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Everything posted by Che

  1. [size=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Since no one else has posted... -------------[/COLOR] Lyra sighed as she stared at her reflection. Her ankle, though badly singed and burned, wasn't expected to have any long-term damage. Even if she was forbidden from coming within the line of vision of a State Alchemist. No, it wasn't that which was worrying her. Nor was it Sirius. On the contrary, she was extremely happy that she would finally have some enjoyable company around the Base. One can only stand Katt for so long. Yes, Sirius was the best friend you could get, if you were lucky enough to meet him. Lyra smiled slightly. He was like the older brother she never had, and picked on her older sister instead of her. And they were close enough to be siblings as well, despite the major contrast in appearence. Lyra ran a hand through her red locks and scowled. This was what had been worrying her. That State Alchemist, Tyler, had seen her hair. He would be able to spot her a mile away. Though as much as she hated it, she had to do something about her hair. Staring at the hair products that she had stole from her sister, Lyra was suddenly filled with sadness. Despite her many tomboyish qualities, Lyra had one girl-ish quality nobody could take away from her: her pride in her hair. She loved the fact that it was so different, but pretty at the same time. Now, she had to change it. And for Corruption's Demise, no less. [COLOR=Navy]"How ironic," [/COLOR] Lyra muttered bitterly, grabbing a box of hair dye and a pair of scissors, and walking into her bathroom. When she emerged, two hours later, Lyra didn't recognize herself. Her hair was shorter, thinner, and more delicate looking. Not to mention burnette. Lyra didn't like it one bit. It wasn't her. But she wasn't done. Staring at the mirror again, Lyra found another odd thing. [COLOR=Navy]"A blue eyed burnette? Not common."[/COLOR] And so, after much searching, Lyra had found brown contact lenses, and a pair of glasses. She put both on, after popping out the lenses in the glasses.[COLOR=Navy] "I can't wait till Sirius sees me,"[/COLOR] Lyra commented, her voice dripping with sarcasm, [COLOR=Navy]"He's going to have a field day with this."[/COLOR] And this was when there was a knock on the door. Lyra yanked open the door with such feriocity, it had shaken up the Communications director. [COLOR=Navy]"Um, can I speak with Lyra, miss?"[/COLOR] he asked. Lyra glared. [COLOR=Navy]"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" [/COLOR] She asked with an obvious fake calmness in her voice. He looked even more flustered. [COLOR=Navy]"Oh! I'm so sorry! You look so different, I couldn't even recognize you. Well, um, Pliskin reported in. He sent the information you wanted, and wants to know the next assignment,"[/COLOR] he stated before quickly (and nervously) walking away. Lyra shook her head irratibly and made her way to the Communications room yet again. Feeling it was unsafe have so many calls between Manitaw and Central, Lyra wrote a small, quick, semi-coded note. [COLOR=Navy][i]Keep everything on the down-low. Make up for Blondie.[/i][/COLOR] She knew "Travert"'s sudden urge to go to Manitaw would raise suspicion, so Pliskin would need to cover for him. The Military was just plain paranoid; but with good reason. Returning to her room, Lyra looked through her closet. There wasn't much she could wear without revealing her ankle. Finally, her eyes landed on the one thing she would normally never, [i]ever[/i] where. [COLOR=Navy]"Why me?"[/COLOR] She cried as she took the dress off the hanger and changing into it. Quickly, and with much embarrassment, Lyra made her way to the train station to wait for Sirius.[/size]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]cheese master....work on your logic. ----------[/COLOR][/size] [size=1]Lyra adjusted the mask on her face, fire burning in her eyes. Her sister had left a while ago, yet Lyra had stood stock still. [COLOR=Navy]"You bastards..."[/COLOR] she said finally. [COLOR=Navy]"You bastards don't deserve death. Not yet."[/COLOR] Lyra took out a small vial from her back pocket and gave three drops of acid green liquid to each of the Military Officers. When she replaced it back in her pocket, it was half empty.[COLOR=Navy] "Instead, you'll suffer,"[/COLOR] she said simply before running off. But, she fell on her face. Lyra's hat fell a few feet away, sending her hair flying out behind her. Looking behind her, Lyra saw Tyler with one hand over his mouth, while the other was grasped painfully around her ankle. [COLOR=Navy]"You're *cough* not going anywhere!"[/COLOR] He growled. Lyra glared at him. [COLOR=Navy]"You should be thankful I gave you a temporary antidote. If you value your lives, I suggest you get to cleaner air and quit bothering with me!"[/COLOR] She yelled, grabbing his hand with as much force as she could. The transmutation circles on the back of Lyra's hand and the palm of Tyler's glove both glowed, and the light around the two turned an eerie orange. The next moment, two screams pierced the not-so-quiet air. They had launched attacks at the same time, and it had caused a strange reaction. A mini explosion had errupted, and they flew ten feet apart. Lyra raised herself to her knees, and glared at the Military Dogs. [COLOR=Navy]"Next time, I swear I'll kill you. Don't give me the chance to, because unlike you, I'm not willing to give away my innocence of murder." [/COLOR] The words had slipped out of her mouth purely by accident. She had never admitted it to anyone, nor had she denied it. They just assumed. But the truth was, Lyra Hemmings was afraid to kill. Lyra got to her feet as quick as she could, and ran into the city, her wounds bleeding freely.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Lyra hung up her cell phone. She had just been talking to the Head of Communications, Nicholas, and had been explained Sirius's message. No sooner had she replaced her lollipop back in her mouth had Lyra seen the flash of lightning. It was about 150 yards away, as she had been hanging out under a tree near the backroad to the town. Apparently, while she was on the phone, a car had passed by. Lyra's eyes watched, unblinking, as three of her comrades, her newest sharpshooters, fell to the ground. They'd been paying much more attention than her. Since when had they been there? Had they known about the coming of five Military officials? Their charred bodies laid still as the State Alchemist that struck them down turned to his companions, uncaring of the lives he just took. A rage she never felt before overtook Lyra. How could they? Without even a moment of hesitation, or a pang of guilt...three lives... Lyra yanked off her gloves, and the scars on her hands were glowing a menacing shade of red. Not caring about the fact that she had been spotted, Lyra slapped her hands on the ground. There was a loud rumbling noise before large fissures in the ground below the Military officials appeared. The one's who managed to climb back out were Colonel Mustang, and Brigadier General Koregaten. Holding her ground, Lyra glared at the Lightning Alchemist. [COLOR=Navy]"You will [I]not[/I] take the lives of my comrades and act as if you had just swatted a fly! I will [I]not[/I] stand for it!" [/COLOR] She growled, her voice low and menacing, hatred seeping out of every word. [COLOR=Navy]"It's unfeeling, murderous Military Dogs like you that made me start this group! You need to be stopped!"[/COLOR] Suddenly, Pliskin's constant complaint he threw at her every time he saw her rang in her ears: [COLOR=Navy][I]"You're too emotional to be a good leader. Start keeping your emotions in check, or you'll land yourself in big trouble."[/I][/COLOR] Shaking her head slightly, Lyra pushed the thought out of her head, knowing he was right. She was in trouble. But she wasn't about to give in so easily. She, and her emotions, would get out of this trouble in one piece, just to, if nothing else, prove Pliskin wrong.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lyra stared at the phone for a moment after she hung up. "They're here...already..." she mumbled to herself. She had expected them a least a few hours later; this hardly gave them any time to prepare! [I]'Are you going to let Kattsumi have all the fun?'[/I] Lyra flinched as her reckless side began scolding her for staying behind the front lines. [COLOR=Navy]'It would be too dangerous for me if I went out there. They have a profile on me, not on Kattsumi,' [/COLOR] the more sensible side of her responded. [i]'But I can defend ourself just as well as she can. She's not the one who carved her hands up with a pair of scissors.[/i] [color=navy]'I'd rather not fight the youngest State Alchemist in history.'[/color] [i]'I won't have to fight if I disguise myself as well as Katt did.[/i] That did it. Lyra grinned like she had never grinned before and ran out of the room, to her own. She was going to take a big risk, but not one that would put her in major danger. She'd disguise herself, and then watch as things progressed between Katt and Edward. Once in her room, Lyra made her way to her closet. One side was filled with the close she'd normally wear around HQ. Those mostly involved trenchcoats. But the other was filled with what people would call 'normal clothes'. Tying up her shoulder-length, bright red hair, Lyra gathered all of her hair and hid it under a hat. A t-shirt, blue jeans, and pair of sunglasses later, Lyra was out of HQ, and into the town. Even if she didn't find who she was looking for, she could still enjoy an afternoon of being a normal civillian. And that meant, first stop was the candy shop.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Pre Episode 25, for sure. I suppose that the NPCs would be nearly anyone and everyone that doesn't have a sign-up. This includes the well-known Military members, such as Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, and Maes Hughes. Also, anyone original characters you're willing to make up can be counted as NPCs, as well as members of Corruption's Demise that people haven't signed up as. An example would be like the Head of Communications in Corruption's Demise, and, for the sake of examples, a secretary for the Military. As for events, I wouldn't be too sure on that. I would think there would be lots of battles. I suppose for Corruption's Demise, there would be meetings at Headquarters (I'll explain the HQ in my next post. I have it planned out, and missions for both sides. Those types of things. I hope that helps.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Obviously, this is the Underground thread for [U]Full Metal Alchemist: Corruption's Demise.[/U] You can use this thread to discuss latest posts, the RPG, or suggest ideas for the next post, or plan ideas. Also, use it to ask questions, and clear up confusions. So, posters and reads alike, have at it! Enjoy the RP. -Che[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lyra was in the Communications room. This was the only place where there was a phone, due to the fact that five years of leading a rebellion made her paranoid. Currently, she was speaking with Sirius. "And you're positive they've got the right location?" "Yes, Lyra, they've got the right location, profile on [i]you[/i], and grasp of what we're doing. Before you ask, yes, I'm sure they're sending in the Full Metal Alchemist." "And you're getting me a full profile when?" "Oh, I, eh, asked Pliskin to do that for me." "Well make sure you remind him to do it. This is important. They actually see us as a threat." "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're happy about this." Lyra thought about this for a moment. Sure, she was getting a bit bored with the mundane routines of collecting unuseful information, and keeping their organization a secret, but was she happy for a State Alchemist coming and investigating? Part of her, the more risking, lively part said yes. The other part, the cautious, more intelligent part said no. And Lyra almost always went with that side of her. "Of course not. Live up to your name, Sirius, and get serious. Why would I be?" "Whatever, I've got to go. Over and out." Lyra hung up the phone and sighed. Things were about to get way more hectic. Standing up, Lyra went to go find her sister. Thirty minutes later, Kattsumi was found in the profile room. A fax was coming in, but most people who spent a lot of time in there learned to ignore it until it finished. Faxes came in about every five minutes. Lyra looked at the folder in front of her sister, labeled neatly, "Allies". Glancing at the picture Katt held, Lyra immediately recognized the certain ally. "He's an Ishabllen hypocrite. Out to destroy the State Alchemists, saying their powers are unholy, while he himself uses Alchemy," she stated calmly while grabbing the fully printed picture from the machine, the information on the character still printing. "Who cares?" Katt snapped. Lyra shrugged. "He's not a true ally. He doens't agree with our Alchemic recruits, saying we're just as bad as them. But, he also agreed not to attack us. Therefore, we count him as an ally." She concluded. "Now, what do you think of this Elric character?" Katt looked at the picture momentarily, before saying, "He's short." Lyra laughed and began reading the information on him. "Things really are going to get hectic, aren't they?" She asked herself under her breath. The question went unnoticed, as her sister had left the room already.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Goody goody. I'm glad everyone signed up. But I do have some things to say. We have [U][I][B]enough[/B][/I][/U] State Alchemists. Thank you. And the Intelligence positions are now filled up for Corruption's Demise. [U]The opening of Lyra's second-in-command is still open.[/U] Just as a review: [U][B]Military/State Alchemists:[/B][/U] [B]Vilearchangemon-[/B] Edward Elric [B]Mage15-[/B] Jim Hanzes [B]Ed's angel- [/B] Nara Hollymain [B]kenshinsbabe-[/B] Alphonse Elric [B]Tyler Koregaten-[/B] Tyler Koregaten [B][U]Corruption's Demise:[/U][/B] [B]Che-[/B] Lyra Hemmings [B]cheese master-[/B] Kattsumi Hemmings [B]Stark-[/B] Sirius Reeves [B]DDG-[/B] Lieutenant Iroquois Pliskin Well, thanks to everyone who signed up. I think I'll start this in a little while. 3 days, at the very most. Keep your eyes peeled for any updates. I'll make an Underground thread before I start the RPG.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Black][/COLOR][COLOR=Black][/COLOR][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Black][U]Storyline:[/U] Nobody has really been happy with the government. And novody has [I]ever[/I] been fond of the Military. Except those in the Military itself, and even still, many of them are discontent with the way things run. The majority of people just grin and bear. They complain to their families and friends when they return home. They come to terms with the fact that they can't change anything. Of course, most of these people either don't know, understand, or care about alchemy. Then, there's the minority of the population. The ones whose hatrid for the Military runs so deep, they feel that it's absolutely neccissaryfor someone, namely them, to stop them. Many rebel groups have been formed and broken up within the years. Those responsible tried, arrested, and some even put to death. None really stick around long enough to pose a real threat to the Military. But, there's been a secret organization. One that's been around for years, making themselves known as little as possible, while adding and training members. They're willing to go to any lengths to destroy the corruption that is the Military and gain the revenge that they've longed for. Lead by the young, yet determined Lyra Hemmings, they call themselves "Corruption's Demise." When Colonel Roy Mustang hears the rumor of a potential threat to the military, he sends the trusted Full Metal Alchemist to inspect it. What exactly will Edward encounter when he journeys to a small town connected by secrets and full of deadly enemies? And how will the members of Corruption's Demise react to getting their first chance at taking out the youngest State Alchemist? (Summary: There's an organization that's ready and able to take out the military. Ed is sent to investigate, and C.D. is ready to strike.) [U]Sign-Ups:[/U] Name: Age: [No older than 25] Side: [Corruption's Demise or Military] Division: [Military: State Alchemists (Ed, Roy, etc), etc] [Corruption's Demise: Communications, Alchemists, Strategists, etc. I'll describe these in a second] Weapon: [Alchemy is included] Personality: Bio: [Not too short but not a huge essay-like thing, either] [B]Divisions:[/B] [I]Communications-[/I] They have people in major places where important Military information is passed. They've bugged phones, set up cameras, went all the way to get a good look at the inside of the Military. The people of this Division will, most likely, stay at HQ, monitoring everything. [I]Alchemists-[/I] Though there are few, they are C.D.'s main defense. There are about 5 total, not including the one who lead's them, Lyra, and her sister. [I]Strategists-[/I] They make the battle plan. They look at every possible possibility. They make sure there are no flaws in whatever the group does. [I]Intelligence-[/I] [strike]The ones away from HQ. They take jobs close to the heads of the Military, and pass information on. To lower suspicion, there are only (currently) two.[/strike] Positions Filled. [B]Characters I need:[/B] There are a few characters I'd really like to see being played. Ed and Al, of course. I'd like each division being represented by at least one person each, though I won't wait to start the RPG if I don't get them. Also, I'd like some people to play roles in the Military. You can be an unknown soldier working his way up through the ranks that somehow gets mixed up in this mess, or Roy fricken Mustang for all I care. Also, and this is a big one, I'd like someone to play as Second-in-Command to Lyra. [B]My Signup:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Lyra Hemmings [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Side:[/B] Corruption's Demise [B]Division:[/B] The Founder and Leader [B]Weapon:[/B] Alchemy. When she was much younger, she had carved Transmutation Circles into her right hand, and it had scarred perfectly. Therefore, she doesn't need to draw Transmutation Circles. [B]Personality:[/B] Lyra is quiet, calm, and thoughtful, but determined as well. She'd die before she obeyed the Military. [B]Bio:[/B] Lyra never lived with her father or sister. Kattsumi and her shared a father, but had different mothers. Obviously, Lyra grew up with her mother, in a remote city. Being the curious child she was, Lyra dabbled into Alchemy at a young age. Soon, though, she began taking it seriously. Within a year, she became her town's only true Alchemist. When she was five, Lyra was scarred for life. The Military came. THey told the town that due to the fact that the town's taxes had not been paid in over a year, all citizens would be evicted. When Lyra's mother argued that the taxes were too much, and that they had been doing the best they could, a trigger-happy soldier shot her. This caused a riot. The riot caused a slaughter. Lyra, and a few other children, were 'mercifully' spared. Lyra never forgot the face of the man who had been in charge of the company. By the age of 10, Lyra had gathered enough people to start a rebel group against the Military. Some of the most trusted members were her sister Katt, whom she had found a few years previous, and the rest of the surviving children from her town.[/color][/size][/font]
  10. Che

    Live 8

    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I enjoyed watching Live 8 in the comfort of my own living room, here in the U.S. of A. I couldn't really get to Philadelphia (or however you spell it) by the time I saw the Live 8 advertisements. My only problem was that I missed half the show. I had to go shopping. :animeangr Unfortunately, I never really paid much attention to who was playing where, but I think I remember Kanye West singing "Diamonds" in Phili. I know for a fact, though, Green Day played in Berlin.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Che


    [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: *sighs* Fine! I'll post! Get off my back! *is talking to the voices in her head who are making her feel guilty about neglecting the thread* *glares at the fifth voice* Wait a second, I've been neglecting the entire forum, and you're just worried about .hack//TRUTH? Have you been talking to DDG's voices? *is being forced to apologize by the voices* Sorry, everyone... ----------------[/COLOR] "MIA! MIA! COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!" [COLOR=Navy]Sakura's shout echoed through the Lambda server, but it only rewarded her with strange looks from the other players.[/COLOR] "Mind your own business," [COLOR=Navy]she snapped at them.[/COLOR] "Will the real Cat-Player Mia please stand up?" [COLOR=Navy]she tried with no luck, though she succeded in making her mind wander to Eminem for a split second. This was getting embarassing, and was going nowhere fast. She had searched every nook and cranny of Carmina Gatelica, and came up with nothing. But she would give it one last shot. If Mia didn't respond to this one, she definately wasn't in the server.[/COLOR] "OH MY GOD MIA! KITE IS DATA DRAINING ELK!" [COLOR=Navy]Sakura shouted at the very top of her lungs. Strange looks all around, and some ex-Crimson Knights gave her a somewhat worried look. She merely shook her head at the to tell them that it wasn't true. But still, Mia was not to be seen. Suddenly, her New Mail alert sounded. Quickly, Sakura checked it. There were two of them:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B][I][CENTER]To: Kayla, Sakura, Sora, *****, Elk, Kite From: Kia Subject: No luck... I've searched all over Mac Anu, and I got nada. It's been a half hour, and we agreed that if nobody found her in a half hour, something was going on. You guys find anything? I'll be in one of the boats in Mac Anu. If I'm sleeping when you get here, hit me, or something. Not too hard! To: Kia, Sakura, Sora, *****, Elk, Kite From: Kayla Subject: Omega = all clear I didn?t find a single trace of Mia in Omega Server . . . and everyone, if you?re still searching, hurry up and get over here to Mac Anu, all right? I?ve got something to tell everyone. I?ll be in the boat with Kia, but I?m not going to tell what I?ve discovered until everyone?s there. [/CENTER][/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Sakura decided it would be best to just send a small reply instead of something lengthy and probably veering off topic.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][B]To: Kia, Kayla, Sora, Elk, Kite, ***** From: Sakura Subject: No Mia ;-; Couldn't find her, and made a fool of myself in the process. Meet you in Anu.[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]And so, the female Player Killer went to meet the two in Mac Anu.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]"I need better curtains."[/COLOR] The comment made Isan chuckle. [COLOR=Navy]"Why? So you can become even more like a vampire?"[/COLOR] He asked. The only window inside Kitty's room was directly behind her computer, and it caused a glare whenever she began typing. It annoyed her so much. [COLOR=Navy]"Not a vampire..."[/COLOR] Kitty mumbled. Isan stood up and walked behind Kitty, reading her Wordpad Document over her shoulder. Kitty did her best to keep her face from reddening and to keep her breath steady; he was hardly an inch away from her. But then, he wasn't even looking at her, his green eyes were scanning the monitor, concentrating on her writing. Kitty began to stare at his face. [I]Flawless,[/I] she thought, breathtaken. Her skin tingled when he laughed at one of the character's jokes. His voice was so wonderful! Her hands, which were still typing the story while she was staring, practically turned to mush. [COLOR=Navy]"'fhlfjsapjajspdfioe'? What's with that, V?"[/COLOR] Isan asked, looking at her. He didn't notice the close contact, but Kitty couldn't help but blush. Quickly, she began to furiously tap the backspace button. [COLOR=Navy]"N...nothing. Sorry."[/COLOR] She whispered. She couldn't think anymore. Hitting Ctrl+S, she shut off her computer. [COLOR=Navy]"Time for school."[/COLOR] Kitty stood up abruptly and grabbed her bookbag. Isan did the same, but was doing things much slower, as if preoccupied. Kitty was about to reach for the door when Isan stopped her. [COLOR=Navy]"Kitty?"[/COLOR] He asked in an unsure voice. It was a very different thing for him, since he was usually carefree, bold, and completely oblivious to what everyone else thought about him. [COLOR=Navy]"Yes?"[/COLOR] Kitty's heart was racing a mile a minute, she was sure Isan could hear it pounding. [COLOR=Navy]"I was wondering...well...um...if..."[/COLOR] Isan bit his lip nervously, and Kitty did too. This had to be the most nerve racking moment in her 12 year old life. She couldn't take it. [COLOR=Navy]"We're going to be late."[/COLOR] She said, pushing past Isan and down the stairs of her house. A quick good-bye to her mother and Kitty was gone. Isan stood in her doorway, disappointed in himself for not willing himself to ask her. Later that day, after school, Kitty V was terribly confused. Isan and her live right next to each other, go to the same school, and they were practically each other's parents' children, but still, she had not seen him since earlier that morning. She went through the entire day wondering where he was and what he was going to say. When she arrived home, her mother was sitting in the living room, sobbing. The TV was on, and Kitty could just barely hear it over her mother's hysterical cries. It was the news. [I]Breaking[/I] News. [COLOR=Navy][I]"Earlier today a young boy of the age of 12 was found dead on the way to school. His body was found at the edge of the forest near the edge of town. Investigation is still underway, but it is suspected that the child was suffocated. The ID card in the boy's wallet read 'Isan Nighte.'"[/I][/COLOR] Kitty dropped her bag. It couldn't be true. Isan couldn't be dead! Tears began to form in her eyes. What if this was her fault? What if she stayed with Isan and let him talk? Would he still be alive? Would it change anything? [COLOR=Navy]"Isan..."[/COLOR] She mumbled before breaking into a hysterical sob of her own, right in the hallway. It was her fault. She knew it. She believed it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][B]-Name:[/B][/COLOR] Kitty V (No one really knows if 'V' is her real last name, but they assume not, and she won't give any other name to anyone) [COLOR=Navy][B]-Age:[/B][/COLOR] 17 [COLOR=Navy][B]-Gender:[/B][/COLOR] Female [COLOR=Navy][B]-Appearance:[/B][/COLOR] attached [COLOR=Navy][B]-Personality:[/B][/COLOR] Shy and quiet, and only a few people actually can figure out what she's feeling. A natural author, she spends most her time indoors on her computer. But when Isan died, she refused to even turn her computer on. Until, that is, her deal with Mark. (Hmm...this is kinda bio-like...oh well...) [COLOR=Navy][B]-Who died:[/B][/COLOR] Best friend/crush [COLOR=Navy][B]-What was your deal with Mark:[/B][/COLOR] Her right arm It's not too late to join, is it?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. Che


    [Font=Arial][Size=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Teehee...Mia...MIA...they're the exact same thing....with different meanings...*suddenly remembers English class* Mia's part of a homophone! Mwahahaha! ^_^ -----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Sakura giggled. She knew she shouldn't have. It was an urgent situation. Mia was missing. But...Kia's choice in words...they were too funny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I]TO: Kayla, Sakura, Sora, Elk, Kite FROM: Kia SUBJECT: Missing In Action Mia's gone MIA. I can't find her anywhere, and the game directory's saying she doesn't exist! We gotta check it out, I'll explain what happened when you guys get here. Usual place, you guys know where to find me.[/I][/COLOR] "Mia, M-I-A. MIA, M-I-A. You have to admit, it's a little funny, Kayla."[COLOR=Navy] Sakura said after being punched on the arm by Kayla for laughing while she read the email. Kayla's mouth gave a twitch of a smile.[/COLOR] "Do you really think that it's so funny, that you have the right to laugh when one of our friends is missing?" [COLOR=Navy]Kayla said, regaining her seriousness. [/COLOR] "We've got to go find Kia!" [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B][U][CENTER]The Usual Place...[/CENTER] [/U] [/B] [/COLOR] "And then she was gone! Just like that!" [COLOR=Navy]Kia explained incredulously. Kayla was deep in thought, as was Kite. Elk had a really worried and depressed expression on his face, mumbling 'Mia' every so often. Sora had his usual, carefree grin on his face.[/COLOR] "Things are getting exciting finally." [COLOR=Navy]He said. Glares from him all around, except from Sakura, who was also grinning. She couldn't help it. She had to point it out to Kia.[/COLOR] "Hey Kia, did you know..." [COLOR=Navy]She started. Kayla groaned and put her head in her hands; she knew what it was. [/COLOR] "Did you know that in your email you put Mia, M-I-A, is MIA? I just found that funny." [COLOR=Navy]A loud shout of [/COLOR] "Sakura!" [COLOR=Navy]and two bouts of cackling laughter showed that only one other person found it funny. Sakura was sure Sora's antics were rubbing off on her; next thing she knew she was going to be saying things like "chum" and "chupop" like Sora did on his PKing sprees. She giggled at the thought, and received another scolding from Kayla.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]--------------- OOC: I might as well put my thoughts on the email into the story. Don't worry, Kia, I'll give you a rare item later. ^_^[/COLOR][/Font][/Size]
  15. Che


    [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U]--Back in Kite's Van--[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Katsuki's mouth was watering.[/COLOR] "Dammit, I can't wait until I get home!" [COLOR=Navy]She shouted before digging in her bag and grabbing a container. The group stared at her like she was insane.[/COLOR] "What's in there?" [COLOR=Navy]Sora asked, pointing to the container. Katsuki gave a selfish pout and protectantly held the container closer to her.[/COLOR] "Nothing. Never you mind. Go away. They're mine!" [COLOR=Navy]She muttered. That caught everyone's interest.[/COLOR] "Tell us or I'll kick you out of my van and you'd have to walk the rest of the way home." "And then you'd have a lawsuit from my mother to deal with." "Point taken, but the fact remains." "Fine. They're special cookies I made last night." "Special?" "Family recipe. Best damn cookies you'll ever eat; almost addicting." [COLOR=Navy]Katsuki opened the lid and the aroma of vanilla, chocolate, and butterscotch filled the car. Everyone was practically drooling. Silver Knight's hand inched to the container, but was slapped back by Katsuki.[/COLOR] "You're [I]so[/I] virtuous, [I]Brave Knight[/I]. Stealing from a child. I should tell your mother." [COLOR=Navy]She mumbled. Silver Knight paled. Everyone laughed.[/COLOR] "Katsuki, can we please have some cookies? Please?" [COLOR=Navy]Elk asked. Katsuki pondered for a moment before handing Elk, Sora, Kite, and Knighty a single cookie each.[/COLOR] "At least you have manners, Elk." [COLOR=Navy]She mumbled before stuffing a cookie into her mouth. The rest of the group did as well. A cheesy way of describing the taste of the cookie would be 'complete bliss' so we'll leave it that. As soon as the first round of cookies had been devoured, everybody held a hand out to Katsuki. [/COLOR] "Can we have another, please?" [COLOR=Navy]They asked in a slightly creepy unison. Katsuki complied. They repeated this process until a single cookie was left.[/COLOR] "No! This one's mine! I only had one, and the rest of you unchivalrous pigs got the rest!" [COLOR=Navy]Katsuki shouted as they each asked for the cookie. A couple whimpers and a few curses came from the boys, to which Katsuki replied with a huffy 'hmph.' She was about to lift the cookie to her mouth when Silver Knight, quick as lightning, snatched it out of her hand. Katsuki growled at him and her hand was curled into a fist when Sora slapped Knighty on the back of the head, shouting[/COLOR] "selfish old geezer," [COLOR=Navy]and stole the cookie from him. Katsuki beamed at him. [/COLOR] "Thanks for getting it back for me." [COLOR=Navy]She said. Sora grinned mischieviously at her.[/COLOR] "Who said I did it for you? This cookie's mine!" [COLOR=Navy]He said. Katsuki glared at him and punched him hard.[/COLOR] "Owww! What was that for?" [COLOR=Navy]He whined. Katsuki punched him again. While this was going on, Elk had managed to take the cookie from Sora without him noticing. The older boy was about to sick his teeth into the baked good when the van swirved violently.[/COLOR] "KITE!" [COLOR=Navy]Was the shout that everyone could here. The driver was no longer paying attention to the road, but was glaring at the group in the backseats and had his hand outstretched in Elk's direction. Kite was also trying to get the last cookie. Katsuki paled.[/COLOR] "Kite! Watch the road!" [COLOR=Navy]Swirve.[/COLOR] "Gimme the cookie." "Kite! Watch the road!" "I want that cookie, dammit!" [COLOR=Navy]Swirve. A car was narrowly missed. Honks were starting to be heard all around their van.[/COLOR] "Car! Kite! There's a car!" [COLOR=Navy]Swirve. Another car dodged.[/COLOR] "Give me the damn cookie!" [COLOR=Navy]A loud, deep honk was heard. A semi-truck was in front of them.[/COLOR] "DEAR LORD!" "KITE!" "HOLY CRAP! A SEMI!" "Wha?" "KITE! WATCH THE GOD DAMN ROAD!" [COLOR=Navy]Kite turned to see the truck in front of them.[/COLOR] "What? It's only a semi. Now give me th--" [COLOR=Navy]His words started to sink in.[I]Only a semi...[/I][/COLOR] "HOLY SHIT!" [COLOR=Navy]A violent swirve and the van missed the semi. ... ... Only problem now was that the van was upside down in a ditch. Everyone was glaring at Kite. Kite gave them a weak smile.[/COLOR] "At least we didn't crash into the semi." [COLOR=Navy]He said.[/COLOR] "So...where's the cookie?" [COLOR=Navy]Everyone looked at Elk, who shrugged.[/COLOR] "I lost it in the chaos." [COLOR=Navy]He mumbled sadly. The entire group sighed, but Katsuki's mood brightened when she saw the wonderful, yet, troublemaking cookie on the floor.[/COLOR] "MINE!" [COLOR=Navy]She shouted and dived for it. Needless to say, a dogpile formed.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]--Four Hours Later--[/COLOR][/U] "Katsuki, honey, what happened?! That van certainly wasn't that beat up when it picked you up!" [COLOR=Navy]Katsuki's mother gasped. Katsuki, whose hair had been messed up in the fight over the cookie and now had a shiny new black eye for the same reason, snorted.[/COLOR] "I refuse to ever bake again." [COLOR=Navy]She mumbled before storming up to her room and contemplating how to get her revenge. She had lost the cookie to Sora; whom was given murderous glares from everyone until he was dropped off.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]---------------------- Far from my own baking skills =P[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I agree with Shin. [B]The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past[/B] is probably the closest you're gonna get to game perfection. (And no, Shin, I'm not going to try and out geek you. You pretty much said all there is to say about LttP.) But my main reason being it's one of the two Zelda game I've ever beaten. I'm still working on [B]The Legend of Zelda[/B], I no longer own [B]The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time[/B] (much do my displeasure), [B]Majora's Mask[/B] was a complete failure for me (Though it was fun to just mess around then go back in time and mess around some more. I hardly ever got past the Wood Temple. And that's as far as I went with the quest; I just did little mini-games after that...), I haven't been able to get my hands on [B]The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening[/B], and the only other one I was able to beat was [B]The Wind Waker[/B]. But I take no pride in Wind Waker. I cheated. Often... I also beat the two Oracle games, but, just as with the Wind Waker, I cheated, only worse. (>.> I have a problem with not cheating in games) Anyway! A Link to the Past tickled my fancy, sort to speak. I started out, and I felt that I could dominate this game (just as 90% of the gamers do who also end up losing). I reached a lot of hard spots, but they were fairly easy to get out of. Days of my life and millions of my brain cells were used on that game (I dare not say 'wasted'. That would be horrible!) and, in the end, it was rather easy to beat, yet challenging at the same time. That's my official reason for absolutely adoring A Link to the Past. And the music (who can resist Zelda music?). And as for the new Zelda game coming out: I can't wait. I never wanted to get Wind Waker at first because of it's childish looks. I said that by making Link into a cell-shaded half-pint like that was murder. (And yes, moderators, there is a point to this.) But, as it turned out, the game play was beyond words. I fell in love with it. My hope is that while changing the graphics to a rather more difficult teenage-style, Nintendo doesn't forget to put in that awesome Zelda gameplay we know and love. Alright, I'm done now.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Shana burst into the hut, gasping for breath. "I am so here." She said, as if it was her excuse for not being there the entire time. Everyone's face fell at the excuse. "You were, were you? Well then, I suppose you were just watching when the centipede demons were attacking?" Kaede asked. Shana gave a weak grin. "Or when Sasuke came?" "Or Hana?" "Or Tao?" "Or when the centipedes attacked [I]again[/I]?" Shana could only sigh and shake her head. "Why does everyone always gang up on me? I getting ready. I heard the deal on Miroku's Wind Tunnel, and I knew that we were going on a trip. So, I got supplies." She explained, showing the group the contents of the basket she was carrying. There were herbs, medicine, fruit, fish, and tons of different foods. "See? I'm a good mother! Isn't that right, Shippo?" She asked. Shippo smiled at her and jumped into her arms, hugging you. "The best." He told her. Shana smiled and sat down next to Inuyasha; Kagome on the other side. Her gaze was drawn to Sasuke, who was just staring at her. Or, more than likely, her outfit. The top half was a see-through t-shirt with a small tint of brown and a jet black tanktop underneath. The bottom part was a jet black miniskirt underneath a much longer red dress that was slit on both sides, so it showed almost all the way up to her waist; hence, her wearing the skirt. Shana just smiled at him. "Sasuke, right? Well, welcome aboard our merry little team of weirdos, Sasuke." She said, laughing. Sasuke nodded in return. Inuyasha glared at her. "What do you mean 'weirdos'?" He asked, cracking his knuckles threateningly. Shana grinned. "Respect your elders, Inuyasha." She ordered. Shippo laughed at this, as did Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. Sasuke just stared at them in a "way the hell is going on" type of way. --------- Huzza ^_^ Note: I dunno how old Inuyasha is >.> I just figure he's around 16-ish...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Name: Shana Age: 25 Gender: Female Species: Demon (Fox) Eyes: Orange Hair: Red/Orange/Blonde Waist length and tied in a red ribbon at the nape of her neck Height: 6'3" Weight: 115 Weapons/Powers: Although she doesn't fight often, she'll use her claws and usually a street-fighting-hack-and-slash style. Also, she'll use Fox Fire now and then. And, every full moon, she's able to transform into a four-tailed fox with her true power; it's her favorite time of the month. Personality: She's very fun-loving, but also very motherly. Ok, she's mostly motherly. She's also very [I]very[/I] overprotectant over the people she knows and loves. Especially her son. Background: Shana was the wife of the leader of her fox tribe, and they had a son. Naming him Shippo, they were very happy. It was only when the Thunder Brothers came that they were unhappy. That was only because her husband had died because he refused to give them his jewel shards. When Shippo had disappeared, claiming to get revenge, Shana had become the new leader of the tribe. Unable to leave for years, Shana had become the leader of the Wolf tribe's enemy and rival, always fighting and being at war. Once, the young leader had let slip of a young fox cub named Shippo wandering with a group with the half demon Inuyasha. At that moment, Shana had decided to leave the tribe in search of Shippo. And soon after Naraku had been killed, she had found him, and they became closer than ever, and Shana vowed to always protect him and to never leave him. Mission: Truly, Shana doesn't even want the sword, but she follows Shippo. And [I]Shippo[/I] is finding the sword because he's following Inuyasha & Gang.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Che

    Graffiti [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Cat stared out the window and sighed. She was bored and there was nothing to do. Tag something, of course, but she was still waiting for her gang to get there. And besides that, they still didn't know where they would go. The graveyard, perhaps? [I]Oh well, we'll figure it out when the time comes.[/I] She thought. Almost immediatly after she did, she saw two older girls and a boy the same age as her in her doorway. "What's up?" She asked gruffly, noticing her comrades' distressed looks. "You remember that alley we did the other night? Night Terrors painted over it." The oldest girl being seventeen, Allysa, reported. "But it's only fair since we [I]did[/I] go over their own. You've gotta admit it was coming to us." The boy, Jake, admitted. Cat scowled and picked up her paint cans. "Back to the alley. Now." She ordered, beggining to leave, her crew following soon after. At the alley, the Black Lynx gang could easily tell that two things. First, they knew that the Night Terrors had barely just left. Second, someone else was painting something. "Forget them." Cat muttered. She went straight to the new art. One was the words "Night Terrors" covering up Jake's jaguar. Then, an eagle covered up Cat's own feline, with a wolf next to it. "How amateur." The last girl, Natalie, commented scornfully. Cat wasn't listening at the moment. She was already starting. A new idea as revenge had popped into Catherine's mind. Within a small time, she had already drawn a new cat, a black panther in a hunting stance, with an eagle in it's jaws. It was also swiping a mighty claw at a wolf she had drawn, which was already injured. She knew it could be symbolized as a rivalry, but to her, it clearly read "Don't mess with us." She signed the art near the cat's tail with a skillful "BL." As she stood up, she coughed. "Damn." She muttered, sealing her eyes shut for a moment and steadying herself. She nearly always stood too close to the wall and ended up inhaling a little of the fumes. "Ready?" The gang asked. Cat nodded, and they ditched the alley, content with their revenge. [COLOR=Navy]--------------- Sorry I didn't post any sooner. I had no idea it was started >.>[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hey, did we ever come up for a name for Yuka's ancestor? Oh well, I just spent, like, a half hour rereading our last three pages. Oh, and Katana, your math on the Christmas gift price was perfect. >.> I was bored, ok? --------------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Yuki hummed happilly. "Lalalalala! Kaz is comin' back. Kaz is comin' back!" She sung, swirling around on he toes. "I'm hyper. Dunno why I'm singing. Lalalala....gonna go kill Yuka for sharing her craziness with me..." She added. It was only moments ago when Kurumi had told her that Kaz was coming back. She was happy, that's all there was to it. They were all being reunited again. It was a good day, and she was hyper and crazy and she was about to release it all. "Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuki shouted in a whiny voice. "Whhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Yuka replied in the same type of voice, appearing right behind Yuki. "I'm booooooored! Let's play a game!" Yuki said, jumping up and down. "Yuki, you're scaring me." Yuka muttered. "I doooooooooon't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrre! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmmmm hyyyyyyyyyyyypppppeeeeeeeeer!" Yuki replied. "Now you're acting like Katana!" Yuka complained. "Plaaaaay wiiiiiith meeeee!" She added. Yuka sighed. "Let's get Yasuhiko and Yuri to play too." Yuka said. ((Yes! Yuka's ancestor shall forever be known as Yuri!)) "What game are we playing?" Yuki asked, still bouncing up and down with hyperactivity. "Cops and robbers! I saw you acting like 007 and a half! You and me can be secret agents and Yuri and Yasu can be the bad guys, and we can use our mighty police powers to apprehend them." Yuka explained excitedly, now enthusiastic about the idea herself. "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!" Yuki shouted, dragging Yuka in the direction of where she thought the two ancestors would be. [CENTER]--==-=Ten Minutes Later=-==--[/CENTER][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=Navy]What's the distance to the target?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ten meters, hiding behind the tree. I believe they're plotting something.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Attack from behind, I'll cover the front.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Roger.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yuki grinned and took out her sword. "You two! I'm Yuki Ataki of the Tokyo Swordsman Police! You're under arrest!" She called out, pointing her sword towards the tree. "And I am Yuka (add Yuka's last name here, whatever it may be) of the Tokyo Swordsman Police!" "Ah crap! They found us!" Yuri shouted, ditching Yasuhiko at the tree. Yasu swore loudly and jumped up, running into the dojo. "They've seperated! Split up!" Yuka shouted gleefully, chasing after Yuri. "Roger that! Over and out!" Yuki replied, chasing after Yasu. Both were going at the same fast pace, and caught up with them and tackled them. They rammed their heads into ground, and smirked. [I]Capture Complete.[/I] The two thought at the same time. They were enjoying this game thoroughly. "Ah damn. I hate the police." Yasu muttered as Yuki yanked him upwards.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]---------------- XD[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Name:[/B] Catherine "Cat" Haruna [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Group:[/B] Black Lynx, though only a few people are ever admitted into the gang. It's all up to what Cat wants. [B]Group Title/Place:[/B] Leader [B]Description:[/B] Attached! It's exactly like that, except without the wings and the tail. [B]Personality:[/B] Cat doesn't like her real name, it's too fancy. She hates anything fancy. She hates a lot of things, and likes very little. She's a girl of few words, and most said are harsh and rude. She expresses everything with her art and nothing with words. She hates words. She hates talking. She loves art. That's all she really needed. When it came to people, it wasn't even a topic. To Cat, school sucked mainly [i]because[/i] of people. If there wasn't any people, she'd go. If there wasn't anyone in the world, she'd visit it more. But there is people, and so she dealt with it. To her, the main purpose of 'everyone else' was to learn to appreciate art. [i]Her[/i] art. She couldn't think of any other reason for them being there except to make her life hell. [B]Biography:[/B] Catherine was born June 5, 1990. Her sister died June 5, 1992. Her mother tried to kill her on June 5, 1999 and was arrested June 5, 2000. Her father walked out on her June 5, 2001. She hated her birthday. It was a day she spent inside, and didn't speak to anyone on that day. She never even acknowledged it as her birthday, or as something happy. It was merely the day she turned another year older. The only thing she remembers her mother as was a woman who loved to act fancy and wealthy. As if she belonged in the 1800's or something. And that's why Catherine hated fancy things. Cat had only gone to prison once, and it was for a very short period. It was when she was twelve. She had, in her lack of a sense of direction, accidently added her art to the back of a Police Department. She should've known where she was by all the police cars. She should've known where she was by the men in uniforms walking in and out of the back door. She should've known where she was by the loud noise from inside the building. She should've known where she was by the sirens wailing in front and cars zooming past her. But she didn't. She hadn't noticed. And that was because she was painting her most artistic and beautiful piece yet. She only noticed when a harsh hand was placed on her shoulder, nails digging into her skin, and when the touch of cold metal reached the back of her skull. The words still rang in her ears. "Put the cans down. You're under arrest, ya filthy brat." And she did. She didn't finish her work. She dropped the cans and stood up. Wrong move on her part. The policeman, taking this as a sign of resisting arrest, aimed his gun elsewhere and shot. He had shot fatally close to her heart, but she survived. Beyond all belief and hope and logic, Cat had survived. And gone to prison as well. She had a crappy lawyer, and nobody testified for her. And she spent six months in prison. Nobody bailed her out. Nobody cried when she was gone. Nobody missed her while she missed sunlight and good food and her own bed. And she was beaten in jail. She was beaten, harrased, and many other things. She never spoke of those things. She hated jail. She hated the police. She hated guns. Now, Cat would usually skip school everyday, find an empty lot, paint some walls, then get out of there before she was caught. She didn't want to go back to a place she hated. Nobody appreciated what she did, or what her group did. They never painted anything offensive. They just merely wanted to paint where people would see it. To be realized and acknowledged. Would it go too far to say to be loved? They painted for attention and for themselves. Cat didn't like people. Among [i]many[/i] other things. She hung out with a select few, those being in her group. Whenever someone came along and asked to be a part of her group, the most frequent reply was 'no' or 'get the hell away from me.' She never liked to be part of a crowd. Her two best friends were all she needed. She didn't need a dad who walked out on her, leaving nothing behind to help her. She didn't need a mom who tried to kill her, saying she was an accident, and had no place in the world. She didn't need a sister who she had no idea was. She didn't need any family at all. Just her two friends and her paint cans.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yuki sighed and nudged her [i]Touch and Die[/i] pile with her foot. "I'm bored with you already." She told it, comfirming her theory that she came up with earlier that she was going insane. "Yuka and Katana made too much of an influence over me. I'm talking to innatimate objects, for Pete's sake!" She mumbled before groaning. "Evil! Evil things!" She shouted. "I can't get Kurumi and Kaz out of my fricken mind!" [I]Ok, let's review the case,[/I] she thought as if she was a jury comitte in a court case. [I]Kaz kills a guy. Everyone hates him for a time. A little later, we all secretly miss and or forgive him. On the outside, most of us are acting like bastards and refuse to let him inside....i.e. Katana.[/I] At that moment, Katana frowned and replied to the thought with one of her own. [I]Leave me outta that![/I] She shouted telepathically. Yuki sighed and ignored her. [I]So now, we want him back, but he won't come back. Not yet. He's getting there though...he [/I]did[I] come inside to help Kurumi. Yeah, Kurumi...he'd do anything for Kurumi. Just like she'd do anything for him. Anyways....hm....I wonder who shot Kurumi anyway? I'm gonna go take a look...[/I] And so, Yuki stood up and walked outside. It was still dark outside ((OOC: Erm...yeah. I hope it is. I can't remember the time of day...)) and so she was trying to be as stealthy as possible. In her mind, she was humming the Mission Impossible theme song over and over, and she even made a fake gun with her fingers. "Mwahahaha! Fear me, I'm a secret agent!" She shouted against her will. "I. Am. Going. Fucking. Insane." She stated afterwards, completly surprised and partly disgusted with herself. "After this, I'm beating the crap outta Katana and Yuka. I've spent too much time with them, and that's what did this to me." She said. In any case, the insane side of her won, and Yuki began sleuthing about the grounds, rolling around corners with her fingers in a gun position, occasionally humming the said theme song aloud. Even though she had gone insane, when she heard a rustle in the bushes behind her, she stood up from her roll and took out her sword, pointing it at the bushes. "Come on out, you scoundrel! Ye walk the plank for attacking me crewmate! And I'll maroon your ass on some desert island like those fiflthy sea rats did to me Cap'n Jack Sparrow!" Yuki commanded, oviously speaking as if she were a pirate. Suddenly, a bounded figure hopped out of the bushes. "Damn, and I was so close too." He swore loudly. "And now I've been caught by this idiot!" Yuki giggled. "It was only you, Tomo." She declared, running over to the other girls' sex slave. "Do I know you?" He asked with an annoyed tone. "I went to bed when the other girls brung you back, so we never got to hang out or nothing, but everyone was so loud, I learned your name easily. I'm Yuki." She said. "Wait? Why am I happy? I'm on a mission!" She yelled angrilly at herself. "You're insane, you know that?" Tomo asked. Yuki stopped being angry at herself long enough to nod at Tomo. "Yes. Yes I do. I found that out earlier." She answered. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. "Tomo. Kaz pointed something out earlier to Katana, and I was sorta eavesdropping. He said we've killed countless amounts of people, and yet we hate him for killing one single person, but without provoktion. Well, I agree with his thought that we're all hypocrits. So now, I'm makin' like Kenshin, and I'm repentin.' Oooh! That rhymes!" Yuki said, kneeling down next to Tomo and messing with his rope. "What are you doing? Wait, don't answer that! Just get the hell away from me!" Tomo exclaimed. Yuki shushed him. "I told you I'm about to repent. I'm helping you. Damn they can tie a knot...." She mumbled, trying to untie the ropes that were on the sex slave. "And there ya go, matey. Ye be free." Yuki announced in her pirate voice. Tomo sweatdropped but grabbed the rope. "Nah thanks. I'm stayin'....I get free food, alright? So don't go thinkin' I, God forbid, [i]like[/i] it here." Tomo explained, tying himself back up, though the rope was barely holding him. "Thanks anyway. But if ya wanna help me, just make sure those retards don't touch me. Like...in a bad way...." He said, shuddering at the thought before running back into the dojo. Yuki stared after him for a long while, just plain wondering what the hell went on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]-------------------------- I have [i][b][u]NO[/u][/i][/b] idea whatsoever what the point of that post was. It may be to show Yuki's insane-ness, or it may be to show Tomo likes us. So....yeah. ((OOC: You know what was funny? For the past few days at school, there has been this super-hyper-attention seeking kid in my class that continuously sings 'Can't Touch This' and everytime I hear it, my mind just wanders back to this specific threads and Kurumi as well. Scary, huh?))[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. Che


    [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"Katsuki, are you warm? You haven't drowned have you? Are you getting enough to drink? Don't go into the wa--" "Mom! Shut. Up. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Especially when all of my friends are around. I won't do anything 'bad,' alright? Don't answer that. Ok, well, love you. Bye." Katsuki hung up her cell phone. "Phones are evil!" She shouted, throwing it into the sand. "Your mom again?" Kayla asked. "Yes." Katsuki muttered, grabing her cell phone again and stowing it into her bag. "Any ideas on the Knighty situation?" She asked. Kayla shook her head. "I regret to announce that I am completly out of ideas." She said. The girls sighed. "Wait a second..." Katsuki muttered, diving for her bag and rumaging through it. "Whatcha looking for?" Kayla asked. Katsuki grinned at her and took out a small piece of paper and her cell phone. "OK, once I got really bored, and I started searching the phone book for Knighty's phone number...for prank calls and stuff. Well, I found it, and I called it once, right? You know who answered? His [i]mother[/i]. Silver Knight lives with his mother." She explained. Kayla laughed. "So, you're going to call Knighty's mom, and then...?" Kayla asked. Katsuki gave her a thumbs-up. "Just listen to my side of the conversation." She said for punching in the number. "Hope I'm not roaming..." She muttered. "Oh, hello Miss Knighty's mom! How are you today? Me? Oh, I'm just fine. But....one of my friends isn't. She is a victim of a really nasty prank your son pulled. He almost drowned her, you know? What? Where am I? Oh please, I wouldn't want to get him in trouble. Well, ok. If you say so..." Katsuki spoke with a dangerously sweet voice, and was doing her best to sound innocent. Then, she proceeded to tell Knighty's mom where exactly they were. "Well, if you're really coming, m'am, could you [i]not[/i] tell him it was me who called to chat with you? I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. Well, goodbye, m'am." Katsuki shut her cell phone. "Now all we have to do is watch the fireworks fly." She said, laying down on her towel. Kayla was in stiches. She was litterally rolling on the ground laughing. "I've never [i]ever[/i] heard you call anyone 'm'am.' It's scary!" She said. Suddenly, Sora and Elk sat down next to Kayla and Katsuki. "What's so funny?" They asked Kayla. "S-she c-c-called Knighty's mom!" Kayla said, still laughing. Katsuki grinned even wider. "We're going to have one more old lady on the beach today. But we have to act...polite." She said. It was at that when everyone burst into laughter. [i]That[/i] plan was going to go down hill fast. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------- XD[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Yuki sat in the corner of her room. She was still sleepy, and she was in denial about the fact that nobody in the dojo would ever let her sleep as long as they were awake. Kenshin, maybe, but he was only one person. Everyone else was noisy, obnoxious, and inconsiderate of her personal needs. "No offense." She muttered to herself after thinking this. Suddenly, her attempts at sleep were intterupted by someone saying "aren't these my sandals?" Yuki chuckled. "Saladin gave them to me. You can have them back, Katana. Just, don't touch my stuff anymore." She said wearily and without opening her eyes. "Yuk, are you tired?" Kurumi asked. Yuki opened a single eye, and not very much either. "I'm tired, I'm bored, I have a constant craving for J-pop, and I [I]need[/I] to play some sort of video game." She explained before closing her eyes again. Katana and Kurumi sat on either side of Yuki, both interested in the young girl's sudden need for modern items. "Thought you loved it here." Katana commented slyly. "I do. I just need to listen to Koda Kumi constantly and finish the entire Final Fantasy series. Of course, I can't do either here, so I'm kinda bored." Yuki mumbled, turning on her side and beginning to doze off. "Koda Kumi, eh?" Kurumi asked, snickering. They oviously knew she was trying to sleep, and they were oviously trying to prevent it. Oviously. "Shut up." Yuki muttered. The other two girls got up, grinning. "Tsk tsk. You should be nicer to your friends, Yuki-chan." Katana solded. Yuki opened a tired eye again. "Two things. First, what's up with the sudden suffix? Second, get the hell out before I kick you out again." She said angrilly. The girls laughed, but followed Yuki's command. "Finally." Yuki said, laying down again, and *finally* getting to sleep.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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    Running [PG-13-VL]

    [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Marissa Virola (Preferrably Mary or Maria) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Nationality:[/B] Hispanic [B]Apperence:[/B] **See Attachments!!** [B]Bio:[/B] Marissa had grown up...disturbed. Nobody really knew why. She had a loving family, she got good grades, not the best but still good, mind you. She was fairly spoiled, never abused, nothing. Mary just never talked with anyone. Not her parents. Not her sister. No one. She didn't have any friends, and she wasn't too concerned about making any, either. Instead, she replaced socialism with creativity. She read like it was her last book she'd ever read, and her entire room was one big bookcase. Everyone worried about her and her books. Aside from reading, Marissa would write in her notebooks, yet never let anyone read what she wrote. Whenever she asked for a new book or notebook (which was probably the only thing she ever asked for or even said in her life), her parents would always put up a little fuss, but eventually complied. One of their deepest fears was that Maria was suicidal; that books and writting were what kept her going. Probably not far from the truth. One night, though, she had managed to give into the insomnia that always plagued her, and she sat on her windowsill, reading by the moonlight. For her, it was the most beautiful sights she could ever see, and it inspired her more than anything else ever had. Then something happened that even she still doesn't understand. He was just [i]there[/i]. No warning. But she fought. She did her best to fight. Marissa's books that were stacked up near her fell over, as did the very bookcase. But he won in the end. He tied up her bedsheets and climbed down the make-shift rope, carrying her in one arm easily, no matter how hard she struggled. The only thing that crossed her mind had been: [i]"Why hadn't they woken up? Why didn't they come help me?"[/i] After that, she didn't remember anything except waking up with the rest of the children. And although she never admitteded it to anyone, she was scared. But besides that, though, she knew she needed a book or a notebook. Otherwise, she didn't know what she would do. ------------ ^_^ I just had to make someone with a slight....[i]mental disorder[/i] of some kind. I like this girl. She's awesome.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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