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Everything posted by Whisper

  1. Name: Selene Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Half Elf Class: Priestess Element: Water Magic: White Weapon: A long white staff with a sapphire fixated at one end. Selene uses it to channel her water powers and also uses it as a quarterstaff in close combat. Bio: Selene grew up in a small fishing village by a river that led out into the sea. Selene was raised with water as a major part of her life. Her father was a human, and her mother was an elf. Selene was always looked down upon by the other villagers and bullied by her peers because of her race. Selene seemed to have a special talent with activities dealing with water at a young age from fishing to swimming. Because of her special talents Selene was only picked on even more by her peers. Because she was never truly accepted by the village she gradually drew away from others and could be often found by the river or sea alone. One day Selene?s father died in a boating accident. When Selene heard of the news she ran out of the village and to the riverbank. She crouched by the water with her arms wrapped around her knees. Selene did not notice that the more she cried the higher the level of the river became until it was too late. A flash flood occurred destroying the village. Selene in a fit of horror and shame ran away. A priest came upon her fatigued and malnourished body and took her in. He taught Selene white magic and how to control her power over water. When Selene reached womanhood the priest gave her a magical staff and she set out to find her way in the world. Selene got quite a reputation as a priestess and came to be called ?The Bringer of the Water of Life.? Selene traveled from village to city to town, helping where she could. Appearance: Selene has long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Selene is tall and slim and her ears are slightly pointed, but not as much as an elf?s. She wears sandals and a white robe fastened with rope at the waist. Personality: Selene?s temperament is a lot like water. At times she is as kind and serene as a placid lake. At other times she can be as ferocious as rapids. But you rarely see her harsh side. Selene still feels guilty about causing the destruction of her village and does not like talking about her past. Selene is very humble, generous, and kind, but she does not like being in a crowd and prefers to be alone.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Name: Truth Malter Age: 21 Agenda: Female Main Transport: Motorcycle Main Weapons (Limit Three): Two .32 magnums, and a crysknife. A crysknife is a milk-white blade which seems to give off its own light. The blade is double-edged, and is 20 cetimeters long. To prevent disintegration, the knife requires proximity to a human body's electrical field. (The idea of the crysknife I got from the book [U]Dune[/U] ) Biography: Truth grew up in a very happy childhood with her mother, father, and two younger brothers in a very small town where everyone knew everybody else. Nothing exciting ever happened in the town but that was how everyone liked it. Truth's fondest memory was of visiting the bakery while walking home from school with her best friend every evening while they were young. The baker had always given them a pastry free of charge. Truth planned on living in the town her entire life, to live a life like every one else did. To get a job, get married, raise a family, and die. But then the war came. And General Trez' with his army of bloodthirsty killers came. And they destroyed the little town. Truth remembered everyone, running, screaming. The military men smashing the windows of the bakery with the butts of their guns. Truth's mother put her on the family's motorcycle and shoved the crysknife into her hands. The gunshots were so loud Truth could only read her mother's tear-stained lips. "Go. Go!" And Truth went. A few days later Truth returned hoping to find her family. But all there was left was burning rubble and bloody corpses. From that day forward Truth vowed to fight for justice and peace...and to pursue the truth. Main Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/14-9.htm]Here[/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The crysknife is in a black sheath strapped to the leg. The two .32 magnums she carries on a belt.[/COLOR]
  3. After Protiva and Mr. Fuzzy had an emotional reunion in the basement they walked up to their apartment. Protiva was so tired she didn't bother to scrub a squirrel blood stain off Mr. Fuzzy and promtly flopped down onto her bed and fell asleep without changing. Later in the night Protiva awoke to a shriek of terror from outside. Protiva grumbled and got out of bed. She turned to wake up Mr. Fuzzy but he looked so peacful Protiva figured he needed his rest and walked out of the apartment without him. Half-asleep, Protiva stumbled outside. She stood there and watched as a man in poofy white pants ran by with Daisy clamped onto his arm by her teeth. Protiva blinked and made no move to disturb this very amusing sight. As Protiva looked closer and saw that the man was wearing ribbons, she wondered if he was gay. The man yelled out something she couldn't understand, but it sounded a lot like gibberish. Protiva then turned and saw a door on a large shiny object open. Light poured out of it and she saw a large dark silhouette. Protiva didn't wait to see what the silhouette was. She turned around and ran for the apartment building. She thought she heard loud footsteps behind her and she ran faster. She burst through the doors and dashed up the stairs. When Protiva reached the door of her apartment she dug around in her pockets fratically for her key. She heard loud footsteps behind her. Protiva found her key, shoved it through the lock, and fell through the doorway. Protiva whirled around but before she could slam the door shut a large bird-like foot stopped the door from closing. Protiva looked fearfully up into the face of an emu. At least it looked like an emu. If you looked close enough you could see it had a small pair of antenna on top of its head. But Protiva didn't see the antennae and cooed, "Oh, it is sooo cute!" Protiva stood up and pulled the emu/alien into her apartment. The emu/alien thought it was being captured and panicked. It began shouting in gibberish and overturning all the furniture. "Please, don't do that! I don't want to hurt you!" Protiva pleaded. The emu/alien ignored her and began running around frantically. Protiva began chasing it, "Please, stop!" Protiva tackled it to the floor. The emu/alien began screeching. "Be quiet! You'll wake up Char-" [B]Knock, Knock[/B] Protiva and the emu/alien both slowly turned their heads towards the door. [B]Knock, Knock[/B] "It's me Charlie! Open up!" Protiva called out sweetly in a singsong voice, "Just a minute!" Protiva stood up and so did the emu/alien. "Oh my god! Charlie is going to kill me! Where am I going to put you!" Protiva began looking frantically about herself. But there isn't a lot of places in an apartment where you can hide an emu-sized, emu-looking alien. The alien seemed to realize the urgency of the situation and cooperated when Protiva stuffed it in a closet. Protiva leaped to the door and catiously opened it. Charlie took one look at the disarrayed furniture and at the weak, nervous smile on Protiva's face and knew something was afoot. Charlie stepped in, "I heard I lot of noise coming from your apartment. You alright?" Protiva wrung her hands, "Oh...er...yes...I'm fine." "Then you don't mind if I look around?" "No...I mean yes...I think." Charlie saw Protiva's eyes dart to the closet and he smiled evilly and began walking towards it. Protiva jumped in front of it, "Do you...want a cup of coffee?" "No and if you don't mind I'll take a look in that closet." "You can't!" Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Why?" "Because...because...Mr. Fuzzy puked in there and I havn't cleaned it!" Protiva stammered. "Pens can't vomit." "Yes they can!" Charlie advanced towards Protiva. "Well I'll look anyways." Protiva flailed her arms to block his way. "No! It's really disgusting!" But Charlie pushed Protiva to one side and opened the closet door. Inside was what looked like an emu. Charlie had wanted to yell at a tenant for so long. For so long he wanted to tell at least one of the tenants how stupid they were. Finally he had his chance. With a mask of rage on his face Charlie whirled around and confronted the flailing Protiva. "I knew all along you people were hiding things from me! I knew you hiding something dangerous or illegal...or...or...BUT AN EMU!" "Well...you see..." "YOU'RE AN IDIOT! ALL OF YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!" "You don't understand!" Protiva racked her brain for an excuse, "This emu...is...is...a gift a friend sent to me who lives in Australia!" Charlie frowned but then he smiled evilly, "Then you must have a lisence that allows you to own him. Where is it?" Protiva stared in mortification but quickly recovered herself. "It's in the kitchen. Let me go get it." Protiva ran into the kitchen and began scrambling around for something...anything. As Charlie began walking into the kitchen with a smug smirk on his face Protiva picked up a frying pan and hid it behind her back. Charlie knew there wasn't a lisence and walked up to her with a look of triumph on his face, "Well, were is it?" "Right here!" Protiva then hit Charlie over the head with the frying pan. The "emu" walked into the kitchen and looked at Protiva then at Charlie sprawled on the floor. Protiva began to fret, "Now look what you made me do! What if Charlie is dead?! What am I going to do with the body?!" The emu walked out of the apartment. Protiva chased after it. "Hey! Come back!"
  4. The group of tenants slowly stepped back in fear as the squirrels advanced, waving the glow stick menacingly. Kenneth looked around for something to protect his fellow neighbors with but could not see in the dank dark of the basement. As Kenneth stepped back his foot went into a trap set up by the squirrels. It was a rope loop that tightened around his ankle and pulled him up into a dangling, upside-down position. Candy backed into him and turned around, "Ken, what are you, like, doing upside-down for?! This is, like, no time to play!" Kenneth sweatdropped. Tom swung Imric by the tail trying to keep the rodents at bay. But this only made the squirrels more angry since they now saw one of their comrades was being held captive by the large hairless apes. The squirrels leaped at the tenants, sinking their teeth into their limbs and face. Kenneth could only watch in horror. But then he saw Protiva, lying unconcious on the ground. The squirrels were ignoring her completely. Kennenth took off his goggles and pitched them at her. The goggles missed the target by an embarassingly large margin. Kenneth cursed under his breath. He fished around in his pockets and found his high-tech flashlight. Since the flashlight was out of power it was no use to him now. He threw it and this time it made contact with Protiva's head. Protiva moaned and sat up, rubbing her head. Her jaw dropped as she witnessed the squirrels viciously attacking her fellow tenants. "Be quiet!" Kenneth hissed. "The squirrels don't know you're here. Get upstairs and get help. Now!" Protiva scrambled up the stairs. She looked around wildly. The cats who had aided them earlier were no where to be seen. Protiva's body began to shake from the stress. Protiva looked at her trembling hands, "Oh god, I need a cup of coffee." Protiva ran up the stairs to her apartment and made herself a cup of coffee. She swallowed it in one gulp. The shot of caffein seemed to help stop her from shaking. Protiva suddenly remembered why she was up here in the first place, "Oh yeah...need help." -------- Meanwhile in the basement the other tenants were fighting for their lives. Daisy had managed to rip two squirrles off her leg and proceded to bash their two heads together, crushing their skulls. Imric had awoken and had bitten Tom on the nose, causing him to let go of his tail. Candy wasn't of much help, running around screaming and stomping at the squirrels frantically. Kenneth was trying to pull off a squirrel that had latched on to his face. [I]Where is Protiva?![/I] ---------- Up in her apartment, Protiva stumbled into her bedroom and took down an oriental-looking sword that hung on the wall over the head of her bed. She then took a flashlight out from under her pillow. [I]This is for Mr. Fuzzy.[/I] George awoke to what appeared to be muffled screams downstairs. He dressed and walked into the hallway to see what was going on. Protiva ran right by him with a sword in one hand and a flashlight in the other. "What are you doing?" asked George. "Squirrel hunting," Protiva replied. George clapped his hands together, "Oh goody. I haven't been on a squirrel hunt in ages. Let me nip into my quarters and get my squirrel gun."
  5. By some miracle Kenneth had managed to carry Protiva down the set of stairs to the second floor. She was heavier than she looked. If a new tenant had come in he/she would have experienced a strange spectacle of a man covered in soot, dragging the body of an unconscious woman just ahead of a motley group. This group besides the man and Indian woman consisted of two girls squealing over a slinky, someone who looked like a man yet at the same time a woman dancing oddly, a greasy man with a half-dead squirrel on his shoulder, and a ghost. Now if that new tenant was in any way sane he/she would have most likely run away screaming in the opposite direction. Kenneth slumped against a wall releasing his grip on Protiva. He wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his glove. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to turn on his "puppy" tonight. Protiva stirred and moaned. Simon promptly summoned a bucket of water out of thin air and poured it over her face, causing her to become fully awake. Protiva spluttered and blinked, confused. Protiva slowly looked around her then down at her left palm. Protiva's eyes widened in fear and looked around, panicked. "Where is Mr. Fuzzy? What happened to Mr. Fuzzy?!" The crowd of tenents around her just stared. Protiva gasped, "Oh no! The squirrels got Mr. Fuzzy! We need to go save him!" Simon shook his head, "Poor girl, must have hit her head in the dark." Tom said, "Drat, I thought she was going to die." The other tenants gave him an odd look but decided to let it pass. Protiva then noticed the bruised squirrel on Tom's shoulder. Protiva screeched, pulling Kenneth in front of her as a sheild. Candy and Daisy apparently oblivious to what was happening around them Ahhhed as they pushed the slinky which began to "walk" down the stairs. Kenneth managed to get Protiva to let go of him once he convinced her that the squirrel was no immediate threat since it wasn't moving. Protiva saw a small movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to see a squirrel futher down the hall with Mr. Fuzzy in his paws squeaking evilly. Protiva cried out, "Mr. Fuzzy!" causing all of the company to turn and spot the offending rodent. The squirrel chittered and began to scamper away. "Oh no you don't!" Protiva yelled, and began to pursue it shouting obscenities. The others followed. Candy and Daisy laughed in glee thinking temporarily that it was a game. What the tenants chasing the squirrel did not know was that Mr. Fuzzy was being used as bait to lure them into a sinister ambush set up by the vermin. The squirrel reached the top of the stairs, paused and waved its rear end at the tenants. Protiva screamed with rage and lunged at the creature. The squirrel leaped nimbly down the steps while Protiva tripped and the other tenants crashed into her. The tenents fell in unison down the stairs in a mass of arms and legs to land in a heap at the bottom, except for Simon who went right through them. As the tenents raised on wobbly legs to their feet a small troop of squirrels attacked.
  6. Protiva hummed to herself as she was making a cup of coffee. When it was ready Protiva took a deep breath of the aroma, closing her eyes, and sighed deeply. Before opening her eyes though Protiva walked right into a table spilling the hot coffee all over herself and falling to the ground. While falling Protiva's chain necklace snagged on the table causing it to break and sending her pink fuzzy ballpoint pen flying. Protiva's face hit the foot of the table creating a nosebleed. Protiva moaned. Protiva slowly lifted her head up, "Mr. Fuzzy?" Just then the electricity flickered off leaving Protiva in the dark. "Mr. Fuzzy?!" Protiva's call was met by silence. Protiva began to get worried. Mr. Fuzzy could have gotten hurt. Protiva reached up for the edge of the table and lifted herself up. Protiva squinted in the dark. "MR. FUZZY?!" Panicked, Protiva groped around the room. [I]Why did the electricity go out? It must be because of that damned pen stealer. He thinks he can steal Mr. Fuzzy in the dark. Well he can think again![/I] Protiva knelt on the floor, feeling around. She felt something fuzzy under her palm and grabbed. It was Mr. Fuzzy. Protiva cradled the pen in her hands, "Oh, Mr. Fuzzy I was so worried about you!" Protiva stood up and stumbled out of her apartment into the hallway, Mr. Fuzzy clasped firmly in one hand. She glimpsed a dark figure jogging down the stairs. [I]Must be Charlie. He thinks he can get away does he...[/I] Protiva snuck to the top of the stairs and looked down. She saw that it was actually Kenneth. Protiva turned around to go back to her apartment. She saw a small form a few feet in from of her. The form looked like a squirrel. Before she could confirm this it jumped at her. Sharp teeth sunk into her ankle. Protiva screamed and fell over creating a large thump.
  7. Charlie walked cautiously up to a wodden door covered in grime. The brass letters on the door: 3B were hanging at odd angles. As Charlie knocked on the door the B fell off hitting him on the foot. Charlie cried out in pain, hopping on one foot, and cradeling his sore foot in both hands. Tears sprung at the corners of his eyes. [I]I wish Charles was here.[/I] Charlie heard scrambling inside. Charlie stood up straight, preparing himself. Charlie vivedly remembered the last time that door opened and how his face had met a slippered foot, sending him flying into the opposite wall, and waking up minutes later with a nose bleed and an intense headache. This tenent was dangerous... As the hinges on the door creaked Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable. When he felt no severe pain in his face he opened one eye slowly. Protiva was bouncing on the balls of her toes, a cup of cofee in her hands which was half sloshing all over her Indian dress. Her face brightened when she saw who it was. "Ah! Hola Senor Charlie! Como estas?" Charlie blinked, "Erm...could you say that again?" Protiva hit her forehead with the palm of her hand, "Oh, right. Sorry. Come in, come in." Protiva motioned Charlie into the apartment. Charlie walked in tentativly. Charlie's jaw dropped. The walls were painted a very bright pink that seemed to burn into his retina. Charlie rubbed his eyes, "What in the name of seven hells?" Protiva bounced to his side, "Oh, you like it? I painted it for Mr. Fuzzy. He said brown was too boring. So I painted it the same color as him!" Protiva fingered the fuzzy, pink ballpoint pen that was on a chain around her neck, "Sorry Mr. Fuzzy is so quiet today." Protiva frowned, "He dosen't to seem to like you that much..." Charlie turned around, eager to leave, "Oh yes...erm," Charlie thought of a brilliant excuse to leave, "so as not to upset Mr. Fuzzy I would like to collect the rent and go on my way..." Protiva smiled, "Oh yes, yes, yes, yes I'll go get it." Protiva skipped into an adjacent room. Charlie looked around. [I]I really should ask the tenents to notify me before they do major redecorating such as painting the walls.[/I] Charlie walked into the living room which contained a satin couch which looked like belonged in an Arabian movie and mounds of plush pillows to sit on surrounding a low wooden carved table. The pillows were satin as well with golden tassels. There were satin curtins with matching golden tassels. An oriental rug depicting peacocks and tigers covered the floor. Charlie started backing up only to bump into a stuffed tiger, with jaws wide open. Charlie screeched. In the center of the room was a glass display case. The case contained hundreds of ballpoint pens, not one the same. All were fixated into a gold pen holder. Charlie walked up to the case. [I]What's so special about ballpoint pens anyways?[/I] Charlie reached towards the glass. He pulled one of the door handles to find it unlocked. He opened it. At that moment Charlie was hit over the back of his head. Charlie crumpled to the floor. He looked up to see Protiva, a look of fury upon her face. "You dare try to steal one of my precious pens!" Charlie stuttered, "No it's not like that at all..." Protiva narrowed her eyes, "That's why they've disappeared over the years! You've been stealing them!" Protiva picked Charlie up by the scruff of the neck. Charlie whimpered. Charlie braced himself. [I]I'm going to be killed by a crazy Indian woman.[/I] Protiva set Charlie up on his feet and stuffed a 100 dollar bill into his hands, "LEAVE AND NEVER COME INTO HERE AGAIN YOU FOUL PEN STEALER!" Charlie scrambled out the door to have it slammed behind him.
  8. Location: Rustboro City Nyssa always loved to watch a Pokemon evolve. A beautiful moment where the Pokemon, and often times the trainer, matures. [I]But to get Natu to evolve first we have to train.[/I] Nyssa turned to Kay, "Are you ready to start?" Kay nodded. Nyssa and Kay both strode to the opposite ends of the clearing. Imric sat to the side, watching and scratching his new Arcanine behind the ears. Treeco and Natu stood in front of their trainers. Kay looked across the batteling field and noticed a change in Nyssa. Nyssa stood straighter and all traces of a smile was wiped from her face. Kay made the first move, "Treeco Tackle!" Treeco ran forward at amazing speed but Nyssa was ready, "Teleport and Peck!" Natu disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared behind Treeco, pecking the green Pokemon in the back of the head. "Treeco use Pound!" Treeco swung its tail hitting Natu in the face, sending it flying. "Use Tackle again!" ordered Kay. Natu was still recovering from the Pound attack and was hit full force by the Tackle. Both Pokemon stood apart from each other, catching their breaths. Nyssa smiled. This was going to be a good battle.
  9. Location: Rustboro City Nyssa turned to Kay, "That Moltres sure was amazing. By the way my name is Nyssa," Nyssa motioned to the bird Pokemon next to her, "and this is Natu." Kay smiled, "My name is Kayla,but you can call me Kay." Kay released her Pokemon from their Pokeballs, "And these are Evee and Treeco." Evee and Trecco shouted their names in greeting. "By the way," Kay said, "I just wanted to ask. Were you following me earlier?" Nyssa anime sweatdropped, "Well...erm...I wasn't trying to stalk you or anything...just keeping my distance..." Kay laughed, "Oh that's alright. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy." Nyssa smiled with relief, "Oh good...I don't want to look like some kind of freak or anything." Nyssa watched Joey and Lucas run off into the forest. "We should train too. How about we do a mock battle. It'll be only one-on-one though since I only have one Pokemon." Kay nodded, "Sure. The stronger our Pokemon get the faster we can beat that Villian. Let's go find a good spot."
  10. Location: Rustboro City As Nyssa walked into the Pokemon Center she saw the girl she had followed walk out with a boy. Nyssa almost did an anime-style fall. [I]I missed that girl...by like two inches![/I] Nyssa saw a Butterfree flying straight into her face. She ducked and looked around the lobby, which was filled with Trainers and their Pokemon. Nyssa heard a wail and turned around. An 8-year-old boy was crying in front of a red-faced trainer who looked very irritated. As the Nurse who had walked up with the Trainer's Pokeballs was about to demand an explanation the boy shouted "I don't care!" and stormed out with his Pokeballs. Nyssa frowned. [I]That trainer needs to control his temper.[/I] Nyssa walked up to the counter which the Nurse had walked behind. "Are there any free over-night accomidations?" The Nurse checked and came back and replied "Sorry, all the rooms are filled," with such a bright smile on her face Nyssa felt like throwing a brick at it. Nyssa twitched, trying to restrain herself, "Oh...thank you for checking." Nyssa walked back into the lobby and collapsed on a couch next to the window. Her Natu hopped onto the windowsill and looked outside. [I]Just our luck...[/I] Nyssa's thoughts were interupted with a flash of red, almost like flames. Nyssa whirled around, "What's wrong?" Nyssa gaped as a huge firey bird flew across the sky and a weird flying machine in hot pursuit. Nyssa ran outside, Natu hopping behind her. A group of trainers, including the girl she had seen earlier, were standing, gazing up into the sky with looks just as shocked as hers. She walked up to the group, "Could someone mind telling me what is going on?"
  11. Location: Rustboro City Nyssa lingered behind the Evee trainer, concealed by the gathering darkness. So far she was impressed. Treeco wasn't a very common Pokemon and quite an acheivement to catch one. She was also interested in the Evee. Nyssa had never seen one before but heard how they had many evolved forms and evovled depending on how it was treated. [I]I wonder wich pokemon that trainer plans on evolving her Evee into.[/I] The girl ahead skirted around a group of trainers. Nyssa wondered why until she saw two boys in a huff, walking away from each other. Nyssa decided that avoiding the group was a wise choice and walked around them. Nyssa looked around at Rustboro City. It was so noisy and full of life. A completely different universe compared to her quiet home town: New Bark. Nyssa's Natu yawned. "I guess we better find a place to stay for the night." Nyssa began to walk towards the Pokemon Center and found that the trainer she had followed was heading the same way. Nyssa stpped in front of the doors to the Pokemon Center and looked up at the sky. The stars were so beautiful that night...almost as beautiful as the last night she saw her older sister... Nyssa's eyes filled with tears but just as quickly she wiped them away angrily. Natu chirrped its name anxiously. Nyssa clenched her fists, "We'll show them Natu...show the world that we're an unbeatable team!" Nyssa gave Natu a tight lipped smile, "Which means we have to keep up with the competition and catch a Pokemon tommorrow!" Natu repeated its name excitedly and Nyssa gathered it up into her arms and strode into the Pokemon Center. ~~~~~~~~~~ (The Pokemon Team thing is a good idea.) Pokemon Team: Natu
  12. Location: Just outside of Rustboro City Nyssa walked along with both her hands stuck in her jacket pockets. The wind blew her hair every which way. Nyssa was very happy right now. She had registered as a trainer at New Bark Town and was now ready to explore the Hoen Region. Nyssa felt hyped. She couldn't wait to see all the unique Pokemon in the Hoen Region... Nyssa'a Natu hopped from around the bend in the road, chirruping excitedly. "Na-Natu-Na!" "What is it Natu?" Nyssa asked. Nyssa bent over and looked directly into Natu's eyes. Nyssa saw flashes of the road ahead before her eyes. When Nyssa first had Her Pokemon Natu could only send images of colors and shapes to Nyssa. But latley Natu had been able to send pictures of what it had seen. First all Nyssa could see was an empty road but she then saw a girl with an Evee walking away from a truck. [I]Probably a trainer.[/I] Nyssa thought. Just then the truck that Nyssa saw in the vision drove by. She did a double take on who she saw in the truck. She whirled around to look again but the truck was already far down the road. [I]Was that really...the gym leader Lt. Surge?[/I] Nyssa shook her head...[I]Couldn't have been.[/I] Nyssa continued her casual pace. But Natu tugged at her shoelaces. "Oh, so you want me to meet the girl ahead on the road, huh?" Nyssa asked. Natu replied in a very definate "Tu!" which sounded like a yes. Nyssa sighed, "Oh all right..."
  13. Name: Protiva (some unpronounceable Indian last name) Gender: Female Age: 25 Description: Protiva looks like she is from India. She always wears traditional Indian clothing and has a pink fuzzy ballpoint pen on a chain around her neck. Her hair is bleached white for some odd reason and always combed perfectly. Biography: When you first meet Protiva you would swear she is from India...but she isn't. In fact no one knows where she hails from and know nothing much of her past. Many wonder if she knows herself. A former graduate student, she is obsessed with all the ballpoint pens she has bought over the years, many of which, have been lost. She often ponders hours at a time where her lost ballpoint pens have gone. The ones she still has she keeps in a locked display case in her apartment room in Apartment Building C. Except of course Mr. Fuzzy, a pink fuzzy ballpoint pen, stays on a chain around her neck. Protiva can speak fluently in many languages. Because of this it is no great oddity if Charlie sees Protiva skipping (yes, skipping) down the hallway, talking to Mr. Fuzzy in fluent Spanish. No one knows what Protiva's job is. But she sometimes disappears for weeks at a time for "business purposes" to come back dirty, disgruntled and with fistfulls of camera film which she promptly develops at the nearest CVS. Reason For Moving In: Protiva came to Apartment Building C when she was kicked out of Harvard, trying to get a Ph.D. by writing a whole volume of the possible possibilities of where her lost ballpoints have gone. Idiosyncracies: Protiva is very hyper for her age. Many say it is because of the dangerous amounts of expresso she takes daily. Others say it is because of this daily dosage of caffine that she is completly and utterly insane. Every New Years Day Protiva makes a special curry dish which creates symtoms ranging from mild stomach aches to food poisoning. Protiva is most active in the evening hours, often keeping poor Charlie awake. Many of the other tenents avoid her in the morning because of her habit to give a "friendly good morning" drop-kick to someone's face. Protiva spends most of her time on the roof of Apartment Building C talking to Mr. Fuzzy, and during the summer, in a kiddie pool with a rubber-duckie design. Well you did want bizarre...I hope you're happy...
  14. Name: Nyssa Konno Age: 13 Appearance: Nyssa stands at 5'0", has waist-length hair with an orange hue and has chocolate brown eyes. She wears deep blue capris, a forest green tank top, brown leather jacket and white sneakers. She has a black backpack and a tan belt from which hangs her pokeballs. Personality: Nyssa is very serious about her Pokemon training. She is somber and athletic. Because of her troubled childhood she is very serious and mature for her age, sometimes not able to look at the lighter side of things. She is quiet and has a tendacy to shy away from others. But if you make a friend with her you have a friend for life. Pokemon: Natu Home Town: New Bark Town Profile: Nyssa and her older sister had been abandoned by their parents when she was only 5 years old. They were then adopted by different families and were separated. For a while Nyssa was passed from foster home to foster home, none willing to take full custody of her. But then she was adopted by a young couple who treated her as one of their own. They taught her that as long as she believed, she could do anything. When she was 10 years old she came upon a nest. There was one egg but the others had already hatched. Nyssa noticed that the one egg left had been there for a while and she learned that the egg had been abandoned by its parents when it did not hatch with the others. Nyssa took pity on the egg because it reminded her of how she had been abandoned. She took care of it until it hatched into a Natu, her first Pokemon. Since she had raised it from birth, Nyssa and her Natu held a special telepathic bond. When she turned 13 years old she decided to start her Pokemon Journey. At first, her foster parents didn't want her to go but then they consented and her adventures as a Pokemon trainer began.
  15. All I can say is.... really good! Keep up the good work! I'm not that good on rating but I'd give you an 8 out of 10. *waits in anticipation*
  16. I had this really cool video game idea. You can post your own or comments and questions. Here is mine: Title : Grave Robber Game Systems: Gamecube, X Box, PS2 Storyline: You are a grave robber in England during the Victorian Era. You dig up bodies and sell them to crooked doctors. While you try digging up the freshest bodies and selling them for the highest price you have to elude police and deal with rival grave robbers. In the cemetaries you have to fight off vampires and zombies. Use the money you earn to buy weapons, digging tools, and to bribe dishonest cops. You can hold the bodies of famous people and hold them for ransom. In 2P Mode you can play in a 2 player story mode or play against a friend in mini games. Rating: M for graphic blood and violence
  17. LOL!!! That was so funny!!!!!! *trying to breathe between laughs* :laugh: But Bandit Joeykubah hasn't posted in a while! I'm panicing! PLEASE post!:(
  18. Snorlax weighs 1,014 lbs. Now I KNOW this so I'll just post the next question: :ball: In the TV series how many pokemon has Ash realeased back into the wild?
  19. I just played this Gamecube game at my friend's house. I THINK its called Billy Hatcher but I'm not sure. Anyways.... while I was playing it half of my brain kept on saying "This is soooo weird and stupid. Why am I playing this?" and the other half kept on saying "More, more, MORE!" In other words the game is stupid, yet highly addictive. Has anyone ever played this game? And if so, has the same experience happened to you? :tasty:
  20. My favorite card to play? In my dreams: Dark Magician Girl. In reality: Summoned Skull :) :D
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