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[B]007[/B] Holly sat down in the Food Court. She checked her watch. 10:00 a.m. The sale at Khol's would start any time now. A man walked up to her wearing a long overcoat and carrying a suitcase. "Heh, heh. Nice disguise number 56." He dropped the suitcase and stalked away. Confused, Holly hesitated, opened it. Her eyes widened.
[B]No Escape[/B] [I]Huff, huff, huff...[/I] She couldn't run any longer. She turned to face her attacker. A blade rose above her head. She sat up in bed. She sighed. "Just a dream." She felt a breeze and turned to see her window open. "Strange, it wasn't open before..." She shut the window and turned around. She screamed.
[U]Love Hina:[/U] Keitaro: A noose so he can put himself out of his misery. Naru: A frying pan to beat Keitaro up with. Su: A banana! Mutsumi: An agenda planner so she won't forget everything. Tama-chan: A turtle friend. I mean come on, she's the only turtle at Hinata House. She's probably lonely! Kitsune: A membership card to Alcoholics Anomynous. And maybe some lingere. Shinobu: A boyfriend. She really needs to put her sights on some one other than Keitaro. Motoko: Anger management. Sarah: A straight jacket, a sadation gun, and a white padded room. Seta: Driving lessons. I'm afraid he'll die if he gets into another car accident. Nyamo: A makeover. She looks too much like Shinobu! [U]Inuyasha[/U] Inuyasha: A doggie bone and puppy obeidience classes. Kagome: Give her a convieniantly ticking H bomb. Kikyo: A hug. No one seems to like her. Kaede: Some anti-wrinkle creme, and hearing aids. Miroku: A stack of Playboys. Sango: Another frying pan to beat Miroku with, and a book entitled [I]101 Ways to Slap a Pervert[/I]. Shippo: A bag of Lindt chocholates. Kirara: A bag of catnip. Kitty high! Shesshomaru: A hug. Everyone likes hugs! Rin: A plushie. Everyone likes plushies! Jaken: A friend. My goodness does he need one. Naraku: A haircut. He looks too much like a girl. Kagura: Some independence! Koga: A mail-order-bride magazine. He needs to find someone to spend the rest of his life with.
[COLOR=Magenta]Kitty slowly opened her eyes. She sat up rubbing her head. She looked around and realized she was on a sub dock. [I]Why am I on a sub dock?[/I] To perplex Kitty more she found that she was wearing a very badly made kimono and had a pointy stick in her hand. She tried to remember why she was here. Her mind vaugley remembered running away from the police, but why would she do that? Kitty stood up and saw that she had been sleeping under a sign. Kitty read it. "The Cookie Avengers," Kitty muttered to herself. Then Kitty snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah! I have to go to the meeting! But why..." As Kitty pondered this she changed back into her red t-shirt and jeans, and walked along the sub dock. Kitty climbed up the ladder into a room with a large chair and six smaller ones. A man with a clown nose, and a fake mustache sat in the big chair. In two other chairs was a little boy and a guy with a giant cushy-bat. Not knowing what else to do Kitty walked across the room. She was going to sit down next to the guy with the cushy-bat but he waved it menacingly and she sat one chair over from him. Kitty looked around herself wondering why she would want to join the Cookie Avengers. [I]Good[/I], Dobbel thought to himself, [I]this girl looks normal enough.[/I] Kitty saw the man with the clown nose looking at her expectantly and realized that she should introduce herself. "Well...my name is...um...Kitty and...I'm not sure why I'm here I seem to have forgotten..." Kitty trailed off and looked nervously about her. Crickets began to chirp. The little boy took out a package and opened it. He took a treat of some kind and put it in his mouth and chewed it. Kitty thought she had seen that kind of food somewhere before. "What's that?" The boy looked at her a little surprised that she was talking to him. "Oh this? It's pocky." "Pocky?" Kitty's brain proscessed this information, then her eyes lit up as if enlightened. "POCKY! OH MY GOD I LOVE POCKY! SURRENDER IT TO ME!" Kitty lunged at the boy who dropped the package. She grabbed it emptiying all its contents into her mouth. She sat on the table chewing happily. Everyone stared at her. "I remember now..." In a whirl of colorful smoke, flowers, and shojo bubbles Kitty was once again garbed in her kimono waving around her pointy stick. "I Kitty, have come to join The Cookie Avengers so that I may worship my love of anime in peace, the peace that was sought to be destroyed by my wicked parents, and smite the world of evil with my almighty katana!" Kitty then began to shake her "katana" dangerously close to Dobbel's face. "Get that twig out of my face! You're going to take one of my eyes out!" "How dare you call it a twig. It's a katana!" "Well whatever it is...GET IT OUT OF MY FACE AND SIT DOWN!"[/COLOR]
Name: Kitty Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Kitty has a light, bubbly, outgoing personality that would make anyone want to be her friend...most of the time. When shown anime merchandise or anything related to anime or Japan Kitty becomes a way too hyperactive girl of insanity that most normal people cross the street to avoid contact with. Appearance: Kitty is about 5' 3", and is 98 pounds. Kitty has curly, blonde hair that hangs a little bit past her shoulders. Kitty has piercing blue eyes that often times "glare" people arguing with her into submission. Kitty is often found wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans. Except when her "anime-side" is accessed of course. Then she wears a crude, badly sewn together homemade kimono, waving around a pointy stick she insists is a katana that will "rid the world of evil, such as demons, men trying to take over the world, aliens, and those 4Kids Dubbers who make wonderful teen-rated anime shows into kid shows." Weapon: Kitty's "katana." Bio: Kitty was once a normal, good girl. She led quite a normal life, excelling in all academic achievements causing her to be much beloved by her parents. In junior high school Kitty entered an honors program that extended through high school. And then Kitty began her year as a freshman in high school. Her life would never be the same. At the high school Kitty met a girl named Katt. They became very good friends. Kitty had no idea what she got into by becoming friends with Katt. Katt introduced her to anime and the culture of Japan (not to mention the goodness of pocky!). Soon teachers caught Kitty drooling over hot bishonen boys in manga. Kitty's parents often found her watching anime DVDs, going onto anime message boards, and eating jumbo pocky for breakfast. Kitty began to address her teachers as "sensai" and her older classmates by "senpai." Kitty's parents and teachers became very worried (and also disturbed when Kitty walked into school wearing her kimono and attacking the school lunch ladies with her "katana" for not serving pocky) and sent her to a psychologist by the name of Dr. Frankenstein. The psychologist said that the situation was very grave indeed because Kitty had caught "anime fever," a disease spreading like wildfire from Japan to across the world. Dr. Frankenstein said that the only cure was to cut Kitty from anime completely. Kitty was home-shcooled, thus separated from the influence of Katt. She was also restrained to remain at home. Kitty?s parents cruelly took her anime merchandise away. Kitty first reacted to the very badly, refusing to talk to her parents and destroying everything in sight. But she decided, sadly, that it was no use. Kitty then became normal again...supposedly. One day Kitty's parents decided it was safe for Kitty to go outside of her home again. Kitty went downtown, where she passed an anime store. Kitty immediately had a breakdown and changed in an alley back into her kimono. Kitty then took her "katana" and rampaged the store, stealing anything she could carry. Of course though Kitty was caught. Kitty managed to escape the police and fled to the town of Twiwb. There she saw a recruitment sign for The Cookie Avengers. Kitty decided to join, thinking it could be one of the only places were she could worship her anime in peace. Specialty: The power to go on some of the greatest sugar highs in history by consuming unimaginable amounts of pocky.
[COLOR=SlateGray]Kally laid her violin onto her lap. She turned the violin onto its back and traced the letters carved onto the back with an index finger. "Kally," she whispered to herself. Kally's eyes grew distant, but shook her head and placed the violin back into its worn case and slid it under the bed. Until she had put her violin away, Kally didn't realize how tired she was. Kally laid back onto the bed, with her legs dangling over the side. She gazed up at the ceiling and traced the cracks in the plaster with her eyes. Kally's eyes fluttered and slowly closed. [I]Kally was running down a street, her feet slapping hard against the pavement. The world around her seemed fuzzy and dim but gradually came into focus. Gray buildings with boarded up windows crowded the narrow street around her. The street was strangely familiar and Kally wondered where she had seen it before. A building larger than the others loomed in the distance. As Kally got closer she saw the silouette of a steeple cast against the sky. Kally realized it was the church she had lived in for so many years. Kally ran faster and ran up the stone steps, and pushed with all her might against the heavy oak doors. The doors creaked open. "Hey, Sister Margarat, Father Joseph, I'm back!" But the place was deserted. The pews were over turned, and the stain glass windows were smashed. Kally looked up and gasped. There was a baby wrapped up in a cloth crying in front of the altar. Kally began to run down the aisle, but the more she ran the longer the aisle became and the baby was growing farther and farther away. Fear gripped Kally as darkness surrounded her. Kally began sobbing, but then she felt strong warm arms wrap around her...[/I] Kally sat abruptly up in her bed, breathing hard as if she had just run a marathon. Kally shivered and hugged herself. She sat silent for a few minutes, but then regained her strength and walked over to the windows. Kally threw open the shutters. The sky was gray with predawn, but Kally knew that probably it was going to be the brightest the day would become. Kally stepped out of her room and walked downstairs. It was rlatively early in the morning so many of the other children weren't awake yet. Kally went into the kitchen. There was a basket of carrots on the table. Kally sat at the table, took a carrot, and hungrily bit off the end. Kally chewed thoughtfully and gazed at the room around her. This was the only home she had left. She wondered what would have happened if Jhella had never found her. Kally heard footsteps, and looked up to see someone enter the room. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Kally plunged the shirt into the bucket of water, submerging her arms in sudsy water up to her elbows. She scrubbed the shirt vigorously against the side of the bucket and then took it out. Kally frowned. The stain was still there. 'Why do I even bother?' Kally asked herself. 'It'll only get dirty tomorrow.' Kally sighed and plunged the shirt back into the bucket of water. Work was what kept her going even if the efforts were futile. Besides it reminded her of the orphanage she had used to stay at. Kally smiled to herself. All those bright, round faces gathering around her... [I]"Kally, Kally, tell us another story! Kally! Kally..."[/I] [B]"KALLY!"[/B] Kally jerked herself out of the memory and turned around. Anna was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. "How many times do I have to yell your name to get your attention?" Kally smiled weakly. There was a hint of sadness in it. "Sorry, my mind was...elsewhere." "It's okay..." Anna sighed and slumped onto the floor against the wall across from Kally. Anna kept her arms crossed though and furrowed her brow. Kally paused in washing the shirt and cocked her head. "A penny for your thoughts?" But before Anna could answer Kally responded to her own question. "You've been fighting with Jon again, haven't you?" Anna started, "How'd you know?" Kally thoughtfully tugged a lock of her hair. White soap suds clung to it. "You always look miserable after you argue with Jon." Anna snorted, "It's just...that...that...he shouldn't have said that to Lei! He knows how she feels about the outside world!" Kally took the shirt out of the bucket again only to see the stain still on it. Exasperated, she wrung the shirt and laid it on the floor. Kally stood up wiping off her hands on the over-sized apron tied around her waist. "Instead of bickering about it with Jon, how about you ask Lei how she feels about the issue? I'm going to my room." Kally walked out of the room leaving Anna to her thoughts. Kally shook her head to herself while walking up the stairs to the second floor. Her quiet footsteps hardly made any noise on the rotted floorboards. Kally walked into the room she used as her bedroom and plopped down on the mattress. She leaned over and pulled out a dusty black violin case from under her bed. Kally placed it onto the bed, undid the locks and lifted up the lid to reveal a violin. Kally brushed her fingers over the slightly polished wood. Kally was lucky. The last time one of the violin strings broke she was able to obtain a new one. She wondered if she would be as lucky next time. Kally lifted the violin out of the case carefully as if an abrupt move would break it. Kally tuned it and drew the bow across the strings. The violin seemed to weep as long, sad notes floated off the strings and echoed in the bare room. A soft, gentle voice joined in to the violin and its song danced with the violin's notes across the dusty floor. [I]Dancing bears, painted wings... Things I almost remember...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Name: Kally Age: 12 Gender: female Personality: Kally is very quiet and is a bit of a philanthropist. She has a soft spot for younger children and often shows a motherly affection towards them, which is a bit premature for her age. But there is a sadness that hangs like a veil about her, probably caused from the dissapointment that she will probably never make a huge difference in her life. Because of her kind yet melancholy demeanor many people describe her as a "sad little angel." Kally still has a small flicker of hope from childhood but day by day it grows dimmer. Kally often expresses her feelings through playing the violin and singing. Appearence: Kally is small in stature for her age and has a pale complexion. Kally has dirty, greasy brown hair that hangs down to her shoulders. Beneath long bangs are greyish blue eyes that might of had been bright sapphire blue once. There is a dull purple birthmark on her right cheek that is shaped like a baby's hand print. Kally often has her hair brushed to that side in order to cover it. Kally wears a grey dress that is patched in many places by colorful bits of cloth that are now faded. Kally wears an apron that is too big for her and wears rosemary beads around her neck but with some of the beads missing. Kally wears two mismatched sneakers with the shoelaces missing, one grey one black. Bio: Kally was found by a priest on the front step of a church as a baby with a violin that had her name carved on the back. The church was running a small orphange so they took her in. Kally learned how to play the violin that was left with her and to sing at a very young age. As Kally grew older she took responsibility of playing and helping to take care of the yonger children who all adored her. But at twelve she left the church with her violin and some rosemary beads a nun gave her because the orphange was becoming too crowded. Kally tried to find a job but no one wanted a dirty little child so she resorted to begging, and playing the violin and signing on street corners hoping that passerbys would toss a few coins. Then one day a woman named Jhellah offered to give Kally a home and brought her to a run-down Inn. Kally immediatley settled in and helped to cook and clean and help take care of the younger children like she did at the orphanage at the church. Any Rescources: Kally is very good at singing, playing the violin, and doing house chores.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Shinmaru[/B] [I]Also, I've been impressed with plenty of the newer members lately (I don't mod here, but I do frequent the area quite a bit, by the way). In Apartment Building C, I let in a couple of newer members over some more 'established' RPers, simply because they impressed me more, and I didn't regret it in the least (both are still contributing well to the RPG, which means I need to get my act in gear lol).[/I][/QUOTE] I assume that I am one of those two new members being mentioned and I am very flattered. Thanx. :D But back to the discussion. This was the very first message board that I ever joined. I didn't know quite what to expect but frankly, I was blown away. No other message board that I have visited or joined compares to the OB. The quality is astounding and even from my short time here I have seen the improvement from the encouragment to use HTML on RPGs. I took advantage of the Arena not only to have fun but to improve my literary skills, maybe even to the point of it reflecting on my schoolwork. (I am part of the younger side of the age scale on the OB so I have room to improve.) In the end, the OB has pushed me to do better, and I'm probably not the only one. I feel that over time the OB will become even better in the quality within its posts. With the introduction on the Arena Underground the opportunity for high-quality will rise. The Arena Underground should be encouraged to be used to post RPG ideas and reflect upon them. I think the OB will always have those low-quality, spammy RPGs. That's a problem that will probably never fully go away. But if all the RPers pitch in and individually rise their efforts in good posts, not only setting examples for others but improving their own posts, I think the OB will continue to be succesful in the Arena.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]I am still interested in ths RPG but, sadly, I can't give any recomendations on contacting Sonata. Maybe you should ask one of the mods about this, Takuya.[/COLOR]
Can you change your username? I want to change mine but I don't know how. Is it even allowed?
OCC: My characters are supposed to be in Spring Break. So maybe it should take place in late spring? But if you want it to take place during the summer that?s okay. We should probably put the time our post is taking place as well at the beginning of each post so we don?t get confused. IC: [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Alicia slid the card key into the slot and opened the door. The girls propped their luggage against the wall and both walked over to the window. A beautiful view of the beach stretched before them. Samantha opened the window and stuck her head out, looking every which way. Alicia shielded her eyes from the sun as a sea breeze blew her hair back. Alicia sighed, "Ahhh...what a perfect view!" Samantha smiled, "Aren't you glad we got a room on the top floor?" Samantha looked straight down. "Errgh." Alicia followed Samantha's gaze with a raised eyebrow. "What?" Right below them against the hotel wall was the dumpster. Alicia sweatdropped. "Well...almost perfect." Samantha laughed it off, "It's okay! If you look straight ahead you don't see it at all!" Alicia shrugged, ?Well I guess it?s better than not facing the ocean at all.? Alicia and Samantha unpacked all their things and hung their clothes up in the closet. Alicia then flopped down on the bed with a book and Samantha listened to music on her CD player. After fifteen minutes went by Samantha offered to get some ice for some drinks at the ice machine next to the bar. Alicia waved her hand towards the door to show that she acknowledged and continued reading. Samantha left, closing the door softly behind her as not to disturb her friend. After finishing a chapter Alicia put down her book and stretched. That?s when she saw the empty ice bucket next to the door. [I]Samantha must have forgotten it. I swear if the world was left in her trust it would be doomed.[/I] Alicia took the ice bucket and walked out of the hotel room, making sure the door was locked.[/COLOR] -Meanwhile on the First Floor- [COLOR=Magenta]Samantha walked up to the ice machine and realized that she forgot the bucket. She looked over at the bar and saw a teenager that didn?t look much younger than her sitting at the bar. Samantha walked over and sat down next to the girl. [I]Well, might as well test the local vintage.[/I] Samantha ordered a glass of wine. She sipped the glass and glanced up at the clock. It was 3:30. Samantha turned to strike a conversation with the person next to her but she was gone. Samantha finished the glass and got into the elevator.[/COLOR] -Back on the Top Floor- [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Alicia tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the elevator. Alicia sighed in exasperation and decided to go down by the stairwell. As soon as Alicia was walking down the stairs the elevator reached the 12th floor and the doors opened. Alicia slid down the banister to make the trip faster. One the ground floor she filled the bucket with ice when she saw a young man talk with a male clerk at the counter. He looked pretty upset. Alicia walked over. ?Is something the matter?? The young man turned to Alicia and said, ?I?m looking for a little boy named Jason. He?s my girlfriend?s little brother.? He dug around in his pocket and withdrew a picture of a boy in glasses. ?This is what he looks like. Have you seen him?? Alicia shook her head apologetically, ?No, I haven?t. If I see him I?ll let you know. Which room are you in?? ?Room 309. Thank you very much.? The young man turned and headed towards the dinning room area. Alicia remembered the ice bucket in her hands, and began to worry that Samantha had gotten to the room before her and was wondering where she was. She ran towards the elevator. The doors opened and someone began to walk out. Alicia couldn?t stop in time and they collided. Ice spilled onto the floor.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Two young, college-age, ladies wheeled their suitcases into the hotel. One of the ladies, whose redish hair was tied into two braids, chatted gaily to the other who listened quietly. The one with the braids appeared to have said something amusing for the other shook her long, brown hair back and forth, laughing. They both pulled their luggage up to the counter. The brunette turned to Mr. Jamason and said, "Excuse me, but could we have one of your rooms?" Mr. Jamason pushed a clipboard forward with a form attached to it. The form had all the room numbers printed down one side with a space next to each for signing in. "Please sign here in print." Mr. Jamason pointed at the line next to the number 101. "You will have room 101." The brunette was about to sign when the other stopped her hand. "Oh! Let's have a room on the top floor!" "Will that be allowed?" Mr. Jamason said, "Yes that can be allowed. You can have room 1201." Mr. Jamason pointed where to sign and turned around to get the keys. The woman with the brown hair neatly wrote 'Alicia Beshaw' and the one with the braids wrote in a scrawl 'Samantha Rivers.' Mr. Jamason handed them the keys and asked if they needed help with their baggage. Alicia and Samantha said they were quite alright and steered their suitcases into the elevator.[/COLOR]
Is this good? This is the first time I've posted a poem on the OB. :sweat: [B]Poem:[/B] Many have great wisdom And cast magic of many a kind. Within their shadowy kingdom, They cast a spell of awe upon my mind. [B]Word:[/B] Mystery
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Chani Gothing Age: 14 Gender: Female In Your Own Words: I grew up in a city with my mom and dad. My dad a scientist, my mom an English college professor. They both have unexceptionally high IQ and so do I. I am very studious and have always gotten great grades. I also love to sing. I've lived a pretty normal life. Except for one thing. I'm blind. I wish my parents would just stop babying me. I wish [I]everyone[/I] would stop. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. Why am I telling you this? You'll only pity me like everyone else. Anyways, my parents thought I couldn't manage at a public school. That's why they sent me to Jameson's Finishing School for Young Ladies. I thought I would hate it, one more place where people will avoid a blind girl. But in fact, I feel more comfortale than any other place I've been. For once in my life I feel that people aren't afraid to say hello to me. But its strange. Latley I've been able to feel people's emotions. Like I know if they're happy or sad without them even saying a word. I told the principle but he said it was nothing, but I know he was lying. That's another thing I seem to be able to do: detect lies. [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/25-7.htm]Here[/URL] is a picture of me. If you look closely you can see that the pupils of my eyes aren't as dark as they should be. I get around with a white cane. Student File # 3752: Chani Gothing. Chani is an excellent student with some of the highest grades in the school. She seems very content here and we hope the others will accept her despite her handicap. Chani is able to tell what someone is truly feeling and is able to detect lies and half-truths. But because she can detect lies teachers should be catious around her if she asks specific questions about the school. Chani's powers will most likely strengthen gradually. Maybe to the extent of being able to read minds or even see. The development of this student's powers might be unique because of her blindness and all staff is recomended to observe her closely.[/COLOR]
Protiva continued to stab the pink puddle of goo viciously until it dissolved in a puff of smoke. Protiva began to do a victory dance with Mr. Fuzzy but then noticed Daisy laying on the ground, seemingly unconcious. "Oh my god are you alright?!" Protiva grabbed Daisy's shoulders and began to shake her back and forth. "Come on! Say something!" Protiva began to flail helplessly and run around Daisy in circles. George and Simon were in such deep conversation that they were oblivious to what was going on. Protiva heard a soft singing of hymns and looked over at Daisy. Petals were falling over Daisy and light played off her features from the heavens. Little minature angels were drifting down to her with arms oustretched. They began to pick Daisy up. "Oh no you don't!" Protiva screamed, "You aren't going to take her to eternal paradise yet!" Protiva ran towards them shouting profanities and threw rocks at them. The angels scattered and the light turned off like a switch. The petals disappeared immediatley. Protiva picked Daisy up and ran over to George and Simon. Protiva slung Daisy over Smarty Jones' saddle and mounted taking the reins in her hands. George turned, "Where are you going?" "To the hospital. Daisy's dying!" Protiva said. "Wouldn't it be faster by car?" Simon asked. "My car license is suspended." "Why?" "I drove into a endangered fish tank at an Aquarium after I drank 100 cups of coffee in one day." "You can't ride a horse. Let me get on," George said. Protiva slid back on the saddle and draped Daisy across her lap. George got in front and took the reins. Luckily the hospital was just down the street so Smarty Jones didn't have to run far. The nurse at the front desk sighed. She had her head propped on one hand while flipping through a magazine with the other. The nurse slowly chewed her gum and blew a bubble. The pop echoed in the empty lobbly. She had no idea what propelled her to take the night shift. Nothing exciting ever happened... A sleek, strong horse galloped into the main lobby with three people on it. A man wearing 17th century clothing and a woman who looked like she was from India got off the horse carrying a woman wearing night clothes between them. As they approached the desk the nurse saw that the night clothes were men's pajamas. A white, see-through boy floated in behind them. The Indian woman slammed her fists on the front desk, "My friend is hurt she needs a doctor right now!" The nurse stared. Protiva tapped her foot impatiently. She wondered why the nurse was sitting there slackjawed and doing [I]nothing[/I]. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Protiva screamed. The nurse sunk back in her chair in fear as if it would make the enraged Indian woman or at least herself disappear. "GET MEDICAL HELP NOW!" Protiva demanded. The nurse fainted and she fell out of the swivel chair. "What do you advise we do?" asked George turning to Protiva. "I am unfamiliar with what you call a public hospital." Simon immediatley began to inform him on hospitals. He seemed to get hospitals and isane asylums mixed up though, and Protiva shook her head in wonder at the misinformation George was getting. Protiva climbed over the front desk. She found a button that accessed the PDA system and pressed it. "Will a doctor please report to the main lobby to attend to an urgent emergancy." Two men in long white coats walked into the lobby. They looked, perplexed, at the scene surrounding the front desk. They saw the nurse unconcious on the floor and began to put her on the stretcher. "No, no!" Protiva exclaimed and pointed at Daisy. "She's the one who needs help!" The two men propped the nurse in her chair and placed Daisy on the stretcher. The men wheeled the stretcher into the elevator and Protiva, George, and Simon followed. Smarty Jones walked to a corner of the lobby and began to eat one of the potted plants. An old, near-sighted man staggered into the lobby. The man walked up to the desk. "Excuse me miss but I got bitten by my granddaughter's venomous pet snake. I think I need to see a doctor." The nurse's tounge lolled out of her mouth and she began to drool. "Miss?"
I do go to one web site that has a huge anime gallery. I've only found it recently so I haven't even looked at all the pictures yet. Most of the pictures are of female characters. The site is [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/[/URL]. I hope this helps.
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Truth woke up the next morning very refreshed. She couldn't believe they had already stayed here for three days. The others were already awake. Jim placed a tray with eggs and bacon on it. "Rise and shine." Truth eargerly began eating. "This is delicious! Where did you learn to cook?" Jim shrugged, "Oh I basically learned how to cook over time. My dad and I traveled everywhere and I always ended up making the meals." Jim's expression suddenly became distant and fingered something in his pocket. "Are you alright?" Truth asked. "Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine," Jim said and he walked off. Truth wondered what had bothered him. [I]Maybe it was something about his dad.[/I] Truth took a shower and put on the clothes that Jim bought. It was a white t-shirt, blue jean shorts, knee-high leather boots, and a leather jacket. The clothes were a little too big but Truth was pleased with the selection. Jim was serving breakfast for the others and Truth volunteered to bring breakfast to Heero. Truth walked into the other suit with a tray laden with food. Truth looked at Heero's bed but no one was there. Truth looked around, a little worried. "Heero?" Heero walked out of the bathroom, "I'm right here." "Heero! You're suppose to be resting!" Truth scolded. Heero sat on the bed, "Since when when were you my mother?!" "Since when were you as unresponsible as a petulant little child?" Truth retorted. She placed the tray next to him, "Here's your breakfast." Heero looked down at it, "Oh...thanks." "Your welcome." Truth began to walk away but then turned around, "And please get some rest Heero. The sooner you're better the sooner we can get back to work." Truth walked into the other room. The guys were lounging about on the furniture. "I'll go out and get some medical supplies," Truth said. "The money is in the top drawer in the night stand over there," Jim said. "That's okay. I already have some money." The noon-day sun shone brightly upon the bustling city. Truth went to a pharmacy and bought a First Aid Kit. She also went to a weapons store and got some ammo. As she was walking back to the hotel Truth saw a man in a uniform. As she got closer she saw the crest of General Trez's army sewn onto the uniform. Truth quickly slid behind the corner of a building and watched carefully. The man walked into a bar. Truth followed. The man sat at the counter and waved the bartender over. Truth sat in a booth nearby within earshot. The man took out a piece of paper, showed it to the bartender, and asked if he had seen these people. The bartender shook his head and walked off. As the officer slipped the paper into his pocket Truth saw it was a picture of them. [I]Shit[/I] Truth got out of the bar as fast as possible and ran to the hotel. She burst through the door to their room. Everyone looked up in surprise at her hurried entrance. "What's wrong?" Jin asked. "General Trez's boys are looking for us in this city. We have to leave. [I]Now[/I]."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Alicia Beshaw Age: 22 Acquaintances: Best friend Samantha. (Bio below) Reason for being there: Alicia is a senior at Florida State University and is currently on Spring Break with her best friend Samantha. Personality: Alicia is very smart. She is majoring in psychology. Alicia is serious about her studies and plans on studying for end-of-the-year exams during Spring Break. Although sometimes moody and shy Alicia is a patient and quiet person who loves to help others. Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/16-4.htm]Here[/URL] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]Acquaintances[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Magenta]Name: Samantha Rivers Age: 21 Reason for being there: Spring Break. She is a junior at Florida State University. Personality: Samantha is a happy-go-lucky girl who would rather party than study. She loves to crack jokes and tends to be sassy. Samantha majors in English and plans on becoming an author. Though her grades aren?t as great as Alicia?s she does pass her classes. Alicia met Samantha at a drama club and they became very close friends. Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/16-2.htm]Here[/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: OK, I'm back. Thanks for keeping my character alive. Truth's stomach churned as she saw Heero crush the woman's heart. But it wasn't the blood or gore that sickened her. She had seen enough of that already to be able to stand it. It was the stone-cold look on Heero's face. Truth had seen that kind of expressionless face before once, and it chilled her to the bone. When General Trez had attacked her hometown she had seen him. He had ridden in front of his army on a hover bike with the same hard expression on his face. Heero's face was so much like General Trez's in that breif moment Truth found herself trembling in horror. Truth stilled herself. This was no time for weakness. She sighed. It was never time for weakness. There was a shuffle of boots behnd her. Truth and the others turned around. A gaurd was sneaking out of the room. Truth shot him. The gaurd slumped to the floor, but with his last ounce of strength hit a red button on the wall. An alarm sounded, red lights flashed, and all exits to the room closed. Gas filled the room. Truth took a deep breath, but couldn't hold it long enough to reach a door and blacked out. Truth slowly opened her eyes. It was so dark she could not see. She flexed her hands and feet and felt hard bonds of rope cut into her flesh. Truth rolled around and realized her guns were not on her belt, but she still felt the straps of her crysknife sheath on her leg and she sighed in relief. Truth heard footsteps approaching and closed her eyes to pretend to still be unconcious. Truth heard the footsteps enter the room. Truth recognized that the footsteps were heavily-booted and most likely gaurds. She heard a switch being flipped and felt a bright light shine on her face. A voice spoke and said, "She is pretty, ain't she? Can't we just..." Another voice cut him off. It was husky and sounded like an older senior officer, "Orders are orders. We have to take her to General Karn." She heard footsteps walk around behind her. "Wake up bitch." The man with the husky voice kicked her. When she didn't respond he growled, "Be that way." He grabbed her shoulders and heaved her onto her feet. Truth flashed open her eyes. A young officer was standing there smirking. Truth swiftly swung her arms over her head and got her bonded hands behind the head of the man behind her. Before either officer could react she bent over, throwing the man behind her into the one in front knocking them both out cold. Truth sat down on the floor and twisted around until she could draw out her crysknife. She cut her bonds. She searched the guard's bodies and took a machine gun from the older officer. The young officer had a walkie-talkie and she took that. She pressed a button and tuned into a frequency that had two officers talking. "I just brought that winged brat to General Karn. Wonder what he wants with him." "I don't know but some say they have some unfinished business. Lieutenant Rogers and Sargent Johnson were sent to get the girl and send her to General Karn. Maybe he wanted to use her to get info from Bird Boy." "Or maybe the General is just interested in the girl." The two gaurds chuckled. Truth angerly changed to another frequncey. With the machine gun slug over one shoulder Truth crept out of her cell. "Let's get to the bottom of this."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Truth turned to Zenith, "Well we better go find the control room." Zenith nodded silently in agreement. They walked cautiously down the hallway. They continued walking until they ran into a fork in the corridor. Zenith sighed, "Great. Now which w-" Truth silenced him with a wave of her hand. Footsteps were approaching from the left. Truth looked around and spotted a niche in the wall down the right hall. She motioned Zentith to keep silent and pointed toward the niche. He nodded to show that he understood and just as the footsteps were almost on top of them they squeezed into the gap in the wall. It was two guards. They stopped at the fork in the corridor. One man turned to the other, "We better go to the control room and make sure the intruders didn't get into there." The gaurds walked down the right hall right past the place where Zenith and Truth were hiding. Truth and Zenith silently stepped out into the hallway. The gaurds didn't notice because now they were conversing loudly. "On my signal," Zenith whispered, taking out his sword. Truth nodded and took out her gun. They snuck behind the gaurds and when Zenith made a chopping motion with his hands Truth shot the gaurd in front of her in the back of the head. Zenith slid his sword into the other guard's back. Zenith and Truth continued down the hallway. They came upon a smooth metalic door and it opened automatically. They walked through with both their weapons at the ready. Across from them was another metalic door marked: Control Room. "This is easy," muttered Zenith. Truth's eyes scanned the room, "Too easy..." The door behind them slammed shut. Guns slid out of shafts in the walls and began to fire laser beams. "Shit!" Zenith shouted and dived out of the way of a laser. He looked around wildly. "What the hell is triggering them?!" Truth looked around the walls and saw cameras in each corner. Truth did a James Bond roll out of the way of the laserbeams and pointed up. "It's the cameras! I'll take care of them." Truth shot three of the cameras in one fluid movement causing them to explode and shower twisted metal and wire to the floor. Truth turned to the last camera and pulled the trigger. [I]Click[/I] "Dammit!" Truth shouted. A gun aimed at her and fired. Truth tried to dodge but the laserbeam caught her in her left arm. Zenith flung his sword at the remaining camera. Sparks flew as the sword slashed the camera off the wall and clattered to the floor. Zenith picked up his sword and ran over to Truth who was clutching her arm. "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine," Truth said. Truth and Zenith walked through the Control Room door.[/COLOR]
Protiva, Charlie, and Kase had been running around and chasing each other so long that they collapsed in exhaustion. Seeing the party was over Simon drifted away, grinning broadly. Protiva noted it as the gone-around-the-bend-and-won't-come-back smile that Simon always wore while in his destructive mood. Protiva wondered what kind of chaos he was planning and frowned. [I]Dang, I left my apartment door open. I hope Simon doesn't go in there and stuff my cosmetics down the garbage desposal like last time.[/I] She decided to go back up to her apartment to lock the door and get Mr. Fuzzy. Mr. Fuzzy probably had woken up and was terribly lonely. He was afraid of the dark too...that would pose as a problem. Charlie stirred beside her. Protiva stood up hurriedly. She didn't want Charlie to come to his full senses and start yelling at her again. Protiva bounded up the stairs. She walked into her bedroom to find Mr. Fuzzy still asleep. She plugged the night-light in so Mr. Fuzzy wouldn't wake up in the dark, and tip-toed out as not to disturb him. Protiva had a quick cup of coffee. This helped perken her up. It was very tiring to battle an army of gentically enhanced squirrels, have only one to two hours of sleep, and then to find out that aliens wanted to abduct you and perform very scarring experiments on you. And not to mention the stressing moment of almost losing Mr. Fuzzy. Protiva walked out of the apartment and locked the door behind her carefully. A loud whineying came from the apartment down the hall. Protiva looked down the hallway but then dismissed the odd sound with a shake of her head. Protiva began to walk down the hallway. Protiva was about to pass the door to George's apartment, but then in a mix of whineys and splintering wood a horse burst through the door almost taking Protiva out with its front hooves. George was mounted on the magnificent beast, a gun in one hand. Protiva recognized the gun as the squirrel-hunting rifle. Simon was right behind them cackling with amusement. George looked down and saw Protiva sprawled on the floor. "All you alright miss? I hope Smarty didn't hurt you." He swung off the horse so majestically Protiva wondered if he [I]was[/I] the first president of the United States. George extended his hand and helped her up. Protiva brushed herself off, "You should've told me you had a horse. He's so [I]beautiful[/I]!" Protiva immediatley threw her arms around the horse and gave it a tight hug. She seemed magnetically attracted to every animal she saw. Simon cleared his throat, "We should be going..." George smiled, "Ah, yes..." He mounted his steed and was about to take off when Protiva cried out, "Oh, let me come too!" George turned around in the saddle, "Where are my manners! I forgot to invite you to come with us." George helped Protiva up onto the saddle behind him. "We're going to capture some aliens and force them to transport me to my time. Now hold tight. It's going to be a bumpy ride down these stairs." Protiva yelled in glee as Smarty Jones galloped down the hallway.
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Truth swept her gaze over the sea of dead bodies. The sun beat rays of unmerciful heat into her back. Blood oozed from a wound in her arm. She flexed the muscles in that arm. Pain immediatley shot up it. Truth winced. She knelt down and unsheathed her crysknife. She slowly submerged the blade in the wound, causing herself to gasp from the pain. Her blade met something hard. She lifted the blade up popping out a bloody bullet. A new gush of blood ran down her arm. She ripped a piece of cloth off a dead man's shirt sleeve and tied it around the wound. She wiped the bloodied knife on her pant leg and sheathed it. Truth looked around her. It looked like no one survived but then she saw movement to her right and she twisted her head around in that direction. Someone was crouching off in the distance. Truth cautiously cocked her gun and began walking toward the figure. When she got closer saw that it was a young man. Blood poured from a wound on his head. The boy slowly stood up. She felt his eyes watching her warily. He didn't to have a weapon at hand at the moment, but Truth still stopped out of striking range. "Don't try anything funny, bitch," The boy rasped. "I don't kill someone unarmed. There's enough bloodshed these days." The boy coughed, "Yeah, sure." Truth saw movement behind the boy. A man was with a bashed in face slowly rose up behind him, pointing a gun." Truth pointed her gun right at the boy. The boy smiled wryly, "I knew you must've been lying." Truth kept her face expressionless, "Get down." The boy heard a gun cock behind him and he dropped to the ground. A loud [B]BANG[/B] echoed in the clearing. The boy looked up to see Truth standing quite calmly with a smoking gun. The assailant had a red bullet hole between the eyes. The man crumpled to the ground, dead.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Two figures stood in front of a monastary on a hill. A decript old man and a young woman. A slight breeze blew the woman's hair back. The old man sighed softly, "It seems only yesterday you were just the mere slip of a girl." Selene nodded. She remembered so vividly the day he had found her. How he had raised her as if she were his own daughter and taught her the way of the cloth, how to perform white magic, and most importantly how to control her power over water. It was because of her power over water that she had run away from her home. Selene had grown up in a fishing village. Her father had been human and her mother an elf. The villagers always looked down on her because her race. Selene also had a natural talent with things around water but this only caused her to be envied and alienated by her peers. When her father died in a boating accident Selene had become so torn with grief that she ran to the riverbank. But at the riverbank the more she cried, the higher the level of the river grew. Selene felt a surge of power that she couldn't control. The river grew to such a size that a flash flood was created and it destroyed the village. Selene knew somehow she had caused this and ran away in fear and confusion. That was when the elder priest Stilgar had found her. And now Selene had gone through the last of Stilgar's tests and now could go out into the world. Stilgar drew a long white staff from his robe. A sapphire which was fixated onto one end glittered in the sunlight. Selene's eyes widened in awe. "Use this to control and amplify your water powers," Stilgar said. "This is my final gift to you." Selene gripped the staff, brushing her fingers over the strong oak wood. Tears filled her eyes. "Thank you." And then Selene set out into the world. She traveled from town to city to village helping where she could. She became well-known as a priestess and she became known as "The Bringer of the Water of Life." Selene has now come upon yet another city. She has found her reputation has presceeded her and many city residents have gathered to seek her aide since her arrival. In the same city a man sits in a bar waiting for a twist of fate. [/COLOR]