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[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]-=-=-=-One O'Clock in the Morning-=-=-=-[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Yuki yawned, but chuckled at the sight before her. Sanosuke, Saladin, and Jase were all stripped down to their boxers. Yuka had stopped it at that point, claiming her virgin eyes wouldn't be able to take it, and Katana had said she didn't want to see her own ancestor naked. Scary thought. Yuki was about to find a nice spot in the corner of the room to sleep when Sano sobered up. "Wait a minute, missy. You don't really think this is going to go unpunished do you?" He asked. Katana, who had been so dilegently drooling over Sano's half naked bod, snapped out of her trance. "And what would you be planning on doing, my oh-so-hot-and-half-naked-hostage?" She asked. Sano scowled, but Jase spoke up. "Exactly what you did to us." He said. Saladin grinned and stole the dice and cup from Yuka, who had been off in her own little world. "So, who goes first?" They all asked in a sadistic unison. Yuki grinned. "I will." She said. The male trio grinned back, and Saladin flipped the cup and whatnot. "Odds or evens, Yuki?" He asked. Yuki closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Evens." She said calmly, opening her eyes. Saladin lifted the cup, and revealed that it was exactly evens. Yuki's grin became wider. "Oh, I should've warned you. I never lose at bon." She said. Yuka and Katana grinned as well. "We'll play as soon as Yuki loses." They announced. Then Yuki smirked. "Oh, and by the way, everytime I win, you three have to give me something. I don't care [i]what[/i] it is, as long as you give me it." She said. "Those are my standards. I don't play unless they're met." The guys huddled around for a moment, deciding whether they should play like this or not. After a minute or two, they decided to play still, two to one vote. "You can't [i]always[/i] win. You've gotta lose sometime." They said. [i]That's what they think.[/i] Yuki thought to Yuka and Katana slyly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] [CENTER]9 in the morning. Girls' room.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Yuki smiled, but yawned for the milionth time, and then reorganized her pile of things. Yuka and Katana had long since gone to bed, as did Sanosuke and Jase. Only Saladin and herself were awake, because Saladin was determined to get Yuki to lose. It wasn't the game, though, just his pride. The two began to have a stare off, showing each's determination. After a moment, Yuki broke the tense silence. "I'm going to bed." She said simply, yawning again. Saladin fell over anime style with a huge sweatdrop on his head. "You can't! You've won every game, and I want my damn stuff back!" He said loudly. Yuki smirked at him. "Get out of the girls room, or I'm telling everyone when they wake up you tried to sexually molest me. They'd believe it too." Yuki threatened. "Yeah, they would. Everyone's an idiot." "Yes. Yes they are." "You're really mean, you know that? Stealing my stuff and threatening me like that." "Isn't Yasuhiko like that?" "Come to think of it, yeah. I'm going to go kick him now for having such an evil kid like you." "Have a lovely time." "I think I will." "Ok then." "Alrighty." "Then we're in agreement?" "Yes. Yes we are." "Cool." "Very much so." "I'm going to bed now." "Er...ok." Yuki crawled over to a corner, dragging 'her' stuff with her, just as Saladin stood up and left the room. Just before she fell asleep, Yuki had an idea, and so she grabbed some paper and wrote: [i]"Yuki's stuff. TOUCH AND DIE!"[/i] Yuki smirked. "That'll save it." She muttered before falling asleep just when the other girls began to wake up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]--------------- XD[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*is grinning like mad* Oh yeah! Time for some fun! *rubs her hands together* ----------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Katsuki walked over to Kayla, wrapping herself in a towel. "Y-you k-know w-w-what? I-it's c-c-c-cold after y-you get out o-of t-t-t-the w-w-water." She said, pulling the towel closer to herself. "Dry off or you'll get sick." Kite called without looking up from his book. "T-t-t-thanks." Katsuki replied sarcastically. Kayla shook her head. "Anyway, look at that tiki bar, and tell me anything that pops into your mind." She said. Katsuki looked over at the bar and saw as Knighty showed off his flabby muscles to some of the girls. "That's really pathetic." Katsuki muttered. "Ok then, lets see. Public humiliation, embarrasment, mayhem, and video store related jokes." She said, her freezing coldness gone. Katsuki turned to Sora, who was currently yelling at some kids to stop messing with his sand castle. Katsuki scowled and punched him. "It's mine too. Anyway, you wanna help?" She asks, pointing to the tiki bar. Sora's face lights up. "You betcha." Katsuki grins and grabs a stick before enlisting the help of Elk as well. "Ok here's the plan." Katsuki said as the four knelt in the sand. Katsuki drew a rectangle in the sand with the stick. "We're going to throw sandy rectangles at him?" Kayla asked. Katsuki slapped her forehead. "No, dimwit. [i]That[/i] is the tiki bar. And [i]there[/i]," Katsuki explained, drawing a stickman with the work 'dork' pointing to it, "is our target. Our objective is total humiliation. Understood?" The other three gave Katsuki a simuntanuos "m'am yes a'am." "Let's move out!" Apparently, Knighty had been telling a couple white lies to get the girls' attention... "I work three hours a day, six days a week, but I've got it bad. Firefighting is pretty tough." He said casually, sipping his drink. The girls gasped, and everyone could immeadiately tell that they were ditzs. "Do you really, like, save people and stuff?" One of them asked. "No, of course he doesn't." Kayla said, jumping up onto the stool next to the Silver Knight. "What do you mean?" Another girl asked. Katsuki leaned on the counter. "Ol' Knighty here hasn't been as honest as he should have been." Knighty growled at the two and pushed them away. "Hey, are those your kids?" The girls asked admirably. Aparently, they forgot about the lies. This new comment and their forgetfulness caused the two girls to scowl. "Hell no! He ain't replacing my dad! I'd bite my tongue and drown in my own blood first!" Katsuki shouted passionately. Kayla leaned into the group of girls. "Her dad died and then [i]he[/i] dated her mom. Quite traumatic." She whispered. The girls all gave a sympathetic 'ooooh.' "Anyways, besides my mom, you know who he's dated?" Katsuki asked fiercly. "No, who?" One of the ditzs asked curiously. Knighty knew what was coming. "Katsuki, please don't." He pleaded. Katsuki gave him a crazed grin. "But why? If you're going to date them, shouldn't they have a history of your preferences?" She asked slyly. Kayla was cracking up. "Because. It. Wasn't. Voulentary. You. Two. Dimwits. Set. Me. Up." He said through gritted teeth. "I resent that! Kayla may be a dimwit, but I'm not!" Katsuki said. "She's right. She's an insane-psycho-geek-person." Kayla agreed. The two girls laughed before comencing to tell the tale of Knighty's "lovely" date with Jamie. He had slithered away before they had finished, but was dragged right back by Sora and Elk, who were grinning like crazy. Everyone was indeed enjoying it except for Knighty.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------------ I've gotta go. Posting in school is such a drag. >.>[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Navy] Mai_Minase[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Age: [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]15[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Appearance: [/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.romsys.demon.co.uk/anime/cute/BikeGirl.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Personality: [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Mai_Minase (prefferably just Mai, but she's just too lazy to change her username. But we won't get into that just yet.) is, completly, a tomboy. She's a complete n00b hater, no matter how polite she acts when replying to their PMs asking where her 'vaguely familiar' username came from. But nonetheless, she is polite. Her mama raised her that way. Yes, she is a mama's girl. Even though she has a sense of humor (even if it is dry and most of the time sick) she is of little friends. She is, or so she thinks, antisocial. Thus her lack of an actual social life away from her computer. Her best friend is the first one she had managed to join OB, DDG.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Biography: [/B] [CENTER][I]The Birth of Mai_Minase[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Mai had stumbled onto the OB community after clicking there for the one hundreth millionth time after she had signed up for MyOtaku. Apparently, the Boards were closed before...or something like that. Anyway, after signing up, as Haruko, it was only a matter of time before her n00by-ness took control of her. Haruko was banned. Scary... But that wasn't going to stop her. Oh no. Instead, she signed up again, as someone else. As the not-really-well-known-Mai_Minase! After hours of reading, rereading, and rerereading the rules, Mai thought she had the whole 'forum' thing down. And she was right! After posting a couple times in the Anime Lounge, she moved her posts to the Adventure Square. And [I]that[/I] would be where she spends her days now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I][CENTER]The Accustomed and Unaccustomed[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]After many tries to create her own RPG, Mai_Minase decided to just join in on one. And lo'-and-behold! .hack//TRUTH appeared! And...it's still there. And even though it's slowed down with the posts, it's still kickin'. And while her best OB friend, DDG, has become much more popular than her, and much more well-known, Mai_Minase has become very accostomed to her OB lifestyle. One thing, though, she hasn't become accustomed to would be her username. 'Too long' she would complain. 'And all the n00bs always PM me, asking me where it comes from. Haven't they ever watch .hack//LIMINALITY? Meh, I'm too lazy to get it changed though. And I don't know what I'd change it to, either.' Thus, her everlasting username, due to nothing but lazyness.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a reverse blade sword with a really pretty red ribbon!" Yuki sang quietly. "On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me two Kaoru-made rice balls and a reverse blade sword with a really pretty red ribbon." Katana had a huge sweatdrop over her head. "If I were you, I would've dumped that true love like a sack of potatoes. Giving me Kaoru's food, how cruel!" She snickered. Yuki waved her hand as if to signal Katana to go away. "It's the revised version of Twelve Days of Christmas. You gotta love the Kenshinish theme. Speaking of ol' Kenshy Claus, Kat, you still like Sanosuke right?" She asked. Katana nodded. "Dunno where the connection between Kenshinish themes and me liking Sano comes in, but yes. Yes I do." She said. Yuki grinned and dug around in her pocket a little before taking out some sort of plant tied to a string. Katana eyed Yuki warily. "And what would that be other than a plant on a string?" Yuki slapped her forehead. "You're an idiot, you know that, right?" "Yes." Yuki shook her head and sighed. "What plant would go well with Christmas?" "Holly?" "No." "Pine Trees?" "No." "Bonsai plants?" "No." "Poison ivy?" "NO!" Yuki sighed. "Mistletoe you retard!" She said. Katana's eyes widened as she snatched the plant away from Yuki and ran back into the dojo calling for Sanosuke. Yuki chuckled and jumped into the infamous tree, still shivering. "You should get inside." Someone said from above her. "Sometimes I say to myself that you should too." Yuki replied without even looking. She knew it would be Kaz. "Can't. Everyone would tear me limb from limb. Besides, I like this new life." Kaz replied lazily. Yuki sighed. "Well, I won't try and convince you otherwise, but I want to say two things. First of all, please don't kill anyone else. Please. And secondly," Yuki took a small package out of her pocket. "Merry Christmas. They're katars. Ones that haven't been stained with blood. You don't have to use them, just keep them." She said, jumping out of the tree and entering the dojo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple][CENTER]-=-=Real World=-=-[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]"Katsuki." Kite said flatly. "Get out of my van." "Nooooo!" Katsuki yelled. "I need to stay and continue rideculing Helba!" Kayla shook her head and pressed the power switch on Katsuki's laptop. "You can ridecule her later. We're at the beach!" She said. Katsuki took off her Neuro Goggles and glared at Kayla. "Now I have to do all that crap next time I turn it on. You should've let me shut it down [i]properly[/i]." She said, setting it down and grabbing her light dufflebag. As the three of them walked through the sand, Kayla suddenly asked "Hey, where are Elk and Sora?" Katsuki shrugged and the girls looked at Kite. "They ran off saying they were going to go change." He replied, setting his own stuff down beneath an umbrella. "Good idea." Kayla said, opening her bag and taking out a bathing suit. Katsuki smiled as she took out her own. "I've been wanting to wear this for a while, but my mom wouldn't take me to the beach." She said, taking out her own suit. "You better hurry and get over there, the lines are starting to get longer." Someone said behind the three. Katsuki turned around and saw Sora grinning and in his swimming trunks. Elk was just catching up to him, and was also changed. Katsuki giggled and shook her head as Sora walked up to her and began to flex his biceps. "You've got more flab than muscle, Cookie Boy." She said, running over to the changing stalls with Kayla. When they came back, the two girls had succeded in turning the heads of the three boys. Kayla was wearing a black one piece, and Katsuki was wearing a red two-piece. "Hey, where'd Knighty go?" Katsuki asked. The other four just shrugged. "Dunno, don't care." Kayla said before laying down on a towel. Katsuki grinned. "Well, I'm going to go make a snad castle!" She announced before running off towards the waves. Sora grinned and followed. "Wait up!" He called. "NEVER!" Katsuki shouted back playfully before going into a sprint.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]---------- Yay for the beach!! ^__^[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]I think it's a great idea! I've been meaning to make a LotR rpg, but I didn't have a good story. One thing though, are the characters that aren't Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf, like, family? I just didn't get that part...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"Yasuhiko?" "Yes, Yuki?" "I wish I wasn't here right now. Those freeloaders stole all my money that I worked so hard for!" "Yuki?" "Yesh, Yasu?" "Why don't you just go all Mafia on them and tell them to pay you back double?" "I'm not sure. Hey, how do you know about the Mafia?" "I'm not sure." Yuki and Yasuhiko were in Yuki's room, wrapping presents with whatever they found to wrap it with. (OOC: I don't feel like being too specific there. I'd be here all day trying to think if they had some sort of wrapping paper or something) "Turn around." Yasuhiko demanded suddenly. "Why?" Yuki asked in reply. "Just do it, I'm wrapping your present." He retorted, semi-annoyed-like. Yuki smirked and turned around, but held out her hand, creating a slight wind that picked up the item. "Hey! Stop! Yuki! Knock it the hell off, dammit!" Yasu yelled, quickly snatching the gift mid-air before Yuki caught a glance. "Awwwwww." She whined. "But I wanna see!" Yasuhiko muttered something about surprises and Yuki muttered something about hating surprises and then Katana and Yuka quietly entered the room and began to look through the wrapped packages. "Get. The. Hell. Out." Yuki and Yasuhiko said menacingly. They weren't about to ruin everyone else's surprises. Only each others. "Yuka, put it down!" Yuki shouted, seeing Yuka not very stealthily stash her present in her own kimono. "Put what down?" Yuka asked innocently. "Do you want me to tell everyone you-know-what about you-know-who?" Yuki asked. Yuka blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about!" She said indignantly. Yuki took a breath, and turned around to Katana and Yasuhiko. "Wait!" Yuka cried, thrusting the present into Yuki's hands, then running out of the room. "What was that all about? What were you going to tell us?" Katana asked, hoping for deep-dark-secrets-that-only-Yuka-knew. "Actually, I had no idea what I was going to say. I saw that on TV once, so I thought I'd use the bluff." Yuki responded. "Uh, what's a 'TV'?" Yasu asked, and Yuki and Katana began the very long tale of what a TV is/was and how Kenshin and company were a TV show. Eventually, they even got into telling him about their last trip there. "Oh..." Yasuhiko muttered while only half paying attention.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]--------------------- Yay for those kinds of bluffs. They're effective too....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Ok....what the fuck was that? -----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Yuki stumbled backwards into an empty booth. "What the hell?" She asked herself. Yuka got up and pointed to Kazmi. "He's [i]your[/i] descendant! What the hell was Kaz thinking?!" She shouted. Kazmi blushed. "[i]That[/i] idiot was my descendant?! Oh no, you're kidding aren't you? 'Ha ha, let's pick on Kazmi!' That's what you're thinking, isn't it?! That freak [i]can't[/i] be my descendant!" Kazmi said, panicking a lot more than she should've. "Hey Kazmi, just chill, ok? You've gotta admit that the whole 'poofing around everywhere' thing is cool." Jase said, trying to calm her down. The other....erm...let's call them [i]normal[/i] customers quickly paid their bill and left the restraunt, completly scared out of their right minds, and left the six kids, their ancestors, and the Kenshin-gumi there with the Akabeko staff. "Anyone else..think we should leave?" Yasuhiko asked. Everyone nodded, and they slowly and "stealthily" made their way out, and by stealthily, I mean Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi making as much noise as humanly possible.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][center]--==--==Back at the dojo==--==--[/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Everyone was in the back of the dojo, outside, and enjoying the nice day. Yuki and Yasuhiko sat on the porch and Yuki began to tell about Yasu's soon to be family. "So....do I have any boys?" Yasu asked. "Well, there's my brother, Grandpa, and that's about it." Yuki replied, thoughtfully, but as soon as she mentioned her brother, her eyes were soon locked with Yasuhiko's pink shirt-thingy. "Ehhhh...Yuki?" He asked apprehensively. "You're wearing pink." Yuki stated.[/COLOR] [i]What's wrong with that, Yuki?[/i] [i][color=red]Yeah, only manly men wear pink...[/i][/color] [COLOR=Navy]Yuki frowned and turned to Yuka and Katana who had appeared behind her. "That may be, but considering what happened when my brother wore pink, I'm kinda scared." She replied to them. Yuka, Katana, and Yasuhiko's eyes all widened. "Your brother's gay?" They asked. Yuki nodded. "Yuh-huh! At first he was a real punk, and kept beating me up, you know? Stuff older brothers do, but then when we came back the last time, well, two weeks after, he wore a pink shirt, right? At first, I wasn't too worried, since all the guys were wearing them to show how manly they were, but when pink went outta style...well...let's just say it turned into one big shounen-ai manga." Yuki explained. Yasuhiko had a look of utmost disgust on his face, and the other two girls were giggling like mad. "Meh, I'm used to it..." Yuki muttered before standing up to find some food.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Blue]After logging back in, Sakura paced around Mac Anu angrilly. "I know I said the wrong words, but that is [i][b][u]no[/i][/b][/u] excuse for some n00b trapped player to PK me!" She yelled at herself, causing a few other players to stare at her. "What the hell are you all looking at? I'm in a bad mood, so if you don't turn your heads back around and mind your own buisness, I'm PK all of you weaklings!" Sakura shouted, raising her blades threateningly. The other players gave Sakura a weak smile and did as they were told. "Ugh, if Kia wasn't a trapped player, I would've PKed her a long time ago!" Sakura yelled, not even noticing Sora was walking behind her, grinning like his usual idiot self. He leaned in unnoticed, and whispered in Sakura's ear: "Chill out, Grunty Girl!" Sakura screamed and kicked him, causing him to step back a couple of feet. "God, don't scare me like that! You idiot!" She yelled above Sora's laughter. "You should've seen your face! It was priceless!" He said in between his laughter. Sakura growled and grabbed Sora by the collar, lifting him up and giving him the most evil of Death Glares. "Shut up or die." She said menacingly. Sora gave a weak and partly afraid laugh. "Now, now." He muttered, trying to think of a way to escape her wrath. "Oh my God look! Uh, it's the Sixth Phase!" Sora shouted, pointing directly behind Sakura. Sakura gasped and let Sora go, turning around with a shocked face. "Uhhh, see ya!" Sora said, jumping off into the distance. Sakura's face went red from the embarrasment of being tricked so easily and her anger towards Sora. "I am [i]so[/i] going to kill him." She muttered before continuing to pace around until she finally warped into another server.[/COLOR] [center][i][color=purple]Cultural City Carmina Gatelica[/color][/i][/center] [COLOR=Blue]Sakura started rolling on the ground laughing as she saw the sight at the Chaos Gate. Helba was surrounded by, more than likely, the entire server's players. The male players were, unsuccessfully, asking her out while the female players were admiring and nearly worshiping her. Also, a little ways away, Lios was fumming angrilly because of all the positive attention a 'notorious hacker' was getting. Finally, she got up off the ground and made her way through the crowd. "Helba, are you enjoying yourself?" She asked. Helba gave Sakura a look that said clearly 'shut up or I'll reduce your level to 1.' Thus, Sakura suggested that they retreat back to Net Slum and Helba agreed immeadiately.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------ At school, can't post more....[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"No, no, no, no, no!" Yuki sobbed. Yasuhiko reluctantly began patting her on the back. "Now I'll have to find a different job and I'll probably get fired from that one too because of these freaks! I'll never be able to pay Kenshin off and I'll be living my entire life trying to pay him back for those stupid dishes Kaz made me break!" She shouted. "Err...there, there, Yuki. It'll be fine." He said. "Ms. Yuki? Well, due to...erm...ovious reasons, I'm going to...eh...release you from our services. Here's your pay for the day." Tae said nervously. Yuki looked up at Tae and saw that she had more than likely enough money to pay Kenshin. "I'M FREE!" Yuki shouted, grabbing the money and running over to the nearly unconcious Kenshin. "Take the money, and I swear I'll never ask you for something again! I'm never [i][b]ever[/i][/b] going to be a waitress again for the rest of my life!" Yuki cried happily, hoping up and down, soon joined by yuka, who was just plain bored. "Yuki?" She asked. "Why in the world am I jumping?" Yuki shrugged, and stopped jumping to catch her breath. "'Cause you're a kimono wearing freak with a hammer." She said. Yuka thought for a moment. "You know, that's actually true." She replied before going off to find her clone, hammer in hand.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=darkslateblue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]-------------- I'm at school, so I had no choice but to make this a short post....[/FONT][/SIZE][/color]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]>.> God, I hate my school. When I was really hyper and had good ideas, my evil school's computers were down, so now, I'm calm and I completly forgot all of my ideas. Damn!
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Yuki muttered something inaudiable as she brought the stew to Kenshin and the others. "What was that?" Yuka asked, deliberately trying to get Yuki to snap. "I said you guys are lucky Kenshin was with you." Yuki said sharply, glaring at her. "Yikes, scary waitress." Yuka said, hiding behind Katana. "Just don't get me fired. I want to be able to pay Kenshin off." She said before going back to her post. It didn't seem as if any of the customers needed her help now and so she slid to the floor. "Hey, does that guy...have a sword?" She muttered, straining her eyes to see one of the customers who was sitting boredly with his friends. "Yes, yes I'm sure of it." Yuki said quietly, standing up and walking towards the man. "Sir, I'd appreciate it if you'd make sure that your sword is out of sight. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the swordsman police or something." She said quietly and politely, eyeing each of the men. "If you could spot my sword from way over there, Miss, then I presume that [i]this[/i] sword belongs to you?" He asked, unsheathing the sword Yuki had tied to her back in the same fashion that Yahiko does. "Yes, it does. Now then, is there something you'd like to order, or are you just trying to get me fired?" Yuki snapped. The man smiled and his friends laguhed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Katana watching her. "Yeah, tell her to quit watching our table. Staring is very rude, and I'm pretty sure you know her, so it won't be [i]that[/i] big of a deal." He said smoothly. Yuki glared at him, but only recieved a glare in return. "Yes, Sir." She told him in a dangerously sweet voice. "Katana, quit staring. It's a request from this 'lovely' customer." Yuki called from the other side of the room. Katana laughed widly, and went back to torturing the others. "Happy?" Yuki asked. "No, not quite." The man answered. "Oh? And what else would you like?" Yuki asked through gritted teeth, now she could feel Kaz watching her. Turning her head only slightly enough so that she could see him, Yuki gave Kaz the scariest glare anyone had ever seen. "Well, tell me, why do you look like me in the form of a girl?" The man asked after Yuki turned back to him. "Hell if I know. Why do you look like me in a guy form? Ponder on that while I go cool down, why don't ya?" Yuki snapped, turning on her heel and walking into the kitchen, escaping the wild giggles of Katana.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------- Mwahahaha......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Blue][I]"I'm back! I don't care if Kaoru cooked again! I'm back!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Yuki sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Although she hadn't intended on sleeping, her body won a fight, and she...well....did... "Was that Kit?" She asked herself groggily, getting up and exiting her room. Instantly, her question had been answered by the other girls. "KIT'S BACK! KIT'S BACK! KITTY KAT IS BACK!" Yuki laughed and ran to the source of the noise. "Hey there, Yuki." A beaten yet cheerful Kit greeted. "Oooh! Someone abused the Kitty! We need to call the Humane Society!" Yuki teased. "Meow." Kit said flatly, and everyone there started laughing. "Yesh, let's call the cops on the meanies who abused Kitty Kat!" Yuka agreed. "It's very nice to see you, Kit, that it its." Kenshin said happilly as he, Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Megumi came out into the area where they were. (God only knows where that is >.>) "Kit! Where did you get those wounds? We'll have to treat them right away if you want to avoid infection!" Megumi exclaimed, gasping. "I've lasted this long, I can stand a little longer. Where's Amaya?" Kit asked. The room became silent, and all they heard was the chirp of crickets and Tomo in the other room, yelling he wanted out of this crazy house. "Oh! I completly forgot! I've got a job!" Yuki shouted, running back into her room, and coming out two minutes later wearing a orange dress. "See you all later!" She called back. --==A few minutes later==-- "I'm....sorry....I haven't......been...to...work......Ms. Tae....." Yuki panted after sprinting to the Okobeko. "Well, you should be sorry! You're first day was more than two weeks ago!" Tae said. (Yeah, I'm just guessing about the time...) Yuki gave a weak smile. "A lot's been going on. Trust me, you wouldn't understand." She explained. Tae looked at her, but shook her head. "Just start taking orders and delivering the food." She ordered. Yuki nodded and began to do as she was instructed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------------ God, I really did forget that Yuki had a job >.>[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Joy closed her eyes and randomly picked a Pokeball from her belt and threw it out. When she opened her eyes she only saw a shadow. "Ghastly." She said simply. "Hold on there, big guy. I'll get Ponyta out so we can have some natural light." Joy said cheerfully. As she threw the next Pokeball, revealing a flamed-horse Pokemon, Joy turned to the elevator. "Say, Rin, would you like to come with me? I'm going to follow my Ghastly, since he's always got a great sense of direction. Especially in the dark." She offered. Rin nodded, half hesitantly, and the two started to walk behind the translucent ghost pokemon and the Ponyta. "So, Rin. Where are you from?" Joy asked after a few moments of silence while they were walking. "Lavaridge." Rin replied simply, looking around. "Can't your Ponyta give off a little more light? I can barely see!" Joy frowned and shook her head. "She can, but I'd prefer her not to. I know it's a drag, but I don't want to startle any of the wild Pokemon. If we use a flashlight or something, they will run off, afraid of a new predator. But, I think, if we use a soft flame from another Pokemon, they reveal themselves, and we can get some data on them." Rin nodded, and didn't copmlain about the light. "You'd make a good Nurse, you know. Why did you ever want to become a Pokemon Breeder?" She asked curiously. Joy shrugged. "Well, it's just that I dislike seeing hurt and injured Pokemon, and they are common sites when you live just outside Victory Road. I guess I'm weak at heart, and so I could never stand to see something like a Pokemon battle. And that rules out the possibility of me being a Trainer or a Nurse. "I just wanted to watch Pokemon grow in happiness. It sounds corny, but still, isn't it what we all want? To live in happiness? Well, I just tried my best to do just that." Joy's voice was seemingly calm, but she was being torn apart on the inside. "Hey, look at the walls. They have some writting on them." Rin finally said, pointing to the side of the wall.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Joy shook her head. "No, she does have a point. This elevator is too small for us [i]and[/i] our Pokemon, and besides, Chansey is rather big, as she said. Then again, most my Pokemon are. This could cause a problem." She said, returning Chansey back into it's Pokeball and scratching her head out of thought. "Oh yeah, we're introducing ourselves, aren't we? Sorry. I'm Joy, and before you ask, I'm the daughter of the Ever Grande City Nurse Joy. Lets, see....I wish I was a PokeBreeder, because I dislike Nursing, but my mother wouldn't allow it. She said that if I wasn't going to become a Nurse Joy, then the least I could do was become a Proffesor, but I was going to do that anyway. But, in any case, she made me release all but six Pokemon. Those being Chansey, oviously, Ponyta, Meowth, Dodrio, Ninetales, and Ghastly." She said. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Aria making some more notes, but she didn't mind. "Hey, how long is this elevator going to be moving? They said they found the Network from a blast of an Electrode, so it can't be [i]too[/i] far down..." Joy said.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Joy closed her book and stowed it in her backpack. She had been reading while she was walking, and wasn't paying attention to much. When she looked at her watch, she was suprised by the fact that she was 45 minutes late, and when she looked ahead of her, she gasped at the fact that she was only a few yards away from the facility. Pounding her head with her fist, she sprinted towards the nearest guard. "Name and buisness." He said, not hiding his annoyance at the fact that he's had to say that so many times that day. "Joy. I'm part of the Expidition. And before you say it, I realize I'm late." She said, panting. The guard nodded and quickly let her pass. Inside, there was a woman and two men, who were just as annoyed as the guard about practically the same thing. "Set your Pokeballs in the slots over there, and empty your pockets and your backpack." She commanded. Joy nodded and walked over to the slots and put her Pokeballs in them, though she took her time trying to get her Chansey's Pokeball off the necklace. "I see. A Chansey is quite unusual for a trainer." Said the woman. Joy nodded in agreement. "It is, but my mother gave it to me. She's the Nurse Joy for Evergrande City. Besides, I'm not a trainer." She explained. The woman nodded. "A Ponyta, a Ghastly, a Dodrio, a Ninetales, and a Meowth. Strange company for a Nurse." She said. "I'm not a Nurse Joy either. I want to be a PokeBreeder, but my mother won't let me, so I think I'm going to try and be a Proffesor." Joy explained. "In any case, Ms. Joy, please empty your pockets and your backpack." The woman said boredly. Joy nodded and slid her backpack off, and began to empty it. By the time she was done, there were three stacks of different types of what looked like food. There was also a container of berries, and other items for Pokemon. Other than that, there was a large notebook of lined paper, a couple pens, and lots of books. "And what's all this for?" The woman asked. "Well, my Pokemon are special. They need different types of food, and so I cooked up a lot just in case I run out. I don't want them to, well, starve. They're kinda picky you know? And the items and berries are kinda ovious. The notebook and pens are for me to write down observations, and the books are to, well, read." Joy explained. "Oh, and I don't carry anything in my pockets. Only in my backpack." The woman nodded and finally let her pass. After collecting her stuff, Joy ran into a couple more check-ups until she found herself in a room full of other people. There was a Raichu out of it's Pokeball, and to Joy, that was a sign that she could let out a Pokemon of her own. She tapped the Pokeball on her necklace, and out came her Chansey. "Chan!" It called out happily, relieved to be able to walk around and step out it's Pokeball finally. Joy smiled. "Nice to be out of there, isn't it?" She asked before taking out a book and reading it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"Kayla, make sure nobody takes my cookies. I'm logging in..." Katsuki ordered, pulling out her laptop. She was still a little annoyed with Kayla from when she was teasing the Silver Knight and herself. "Guard your own damn cookies. I'm logging in too." There was a murmer of agreement and everyone took out their laptops and Neuro Goggles. Katsuki shrugged, thinking her cookies were safe for the time being, but just in case. "Ok, people. I've counted and recounted. There are exactly 20 whole cookies, seven halfs, and thre cookies that have been smashed to the crumbling point. Touch them and die!" Katsuki anounced in a playful-high-and-mighty voice. Instantly, everyone reached over and rested their index finger on the nearest one of Katsuki's cookies, then took them off, laughing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The first thing Sakura noticed when she logged in was her new mail:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]To: Kayla, Katsuki, Kite,[spoiler] *****[/spoiler], Sora From: Kia Subject: C'mon, guys... Come on, guys, where are the hell are you?! Kayla, Katsuki, are you two harassing Silver Knight Again? And Sora, I thought you were always on! What happened to everyone? We still have an extremely important mission to deal with here, remember? I mean, just in case anyone forgot how to count -unlikely- , Gorre was only the fifth phase! If anyone feels like doing something relavent at the moment, I'll be waiting in Mac Anu, on one of the boats.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Without even thinking, Sakura sent a reply.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]To: Kia From: Sakura Subject: RE: C'mon, guys... Sorry, Kia, we started the road trip. And yes, we are harrasing the Silver Knight. And Sora is too busy stuffing his face with the cookies we brought with us to care about PK someone. Yes, we know how important defeating the Wave is, but all work and no play makes Katsuki turn into her mother. And trust me, nobody wants that. It's scary....Anyway, I'll meet you there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Sakura happilly sent the email and continued on to go check the boards. Lately, the boards had been inactive, but there was one new thread that was long and would've caught even Kayla's eye.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Subject: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Summer Miss Helba is so cool! I mean, her outfit is so awesome! I wonder where she got it. I've only managed a few glimpses of her, but I know she spends most of her time in an area called Net Slum! I've heard a couple girls saying that. Lucky, I bet they're all friends. So, who wants to form a fan club for Miss Helba?![/color] [color=orange]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Mamimi Yeah! Miss Helba's sooooooooooo awesome! I've heard about that Net Slum place. I was told it's where hackers and data fragments hang out or something. Is Miss Helba a hacker?![/color] [color=red]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Nenene Of course she is! That outfit is illegal, and so is that weapon! Plus, haven't you heard the rumors? She's supposed to be the hacker that's leading all the attacks on the web![/color] [color=darkred]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Kerrek Whatever happened to the "Miss Gardenia Fan Club"???[/color] [color=blue]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Summer Miss Gardenia is soooooooooooooooooooooooo uncool! She tried telling me and the other memebers of the M.G.F.C. to stop following her, and she did it really rude like, and so we then knew she was really mean. But Miss Helba's nice! I just know it![/color][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Sakura laughed so hard, she started crying. Helba, their friend, Helba the computer hacker, the person who taught Kayla all she knew, Lios' most hated enemy, had her very own fan club. Resisting the urge to reply to this, Sakura took her Neuro Goggles off and reported the thread to Kayla and the others.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]"You guys have to check the boards!" She sputtered while laughing as hard as she could. Everyone looked at her and nodded, and she put her goggles back on and logged in for real.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [I][U][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][CENTER]Aqua Capital Mac Anu[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]"Hiya Kia!" Sakura greeted as she jumped onto the same exact boat that Kia was laying down on. "Hiya Miss-Lets-Go-On-A-Roadtrip..." Kia said absentmindedly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]---------------------- *is rolling on the ground laughing* Miss Helba Fan Club? My God! I scare myself with my ideas![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Yuki sighed and continued to eat the food Kaoru made with complaints. Her eating caused Sanosuke, Yahiko, Kenshin, and even Kaoru to stare at her with confusion and surprise. "Does this mean....that Ugly's food is good now?" Yahiko asked curiously and directly afterwards got a large bump on the head from Kaoru. "What are you tlaking about? My food has [i]always[/i] been good!" She said angrilly. Yuki shrugged absentmindedly. "No, her food tastes worse than ever. I just really don't care right now." She said in her distant voice that she had becomed acustomed to. Sanosuke and Yahiko instantly burst into laughter as Kenshin tried his best to restrain Kaoru who had somehow grabbed her wooden sword out of nowhere and was brandishing it at Yuki threateningly. "Miss Kaoru, you really have to understand! Miss Yuki hasn't been herself since the incident with Kaz!" Kenshin said to her frantically, trying to calm her down. Yuki, hearing this, made a slight whimpering noise, got up and left the room to go outside. She could tell that there would instantly be a demand for explanation and she didn't want to relive the scene. The sight of the corpse was still fresh in her mind. She jumped up to the main branch of the tree, laying a hand over her eyes. "Kaz, you jerk..." She muttered, removing her hand from her face and looking up. Yuki would've gasped or screamed or something if Kaz hadn't clasped his own hand against her mouth. "I'll let you go if you promise not to scream or anything loud." He said quietly. Yuki growled, but nodded. Even if he was a murderer, she wasn't about to fight one of her friends. Kaz sighed with relief and took back his hand. Instantly, Yuki slapped him across the face. "You are a murderous bastard that isn't wanted here by me, Yuka, Katana, or even Kurumi. What do you think you're doing here other than infuriating me?!" She asked him harshly. Kaz glared at her. "What I've been trying to do since we got here! I'm waiting for Sicarius!" He answered with equal ferocity. Yuki and Kaz had a stare-off before the sounds of Yuka and Katana singing loudly were heared coming towards them. Kaz frowned and said menacingly to Yuki, "Tell anyone you saw me here, and I'll come after you next." After that, he teleported out of her sight, leaving Yuki pale and wide-eyed. "Hey Yuk! Come look at my new slave!" Kurumi called. Yuki jumped out of the tree, Kaz's words still ringing in her ears. [i]"Tell anyone you saw me here, and I'll come after you next."[/i] "Yuki?" Katana asked, waving her hand in front of Yuki's face. Yuki shook her head. "I-I'm not feeling well. I think I'm going to take a nap..." She lied, heading back into the dojo and into her own room. Thoughts were racing through Yuki's head. [i]I know we've never been the best of friends, but would Kaz really kill me? He wouldn't. I don't believe him. But then again, he did kill the one guy...and he did like it. I won't tell, just in case...[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]--------------------- Ooooh! Scary! *makes really cheesy soap oprea music*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Name: Joy Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Joy has less than shoulder length red hair and the same blue eyes as all of the Nurse Joys, though they covered up (a lot) by her favorite pair of orange sunglasses. She wears a short necklace she made herself at the end of which held a Pokeball with her very first Pokemon. She wears a green button-up T-shirt that's too long for her, usually unbottuned, on top of a white shirt that ended where her jeans began. Her jeans were dark denim blue and went past her red-and-white tennis shoes. On her back, you can be assured she's carrying a very heavy green backpack holding a bunch of PokeBreeder tools. Personallity: Joy is very kind and is almost always calm, even if she is one of the world's biggest tomboys. She's an expert with Pokemon and all of their evolutions and attacks. She's pretty intelligent for her age, and isn't afraid to show it. She enjoys challenging the Proffesors with some of the hardest questions any Pokemon Reasercher could possibly answer. History: Joy is the daughter of the Nurse Joy in EverGarnde City. She was trained to be a Nurse Joy, just like all of her other relatives, at a very young age, and it didn't take long for her to love Pokemon and relinquish all her fears of them. Even the most intimidating Pokemon seemed sweet to her, she didn't care how ferocious they were acting. Her niavity never changed throughout the years, but her occupation choice did. When she was seven, Joy was working with her mother one day, helping healing all the Pokemon the trainers were giving them before heading off towards the Elite Four. But one time, a scary looking trainer came up to the counter, holding all of his Pokeballs and a severely beaten Ratatat. When they were trying to heal it, the Ratatat gave Joy the saddest look she had ever seen before passing away. Joy was traumatized by the scene, and never wanted to see a Pokemon die again. Instead, she wanted to raise her own, so she wouldn't have to face the guilt of seeing other trainer's Pokemon being hurt. It was then when Joy decided to be a PokeBreeder, starting with the Chansey her mother had given her. With that Chansey, she was able to capture all sorts of Pokemon, and she had even built a type of farm to keep them all in, instead of the usual PC. In the end, though, her mother had disapproved of the fact that her daughter wouldn't be a Nurse, as the tradition was, and made her release all but six Pokemon. After that, Joy was either locked up in her room with her nose in one of the [i]many[/i] research books she bought with the extra money she got from selling her barn, or out with her final six Pokemon, playing and training. Still refusing to be a Nurse, Joy's next aspiration is to be a Proffesor. Pokemon: Chansey, Ponyta, Ninetales, Meowth, Dodrio, and Ghastly. Oviously, Chansey is the one in the Pokeball around her neck.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Yuki sat in the tree everyone loved to sit in when they were seeking solitude, eating to riceballs Kaoru had made. "She still has room for improvement," she mumbled as she, for once, swallowed the bites of rice she was eating. "Even if I'm able to get it down now." She had just finished her riceballs when she heard a loud shriek ringing in her ears. Before she had a chance to register what it was, she was watching Kaz and the man she recognized as Kurumi's sex slave. Even if she closed her eyes, she'd still see it, as if it was a movie going on both inside and out of her mind. Kaz's words rang in Yuki's ears:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][I]"Pray to your Gods, yell out for Sicarius. Do what you want for the next two minutes, I will wait." Kaz told the man as he let him drop to the ground. "I will do no such thing boy." "Then your life is finished." With that Kaz unsheathed the katar with the shriek that they always give out. A blinding crimson light eminated from them, just like when they were first cast form the steel of evil. The blades swept through the air, creating a plasma instintaniously burning the air around them. The sky began to darken, with lightning striking all about them. "May this get the attention of Sicarius, for my blades long for him as well." A sphere had started to form around the small clearing, claps of thunder could faintly be herd, but in the sphere an emince scream had started to come form the man, a blood curdling sound that woke the dead. With a small pop the sphere vanished, leaving nothing behind of the man.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]By the end of the 'vision,' Yuki had her hands clasped over her mouth. "K-Kaz killed him..." She muttered finally after about half an hour of shock. "B-but hasn't he learned anything from Kenshin and Sano?" She asked herself, hoping out of the tree. Even if she loved to fight, killing was an entirely different story. Of course, once she knew she was able to fight at the beggining of her first trip to the Meiji era, she didn't mind the killing, but after that entire trip, she, like Kenshin, was sick of the senseless bloodshed. Walking into the dojo absentmindedly, Yuki accidently ran straight into Sanosuke. After falling down, she merely got back up and looked at him. "Where's Kurumi and Kenshin?" She asked in a monotone voice, a numb voice. Sano looked at her strangely, unused to her new attitude. "I think...he went into Kurumi's room where Yuka, Katana, and Kaz were a few seconds ago." He answered, causing Yuki to wince at Kaz's name. "Wha--" He started to ask. Yuki shook her head, signalling she didn't want to talk about it. Sano nodded, and continued his walk out the dojo with his sake bottle hanging over his shoulder. "Kenshin...Kurumi...Yuka...Katana...did you all see it too?" Yuki asked in her new hollow and distant voice. The group nodded solemly and Yuki noticed the girls' tears that were streaming down their faces. Looking at them, she couldn't help but cry herself. "I don't who he was, but Kaz didn't have the right to take his life! It's not fair! What if he had something good to live for, like a wife and kids?! What'll happen to them? Why doesn't Kaz realize that killing is one of the most horrible things someone can do, and nobody has or ever will have that right to take away someone's life! It's just not right!" Yuki blurted, falling to her knees next to Kenshin, crying into his shoulder. "Miss Yuki..." Kenshin started, his anger slowly flowing out of him. "You're absolutely right, that you are. Mister Kaz had no right to do what he did, and I don't think any of us will forgive him very easily, that we won't." He agreed consolingly. "I think we should try to put it behind us, though, that we should, and maybe get some rest. It's oviously been a long day, that it has, and I'm sure we're all very tired." At that, Kenshin stood up, leaving the silently crying Yuki kneeling there next to the other three depressed girls. "I'll see you in the morning, that I will, and you should go to bed, that you should." Kenshin said sternly, making it more of an order than a suggestion. Afterwards, he quickly left. Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka broke into sobs while Yuki did her best to try and control her tears, even though she was shaking like mad and they could've heard her sniffles through all of their sobbing. "He had no right. Fighting may be fun, but killing goes to far. Especially if he enjoyed it so much. He had no right." She muttered repeatedly. Finally, after about two hours of crying, the three girls decided to save their tears for the morning. "Mind if I stay in here tonight, with you guys?" Yuki asked timidly, the first words she had said in over two hours that weren't "he had no right." Kurumi looked at her and nodded.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]---------------------- Kaz broke the hearts of all the girls. 'cept Amaya. Where is she anyway? *looks around* And where's Kit? Oo Did they fall off the face of the earth?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Katsuki didn't know if she should've grinned or glared, but she knew she would have the greatest time of her life on this car ride sitting next to Knighty.[B] "So, uh, Katsuki..." [/B] The Silver Knight said cautiously after the first five minutes of the car ride. Katsuki looked up at him with all the innocence she could muster. [B]"Yeah?"[/B] Knighty took a deep breath.[B] "God, I'm no good with this kinda talking..." [/B] He muttered. Kayla laughed. [B]"You're not good with any kind of talking, Knighty!!"[/B] She commented, causing everyone to laugh.[B] "Oh shush you!" [/B] He replied angrilly. [B]"Anyway, Katsuki, like I was saying...um...I really actually didn't know she was your mom. Of course, she did tell me she had a daughter, but we never did get into details. And I didn't really know you're last name, so I couldn't really tell that she was your mom. But if I knew that she [I]was[/I] your mom, I swear I wouldn't have ever asked her out." [/B] He explained. Katsuki grinned at him and nodded, but then suddenly frowned. [B]"Hey, are you saying there's something wrong with my mom? And why didn't you go into details?! I'm sure she would've bragged about something that would have to do with me!!!" [/B] Katsuki argued semi-playfully. The Silver Knight frowned and went wide-eyed from suprise. He was sure she would've understood. [B]"I'll shut up if you promise to never go out with her again." [/B] Katsuki said suddenly. Knighty smiled and ruffled Katsuki's hair.[B] "I already planned that. When you're not logged in, me and your dad are kinda pretty good friends. The only reason why he doesn't stop you and Kayla from torturing me is because it's 'very funny to watch.'"[/B] Katsuki frowned.[B] "I'm going as far as acknowladging you being my dad's friend and the fact that you've apologized, but I'm not letting [I]anyone[/I] ruffle my hair like that." [/B] She said seriously. The Silver Knight nodded and quickly made a mental note. Kayla snickered from behind the two. [B]"Ah, how sentimental!"[/B] She teased. Katsuki hit her hard on the back of the head. [B]"Shut up and pass me my cookies."[/B] She commanded. [B]"Ma'am yes ma'am!"[/B] Kayla replied, searching the plastic bag Katsuki had given her that was full of stuff. [B]"For future reference, everyone, I have brought enough cookies to last us two roadtrips."[/B] Katsuki announced, grabbing the first container of cookies Kayla gave her. Sora and Elk turned to Katsuki.[B] "Alrighty then, gimme some!" [/B] Sora demanded, reaching towards the cookies that were less than an inch out of his reach. [B]"Who said they were for you two?"[/B] Katsuki said indignantly, and the two mournfully stopped trying to get the baked goodness. Kayla laughed and tossed them both their own packages of cookies. [B]"Yay! Sugar!" [/B] Sora cried. Kite frowned. [B]"So...no breakfast I presume?" [/B] He asked worriedly. [B]"Lighten up, Kite. You don't have to act like you're responsible for us or something. That's Knighty's job." [/B] Kayla said, munching on a cookie of her own.[B] "Speaking of which, why aren't we taking you're car, Silver Knight?" [/B] Kite asked. Knighty sighed and muttered something that sounded like [B]"because I don't have one." [/B] Kayla and Katsuki giggled, hearing this, and took out their laptops, emailing each other plots of stuff they could do to annoy everyone in the car.[/COLOR] ------------------ I'd post more, but I've got the attention span of a fly right now....[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Meh, no problemo. I don't mind. ---------------------- [COLOR=Navy] [B]"Kenshin?" "Oro-Boy?" "Batosai?" "Idiot, don't say that, he'll get in trouble!"[/B] Yuki and Yuka had, already, reached the spot where Yuki realized she had lost Kenshin. Plus, they had scanned the grounds there and were already on their way towards the dead-tree forest. [B]"You better make me an apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Or lemon marangue. Or maybe..."[/B] Yuka continued naming off different kinds of pies while the two walked on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]----------------------- With the Red Dude -----------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]"Miss Yuki?" Kenshin called in his terribly cute confused voice. "Miss Kaoru? Sanosuke, Miss Megumi? Anybody?" [/B] He asked, pushing a bunch of dead branches away from his path. He was in the scariest looking forest he had ever seen, even back in his Battosai days. "It seems that I'm lost, that it does." He said. [B]"Oh, if only Miss Yuki waited once, then I could've caught my breath without losing her..."[/B] At that moment, the pouring rain thinned and then stopped, revealing the two voices calling for him about a mile off: [B]"Kenshin?" "Oro-Boy?" "Battosai?"[/B] [B]"Those are the voices of Miss Yuki and Mi-- I mean Yuka, that they are," [/B] Kenshin muttered to himself.[B] "Miss Yuki? Yuka?" [/B] He called, but coughed. Like Yuki, Kenshin also developed a nasty cold.[B] "It seems I can't call out loud enough for them, that it does." [/B] Kenshin said sadly before pondering a moment. [B]"What could I say that would get their attention? I've got it!!"[/B] Kenshin took a few deep breaths before calling out as loud as he could, [B]"MISS YUKA?!?! KIMONO GIRL?!?!"[/B] Afterwards, he prepared for both the best and the worst.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------------------ Back with the 'Yuks' ------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]"I give up." [/B] Yuka said tiredly, sitting on a rock beneath a large, dead tree.[B] "Kenshin's lost. We're never going to find him, or find our way home for that matter."[/B] Yuki growled and kicked Yuka in the gut, her first true violent act towards Yuka the whole time in the Meiji Era. [B]"Do you really want to go back to an expectant Kaoru?"[/B] She asked angrilly. Yuka thought for a moment what it would be like. (Here comes a That 70s Show style dream-like state =P)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][CENTER]Yuki and Yuka walked into the dojo, laughing, talking about pies and bana phones. For some reason, there was very strange music in the backround and the visuals looked like they were drawn by a four year old. [B]"So, Yuki, what's your favorite pie?"[/B] Yuka asked. [B]"Me? I love all of them!!!" [/B] Yuki replied with an attitude much like Katana's. Suddenly, Kaz appeared in front of them. [B]"'ello, Yuka, Yuki." [/B] He greeted cheerfully. Yuki, who had been scared out of her mind, growled with anger and began to chase Kaz around, trying to pummle him. Yuka shrugged and walked into the dojo where Katana, Kurumi, and Ayama were waiting for her. As soon as she walked in, the girls began singing La Cucaracha yet again.[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Yuka had told Yuki everything she had just imagined, and when she was finished she looked at Yuki. [B]"What in the world have you been smoking?" [/B] She asked in a dead serious tone.[B] "It'd be more like----" [/B] Yuki was interrupted by the faint sound of someone calling Yuka. [B]"Miss Yuka? Kimono Girl?"[/B] Yuka growled and took Yuki's hand, running faster than anyone had ever seen her go. Her eyes were very scary looking and her hands were starting to glow orange. [B]"I'll kill the poor sap who just called me that! Anyone who knows me know better than to call me Miss or Kimono Girl!" [/B] She growled. Yuki whimpered in fear better tried her best to keep up with Yuka.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]------------------- Scary Yuka...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[font=arial][size=1][color=navy][b]"Kaoru?"[/b] Yuki called after narrowly escape Megumi's cold treatment. She was way too worried about other things to think about 'her best interest.' [b]"Yeah, Yuki? What's up?"[/b] Kaoru answered from the kitchen. Yuki's eye twitched slightly at the sight of Kaoru trying to cook. [b]"Stop cooking, for the love of God. Anyway, has Kenshin come back yet?"[/b] Yuki answered in a stuffed up voice. Kaoru shook her head slightly. [b]"No, I thought he was with you. He [i]did[/i] leave with you, didn't he?"[/b] She asked worriedly. Yuki went wide eyed and walked out of the room to where the noisest spot of the dojo was.[/font][/size][/color] [color=navy][size=1][font=arial][b]"Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! I've got this feeling, it's so appealing for us to get together and sing! Sing! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding danana phone! They grow in bunches, I've got my hunches; It's the best! Beats the rest! Cellular modular interractive-odular! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone! Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone! It's no baloney, it ain't a pony. It's my cellular.....bananular phone!" [/b]Yuka sang loudly. Yuki quirked an eyebrow. [b]"I actually have heard that song before...it had dancing badgers on it right?"[/b] She asked. Yuka stopped singing for a moment and looked at Yuki happilly. [b]"You heard of it?!?!"[/b] She asked in bewilderment.[/color][/size][/font] [color=navy][size=1][font=arial][b]"Uh, yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't have said so in the first place. Anyway, Kenshin hasn't come back yet. You wanna come help me find him? I'm sure he can't be [i]that[/i] lost. Maybe he went into that dead tree forest thingamabob you wanted to go into..."[/b] Yuki said, hoping to convince Yuka to agree to come. [b]"I don't know...."[/b] Yuka said thoughtfully. [i]That's a first, it's thinking![/i] Yuki thought. [b]"Oh come on, Yuka! I'll...uh...try and make some sort of pie if we come back with Kenshin!"[/b] Yuka's eyes widened. [b]"Yeah! Ok! I'll do it!"[/b] She shouted, grabbing Yuki by the wrist and pulling her out of the dojo.[/font][/size][/color] [size=1][font=arial][color=darkslateblue]---------------[/font][/size][/color] [color=darkslateblue][size=1][font=arial]And the chase is on....[/font][/size][/color]
[size=1][font=arial][color=navy]Yuki sprinted as fast as she could through the rain, her mind focused on nothing but finding her friends. Suddenly, she stopped. Yuki had strained herself too far, even for her Meiji era body. She sniffled a little before sneezing. "Oh, darnit." She muttered miserably. "Hey Kenshin, are there any tissues in the Meiji era?" She asked, turning around. There was a strong gust of wind, but the space behind her was empty. "Kenshin?" Yuki asked again, even more worried. Still nothing but the howl of the wind and the pitter patter of rain drops.[/size][/font][/color] [COLOR=Navy] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Yuki scanned the area around her, very frightened and worried. The land was unfamiliar to her, and she still didn't know where her four freaks of friends were. Desperately, she called for Kenshin again. "KENSHIN?!?!?!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Quickly after, Yuki went into a coughing fit. "I [i]hate[/i] being sick." She said angrilly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple]You guys, I'm lost and cold and sick and I have no idea whe--[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=navy]Yuki had stopped mid sentence when she looked straight ahead of her. There was a small hut with a window and somebody looking through it.[/color][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=purple]Never mind. I think I might have found you.[/color] [i][color=deepskyblue]Good! Chase that guy by the window away! We have no idea who the hell he is![/color][/i][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=navy]Yuki nodded to herself and held out her hand. She didn't feel like a full assult at the moment. "Alright, Yuki, aim...and..." She muttered. After a second, Yuki sent a large blast of air and rain water towards the man, who was so busy in whatever the heck he was doing, and hit him smack in the back. (Whoo! I rhymed! =P) Yuki ran as fast as she could to the hut. She was starting to feel pretty sick then, but she continued on.[/FONT][/SIZE][/color] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=navy]"Hey, nutballs! I'm here!" She called out to the 'residents' of the hut, nudging the man with her foot.[/color][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][color=darkslateblue]----------------------- Oh know! Where's Kenshin?! @_@[/color][/SIZE][/FONT]
[font=arial][size=1][color=navy]Yuki sighed as she covered herself from the rain. "Katana! Amaya! Where are you guys? Yuka! Kurumi! Come on you fricken wierdos, answer!" She called out. "Miss Yuki, we've been searching for over an hour, that we have. Maybe we should go back and rest, or ask for some help, that we should." Kenshin suggested, putting his umbrella over the soaked to the marrow Yuki. Yuki, though, pushed Kenshin and his umbrella away. "They may be idiots, but they're still our friends. They're lost and probably freezing right now, we can't stop now!" She shouted before commencing to run down the path. "Katana said they took the sakura path when there was a fork in the road. All we have to do is find the fork. After that there's this hut they should be in." Yuki explained under her breath as Kenshin caught up with her. After another hour of walking, getting lost, more walking, and even [i]more[/i] getting lost, Kenshin and Yuki finally found the fork in the road.[/color] [color=purple]Katana, we're on our way![/color] [color=navy]Yuki thought, now expecting some sort of wild and unorthodox response, but instead heard silence. "Silence is, more often than not, offending." She muttered angrilly, running faster. "But here, it mostly means trouble..." Yuki had to grasp Kenshin's wrist and practically drag him to have him keep up with her. "I have some sort of bad feeling about this, Kenshin, so hurry up!" She told him.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]----------------------- Yay! People! I didn't really know what you had in mind, so I didn't really have Yuki arrive at the hut...[i]yet[/i]....[/color][/font][/size]