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Everything posted by Aries_t3h_ph34r

  1. I'm rather pleased with the nose and mouth..Alright I'm esstatic about them, I can never accomplish them. My scanner sort of warped the words, just ask if you can't make them out, it was done mostly in markers and good ol' pencil crayons but since the feathers are also black I did those in watercolour.-Note, Wh00t 30 posts >.< Not.
  2. XD...But, I like to stay at home, it's my hobby..-nod nod- I suppose I could go to C-chans house some more, bleck her house is freezing..Maybe Amelia's.. She has a dog...Yesh I am god damn picky >.<
  3. By the way, small towns, also cause extreme non-anythingtodoness. I guess I'll have to live through it, it will be a rather interesting experience...Curiously in your persons four post. I'm supposing I'm a bit more prepared?Or, not? Well, we'll find out sooner or not.
  4. ....Going out?...What?....I'm pretty much a veery social person at school then I run home and horde my computer and art supplies..Besides, what am I supposed to do. I can think a bizzillion things, but I would need friends, lighter fluid and some small children..Or at least friends who are twisted like me..Alas small town provide no such people..
  5. Yesh, bad things happen now. At the end of the month I'll have two foriegn exchange students,(Yay!) But it's cool but bad, people cool, five girls(no guys) living in a house baaaad. Now let's add on two female cats and five female fish...that's...Twelve, not a single male..Badness..Aw, man, curse my non-wanting to go out for now I'll be in such hell..Help?
  6. ^ ^, see isn't you people grreeeeat. Being constructive withouth being mean-pat pat- goooood people, thanks for the help, I was thrilled with the feet, but not on this next one, I know the fire ish ickeh there's lotsa penicil lines, the eyebrows are too masculine, but overall tell me what you think, Okeh?..I know I have tendency to make the heads a bit too big in most of my pictures.
  7. Life is good, This is the thread I'll use to post my art junk, I do appreciate helpful hints eh?..Yesh it is huge, I'm trying to reduced the size....Damn I spelled Thread wrong, damn.
  8. I did..I have too too too many cousins..But I have three I like!Rob Chris and Nick.. On vacation we lit a tree on fire out in the woods..It was cool...
  9. Noooo! Not 80 hours, twenty hours there and twenty hours back...Yeah I had a tape player with Great Big Sea..No I have no disc thingie..but teh Batteries died..
  10. Wow, I feel special..Normally I do what you folks do but this year was special!..But my brain still hurts from listening to spice girls the whole 40 hour drive here and back..
  11. I figure most people around here, might have left for the holidays and went somewhere. Me I left Nova Scotia and went to Ontario to visit my family, when we drove through Quebec I saw like..18 glowing crosses, These like twenty feet tall neon crosses. It'super crazy..I have over thirty cousins, so if y'all did something talk here I'd like to hear about it.
  12. O.o, Ye are tres tres bien...Ye say your bbaaad?A)you need medication B)Love it love it.I like this Amy person..And Batty-sama ^^'..AdamS person ish preeettyy.
  13. Yeah, I knew it was big.I tried to make it smaller but it screwed the lettering up.Any help on how to fix that?
  14. Oh thank you much, it's nice to have someone comment on my work, any suggestions?
  15. Well, it's my first banner...I hope it's not too too bad for my first one..Yeah I used paint, I bet it shows doesn't it?
  16. Heh, I know what abhor means from choir camp..Anyhow, I like it!It's nice and random kinda like 'The one eyes one horned flying purple people eaters want to huuuuug you.' heh.I love the art very my friend Andrew.
  17. Yes, it's a quite stupid topic but I thought it'd be funny.((and maybe watch to see if anyone said 'nothing'))Anyhow personally I aaam wearing hmmm a dollarama pretty black touque ,black armsocks((Duuuude, Armsocks equal happiness as well as touques))Black pants with yellow garfield suspenders,((not up,suspenderes are good))and a spiffy nifty black shirt cool thing..Cept it makes people(male variety) stare..Heh much fun. Name your clothes!!-points to the sky Baka speed marks-
  18. Heee, y'all make me feel loved..I have like three hundred some junk from the last year just waiting for me to get a scanner..No money for this kitty, Hmmmm hold on I think I might have something in here.. Ahaha!I did it's here's sooo crappy quality I coloured it but I'll post that later y'ok?
  19. Well I thank ye kindly for the comments, and the feet are somewhat supposed to be like that, see she's a Marionette so her face is black and expressionaless((Or at least suppose to be))Those marks on her face are little pink ovals for roseyness, and the reason behind the feet are cause they aren't actual feet just really big cat shoes-has a pair-.
  20. I would greatly like some tips and please point out what you like and don't like.Go ahead if you want to be rude be rude..I need someone to be rude to me...Anyhow, I did this when I should have been working on my cookbook, A) I have no scanner so I used my webcam so the quality is poor, and B) it says fragged on her shirt with little dead smilies, C) I might add a puppetier in the future...Soooo unclear..
  21. I agree, never ever are you too old!!!I hate how adults tell you your too old to go out and slam the door in your face, and I'm thinking,"What would you rather have me go to some wild house party get to boozin' get drunk then raped then, be a single parent.Drop out of school and have your whole life ruined?"Thats my take on situtation..That and ya...Free candy..Plus I would never be able to go to a party without flashing people in the skirt I wore out..
  22. ...Your mum lets you have pointy objects?!?!?!?!!?!?....Curses on you..Don't worry about the whole too old thing, I'm 16 and still going-nod nod nod nod-Life is good...I mean come on!!It's free candy!...Yeah, I am pathitic.
  23. Weather your going out to get the free candy(Like me), or going to a dance(Me again), or going to a party(Me..Wow I'm doing lotsa junk for an anti-social person),or just having fun with friends(Ok..Creeping me out.)What are you going in as a costume?Me personally, I'm going as a gothic cat person to one thing, a school girl catgirl, and a fried potato to another thing.Talk about your costumes here! -The Phantom Scribbler.
  24. I've heard a request for more pictures, though I'm not sure I want to make the effort to post more.Just asking if anyone does want to see more pictures.
  25. Wow, it's great to hear the opinions of other people, just asking has anyone seen the AMV "Crucify" to Evangelion.Personally that is a maser peace in my mind.I also really like the one "I think I'm a clone now" and the one entilted "Bohiemian Rhapsody" all done after the Evangelion series.
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