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Everything posted by Che

  1. [color=royalblue]Uhh...ok...I'm there now. Whatever, I dun feel like being confused. Anywayz, I'm gonna use that telekanetic thing or however its spelled...Also, I dunno how Kurumi's and Yuka's night & day powers are going to be used as attacks so if you want me to change anything PM it to me. -------------------- [I]Guys! Use your powers![/I] Yuka told them through her mind, hoping Anocite couldn't hear. They all looked at her, mostly confused. [I]Use the same plan but instead of using weapons, use your abilities! Act like you're going to use the weapons though, just to confuse him.[/I] She explained telekonetically. They nodded slightly, and they all got into position. Yuki held the place where she was hit, it was bleeding a lot. "Now!" Yuka yelled. They did the exact same thing except for one major difference. Before they reached them, Katana and Yuka dropped their wepons, and blue and yellow streams of light hit Anocite. Before he knew it, he was hit by black and red streams as well. Next, he was hit by brown, grey, and a mixture of all the streams as well. Anocite blacked out and fell to the ground. He was defeated by seven middle schoolers. They stopped attacking, figuring they were too tired to barely move. "Well, did we win?" Yuki finally asked after a moment of silence. She had a small puddle of blood by her feet.[/color]
  2. [color=royalblue][I]Hey yeah! I remeber what Jono reminded me of. I got the mail once, and accidently opened a package for mom. It had pictures of Jono in it!,[/I] Kie thought. Jono led their mother into another room, so no one else could listen in on their conversation. Jono looked very serious as he spoke to his mother. "Mom. Listen to me very [I]very[/I] carefully. And when I say this, please don't think I'm crazy." He said to her. But their mom was to miserable to listen to anything. "The last thing I said to her was 'you forgot your bookbag,' and even those words were filled with anger. I never gave her a single good bye or I love you that whole day." She said. She broke into teears again. "Jono I'm a horrible mother!" She said through the sobbing. "Mom! Stop! Please! You can get a second chance. Kie is coming back! All you have to do is make sure she doesn't become barbeque, alright?" Jono said to her over her crying. As soon as he was done speaking, she stopped crying and looked at him. "Honestly? Are you sure?" She said, tears rimming her eyes again. She huged him, crying again. "Oh Jono! You are always a bringer of good news!" She said, still hugging him. "Mom, I have to go now. Make sure Kie doesn't meet fire, and you'll see her again, I promise. Take care." Jono said, walking outside again. As soon as he was alone, he went back into spirit form.[/color]
  3. [color=royalblue]Okies, I'll try...*puts her headphones on and listens to Good Charlote* WHEEE! *ish hyper but ish eating bacon flavored crackers* --------------- Vash didn't look at Stocatta, though he heard her perfectly. He only stared at Shuno, and Shuno to him. It looked as if neither was going to attack. Finally, Shuno took the first step towards Vash. Everyone was watching the two as if it was the most important thing in the world. Even some pedestrians hid behind debri (sp?) and watched. Shuno's few steps broke into a run. He was right next to Vash when he swung his fist, aiming his punch for Vash's spikey haired head. Vash doged it, and aimed his gun. BLAM! Though it only sounded as one shot, two bullets hit each of Shuno's legs. He fell straight to the ground. Shuno was losing blood, fast. Soon he blacked out. Vash gasped. "Oh my God! I didn't mean for him to black out!" He said running to him. Everyone else sweatdropped (mwahaha) and watched helplessly as Vash bandaged up Shuno's legs. "Uh, be right back!" He said as he picked up Shuno. "Gotta take this guy somewhere where he won't find us, and where he can sleep for a while." He left, and after a half hour he was back, Shuno-less. "Lets get going. Shuno will wake up soon, and when he does I don't think we should be around to say 'Good Morning.'" Vash said. Mai walked over to the others, soon followed by Sarah. "Just a second. When he wakes up, he'll be wanting his sax. And I believe we all know what he does with that." Sarah said. Mai nodded. She took out her gun, and shot three times at the woodwind instument.(OOC: I'm in band so I know oodles bout the sax) "Ooh! Let me do something!" Vash said, taking out a napkin and a pencil. He went against a wall and drew something, then put it on top of the saxaphone. "Are we done?" Mai asked. Everyone nodded, and they made their way out of the town. Shonya went up next to Vash. "Hey Vash, what did you put on that napkin?" She asked. Vash smiled. "I drew something and then at the bottom I told him to get well soon." He answered. Everyone sighed and shook their heads as they crossed the desert. ------------- *Sings to her CD* "Don't say a word, I know you feel the same. Just give me a sign. Say anything, say anything! Please don't walk away, I know you wanna stay. Just give me a sign. Say anything say anything!" *starts dancing, luckily avoiding the tomatoes* Oh, and just so you know, this isn't my plan, this is the conclusion of the Shuno/Vash battle...[/color]
  4. Che


    [color=royalblue]Sakura looked like she had an idea. "I just remembered a rumor. They said that there was a player name Kite. He and his friend went to [I]Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field[/I] (I think that was it). His friend was Orca of the Azure Sea. They saw this same exact scene, a ghostly girl followed by Skeith. They ignroed it and when they got to the Gott Statue, they weren't able to use a Sprite Ocarina." She explained. Kayla and Kia nodded. They heard the same rumor, and knew what she was talking about. "When they left the room of the Gott statue, they were transported to a field," Kia said. Kayla figured it was her turn to explain. "The ghostly girl was waiting for them, she gave them a book. The book of the Twilight. She dissapeared and Skieth came in her place. Orca tried to fight him, but nothing worked. Orca, in the real world, went into a comatose." She told everyone. Flame, Coal, and Shadow Mika nodded, it sounded familiar to them. Sakura looked woried. "I don't think we should go on, one of us might go into a coma." She said. "After all this hard work, Sakura? Rumor gathering and sorting the truthful ones from the fakes? Avoiding the Administrators and Moserators? Get a hold of yourself!" Kayla said to her, shaking her. Sakura shook her head. "Yeah your right." She said. [I]But still if a Decendant of Fiana couldn't touch Skeith...[/I] she thought.[/color]
  5. Che


    [color=royalblue]Sorry Kayla for using your favorite area, it was the only one I could think of -------------------- Sakura ran off. "I'll be right back I have to buy some stuff!" She said. Kayla nodded her head. [I]Just like her to do stuff at the last minute,[/I] she thought. Soon after she left, Sakura came back. "Ok I'm back," She said, to them, "what? Aren't we going?" She said, since no one was moving. Everyone nodded and ran to the Chaos Gate. "Expansive Gluttonous White Devil!" Kayla and Sakura said. They were soon warped to an area that supposedly looked like it was winter time. Orange numbers were in the air, the sky looked earilly black. Nothing was as it was supposed to be. Most of them shuddered. Kayla and Sakura walked forward while the others followed. They knew their way around the field but that was it. Last time they tried coming here they each had game overs before getting to the dungeon. Soon, they could see a building in a distance, as well as a monster portal. "Everyone ready?" Kayla shouted. Sakura, Flame, Coal, Shadow Mika, and Kia nodded their heads. Kia took one step and a couple of Hell Boxes appeared along with a water witch. They went in pairs of twos and ganged up on the monsters. After a few minutes they were rid of the monsters. They sprinted to the dungeon, avoiding all monster portals.[/color]
  6. [color=royalblue]*Grinds her teeth outta confusion* I'm Yuki, and I'm confused with the elements. I've looked back at where Wasabi clearly states each person's element during the post. Yuki is wind not Kaz! Also, since I dont know where the heck I am, I'm going to be with Kaoru, Megumi, Yahiko, and the women still. -------------------------- Yuki poked the fire with a stick. [I]Amaya's gone. Wonder where she went. Oh well,[/I] She thought. "Yuki, don't you want some food?" Kaoru asked. All the women, Kaoru, Megumi, and Yahiko were eating. Yuki nodded. "No thanks. Not right now." She said. Soon after, she yawned and fell asleep (OOC: I dunno whether its night or day anymore. Its too confusing). [center][I]"Dont go" Yuki said. All her friends were leaving: Amaya, Yuka, Katana, Kurumi, Kit, Kaz (Is that everyone else?) She turned around. Everyone from the Kenshin cast was leaving too. Yuki sat down and pressed her knees near her face. "Everyone is gone now. I'll never get home. I'll never see anyone I love again." She said to herself. Suddenly she felt some tap her shoulder. She turned around to find her present-day crush. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "Josh?" Yuki asked in disbelief. Without another word, she wrapped her arms around him and started crying.[/I][/center] "Yuki! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Yuki awoke to find Yahiko towering over her, pulling her hair trying to wake her up. Yuki yawned as Yahiko yelled to the others that she was awake. They started traveling again, and all the time Yuki thought about her dream. "Hey look!" One of the younger women said, pointing ahead. "We're almost there!"[/color]
  7. Che


    [color=royalblue]Sakura sighed. "All alone again. Nothing's ever new." She said to herself. She logged out and went to her email. ------- Email ------- To: Kayla From: Sakura Dude, that was a close one with the Admin. Next time lets meet in an alley, I'm sure they won't stand guard there. I guess we'll have to call Coal, Flame, and Shadow Mika too, eh? Call me before you get on so we can get on at the same time. I won't have to wait again. -------------- Real World -------------- Katsuki took off her Neuro Goggles and went into the kitchen. She took a piece of chocolate cake and a cup of milk then started eating and watching TV. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Katsuki grumbled something and got up. "'ello?" She said as she opened the door. It was Kayla. "Kayla? What the heck? I thought you had chores." She said, letting her in. "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to talk without the risk of eavesdroppers and Admins," Kayla told her. They went to her living room and started talking about the rumors.[/color]
  8. Vanessa was mad again. She glared at Suzuki, even though she wasn't looking at her. "Why'd you take me?" She asked quietly. Suzuki looked at her. "Why'd you take me? I spent 6 years of my childhood looking for him, and 20 minutes after I find him, we're seperated again. Why'd you have to go and ruin it?" Vanessa was about to burst into tears, but she controlled herself. Suzuki looked fairly confused. Vanessa sighed and decided to explain. "Vash is my father by adoption. He was drunk when he adopted me though, so he didn't remember in the morning. I was left alone at 10 years old. I've spent 6 years trying to find him, and today was the day I finally did it." She said. Suzuki looked back the fire, she didn't feel like talking much.
  9. Che


    [color=royalblue] Sakura looked around to make sure the administaors didn't hear them talking. "You know, I bet the reason so many players are being banned is because they found out too much. The found the virus and what it was doing and what CC Corp is doing to stop it..." She said, looking around again, "And I bet they're helping it, so that's why they're banning players. Because they didn't want the news to go out. " Kayla shuddered. By this time, they were so close together, trying to talk secretly, they were amost cheek to cheek. Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming towards them from behind. "And what would you two ladies be talking about so secretly?" Said a male character. The two girls turned around and found it was an administrator. Sukura thought quickly. "Oh we were just sharing some school gossip. It was really good too. I just thought she might like it." Sakura said rather quickly. The administrator gave them a strange look, shook his head, and went back to where he was standing. They both sighed. "That was close," hissed Kayla. [/color]
  10. [color=royalblue]Vanessa was standing next to Vash and Nick when she hear Suzuki talking about Knives. Vash walked up to her but then Vanessa knew what to say. She ran up in front of Vash, and looked at Suzuki half kindly half sternly. "Your name's Suzuki, right? Well Suzuki, I do not know who Knives is, but I do know something about your relationship with him. It is not a relationship filled with love. If he loved you, he would not have slapped you then. He would have helped you, especialy since you were bleeding. If he loved you, you would mean something to him, whether Vash was dead or not." She said to her. Suzuki was furious. That girl has no idea what she was talking about! Suzuki thought. "And what would you know you ignorent little girl!" SHe yelled, pulling her gun out and shooting at Vanessa. Vash and Julie gasped. "Vanessa!" They screamed as she fell to the ground.[/color]
  11. Che


    I'm finally here! Name: Katsuki Age: 12 Gender: Female Occupation: 7th Grader Description: Short, straight, brown hair, brown eyes. Wears a geyish sweatshirt with black stripes on the side, underneath is a blue shirt that says "It Wasn't Me." As well as baggy blue jeans. Bio: She's one of Kayla's wierd friends, but she's a little less smart. She was the first one to turn Kayla onto "The World." Inside "The World" Character Name: Sakura Gender: Female Level: 21 (DDG accepted this) Class: Twin Blade Weapon: Slayers Weapon level: 17 Abilities: Twin Dragons, Twin Darkness... Description: short straight purple hair, blue eyes, a lighter blue t-shirt and skirt
  12. [color=royalblue]This is my new color, and I shall use it foreverz and everz! :love: ---------------------------- Kie was silent for a while as they floated from house to house, most of them were of people she knew. Suddenly Kie laughed. Jono looked at her like she was crazy. "What's so funny?" He asked. Kie stopped laughing but she had a smile on her face. "It's nothing. I was getting tired of being so serious so I just thought of that Koenma dude, then I cracked up." She said. Jono shook his head and they continued floating. Soon, they reached Kie's house. There were people all over. Some were laughing, some were crying, and everyone was dressed in black. Kie noticed there were people underneath a large tree in the middle of her front yard. "Hey! Get off my yard you idiots!" She yelled at them. "Forget it, they can't hear you!" Jono said, heading inside. Kie mumbled something and followed. Her mom was on the left said of the living room, next to a large box with flowers and a picture of Kie on it. "So...this is my wake?" Kie asked, Jono nodded. Kie looked at her mother's side. There were beer bottles. "Mom never drinks though..." Kie said quietly. Her mother was also in tears. [/color]
  13. I'm gonna do this VERY similar to Yusuke's 'coming back to lifeness' cycle -------------------- They reached King Yama's(is that the dude's name?) palace. Jono pushed a button near the huge doors. "Lemme in, I've got Kie with me." He said, holding the button down. A few seconds after he let the button go, the great doors opened. They walked down a long hallway before they reached another room. When they went inside, it was full of troll-looking things. They were all running around. The two of them walked to the other side of the room, careful not to tip anything over. Before they entered this time, Jono warned Kie. "Listen, no matter how funny the next person you meet may seem, don't laugh. Alright?" He asked. Kie merely muttered something that sounding like a whatever and they went into Koenma's office. "I'm here...uh...sir." Jono said, looking for him. Kie looked around curiously, then looked down at her feet. Not far from them was Koenma. "Yo!" He said, holding his hand up. Both Jono and Kie jumped back in suprise. Kie nearly had a heart attack. "Ok. Jono. A baby is standing up right and talking," she said looking at Jono, "Where the heck did you take me?" Jono just stared at what he was staring at the last time he was in there. "I am not a baby. I'm Koenma, ruler of the Spirit World." Koenma said. Kie nearly toppled over laughing. "Yeah right! And I'm the Queen of France!" She said, still laughing. Koenma turned around. "Fine, I suppose you don't want your life back." he said. Kie and Jono looked at him. "Don't even joke like that dude." She said. "Good I have your attention now. Ok, so here's the whole ordeal that you have to go through to get your life back. First, take this." He said, handing her a gold egg. "Am I supposed to cook or something?" She asked, inspecting the egg. "No. you have to hatch it. The egg will grow depending on your energy. If you are negative and do bad things, it will hatch into a Spirit Beast that will devour you. But, on the other hand, if you're positive and do good things, you'll get you're life back." He finished. Kie shurgged and put it in her roomiest pocket. "Next, I want you to go down back to the living realm and tell one person closest to you that you''l be coming back. Even if your egg hatches nicely, it won't do any good if you're a pile of ashes." He explained. Kie nodded her head."Is that it?" She asked, yawning. Lectures and explainations always made her sleepy. "Just go down there." Koenma told them. So Jono and Kie left.
  14. Since we aren't getting ANYWHERE with this, I'll post! ---------------- Valerey looked at Suzuki, then at Vash, then back at Suzuki. Finally she decided to say something. She tapped Suzuki's [I]real[/I] arm. "Um, miss. I was kinda talking to him about something very important. And well--" She said quietly. Suzuki ignored her. "Vash, what I wanna know is, when are you gonna fight? You've ran off twice now." She said, not noticing her. Valerey got annoyed. She was, unfortunately, very quick-tempered. "Miss, I was speaking to Vash. It was very important. Can I please finish?!" She said, being as polite as possible. Suzuki took notice this time. She looked at her, then back at Vash. "Hey Vash, who's the small fry?" She asked. The did it. Valerey would've tackled her if Julie and Millie hadn't held her back. "Small fry? You better watch your mouth old lady! Lemme at her!" She growled. Suzuki laughed. "You think you can take me?" She said. "Suzuki! Leave my daughter alone!" Vash said angrily, standing up.
  15. Che


    [color=royalblue]---------- Email ---------- As soon as Kana was done with the dishes, and the garbage, and eating dinner, she logged back on to the world. First, though, she wrote an email to Kayla. To: Kayla From: Kana Kayla, nice friends. I wish I had more time to talk before. Anyways, about your 'mystery,' you've got to tell me or show me whatever you know already. I'll be at Mac Anu for a while. It'll help a bunch. Kana --------------------------- Aqua Capital Mac Anu --------------------------- Kana appeared in the world. Mac Anu had players scattered about. Most people were eating dinner or spending time with their families right now. Kana walked around, using what gold she had to get a few provisions. She saved after that then went to the top of the bridge and stared at the water. "The graphics in this game...are so real. When I look at the water...it's like I'm actually by it." She said quietly to herself. After about 20 miutes of staring at the water and thinking, she was about to log out when Kayla logged in. Kana smiled. "So are you gonna tell me what you know, or do I have to go all player-killer on you?" She joked. Kayla laughed. "Come on. I'll take you to the place where we got the most, yet the least, amount of info." She said. They walked to the chaos gate, and Kayla said the keywords: Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. -------------- Real World -------------- After Kana saw all she needed to see, she logged out. It was time to go to bed, and she had school tomorrow. She couldn't sleep though. She was pondering on what the poem inscripted on the statue meant.[/color]
  16. Ok I have original people, but I still need a few more bad dudes. I would say bad guys but dude is a cooler word...
  17. I didn't post cuz I was confused.... ---------------------- Vannessa walked in with the others. She looked around at the stuff on the wall and on the floor. She was immedeatly drawn to Vash's gun. She ran her fingers along it. "Tyler," She said softly, her voice going into Vash's, "where on Gunsmoke did you get this?" Tyler didn't answer. He shook his head again at the sound of Vash's voice. "Vash's .45 Colt...and Knive's gun." She said quietly to herself. "Millie's stun gun, Wolfwood's cross. Tyler..." She said to him, her voice sounding compleatly like Vash's now, "You kept these? Even after we left? Why?" Nick and Juliana looked at Tyler. "That's a good question. Why did you keep them, honey?" Juliana asked, sounding exactly like Julie. Nick looked proud, "Because he's my son, that's why. Exact same thing I would've done!" He said, exactly like Wolfwood. Vanessa and Juliana laughed.
  18. Dude....that's not cool dude...Oh well I'll put a twist in there... ----------------- Kie's eyes widened. "MOM!" Both Jono and Kie yelled. Ignoring the fact that she was a ghost, Kie dove to protect her mother. The arrow was almost there when the policeman turned around. SPLAT! The arrow landed in him, only in his arm. Kie took this opertunity and loked around for the person who fired it. As soon as she saw Jason, she snapped. "I'll get you for that!"She said. She flew at him, and tried to punch him. Suprisngly, he felt the punch. He fell backwards, and ran off, too suprised to do anything. Kie stayed a few minutes to make sure he hadn't come back then went back inside to her mother. The paremedic was helping the policeman and her mother was still bawling her eyes out. Kie reached out to try and pat her mother's back to comfort her, but her hand went straigt through her. For the first time in a while, Kie felt a tear roll down her cheek. She wiped it off, just so her reputation doesn't get ruined, and turned to Jono. "Ok lets go." She said. Jono blinked. "Well...if ya say so." He replied leading her outside.
  19. Che


    ------------------------------------------- Expansive Gluttonous White Devil ------------------------------------------- [color=royalblue]"It does sound interesting." Mia said. Kana wasn't listening, though she was staring and Mia. "Yes? Is there something wrong?" Mia snapped. Kana almost jumped in suprise. Elk and Kayla almost burst out laughing. "It's just that, you can't get a cat-looking character. Isn't it illegal editing?" Kana asked. Kayla and Elk stopped 'laughing.' It was, of course, a very good question. One Kayla hadn't thought about. Mia gave a mysterious smile. "So what if it is? You're not a system admistrator, and even if you were I wouldn't be worried." She said. Kana smiled, she liked easy-going people. Suddenly, Kana shut her eyes and slapped her head. "I've gotta go. My mom's bugging me to do my chores. There's no negotiating with the woman!" She said. The other three gave a slight chuckle. "Later!" Kana said as she disappeared. -------------- Real World ------------- Kana took her Neural Goggles off after she logged out. A different news channel was on. It was the same story, the one about Kia. Kana shook her head and started washing the dishes.[/color]
  20. Kie stared, awstrucked. Suddenly, she felt something on her shoulder. She didn't know who or what it was, but she never liked being suprised. She grabbed the hand and flip Jono over. Since they were in the air, Jono wasn't harmed. "Well, your strong. So, are you confused. If ya are I can explain." He said, going back to floating right side up position. Kie continued to stare at him, but decided that it would be best to understand the situation. "Who the heck are you?" She asked. Jono looked at her, suprised she didn't even find him familiar. "My name's Jono and I'm grim reaper for a day." He said to her. "Listen. You're dead. I've been told to take you to spirit world to get a second chance for life. Now if you come with me I can---" He was cut off by Kie floating away. "It's kinda cool, floating around and stuff. I think I'll stay like this. Besides, people will like it better without me around. I've got like what? Two friends, and my mom hates me." She said. Jono remembered a situation like this with Yusuke Uremeshi. He wasn't easy to hide around the Spirit World. "If you feel that way, maybe you should go to your wake. It might change your mind." He said to her. Kie shrugged and floated off towards her house. It was a few streets away. [I]If I'm a ghost. Mom can't see me...[/I] She thought. She started looking everywhere for her chain. Finally she found it in her room, by her alarm clock. "Sweet! She actually gave it back!" Kie said.Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. Kie followed her mom and saw that there was an officer and a parimedict standing there. They looked extremely sad. Her mother looked worried. "Yes. What is it? What's wrong?" She asked. "You are the mother of Kie Naguto, are you not?" The policeman asked. Her mother fearfully nodded her head. "We're very sorry mam. She was shot earlier today." The parimedic said to her. ------------ Whooo almost cliffhanger
  21. Che


    OOC: I'm gonna make it so Kayla and Kana know each other. Hope it's ok. -------------------- Real World -------------------- [I][COLOR=royalblue]"Hi Kayla." Kana said as she passed Kayla on the streets. "Kana! We haven't talked for a while now. But I'm actually pretty busy. Oh! Meet me at Mac Anu on "The World." I'll be on in about an hour or so. I'll be on the bridge." She said and rushed off. Kana blinked, shrugged, and walked home. It had been about an hour already so she put on her pair of Neuro Goggles and logged on.[/I][/color] --------------------------- Aqua Capital Mac Anu --------------------------- [I][color=royalblue]In a few rings of light, a twinblade appeared. She looked around, surveying the town and it's beauty.[/I] "It's been ages since I last signed on. I hope I don't forget the controls." [I]She walked over to the bridge and leaned on the railing. There wasn't a wavemaster waiting. [/I] "Oh well. She'll have to wait. Maybe she was on before and got tired of waiting for me. That's it! I bet she's at Expansive-Gluttonous-White Devil!"[I] She said to herself. She got a few stares from passer-byers but she didn't care. She ran up to the Chaos Gate when the yellow rings appeared. A wavemastrer emarged and looked at her. [/I]"Kana? It's been so long, I forgot what your character looked like!"[I] She said. It was apparently Kayla. The two girls started talking as they walked to the bridge and stared at the water. [/I]"You should meet some of my friends. We trying to help someone, but we've got no leads. You'd really help, you're good at mysteries."[I] Kayla said.[/color][/I] -------------- That's all I have time for now...
  22. If you need info on the characters or the plot go [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=546307#post546307]here[/url] ----------------------- Kie rolled over. "Get up. Now!" Called a voice. "C'Mon mom, you know I just skip class. Why do you even bother?" She said, pulling the covers over her head. Her mother pulled them back off. "You're going to school and that's that!" She yelled. Kie mumbled something and got up. She got dressed in her usual clothes as soon as her mother left. She combed her hair and walked out. Her mom was sipping coffee. "That's not your school uniform." She said. "Yeah, whatever. I'm not wearing a skirt. You can make me go to school but I'll die before I wear a skirt." She said, looking for her pocket chain. "Looking for this?" Her mom said, holding up the chain. "Give it." "Use your manners." "Give it now." "Not until you say please." "Whatever. I'll go without it." Kie turned around and walked outside, putting her shoes on. Her mom got mad. "HERE! YOU FORGOT YOUR BOOKBAG!" She yelled, chucking Kie's bookbag at her head. [I]Things never change around here...[/I] Kie thought. She turned around and caught it. She walked down the street and got to a building with a sign in front. [I]Nagataki Juniour High[/I] "Miss Naguto. Everytime you come to school, you always skip your classes, you're never in your uniform, and you always pick fights. Detentions never work, and we've called your mother millions of times. What will it take for you to straigten up?" Asked a man, oviously the principal. Kie stood up. "I've had a bad day and I really don't feel like being lectured. Try tomorrow, maybe I'll pay attention." She said as she walked out of the office. She started grumbling as she walked down the street again. She walked past an alley. "Kie! Thank god! Help me!" A female voice said. Kie turned. It was her friend, Iva. She was being mugged. "Shut up! Just gimme anything that's worth something and maybe I'll let you go unharmed." Said the mugger. "Iva. Get outta here. You've picked the wrong day to tick me off man." Kie said, walking towards the man. Iva slipped slowly away. "Wait a second. You're that Kie punk aren't you? My little brother is practically breathing outta a tube becasue of you. I can take ya!" He said, reaching into his pocket. Kie only smirked. [I]Too bad I pound so many people, maybe I could figure out who he's talking about,[/I] she thought, continuing to walk towards the man. She was a few feet away when she broke into a run. She suddenly punched his jaw, probably breaking it. He fell to the ground. "You think you're tough do you?" She heard him mutter. She walked to him and picked him up by the collar. "I don't think I'm tough. I know I am," She said to him quietly. She pulled her right arm back for a punch, put she felt something metal touch her chest. "Bye-Bye" He said. "Kie! Look out! It's a gun!" Iva said, still in the alley. She was too late though, he already shot her through the chest. ----------------------- I don't have enough time to finish my dying expierience right now.
  23. Hmm...good good...I don't mind if you're half & half. So we have a few people, though I really need at least [I]one[/I] person from the orginal cast. We'll start now though, I suppose.
  24. Name: Kana Class: Twinblade Level: 19 Gender: Female height: 5"6 I'm actually that tall or around there :p Main Element: Water (Rom I think) Weapon: Assasins I think it was called Apperance: Brown ponytail, black eyes, black bell bottom pants, a greyish t-shirt, black headband. Hope I'm not too late...
  25. This is my second rpg so cut me some slack, k? [I]A new threat rises when a mysterious group of demons and humans threatens to destroy the world. Koenma assigns this job to Yusuke Urameshi, a 14 year old spirit detective, but has doubts he can do it. Even with his companions. A new hope arises when a teenaged punk girl is made a spirit detective. This loner doesn't like Yusuke and his friends, but is just as strong as any of them. Can they work together to defeat this new menice?[/I] Here's what I'll need: Name: Age: Gender: Race: (demon or human) Appearence: Bio: Good or Bad: Weapons: (includes spirit attacks, which can be made up) Here's mine: Name: Kie Naguto Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearence: Brown hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, black leather jacket, white t-shirt underneath, blue jeans with a hole on the knee, chain hanging out of the left pocket. Bio: Was killed saving one of her friends, made spirit detective by Koenma, has the same life style Yusuke used to have, develops a crush on Hiei much later on in the story. Good or Bad: Good Weapons: Chain wrap (uses her pocket chain. it expands and wraps around her opponent) as well as chain whip (very similar to Kurama's Rose whip) I need people to be the group of demons and humans, and the original cast. I wouldn't mind some made up characters.
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