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Everything posted by Che

  1. Morning came, and everyone who was asleep woke up. Yuki yawned. "I wish I had my pillow..." She said as she got dressed. She looked at Amaya. "They don't have toothpaste here do they?" She asked dissapointedly. "Nope." Amaya answered. "At least there's a bath..." Yuki muttered. She walked out, wondering when breakfast was. Suddenly, she remembered Kit. She ran into the room she was in last night. Megumi, Katana, and Yuka were still there. "Megumi! Is he ok?" She asked rather loudly. "He woke up last night, so I'm pretty sure he is." She said. Yuki smiled. "Ok. Thanks." She said walking out. She walked back to her room, but while rounding a corner she ran smack into Sanosuke. "Ow! That hurt!" She said rubbing her head, while getting off the ground. "What'd I hit?" Sano asked himself looking down at Yuki. "Oh it's the future girl. You ok?" He asked her, helping her up. "I'm fine. Say...when's breakfast, Sano?" She asked as her stomach growled. "When they're done making it. If you're so hungry, maybe you should go help 'em" Sano replied, pointing to the kitchen. "Alright...but I cook probably worse than Kaoru." She said quietly. Sano gave her a puzzled look as she walked into the kitchen.
  2. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    "You shouldn't play tricks like that, you might get hurt!" Kia taunted. [I]This guy isn't so tough! He's played all his cards and he's only seen one of mine![/I] Kia thought as she rushed her raising opponent. "Be gone! I was fighting with the other girl not you!" He said. "Shut up and fight me." Kia spat. "You incolent little twerp! I'll show you!" He yelled as he rushed at her. Kia easily dodged him and slashed his back again. "Is that all you've got old man?" She said as she dodged his knives. "You're dead!" Kia rushed at him, as quickly as she could and slashed him once and for all. Kia walked back to DG and Mal while the severed head and body dropped to the ground.
  3. Mai followed Vash into a room. "So, what's up boss?" Mai asked, her voice full of more admiration than it ever has when she spoke with Legato.Vash looked at her "Well, what have you done in the past few months? Don't tell me you havn't gotten anything done..." Vash said. Mai leaned against the wall. [I]Man I thought he was going to promote me or something... [/I]Mai thought."Well, me and Kayla found Knives and his little buddies. Plus, they've got Wolfwood. My hatred towards Legato has also slightly grown." Mai said, almost sounding triumphant. "Why do you hate Legato so much?" Vash asked her, frowning. Mai looked down. "Sorry. I was out of line to speak like that," she said, thinking something bad was going to happen."Why don't you forget all that stuff. Legato was right, I do have something for everyone. For you, power. You now have as much power as Legato. So in other words, you've got yourself a promotion. But, if you fail me at all, you'll get more than a demotion." Vash said to her, watching her brighted expression. "Thanks boss!" She said, hiding her happiness. "Yeah, yeah. Go send Kayla in!"Vash responded. Mai nodded and walked out. "Your turn Kayla. I think he's in a good mood!" Mai said to her.
  4. Mai glanced over at Julie. [I]Julie...what are you thinking?[/I] Her stare went back to Legato after a second. [I]Stocatta is right. He's a liar and a killer. He has to be stopped, family or not.[/I] [color=purple]Goodbye, brother[/color] She gulped, and sowly pulled the trigger in the same instant Julie fired her Angel Arm. There was a blinding light, in which no one could see what was happening. When the light dimmed, there was a figure on the ground, in a puddle of blood. Legato was the figure. Mai was gone though. The only thing that could be found of her was her gun on the ground whre she stood. She had ran into an alley, sitting next to a building sobbing. [I]Oh God! What have I done! Have I truly killed my brother? [/I]She thought as she sobbed alone. ----------------------------- Sorry, JoyKaiba, if you wanted to do something before you fired.
  5. "Xio wake up!" Xio's mother cried as Xio pressed t he snooze button for the 5th time. Xio's mother shook her, "wake up dear, you're supposed to be on the road!" Xio fell off the bed and onto the floor, snoring peacefully. "XIO! WAKE UP!" Her mother screamed in her ear. "Wha? Wha? I'm awake! I'm awake!" Xio cried, looking around as if there was an emergancy. Cyndiquil was next to her mother, playing with it's pokeball. "Hey Cyder! Havin' fun?" She asked as she started to pet it. "Cynda, cyndaquil!" Was her response from the fire pokemon. "Xio, you said two weeks ago that today is the day you set out. You got this cyndiquil from your older brother, and it's high time you go out and train it! If you ever want to be an aacomplished pokemon trainer...never mind. You're drifting back to sleep already! Just get dressed." Her mother lectured, and she walked out of the room. Xio yawned as she got dressed out of her pajamas and into her favorite outfit for traveling. "Here Cynder, have some food." She said as she set down a plate of pokechow. Xio looked around for her backpack, "maybe mom was right when she said I needed to clean my room." She said as she found it on top of an empty pizza box. As soon as Cyder finished, they walked downstairs. "Your father sent these, honey!" Her mother said, handing Xio a fairly stuffed parcel. She took out a letter and read it aloud: [I]Dear Xio, I know that you're going to become a better trainer than you're brothers. Here's some stuff to give you a good start. Say hi to Mom and Cynder for me. Love, Dad[/I] Xio took out the items. "Look mom! Dad sent me a whole bunch of trainer items! See! There are 5 pokeballs, a pokedex, a potion, and an antidote." She said as she put most the stuff in her backpack. Suddenly, her mom hugged her tightly and started crying. "Oh honey! You're all I have left! Everyone else left! Oh honey I'm going to miss you so much!" She cried, not daring to let go. "Mom! Mom you're choking me!" Xio gasped. "Oh sorry honey! I guess I got overexcited!" Her mother apologized. "Yeah...no problem." Xio replied as an anime sweatdrop appeared on the back of her head. "Well, bye mom!" She said as she hugged her mother. "Bye dear! And don't forget to eat!" Her mother cried out to her as Xio left. "C'Mon Cyder! Race to the next route!" She said to the pokemon next to her. ---------------------- That was fairly long....yet so much like me.
  6. howdy Kayla..minaswell join this thing... ------------------------ Name: Xio Age: 12 Gender: Female Description: Short black hair, brown eyes, wears a white t-shirt and blue baggy jeans. Bio: She grew up in Wood Town and her older brothers had all left to become pokemon masters. That's where she got her goal from. Her dad is also a gym leader in a different region... Starter Pokemon: Cyndiqui (Cyder) What I want to be: Trainer
  7. Fun! Name: Vanesa Shnider Age: 16 Gender: Female Weapon(s): .45 Colt (it's resonable for me!) Description: semi-long blonde hair with blue eyes.Also has two silver earings in her left ear. Wears a dark red t-shirt and blue jeans. Not much to say here... Bio: She really has a mixed personality but is usually happy. She sees stuff she'd never thought about before, sometimes, when she closes her eyes. Soon she becomes the person who she sees the most often in these strange 'visions.' Reincarnation or Bad Guy: Vash the Stampede if you haven't already guessed.
  8. hmm...legato eh....still don't like him that much (carried that taste from the other story ^_^') --------------------- Mai walked quicker than the others. [I]Why did Legato sound so urgent? Who cares, Legato's an idiot anyways.[/I] She thought. Mai never did like Legato...especially since he was Vash's closest 'minion.' They soon arrived at Vash's hideout (can't quite think of where it might be) They walked in to be eerily greeted by Legato. "So what does Vash want?" She spat. "He wants to talk to you all. You especially, Mai. I think he may have something special for you all." Legato replied, ignoring Mai's ovious hatred towards him. ----------------------- hehe I love making things a bit more difficult...
  9. She had a clear shot of him. Legato made no move or any atempt to move. "My dear sister. How long has it been since we were face to face? Ah, how I longed to see your beautiful smi--" Legato said, though he was cut off by Mai's gunshot inches away from his neck. "DON'T GIVE ME YOUR CRAP!" She screamed at him. "I am going to kill you Legato! And afterwards I'm going to stay here with these people, and act as though you never scarred my life. Nothing you say or do can change my plan of action!" Again her voice wavered. Legato mearly(sp?) smiled. "I realized you're angry with me, but please forgive me dear sister. I was such a fool! I abandoned you without any thought of how you might feel jsut so I may be with my master! Please forgive me!" He said sarcasticly. Again there was a gunshot, yet this time it was nearer to his neck. "I promise you, the next word you say will be your last!" She yelled, her voice doing more than waverng. At long last, Mai had finally allowed herself to cry. A few tears ran down her cheek as she aimed her gun directly in the middle of Legato's neck. [color=green] You don't have the courage do you? The courage to shoot your own brother. You don't have what it takes to do what you need to. That is why I abandoned you. Because you are not strong.[/color] [color=purple] Shut up. You abandoned me because you don't have a shread of remorse about what happens to everyone else as long as you're happy. And I'm just letting live a bit longer because you're my brother...that's why I haven't pulled the triger yet.[/color] ----------------- suspense [I] and [/I] drama. How much tenser can it be?
  10. [I] Kit....I wonder if he'll be ok.[/I] Yuki thought. She sat there, with Megumi and Katana. "I wanna go home..." She muttered, though it went unnoticed. She got up. "Where are you going?" Megumi asked, as if she thought Yuki was going to go kill another officer. "I need some fresh(sp?) air." She replied as she walked out of the dojo. She went out and sat, leaning against a wall, with her face hiding in her legs. [I] Why am I here...[/I] she thought. No sooner than 2 minutes after she got outside, Kenshin appeared next to her. "What are you doing out here, Miss Yuki?" He asked her. She blushed at him when she heard 'Miss Yuki.' "I just wanted to get my head straight. Besides, I don't like to stare at a person with a seriously wounded sholder in a room with a crazy, hyper girl and a somewhat snotty doctor." She replied to him quietly. "Kenshin, you believe us don't you? About us not coming from this era, you believe us right?" She looked up at him. "I can't quiet tell if you're being truthful, but I do think that you do not belong in this era, that I do." He responded to her with a smile, making her blush more. "Now I think you should go back to bed." She got up, "you're right. Goodnight Kenshin!" She ran off and back to her room and got nestled in her blankets. [I] Kenshin's right. I should get some sleep[/I] she thought as she drifted into a peaceful sleep. ---------------------------- In case you haven't noticed by now, Kenshin's my fav. and I'm one of the more serious characters!
  11. Mai stood up straight, ignoring both her wounds and Shuno. [color=purple] Can you guys take care of Shuno? I've got personal buisness with Legato.[/color] [color=silver] Gotcha[/color] [color=pink] Okay![/color] Mai raised her gun. "So, Legato, it seems you've become man enough to come to your own battles. Yet you seem to still be so cowerdly as to not fight your own battles. It seems I'm much better than you at battles, eh older brother? I'm sorry, calling you my brother would be a disgrace to both me and mother. Today is the day you die for what you did to me Legato!" Her voice wavered, as if she was holding back tears. [I] Legato I hate you. I always will.[/I] --------------------- MWAHAHAHA Sibling Rivalry! (sp?)
  12. ;_; I haven't been metioned for a while ;_; ----------- Yuki walked along side Sano. "Hey! Where the heck you come from?" He yelled as he looked down. "Sorry...I'm not very noticable I suppose..." Yuki replied softly. She was scared...that's all there is to it. She was it the Meiji era with a bunch of people she barely talked to at school. Her only salvation was that Kenshin was near. ------------------------- No time, I'm at school!
  13. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Kia looked around and sighed. [I] Man! These people are too uptight! So what if anyone's following us, we can take 'em![/I] She thought. "I'M BORED!" She groned aloud. DG shook her head, "no one told you this was gonna be fun, Kia. Maybe you should've stayed with my grandfather after all." She said, teasing her with the thought of staying home and cleaning. Kia was shocked. "Never! I don't wanna be at home cooking and cleaning while you get all the glory for rescuing Kenshin!" DG laughed and Mal gave a slight chuckle. "Kia, chill! I was just kidding!" But Kia wasn't listining. She was thinking about something that was nagging at her. "DG, if Kenshin is so powerful, then why'd he let himself get caught?"
  14. Look! We're all gonna be in the same bar (Clarence, Kal, and I) ----------------------- Kay walked into the bar...noticed by every at least somewhat womanizing man in there. She was extreamly tempted to whip out her gun and shoot the guy who whisled at her. She sat down at an empty table and order a shot of whiskey. She spied the two men talking. [I]Hmm...they oddly stick out of the bunch. Maybe they're the owners of the angle arms.[/I] Kay thought. Soon she got up and sat at thier table. "Howdy boys." She said to them, leaning her chair back. Kal looked at her, "hello there!" He said. Kay leaned back a bit more, and fell backwards at the tone of Kal's voice. ------------------------------- Sounds just like me!:p (the falling back part)
  15. Yuki sighed as the teacher spoke slowly about math. She figited annoyingly. "Mr. Tokuoka! May I go to my locker? I forgot my math book." She said, hiding her math book in her bookbag. "Hurry up Yuki, this is very important." Yuki quickly ran out of her homeroom and to her locker. She scavenged it for her drawing book where she doodled little Kenshin pictures. Soon she found it and started walking slowly back to the room. Suddenly, she dropped her notebook, and everything went into a complete darkness. "What's happening?" Yuki said to herself. Her clothes were changing, and there was a blinding light. Soon, after floating in the dark abys, she landed on grass. She looked around. To her left, she saw some kids from school, running from the police. "Look there's another one!" A police said. Yuki soon realized what was happening. She was carrying a sword. She was in the meiji era. She started running, heading towards the familiar faces. "Let's head that way!" Yuki panted pointing to the right. "If we're in the Meiji era, that means we're bound to find Kenshin! We've just gotta look!" So they all started running to the left as fast as they could.
  16. Mai woke up, with the bright sunlight in her eyes. She rubbed her head and got up. As she was getting dressed she sensed something. [color=purple]Legato! You're moving towards us? How come? You never do your own dirty work![/color] No answer. [I]Legato is coming. There's gonna be a big mess here.[/I] She got dressed and went outside without anyone noticing her. She walked to a tavern, as painful as it was to walk. She needed to be away from her companions long enough to think. [I] Shuno was attacking, I saved them. He came back for revenge. He almost got it. I'm hanging out with relatives of Vash the Stampede and Knives. What the hell have I gotten myself into? God, Legato it's all your fault![/I] She got up and walked out of the bar. She kept on thinking until she got back to the hospital and joined the others. -------------------- Sorry it's not too detailed but I'm at school and I'm supposed to be doing something. I can't quiet remember what it is...
  17. Sounds like fun...riping the time space continum... ------------------------------ Name: Yuki Ataki Gender: Female Age: 13 Grade: 7 Present Time Appearance:[url=http://mail.vcs-k12.net/X3786999b9bcf9f9d6cf6e1cd/attach/Main/4/1/1071587184/yuki.jpg] Here, I fixed it! [/url] Meiji Era Appearance: [url=http://www.cafemaru.net/rinka/enter.jpg] Right here [/url] Weapon: Sword...no spacificness.... Personality: She's quite shy but when she is in battle she can be quite suprising...maybe a bit mysterious as well Bio: She was a very good student who never really was bad. She was quite puntual and a bit talkitive. But since she's been 'sent back in time' she's been quiet. She rarely talks yet she is very strong. Thing They Miss the Most from the Present Era: Family and Friends...
  18. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Kia listened intentavely to what the master said. "Kia can we go now?" DG asked impatiently. "Hold your horses! Im coming in a second!" Kia responded. DG suddenly noticed Kia's sword was not on her back. "Kia! Where'd your sword go?" She said looking down to check if hers was gone as well, "and where'd mine go?" "They're both right here. A guy outside was tryin' to run off with them." Gene said, pushing through the crowd. He handed them their wepons and they left. Outside Mal was talking to a man on the floor. "Who's that?" Kia and DG asked. "Turns out he's one of Ebiru's guys." Mal said dropping his zanbatou to walk over to the others.
  19. Name: Kay Valentine Sex: Female Age: 16 Role: Decendent of Knives Apperance: She has medium blonde hair, along with light blue eyes. She usually wears dark yellow sunglasses, and a white T-Shirt. She also wears baggy blue jeans with a chain falling from her pocket, as well as black boots.... Bio: Her father went crazy when she was 10 and shot her mother. As revenge, she shot her dad right after, giving herself and shiny new criminal record. She ran away after that to escape the police and has been wandering ever since. Wepons: A shiny, black, .45 Long Colt (I think that's Vash's gun..) As well as a knife hidden in her boot.
  20. Che


    *blushes outta embarassment* sorry...i wasn't having a good day yesterday...
  21. Che


    Sora only lost cuz an invisible person puhed him. That's my escuse until I see the episode again, then I can think of a resonable explanation why Sora lost. *Give the Crim fans a thumbs down* Sora is way better! I mean you can't fight the majority! Look at the chart! Charts never lie!
  22. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Kia woke up finally. She heard something, a minute ago. Ebirus's voice rang faintly in her ears. She knew he was near, yet he was not after them. She shook her head, trying not to remember her battle. She despised failure. Suddenl, she remembered what she promiced DG's granfather and started to write a letter to him, telling him what happened. She got up and changed out of her hospital clothes and walked outside. DG woke up during the middle of the night, Kia thought, otherwise she would be awake. She found the nearest post office and dropped her letter off. As she walked back to the hospital, she noticed a face in a window of the hotel near the hospital. She felt the same eerie feeling as the one in the forest. She knew these people had followed DG and her. She ran inside and laid back down, waiting for DG to wake up. -------------- It ain't perfect but it'll probably keep the story going...
  23. My full name is Xiomara Elizibeth Virola. My dad calls me: 1.Baby Girl 2.Xiomarita (spanish) 3.Bruha(sp. spanish for wicth) 4.Xio My mom calls me: 1.Xio My brothers call me: 1.Monkey 2.Gay 3.Stupid 4.Xio 5.Slave :p My friends call me: 1.Xio 2.Cat lady 3.idiot 4. mentally challenged 5.retarded 6.B**ch(this one is from someone who doesn't really like me) As you can see...I have very,very strange nicknames o.o *hides from the world*
  24. i hope I'm not too late... Name: Yuki Nagaki Age: 20 Apearence: Black hair purplish eyes. Wears a plain blue kimono, she wears a sword under her belt that she has almost fully mastered. Bio: She mastered the Kamiya Kashin style with her sword. She hangs with Kaoru most of the time but that's because their long-lost cousins. She is very kind but very powerful when in battle. Attitude: Very kind and helpful. She is also very friendly.
  25. Che

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Both Kia and DG cringed with pain. "DG...I think he dipped his shuriken with poison! I've never felt pain like this!" Kia said as her vision started to blur. Both of them started breathing heavily as they walk slower and slower through the town, looking for a doctor. Soon they found a hospital and gasped the words "we've been poisoned" to the nurse. Before they knew it, they were in hospital beds, recovering from their battle.
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