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Everything posted by Che

  1. hmm...I'll answer this question...I hope correctly. Just read my post *sighs* ---------------------------- "That's it you've stalled long enough!" Yelled Shuno, a bit closer than before he started running. He got so distracted by Mike and Shonya that he forgot what he was doing. He charged at Vash again. Vash wass busy talking to Shonya. "Vash! Shonya! Look out!" Mai yelled. Vash's eyes widened, he suddenly remembered Shuno. "Shonya, get outta here!" Vash said, pushing her to the side, and raising his gun to Shuno. Vash lowered his aim to Shuno's feet and shot. His bullet stopped Shuno in his tracks. "Its not polite to try and attack when your opponent is speaking." Vash said, seeming a bit more serious. [color=red]Who are you, anyway?[/color] [color=purple] Mai. Mai Bluesummers[/color] [color=red] What relation do you have to Legato?[/color] Mai winced at Legato's name, but went back to the conversation. [color=purple]I'm his sister, as well as his exicutioner[/color] [color=red]You killed him, eh? For shame. But it seems to me, you miss him.[/color] [color=purple] What's it to you? You may be legendary but you don't have to pry into my personal life.[/color] [color=red]Bitter much?[/color] ----------------- Please post, I have plans for after the battle with Shuno...really freaky/retarded plans...
  2. [color=purple] Stocatta you're crazy. But since you're you and you've got Vash on your side I'm going to trust on this. Good luck[/color] [color=blue] Why thank you Mai![/color] Mai had been listening to Komeko, Stocatta, and Vash for a while. [I]Dammit Shuno! It's called respect for those who lost loved one![/I] **Flashback** "Legato! Wait up!" A very young girl yelled to an older boy far ahead of her. The girl started running but fell over face first. "Mai!" The aparent young Legato yelled, running to his sister. He helped her up. "Mai! Are you ok? You've gotta be more careful!" He said, dusting the sand off her. Mai nodded and the started walking again. "Where are we going again Legato?" She asked. "We are supposed to be going to Augusta, to meet Dad. Don't you remember?" Legato said. Legato's voice was not eerily calm as it was when he was an adult. It was softer and full of the concern a big brother should have. "Then why isn't mommy coming with us?" Mai asked. Legato looked down and closed his eyes, suprisingly holding back tears. "We're not going to see mommy for a long time, ok Mai?" He said. He couldn't bear to tell such a young girl her mother was dead. "Oh ok. If you say so Legato" Mai said dissapointingly, grabbing hold of Legato's hand. **Back to the fight** "Legato..." Kayla heard Mai say under her breath. Kayla looked at her but knew better than to ask. Mai remembered Kayla asking who Shuno was. "Shuno was my brothers henchman. [I]Don't[/I] under estimate this guy. Right now it looks like he's finally lost it after the 'losing his master' scenario." She explained to Kayla. Kayla nodded her head and looked at Shuno. Knives also her Mai speak her brothers name. He looked at her and she looked at him. Mai glared at him and started looking back at Shuno. [I]Damn you Knives...you made a perfectly good soul go evil. No matterr what I am forced to keep my grudge[/I], she thought. --------------- Legato had a nice side to him! Who knew? BTW sorry I haven't posted!
  3. Three things to say. 1. Sorry I haven't posted. 2. What's with all the love interests? 3. I'm guessing since Katana's water, Amaya's now fire. ----------------- Yuki looked at Amaya, then Kaoru, then Megumi then all the women. "I'm bored!" She said, conitnuing to walk. "How much longer till Tokyo?" Kaoru looked at her, thinking that she sounded like Yuka. "I think we have about a day or so. Huh...what's that?" She asked looking at something in the bushes. Amaya and Yuki clutched their wepons, turning to the bush. "Who's there?!" They yelled. The women looked terrified as some stepped backwards and some screamed. "Shush!" Kaoru said to them. "Amaya...it just moved. From the bush to that tree." Yuki whispered, wanting to trick it. "I saw it...on the count of three. 1...2..." Amaya whispered. "3!!" They yelled turning and rushing towards the tree. Daggers soon came out and hit the place where they would've been standing if they hadn't moved just in time. "It's the dagger guy!" Amaya yelled. "CRAP! I knew I wouldn't be safe for long." Yuki yelled as she jumped into the tree, thrusting her sword in front of her. She landed on an empty branch. "Shit" she said to herself. "Hello Amaya. Glad to see your well. Ah...Yuki. I'm glad to finally see you." A voice said. A shadow appeared below her near the bush he was in before. Amaya glared at him, not thinking of anything to say. "Yuki...I don't think you've had one of my complimentary daggers yet..." The shadow said with a fairly visible grin on his face. Before she had time to blink, she had a dagger in her arm. Amaya cracked. All of her friends had been hurt now. She raised her hands and a 'beam' of fire came out of each hand. The beams barely missed the shadow. [I]Dammit. They're discovering their powers.[/I] Yuki jumped outta the tree and stared at Amaya. "Whoa. How the hell did you do that?" She said, dropping her sword. She grabbed her arm in pain. "I don't know...is your arm OK." Amaya asked. Yuki nodded. [I]If she can do that what can I do?[/I] She thought. She grabbed the dagger and pulled out. Then she aimed her hands at the shadow, and focused her energy. Soon a blast of wind and fire hit the shadow. For the first time, he screamed from pain. "This isn't over!" He yelled as he disappeared. Kaoru and Megumi ran over to the two of them and started asking questions. The women were still in shock. --------- FUN! WIND!
  4. "Hmmm..." Yuki heared Kenshin say. Kenshin and Sanosuke were in deep in thought, despite the noise in the backround. Suddenly, Yuki had a fairly plain idea. "Kenshin why don't we bring these people back in groups. It seems that this shadow dude is only intent on killing us, so if one of us leads a few people in different directions to Tokyo, he could only get one of us at a time. Even then, one of the people in the group could help them recover." She said looking at Kenshin. "Besides, most of us can take care of ourself," she added giving a slight look at Megumi. Kenshin and Sanosuke were nodding there heads. "Yes...that makes perfectly good sense, that it does Miss Yuki. Does everyone here agree with this plan?" He asked everyone else. Most of them nodded their heads fearfully but others weren't paying attention. "Alright then lets get into groups!" Katana said excitedly. ------------------ Just thought I'd get this thing rolling...
  5. Sorry I haven't posted for a [I]long[/I] while. I've had trouble with an IP address... --------------------------- Yuki looked at Kenshin and giggled. "Kenshin! Your doing it wrong! Here let me show you." She said, walking over to Yuka and helping Kenshin. In a few minutes, Yuka was playing Duck, Duck, Goose with the others. Yuki sat down next to Kaoru, watching everyone else. "Even when their kids they're nuts, it's kinda sad but it's even more scary." She said. Kaoru nodded in agreement. "Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what they say." Yuki said, standing up. "Who says that?" Kaoru asked. "[I]They[/I] do." Yuki said grinning. "Hey guys lemme play!" She said as they started a new game. ---------- fun...
  6. Here's the beggining plot: [I]Vash and his friends travel along the dusty desert of Gunsmoke and stop at a bar to rest. Soon after they arrive a young girl walks in and does not take her eyes off of Vash. The strange thing is, she looks just like Vash! Is she really who she claims she is? Does Vash the Stampede really have a daughter?[/I] Here we goes: Valerey dragged herself through the desert, her hair flowing in the strong wind. Soon, she found herself in Inepril city. "Man am I thirsty," she muttered to herself. She took a right and found a bar. She walked in and asked the man behind the counter for some water. "C'Mon Vash! Let's go!" She heard a lady say rather loudly. Valerey's eyes darted to a man in the corner wearing a red coat. [I]That's him! That's the man I remember![/I] She thought to herself. She drank her water and got up. She walked over to the man. When she was three steps away or so two men and three women stared at her. "Hi!" She said smiling. ------- take it aways...
  7. Aerin landed hard on her bottom. "FINE! I DON'T NEED YOU!" She yelled angrily at the valley behind her, shaking her fist. She got up and looked around. She had never been in Hyrule field alone before. "What am I worried about? I am a Gerodu (sp?)...or was one. I can take anything. But maybe I should go to the castle....just to be cautious." She said to herself quietly as she started to run. The closer she got to the castle, the lower the drawbridge went. [I] Cock-A-Doodle-Doo[/I]. Morning came and she crossed the bridge. She looked around. [I]So many people...So many loud people![/I] She thought to herself as she pushed herself throuhg the crowd. It seemed that no one noticed the 13 year old gerudo. She made her way to the Temple of Time, where it seemed quiet and deserted. She walked inside and saw 3 figures. "Oh, hello. I'm Aerin." She said as she neared them. "Hi there. I'm Link, that's Lilly, and this is Zeo." Link replied to her, as Lilly waved and Zeo nodded. "Whoa! Link?! The Hero of Time Link?" Aerin said in amazement. Link gave somewhat of a grin as he noded his head. ------------------- OOC: The strange yet funny thing is that Zeo is actually how you pronounce my name irl! My name is actually Xiomara, but ppl came me Xio for short. If you don't believe me ask Dark_Dragongirl! We go to school together!
  8. Kaz, I can never desipher what your posts say. Too confusing! And, I'd like to ask, why has everyone been ignoring me? --------------------------------- Yuki, who was sitting next to Kaoru and across from Kenshin and Sanosuke looked down at the beaten Kenshin. "Kenshin are you alright?" She asked, helping him up. "Yes, I think so. Mis--I mean Yuka's hammer sure hurts, that it does." Kenshin replied, while Kaoru and Yuki giggled a little. "Sanosuke, why are you so freaked out about trains?" Yuki asked. Kaoru and Kenshin looked at Sanosuke. He had his arms crossed and was shivvering a little."Because! They are way too big to move by themselves! It's a ghost I tell ya!" He said in a really nervous voice. Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yuki sweatdropped. "Right...wierd..." Yuki muttered, though Sanosuke heard her. "I'm not wierd! A ghost is moving this train and unless you tell me exactly how else it might work, my mind is made up!" He yelled, getting out of his seat. Yuki, on the other hand, remained silent as she stood up. She walked to Yuka and asked her something. She came back with Yuka's hammer and just bonked Sanosuke on the head fairly hard, but not much. "There! Maybe now you'll be resonable about things," she said to him as she returtned the hammer. "Look! We're slowing down!" Katana yelled. --------------------------- hehehe fun post...avoids the [I]mallet[/I] WHY'D YOU TAKE THE STUPID SQUEKY HAMMER, KURUMI????
  9. hmm...the question is good or evil? *ponders in her mind for and hour* okies I'll be good girl! Name: Aerin Age: around 13 Gender: Female Race: a female pirate as you call them Description: She has long red hair, usually in a ponytail and purplish eyes. She wears white pants and a white tanktop (come on! You know what they look like!) Bio: She got exiled from the pirate clan for disobedience and helping the enemy (which was actually an innocent bistander) So after that, she decided to help people instead of hurt them. She some how manages to hang out with Link and Lilly. She still uses the 'fighting style' that the pirates use and the same wepon. Main Weapon: Two curved sword. Look if you played the game you'd know what it looks like, but I dunno what it's called! Other Weapons: A hookshot, and she's got what seems like a warehouse full of potions. She also has the ability to disappear using a deku nut! Good or Evil: I s'pose good
  10. Merry Christmas all! (I got a moped and a gamecube!) ----------------------------- They all soon returned from shopping and Megumi wrapped up Amaya's 'cut' in bandages. Soon they fell asleep afterwards, since they took most the day shopping. In the morning, though, all the middle schoolers got up early. Katana and Yuka especially. They went into everyone's rooms screaming "It's Crhistmas today!" Soon, because of that, everyone was awake and rubbing their eyes. "What's a 'Christmas'?" Yahiko asked, streatching(sp?) The middle schoolers dropped their jaws. "You honestly don't know what Christmas is? You have got to be kidding!" Amaya said. ------------------------ just thought I might start it...merry christmas once again...*gets hit on the head with the squeky hammer of doom* EEK *falls to the ground all swirly eyed like Kenshin does*
  11. Yuki walked along with everyone else. "So where exactly are we going again?" She asked. It seemed everyone lost their train of thought because of the battle. "I believe we were going shopping, that we were." Kenshin answered. "SHOPPING!" Yuka and Katana said together. "THE VOICES ARE BACK!" Yuka said. This time nobody said a word but everyone but Yuka sweatdropped. "Yuka, they told me they wanted to suck out your soul through a camera then go after Sano!" Kaz taunted. Katana, Kurumi, and Yuki snickered as both Sano and Yuka looked afraid. "Hey kid! That's something you should make fun of! Camera's really suck out your soul!" Sano replied, his arms crossed. At this point everyone but Sano started to laugh. "Wait a second! How are we going shopping if we have no money?" Katana asked. She and Yuka soon got in front of Kenshin and did the puppy dog pout. They looked as though they were one the verge of crying. "Ok you two. I'll give you some money, but I don't have a lot." Katana and Yuka sprung up into the air. "WHEE!" Katana yelled as she ran around Kenshin. Everyone then sweatdropped and Yuka smacked her. "Wha--what'd I do now?!" Katana asked quietly as the group lef ther on the ground. Yuki, Kit, Kaz, and Amaya merely shook their heads and hid their faces in embarrasment. -------------------------- *doges the new hammer she game Yuka for Christmas* SAVE ME!!!
  12. OOC: I don't think I'll be able to do anything tomorrow, but maybe we could extend this party, as if it was an all day Christmas special but it would be shown 5 days straight *shudders at the thought* I mean...a lot of us are gonna be real busy on Christmas. Maybe we should start it the day after, when more people could get on...just a thought though!
  13. I helped Dark_Dragongirl out and asked JoyKaiba to let her in...JoyKaiba said yeah and DDG PMed her with her info. I'll try and tell her to post it on the recruitment so everyone can see. ------------------------------------- Mai led Kayla back to the battlefield, where she saw Nick and Julie next to Shuno. Mai did her best not to even give a glance at Legato. Mai and Kayla walked over to the two lovebirds. "Nick, Julie. This is my old friend Kayla. Kayla, these are my friends Nick and Julie." They greeted each other. "Are the other's inside?" Mai asked, still doing her best to keep her eyes off Legato. "Yeah...Dragus stormed off and Sarah, Terran, and Shonya should be in there too." Nick told her. "You gonna be alright Mai?" He asked kindly. Mai honestly didn't know, so she did the only thing she thought of. "Yeah...whatever." She replied to him, walking inside a hospital. Kayla followed, and soon they met up with Sarah. Mai introduced both of them and they greeted each other as well. "Do you know where the others are, Sarah?" Mai asked. Sarah shook her head. "No. I saw Draggus come in here just a minute ago, but he looked pissed off. Terran and Shonya I just haven't seen." She said. Mai nodded thanks and walked into her own hospital room. "Please tell me, Mai, why in the world are we in a hospital?" Kayla asked, looking around. "Because this is where we're staying," Mai said sitting on her bed. Kayla sat next to her and they started to talk.
  14. Yuki put her hand on her head. "What happened?" She muttered as she opened her eyes. Kenshin and Megumi were standing over her, but staring at Yuka. "Why are you all staring at Yu--" She asked, but without seeing the dead body. Yuki's eyes widened. [I]I love to see fighting as much as the next Kenshin fan...but this is too gruesome![/I] She thought, not daring to even gasp. "Yuka...what have you done?" She asked quietly. There was no answer though, because the police resumed fighting. Yuki took out her sword, almost subconsiously, and charged at the one who knocked her unconsious. After being slashed by him once again, she hit him just like he did her. "How does it feel?" She spat at the white eyed policeman. "Enough!" Kenshin and Sano suddenly yelled. ------------------------------ Hehehehe bad Yuka! *steals her queky hammer and hits her* No disk thingies for you!
  15. And I thought this was a hopeless cause! Hehehe I've got one person by their own free will and one....never her mind!
  16. Yuki kept blushing from her little 'breakout' and started up the 'we know everything' conversation again. "We really do know everything," she said with a smirk, "even the time Kenshin ran into the bathroom while Kaoru was taking a bath." Katana and Yuka sniggered while everyone else looked at the blushing Kenshin and Kaoru with a grin. "Geez Kenshin! They know more about you than we do!" Yahiko said, still grinning. "That's none of your buisness!" Kaoru yelled at them. Yuki just sat there, supressing her laughter. Megumi was still weary (sp?) of the newcomers. "How do we know they just haven't spied on us from start to finish?" She asked. "Because I don't think these to could spy well. They're too loud." Kit said pointing to Yuka and Katana. They both glared at him. "Who are you calling loud?" Katana asked with a scary look.(white semi-circle eyes and the open mouth that doesn't move)Everyone just laughed and started to eat again. Kaoru was soon interested in Yuki's riceballs and took a bite, just to see if they were as bad as hers. "Hey! These aren't half bad for your first try! Katana, you're probably just not used to the taste of riceballs. " Kaoru said encouragingly. Yuki scratched the bak of her head and blushed. With two different opinons everyone wanted to see how they actually tasted. As soon as everyone took their first bite, there were various comments around the room. Yet, there were too many 'yucks.' A anime sweatdrop appeared behind her head. Soon they all finished eating and they all got up.
  17. This is my first Rpg so give me a break! [I] Vash and his friends travel along the dusty desert of Gunsmoke and stop at a bar to rest. Soon after they arrive a young girl walks in and does not take her eyes off of Vash. The strange thing is, she looks just like Vash! Is she really who she claims she is? Does Vash the Stampede really have a duaghter?[/I] Not much to go on I know but give me a break please! I suppose Julie could be in the story too.I'm going to need someone to be Vash and everyone else too. This is the stuff I need to know: Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Wepon(s): Here's my info: Name: Valerey Age: 16 Gender: Female Description: She has fairly long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She wears blue jeans and a red t-shirt and she's about as tall as Vash's neck. Bio: She was an orphan until she was 10, then Vash adopted her. The only problem was he was drunk so he was drunk. So, in the morning, he had no idea who she was and just left her. She's been serching for him ever since. Wepon(s): She has two handguns and that's about it.
  18. Hehehe my cooking in the real world is actually quiet good, but here I've never cooked before... ----------------------- Yuki looked around wondering when people would start to eat the food she made. She ate Kenshin's food slowly, her eyes still darting from her food to everyone. Soon, she saw Katana reach for the batch of rice balls she made. Katana took a bite, chewed, and spat it out. "EEW! This tastes nasty! Who made these? Was it Kaoru?" She asked rather loudly. Yuki and Kaoru almost toppled over (anime style) Kaoru glared at her angrily and said, "My cooking may not be as good as Kenshin's, but I am a very talented cook! Wait a second, how do you know how my cooking tastes?" The middle schoolers looked around and decided it was high time to tell them what they were in their time. Yuki went first by explaining what a TV was. "A TV is a device you use to watch shows. It's really confusing if you get into detail but if you turn it on, images appear!" She said. "And at our Junior High, you are all one really cool TV show! Everyone there loves to talk about all of you!" Yuka said next. Katana explained even more,"In your TV show, they show all of your adventures! Everyone enjoys watching them!" "It shows us from the day Kenshin defeated that Battousai imposter and started to live at the Kamiya dojo, to the battle with Shishio! We know almost everything you've guys have done!" Kit added. They paused and looked at the Kenshin gang who were staring at them with a confused look.
  19. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    OOC: Crossbows only shoot one arrow at a time.
  20. DG, will you post the one we were talking abouit here? thanks oodles. hehehe I said oodles...
  21. [color=crimson]Vanesa fell to the ground along with everyone else...except Tyler. She got on her knees and put her hands on her head. "I-I can remember...e-e-everything the humanoid typhoon's done! I know every bit of it! I-I-I know what he was feeling when he was feeling it! It's like...it's like I'm him or something!" She muttered to herself, putting her head to the ground. It was true. Vanesa had just 'inherited' Vash the Stampede's memories. They were a bit too much though...he had done so many things and lived for so long. Again, Vanesa saw the man with the blue hair, though this time he didn't have a gun to his head. Suddenly, a name came to her. [I]Legato Bluesummers.[/I] Vanesa shudders at all the memories she saw, though she didn't move from that one spot. [/color]
  22. Xio spread out the map and looked it over. "If we made a left turn here...we outta be here!" She said to Cyder as he ate some food. "Cyda! Quil!" He responded. She looked up and saw she was near the edge of a woods. Suddenly, she felt some peck at her head. She turned around and saw a medium sized Pidgey in front of her. "Whaa!" She said as she fell down from suprise. She quickly got up. "Cyder! Go!" She yelled. Cynder immediately stopped eating and faced the Pidgey. "Use your smokescreen!" Xio called as she got out a pokeball. [I]Hehehe...this'll be easy[/I] She thought. "Now use your ember attack!" She yelled. Quickly, Cyder shot out about 3 small balls of fire onto Pidgey. Pidgey flapped around, trying to put the fires out, but in the process used sand-attack. Xio covered her eyes, and Cyder did as well. "Cyder use it again! Quick!" She ordered. Cynder repeated the attack, and without a another struggle, it fell to the ground unconsious. "Good job Cynder!" Xio cried as she tossed the pokeball. It shook three times before it was completly calm. She couldn't contain her excitment. "Yeah! We rock!" She screamed, jumping into the air. "We caught a pidgey!" Xio laughed as Cynder and herself ran into the forest, following the path until they ran right into Amber and Charlia. Amber and Xio fell to the ground. "ow! I'm really sorry! I just got carried away...I caught my first pokemon you know!" Xio said apologetically. "Yeah...I understand. I'm ok, are you?" Amber asked. "I think I am." Xio replied sanding up and helping Amber up. "I'm Xio by the way. And that's Cynder!" Xio said, pointing to her cyndiquil. "Well I'm Amber, and this is Charlia." Amber said, also pointing at her Charizard. "Well, see ya around Amber and Chalia! We've got places to be!" Xio said as she ran off again, waving at Amber and followed by Cyder. ----------------------- I'm basing most of this stuff on what probably I would actually do (running into people, getting over excited, having a messy room, etc.)
  23. [color=crimson]Vanesa walked into the bar as soon as the three men were thrown out. "Heh. Probably did em right." She said to herself as she passed them by. The moment she steped in she saw Tyler's cross, since it's not all that hideable. [I]That's like Nicholas's cross.[/I] She thought as she sat next to him. "Can I get you anything, miss?" Nick asked her. "Yeah, I'll take a glass of water." She answered. She never really was much of a drinker. She closed her eyes. She had another vision...it was the same man with a red coat and blonde, spiked hair. This time, he had a gun to a man with blue hair's head. She opened her eyes. "Vash the Stampede. That must who he is..." She muttered quietly though not nearly quietly enough. "What did you just say about Vash the Stampede?" Tyler asked her. "It doesn't really matter, I was just thinking aloud." She answered him. If people heard she had visions like this, they might think she's wierd. She drank her water and turned to Nick, Tyler, and Juliana. "My name's Vanesa, by the way. Vanesa Shnider. What are yours?" She asked them, thinking they looked vaguely familiar. "Juliana,""Nicholas,""Tyler" They all replied. "I see." Vanesa said, still eyeballing Tyler's cross. "That's...the same kind of cross Nicholas D. Wolfwood used to bear." She finally said. Tyler nodded, "Yep. Sure is." Vanesa finished drinking her water and paid Nick.[/color]
  24. well look! the thread is being neglected! ---------------------- Link and Azel got up, holding their heads. "What happened?" Azel asked. Kay looked a bit less worried. "I wish I knew. Where's everyone else?" She asked. Link's eyes went wide open suddenly, "Kia...something's wrong with Kia! She attacked, both of us!" He said almost as if he was scared. "Kia? Are you sure? Kia woudn't do that. Would she?" Kay asked. They were all a bit confused. "Well in any case we should get out of here. The inside of a volcano isn't the best place to think." She said, starting to walk out with Azel and Link, though Link walked the slowest.
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