I did tons of idiotic things here's a small list:Jumped off a really steep-hill type cliff thing,stuck my dad's car key in a eletric socket, put my kittens in a barrel of water bigger then me, tried to fly,lit my hand on fire, lit my bed on fire, made crayons out of other crayons, held my breath till I passed out(yes it is humanly possible),Tried to teach my dog to talk, tried to ride my cat, tried to eat rat poisin,put nail polish on my lips, put permentant marker on my sisters face,nearly drowned 5 times, tried to surf on dirt, tried to get the little peopl e out of the telephone, tried to save the poor bunny in the TV(bugs bunny),Thought a family tree was a forest,tried to walk through walls after I watched Casper, tried to plan a fire route through a wall, thought happy thoughts trying to fly,almost hung myself, ran into wall, sang along to I like big butts. Thats all I remeber at the moment, I just relised..I still do some of those things..Whoops.