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Everything posted by Kapnronh

  1. I'm looking forward to [B]Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis[/B] . I know it'll be a quite a while before it's finished but, I still can't stop thinking about another Living Dead movie. I loved the previous ones and I hope they don't screw this one up.
  2. NM, I'm nolonger having this problem. Please close this thread. Thx.
  3. I'm thinking about ordering the DVDs from [URL=http://www.rightstuf.com]rightstuf.com[/URL]. You can check out [URL=http://www.g4techtv.com/show.aspx?show_key=44]G4TechTV's Anime Unleashed page[/URL] to see when it will be airing. It looks like they're playing the series now. Episode 20 of Betterman will be aired on G4TechTV thursday night. :D
  4. Kapnronh


    I love Ozzy's earlier stuff. N.I.B., Paranoid, and Iron Man are some of my faves from the Ozzy era of Black Sabbath. Diary of a Madman and Blizzard of OZ were awesome albums but, I don't like any of his stuff that came after that. My mom introduced me to Ozzy and Black Sabbath when I was very little and I loved them.
  5. TGhe series has been shown on pre-merger TechTV a few times and it's indeed an interesting anime. They'll prolly show it again on G4TechTV after they air other series. I'm thinking of buying the DVD set sometime next month.
  6. [quote name='Harry']Also it makes the guys grow breasts.[/quote] My uncle used to be a pro wrestler and he took steroids for about 10 years. He's 55 years old now but, he looks like he's well over 80. His skin kinda feels like hard plastic(i arm wrestled him a few times and his hand had a weird plastic feel) and yes, he has breasts. Pro athletes must be judeged on what they have trained and how well they compete. I'd much rather watch athletes push themselves without drugs of any kind. Steroids are just quick muscle builders but, they have very nast long term effects. If players were allowed to "juice up", it wouldn't be fair to the clean bodied athletes who spent their lives actually training for an event.
  7. I'm logged in to MyO but, I can't sign guestbooks or comment on other sites. On the guestbook page, I can't find the link to sign it and there's no comments link when I read other people's posts. Can anyone help? I've tried with Mozilla and IE with no luck.
  8. There might be a lot of web traffic going into the jukebox. This place has a lot of members and there just might be too many other people trying to access it. I can't think of anything else right now. I'm sorry I can't be much help.
  9. [quote name='Nordic Angel']:help: Why doesn`t the jukebox work? I mean, I can`t listen to it when I`m on school, but when I`m home, it doesn`t work there either! A friend of mine has the same problem so I`m asking for the both of us...Is it our computers that has a technical fault or what can it be? I`would be happy for any response....and thank you in advance.[/quote] What browser are you using? I think the jukebox only works with Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you have Mozilla or Netscape, the jukebox isn't going to work.
  10. I come here because I have nothing to do. Also the boards are heavily moderated here so, I hardly see massive repeat "favorite anime", "Inuyasha VS ????" , and etc threads like on many other forums. MyOtaku is pretty cool too and I like talking to people.
  11. [quote name='yalborap']Personally, I reccomend gaming. Nothing kills flu based boredom like busting out your atari/NES/SNES/anything you haven't played in a long time and enjoying the old school goodness.[/quote] I agree with that completely. playing old school games wont just cure the flu based boredoms, they can cure any type of boredom. I still have all my old games hooked up and ready to play. If you don't have any old games, you can probably find them really cheap at auction sites or pawn shops.
  12. No summer travel plans for me. The only time traveled in summer was two years ago and we went to Texas to see the in-laws. I do have plans for building a pool. I was going to do that last year but, I was just too lazy. I'll probably be too lazy this year also.
  13. I'm a coffee addict. Not cappuccinos, not lattes, just good ol' fashioned black coffee. I only drink alittle bit at work but, when I'm home, there's always a warm cup of coffee in my hand. I've never tried to go a day without it and I don't know what will happen to me if I do but, I'm going to keep drinking coffee. I've been drinking it since the day I was first able to hold a coffee cup and I'll still be drinking it when I'm on my deathbed.
  14. Congrats and good luck on your advanced training! How long does it take to get through basic traing? What kind of plane are you training with?
  15. The anime that had the greatest influence on me was Devil Hunter Yohko. I bought the VHS a little over 10 years ago and it made me want to check out other anime as well. Before I realized it, my collection was getting bigger and my wallet always seemed to be empty.
  16. Ralph Nader isn't in the race just for votes. He knows that he won't get the presidency but, he wants to bring environmental and consumer rights issues to the people and to the main canidates. He just wants his issues considered and debated in the public arena. I'm one of the few people who voted for him in 2000. I'm voting for him again this year because even if he gets only 2 percent of the vote, The main canidates will be faced with those issues come the debates. Consumer rights and environmental issues are something that I personally would like to see Bush and the Dem. nominee to discuss. I better stop now before I get TOO political.
  17. I don't like the beatles too much, I'm more of a classic metal person. My mom used to play Aerosmith, Black Sabbath(Ozzy era), Accept, Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, Metallica, AC/DC all of the time when I was growing up and I loved those bands. Now, when I go to her house, she plays mostly Slipknot, Static-X, and other stuff like that which I can't seem to get into myself.
  18. I've been listening to Alice Cooper all my life and I can not ever get tired of listening to his music. He was even popular during my Mom's teenage years(that was about 30 years ago). Him and Ozzy Osbourne pretty much made metal mainstrean in the 70's. Some of my favorite Alice Cooper songs are Poison, School's Out, and Bed of Nails.
  19. [quote name='Dagger IX1']Actually, the vast majority of "traditional" animation is now done on computers. Hand-painted cels are rapidly becoming a relic of the past. I personally prefer digital animation--it looks sharper, cleaner, and generally gorgeous (as anyone who has watched Fruits Basket can attest).[/quote] Yeah, unfortunately, I was misguided on the fact that the majority of studios are switching to computer drawn animation. Digital animation is great when it's done right. Real Bout High School, Samurai: Hunt For The Sword, and Fruits Basket are good examples of this. Computers make the cels much cleaner and sharper but, I still appreciate the work of a hand drawn anime. I dislike the total 3d computer generated stuff like Action Man, Max Steel, etc. That stuff is pretty popular and as technology gets better, so will the animation, but for right now, my personal preference is still the old traditional style. What I'm really afraid of is the possibility(note, I said POSSIBILITY) of companies using digitally generated voices instead of real voice actors. Technology has gotten so advanced that computers can now actually speak phrases with simulated emotion. It would save the companies money but, it'll make voice acting a thing of the past. I'm somewhat anxious to see the future of anime but then again, I'm a little afraid.
  20. Yes, Asia did look to our animation for Ideas. American comics, Disney, Looney Tunes were a great influence on Asian art but, they have pioneered a style of their own. Now, there are domestic cartoons that try to duplicate anime so, they have become a huge influence on our culture in America as well. Samurai Jack and Teen Titans are based on Asian style art and we'll probably see more domestic cartoons that will be influenced by anime in the future. I hope to see more animation styles from other parts of the world make their way into our culture. As for the CG part, I don't mind light CG work but, I still believe that traditional animation is here to stay for along time to come. Many people still appreciate a hand drawn work over mouse and pixels.
  21. I'm always wondering what the future has in store for anime but, we have to think about the future of all animation in general. CG aided (traditional with a little CG coloring) animation is rapidly becoming the most used form of animation today not only in japan but, everywhere in the world. CG aided animation adds alot of depth and color to traditional and I personally don't like to see CG used in excess. Then, there is animation that is completely computer generated like Finding Nemo, Action Man, Max Steele, etc. There is a nice bunch of these shows out there but, it'll still be a long while before it becomes the majority of animation. Traditional animation is still going strong. In my opinion, the traditional style will not be shunned anytime soon since there are many of us that still prefer the hand drawn cels over computer rendering. In traditional animation, the artistst's signature and and their love for the art is embedded into every brush stroke. It's that kind of personal touch that will keep traditional animation going strong for more years to come. Well, that's my opinion on it. My personal preference is traditional but, I do like some CG in it, too.
  22. Anime is hated where I live. Everybody here thinks that anime is propaganda for devil worship. The pastor at the church here even talked about the "negative" effects of NGE and they actually burnt a huge pile of Tokyopop mangas(for real). They don't just demonize anime and manga. They think that all japanese culture should be condemned. They don't attack personally me or call me names or anything else like that but, they keep nagging me to think about how they are trying to "help" me. I would move away but, I can't until my wife finishes school.
  23. I liked Earthworm Jim. I had it and a SNES until my parents found all my video games and little tv and threw them out. My parents are the "TV is the devil" kind of people. Hmm......Come to think of it, they thought [i]everything[/i] was a tool of Satan. I'm sure glad I don't live in their house anymore. Well anyway, Earthworm Jim was the only SNES game I've ever played and I loved it.
  24. Kapnronh


    First Name: Ron Age: 21 Marital Status: Married(first anniversary in December!) Personality: I'm not hard to get along with. I can get along with anyone that isn't a jerk. Hair Color: brown Height: 6' 5" Wardrobe: Black T-Shirt with Metallica logo and blue jeans Favorite Type of Music: Metal Favorite Band: Def Leopard Hobbies: Computers, writing, slamming my head against brick walls.
  25. The original movie isn't actually based on anything that happened in Texas. The Leatherface character was based on a real life sicko by the name of Ed Gein. During the 1950's, Ed Gein killed women and wore their skin. He was also a cannibal. I used to love the TCM movie but, I lost interest in it when I learned about who Leatherface was based on.
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