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Everything posted by Che
No offese to all who are writing in this forum, but you people need to type! It's practically the same 4 people and only two of those has posted recently! This is getting extreamly boring! ---------------------------- Mai smiled weakly at the others. "You guys must be deaf, Sarah have been shooting our guns and fighting with a freak for about fifteen minutes or so." Sarah and Mai gave out a slight chuckle though the others didn't seem think it was funny. "So who was this freak you guys were fighting, anyway?" Terran asked. "It was Shuno again. This time he was ultra freaky," Sarah responded. They got Mai a bed,,and she fell asleep while the others talked about very important matters. ------------------------- You better stop your fancy 'excercising' and glue your eyeballs to the computer screen! :p
:p whoooo people don't know my name so I'm now being referred to 'the other girl' :p just kidding! ------------------------------------ Kia stopped. She thought she heard something rush past them. "What's wrong," DG asked her. Kia looked around trying to see if anything was there, "I thought I heard something. Oh well, it must've been nothing if you didn't hear it." And they pressed onward. "DG...i anything following us?" Kia asked, her voice filled with worry. She didn't feel like fighting so soon. DG sighed as she explained what she felt since they set foot into the forest. Kia just blinked and shuddered. "Looks like we better be on our toes. That person might attack!" She said with a dash of fear in her voice. Soon they made their way to the edge of the forest. They walked to the top of a small hill and looked at the nearby city. "C'mon, if our follower is there we probably shouldn't keep them waiting." DG said with a sort of smirk on her face as she rested her hand on her sword.
:) 'suprisingly' I'm not going to be who my otaku username sugests. In the real world ------------------------------- Name: Yuki Shinomori Age: 15 Description: Blue eyes and blonde hair. She wears her school uniform mostly but sometimes she wears a blue dress. Bio: A young girl who is very annoying to others. She never knows when to quit but if you can put up with her she is a very good friend. She is somewhat crazy/immature and maybe a little boycrazy. She is very good friends with Sora! Occupation: Student ------------------------------- In The World ------------------------------- Name: Sakura Description: Short purple hair with the same blue eyes. She has a Fire Rod as her wepon and she uses her spells more than items. She wears a bit of a revealing outfit (think Mimiru except that it's green for some reason) Her personalty doesn't change much in The World. Class: Wavemaster
[I]Legato...what the hell have you done?[/I] Mai thought as fear slowly crept into her mind. [I] Maybe...I shouldn't of done this. Maybe I should've let Legato be...[/I] "Shuno! What has my brother done to you?" Mai yelled. [color=purple] Sarah, if you can distract him for a second, I can get behind him. Then on the count of 3, we shoot him. He can't block both of out bullets.[/color] Sarah nodded and stated talking to Shuno about something that made no sense while Mai slid over a few steps at a time. Shuno soon caught on and swug his sword but hit nothing. "What kind of a fool do you take me for? Didn't you hear me when I said I could hear your thought? It's pointless to try and win.." He yelled at them but his words were cut off by Sarah as she shouted, louder than Shuno's 'speach', "THREE!!" Both Sarah and Mai shot at Shuno...but their plan failed. Shuno simply stepped out of the way. "Oh so close. Maybe you should listen," he taunted. He thrust his sword again but this hit Mai. "Gaah!" She cried as she fell to the ground, blood spattered all over her stomach area. [color=purple] Legato call him off.[/color] [color=green] I'm sorry, dear sister, but I can't do that[/color] [color=purple] You're willing to kill your own flesh and blood just to kill some innocent people? You sicken me! [/color] Seconds later Mai passed out leaving Sarah to fight Shuno alone. ------------------- Take it away anybody...
Kay soon reached the goron village, with the wounded creatures scattered around. She walked over to one of them that look actually concious. "Excuse me, but have you seen a young man wearing green?" She asked the strange creature politely. He grunted "yeah. He went up to the fire temple. He hasn't come down for a while though. If your going up there you might want to wear a goron tunic." He said, but Kay had already started racing up the mountain. Soon she was in front of the entrance of the temple. She put the tunic on and ran in. "Link? Kia? Anyone?" She yelled as she walked in further. She heard a light grunt and started running, not paying attetion to anything but a small green blur by a wall. Soon, as she neared it, she tripped over Azel. "Are you OK?" She asked as she took out a red potion. "Drink this. It'll help." She said as she put the bottle to his lips. As soon as she was sure he drank it, she ran to Link. He's more injured than the other one, Kay thought as she took out another potion. "Link...hurry and drink this!" She cried. Link drank slowly as she put the red potion to his lips as well. ------------------ OK, I've got no more time or ideas so someone's gonna have to finish this scene for me.
hmmmm...no offense JoyKaiba, but don't you think you should finish up your other Trigun rpg? Oh well here I come: Name: Mai (just like last time) Age: 16 Gender: female Wepons: two handguns strapped to her legs Discription: Dark black hair, black eyes, wears a dark tealish t-shirt and skirt (which hides her two guns) and a silver chain bracelet Bio: hates the rest of the world because of an unknown expierience. Ran away at 14 ran into Vash at 15. She's a ruthless fighter with a bad attitude which made he Vash's 'right hand minion' Side: Vash
Kia wandered around in the town square pushing through the crowds of people. She felt a slight snag from her sword on her back and saw a man running off with her sword in his hands. "get back here you theif!" She yelled as she cased after him. Sudenly she jumped up and landed right in front of him. She punched him in the face, leaving him unconsious, took her sword, and walked off. She was just about to leave the town again when she saw DG. "Hey DG! Over here!" Kia said, waving at her best friend. DG looked around and saw a girl waving at her. She smiled and ran up to Kia. "Kia, what are you doing here?" DG asked her as they walked through the town. "Looking for you. Is it true what they say? Is it true that the Battousai is kidnapped?" Kia asked. DG looked at her,"yup, that's what I'm here for. I'm looking for him." ------- That's all I could do sorry it's so short!
hi kayla! just how you told me to edit it...kinda... ---------- Name: Kia ???? Age: 13 Gender: Female Discription: Black hair, wears a blue outfit (blue T-shirt and fairly long skirt) with brown leather boots. Bio: She's DG's friend. She travels along hoping to meet the legendary manslayer. She's got a bit of an attitude but when it counts, she can be serious and use her intellegence to get out of a sticky situation. She is skilled with her sword and she uses her own technic. She can not get caught by anyone who chases her. Has a big appitite at times and sometimes may be a bit ignorant but is a pretty good person and a very good fighter. Wepons:She carries a regular sword on her back. Side: Good!
Mai walked outside the hospital to get some peace and quiet, soon followed by Sarah."Sarah, I'm sorry. Just trying to help. Didn't mean anything by it." Mai apologized. Sarah looked a little bitter."S'ok. I don't care." She said. Mai smiled, she cared and Mai knew that, "Alright then," Mai said turning to the door, "I'm gonna go back inside and see if this place has any food. Wanna come?" Sarah looked at Mai and shrugged, "sure. Why not." They went inside not aware of Shuno lurking around. ------------------ Sorry it's so short. I'm on a time limit right now.
Mai stood outside of the hospital, just staring out into space. [I]Legato...if only I knew why you want these people dead so much. Why are you so intent on killing them? In any case, as long as one survives, you have not won.[/I] She thought. "If you didn't abandon me in the first place...things could've turned out differently..." Mai said under her breath. She walked into the hospital, and walked into Julie's room. She was oviously hurting. "Hey, you gonna be OK?" Mai asked, strangely without the eerie emptiness in her voice. Shocked by Mai's 'new voice' she only nodded her head. Mai smiled, again without the eerieness as before. "Legato is after the humanoids. That's all I know, except for the fact that he'll send someone to come after you guys and me as well." Mai said. "Why do are you helping me? Why aren't you helping your brother?" Julie asked quietly. Mai closed her eyes and turned her head, as if ashmed. "Honestly, I'm not quiet sure why myself. Maybe, it's because I want revenge on my brother for what he made me go through. Or maybe I just want to make some new friends. God only knows. Well anyway your friends are still in trouble, so we should still be worried." Mai opened her eyes again, just to see Julie stare at her. "Why don't you go help them?" She asked. Mai turned away from her and made a move for the door, "because I can't." -------------------------- OOC: Sorry if it's confusing or too serious...sometimes when I get mad I'm like that: confusing and a bit mysterious...
~~Back at the Temple of Time~~ Kay walked inside, cautiously. She had never been in here before, not even with her sisters. She looked around in the huge building. She walked up the small flight of steps, trying to ignore the eerie silence in the building. Then she saw, right in front of her, the stand in which the master sword used to stand. "Whoa, this is so cool," she whispered to herself as she ran her fingers on the walls. Suddenly, Impa came out of no where. "Impa! You scared me! What are you doing here, anyways?" Kay asked. "Looking for you," Impa replied, "go now to the moutain of the gorons to aid those who fight there. And take this, youngest of the three siblings, ocarina to aid you. In times of need play this song:" Impa gave Kay a small red ocarina, nothing like the ocarina of time but it gave a strange mystical feeling off of the smooth red glass. After Kay had it in her hands, Impa started whisleling(I can't spell sorry:p). The tune was like nothing Kay had ever heard before, it was calm yet powerful. When Impa finished, Kay played the exact tune. "Play this song when you need help. I will come to aid you now go to Death Mountain!" With that she was gone in a litteral flash of a deku nut. Kay just stared for a moment and then ran off. --------------------------- Hope that's ok!
Kay ran into the inn, and soon found the room Link was in. "Link? Are you in here?" She cried as she knocked on the door. Link answered the door, shushing her. "Quiet down, Kia is sleeping. What's the matter, anyways?" Link said quietly, letting Kay inside. "This time, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. Someone has attacked the Gorons and the Gerudos. Even my sisters are confused. I think that this evil being that has attacked the Gorons and Gerdos may have been sensed by your horses and caused them to freak out. Just a theory of course." Kay explained rather quickly. "Hmm, you said before Ganondorf will escape soon. So do you think he has?" Link asked. "No, he hasn't escaped yet. Not that I know of. Well, I'm honestly confused just as much as you are. I told you this stuff yet again because my sister told me to. So now I have to go." Kay said heading toward the door. "Later! And tell everyone I said hi." Kay left and shut the door quietly behind her. As soon as she left the inn, she headed toward the Temple of Time. Something was telling her to go there...
Mai silently walked onto the battlefield,watching what was happening without even being noticed. Finally, she stepped in."So you're Shuno?" She pulled out her gun and shot the mouthpiece off of Shuno's saxophone.She smiled somewhat and said,"You are not the only one who knows about music. A saxophone player can't play without the mouthpiece. Now go tell my brother you've been defeated by his sister!" Shuno stayed where he was and just stared at Mai, as did everyone else. Shuno suddenly pulled out a gun of his own and aimed it at Mai. "I don't know who you are, but if you don't move you're gonna be dead like the rest of these idiots." He yelled. Her smile dissapeared as she spoke,"I told you already. I'm Legato's sister. And if you used all of your bullets, you would even get the air around me. Now go." Shuno ignored her and aimed carefully at her chest. Mai sighed as she shot the gun out of Shuno's hand and, as quick as lighting, was in Shuno's face with her gun directly in the middle of his forehead."I'm not going to tell you again. Go back to your master."This time Shuno listened and ran off. Mai turned around, putting her gun away. She looked at Julie, "are you OK? Here, I know the way to a doctor. Can you walk?" Julie look at Mai strangly. She had no choice but to trust her right now, she might not make it without her. "No, it hurts." Julie answered. [COLOR=purple]I may be his sister, but I am not Legato. I have the exact opposite intetions as he does. Trust me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=pink]I have no choice but to, do I?[/COLOR] Mai carried Jullie to thee hospital and left her in the doctors' care, then went outside to be alone, wondering what was going to happen next. ---------------------------------- OOC: I heard a lot of things about 'plans' and I hope I didn't ruin anyone's. If I did, sorry.
Since Mai has the telepathy ability, her thoughts will be posted in [COLOR=purple]purple[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mai walked through the desert, aimlessly. [COLOR=purple]"Legato...I know you can hear me. Why don't you tell me where you are? It'll make things a lot easier."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]My dear, I'm afraid I can't tell you where I'm at.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]What's wrong, brother, don't you want to see your own sister?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]I know just as well as you do that you want to kill me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Well then, I suppose for as long as you ellude me, I will have to annoy you. Annoy you so much you'd have to come out of hiding and stop me yourself[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]And what do you suppose could annoy that much?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Oh I was thinking something like maybe...joining the hmanoids.[/COLOR] Mai could feel her older brother's shock. [COLOR=green]WHY?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Because...that's what little sisters are for.[/COLOR] And with that she was at the same town as Julie and the others. She entered the city with a grin on her face, wondering what her brother is saying right now.
As she sat down and ordered a drink, Mai noticed Stocatta and Koheko walking out of the bar. She took a drink and walked out as well, just to speak with them. "Do one of you know who Legato Bluesummers is?" She said extreamly, almost hauntingly, camly. Stocatta nodded her head,"yes, I do." Mai smiled,"good. Then you can tell me where he is." She saiid. A chill ran down Stocatta's spine from the uncanny simularity of Mai's and Legato's appearence."No, all I know is that he's somewhere in the desert." Mai's face turned expressionless as it was when she came out of the tavern,"I see. If he contacts you tell him...that his little sister is back." Mai said and walked away quickly, leaving Koheko and Stocatta confused. OOC: I hope I did alright, I haven't done may of these.
Name: Mai Bluesummers Age: 16 Apperence:Long blue hair, blue eyes, and a white coat (almost exactly like Legato) Weapons:Gun like Vash's but it's black (and SHINY can't forget shiny!) She can manipulate people just like Legato. Bio: She's Legato's younger (blood) sister. She is like him in most ways. She only wishes to get revenge on him for abandoning her for Knives. Good or Bad: EVIL...YAY :demon:
Kay spotted Mika, Kia, and Link as walked out of the Lost Woods. She stood up imediately. "Are you Link?" She asked. "Yes, I'm Link. Why? Who are you?" Link replied. Kay frowned as she mentioned her sister, "I'm Kay. And my older sister, Princess Zelda says she has a new prophecy. She claims that Ganodorf will return soon and that you must go and defeat him once again," Kay said flatly, "she also wants you to go back to Hyrule castle so she may speak more with you of this so called prophicy." Link looked a bit confused, "Zelda has a sister? Oh Well. Did she say when he would return?" He said. Kay put her arms behind her head and said with an attitude "yeah...she said he's coming soon." "That's not exactly what I meant," Link said. Kay started walking off, "Oh well, my job is done here, so I'm off. If my instintics are correct,as they usually are,we will meet again and next time won't be a happy reunion." She said leaving the village, she knew also what will happen in the near future. She had to train...
Kay walked out of Hyrule Castle. Her sister was such a burden to her. "Go find Link and tell him I need to speak with him," Kay said mocking her older sister. She walked slowly to Kokiri forest, becoming ever so cautious as the sun went down. She started to run...she knew monters have been popping up and she only had one arrow left. Finally as the moon was just starting to come up she arrived at the forest. She enered the forest but proceed to the lost woods. She kept going every which way but ended up at the front of the mazed woods again. Finally she decided to sit and wait by the woods' entrance for Link. OOC:I'm also Hylian as well...
Name: Kay Age: 20 Gender: female Appearance: long blonde hair, brown boots, Zora tunic(made for a girl though)blue eyes. Bio: I'm princess Zelda's younger sister. I refused royalty and ran away. I became an outlaw.No one knows much about me... Weapon: Bow & Arrows, sword, and a ocarnia she uses to preform spells (I recieve it later in the story in the temple of time). Magic Powers: I can materialize items, heal, and unlock locks.
Ok!Ok!I get it!I made mistakes and forgot some charecters! I'm only human people! Give me a break. I'm sorry if your favorite charecter is not on the poll...If you want to yell at me then either PM me or come over to my house and scream in my ear! If you PM me then you don't have to waste space in the actual thread...just in my inbox.
Anime if you could be an anime character what would you look like?
Che replied to edward-tivrushy's topic in Otaku Central
I used some ideas from actual anime shows so leave me be about that:( [COLOR=purple]I would have lang purple hair with two also fairly long bangs, light blue eyes, a small nose, cat ears on the top of my head (like Inuyasha's), I'd wear agrey shirt and above it a black non leather jacket, blue jeans with a chain hanging out of the pocket, and I'd have a medium sized sword.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]I would be pretty evil though very calm about everything. I'd never over react about anything, I'd probably think it's not worth my time for that matter! I'd also be powerful, but my power is conceled to others![/COLOR] :sweat: Ok I've said enough. I've embarresed myself... -
It's nice to know I'm not the only one wh wants to date a anime character.(Leave me be with the length of my list) 1.Kenshin (Ruroni Kenshin) 2.Sanoske(Ruroni Kenshin) 3.Vash(Trigun) 4.Wolfwood(Trigun) 5.Legato(Trigun) (Sorry about double posting my computer went wacko) 6.Sora(.Hack//Sign) 7.Tsukasa(.Hack//Sign) 8.Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) 9.Inuyasha(Inuyasha) o.o I've rambled long enough...people are staring at me IRL! *is blushing furiously now* [color=hotpink][size=1]Instead of double posting, just go back and edit your original post and add what you wanted to. Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size]
I know this has probably been posted a trillion times already but who's your favorite .Hack charactrer and why? Mine is Sora because of he's individuality and lack of awarness of other's annoyance. [size=1][b][color=darkblue]I'll allow this thread as long as eveyrone keeps their responses detailed and interesting. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
Of course it isn't. Teen Titans may be a good cartoon but it's not even worth to compare to actual anime like Inuyasha or Trigun. I think it is a definate wannabe anime!