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Everything posted by Aries_t3h_ph34r

  1. Hm, I agree with you about the lighter backround, thank you! His hair is actually supposed to be a tad more brown but for this picture I think it's good I used a redder colour.
  2. My blankie isn't tattered at all yet, it's weird. I think that people should take a picture of their blankets and post it in this thread. Thank you as well, but anyhow I never really liked whinnie the pooh but it sounds like one of those REALLY nice fabric ones that are cozy til the end of time.
  3. I believe an artist is by who they are. So what their music is a little pop-y oh, whoops the media twists words. I think it's wrong to judge celebrities, I mean do you know them personally? No, so, hey if you like their sound. Listen, don't go flaming things. I personally am indifferent to people like Avirl Lavinge and Good Charlotte. I mean hey, they've worked damn hard to get that far, and good for them if they can make some money. Now, on this punk issue. You people say not to classify people, so what classify anything? Easy because you have to be organised, and by organising yer fitting into a group. By being different you are but the same. Punk isn't really a dieing class, it's simply hidden under everything else, and if people would quit bitching about how it was dead they'd relise there's still good new bands out. People take a glance and get hitched on something they don't like and think this makes what they like dead, so I say. Live and let be, they're just people trying to get by just like us.
  4. I'm just wondering, does anyone else still have their blankie?... And still use it? Ever since I was 4(I'm 13 now) I have had this large bedpoof that's pink, blue, green, and purple(Very femme, pastel like colors not me really) with unicorns. I'm still [B]very[/B] attached to it, and my mum is started to get a little fusterated with me. Does anyone else have this problem, used to, or have any advice? Or just reminsance about yer old ones that were thrown out.
  5. Well, I haven't been here.. For a good.. Oh LONG time, but anyhow. I decided to reintroduce myself to the otaku boards by posting something in the art forum, hoorah! Anyhow so I come blah blah blah. And here it is, This in Wynthrope he is my computers persona, this is a first version of him so I'm asking for crits on the design. I personally realise that the image itself is off thea beaten track horridly so.Oh and he normally has pants I just felt like big *** socks. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/aw469[/IMG]
  6. It's for my friend Nigel, he's from my choir camp. Anyhow, it's his character Angelous, it's for FF:online, his neck is supposed to be long, and...Well the eye I just messed up. Think he'll like?
  7. I thought the same, but I couldn't scan it before I coloured it. So..Ah, well. I'm crazy proud of this ^ ^ Thank you both, it's nice to have a bit of praise.
  8. Yes, I am back after a long absence..This is my welcome back post...Yeeeeeeeeeeep. Anyhow I love this picture though I know the hips are out of perportion, I think it's basically all in good form?
  9. Damn...Alright I pronouce this a....Um..Androgenyous personna!
  10. Score! I was singing this theme song aallll day, but now I seem to have forgetten it..Damn..I have a shirt and lots of merchendise from that show, it was god to me because my day was like Captin Planet and he worked at a recycling thing...Anyhow, I really like both of them, though both seem a little high in WOAH Color.
  11. Alright, I have discovered the coloring is the anti-christ..So ignore all the white crap that my three o clock in the bloody mornin' wasn't able to see. I have no clue where this came from, the feather sucks arse, and my sister thinks it's a girl...What bout you what do you think of it...Boy or Girl? P.S.:The shirt says,'Cows go MOO'..I have one.^ ^
  12. I'm hopeing that's not supposed to be a realistic flute because it'd have to be twice as long and a bit thicker..Thick enough to get your finger stuck up it...(Yea, I did that....- -' Shuttup) Besides that I like it, the hair is pretty..But I for some reason don't like how his legs are..
  13. I really think it's great, Yuna's head I don't think it's too big, but I agree it's a bit oddly placed...But I have just, one question. Why didn't you draw her with clothes? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just confused, why no clothes?
  14. For my need for speed urges, it'd have to be a McLaren F1, but since I've never even seen one, I'd have to say for a car I could get, would be a '89 Lime Green chevy.. I'm more of a motorcycle person myself.
  15. You got skillz, but I must point out some things, everything is really choppy but that'll will disappear over time, next time you might want to get higher quality clips. And there's one thing that bothers me, the song and the video never really entwine, like the music video Bohiemian Rhapsody to Evangelion, is a good way to look at it. Everything is clear, and the song and video entertwin through the whole thing. I want to see more!
  16. -recently drew a more ...eleborate version- Of course I wouldn't show you him in full uniform... -evil grin- Sorry to disappoint you...You jerk...Yeah I thought that about it to I think it's how only one eye shows because of the hair hn?
  17. Yeah...Of course I cropped out his leash, and other assorted things...>.
  18. I don't know what it is about this, I mean I'm not one to judge but it seems really choppy to me. If you can fix it It'll be great!
  19. Now, I know for all you girls(and guys) most of you artist type people have drawn an ideal..Um, People Slave, and here's mine!..The hair was satan... If you have one ready for use show it here, I want to see. Please? P.S.:This is only a facial potrait-wink wink nudge nudge-
  20. I think it's pretty cool actually, except the mouth is kinda screwed, but the hands.....Are...Godly..^ ^ 'Cuse my fangirlness.
  21. Gee wiz Mary-sue, I think your the keenest girl in school. that's my way of saying-insane giggle blush- Thank yooooou. Technically it's not vine..But it is, It's like ..Chi vine Whoocha.
  22. Trust me, I went through the same thing, it's not as bad as you think, seriously. Besides little hint for you cat, not to be ignorant or rude, but you'd get alot more respect from people if you didn't feel the urge to label people. If you want you can use them as adjectives, like a teddy bear is preppy, but think of my motto,"Label soup, not people."...Sorry I went a little off subject there, but I really appreciated all of your suggestions, at any rate, my foriegn exchange students are coming on the 28th of January.
  23. Yep, I knew about how everyone lines up already, I've noticed with just me and my sister and mum. I think I might end up going to the bird sanctuary alot, maybe paint a bit of the marshlands...Bonus by going outside I won't look like I'm always sick and pale..Yay!
  24. Yeeeah..That was another picture of a crazy nekkid spell casten' elfboy, I plan on getting some crazy latin and putting it in on a photoshop as a backround..I could help but put the red in, in fact, he wasn't going to be a depressing bishie boy in the first place. He was going to be a farmboy..>.< Oh have ye changed. In case you were wondering here's what was on the other side.
  25. Hn....I suppose I could, bloody bloody hell...This means venturing out into the light, light baaad. It hurts my skin if I'm out in it for more then an hour, and trust me a guy wouldn't like it after a while..Think about it, five girls with PMS?Not...Fun.
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