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Lina Inverse

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About Lina Inverse

  • Birthday 12/07/1988

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  • Biography
    i'm kinda shy around other people. But i love making new friends
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  1. [color=fuchsia]Speaking of inuyasha, my friend told me that iunyasa the movie was coming out over here. I just wanted to know if that was true and if it is does anybody know when it's coming out? 6_6[/color]
  2. [color=fuchsia]I like Sonic X..I usually watch it if i don't sleep in. I like cream and cheese i think ~.^' that's their names[/color]
  3. [color=fuchsia]ahh i can't believe i forgot about kero.. -hits herself in the head- okay so i guess is spelled sango's pet name wrong but i thoguht it was kirara well that's what i saw on the internet but i guess it is kilala hm.. well ^-^' oops on me [/color]
  4. [color=fuchsia]Aww now i don't know what to see this weekend my friends wants to go see underworld and I want to see scary movie 3 gosh i hate this. Which do you think i should see ~_~'.. Yeah is it The others that says "Where's my daughter?" or is it The ring[/color]
  5. [color=fuchsia]Well when i was 10 i had a dreamor what i thought was a dream about this man with no head a white t-shirt and white boxers on coming out of the wall from the closet in my room at my grandmothers house. i couldn't move and i couldn't scream. the next day i told my sister and she saw it the day before. My grandma told me it was her brother's son back in the world war II[/color] :nervous: I never went to sleep in their ever after that. Still alittle afraid today :wigout: [color=purple] RIP Grandma and Grandpa[/color]:angel:
  6. [color=fuchsia]If any kirara from inyasha although i'm not sure what she/he is. But that's my favorite. i also like shippo too and inuyasha plus koga. If they count for pets heh[/color] [color=blue]^-^'[/color]
  7. [color=fuchsia]I don't know if this is the right board to be talking about this but it's about pokemon not the game but the show. Just wanted to know since pokemon is starting a new season i didn't see Misty or Brock anywhere. So i wanted to know if her and Ash are ever going to go together or what..Hm..[/color] :whoops:
  8. [color=purple]It's an Okay show to me. I just wish that they would put G4 on that channel it's alot more helpful than x-play. I wish i had G4 on my tv but i guess i'm going to have to visit my cousin again[/color]
  9. [color=darkpink]O.o Three huh well i guess i would want[/color][color=purple]Lina inverse's clothes, xellos's staff (don't know hy i guess cuz it looks cool) Um.. and i would love to have kirara, and inuyasha's sliver hair plus his ears.lol i guess i went over but still that's what i would want ^-^'[/color]
  10. My favorite is Cartman, kyle and stan are cool two thier like brothers.. Jimmy sorry but some of he's jokes are funny to me because he can't really get them out. Anywho favorite episode was the one about jen and ben when cartman had jennifer lopez look alike on his head. The songs that she was singing your to funny. Man i wish i could remember the songs. It's been so long since i seen south park Rock on South park Freak ~Lina~
  11. it's a nice wallpaper i like it's :cool:
  12. Ah!! Slayers now that's something i can talk about. My favorite character is Lina Inverse duh!! I like when she castes her spells even though she messes up things that's in the way lol and Gourry would be my other fav he always saying stupid things and he's a total hunk. lol Xellos is my next favorite he always come to Lina and the gang when they don't need him and even if he's part of the monster race he's still a cutie. lol Sorry i'm laughing so much i'm just in a mood ^-^ Oh hm.. almost forgot on Slayers Try i can't stand how Xellos talks in the english version so when i'm not lazy i usually watch it in the subtitle version.. =^.^=
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