery," Chinkan threw Hakira to the ground.[/i] [b]Chinkan....[/b] As she could feel Chinkan's brute strength throw her to the ground she didn't land there--rather, everything returned to normal as she flew down the stairs. She could see Ryu's face from the club. [i]"You look like you've been to hell and back,"[/i] [i]"How [B]COULD[/B] you?!?!"[/i] Carmize's voice seemed to scream at her as she landed on a stair, straight on her arm knocking her elbow out of place. A blood chilling scream managed to cough up from Hakira's chest as her bone stabbed out of her arm. From such force, she'd flipped over and landed on her back in the middle of the large hall. She was on the floor between the front door and the stairs. Closing her eyes, she took in several deep breaths then reopened them. The voices were gone, the hallucinations were over. She was alone again, as she was meant to be. Hakira had some blood running down her chin but it didn't seem to phase her a bit. She sat up and looked around the hall, then towards the door, holding her arm up, bent. If she did as much as move a muscle in that arm it would really hurt. Looking towards the door, Chinkan's words echoed once more. [i]"You love him? Go for him!"[/i] As inspiring as it was, she managed to get up, wobbily. Her dress was wrinkled from the fall and covered in her own blood. The blood from her head seemed to had dried up, leaving a good-sized stain on the side of her face and her arm looked very painful to the eye. She took her opposite wrist and wiped the blood from her mouth, walking towards the door. She opened the handle and walked outside into the dark, closing it behind her. It could be done. It could definitely be done. If Aruzan could have escaped to the Death Dimension, then she very well could too! No matter what pain she'd have to go through, she'd find Ryu--if it were the last thing she did alive.
  7. [size=small][font=times][color=dark-blue]OOC: I know I'm making a weird analogy..and it's really sad these sort of things actually happen too.. ----- IC: Hakira sat ontop of a roof alone, holding the thin flannel blanket around her. It was white, and she was blue. Staring down at the street she sighed, her eyes gazing across the pavement to the interstate. The apartment building where she was at was two houses from the main-road, which made the view rather easy. Her neko ears laid against her head lazily, as her tail drooped down behind her. The apartment was abandoned, infact condemned by the city. They were coming in the morning to tear it down. The apartment was originally a crack house with a man and three young girls living in it. He had used them for prostitution after he'd drugged them up. All three had come from a dysfunctional family of somesort so they welcomed them with open arms. Easy targets those girls were. When the police finally busted the place, tracing the drug sales of course, they arrested the man and placed the girls in juvenile hall. When they'd leave there they'd go into foster homes. Of course, Hakira never knew any of these people. Those poor girls were so unfortunate and on the streets until they met him.. What if she were still on the streets like that? What if she'd never met Aruzan and the others? ..Would she have become like one of those girls? Would she be in juvenile hall right now instead of sitting on this flat rooftop sulking for the past hours? Maybe Luna would come after her.. Perhaps she was an unfortunate soul and she turned to him for love, for support and encouragement.. The same reason those girls went to that druglord. Could it really have been different though? Could it really be just out of true love for Ryu/Luna, and not out of desperation like those girls had? ..Perhaps she [i]was[/i] desperate.. Maybe Luna [i]wouldn't[/i] come after her. Did he even care about her anymore? Did Ryu even.. Could it been possible she would have been used? He didn't even greet her in the shed--of course he was busy with Chinkan but still wouldn't he have atleasted looked at her or [i]something[/i]?--did he actually abandon her? Leaning her chin into her knees, her lips gently pressed against her own skin. She stared down directly through the cars and pavement into nothingness. Her her chin-length dark brown hair blew around her face as she squinted, tears forming in the brims of her eyes. Did he really abandon her? Was there ever something between them..? Even though his ideals were most likely morally wrong, she still couldn't help but completely support them 100 percent. It wasn't easy feeling this way. Maybe it was infatuation..really. Perhaps it was her body influencing her mind. After all, her father/creator Dr. Tsukinara [i]did[/i] want their family name to live on.. So was this just her [i]body's[/i] response to Ryu? Of course, naturally a woman would to bear the child of a strong, supportive man. Their children would naturally be just as good, right?...Could have really just been that or was there really something there? Hakira couldn't completely understand it herself. It was all so confusing.. Maybe she should just forget about keeping the Tsukinara name going on. He had no use for her anymore.. It was all over. Her life-long dream was crushed..And for what? Because she was in love? Hakira let out a shakey sigh and leaned her face in her knees, her bangs covering any expressions that could have been made on her face. Her shoulders started shuddering as sobs managed to squeak their way out. It was over.. It was all over. [/size][/font][/color]
  8. ..That's not cool, Kris. Why not stick around Earth and figure out a way to get Chinkan back? (If this post isn't good, I want you guys to vote on it, to see if it should be kept in the RPG). ---- [i]"Almost. Different technique. The DD blade is quite versitle, you see. Your woman still lives, but soon she will wish she did not." "If you lay a hand on her, I swear I'll tear you to-" "Oops! Gotta run, she's awake, you see." "Ryu! Wait!" Before he could stop him, the luna dissapeared.[/i] "Ryu-sama!" Hakira cried out, trying to reach into the portal after him, but suddenly it closes before she could touch the essence. She let out a slight gasp as she jerked her hand close to her chest and turned around quickly. There she saw herself facing Aruzan and Carmize. The looks on their faces were indeed unpleasant. "..How [i]could[/i] you?" Carmize hissed as Hakira backed away into a corner fearfully. "I-it--This isn't what it looks like--I-I assure you.." Hakira said shakily. Their sneers seemed to eat into her face like acid, as she tried to scoot away from them and out the door. "I don't think so," Aruzan said, stabbing the doorframe right next to Hakira's ear. It slit a few strands of her hair. They fell as she could feel sweat forming on her brow. With a thrust, Aruzan tried to grab her neck but she was too agile to allow it. Slipping away from his grasp she ran off into the darkness alone. If she had the right mind she wouldn't return to Dracula's castle, that's for sure. Though they [i]may[/i] have been wrong. Dropping to her knees, Carmize let out a wail. "H-How could she?!" "Easy. She is still in love with the Luna." Aruzan said quietly, yanking Chinkan's katana out of the wall. Around it shreads of wood fell to the ground. "What do you mean? I thought she was in love with--" "Luna, Ryu. Doesn't make a difference to her. He's the same person in her mind." Aruzan interrupted coldy. "..What is wrong with her? I thought everything was fine before this new threat came around," Carmize sighed, "..I mean, was there a flaw in Dr. Tsukinara's subjects?" "Do you even know [i]why[/i] Kenji Tsukinara even [i]created[/i] Hakira?" Turning around, Aruzan sheathed the katana and gazed down at Carmize, leaning against the doorframe with a sigh. "..Actually I do not. Hakira doesn't really speak of her creator at all." "Well, from what father has told me, she was not really an experiment at all, though that's what she claims to be." Aruzan tapped his foot against the ground, staring down at the dirt, then began walking outside into the parking lot, Carmize following slowly behind. "She was created to replace the old man's daughter, to be honest. What the madman did was take a strand of his own genetic structure and completely reversed it, but there wasn't really any way for him to preserve the body--and with what flesh was he supposed to use to sustain her?" They were now walking down the street as little droplets of rain began to fall. Soon it was sprinkling, as Carmize asked, "..So what did the Doctor do then..?" "He used their pet cat's DNA and physical structure to help in his project, though it wasn't quiet complete. He wanted something that would last, and something that wouldn't rot. Because if she were to live, her body would easily rot due to weather and rain would wash it away, the sun would melt it. That's when one night a vampyre snuck into their lab and tried to feed from the old man. That's when he found Hakira's body, in a glass tube, frozen. When he found the doctor, he fed of course, then asked what a girl was doing frozen. That's when Kenji explained to him, and that's how the news spread to Dracula." "...And so your father went to the Doctor and gave him his own blood to preserve the neko's body?" Carmize butted in. Aruzan just responded with a nod, holding onto the sheath of his katana and thinking of Chinkan. "If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be alive. And you know what it means if his blood is the same as hers.." Aruzan noted, listening to Carmize gasp. If he were facing her he would be able to see the shock written all over her face. "So Hakira-chan is your sister?!" Aruzan just simply nodded, not saying much more. "..Enough about Hakira," he stated, "..How're we supposed to get Chinkan back..?"
  9. Standing up drowsily, Hakira was helped up by Carmize. They both stood there, and jerked their heads around. They heard voices in a parking lot not too far away. Not too many seconds after they heard yelling and fighting. "..Do you think it could be?" Hakira asked, her eyes not moving from the entrance to the lot. Carmize shook her head and clanked her heel against the ground, so her shoe would come back on. "I don't know," she said, "but we better check it out." With a nod they both started running towards the lot, Hakira's steps a little wobbily, but still good enough to catch up with Carmize. "Maybe you should stay behind," Carmize commented, still smelling the alcohol on Hakira. "..You're still intoxicated, you might be in the way." "Never," Hakira said, smelling the rich, thick blood of Luna. "..I need to know what's going on." Hakira only half-lied. What she really wanted was to see if Luna were still alive and if Ryu were there too. If they were both there, how could she fight one or the other? It would be so hard for her to handle. What if Luna formed one with Ryu again? [i]Oh,[/i] that would be utterly delightful! A sly smile came from Hakira's lips as she leaped up ontop of a car, then into the air disappearing. [i]"What the hell is she thinking?"[/i] Carmize thought, as she jerked to a stop in the doorway, gazing in on Ryu and Chinkan, still shocked by the sight of the body.
  10. I finally found a Picture of Hakira!! I wish to add it to my profile, but I'm not too sure it will be noticed so.. [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479870/HakiraHeadphones.jpg[/img] or [url]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479870/HakiraHeadphones.jpg[/url]
  11. She sat there, her face beginning to flush. Hakira set the glass down and turned to see the man talking to her. "You look like you've been to hell and back," he mentioned. "Damn straight I ha...ve.." she stalled a little, looked at him. Then she let out a squirm of delight, apparently being drunk. She leaned back and giggled, having her arm on the bar the only thing holding her up. He looked familiar but she just let out a small hiccup and smiled at him, one eye's lids pinched together in delight. "..Heeeyyyy..." she said, giggling again, her face flushed in drunkeness, pointing at him. "...I..Think I know you...*hic*" She took another drink, one neko ear flat against her head lazily and the other straight up. She swallowed a bit of air as she held the glass to her lips. Holding the glass at an angle she peeked another look at him. He had this dead serious look on his face. Then she knew. Placing her glass down she stared at him, her face as white as a ghost and her eyes wide in shock. "..Y-you're.." she said, suddenly sober. "..You're..But he's..You're supposed to be..Y-You're dead!" She leaned back, falling out of the stool, her right arm knocking over a nicely stacked tower of wide, wine glasses. Hitting the ground the glass crashed around her and Ryu got out of his chair. She had bumped into a woman going down and she didn't seem too happy. "Um, [i]excuse[/i] you!" she said, kicking Hakira in the arm. Grabbing onto her dress Hakira lifted herself up and the woman slapped her. In return, Hakira flung her arm at her, elbowing her in the face, knocking her into the crowd of people. That's when the commotion started. She turned to see Ryu's reaction, desperation written all over her face. Too ashamed to speak anymore, she ran off into the crowd and out of the club. There, she exited the building, not watching where she was going and knocking Carmize and her prey over. When they finally managed to sit up, her dinner got up and ran away in fright. "..Ha..Hakira-chan?!" Carmize blinked, rubbing the side of her head. Turning away from her, Hakira vomitted on the sidewalk. "Eee!" Carmize managed to scramble away from the pile, looking rather freaked out. "..Hakira are you feeling alright?" she asked, helping Hakira up. "..I just...I just saw..He was really..alive." her voice shook, as tears began to stream down her face. She held onto Carmize's sleeves tightly, pulling her towards her. "..He's alive..Oh my god, he's.." Trailing off, Hakira lied her head into Carmize's arm and just cried. A cry she hadn't let out in quite a while. Again, the red tears began to be washed away by the clear. Carmize didn't think she could do much, other than just stand there and hold the neko. So Ryu was in town.. Something that must be told to the others. But for now . . .
  12. "What's wrong with you? You still love Ryu?" Hakira looked away,"Then quit mopping, get off your ass, and go find him!'' "I can't do that..." Hakira sighed. Chinkan grabbed Hakira by the scuff of her shirt and pulled her to her. Hakira's face was indifferent. "If you don't do something, I'm going to kill you. I have no patience for this shit. You love him, go for him. If you will not, then go somewhere else and wallow. I am tired of seeing you like this," Chinkan kept her grip. "I cannot help it," Hakira's voice hightened. "Yes you can. You are the one who put yourself in this position. You are the only one to blame for your pathetic misery," Chinkan threw Hakira to the ground, she turns around and walks towards the castle. As Chinkan left Hakira sighed again, getting up. She brushed off the filthy skirt and looked around sadly, her eyes seeming to flail in different directions. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Hakira could hear Chinkan talking to someone else in the doorway of the castle. This meant Hakira could get away from her wrath . . . for now. Walking away from the castle barefoot she frowned. [i]"You love him, go for him."[/i] Chinkan's voice rang in her head. She thought of that phrase for the longest time as she walked out of the gates of Dracula's castle and into the street. ". . . How can I go find someone who is dead?" Hakira managed to sob aloud, her voice cracking. "...I guess I should just go somewhere else to [i]'wallow'[/i], as she puts it." Her barefeet walked across the cold concrete as she stepped off of the sidewalk onto the street. It was getting colder, and she could feel it. Her tail hung out of the dress as her ears were lying gently across her head. The wind was thin and sharp as it brushed against her face and shoulders. Surprisingly she saw a piece of paper on the ground. It could have been a bubble gum wrapper but it wasn't. She noticed this when she stepped on it. Picking it up between her toes she lifted it up. Grabbing it she smiled, realizing it was a five dollar bill. [i]Lucky me,[/i] she glumly thought. As she kept walking the wind began to get colder and the skies darkened. Nightfall, and a few flakes flew past her. [i]Oh no,[/i] she thought, [i]Snow..[/i] She didn't like snow one bit. Honestly, she preferred snow in pictures to on the ground [i]any[/i] day. Blocks went past her like breaths came in and out. Soon she could feel them becoming weaker and thin. The change was taking affect. Again, she would be dead like the rest of them. It wouldn't matter. She'd still be able to go out into sunlight and all that vampyric mumbo jumbo. She seriously didn't care anymore. Vampyre or not, she was still alive. If she were still mourning and still existed, she considered herself alive. Turning the corner she walked behind some building that blocked the wind. Above her at the corner was a sign that said "10th St." Seeing that snow was beginning to stick to the ground she entered the first building she could find, not even thinking of showing the bouncer her ID. He grabbed onto her arm and stopped her, gesturing for her ID and she showed it to him. He nodded, letting her in and went back to his business. Above the bouncer was a sign that said "Brookly n Boozer's Club". Entering the place she finally felt warmth that she hadn't felt in a while, sitting in that window sill and all. Walking through the crowd she found the restroom and entered. Looking into the mirror she messed with her hair a bit. The sinks being filthy and the stalls being filled with graffiti. Hakira didn't even bother to go into a stall to see what mess would be there. When she was finished she walked back out into the club and found a seat by the bar. There she ordered. "What wouldja like, sweetie?" the female bartender asked, smiling. "The strongest thing you got," Hakira admitted, having never drank an alcholic beverage before. "Ya sure?" "Yep." "Your hangover, not mine." The bartender still smiled, "On the rocks or not?" Hakira just gave her an odd look. "..Look, do ya want ice with that?" her friendly tone went sour. Without saying anything, Hakira just nodded and looked away, paying for the drink and showing ID. Thankfully, the bartender walked towards the other end of the bar while Hakira sat there and drank alone. She'd read stories in Carmize's books about how men would supposedly 'drink their sorrows' away, in such scenarios as in their wife leaving them or losing their job. She'd never read about women drinking over reasons like that, so she just thought she'd be the first to.
  13. Oi! I'm so sorry! *sweat drops* I didn't know!...I thought a Dekan was a fancy name for an 'elf' or somethin'..hehe..Sorry. I'll edit my profile..
  14. [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479870/thiefayako.jpg[/img] ][Name][ Ayako ][Age][ 13 ][Gender][ Male ][Island][ Ontset ][Race][ Ontset ][Ocupation][ Pirate ][Bio][ Ayako is a loudmouthed, obnoxious boy who loves to play the lady's man(he's a big flirt) and steal things he refers as to "shiney stuff". He is Ontset but was kidnapped by Pirates when he was very young after a rampage on the island. There they plummaged his village and killed his entire family. Such a horrific event caused him to not remember anything before the death of his sister. He and his sister were kidnapped by the pirates but she had died because her tiny body wasn't able to carry the child she was to bore. The father of the child was the old captain who is now dead. Ayako ran away from the pirates when he learned of the new captain's evil deeds and intentions. Now he wishes to become a hero among pirates and to make a good name for himself so he'll be remembered for generations on. ][Weapon(s)][ Two daggers and a Lance(that he left on the ship)
  15. Stomping, Hakira let out a sort shriek as the hair on her neck began to rise. "But I don't LOVE Luna!" she cried, "...And you don't need to care. Ryu is dead." Hakira actually admitted, now believing that their meeting was truly a dream. "..Call be a spoiled brat if you wish, I care not." she said, not talking to herself since Rain had left. Slinking to her knees she let out a hurt sigh. "..I just want to die," her eyes slowly scanned the room as the brims of her eyes began to water, "..like he did." "He only invalidates my emotions by telling me that I know not what sorrow is..I'll show him.." her eyes narrowed as a tear or two dropped down her cheeks. "...I'll show him the true power of my sorrow." It took her not long to gain the audacity to stand up and walk back onto the balcony. She looked behind her, to make sure no one was there. Once she was for sure no one was watching, she stepped onto the railing, one foot after the other. Standing there a moment, she looked up at the dark sky and inhaled deeply, holding the wooden cross to her chest, then letting herself drop like lead. She could feel the cold wind brushing around her and her black dress. She almost became invisible with the night with her hair and dress flailing around her violently. Hakira had her eyes closed, as she breathed in the sharp night air through her nostrils. The rush was like a rollercoaster as she continued to fall. It seemed forever before she'd be able to reach the ground. It was as though she were playing these emotions, these senses over and over again like a recording. So what if she were a spoiled brat? ..So what if she were weak? He had no right.. His situation was totally different from hers and his pain shouldn't be considered any 'worse' than hers. They were one in the same, just felt towards different people. As she kept falling the black behind her lids became darker and darker.
  16. Eding themes? What's an EDing theme? Is it an ending theme? If so my favourite would have to be from Windaria. ^_^
  17. The only anime I have seen thus far that had anything Christmasy oriented was the Sailor Moon S movie uncut and subtitled. Other than that..All I can remember is Tenchi Muyo and the snow..but other than thaat....
  18. I really really love the song "The Real Folk Blues" from Cowboy Bebop..I mean, who DOESN'T love that song? It's really pretty and I love watching the pretty pictures at the end of each episode. The art is lovely, to be honest. I love dark, shadowing images for some reason. ^_^ And..well..lemme think.. "My Will" from Inu-yasha sounds good..but..what was that one theme.. My favourite was "Beautiful Planet" from Windaria. It's a haunting theme just like the movie.
  19. lol Very too the point, my dear Asura. You know, the name Asura reminds me of a the queen of summoned monsters from FF4. Is that were you got the name, or was it from something else? I'm just curious cuz I rp as Rydia at another forum and we need more characters for our RPG. ^^; Oh well. And that poem reminds me of alot of close relationships I've had . . .
  20. I love it. And I love your siggy WiccanSamurai. ^_^ The second poem I didn't exactly understand but the haiku and tanka I totally loved reading. Oh, and your last stanza on the haiku was.. 5-7-4. I hope you noticed that. Even if that mistake were made or not I still believe they were good poems. Do write more!
  21. Oh my god, that was a horrible comment. I thought your couplets were pretty. Don't listen to jerky-jerks like that. They eventually become what they do alot so..yeah. Don't listen to dingalings like that. ^_^
  22. Very original! Again, I haven't stumbled across poetry yet that I do not enjoy reading. And I'm glad you've sparked my interest again--alot of rythm in the first one(which is very cute) and the last one didn't have much of a rhyme but it was very precise and to the point. It was wonderful to read in my opinion...Now the second one..well the lovey dovey stuff was cliche but the words sounded very original and flowed out wonderfully. I hope to read more of your work someday. ^_^
  23. I like it, it has a rythm to it. Write a little book of short poems like that--I'm sure it'll get recognition.
  24. It's very good. I'm not a critic but I say it is very emotional. I would post a few of my poems but unfortunately I lost alot of them during my 'blank" period. Meaning I was being absent minded and put them all together and lost 'em. I thought I was being organized..*sigh* Oh well, very good poem and hope to read more by you!
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