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Everything posted by evanbunnell

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Anyways I would like to post this deck, I haven't made it yet, I just want people to see what it looks like and get some opinions.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue][u][b]Power Of Water[/b][/u] [b]Tribute Monsters[/b] Legendary Fisherman Amphibian Beast Spell Canceller [b]Low Level Monsters[/b] Gemini Elf Humanoid Slime x3 Island Turtle x3 Revival Jam Maiden Of The Aqua Des La Cooda Swarm of Scarabs-> Marauding Captain Cyber Jar Spear Dragon Tribe-Infecting Virus Breaker The Magical Warrior Witch Of The Black Forest Sangan Sasuke Samurai [b]Magic Cards[/b] United We Stand Legendary Ocean x2 Harpie's Feather Duster Axe Of Despair Mage Power Raigeki Dark Hole Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Premature Burial Shallow Grave x2 [b]Trap Cards[/b] Ring Of Destruction Barrel Behind The Door x2 Imperial Order Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Tornado Wall Call Of The Haunted Horn Of Heaven[/COLOR] Basically I didn't want Jinzo in here because I definetly don't want him to break half of my defenses with this deck. [/B][/QUOTE] Might I suggest adding a Suijin to this deck? Legendary ocean brings it down to a 6 star and thus makes it easier to get out. And it looks like you have adequate ways of either getting the monster itself back or The Legendary Ocean (in case either of them do get destroyed.) or preventing the destruction off hand. It looks great. I'm envying you though, because I've also got a water deck and I'm looking frantically for a Legendary Fisherman. :drunk: It's frustrating. Later...
  2. Which card allows you to get all of your fusion monsters out, Ben? I know it's kind of a noobie question, but I'm kind of a noobie, so it all fits.
  3. Thanks for listing some that I need.... Sorry if I sounded short earlier, didn't mean to. As soon as I get more covers I'm going to add a couple more magic cards that I do have, some more basic monsters and another labyrinth wall.... Later.
  4. Yeah, I'm working off of a fixed income though, so the booster pack thing doesn't come that easily. I get maybe $5 free a week, and that's usually to do something with my friends. Sure wish I could find those cards though....
  5. ok, got a different layout to my deck... let's see how you guys like it... same basic idea though.... Suijin Kazejin Sanga of the Thunder Gate Guardian Dark Dust Spirit Labyrinth Wall Sangan Witch of the Black Forest Island Turtle x2 7 Colored Fish x3 Des Dendle Vampire Orchis Magician of Faith Man-Eater Bug x2 Penguin Soldier Pixie Knight Royal Magical Library Mask of Darkness Wall of Illusion Monster Reborn Gravekeeper's Servant Ground Collapse x3 The Dark Door A Legendary Ocean Dark Hole Change of Heart Seven Tools of the Bandit Magic Drain Raigeki Break As soon as I get more card covers I'm going to try to add more cards to revive from the graveyard and also maybe another Dark Dust Spirit or two.... those things are so helpful. Any recommendations are great.
  6. --Basic Monsters-- Giant Soldier of Stone Harpie's Brother x2 Sasuke Samurai Sangan Kuriboh Prevent Rat Wall of Illusion Hane-Hane Aqua Madoor Spirit of the Harp Magician of Faith Witch of the Black Forest Penguin Soldier The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Island Turtle Mystical Elf Giant Rat Nimble Momonga --Tribute Monsters-- Summoned Skull Labyrinth Wall x2 Lesser Fiend --Magic Cards-- Shield and Sword Offerings to the Doomed Dian Keto the Cure Master x2 Ground Collapse x2 Remove Trap Despell Ookazi Dark Hole Dark Snake Syndrome Chorus of Sanctuary Burning Land Monster Reborn Change of Heart The Reliable Guardian Timidity --Trap Cards-- Skull Lair Seven Tools of the Bandit x2 Bad Reaction to Simochi Castle Walls Shadow of Eyes Just Deserts Michizure Non-Aggresion Area Disturbance Strategy Enchanted Javelin Curse of Royal This deck is currently in construction, mainly working on the concept and testing it and crap. But onto the concept itself. If you couldn't tell yet, it's all about lengthy battles attacking life points directly. I'm not too hip on all of the cards yet, I'm not as hardcore as most are, I know of the main concept and I love to play, I just don't know of too many cards, so if you all could help me, that would be awesome. Thanks.
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