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  1. some of the monsters from the LOB set are pretty stupid and useless e.g skull servent,it has extremely low attack and defense,i think they make these cards so it isnt to easy to get good stuff and to make you wan to buy more,by getting rubbish cards u feel like if u get another pack yo migt get better luck
  2. you cannot change the battle poistion that means filp summon,but i think yes,you can do it through a magic card.this only counts for the turn `creature swap` is activated though
  3. live in u.k,and i love winters here,i just like the cold weather,the frosty mornings and the ice,i also like summer,not because of the weather but because no school,its light til abut 10.00pm and i can stay out for ages.
  4. i live in the u.k and thee is a big problem in geting manga and anime,i live in a small town and luckily there is a good comic store 10 miles away,look around youre bound to find some somewhere ,i hav even saw vampire hunter d in blockbuster
  5. yeah thats what i mean,thanks for the list,i got confused
  6. sometimes when im tired i close my eyes and i can see joey wheeler's face,i dont know why,its really weird,then about fter 2 seconds it goes,when i close tem again the face is bac
  7. here in England the yu-gi-oh phenomenon is only just beggining although i have been playing it since march this year,the shows have only just started on network t.v and the stores are beggining to become full of yu-gi-oh,its been tipped most popular toy this christmas.Its going the sameway as pokemon,first it was just a little known thing now its made it big time. i think yu-gi-oh wont burnout for about 2 years,or at least until another craze hits.I can se myself buying yu-gi-oh even when its all died down,as long as its being made i'll be buying it.:)
  8. I was looking on a list for the new set of yu-gi-oh! cards coming out and i saw some cards called,x dragon,y dragon and z dragon,xy dragon,yz dragon and xyz dragon.could anyone tell me the deal with theses cards im confused??
  9. I live in England and im half greek,polish,some Englsh,some lithuanian in there somewhere.....
  10. things i cant wait to see in the 3rd movie are: The battle at the end,the fall of mordor,shelob and aragorn in the place with the ghosts,that should be very interestig to see
  11. I love the great escape,its is on every christmas in the u.k,i watch it every year,ive never seen the special features.I would get pissed off if they make a re-make because you cant really make it as good as the original. The theme tune is a classic aswell,in england it is associated with football,you can hear it being played by fans in the stadium in almost every intenational game
  12. The only japaneses candy i have ever had is a ltitle white creamy sweet,it tastes pretty good. It has a pic of a white rabbit on the wrapper and is about the size of a bubbaloo. I used to get them from a old japanese lady who lived near me.Living in a smll town in the u.k,we dont have many japanese stores around,so im pretty lucky to hav got to try them
  13. i hate school this year,im startin GCSE'S (the last exams before you leave) and already im floded with homework and coursework.iIts only 6 weeks in.Most subjects i can handle but i hate MATHS,god i hate it so much
  14. three things id have is 1)Mllenium eye from yu-gi-oh 2)Kanedas bike from Akira 3)Squall's gunblade from ffviii
  15. In training for the CIA the 3 recruits were put through the last test`your family is behind that door `sed the commander `i want you to shoot them then you'll be in`. The first man said no,i cant do it,he failed and was thrown out. The second man was just about to pull the trigger but he backed out at the last minute. The Blonde came out and sed `the gun was filled with blanks so i had to beat them to death wih a chair leg`
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